RESEARCH ARTICLE Evolution of Canada’s Boreal Forest Spatial Patterns as Seen from Space Paul D. Pickell1*, Nicholas C. Coops1, Sarah E. Gergel1, David W. Andison2, Peter L. Marshall1 1 Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2 Bandaloop Landscape-Ecosystem Services, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada *
[email protected] Abstract Understanding the development of landscape patterns over broad spatial and temporal scales is a major contribution to ecological sciences and is a critical area of research for for- a11111 ested land management. Boreal forests represent an excellent case study for such research because these forests have undergone significant changes over recent decades. We ana- lyzed the temporal trends of four widely-used landscape pattern indices for boreal forests of Canada: forest cover, largest forest patch index, forest edge density, and core (interior) for- est cover. The indices were computed over landscape extents ranging from 5,000 ha (n = 18,185) to 50,000 ha (n = 1,662) and across nine major ecozones of Canada. We used 26 OPEN ACCESS years of Landsat satellite imagery to derive annualized trends of the landscape pattern indi- ces. The largest declines in forest cover, largest forest patch index, and core forest cover Citation: Pickell PD, Coops NC, Gergel SE, Andison DW, Marshall PL (2016) Evolution of Canada’s Boreal were observed in the Boreal Shield, Boreal Plain, and Boreal Cordillera ecozones. Forest Forest Spatial Patterns as Seen from Space. PLoS edge density increased at all landscape extents for all ecozones. Rapidly changing land- ONE 11(7): e0157736.