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1976-12-December-NWO.Pdf 11111~111 New Series Vol . XXXVll No. 4 • Whole Series Vol. LXVI No. 11 • December 1976 3 Mission Memo 7 Ed itorials Reconciling Ministries 8 A Chilean's Passion for Peace Joyce Hill 10 A Patriarch's Prayer for " Love, Fraternity and Understanding" J. Richard But le r 12 Christmas Poems from Latin America 16 The Crisis in Ethnic Church Leadership Cha rley Lerrigo 20 New Life on a Haitian Island Photo Feature by John Goodwin Services to the Elderly 26 The Shepherds' Center Meets Human Needs Betty J. Beal I 29 Smiles in Paradise Auril Wood 31 Training Nurses at Canta, Liberia George M . Daniels 34 " Japan Doesn't Wear a Halo in Asia" Teruko Mi z utani interviews Dr. Noboru lwamura 36 Tallon Tindit, lban Christian Educator Ellen Clark 38 Experiment in Seminary Education 40 Books 42 Letters 43 The Moving Finger Writes COVER The Lee Family, Vietnamese refugees, celebrate their first Christmas at home in the U.S. Lawrence A. Larson Photograph (See page 42) Editor, Arthur J. Moore; Managing Editor, Charles E. Brewster Associate Editor, Ellen Clark; Art Director, Roger C. Sadler Designer, Karen T ureck; Administrative Assistant, Florence J. Mitchell 475 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 10027 Published Monthly (bimonthly, Ju ly-August) by the Board of Clobal Ministries of the United Methodist Church, Education and Cultivation Division, in association with the United Presby­ terian Church, USA . Second-class Mail Privileges Authorized at New York, N.Y. Additional Entry at Nashville, Tennessee. Copyright 1976 by Board of Clobal Ministries of the United Methodist Church. No part of New World Outlook may be reproduced in any form without written permission from Editors. Printed in U.S.A. Subscriptions in the United States and Possessions, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay: One year $4.00 (combination with response, $7 .00). Single copies 50 cents. Canada: one year $4.25 (combination $8.00). All other foreign countries: One year $5.00 (combination $9.00). Report any change of address directly to New World Outlook rather than to the Post Office. W ith your new address be sure to send also the old address, enclosing if possible an address label from a recent copy. A request for change of address must reaeh us at least thirty days before the date of issue with which it is to take effect. New World Outlook editorials and unsigned articles reflect the views of the editors and signed articles the views of the authors only. PHOTO CREDITS P. 9, Herbert J. Warren ; P. 10, NCCUSA ; Pp. 12, 13, Three Lions ; P. 14, Toge Fuji hira ; P. 15, RNS ; P. 15, Ea stern Publ ishers; Pp. 17, 18, 19 (left) , 20, 21 , 22, 23, 24, 25, 31 , 32, 33, John Goodw in ; P. 19 (right ) , Charl ey Lerrigo ; Pp. 26, 30, Wi llia m Rivelli ; P. 28, Wallo­ witch ; P. 29, David C. Mill e r; Pp. 34, 35, Kyokai Kyoi ku ; Pp. 37, 38, 39, Ell en Clark. MISSION MEMO News and Analysis of Developments In Christian Mission December, 1976 Christian-Jewish Developments . Tension has diminished but could revive at any time in the case of Archbishop Valerian Trifa and his relationship to the Governing Board of the National Council of Churches. The Archbishop has been accused of being a war criminal in Rumania during World War II and Jewish groups have called for his re­ moval from the NCC Board. At a special meeting of the Executive Committee of the r, ouncil, it was voted to ask the special committee of the Orthodox Church in America investigating the case to consider requesting the Archbishop "to refrain from execut­ ing his duties as a member of the Governing Board until the matter has been resolved hy the Hol y Synod and the civil judicial process. " So far, Trifa has not said whether he ould step aside. The NCC also appointed a small committee to investigate some process whereby the Council can deal with the question of whether it can reject or remove a member nominated by a constituent church . Reaction to this question ha s been mixed: the Reformed Church in America has supported such a change, saying that "we, who do not hesitate to address others with the moral claims of the gospel, should not remain silent when our fellow member churches are involved 11 while the Ecu­ menical and Interreligious Concerns Division, BGM, of the United Methodist Church has backed voluntary action, saying that "any change in the National Council of Churches 1 Constitution that would give it powers now residing solely in the autonomous member communions would be unacceptable. " Christians and Jews were also involved, this time in solidarity, in protesting the denial of admission to the Soviet Union of members of an interreligious delegation of fourteen American religious leaders. The delegation of eight Christians and six Jews was scheduled to leave in November for a study tour of Poland, the USSR, and Israel when word came that visas would not be granted to three rabbis. After protests, the sponsoring National Council of Churches and the American Jewish Committee were in­ formed that the trip to the Soviet Union would have to be cancelled. Among UM mem­ bers scheduled for the tour were EIC executive Robert Huston and Women 1 s Division vice-president Roberta Neumann. Women in Ministry. The Women's Division of the United Methodist Church has awarded scholarships to 24 women to do theological study. Nearly half plan to become parish ministers. Of the 24, 72 percent are from ethnic minority groups and several are i n t heir 30s and 40s . Some 152 women applied for the scholarships, which pay a maximu m of $500. According to a survey made by the Office of Interpretation of the Board of Higher Education and Ministry, there 1 s been improvement in the environment for women ministers. Eighty-one women who graduated from United Methodist seminaries in 1975 and 1976 responded to a survey conducted by the Rev. Theresa Scherf. Virtually all • of the respondents who applied for local church appointments received them and got strong support from parishioners. The women's major difficulty appears to be nega­ t i ve attitudes among church leaders, specifically members of annual conference boards of ministry and district superintendents. Ms. Scherf said some respondents were as ked by boards of ministry: "Wouldn't you really rather be a minister's wife?" "Do you like to coo k?" and "How would you handle the advances of a male parishioner?" Health and Welfare. Certification procedures for United Methodist affiliated health and welfare ministries have been substantially changed. "Affiliation" of an agency will be to some bona fide connectional unit of the denomination, no longer to the Health and Welfare Council. Criteria for certification of agencies have been re- . vised primarily to bring into sharper focus their aspects which are unique to church sponsorship . New president of the United Methodist Health and Welfare Certification Council is the Rev. John M. Fall, administrator of Fredericka Manor, a facility of the Pacific Homes Corporation in Chula Vista, Calif ... Louis B. Blair, consultant in hospital administration to the UM Health and Welfare Ministries division of the Board of Global Ministries, visited Nur Manzil Psychiatric Centre, a church-related hospital in India, recently. He found its patient care "the best of the psychiatric institutions in all of India" but warned of the effects of diminishing outside fi­ nancial support and low staff salaries. Personalia. Newly-elected United Methodist Bishop Almeida Penicela of Mozambique was critically injured in mid-October in an ~utornobile accident enroute to his con­ secration service. He is hospitalized in Switzerland. Mrs. Penicela, their four children, and Mrs. Penicela's sister, who were also passengers in t~e automobile, are recovering from less serious injuries. Former Bishop Escrivao Zungreze has been recalled to active status as bishop of the Mozambique Church ... Lorini Tevi, principal of the Methodist Leadership Training Centre at Davuilevu, Fiji, has been appointed the new General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches ... Mary Jay New, stu­ dent at the Pacific School of Religion, will coordinate youth work for three Chinese United Methodist churches in northern California, with funding from the Human Rela­ tions Day Offering. Like Bishop Penicela and Mrs. Tevi, Ms. New is a Crusade Scholar . .. Three Board of Global Ministries staff have resigned. Blaise Levai, literature director for the Education and Cultivation Division, has become the senior minister of the Reformed Church of Westwood, N.J . James Thomas, executive secretary, United Methodist Committee on Relief, joins CODEL, a private development agency ... John W. Johannaber, executive secretary, Office of Missionary Personnel, becomes the • director of the Ethel Harpst Home for Children and Youth, a National Division project in Cedartown, Ga .... Retiring from the National Division of BOGM are Allen R. Regan and Julius S. Webb, field representatives for Finance and Field Services, and Florence E. Bell, assistant recording secretary . Abraham R. Carey and Michael Pszyk have joined the National Division as field representatives for congregational devel­ opment. New to the Women's Division staff are Annette Hutchins-Felder, executive secretary for Development Education, and Bernadette Sanders, secretary for Membership Concerns. National Mission Briefs. The Nome Community Center in Alaska has been cited by a national coalition of private organizations working with the aged for its extended ministry to older persons confined to their homes. The United Methodist center con­ tinually surveys the Nome area to identify elderly sick persons; two dialect-speaking homemaker-health aides ma ke wee kly visits to ill natives in their homes .
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