Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical THEOLOGY
ScoTTISH BuLLETIN OF EvANGELICAL THEOLOGY Volume 11 Number 1 Summer 1993 EDITOR: DAVID F. WRIOHT, Senior Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History, New College, University of Edinburgh ASSISTANT EDITOR, EDWARD ADAMS, lrvine, Ayrshire REVIEW EDITOR: DAVID GRAHAM, Lecturer in New Testament, Glasgow Bible College, Glasgow EDITORIAL BOARD: THE REVD GEOFFREY W. GROG AN, formerly Principal, Bible Training Institute, Glasgow THE REVD IAN HAMILTON, Newmilns, Ayrshire THE REVD WILLIAM B. STORRAR, Lecturer in Practical Theology, University of Aberdeen AssOCIATE EDITORS: THE REVD PROFESSOR SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Penn., USA THE REVD PROFESSOR DOUGLAS F. KELLY, Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Miss., USA THE REVD DAVID KINGDON, Formerly Principal, Irish Baptist College; Theological Books Editor, IVP, Leicester THE REVD PROFESSOR R. S. WALLACE, Formerly Professor of Systematic Theology at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia., USA THE REVD PROFESSOR STEPHEN N. WILLIAMS, Assistant Director, Whitefield Institute, Oxford The Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology is published twice-yearly, by Rutherford House in association with the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society, whose officers are:. President: Professor I. Howard Marshall ChairltUln: The Revd Geoffrey W. Grogan Secretary: The Revd Angus Morrison, 6 Frogston Grove, Edinburgh EHlO 7AG The Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology is indexed in Elenchus, Cerdic and/ZBG. Rutherford House Periodicals Managing Editor: Mrs Vivienne Goddard. Subscriptions should be addressed to: Rutherford House, 17 Claremont Park, Edinburgh EH6 7PJ. They run for the calendar year, and new subscribers will therefore receive the issues for the year in which they subscribe. Please note also that, in common with other periodicals and in the interests of the majority of our readers (who wish to re-subscribe each year), subscriptions run until cancelled.
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