LEGAL ISSUES Section Editors: Bruce Strauch (The Citadel) <
[email protected]> Jack Montgomery (Western Kentucky University) <
[email protected]> Legally Speaking — Librarians, Publishers, and Educators Help out During the Coronavirus Pandemic by Anthony Paganelli (Western Kentucky University) <
[email protected]> s a light spring rain falls, I am Samaritans are contributing to aiding those es online or as they distributed printed currently writing this column in need and others are helping the best way copies to students without computers or Ain my home while my wife is that they possibly can. Internet access. Some librarians have conducting a Zoom meeting with her provided information via email, telephone, It was a very difficult situation. Natu- colleagues, and the children are doing video conferencing, websites, and through rally, humans want to be helpful, but when school work on their devices. I joked blogs. The University of Florida has you are told that you could do more harm with them that their new at home school is even created a Coronavirus Library Guide by reaching out and helping, it becomes called the “School of Constant Sorrow.” that has provided information for faculty frustrating and depressing when you can’t. Of course, I thought it was funny, but they regarding copyright as they transitioned However, we are all doing the best we can just rolled their eyes. Now it is called, the their course assignments online. This is a through the knowledge and experiences “Paganelli Learning Academy.” major way librarians are assisting teachers that each of us possess. For instance, and students.