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-=>o....... L - J • ffirn®oornrn THE LONG, HARDWAY n September, 1979, the Transglobe Expedi- and its subsidiary, C.T. Bowring of London. All tion set sail from England on a 3-year, fu els and lubricants, some especially formu- 52 ,000-mi le journey around the world. Many lated, are being contributed by Mobil Oil Corpo- expeditions have successfully circled the ration. Mobil has also had to mount a massive globe, but Sir Ranulph Twisleton-Wykeham- expedition of its own to get the fuels and lubri- Fiennes and his team of explorers will be the cants to various isolated points along the way. first to traverse both poles in a north-south cir- he Transglobe Expedition is led by a cumnavigation of the world. Journeying by 36-year old Sir Ranulph Fiennes, a ship, airplane, land rover, snowmobile, motor- former British mi litary officer and an ex- ized rubber raft, and on foot, the members of plorer of the "old school." When Sir the expedition wi ll have endured some of the Ranulph organized the expedition in most treacherous environments on earth before 1972, crew members were selected they successfully complete one of man's "l ast from over 40 volunteers who had completed great adventures." vigorous training and testing in the mountains of But the trip is more than an epic of adventure. Wales, Scotland, the Greenland Ice Cap and The expedition is conducting a number of sci- the Arctic Ocean. Members of the all-British entific projects for 10 separate organizations, Transglobe team are Charles Burton, 39, who, utilizing the products, equipment and services along with Fiennes forms the core of the "ice of more than 160 major sponsoring companies.
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