

Item Type Book

Authors McGiverin, Rolland

Publisher Indiana State University

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Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10484/12199


Flags of Europe: A Bibliography

Rolland McGiverin Indiana State University 2016


Contents 14 : 15 1 Country 15 NATO 1 Andorra la Vella 15 European Contenant 1 Parish 15 Armed forces 6 15 Merchant marine 9 Country 15 10 Asti 17 11 Country 17 Partially Recognized State 11 17 12 Country 17 in 12 Nagorno-Karabakh 19 Region 19 Aland 12 Autonomous part of 12 Austro-Hungarian Empire 19 Political 12 Country 19 Ethnic 19 13 Navy 19 Country 13 20 13 Country 20 British dependency 13 Air Force 21 Amalfi Republic 13 Armed forces 21 Country 13 Ethnic 21 Armed forces 14 Government 22 Ethnic 14 22 Political 14 Country 22 Tirana 14 Ethnic 22 14 Political 23 Cities and towns 14 Talysh-Mughan 23 Region 23 Anconine Republic 14 23 ii

Region 23 Cospaia, Republic 33 Barysaw 24 Country 33 Gomel 24 Krasnasielski 24 33 Smarhon 24 Country 33 Hrodna 24 Region 24 Ethnic 33 24 24 34 Minsk 25 Country 34 Region 25 North Cyprus 34 Minsk 25 Nicosia 34 Mogilev 25 34 25 Country 34 Country 25 Cities and Towns 35 Armed forces 26 Prague 35 Ethnic 27 Czechoslovakia 35 Labor 27 Country 35 Navy 28 Armed forces 37 Political 28 Cities and Towns 37 Religion 29 Ethnic 38 Provinces 29 Government 38 Burssels 29 Region 29 Navy 38

Flanders 29 39 Region 29 Country 39 30 Armed Forces 42 Region 30 Ethnic 43 30 Government 43 Country 30 Merchant marine 43 Ethnic 31 Navy 43 31 Political 44 Country 31 Yacht 44 Armed forces 32 Cities and Towns 44 Ethnic 32 46 Government 33 Country within the Kingdom of Denmark 46 Sofia City Province 33 Greenland 46 iii

North Jutland 47 Navy 100 County 47 Organization 103 Virgin Islands 47 Personal 103 Territory 47 Political 103 47 Religion 105 Country 47 Yacht 105 Cities and Towns 48 -Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine 105 Navy 49 Region 105 Cities and Towns 106 Faroe Islands 49 -Limousin-Poitou-Charentes 106 Country within the Kingdom of Denmark 49 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 106 Finland 49 Region 106 Cities and Towns 107 Country 49 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté 107 Armed forces 51 Region 107 Cities and Towns 52 Armed Forces 107 Navy 52 108 Region 108 Organization 52 Armed Forces 108 Political 52 Cities and Towns 109 Yacht 53 Centre-Val de Loire 109 Region 109 Åland 53 Cities and Towns 109 Autonomous Region 53 109 Fiume 53 Region 109 Ethnic 110 Country 53 Guadeloupe 110 Florence, Republic 53 Region 110 Country 53 Hauts-de- 111 Region 111 France 54 IIe de France 111 Country 54 Region 111 Armed forces 63 Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées 111 Corporate 97 Region 111 Cities and Towns 111 Education 97 112 Ethnic 97 Region 112 Government 99 Mayotte 112 Labor 100 Region 112 Merchant marine 100 Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie 112 iv

Region 112 165 112 Yacht 166 Region 112 Anhalt 166 Cities and towns 112 Duchy 166 Ethnic 113 Political 113 Baden 166 Grand Duchy 166 Pays de Loire 113 Free State 166 Region 113 Baden-Württemberg 167 -Alpes-Côte d'Azur 113 State 167 Region 113 167 Reunion 113 Kingdom 167 Region 113 State 167 , Republic 114 169 State 169 Country 114 170 Georgia 114 State 170 Country 114 Cities and Towns 171 Armed Forces 115 171 Free Hanseatic City 171 Cities and Towns 115 State 171 Ethnic 115 Brunswick 171 115 Duchy 171 Free State 171 Democratic Republic 115 172 Country 115 State 172 Free City 172 Cities and Towns 116 Hanover 172 Government 116 Kingdom 172

Germany 116 175 Duchy 175 Country 116 Free State 175 Air Force 131 State 175 Armed Forces 131 Hesse-Kassel 176 Kingdom 176 Colonial 161 Hessen-Darmstadt 178 Ethnic 161 Kingdom 178 Etiquette 162 Lower 179 Government 162 State 179 Labor 163 Mecklenburg-Schwerin 180 Duchy 180 Navy 164 Free State 180 Religion 165 v

Mecklenburg-Strelitz 180 British Overseas Territory 201 Duchy 180 Free State 180 Gorizia 202 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 180 Country 202 State 180 202 North -Westphalia 181 State 181 Country 202 Cities and Towns 181 204 181 Duchy 181 British Crown Dependency 204 State 181 204 182 Kingdom 182 Armed forces 204 State 182 Herm 210 Armed Forces 182 Cities and towns 192 British Crown Dependency 210 Merchant marine 192 Navy 192 Holy 210 Rhineland-Palatinate 192 Country 210 State 192 Cities and Towns 192 213 Government 192 Country 213 Religion 192 193 215 State 193 Country 215 Saxe-Altenburg 193 Duchy 193 216 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 193 Country 216 Duchy 193 Armed forces 217 Saxony 193 Cities and Towns 219 Kingdom 193 County 219 Saxony-Anhalt 197 Ethnic 219 -Lippe 197 Political 219 Schleswig-Holstein 197 Province 219 199 Region 219 Thuringian states 200 Sports 220 Wurttemberg 200 State 200 220 Wurttemberg-Hohenzollern 201 British Crown Dependency 220 State 201 Ethnic 220 201 vi

Italy 220 Region 245 Country 220 246 Region 246 Air Force 228 Trentino-Alto Adige 247 Armed Forces 228 Region 247 Cities and Towns 232 247 Ethnic 237 Region 247 Etiquette 238 248 Government 238 Region 248 Merchant marine 239 249 Region 249 Navy 239 Political 241 249 Sports 242 British Crown Dependency 249 Merchant marine 249 242 Region 242 249 Aosta 242 Country 249 Region 242 249 242 Region 242 Country 249 243 Ethnic 250 Region 243 Government 250 243 Navy 250 Region 243 Region 243 251 Emilia-Romagna 243 Partially Recognized State 251 Region 243 Ethnic 251 Friuli-Venezia Giulia 243 Region 243 251 244 Country 251 Region 244 Cities and Towns 252 244 Region 244 Ethnic 253 244 Navy 253 Region 244 253 244 Region 244 Country 253 245 Cities and Towns 253 Region 245 253 245 vii

Country 253 Political 262 Armed Forces 254 262 Cities and Towns 255 Country 262 Ethnic 255 Armed forces 262 Merchant marine 255 Cities and Towns 262 Navy 255 Government 263 LUCCA 255 Country 255 263 Country 263 256 Ethnic 263 Country 256 Political 264 Armed forces 256 Cities and Towns 256 264 Country 264 257 Armed forces 268 Country 257 Colonial 270 Cities and Towns 258 Education 271 Ethnic 258 Ethnic 271 259 Etiquette 271 Country 259 Government 271 Armed Forces 259 Merchant marine 273 Cities and Towns 259 Navy 273 Government 260 Organization 273 Navy 260 Personal 273 Massa 260 Police 273 Country 260 Political 273 Cities and Towns) 260 Sports 274 Merchant marine 260 274 Province 274 Masserano 260 275 Country 260 Province 275

Moldova 261 275 Province 275 Country 261 276 Cities and Towns 261 Province 276 Ethnic 261 277 viii

Province 277 288 277 Etiquette 288 Province 277 Government 288 278 Merchant marine 288 Province 278 Navy 288 279 Province 279 Political 288 280 Yacht 289 Province 280 Svalbard 289 280 Territory 289 Province 280 289 Utecht 281 Province 281 Country 289

Zeeland 281 Piombino 289 Province 281 Bonaire 282 Country 289 Sint Eustatius 282 Saba 283 289 Country 289 Nagorno-Karabakh 283 Armed forces 292 Partially Recognized State 283 Cities and Towns 293 Naples, Kingdom 283 Counties 294 Country 283 Ethnic 294

Naples and Sicily, Kingdom 284 Merchant marine 295 Country 284 Navy 295 Region 295 Neapolitan Republic 284 Country 284 296 Country 296 Noli, Republic 284 Armed Forces 297 Country 284 Cities and Towns 298 284 Colonial 299 Self-declared State 284 Ethnic 299 Political 284 Navy 299 284 Political 299 Country 284 Religion 300 Armed forces 287 300 Cities and Towns 287 Autonomous Region 300 ix

Ethnic 300 Buryatia 337 Political 300 Republic 337 300 338 Autonomous Region 300 Republic 338 Chukotka 339 Ragusa 301 Autonomous Okrug 339 Country 301 339 301 Republic 339 Country 301 Evenk 340 Autonomous District 340 Armed Forces 302 340 Cities and Towns 303 Republic 340 Ethnic 303 Irkutsk 340 Oblast 340 303 Jewish 341 Country 303 Autonomous Oblast 341

Russia 303 Kaliningrad 342 Oblast 342 Country 303 342 Armed forces 316 Republic 342 Cities and Towns 324 Kaluga 342 Ethnic 326 Oblast 342 Government 330 Kamchatka 343 Krais 343 Merchant marine 331 343 Navy 331 Republic 343 Police 333 Kemerovo 344 Political 333 Oblast 344 335 Khabarovsk 344 Republic 335 Kari 344 Altai 336 Khakassia 344 Republic 336 Republic 344 Amur 336 Khanty–Mansi 345 Republic 336 Autonomous Okrug 345 Arkhangelsk 336 Kirov 345 Oblast 336 Oblast 345 Astrakhan 337 Komi-Permyak 346 Oblast 337 Autonomous Okrug 346 337 Kostroma 346 Republic 337 Oblast 346 x

Krasnodar 346 354 Krais 346 Federal city 354 Kurgan 347 Sakha 354 Oblast 347 Republic 354 Kursk 347 Samara 354 Oblast 347 Oblast 354 Leningrad 347 Saratov 354 Oblast 347 Oblast 354 Lipetsk 348 Smolensk 355 Oblast 348 Oblast 355 Magadan 348 Stavropol 355 Oblast 348 Krais 355 Mordvinia 349 Sverdlovsk 355 Republic 349 Oblast 355 349 Tambov 356 Federal city 349 Oblast 356 Murmansk 350 Tartarstan 356 Oblast 350 Republic 356 Nenets 350 Tomsk 357 Autonomous Okrug 350 Oblast 357 Nizhniy Novgorod 351 Tula 357 Oblast 351 Oblast 357 North Ossetia 351 Tuva 358 Republic 351 Republic 358 Novgorod 351 Tver 358 Republic 351 Oblast 358 Novosibirsk 352 Tyumen 358 Oblast 352 Oblast 358 Omsk 352 359 Oblast 352 Republic 359 Orenburg 352 Ulyanovsk 359 Oblast 352 Oblast 359 Penza 352 Vladimir 359 Oblast 352 Oblast 359 Perm 353 Voronezh 360 Krais 353 Oblast 360 Pskov 353 Yamalo-Nenets 361 Oblast 353 Autonomous Okrug 361 Rostov 353 Yaroslavl 361 Oblast 353 Oblast 361 xi

San Marino 361 Cities and Towns 396 Country 361 Etiquette 397 Cities and Towns 362 397 Political 362 Country 397 Sark 362 Armed forces 400 British Crown dependency 362 Cities and Towns 404 Ethnic 405 Sebora 362 Government 405 Country 362 Labor 405 Ethnic 362 Merchant marine 405 , Republic 363 Political 406 Country 363 Province 406 363 Regional 406 Country 363 Vikings 406 Armed Forces 364 Andalucia 407 Cities and Towns 364 Autonomous communities 407 407 365 Autonomous communities 407 Country 365 407 Armed forces 370 Autonomous communities 407 Armed forces 408 Cities and Towns 370 Cities and towns 408 Ethnic 374 Ethnic 408 Political party 408 Etiquette 376 Sports 408 Guilds 376 408 Navy 376 Autonomous communities 408 Political 376 Basque 408 Autonomous communities 408 Preservation 376 Cities and Towns 409 Ethnic 409 377 Police 410 Partially Recognized State 377 Political 410 Ethnic 377 410 Autonomous communities 410 377 Castila-La Mancha 411 Country 377 Autonomous communities 411 Armed forces 385 Castille and Leon 412 Autonomous communities 412 xii

Catalonia 412 Obwalden 429 Autonomous communities 412 429 Armed Forces 412 Schaffhausen 429 Cities and Towns 412 Canton 429 Ethnic 415 Etiquette 415 Solothurn 429 Canton 429 Ceuta 415 Autonomous communitie 415 St. Galler 429 Canton 429 Murcia 416 Autonomous communities 416 Ticino 429 Canton 429 416 Autonomous communities 416 Valais 429 Canton 429 Valencia 416 Autonomous communities 416 430 Canton 430 416 Zurich 430 Country 416 Canton 430 Armed Forces 419 Tiberina Republic 430 Cities and Towns 425 Country 430 Ethnic 425 Torriglia 430 Etiquette 426 Country 430 Navy 426 Organization 426 430 Political 426 Partially Recognized State 430

Bern 427 431 Canton 427 Country 431 Freiburg 427 Canton 427 431 Geneva 427 Country 431 Canton 427 Grisons 427 Two Sicilies, Kingdom of 431 Canton 427 Country 431 Jura 427 Canton 427 431 Luceme 428 Country 431 Canton 428 431 Lucerne 428 Country 431 Canton 428 Air Force 444 Neuchâtel 428 Canton 428 Armed forces 445 xiii

Colonial 459 Country 475 Commonwealth 460 475 Country 475 Ethnic 460 Armed forces 477 Government 461 Cities and Towns 478 Labor 462 Clans 478 Ethnic 478 Merchant marine 462 Government 478 Navy 465 Orkney Islands 479 Personal 479 Personal 470 Political 479 Political 470 480 Yachts 471 Country 480 Religion 472 480

Antarctic 472 of central 480 British overseas territory 472 Country 480 Austraila 473 Colony 473 481 British Crown dependencies 473 Country 481 Cornwall 473 Armed forces 481 County 473 Ethnic 474 Government 481 Essex 474 Venice, Republic 482 County 474 Country 482 Falkland Islands 474 British overseas territory 474 482 Hampshire 474 Country 482 County 474 Armed forces 483 Hong Kong 475 Ethnic 483 Special Administrative Region 475 Government 484 Ionian Islands 475 Amical Protectorate 475 Navy 484 Isle of Wright 475 Political 484 County 475 Sports 484 475


European Union

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Merchant marine

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Abkhazia Partially Recognized State

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Adjara Autonomous Republic in Georgia

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Aland Autonomous part of Finland

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Albania Country

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Alderney British Crown dependency

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Amalfi Republic Country

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Armed forces

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Tirana County Cities and towns

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Anconine Republic Country


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Andorra Country

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Andorra la Vella Parish

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Armenia Country

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Asti Country

Vexilla Italica. (1976). Vexilla Italica, 3(1=6), 9-15.

Austria Country

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Nagorno-Karabakh Region

Artsakh (Hauy-Karabagh) (Arménie): Rectificatif. (n.d.). Emblèmes et pavillons (42).

Austro-Hungarian Empire Country

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Belarus Country

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Air Force

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Armed forces

Herzfeld, A. (2004). National symbols under German occupation during World War II: White Russia, North and Greece. In J. O. Engene (Ed.), Proceedings of the XX International Congress of Vexillology, Stockholm, 27th July to 1st August 2003 (pp. 361-371). Bergen, NO: .

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Azerbaijan Country

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Talysh-Mughan Region

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Grodno Region

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Barysaw Cities and Towns

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Gomel Cities and Towns

Exner, P. (2002). Vlajka Gomelu a Borisova (Bělorusko). Vexi.info, (60), 4. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf60.pdf

Krasnasielski Cities and towns

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Smarhon Cities and Towns

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Hrodna Region Dzyatlava Cities and towns Exner, P. (2005). Vlajky běloruských měst (2). Vexi.info, (77), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf77.pdf

Karelichy Cities and towns Exner, P. (2005). Vlajky běloruských měst (2). Vexi.info, (77), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf77.pdf


Minsk Region Minsk Cities and towns

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Mogilev Region

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Belgium Country

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Armed forces

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Burssels Region

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Cities and Towns

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Flanders Region

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Flemish Brabant Province

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Wallonia Region

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Walloon Brabant Province

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Bosnia and Herzegovina Country

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Bulgaria Country

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Armed forces

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Sofia City Province Cities and Towns

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Cospaia, Republic Country

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Croatia Country

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Cyprus Country

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North Cyprus

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Nicosia Cities and Towns

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Czech Republic Country

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Cities and Towns Prague

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Czechoslovakia Country

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Armed Forces

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Merchant marine

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Cities and Towns

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North Jutland County

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Virgin Islands Territory

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Cities and Towns

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Faroe Islands Country within the Kingdom of Denmark

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Finland Country

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Armed forces

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Cities and Towns

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Åland Autonomous Region

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Fiume Country

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Florence, Republic Country

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Minahan, J. (2002). Reunionese Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1576-1580). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Savoyards Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1667-1673). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Tahitians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1820-1824). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Waldensians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 2030-2035). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (2002). Wallisians and Futunans Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 2036-2039). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Walloons Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 2040-2045). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Nacions i ètnies: Fernando Poo; Friul; Mapuches; Tawantinsuyo i Q’ollasuyo; Guadeloupe. (1985). Vexil·la Catalana (2), 16.

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Brittany One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 49). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Euskadi/Navarra One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 61). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Raullet, A. (1990). The Keltic flag. Flagscan, 5(1), 17.

Raullet, A. (1990). Untitled. Flagscan, 5(2), 22.


France: Fanion du colonel Grandval. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (16).

France: Le drapeau du Ministère de l'Intérieur, police nationale. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (30/76).

France: Le drapeau utilisé par le Président Chirac. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (27/73).

France: Le fanion de voiture de Nicolas Sarkozy. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (58/104).

France: Les emblèmes de la Cour Constitutionnelle de la République. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (58/104).

France: pavillons et fanions des Présidents (3ème République). (1985). Emblèmes et Pavillons (1).

France: Pavillons et fanions des Présidents (4ème République). (n.d.). Emblèmes et pavillons (3).

France: pavillons et fanions des Présidents (5ème République). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (6).

France: Pavillons et fanions des présidents (État français et général de Gaulle). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (2).

Huahine (Polynésie Française): Drapeau de la reine. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (32).


Lombard-Jourdan, A. (1991). Fleurs de lis et oriflamme: Signes célestes du royaume de France. Paris, FR: Presses du CNRS.

Louis XVI. King of France. (1790). Proclamation du Roi : portant que les bannières données par la Commune de Paris aux quatre-vingt-trois départemens, seront placées dans le lieu où le conseil d'administration de chaque département tiendra ses séances. . Paris, FR: De l'Imprimerie royale.

Mühlemann, L. (1970). L'histoire et la politique révélées par les étendards et pavillons des chefs d'état. Archives héraldiques Suisses. Annuaire, 84, 2-14.

Noailles, Paul, duc de. 1932. Le bureau du roi: Deux lettres sur le drapeau blanc. Paris, FR: Au bureau de la Revue des deux mondes.

Sarre: Drapeau du territoire; fanion du Haut-Commissaire. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (16).


Perreux, G. (1930). Les origines du drapeau rouge en France. Paris, FR: Les presses universitaires de France.

Merchant marine

Charliat, P. J. (1932). Les pavillons de la marine de commerce Francaise aux XVII et XVIII siecles. Bulletin de la Section de Géographie, Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, 47, 119-127.

France: Les pavillons d'armateurs. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (53/99).

France: Pavillon du Ministre de la Marine Marchande. (n.d.). Emblèmes et pavillons (7).

Louis XVI. King of France, Saint-Germain, C.-L., Sartine, A., & Bourbon, L. J.-M. (1776). Ordonnance du roi, portant règlement sur les pavillons & marques de commandement que ses vaisseaux porteront à le mer: du 19 novembre 1776. Paris, FR: De l'Imprimerie royale.

Redon, J.-P. (1997). Flammes des navires Français. Franciæ Vexilla (07/53), 3.


Balagny. (1942). Les Pavillons anciens et modernes de la Marine Française. Bulletin de la Société archéologique et historique de Nantes et de la Loire-Inférieure, 81, 88- 181.

Balagny, D. E. P. (1940). Les Pavillons anciens et modernes de la Marine française.


Carr, H. G. (1946). Naval flags of the Allies -- France. The sea cadet, 3(8), 1.

Cocquard, O. (2012). Ce jour-là. Historias. (782), 26-30.

Colonial Compagnies Franches de la Marine. (2012). Retrieved Jan 14, 2013, from http://www.kronoskaf.com/syw/index.php?title=Colonial_Compagnies_Franches_ de_la_Marine

Desjardins, G. (1874). Recherches sur les drapeaux Français. Oriflamme, bannière de France, marques nationales, couleurs du roi, drapeaux de l'armée, pavillons de la marine. Paris, FR: ve A. Morel & cie. Link https://archive.org/details/recherchessurle00desjgoog

Desroches, Mr. (1687). Dictionaire des termes propres de marine. Paris, FR: Chez Amable Auroy, rue S. Jacques; à l'image S. Jerôme, attenant la fontaine S. Severin.

Fernández Gaytán, J. (1981). Bandera hispano-francesa. Banderas (4).

France. (1790). Loi qui fixe la disposition des couleurs dans les différens genres de pavillons, ou autres marques distinctives usitées sur les vaisseaux de guerre & sur les bâtimens de commerce. : Donnée à Paris, le 31 octob re 1790. Bourges, FR: De l'imprimerie de B. Cristo...,.

France: Drapeau de la Garde d'honneur de la Marine d'Amsterdam (1810-1814). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (6).

France: Le fanion du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (53/99).

France. Ministère de la marine. (1819). Livre des signaux de jour, à l'usage des vaisseaux de guerre Français. Paris, FR: Impr. Royale.

France: Pavillon de marine ""Sans-culottes de Sainte Anne""". (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (29).

Guillet de Saint-George, G. (1680). Les arts de l'homme d’épée: Ou le dictionnaire du gentilhomme. La Haye, NL.

Hoste, P. (1697). L'Art des Armées navales, ou Traité des Évolutions navales... avec des examples tirez de ce qui s'est passé de plus considérable sur la mer depuis cinquante ans. Lyon, FR.

King, C. (1922, Jan). Distinction marks in French command flags. Mariner's Mirror, 8, 9- 15.

King, C. (1924). The French flags of 1790. Mariner's Mirror, 10(2), 147-155.

King, C. (1932, Jul). Fresh evidence concerning the French jacks of 1790. The mariner's mirror, 18, 229-240.


King, C. (1939). The French and the white colours. Mariner's Mirror, 25(3), 286- 295.

Le Diberder, General. (1979). Problème posé par la Restauration de la Bannière dite “pavillon de Dupleix” ou le prix des toros prestigieux. In Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (Ed.), Beiträge, 8. Internationaler Kongress für Vexillologie, Wien, 25.- 29. Juni 1979 (pp. 173-179). Wein, AT: The Editor.

Louis XIV. King of France. (1689). Ordonnance de Louis XIV pour les armées navales et arcenaux de marine. Paris, FR: Chez Estienne Michallet, premier imprimeur du Roy...

Louis XVI. King of France, Saint-Germain, C.-L., Sartine, A., & Bourbon, L. J.-M. (1776). Ordonnance du roi, portant règlement sur les pavillons & marques de commandement que ser vaisseaux porteront à le mer: du 19 Novembre 1776. Paris, FR: De l'Imprimerie royale.

Louis XVI. King of France. (1734). Ordonnance de Louis XIV pour les armées navales & arsenaux de marine du 15 avril 1689 (Nouvelle éd. augmentée des deux règlements par colonnes ... avec une table alphabetique des matières. ed.). Paris, FR: Chez Prault, père.

Louis XIV. King of France. (1750). Ordonnance de Louis XIV pour les armées navales et arsenaux de marine: du 15 avril 1689; nouvelle édition, augmentée des deux reglèmens par colonnes. Le premier pour les appointements des officiers à la mer et solde des equipages. Le seconde pour la quantité des munitions, agrez, apparaux et ustensibles dont les vaisseaux de chaque rang doivent être munis; avec une table alphabétique des matières. Paris, FR.

Louis XIV. King of France. (1764). Ordonnance de Louis XIV: Pour les armées navales & arseneaux de marine: Du 15 avril 1689 (Nov. éd / augm. des deux reglemens par Colonnes: Le premier, pour les appointemens des officiers à la mer, & solde des equipages: Le second, pour la quantité des munitions, agrez, aparaux & ustensiles dont les vaisseaux de chaque rang doivent être munis: Avec une table alphabetique des matieres ... ed.). Paris, FR: Chez Prault, pere.

Royal Marine Infanterie. (2008). Retrieved Jan 17, 2013, from http://www.kronoskaf.com/syw/index.php?title=Royal_Marine_Infanterie

Terrón Ponce, J. L. (2001). Uniforme y banderas de las campañas de Menorca en la segunda mitad del siglo dieciocho. Es Castell, ES: Ex Libris

Tomlinson, B. (1993). Flags at the battle of the Glorious First of June 1794 Report of the 13th International Congress of Vexillology, , , 24-29 September 1989 (pp. 192-201). Melbourne, AU: Flag Society of Australia.

Tomlinson, B. (1999). Flags at the battle of the Glorious First of June 1794. In E. Dreyer & H. Muller (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Vexillology, Zurich, 23-27 August 1993 (pp. 192-201). Zurich, CH: Swiss Society of Vexillology.



France: Drapeau du Grand Orient. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (16/62).


Adam, P. (1964). Armoiries d’Etat et armoiries familiales au moyen-âge, principalement en France. Etude sur leur évolution. In J. K. H. d. R. v. Alderwerelt (Ed.), Recueil du septième congrès international des sciences généalogique et héraldique (pp. 81-93). La Haye, NL.

Banniere d'Enguerrand de Coucy - 1375. (1932). Archives héraldiques Suisses. Annuaire, 149.

France: Bannière des colmtes de , de Ferrette, de Montbéliard. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (15).

Renaud, L.-M. (1952). Pavillons personnels, marque de chefs d'etat. Neptunia (26), 36- 37.


Agulhon, M. (1990). Les couleurs dans la politique française. Ethnologie Française, 20, 329-398.

Dommanget, M. (1948). Revolution de 1848 et Le drapeau rouge. Paris, FR: Spartacus.

Dommanget, M. (1966). Histoire du drapeau rouge, des origines à la guerre de 1939. Paris, FR: Éditions Librairie de l'Étoile.

Dommanget, M., & Breton, R. (2006). Histoire du drapeau rouge. Marseille, FR: Le Mot et le reste.

France: Drapeau des quatre sergents de La Rochelle. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (3).

Minahan, J. (1996). Alsace Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 16-18). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Brittany Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 84-86). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 111-114). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (1996). Corsica Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 134-136). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Euzkadi Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 168-170). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Guadeloupe Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 208-210). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Guiana Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 211-213). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Kanaki Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 268-270). Westport, CT: Greenwood

Minahan, J. (1996). Martinique Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 350-352). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Normandy Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 401-403). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 422-424). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Savoy Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 493-495). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Tahiti Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 545-547). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Wallonia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 614-616). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Guadelopeans Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 688-692). Westport, CT Greenwood Press.

Nouvelle-Caledonie: Les drapeaux des partis politiques. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (45/91).

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Normandy One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 50). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.



Ceballos-Escalera y Gila, A. (1987). Los estandartes de los caudillos hugonotes en la batalla de Janarc, el 13 de marzo de 1569. In Sociedad Española de Vexilología (Ed.), Comunicaciones: XI Congreso Internacional de Vexilología, Madrid, 26-31 mayo 1985 (pp. 298-301). Barcelona, ES: The Editor.

Hugenotten-Fahnen (2006). DGF-Informationen (12).

Linh Son: Le drapeau de la congrégation. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (16/62).

Poulain, É. (1918). Pour le drapeau du Sacré-Coeur! Pour le salut de la France! La Roche-sur-Yon, FR: Imprimerie centrale de l'Ouest.


France: Le fanion du Yacht Club de la Rade de Brest. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (43/89).

King, C. (1920-1921). Sea flags of France. Yachting Monthly, 31, 391-398.

King, C. (1921-1922). Sea flags of France. Yachting Monthly, 32, 3-10, 79-87.

Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine Region

Chapagne-Ardenne (France): drapeau de la région et historique. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (43).

Martin, P. (1947). Les Drapeaux decores des sapeurs-pompiers d'Alsace. Carnet de la Sabretache, 43, 84-88.

Mattern, G. (1972). A contribution to the history of the colors of Alsace and her cities. The Flag Bulletin, 11(3), 297-325.

Minahan, J. (1996). Alsace Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 16-18). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Alsace One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 51). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Thull, J.-F. (2012). Le drapeau alsacien-lorrain: Histoire de l'emblème oublié d'un pays disparu. Les cahiers lorrains, 3/4, 58-76.

Thull, J.-F. (2013). Le drapeau alsacien-lorrain: Hhistoire de l'emblème oublié d'un pays disparu.


Cities and Towns

Martin, P. (1941). Die hoheitszeichen der freien stadt Strassburg 1200-1681. Strassburg, FR: Strassburger Druckerei und Verlagsanstalt.

Mattern, G. (1972). A contribution to the history of the colors of Alsace and her cities. The Flag Bulletin, 11(3), 297-325.

Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes Region

France: Les drapeaux ostensionnaires du Limousin. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (42/88).

France: Les emblèmes de la région Limousin. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (06/52).

France: Les emblèmes de la région Limousin. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (08/54).

France: Nouveau drapeau de la région Poitou-Charentes. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (32/78).

La Condamine, P. de. (2005). De Normandie, d'Angleterre, d'Aquitaine, un léopard et son destin. Montfort-en-Béarn, FR: les Enclaves libres.

Cities and Towns

Bourrousse de Laffore, J. d. (1893). La bannière d': Société d'agriulture, sciences et arts d'Agen.

France: Drapeau de la ville de Chatellerault. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (02/48).

France: Le drapeau d'Arcachon. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (38/84).

Perigeux (France): La bannière. (1999). Franciae Vexilla (15/61).

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region

France: Départements et conseils généraux (Ain, Ardèche, Drôme, Isère, Loire, Rhône, Savoie). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (11).

France: Départements et conseils généraux (Rhône). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (25).

France: Régions et conseils régionaux (Auvergne). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (27).

Savoie: Drapeau à déterminer. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (5).


Cities and Towns

France: La fête des bannières de Lyon en 2006. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (43/89).

France: Provinces (Auvergne, Bourbonnais, Velay). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (28).

France: Villes (Albertville, Annecy, Chambéry, Montmélian, Saint-Pierre d'Albigny). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (5).

France: Villes (Allecard, Digne, Gap, Grenoble). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (4).

Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region

Aubertin, C. (1881). Recherches sur les Drapeaux de l'ancienne province de Bourgogne. Beaune, FR.

France: Provinces (Berry, Franche-Comté, Orléanais, Picardie, Touraine). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (13).

France: Provinces (Bourgogne, Nivernais). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (30).

France: Régions et conseils régionaux (Bourgogne). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (30).

France: Régions et conseils régionaux (Franche-Comté). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (15).

Longin, E. (1921). Les drapeaux et l'echarpe en Franche-Comte. Mémoires de la Société d'émulation du Doubs ser.8, 10, 223-271.

Matile, H., & Trenschel, H.-P. (1969). Die Burgunderbeute und Werke burgundischer Hofkunst. [Ausstellung] 18. Mai-20. September 1969, Bernisches Historisches Museum. [Katalog. 2. Aufl: Bern, CH.

Mühlemann, L. (1980). Burgundische heraldik und emblematik / Armoiries et emblèmes des Ducs de Bourgogne. Vexilla Helvetica, 5(2=12/13), LU2-LU4.

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Burgundy One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 53). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Armed Forces

Amiet, J. I., & Amiet, J. I. (1868). Die Burgunderfahnen des Solothurner zeughauses: Beiträge zur geschichte der Burgunderkriege. Solothurn, DE: Schwendimann.

Bourgogne (France): le drapeau de Charles le Téméraire. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (21/67).


Matile, H. (1969). Le butin des Guerres de Bourgogne et oeuvres d'art de la cour de Bourgogne. [Exposition] mai-septembre 1969, Musée d'histoire de Berne. The Burgundian booty and works of Burgundian court art.

Brittany Region

Harrington, K. (1997). Vexilliana. NAVA News, 30(4), 7. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1997_v30no4.pdf

La Condamine, P. de. (2013). La croix de Bourgogne: Un extraordinaire destin. Montfort- de-Béarn, FR: les Enclaves libres.

Minahan, J. (1996). Brittany Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 84-86). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Pays Bigouden (France): Drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (40).

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Brittany One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 49). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Raullet, A. (1990). The Keltic flag. Flagscan, 5(1), 17.

Raullet, A. (1990). Untitled. Flagscan, 5(2), 22.

Rault, P. (1996). The flag of Côtes-d’Armor. The Flag Bulletin, 35(6), 232-238.

Rault, P. (1998). Les drapeaux bretons: de 1188 à nos jours. Spézet, FR: Coop Breizh, Impr. Keltia graphic.

Rault, P. (2009). New flags for an ancient country: Bannieloù nevez evit ur vro gozh Proceedings: The XIX International Congress of Vexillology, York 23-27 July 2001. London, GB: The Flag Institute. Link http://www.flaginstitute.org/pdfs/Philippe%20Rault.pdf

Armed Forces

Smith, W. (1999). Black & white. NAVA News, 32(1-2), 4-5. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1999_vol32no1-2.pdf


Cities and Towns

Bigouden, Pays (France). (1999). Franciae Vexilla (15/61).

France: Drapeau de la ville de Dinan (rectificatif). (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (38/84).

Harrington, K. (1997). Vexilliana. NAVA News, 30(4), 7. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1997_v30no4.pdf

Rault, P. (2009). New flags for an ancient country: Bannieloù nevez evit ur vro gozh Proceedings: The XIX International Congress of Vexillology, York 23-27 July 2001. London, GB: The Flag Institute. Link http://www.flaginstitute.org/pdfs/Philippe%20Rault.pdf

Centre-Val de Loire Region

France: Provinces (Berry, Franche-Comté, Orléanais, Picardie, Touraine). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (13).

Cities and Towns

Die "" in Aubigny-sur-Nère (2013). DGF-Informationen (61).

France: La seigneurie d'Aubigny-sur-Nère. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (31/77).

France: Villes (Loches). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (33).

Corsica Region

Antonetti, P. (1980). Le drapeau à tête deMaure: études d'histoire corse. Ajaccio, FR: La Marge.

Breschi, R., & Dalceri, M. (2006). Bandiere di Corsica. Vexilla Italica, 62.

Breschi, R., & Dalceri, M. (2006). Bandiere di Corsica. Vexilla Italica, 33(2=62).

Bronner, A. (1951). Drapeaux des regiments corses (1690-1788). Bulletin de la Société des Collectionneurs de Figurines Historiques (1), 2.

Corsican flags under King Theodore I. (1993). The Flag Bulletin, 32(1), 13-21.


Minahan, J. (1996). Corsica Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 134-136). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Corsica One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 57). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Smith, W. (1999). Black & white. NAVA News, 32(1-2), 4-5. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1999_vol32no1-2.pdf


Minahan, J. (2002). Corsicans Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 486-492). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

French Guiana Region

Francouzská Guyana. (1979). Vexilologie (34), 558-559, 560. Link http://www.vexilologie.cz/vexilgie/vexilgie.htm

Neue Flaggen: Afrikanische Union, Französisch-Guyana, Puntland (2010). DGF- Informationen (41).

Guyane Française (France): Les emblèmes de la Guyane française. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (53/99).

Guyane Francaise (France): Le Conseil Général adopte le drapeau guyanais. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (57/103).

Minahan, J. (2002). Guianese Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 698-701). Westport, CT Greenwood Press.

Guadeloupe Region

Guadeloupe (France): Quelques drapeaux. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (48/94).

Minahan, J. (1996). Guadeloupe Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 208-210). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (2002). Guadelopeans Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 688-692). Westport, CT Greenwood Press.

Nacions i ètnies: Fernando Poo; Friul; Mapuches; Tawantinsuyo i Q’ollasuyo; Guadeloupe. (1985). Vexil·la Catalana (2), 16.

Hauts-de-France Region

France: Provinces (Berry, Franche-Comté, Orléanais, Picardie, Touraine). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (13).

IIe de France Region

France: Provinces (Ile-de-France). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (17).

France: Régions et conseils régionaux (Ile-de-France). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (17).

France: Régions et conseils régionaux (Ile-de-France). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (18).

Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées Region

France: Régions et conseils régionaux (Midi-Pyrénées). (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (12).

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Cities and Towns

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Martinique Region

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Mayotte Region

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Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie Region

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Normandy Region

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Cities and towns

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Pays de Loire Region

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Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region

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Reunion Region

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Genoa, Republic Country

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Georgia Country

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Armed Forces

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Cities and Towns

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German Democratic Republic Country

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Germany Country

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Anhalt Duchy

Armed Forces

Merta, K.-P. (2006). Die Feldzeichen in den Füsten-und Heraogtümern von Anhalt und Thüringen. Der Flaggenkurier (23), 8-14. Link http://www.flaggenkunde.de/veroeffentlichungen/pdf/23-3.pdf http://www.flaggenkunde.de/veroeffentlichungen/pdf/23-2pl.pdf

Baden Grand Duchy Free State

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Armed Forces

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Baden-Württemberg State

Klimeš, R. (2008). Die Symbole der drei Länder, aus denen das Land Baden- Württemberg entstanden ist. Der Flaggenkurier (28), 35-41.

Cities and towns

Dreyhaupt, R. F. (2012). Zwei historische Stadtfahnen aus dem 18. Jahrhundert - das Löwen-Wappen der Stadt Waldshut. Der Flaggenkurier (35), 29-39.

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Bavaria Kingdom State


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Cities and Towns

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Berlin State

Entwürfe für Wappen und Flagge des Berliner Ortsteiles Gatow (2007). DGF- Informationen (22).

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Brandenburg State

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Wappen und Flagge der Gemeinde Tauer (2012). DGF-Informationen (57).

Cities and Towns

Pattke, J. (1996). Modifikation der Stadtflagge von Frankfurt (Oder). Der Flaggenkurier (3), 39-40.

Bremen Free Hanseatic City State

Dreyhaupt, R. F. (2011). Eine große Unbekannte - Wappen und Flagge der Handelskammer Bremen. Der Flaggenkurier (34), 15-17.

Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. (1901). Doppelschrauben-Schnellpostdampfer "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse”: Kapitän D. Högemann von Bremen nach New York am 16. Juli 1901, Cajüten-Passagiere.

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Brunswick Duchy Free State

Armed Forces

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Hamburg State Free City

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Hanover Kingdom

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Hesse Duchy Free State State

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Hesse-Kassel Kingdom

Armed Forces

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Hessen-Darmstadt Kingdom

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Lower Saxony State

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Mecklenburg-Schwerin Duchy Free State

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North Rhine-Westphalia State

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Merchant marine

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Rhineland-Palatinate State

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Saarland State

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Saxe-Altenburg Duchy

Armed Forces

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Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Duchy

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Saxony Kingdom State

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Armed Forces

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Cities and Towns

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Saxony-Anhalt Principality Duchy State

Cities and Towns

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Schaumburg-Lippe Duchy Prinicipality State

Armed Forces

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Schleswig-Holstein State


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Cities and Towns

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Thuringia State

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Armed forces (1)

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Cities and Towns

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Thuringian states Region

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Wurttemberg State

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Armed Forces

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Armed forces

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Cities and Towns


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Guernsey British Crown Dependency

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Minahan, J. (2002). Ladins Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the w (Vol. 3, pp. 1068-1073). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

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Minahan, J. (2002). Lombards Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1109-1114). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

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Minahan, J. (2002). Seborgans Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1693-1696). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Sicilians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1714-1719). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

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Merchant marine

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Minahan, J. (1996). Ladinia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 322-324). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Lombardy Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 331-333). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Piedmont Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 444-449). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Sardinia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 490-492). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Savoy Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 493-495). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Sicily Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 515-517). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

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The Banners of the contrade, their name, symbol, virtue, and colors. (2006). NAVA News, 39(4/192), 6-7.

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Abruzzo Region

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Aosta Region

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Apulia Region

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Basilicata Region

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Calabria Region

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Campania Region

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Emilia-Romagna Region

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Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region

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Lazio Region

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Liguria Region

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Lombardy Region

Minahan, J. (1996). Lombardy Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 331-333). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

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Molise Region

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Ziggioto, A. (1986). Araldica regionale. Vexilla Italica, 13(1=21), 21-22.


Piedmont Region

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Vexilla Italica. (1997). Vexilla Italica, 24(2), 55.

Ziggioto, A. (1995). Vexilla Italica. Vexilla Italica, 22(2), 50-55.

Sardinia Region

Galuppini, G. (1971). La bandiera tricolore nella Marina sarda. Roma, IT: Ufficio storico della marina militare.

Galuppini, G. (1987). La bandiera tricolore nella Marina sarda (2 ed.). Roma, IT: Ufficio storico della marina militare.

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Sicily Region

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Trentino-Alto Adige Region

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Tuscany Region

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Betocchi, A. (2002). Le contrade soppresse del Palio di Siena. Vexilla Italica(1=53).

Breschi, L. (2002). Bandiere sull'isola d'Elba. Vexilla Italica(2=54).

Breschi, R. (2007). Vexata Quaestio: Uno stemma in bilico. Vexilla Italica, 34(2=64).

Breschi, R. (2008). Capànnori. Un caso particolare. Vexilla Italica, 35(1=65).

Breschi, R. (2009). Firenze, 12 settembre 1847 Vexilla Italica, 36(2=68).

Brunon, J. (1932). Le pavillon de l'empereur a L'ile of d'Elbe. Carnet de la sabretache, series 4, 5, 398-399.

Elbe (île) : le drapeau de mai 1814 à février 1815. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (14/60).

Gasparri, A. (1983). Bandiere al vento all'isola d'Elba. Rivista Italiana di Studi Napoleonici, 20(1), 87-92.

Indipendisti dell’isola d’Elba. (1976). Vexilla Italica, 3(1=6), 8. Kent, D., & Kent, F. W. (1982). Neighbours and neighbourhood in renaissance Florence: the District of the Red Lion in the fifteenth century (pp. 1).

Mäder, P. M. (1987). Das Luzerner fahnenbuch. Teil 5 (mit 7 tafeln) / Le Livre des drapeaux de Lucerne. Cinquième partie (avex 7 planches): Die Hugenottenkriege 1562-1598; Die Schlacht von Lepanto am 7.10.1571. Vexilla Helvetica, 6(3=19), 39-61.

Pisa und Florenz: Reale Flaggen (2007). DGF-Informationen (22).

Savorelli, A. (2011). Il mistero del gonfalone della Terra di Mezzo. Vexilla Italica, 38(1=71).

Schmöger, M. E. V. (2007). Urlaubsvexillologie: Kommunale Gonfaloni in der Provinz Lucca (Toscana, Italien). Der Flaggenkurier (24), 19-21.

Vexilla Italica. (1991). Vexilla Italica, 17(2), 48-52.

Umbria Region

Vitali, A. (1976). Le bandiere umbre Roma, IT: G. Pastena,


Veneto Region

Minahan, J. (1996). Veneto Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 598-600). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Venetians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1987-1992). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Vexilla Italica. (1977). Vexilla Italica, 4(2=9), 32-40.

Ziggioto, A. (2001). Vexilla Italica. Vexilla Italica, 28(2=50), 56-64.

Jersey British Crown Dependency

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Jersey One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 39). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Merchant marine

Großbritannien: Boote von Jersey können eigene Flagge führen (2010). DGF- Informationen (42).

Kalmar Union Country

Kalmarunionen (1397-1521) og Kalmarunionens flagg. (1997). Nordisk Flaggkontakt (24), 19, 21-22, 24.

Kazakhstan Country

Bairamov, A. (1997). Gosudarstvennye simvoly tiurkoiazychnykh stran: Azerbaidzhan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Turtsiia, Uzbekistan. Almaty, KZ: TSOST.

Erofeeva, I. (2001). Simvoly kazakhskoi gosudarstvennosti: Pozdnee srednevekov’e i novoe vremia. Almaty, KZ: Arkaim. 250

Kairbekov, B. G., Kairgali, S. N., & Nazarbaeva, A. N. (1997). Gosudarstvennye simvoly Respubliki Kazakhstan. Almaty, KZ: TSentr obucheniia i sotsial’nykh tekhnologii.

Kazakhstan: Drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et pavillons(32).

Saghyntaev, Y., & Saghyntaeva, Z. (1998). Qazaqstan Respublikasynyng ramizderi. Almaty, KZ: "Sanat".

Shaimerden, E. (2002). Qazaqstan Respublikasynyng memlekettik ramizderi = Gosudarstvennye simvoly Respubliki Kazakhstan. Almaty, KZ: "Olke".

Shaimerden, E. (2005). Qazaqstan Respublikasynyng tauelsizdik ramizderi Kazan, RU: kitap nashriiaty.


Minahan, J. (2002). Crimean Tatars Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 499-505). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Karakalpaks Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 921-926). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Standarte der Präsidenten Kasachstans (2013). DGF-Informationen(59).

Exner, P. (2004). Prapor Finanční Policie Respubliky Kazachstán. Vexi.info, (75R), 4. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf75r.pdf


Harrington, K. (1997). Vexilliana. NAVA News, 30(4), 7. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1997_v30no4.pdf

Schuurman, W. (1997). Speciale marinevlaggen voor Kazachstan. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (213).


Kosovo Partially Recognized State

Bilefsky, D. (2007). Kosovo struggles to forge an identity. New York Times, 157(54161), A20.

Burton, T. (2007). Kosovo. Crux Australis, 20(3=83).

Burton, T. (2008). The calkan cauldron: crunch time in Kosovo. Crux Australis, 21(2=86).

Corbic, E. (2007). Kossovo: La bataille de l'éternité. Paris, FR: Artiz.

Exner, P. (2008). Nova vlajka Kosova. Vexi.info, (96), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf96.pdf

Kosovo: Un nouveau pays. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (49/95).

Loza, T. (2007). Emblems of indifference. Transitions Online, p. 3.

Neue Flagge - Republik Kosovo (2008). DGF-Informationen (2


Kosovo: Drapeau serbe. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (16/62).

Schuurman, W. (2006). Ashkali. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (250).


Minahan, J. (1996). Kosovo Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 307-309). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Latvia Country

Amodeo, C. (2005). Geographical flags of the world: Latvia. Geographical 77(9), 11.

Artimovich, N. (1991). 'L' is for Lebanon. NAVA News, 24(1), 2. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1991_v24no1.pdf

Bartlett, R. (1989). New flags: Baltic Soviet Socialist Republics. Crux Australis, 5(1=21). 252

Ceruzis, R. (2001). National symbols of Latvia. LV: Latvijas Instituts.

Dzirkalis, K. (1936). Latvijas karoga vésture. Rigà, LV: Gràmatu Draugs.

Dzirkalis, K. (1936). Latvijas karoga vesture; populari-zinatniska monografija Maksl. A. Krukas glezna krasas, autora vinjetes un zimejumi. Riga, LV: "Gramatu draugs".

Flutter and splutter. (1994). Economist, 331(7863), 56.

Ginters, V. (1968). Karogi senaja Latvija. Stockholm, SE: Daugava.

Klimes, R. (1987). Flags and coat of arms of the (almost) forgotten countries. Crux Australis, 3(2=14).

Latvia, & Vilde, K. (1931). Preses un biedribu likumi; rokas gramata tiesu, administracijas, preses un sabiedriskiem darbiniekiem. Riga, LV: A. Gulbis.

Lettonie: Drapeau national; Pavillon de marine. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (22).

Lettonie: Symbolique d'État. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (23).

Lives (Lettonie): Drapeau de la communauté. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (26).

Lukša, A. (1975). Státní symboly Sovětského Lotyšska. Vexilologie (17), 191-201, 203, 206, 208. Link http://www.vexilologie.cz/vexilgie/vexilgie.htm

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Latvia One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 128). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Sala, G. (1990). Il notiziario. Vexilla Italica, 16(2), 35-42.

Vitins, V. (1986). Latvijas karoga attistiba Akademiska Dzive, 28, 39-44.

Wocial, A. (1997). Symboles nationaux de la Lettonie. In Centre d'étude de l'Europe médiane (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales) (Ed.), Emblèmes et drapeaux (pp. 31-42). Paris, FR: Publications Langues'O.

Cities and Towns

Durán Rodríguez, A. (1992). Karalauczius. Banderas(43).

Orenski, P. J. (2004). Flags of the European capitals. NAVA News, 37(1), 6-12. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2004_vol37no1.pdf 253


Minahan, J. (2002). Livonians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1097-1102). Westport, CT: Westport, CT.


Lettonie: Drapeau national ; pavillon de marine. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (22).

Liechtenstein Country

Artimovich, N. (1991). 'L' is for Lebanon. NAVA News, 24(1), 2. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1991_v24no1.pdf

Burton, T. (2013). Over the Rhine is Liechenstein. Crux Australis, 26(2=106).

Europe:Ddrapeaux de l'association européenne de libre-échange (European Free Trade Association). (n.d.). Emblèmes et pavillons (32).

Neubecker, O. (1960). Die flagge von Liechtenstein. Archivum heraldicum, 74(2-3), 34- 35.

Neubecker, O. (1960). Die Flagge von Liechtenstein. Archives héraldiques suisses, 74, 34-35.

Cities and Towns

Orenski, P. J. (2004). Flags of the European capitals. NAVA News, 37(1), 6-12. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2004_vol37no1.pdf

Lithuania Country


Akmenyte-Ruzgiene, V., & Stuiniene, R. (2010). Musu veliavos 1918 - 1940: Nacionalinio M. K. Ciurlionio Dailes muziejaus rinkinys. Kaunas, LT: Nacionalinio M K Ciurlionio dailes muziejus.

Artimovich, N. (1991). 'L' is for Lebanon. NAVA News, 24(1), 2. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1991_v24no1.pdf

Betocchi, A. (1998). Breve storia dei simboli della Lituania. Vexilla Italica, 25(2), 48-51.

Burton, T. (1990). Vexilloforms in the News: Lietuva (Lithuania). Crux Australis, 6(1=25).

Dobuzhinskii, M. V. (1933). Vytis: didziosios lietuvos kunigaikstystes valstybinio erbo istoriniu variantu bruozai : XIV-XVI amz. Kaunas, LT: Isleido: Lietuvos istorijos draugija.

Klimes, R. (1987). Flags and coat of arms of the (almost) forgotten countries. Crux Australis, 3(2=14).

Lituanie: Drapeau national; Pavillon de marine. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (22).

Lubicz-Brezinski, K. (1974). Polish heraldry - part 2. Heraldry in Canada, 8(1), 7.

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Lithuania One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 127). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Poposki, V. (2011). Lithuania congratulates Myanmar Crux Australis, 24(3=99).

Preuß, V. (2013). Die Flagge von Sachsen-Polen. Der Flaggenkurier (38), 12-13.

Rimsa, E. (1998). The heraldry of Lithuania. Vilmius, LT: Balto lankos.

Rimsa, E. (2004). Heraldika: Is praeities i dabarti. Vilnius, LT: Versus Aureus leidykla.

Vaicenonis, J. (2006). Lietuvos valstybes simboliai. Kaunas, LT: Sviesa.

Wocial, A. (1997). Héritage du Grand Duché de Lituanie: Les symboles nationaux en Lituanie et en Biélorussie. In Centre d'étude de l'Europe médiane (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales) (Ed.), Emblèmes et drapeaux (pp. 43-64). Paris, FR: Publications Langues'O.

Armed Forces

Klein, A., Czernielewski, K. A., & Sekunda, N. (2000). Banderia apud Grunwald I, Choragwie polskie pod Grunwaldem. Lódz, PL: Wydawn. Alexander.

Michta, S., Piwocka, M., & Stankiewicz, A. (2010). Odtworzone choragwie grunwaldzkie w Zamku Królewskim na Wawelu. Kraków, PL: Zamek Królewski na Wawelu. 255

Cities and Towns

Orenski, P. J. (2004). Flags of the European capitals. NAVA News, 37(1), 6-12. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2004_vol37no1.pdf


Minahan, J. (2002). Karaims Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the (Vol. 2, pp. 914-920). Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the Greenwood Press.

Merchant marine

Neu, H. (1958). Das wappen von Memel: Entstehung und geschichte eines ostdeutschen wappenbildes. Bonn, DE: Wissenschaftliches archiv.


Lituanie: drapeau national; Pavillon de marine. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (22).

Lituanie: pavillons, marques, flammes des forces navales armées. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (41).

LUCCA Country

Breschi, R. (1999). L’ultima bandiera della Repubblica di Lucca. Vexilla Italica, 26(2=46), 25-32.

Breschi, R. (2000). Last flag of the Republic of Lucca.". NAVA News, 33(1), 4-6. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Breschi, R. (2004). Bandiere delle contrade lucchesi. Vexilla Italica, 31(2=58).

Dei Daugnon, F. F. (1875). Arme e bandiere di Lucca: Illustrazione storico-araldica. Pisa, IT.

Exner, P. (2005). čechy a Lucca. Vexi.info. Retrieved 79, from http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf79.pdf 256

Schmöger, M. E. V. (2007). Urlaubsvexillologie: Kommunale Gonfaloni in der Provinz Lucca (Toscana, Italien). Der Flaggenkurier (24), 19-21.

Ziggioto, A. (2003). Sfogliando antichi manoscritti, parte II. Vexilla Italica, 30(2=56), 33- 41.

Vexilla Italica. (1988). Vexilla Italica, 14(1=23), 2-8.

Vexilla Italica. (1999). Vexilla Italica, 26(1=45), 10-15.

Luxembourg Country

Artimovich, N. (1991). 'L' is for Lebanon. NAVA News, 24(1), 2. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1991_v24no1.pdf

Ausländische Flaggen- und Wappenprojekte. (2007). DGF-Informationen (23).

Ausländische Flaggenprojekte: Bolivien; Luxemburg (2006). DGF-Informationen (15).

Luxembourg: Drapeau alternatif. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (51/97).

Luxembourg. Service Information et presse. (1972). Les Emblèmes nationaux du Grand- Duché de Luxembourg. LU: Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Ministère d'état, Service Information et Presse.

Wirion, L. (1950). Fahnen, flaggen und fahnengeschaft. Symbol und Wirtschaft, 1(2), 25.

Wirion, L. (1955). Origine et histoire du drapeau luxembourgeois. Luxemburg, LU.

Armed forces

Vexillologie militaire Européenne: Drapeaux militaires européens 1700-1914. (2011). Retrieved Jan 17, 2013, from http://www.drapeaux.org/Accueil.htm

Cities and Towns

Orenski, P. J. (2004). Flags of the European capitals. NAVA News, 37(1), 6-12. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2004_vol37no1.pdf


Macedonia Country

Alagjozovski, R. (2005). Flagging the issue. Transitions Online, N.PAG.

The Balkan question resolved? Macedonian flag Issue settled. (1995). Flagmaster (81), 1-2.

Burton, T. (1993). Balkan changes: Macedonia. Crux Australis, 9(1=37).

Burton, T., & Kelly, R. (1991). Yugoslavia: flagging enthusiasm. Crux Australis, 7(3=31).

Burton, T., & Kelly, R. (1995-1996). New flags of 1994/95. Crux Australis, 11(4=48).

Exner, P. (2010). Nový znak republiky Makedonie. Vexi.info, (108), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf108.pdf

Georgieva, M. (1984). Znaminjata i grbovite od vremeto na ilindenskoto vostanie Istorija: Spisanie na Sojuzot na Drushtvata na Istoricharite na SR Makedonija, 20(2), 391-396.

Healy, D. T. (1993). Visual Vexi-Bits. NAVA News, 26(3), 4-5. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1993_v26no5.pdf

Healy, D. T. (1993). Visual Vexi-Bits. NAVA News, 26(4), 5-6. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1993_v26no4.pdf

Koledarov, P. S. (1963). Znamenata ot Preobrazhenskoto vestaine prez 1903 G. Historical Review / Istoricheski Pregled, 19(2), 68-70.

Macedonia. (2009). DGF-Informationen (40).

Macdedoine: Nouveau drapeau. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (01/47).

Macedoine (Yougoslavie): Drapeau des independentistas et de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (33).

Macedoine: Modification du drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (36).

Natsinas, Y. (1995). Greece and Macedonia. Flagmaster (81), 2-3.

Neue Flaggen. (1996). Der Flaggenkurier (2), 33-34.

Il notiziario. (1995). Vexilla Italica, 22(2), 45-49. 258

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Macedonia One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 118). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Poels, J. (1996). Macedonië verandert onder Griekse druk zijn vlag. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (203), 26-34.

Republic of Macedonia flag. (1996). The New England Journal of Vexillology, (2). http://www.vexman.net/neva/NEJV02.pdf

Sala, G. (1993). Il notiziario. Vexilla Italica, 20(2), 56-60.

Sala, G. (1994). Il notiziario. Vexilla Italica, 21(1), 16-19.

Smith, W. (1995). Flag news and notes. The Flag Bulletin, 34(6), 240-243.

Wocial, A. (1997). Notes complémentaires (La Macédoine). In Centre d'étude de l'Europe médiane (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales) (Ed.), Emblèmes et drapeaux (pp. 144). Paris, FR: Publications Langues'O.

Cities and Towns

Neue Flaggen. (1996). Der Flaggenkurier (2), 33-34.

Orenski, P. J. (2004). Flags of the European capitals. NAVA News, 37(1), 6-12. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2004_vol37no1.pdf


Kelly, R. (1990). Flagdata: Macedonian . Crux Australis, 6(3=27).

Minahan, J. (2002). Aromanians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 174-181). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Kewris Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 973-978). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Kosovars Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 1029-1034). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Rumelian Turks Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1611-1616). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 259

Neue Flaggen. (1996). Der Flaggenkurier (2), 33-34.

Schuurman, W. (2006). Ashkali. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (250).

Malta Country

Abelson, N. O. (1964, Dec 16). Three New flags are raised. Secretariat news, 17, 3.

Abelson, N. O. (1965). Three new flags are raised. The Annin banner, 2(3), 4.

lm. (1976). Malta. Vexilologie (18), 240. Link http://www.vexilologie.cz/vexilgie/vexilgie.htm

lm. (1976). Malta. Vexilologie (20), 281. Link http://www.vexilologie.cz/vexilgie/vexilgie.htm

Malta. (1964-1965). The Flag Bulletin, 4(2).

Smith, W. (1964-1965). New flags. The Flag Bulletin, 4(2), 23.

Strckland, A. (1996). Banderas municipales de Malta. Banderas (58).

Tenora, J. (1989). Untitled. Flagscan, 4(4), 10.

Armed Forces

Burton, T. (2003). The Flags of SMOM. Crux Australis, 16(2=66).

Mäder, P. M. (1987). Das Luzerner fahnenbuch. Teil 5 (mit 7 tafeln) / Le Livre des drapeaux de Lucerne. Cinquième partie (avex 7 planches): Die Hugenottenkriege 1562-1598; Die Schlacht von Lepanto am 7.10.1571. Vexilla Helvetica, 6(3=19), 39-61.

Cities and Towns

Orenski, P. J. (2004). Flags of the European capitals. NAVA News, 37(1), 6-12. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2004_vol37no1.pdf

Strckland, A. (1996). Banderas municipales de Malta. Banderas (58).



Mlte, Ordre de: La bannière du Grand-MaÎtre Hompesch. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (02/48).


Hartwell, R. E. (1964). Ensigns of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Flag Bulletin, 3(3), 41-42. Massa Country

Breschi, R. (2009). Small and very small states in Italy that lasted beyond 1700 - a vexillology survey Proceedings: The XIX International Congress of Vexillology, York 23-27 July 2001 (pp. 51-56). London, GB: The Flag Institute. Link http://www.flaginstitute.org/pdfs/Roberto%20Breschi.pdf

Cities and Towns)

Vexilla Italica. (1988). Vexilla Italica, 14(2=24), 26-32.

Ziggioto, A. (2003). Vexilla Italica. Vexilla Italica, 30(1=55), 13-20.

Merchant marine

Pierro, P. d. (2003). Le antiche bandiere marittime di Massa e Carrara. Vexilla Italica, 30(1=55), 1-7.

Masserano Country

Breschi, R. (2009). Small and very small states in Italy that lasted beyond 1700 - a vexillology survey Proceedings: The XIX International Congress of Vexillology, York 23-27 July 2001 (pp. 51-56). London, GB: The Flag Institute. Link http://www.flaginstitute.org/pdfs/Roberto%20Breschi.pdf

Dalceri, Mario. 1990. "Il Principato di Masserano." Vexilla Italica 16 (2):43-47.


Moldova Country

Andries-Tabac, S. (2010). Simbolurile Nationale ale Republicii Moldova. Chisinau, MD: Cu drag SRL.

Andries-Tabac, S. (2010). Simbolurile nationale ale Republicii Moldova. Chisinau, MD: Institutia Publica "Enciclopedia Moldovei".

Andries-Tabac, S. (2013). Simbolurile nationale ale Republicii Moldova. Chisinau, MD: Institutul de Studii Enciclopedice.

Artimovich, N. (1993). Flags of former Soviet republics. NAVA News, 26(1), 4, 7. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1993_v26no1.pdf

Burton, T. (1990). From the Baltic to the Caspian - old flags in a new light. Crux Australis, 6(3=27).

Edwards, J. (1989). Flags in the news: Soviet Union. Crux Australis, 5(4=24).

Mischevca, V., & Negrei, I. (2010). Simbolurile Tarii Moldovei: O istorie a steagurilor pe parcursul secolelor XV-XX (Editia a II-a, revazuta si completata. ed.). Chisinau, MD.

pex. (2011). Zákon o státni vlajce Republiky Moldávie. Vexi.info (115), 4. Link http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf115.pdf

Wocial, A. (1997). Moldavie — symboles nationaux. In Centre d'étude de l'Europe médiane (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales) (Ed.), Emblèmes et drapeaux (pp. 119-124). Paris, FR: Publications Langues'O.

Cities and Towns

Nye flagg (1997). Nordisk Flaggkontakt (24), 5-6, 8.

Orenski, P. J. (2004). Flags of the European capitals. NAVA News, 37(1), 6-12. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2004_vol37no1.pdf



Minahan, J. (2002). Gagauz Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 630-636). Westport, CT Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (1996). Dniestria Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 151-155). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 187-189). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Dniestrians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 532-537). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Monaco Country

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Cities and Towns

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Westerhoven, M. v. (2002). Kasteel op kruis, de vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Coevorden. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (234).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2002). Klaver en blokken, vlag en wapen van de gemeente Noordenveld. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (234).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2002). Kornoelje in de T, de vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Tynaarlo. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (234).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2002). Kruis en kroon: vlag en wapen van de nieuwe gemeente Aa en Hunze. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (234).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2002). De vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Meppel: oude vlag van zoom voorzien. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (233).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2003). Leliekompas wijst de weg; Vlag en wapen van de nieuwe gemeente Midden-Drenthe. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (237).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2003). Vlag met kronkel voor gemeente De Wolden. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (236).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2005). Borger-Odoorn: hunebed en boezelschu. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (245).



Westerhoven, M. v. (2003). Hart en lelie, vlag en wapen van het nieuwe waterschap Noorderzijlvest. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra(236).

Flevoland Province

Smith, W. (1990). New flags: Province of Flevoland. The Flag Bulletin, 29(5), 169-170.

Friesland Province

Pedersen, R. N. (1992). Friesland One Europe, 100 nations (pp. 43). Clevedon, GB: Channel View Books.

Sierksma, K. (1962). The Frisian flag. The Flag Bulletin, 1(3), 14-15.

Cities and Towns

Heijningen. (2008). Vier Friese dorpswapens en -vlaggen uit (Oude Leije, Sint- Annaparochie, Sint-Jacobiparochie, ), Vlag! (1), 15-16.

Heijningen, H. v. (2003). Dorpswapens en -vlaggen in Achtkarspelen. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (239).

Heijningen, H. v. (2004). Dorpswapens en -vlaggen in de gemeente Littenseradiel (deel 1). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (240).

Heijningen, H. v. (2004). Dorpswapens en -vlaggen in de gemeente Littenseradiel (deel 2). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (241).

Heijningen, H. v. (2004). Dorpswapens en -vlaggen in de gemeente Littenseradiel (deel 3). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (242).

Heijningen, H. v. (2005). Dorpswapens en -vlaggen in de gemeente Littenseradiel (deel 4). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (245).

Heijningen, H. v. (2006). Oostmahorn-Esonstad (gem. Dongeradeel), Kootstertille (Koatstertille) (gem. Achterkarspelen). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (249).

Heijningen, H. v. (2006). Twee wimpels in Friesland ( en Menaldumadeel). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (250).


Heijningen, H. v. (2008). Dorpswapens en -vlaggen in het noorden van Friesland (Marrum-Westernijkerk, Hijum, Wier, Boer, Ried, , Dongjum, ). Vlag! (2), 11.

Heijningen, H. v. (2009). Wapens en vlaggen uit de zuidwesthoek van Friesland (Oudega, Folsgare, De Vlekke Molkwerum, Warns, Oosterzee), . Vlag! (4), 12- 13.

Westerhoven, M. v. (1999). Wapen en vlag van Oosterwierum in de gemeente Littenseradeel. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (221).


Westerhoven, M. v. (2003). Hart en lelie, vlag en wapen van het nieuwe waterschap Noorderzijlvest. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (236).


Minahan, J. (1996). Friesland Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 181-183). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Gelderland Province

Exner, P. (2010). Symboly partnerských měst Hradce Králové (2) : (Gelderland, Holandsko). Vexi.info, (111), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf111.pdf

Cities and Towns

Exner, P. (2010). Symboly partnerských měst Hradce Králové (2): Arnhem (Gelderland, Holandsko). Vexi.info, (111), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf111.pdf

Hijsen of strijken? (discussie rubriek) over: de vlag van Berkelland (Gld) (2010). Vlag!(7), 8.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2004). De gekanteelde dwarsbalk weer de alleenheerser in Buren. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (243).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2005). Vijfkleur met kantelen voor de nieuwe gemeente Maasdriel. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (245).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2006). Burcht, blokken, golven: vlag en wapen van de nieuwe gemeente Overbetuwe. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (249).


Westerhoven, M. v. (2006). Springend hert en vierendeling: De vlag van de gemeente Putten. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (250).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2006). De vlag van het nieuwe Nijkerk: net zo vol als het wapen. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (250).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2006). Zwaard, mispel en burchten: de vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Zaltbommel. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (248).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2010). Schoepen in het water: de vlag van de gemeente Berkelland. Vlag! (7), 7.

Groningen Province

Cities and Towns

Heijningen, H. v. (2007). Dorpsvlaggen in Groningen. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (254).

Limburg Province

Poels, J. (1997). Flag news and ongoing research. Flagmaster (85), 5-10.

Cities and Towns

Hijsen of niet? (Discussie rubriek) over: de vlag van Maasgouw (Limburg) (2013). Vlag! (12), 17.

Poels, J. (1997). Venlo ziet ruim 50 jaar rood en blauw. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (213).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2008). Banen en mispelbloemen: vlag en wapen van de nieuwe gemeente Horst aan de Maas. Vlag! (1), 7-8.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2008). Echt-Susteren: herkruiste kruisen en ruiten rond een schuinkruis. Vlag! (2), 5-6.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2013). De nieuwe gemeente Leudal: Drie Hornse hoorns in de vlag. Vlag! (12), 10-11.


Westerhoven, M. v. (2013). Rode lelie toegevoegd aan de gemeentevlag van Roermond. Vlag! (12), 14-15.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2013). Zwaard en abdissenstaf langs de Maas: De vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Maasgouw. Vlag! (12), 12-13.

North Brabant Province

Ham, W. A. v. (1986). Wapens en vlaggen van Noord-Brabant: Wapens en vlaggen van de provincie, gemeenten en waterschappen. Zutphen, NL: Walburg Pers.

Poels, J. (2003). Populaire Brabantse blokkenvlag geëerd met historische studie. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (238).

Cities and Towns

Poels, J. (1996). Someren (Noord-Brabant) wil per sé Brabantse leeuw op zijn vlag. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (204).

van Ham, W. (2004). Nieuwe Brabantse gemeentevlaggen (Boxmeer, Zundert,’s- Hertogenbosch, Heusden). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (243).

van Ham, W. (2004). Nieuwe Brabantse gemeentevlaggen (Drimmelen, Heeze-Leende, Gemert-Bakel en Laarbeek). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (242).

van Ham, W. (2004). Vier nieuwe Brabantse gemeentevlaggen (Halderberge, Alphen- Chaam, Steenbergen en Reusel-De Mierden). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (241).

van Ham, W. (2005). Een leeg vak en vier lange banen in Oss. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (244).

van Ham, W. (2005). Een nieuwe vlag voor de gemeente Helmond. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (244).

Van Ham, W. (2005). Verder onder de oude vlag (gecontinueerde gemeentevlaggen in Noord-Brabant). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (245).

Wapen en vlag van de gemeente Steenbergen. (2012, 17 Jun 2012). Retrieved Nov 20, 2012, from http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wapen_en_vlag_van_de_gemeente_Steenbergen

Westerhoven, M. v. (1996). Bernheze (Noord-Brabant) neemt lis op in vlag en wapen. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (202).

Westerhoven, M. v. (1996). Wapen en vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Cuijk (Noord- Brabant). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (203). 279

Westerhoven, M. v. (1998). Eenvoud voorop bij wapen en vlag van het nieuwe Sint- Michielsgestel. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (218).

Westerhoven, M. v. (1998). Tilburg na fusie eindelijk in bezit van een officiële vlag. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (219).

Westerhoven, M. v. (1999). Brabantse leeuw prominent aanwezig in vlag van nieuw Hilvarenbeek. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (222).

Westerhoven, M. v. (1999). Een eikenblad in top; De vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Oirschot. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (223).

Westerhoven, M. v. (1999). Haaren - Een vlag die langzaam maar zeker voller werd. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (220).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2000). Sleutels en kepers in elkaar geschoven; de vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Bladel. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (225).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2001). Cranendonk behoudt kraanvogel in de vlag. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (230).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2001). De vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Geertruidenberg. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (231).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2001). De vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Moerdijk. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (228).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2002). Bergeijk: oud wapen behouden, wel nieuwe vlag. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (232).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2005). Het is groen! Hé, en nu is-ie weer rood! Nogmaals de vlag van Haldersberge. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (246).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2008). Meerblad en molenijzer: de vlag en het wapen van de nieuwe gemeente Geldrop-Mierlo. Vlag! (1), 14.

North Holland Province

Cities and Towns

Flag of the Dutch municipality of Alkmaar. (2005, Dec 4). from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Alkmaar_flag.png

Heijningen, H. v. (2007). Dorpsvlaggen in Noord- en Zuid-Holland en Utrecht. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (253).


Hijsen of strijken? (discussie rubriek) over: de vlag van Diemen (NH). (2011). Vlag! (8), 10.

van Ham, W. (2001). Vlaggen op het paneel ‘Het bezoek van de prinsen van Oranje aan Enkhuizen’ (circa 1615). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (228).

Westerhoven, M. v. (1998). Zijpe vlagt met karakteristieke zwaan. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (215).

Overijssel Province

Cities and Towns

Heijningen, H. v. (2004). Dorpsvlaggen (5); Zwartewaterland. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (240).

Heijningen, H. v. (2007). Dorpsvlaggen in Overijssel. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (252).

Schuurman, W. (2008). Zwolse vlaggen halfstok. Vlag! (1), 11-12.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2007). Nieuwe gemeentevlaggen in Overijssel: Hardenberg, Raalte, Dalfsen. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (252).

South Holland Province

Heijningen, H. v. (2007). Dorpsvlaggen in Noord- en Zuid-Holland en Utrecht. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (253).

Hijsen of strijken? (Discussie rubriek) over: de vlag van Lansingerland (ZH) (2011). Vlag! (9), 10.

Hijsen of strijken? (Discussie rubriek) over: de vlag van Nieuwkoop (ZH) (2012). Vlag! (10), 11.

Schimmelpenninck van der Oije, C. (1999). Uit musea: de vlag van Rotterdam. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (222).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2006). Geen cognac, maar open ruit en donderkloten: de vlag(gen) van de gemeente Bleiswijk. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (249).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2007). Leeuw en zoden: de nieuwe vlag van de gemeente Barendrecht. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (253).


Westerhoven, M. v. (2007). Rivieren komen samen: de nieuwe vlag van de gemeente Krimpen aan den IJssel. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (253).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2011). De vlag van de gemeente Lansingerland: ster, dijk en ruit. Vlag! (9), 9.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2012). Hijsen of strijken? (Discussie rubriek) over: de vlag van Teylingen (ZH) Vlag! (11), 15.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2012). De vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Katwijk: Schuinkruis behouden met meer kleuren. Vlag! (11), 13.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2012). De vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Nieuwkoop: rad, dubbele adelaar, vos en ster. Vlag! (10), 9.

Utecht Province

Poels, J. (1996). De totstandkoming van de Utrechtse provincievlag. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (206).

Cities and Towns

Heijningen, H. v. (2006). Gemeente Baarn provincie Utrecht. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (248).

Heijningen, H. v. (2007). Dorpsvlaggen in Noord- en Zuid-Holland en Utrecht. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (253).

Lopik verenigt kapittel en baronie in vla. (1997). Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (213).

Westerhoven, M. v. (1997). Gemeentevlag van Driebergen-Rijsenburg. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (209).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2008). Rooster op diagonaal: vlag en wapen van de nieuwe gemeente De Bilt. Vlag! (2), 12.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2010). Stichts kruis en Gaesbeeckse leeuw: de vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Utrechtse Heuvelrug. Vlag! (6), 11.

Zeeland Province


Cities and towns

Hijsen of strijken? (discussie rubriek) over de Zeeuws-Vlaamse vlag (2010). Vlag! (5), 13.

Westerhoven, M. v. (1998). Sluis-Aardenburg, na misstap tot fusievlag. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (216).

Westerhoven, M. v. (2009). Vlag met wapen voor de gemeente Noord-Beveland. Vlag! (4), 16.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2009). Zeemeerman en -min op vlag gemeente Schouwen- Duiveland. Vlag! (4), 14.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2010). Een Vlaamse leeuw uit de golven: een vlag voor Zeeuws- Vlaanderen. Vlag! (5), 10.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2010). Golven, burchten en een schuinbalk: de vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Sluis. Vlag! (5), 7.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2010). Leeuw met sleutel op gebaand patroon: de vlag van de nieuwe gemeente Terneuzen. Vlag!(5), 8-9.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2010). Nieuwe gemeente Hulst behoudt Vlaamse leeuw. Vlag! (5), 11.

Westerhoven, M. v. (2010). De vlaggen van Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Vlag! (5), 7-13.

Merchant marine

Ham, W. v. (2011). Vlaggen op schepen bij Zierikzee, eerste helft 16de eeuw. Vlag! (9), 15-21.

Bonaire Special Municipality

Minahan, J. (2002). Antilleans Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 135-139). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Smith, W. (1990). New flags: Island Territory of Bonaire. The Flag Bulletin, 29(5), 167- 169.

Sint Eustatius Special Municipality

Antilles Neerlandaises: le drapeau de Saint-Eustache. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla 37/83). 283

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Saba Special Municipality

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Nagorno-Karabakh Partially Recognized State

Artsakh (Haut-Karabagh) (Arménie): Drapeau de la république auto-proclamée. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (38).

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Naples, Kingdom Country

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Naples and Sicily, Kingdom Country

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Neapolitan Republic Country

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Noli, Republic Country

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Northern Cyprus Self-declared State

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Norway Country


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Armed forces

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Cities and Towns

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Merchant marine

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Svalbard Territory

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Papal States Country

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Piombino Country

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Armed forces

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Cities and Towns

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Merchant marine

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Portugal Country

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Armed Forces

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Russie: Le pavillon des forces de l'intérieur du Ministère des AffairesIintérieures de la Russie. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (37/83).

Russie: L'étendard du président de la Fédération. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (40).

Merchant marine

Russia. (1720). Kniga ustav morskoi, o vsem chto kasaetsia dobromu upravleniiu, v bytnosti flota na morie: Napechatasia povelieniem tsarskago velichestva v sankt”piterburgskoi Tipografii Lieta Gospodnia 1720. Aprielia v 13 den’. RU.


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Russia. (1785). Kniga ustav morskii na Rossiiskom i Gollandskom iazykakh o vsem, chto kasaetsia k dobromu upravleniiu, v bytnost’ flota na morie, pechatannyi povelieniem Ego Velichestva Petra Velikago, Imperatora i Samoderzhtsa Vserossiiskago v Sanktpeterburgskoi Tipografii 1724 goda, a v Tipografii Morskogo Shliakhetnago Kadetskago Korpusa piatym tisneniem 1785 goda. Sanktpeterburg, RU.

Russie: Pavillon de la marine de guerre. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (33).

Russie: Pavillons et flammes des bateaux des organes douaniers. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (44).

Russie: Remarques de H. Pinoteau sur le pavillon de beaupré de la Marine russe. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (41/87).

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Minahan, J. (1996). Altai-Khakassia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 19-21). Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Bashkortostan Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 69-71). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Buryatia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 93-95). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Chavashia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 118-120). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Chukotka Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 124-126). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Circassia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 127-130). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 137-140). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Dagestan Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 141-143). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Don Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 174-177). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (1996). Hasava Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 217-219). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Ingria Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 238-240). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Ingushetia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 241-243). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Kalmykia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 265-267). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Karachai-Balkaria Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 274-276). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Karelia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 280-282). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Konigsberg Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 301-303). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Koryakia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 304-306). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Kuban Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 310-312). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Mari-El Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 347-349). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Mordvinia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 374-376). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Ossetia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 431-433). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Sakha Omuk Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 471-473). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (1996). Siberia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 512-514). Westport, CT: Westport, CT.

Minahan, J. (1996). Tatarstan Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 560-562). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Terek Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 563-565). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Udmurtia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 592-597). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Volga Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 601-604). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Zyria Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 642-644). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Dniestrians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 532-537). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Far Easterners Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 600-605). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Oural (Russie): Drapeau des séparatistes. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (33).

Siberie (Russie): drapeau des autonomistes. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (37).

Adygea Republic

Adyghes (Russie): drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (38).

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Abaza Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 1-6). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Adyge Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 36-40). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (2002). Kabards Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 857-862). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Altai Republic

Altai (Russie): Drapeau de la République. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (36).

Altiai (Russie): Rectificatif du drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (38).

Exner, P., & Revnivcev, M. V. (2002). Barnaul (Altajský kraj). Vexi.info, (63R), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf63r.pdf

Minahan, J. (1996). Altai-Khakassia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 19-21). Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Altai Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 91-96). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Siberians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1708-1713). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

pex. (2000). Znak Altajského kraje (RF). Vexi.info, (50), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf50.pdf

pex. (2001). Vlajka Altajského kraje (RF). Vexi.info, (53), 4. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf53.pdf

Amur Republic

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Arkhangelsk Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf 337

Minahan, J. (2002). Komis Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 1003-1008). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Schuurman, W. (2011). Ontwikkelingen in Rusland: Archangelsk, Tjoemen, Transbajkalië. Vlag!(9), 22-23.

Astrakhan Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Bashkortostan Republic

Bachkortostan (Russie): Drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (31).

Bachkortostan (Russie): Modification du drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (41).

Gutiérrez González, A. (2005). Símbolos de Bashkortostán desde 1990. Banderas (94).

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (1996). Bashkortostan Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 69-71). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Bashkorts Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 276-282). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Udmurts Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1952-1957). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Buryatia Republic

Bouriatie (Russie): Le drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (35).


Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (1996). Buryatia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 93-95). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Buryats Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 341-347). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Siberians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1708-1713). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Revnivcev, M. V. (2000). Změna znaku Republiky Burjatsko (RF). Vexi.info, (48), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf48.pdf

Über die Symbole des Aginst-burjatischen Kreises des Sabaikalsker Kraj (2010). DGF- Informationen (41).

Chechnya Republic

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Chechens Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 436-442). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Neue flaggen. (2004). DGF-Informationen (1).

Minahan, J. (2002). Chukots Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 456-461). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Nogais Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1376-1381). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Terek Cassacks Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1875-1881). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

pex. (2004). Návrhy na znak a vlajku Čečenska (RF). Vexi.info, (72R), 4. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf72r.pdf


pex. (2004). Nový znak a vlajka Čečenska (RF). Vexi.info, (75), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf75.pdf

Russie: La Tchétchénie dans la Fédération de Russie. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (37/83).

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Chukotka (Russie): nouveau drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et pavillons (44).

Minahan, J. (2002). Chukots Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 456-461). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Tchouktchie (Russie): Drapeau de l'arrondissement autonome. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (46).

Dagestan Republic

Dagestán (Ruská Federace) : Nařízení o státní vlajce Respubliky Dagestán. (1994). Informace, (2), 1. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/veina.php?cislo=02&nazev=INFORMACE

Dagestán (Ruská Federace) : státní znak. (1995). Vexi.info, (22), 1. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/veina.php?cislo=22&nazev=INFORMACE

Daghestan (Russie): Drapeau et historique. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (41).

Minahan, J. (1996). Dagestan Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 141-143). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Avars Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 216-222). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Chechens Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 436-442). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Dagestains Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 510-515). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Kumyks Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 1042-1048). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (2002). Nogais Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1376-1381). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Terek Cassacks Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1875-1881). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Evenk Autonomous District

Exner, P. (2010). Vyvoj zakladnich administrativnich jednotek RF (3): Krasnojarský kraj. Vexi.info, (109), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf109.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Evenkes Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 583-588). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Ingushetia Republic

Ingušsko (Ruská Federace): Konstrukce symbolu na vlajce Ingušska. (1994). Informace, (1), 1. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/veina.php?cislo=01&nazev=INFORMACE

Ingouchie (Russie): Drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (38).

Ingouchie (Russie): Rectificatif. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (39).

Minahan, J. (1996). Ingushetia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 241-243). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Chechens Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 436-442). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Ingush Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 782-788). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Irkutsk Oblast


Exner, P. (2011). Vývoj základnich administrativnich Jedbnotek RF (5): Irkutská Oblast. Vexi.info (116), 3. Link http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf116.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Siberians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1708-1713). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

pex. (1998). Vlajka Irkutské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (40), 4. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf40.pdf

Jewish Autonomous Oblast

Juive, Republique Autonome (Russie): le drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (36).

Minahan, J. (2002). Jews Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 832-838). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Kabardino-Balkaria (4)

Balkarie (Russie): Modification du drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (39).

Balkarie (Russie): Modification du drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (42).

Kabardino-Balkarie (Russie) : drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (42).

Kabarda et Balkarie (Russie) : drapeau des républiques. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (38).

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Balkars Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 249-254). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (2002). Kabards Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 857-862). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Pchelov, E. V. (2007). Kabardinskaia zemlia v tsarskom titule i russkogo gosudarstvennoi geral’dike XVI--nachala XX veka. Nal’chik, RU: Kabardino- Balkarskii nauchnyi tsentr RAN.

Kaliningrad Oblast

Exner, P. (2006). Symboly Kaliningradské oblasti (Ruska Federace). Vexi.info, (85), 2-3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf85.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Koningsberg Slavs Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 1017-1023). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Neue Flaggen. (2006). DGF-Informationen (13).

pex. (2005). Návrh na znak a vlajku Kaliningradské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (82), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf82.pdf

Stadtflagge von Königsberg (2005). DGF-Informationen (9).

Kalmykia Republic

Kalmoukie (Russie): Le drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (35).

Kalmoukie (Russie): Modification du drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (42).

Kaluga Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf


Neue Flaggen. (2005). DGF-Informationen (5).

Kamchatka Krais Berg, T. J. (2012). The flag of Kamchatka Krai. NAVA News (214), 6-7. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2012_no214.pdf

Exner, P. (2010). Vyvoj zakladnich administrativnich jednotek RF (4): Kamčatský kraj. Vexi.info, (110), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf110.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Koryaks Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 1024-1028). Westport, CT: Westport, CT.

Neue Flaggen. (2005). DGF-Informationen (5).

Die Region Kamtschatka erhielt neue Symbole (2010). DGF-Informationen (42).

Schuurman, W. (2011). Kamtsjatka. Vlag! (8), 14.

Karelia Republic

Carelie (Russie) : Drapeaux et historique. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (40).

Heninen, A. (1998). Vlajky Karélie. Vexi.info, (39), 2-3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf39.pdf

Karelen. (1996). Nordisk Flaggkontakt (23), 24, 26.

Karélie (Ruská Federace): Státní znak. (1995). Informace, (20), 1. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/veina.php?cislo=20&nazev=INFORMACE

Laurla, K. K. (1997). Itä-Karjalan tunnuksia. Helsinki, FI: Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum/Airut.

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf


Minahan, J. (1996). Karelia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 280-282). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Karels Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 927-933). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Veps Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1993-1998). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Russie: La Carélie, au pays des lacs. (n.d.). Franciae Vexilla (60/106).

Kemerovo Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Siberians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1708-1713). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Khabarovsk Kari

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Khakassia Republic

Khakassie (Russie): Drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (36).

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf


Minahan, J. (2002). Khakass Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 979-984). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Siberians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1708-1713). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Neue Flaggen und Wappen. (2007). DGF-Informationen (18).

pex. (2002). Nový znak Chakaské republiky. Vexi.info, (60R), 4. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf60r.pdf

pex. (2007). Změna znaku Republiky Chakasko (RF). Vexi.info, (90), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf90.pdf

Schuurman, W. (2007). en Chakassië: Twee Russische Staten; ietsje anders. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (253).

Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Khantys Mansis (Russie): Modification du drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (44).

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Komis Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 1003-1008). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Ob-Ugrians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1432-1437). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Kirov Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Udmurts Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1952-1957). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug

Komi (Ruská Federace) : Návrh státního znaku. (1994). Informace, (2), 1. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/veina.php?cislo=02&nazev=INFORMACE

Komi : státní vlajka. (1994). Informace, (4), 1. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/veina.php?cislo=04&nazev=INFORMACE

Komi : Státní znak. (1994). Informace, (4), 1. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/veina.php?cislo=04&nazev=INFORMACE

Komis (Russie) : drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et pavillons(32).

Komis-Permiaks (Russie) : le drapeau de la république nationale. (n.d.). Emblèmes et pavillons(35).

Komis, Republique des (Russie) : modification du drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et pavillons(42).

Kostroma Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Neue Flaggen. (2006). DGF-Informationen (13).

Revnivcev, M. V. (2003). Kostroma (Kostromská oblast). Vexi.info, (66R), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf66r.pdf

Krasnodar Krais

Bodiaev, I. M. (2006). Simvoly Krasnodarskogo kraia: Posobie dlia obshcheobrazovatel’noi shkoly. Krasnodar: OIPTS "Perspektivy obrazovaniia"

Exner, P. (2010). Vyvoj zakladnich administrativnich jednotek RF (3) : Krasnojarský kraj. Vexi.info, (109), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf109.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf


Minahan, J. (2002). Kuban Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 1035-1041). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Siberians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1708-1713). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Taimir (Russie): Nouveau drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (44).

Kurgan Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Siberians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1708-1713). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Uralians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1970-1974). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Kursk Oblast

Exner, P. (1999). Vlajka Kurske Oblasti. Vexi.info, (41), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf41.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Leningrad Oblast

Engene, J. O. (1998). Nye flagg. Nordisk Flaggkontakt (27), 5-12.

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link 348

http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Lipetsk Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Magadan Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Mari El (4)

Exner, P. (2011). Nový znak a Nová vlajka Repubiiky Marij El (RF). Vexi.info, (114), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf114.pdf

Gesetz über die Staatsflagge und das Staatswappen der Republik Marii El (2011). DGF- Informationen (47).

Mari El (Russie): Modification du drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (39).

Mariel (Russie): le drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (35).

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (1996). Mari-El Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 347-349). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Maris Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1187-1193). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (2002). Udmurts Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1952-1957). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Neue flaggen. (2007). DGF-Informationen (17).

pex. (2006). Nové symboly Republiky Marij-El (Ruska Federace). Vexi.info, (88), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf88.pdf

Schuurman, W. (2007). Mari El en Chakassië: Twee Russische Staten; ietsje anders. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (253).

Tenora, J. (1998). Die Staatsflagge der Republik Marij El. Der Flaggenkurier (7/8), 30- 35. Link http://www.flaggenkunde.de/veroeffentlichungen/07-30.htm

Tenora, J. (1999). Die Staatsflagge der Republik Marij El. In P. Martinez (Ed.), Flags in Southern Africa and the world: Proceedings of the XVII International Congress of Vexillology: Cape Town, South Africa, 10-15 August 1997 (pp. 288-293 plates 288). Pinegowrie, ZA: Southern African Vexillological Association.

Mordvinia Republic

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (1996). Mordvinia Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 374-376). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Mordvins Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1309-1314). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Moscow Federal city

Durán Rodríguez, A. (1992). Moscú. Banderas (43).

Exner, P. (2003). Symboly moskevských administrativních okruhů (2). Vexi.info, (66R), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf66r.pdf


Exner, P. (2003). Symboly moskevských administrativních okruhů (3). Vexi.info, (69R), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf69r.pdf

Exner, P. (2005). Znaky a vlajky městských částí Moskvy. Vexi.info, (82), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf82.pdf

Herzog, H.-U. (2005). Offizielle Symbole der Moskauer Region. Der Flaggenkurier (20), 17-23.

Lomancov, V. A. (2002). Symboly moskevských administrativních okruhů. Vexi.info, (63R), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf63r.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Orenski, P. J. (2004). Flags of the European capitals. NAVA News, 37(1), 6-12. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2004_vol37no1.pdf

pex. (1999). Symboly Moskevské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (46), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf46.pdf

pex. (1999). Vlajka Moskevské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (45), 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Oblast

Murmansk Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Revnivcev, M. (2004). Projekt vljky a znaku Murmanské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (73), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf73.pdf

Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf


Minahan, J. (2002). Komis Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 1003-1008). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Nenets Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1354-1359). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press

Nenets (Russie): Nouveau drapeau. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (44).

Neue Flaggen: Autonomer Bezirk der Nenzen (2007). DGF-Informationen (25).

Nizhniy Novgorod Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

North Ossetia Republic

Ossetie du Nord (Russie): Drapeau de la république. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (33).

Minahan, J. (2002). Kabards Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 857-862). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Ossetians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1474-1480). Greenwood Press: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Terek Cassacks Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1875-1881). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Novgorod Republic

Exner, P. (2008). Znak a vlajka Novgorodské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (95), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf95.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link 352

http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Schuurman, W. (2012). Ontwikkelingen in Rusland: Voronezj, Novgorod. Vlag! (10), 20.

Novosibirsk Oblast

Exner, P. (2003). Vlajka Novosibirské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (70), 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novosibirsk_Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Siberians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1708-1713). Westport, CT: Greenwood Pres

Omsk Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Orenburg Oblast

Vlajka Orenburgské oblasti (RF). (1998). Vexi.info, (38), 4. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf38.pdf

Penza Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf


Perm Krais

Exner, P. (2003). Vlajka Permeské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (67), 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perm_Krai

Exner, P. (2010). Vyvoj zakladnich administrativnich jednotek RF (2). Vexi.info, (108), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf108.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Udmurts Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1952-1957). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Uralians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1970-1974). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Neue Flagge - Region Perm / Russland (2007). DGF-Informationen (24).

Über das Wappen/die Flagge des Komi-Permjazker Kreises des Permer Kraj (2009). DGF-Informationen (40).

Pskov Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Rostov Oblast

Lomancev, V. (2000). Symboly Rostovské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (47), 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rostov_Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf


Minahan, J. (2002). Don Cossacks Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 538-543). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Saint Petersburg Federal city

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Sakha Republic

Minahan, J. (2002). Sakhas Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1630-1635). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (1996). Sakha Omuk Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 471-473). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Sakha-Yakoutie (Russie): Le drapeau de la République. (n.d.). Emblèmes et Pavillons (35).

Samara Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Saratov Oblast

Exner, P. (2002). Vlajka ASSR Němců Povolží (1926). Vexi.info, (64), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf64.pdf

Revnivcev, M. (2002). Znak Engelské municipality. Vexi.info, (60R), 2-3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf60r.pdf


Revnivcev, M. V. (2003). Vlajka Engelské municipality. Vexi.info, (66R), 1. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf66r.pdf

Smolensk Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Terek Cassacks Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1875-1881). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Okhon’ko, N. A. (2007). Simvoly maloi rodiny. Piatigorsk, RU: Vestnik Kavkaza.

Stavropol Krais

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Cherkess Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 1, pp. 443-448). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Sverdlovsk Oblast

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Komis Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 2, pp. 1003-1008). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Ob-Ugrians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 3, pp. 1432-1437). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Minahan, J. (2002). Udmurts Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1952-1957). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Uralians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1970-1974). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

pex. (2005). Nové symboly Sverdlovské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (78R), 6. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf78r.pdf

Tambov Oblast

Exner, P. (2005). Znak a vlajka Tambovské oblasti (RF). Vexi.info, (78), 3. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf78.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Neue Flaggen. (2005). DGF-Informationen (5).

Tartarstan Republic

Hall, J. (1991). New flags in central Russia. NAVA News, 24(6), 7. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1991_v24no6.pdf

Healy, D. T. (1993). Visual Vexi-Bits. NAVA News, 26(4), 5-6. Link http://www.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_1993_v26no4.pdf

Khamitbaeva, N. S. (2003). Kazanskii "zilant" : k postanovke problemy. Kazan’, RU: In-t istorii AN RT.

Buškancev, G. M. (2005). Pětset let kazaňského Zilanta. Vexi.info, (78R), 2-5. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf78r.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf 357

Minahan, J. (1996). Tatarstan Nations without states: A historical dictionary of contemporary national movements (pp. 560-562). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Tatars Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1856-1862). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Minahan, J. (2002). Udmurts Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1952-1957). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

pex. (2005). Historie města Kazaň. Vexi.info, (78R), 6. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf78r.pdf

Tomsk Oblast

Exner, P. (2004). Tomsk (Tomská oblast) : Vlajky a znaky administrativnich center subjektu Ruske Federace (4). Vexi.info, (72R), 2. http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/vexinf72r.pdf

Martins, A. (2000). Flags of the Russian federation. NAVA News, 33(1), 7-11. Link http://drupal.nava.org/sites/default/files/documents/nava- news/NAVANews_2000_vol33no1.pdf

Minahan, J. (2002). Siberians Encyclopedia of the stateless nations: Ethnic and national groups around the world (Vol. 4, pp. 1708-1713). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Tula Oblast

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Tuva Republic

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Tyumen Oblast

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Ulyanovsk Oblast

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Vladimir Oblast

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Voronezh Oblast

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Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

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Yaroslavl Oblast

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Andalucia Autonomous communities

Covelo, J. M. (2000). La Milicia sevillana durante el siglo XIX. Historia y Vexilología. Banderas (75-76).

López de Montenegro, I. (2003). Banderas del pronunciamiento de 1843 en Sevilla. Banderas (89).

Aragon Autonomous communities

Blanco Lalinde, L. (2001). Los guiones de la 5ª circunscripción (Zaragoza) de la Policía Armada y Cuerpo Nacional de Policía. Banderas (78).

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Asturias Autonomous communities

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Armed forces

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Cities and towns

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Political party

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Balearic Islands Autonomous communities

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Basque Autonomous communities

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Cities and Towns

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Canary Islands Autonomous communities

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Castila-La Mancha Autonomous communities

Miranda Calvo, J. (2010). La bandera Universitaria y el Batallón de Voluntarios de la Universidad (14 de agosto de 1808). Banderas (114).

Sorando Muzás, L. (1999). Banderas blancas del Regimiento Guadalajara en el Museo del Ejército. Banderas (71-72).


Castille and Leon Autonomous communities

Cruz, V. d. l., Fray. (2003). Las banderas de los Regimientos de Burgos. Banderas (87).

Lozano Liarte, C. (2003). El libro de la Cofradía de Santiago de Burgos. Banderas (87).

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Catalonia Autonomous communities

Anguera, P. (2010). Les Quatre barres: De bandera històrica a senyera nacional. Barcelona, ES: Rafael Dalmau.

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Armed Forces

Durán Rodríguez, A. (1994). Del libro "Expedición de los catalanes y aragoneses contra turcos y griegos". Banderas (53).

Manzano Lahoz, A. (1994). Las legiones catalanas en la Guerra de la Independencia. Banderas (53).

Cities and Towns

L’Aldea. (1985). Vexil·la Catalana (2), 11. 413

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Essex County

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Falkland Islands British overseas territory

Engene, J. O. (1999). Nye flagg. Nordisk Flaggkontakt (28), 5-8.

Hampshire County

Burton, T. (2012). City of Portsmouth. Crux Australis, 25(4=104).


Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Schuurman, W. (1998). Londen geeft kroonkolonie terug aan Volksrepubliek China. Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (215).

Ionian Islands Amical Protectorate

Kelly, R. (2012). Jacks in the corner. Crux Australis, 25(2=102).

Isle of Wright County

Exner, P. (2009). Ostrov Wright - nova vlajka hrabstvi. Vexi.info, (103), 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isle_of_Wight

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Schuurman, W. (2008). Een vlag voor het eiland Wight. Vlag! (2), 14.

Northern Ireland Country

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Scotland Country


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Thomson, C. W., & Bell, J. (1912). The Lion Rampant : whose is it? Paisley, UK: A. Gardner.

Vaughan, J. (2003). Scotland overseas. Crux Australis, 16(4=68).

Armed forces

Lawson, C. C. P. (1941-). A history of the uniforms of the British Army. London, GB: Norman Military Publications.

Manganiello, S. C. (2004). The concise encyclopedia of the revolutions and wars of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1639-1660. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.

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Cities and Towns

Die "Auld Alliance" in Aubigny-sur-Nère (2013). DGF-Informationen (61).

Durán Rodríguez, A. (1994). Algunas ciudades y villas de Escocia. Banderas (53).

Harrington, K. (1987). Craigellachie standard has a Canadian connection. Flagscan, 2(1), 12.


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Orkney Islands

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Wales Country

Ashburner, R. (2009). Flags in Wales Proceedings: The XIX International Congress of Vexillology, York 23-27 July 2001 (pp. 127-132). London, GB: The Flag Institute. Link http://www.flaginstitute.org/pdfs/Robin%20Ashburner.pdf

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United States of central Italy Country

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Vatican City Country

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Armed forces

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Venice, Republic Country

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Yugoslavia Country

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Armed forces

Vrisar, S. (2001). Zastave jugoslovanskih polkov na Slovenskem v letih 1930-1941. Kronika Ljubljana: Zgodovinsko drustvo za Slovenijo, 3(2001), 283-287.


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