Grampians Region

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Grampians Region THE VICTORIAN ALCOHOL STATISTICS SERIES REGIONAL SUMMARIES GRAMPIANS REGION ALCOHOL-RELATED HARMS & USE ACROSS VICTORIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREAS 1999/00 – 2006/07 Sharon Matthews, Monica J. Barratt, Belinda Lloyd The Victorian Alcohol Statistics Series is derived from work conducted by the Population Health Research Program at Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Eastern Health. The work is commissioned by the Victorian Department of Health. The primary aim of this project is to establish key indicators of alcohol consumption and related harm within the Victorian community for the purpose of informing policy formulation, resource allocation, and service planning and monitoring. This Summary presents findings from the Alcohol Statistics Series for the Grampians Region.1 2 Key Findings Alcohol-related hospital admission rates: Upward trend for the region, Ballarat, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Hindmarsh, Horsham, Moorabool, Northern Grampians, West Wimmera. Downward trend for: Yarriambiack. Alcohol-related assaults: Upward trend for Ballarat, Golden Plains, Northern Grampians, Yarriambiack Downward trend for: Hepburn, Hindmarsh, Horsham, Moorabool. Alcohol related serious road injury: Upward trend for: Ballarat. Downward trend for: Golden Plains, Horsham Northern Grampians. Alcohol related courses of treatment: Upward trend for: the region, Ararat, Ballarat, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Hindmarsh, Horsham, Moorabool, Northern Grampians, Pyrenees, Yarriambiack. Downward trend: none Liquor Licensing: Upward trend: Hepburn, Horsham, Northern Grampians, West Wimmera. Downward trend: Ararat, Golden Plains, Hindmarsh. 1 Please notes, some of the following rates may be based on small numbers and this can produce unstable results. For instance small numbers and small populations can produce larger than expected results. For further details see the methods section of the full publication. 2 Matthews, S, Barratt, M J & Lloyd, B (2011), Victorian alcohol statistics: Alcohol-related harms and use across Victorian local government areas 1999– 2000 to 2006–07. Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre, Fitzroy 1 Alcohol-related hospital admissions Figure 2 Alcohol-related hospital admission Figure 5 Alcohol-related death rates (per 10,000 rates (per 10,000 residents) for residents in residents) in the Ballarat LGA, Grampians selected LGAs, Grampians region & Victoria, region and Victoria, 1999 to 2006 Figures 1 to 4 show rates of alcohol- 1999-00 to 2006-07 10.0 related hospital admissions over an eight Ballarat 100.0 year period for the LGAs of the Hepburn 80.0 Grampians Grampians region. Hindmarsh 60.0 5.0 Total State of The overall Victorian rate has steadily Horsham Victoria 40.0 Rateper 10,000 increased from 1999-00 and the regional Grampians 20.0 rate has demonstrated an upward trend Total State 0.0 increasing from 30 in 1999-00 to 41 per 0.0 of Victoria 10,000 in 2006-07. With one exception the regional rates over time have been (Source: ABS) significantly lower than the state. (Source: DH VAED) Alcohol-related assaults Since 2001-02 the Rural City of Ararat The Shire of Moorabool over the eight Figures 6 and 7 show rates of alcohol- has shown rates for alcohol-related years has shown an overall upward trend related assaults (for the location of hospital admissions significantly lower in rates for alcohol-related hospital assault) over an eight year period for the than the state. Although there has been admissions increasing from 23 per LGAs in the Grampians region. The an overall decrease in rates from 1999- 10,000 in 1999-00 to 36 in 2006-07. All region rates have been relatively flat over 00 to 2006-07, over the three most years have been significantly lower than time, while the state has shown an recent years there was an upward trend the state. upward trend. The regional rate for all emerging. Figure 3 Alcohol-related hospital admission eight years was significantly higher than The City of Ballarat over the eight years rates (per 10,000 residents) for residents in the Victorian rate but in recent years has selected LGAs, Grampians region & Victoria, has followed the regional pattern for 1999-00 to 2006-07 started to converge. rates in alcohol-related hospital 100.0 From 1999-00 to 2006-07 rates for the admissions, demonstrating an overall Moorabool Rural City of Ararat have not changed. increase. Rates for Ballarat across all 80.0 Northern However there has been variability in the years have been significantly lower than 60.0 Grampians Pyrenees intervening years. Four of the eight years the state. 40.0 Grampians have shown significantly higher rates 20.0 The Shire of Golden Plains over the eight Total State than the state. Similar to the City of years has shown rates for alcohol-related 0.0 of Victoria Ararat actual rates for Ballarat from hospital admissions significantly lower 1999-00 to 2006-07 have changed little. than the state. Rates have increased However rates have been trending from 14 per 10,000 in 1999-00 to 25 in (Source: DH VAED) upwards over the most recent four years. 2006-07. The Shire of Yarriambiack over the eight All years shown have rates significantly higher than the state. Figure 1 Alcohol-related hospital admission years has shown rates for alcohol-related rates (per 10,000 residents) for residents in hospital admissions differed significantly Figure 6 Alcohol-related assault rates (per selected regional LGAs, Grampians region & from the state on two occasions – higher 10,000 residents) by location of assault for Victoria, 1999-00 to 2006-07 in 2002-03 and lower in 2006-07, for all selected regional LGAs, Grampians region & Victoria, 1999-00 to 2006-07 100.0 other years there were no significant Ararat 50.0 80.0 differences. Ararat Ballarat 60.0 Figure 4 Alcohol-related hospital admission 40.0 Ballarat Golden 40.0 rates (per 10,000 residents) for residents in 30.0 Plains selected LGAs, Grampians region & Victoria, Grampians 20.0 Hepburn 20.0 1999-00 to 2006-07 Total State 0.0 10.0 of Victoria Grampians 100.0 West 0.0 Wimmera 80.0 Total State of Victoria (Source: DH VAED) 60.0 Yarriambiack 40.0 (Source: Victoria Police LEAP) The Shire of Hepburn over the eight Grampians 20.0 years has shown rates for alcohol-related Total State hospital admissions increased from 42 to 0.0 of Victoria 48 per 10,000, with no significant The Rural City of Horsham, the Shires of difference to the state. Moorabool and the Northern Grampian (Source: DH VAED) over the eight years have changed very little. However the intervening years Alcohol-related deaths there has been substantial variability, Owing to small numbers across the years particularly in the Northern Grampians Shire. All three LGAs for the majority of only the City of Ballarat, the region and state rates are shown in Figure 5. There years have rates significantly higher than were no significant differences between the state. the jurisdiction within the Grampians region and the state. 2 Figure 7 Alcohol-related assault rates (per Figure 9 Alcohol-related serious road injury 1999-00 to 2006-07 there has been a 10,000 residents) by location of assault for rates (per 10,000 residents) (SRI) all ages by broad upward trend. selected regional LGAs, Grampians region & location of injury for selected regional LGAs, Victoria, 1999-00 to 2006-07 Grampians region and Victoria, 1999-00 to 2006- Figure 10 Alcohol-related courses of treatment 07 (COT) rates per 10,000 residents, all ages, for selected LGAs, Grampians region and Victoria, 40.0 1999-00 to 2006-07 Moorabool 30.0 120.0 Northern Grampians 100.0 Ararat Grampians 20.0 80.0 Ballarat 60.0 Total State Golden 10.0 of Victoria 40.0 Plains Grampians 20.0 0.0 Total State 0.0 of Victoria (Source: VicRoads) (Source: Victoria Police LEAP) (Source: DH ADIS) Alcohol-related treatment services Alcohol-related serious road injury The Shire of Hepburn over the eight (SRI) Figures 10 to 13 show rates for years has shown rates for alcohol-related Figure 8 and 9 show rates of alcohol- government funded drug treatment courses of treatment significantly higher related serous road injury (for the services where alcohol was identified as than the state with one exception. Rates location of the injury) over an eight year the primary drug of concern over an eight for 2006-07 may indicate the start of an period for the LGAs of the Grampians year period for the LGAs of the upward trend. Grampians. region. Both the region and the state Rates for the Shire of Hindmarsh only rates for alcohol-related serious road These figures show over the eight years achieved a significant difference in 2006- injury have been relatively stable. The for Victoria and the region there has 07 where the rate was lower than the regional rate differed significantly from been an upward trend in rates of alcohol- state. There has been a suggestion of the state in three of the eight years related treatment episodes. The regional downturn since 2004-05. shown. rate was significantly higher than the Victorian rate for all eight years shown. The Rural City of Horsham rates for The City of Ballarat for the first four years alcohol-related courses of treatment shown had rates significantly lower than The rate of alcohol-related courses of treatment for the region has increased have shown an upward trend since 2004- the state. Thereafter only one year was 05. Rates since this time have been significantly different from the state. from 28 per 10,000 residents to 51, while the Victorian rate increase has been from significantly higher than the state. Figure 8 Alcohol-related serious road injury 26 to 40 per 10,000 in 1999-00 and Figure 11 Alcohol-related courses of treatment rates (per 10,000 residents) (SRI) all ages by 2006-07 respectively.

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