Complete Taxidermy Packet
May 28,2004 COMMISSIONERS TexasTaxidermist JOSEPH B.C. FITZSIMONS CHATRMAN SAN ANTONIO ALVIN L, HENRY DearTaxidermist: VICE-CHAIRMAN HOUSTON J. ROBERT BROWN The following informationhas been distributed to gamewardens across Texas, EL PASO so that enforcementefforts can be consistent. Additionally, a handout is NED S. HOLMES HOUSTON includedthat reflectsthe legislativechanges that becameeffective September l, PETER M. HOLT 1997,alongwith the new ColdStorage or ProcessingFacility Record Book. SAN ANTONIO PHILIP MONTGOMERY DALLAS . Any part of a deerthat is left at a taxidermistis requiredto havea wildlife JOHN D, PARKER LUFKIN resourcedocument (WRD) accompanythe part (PW Code, $42.018(d)). DONATO O. RAMOS The WRD mustremain with the part,until the ownerpicks it up. LAREDo MARK E. WATSON, JR. SAN ANTONIO r If a part is left with a taxidermistand the carcasshas already been processed, LEE M, BASS C HAIRMAN-EM ER ITUs thenthe part couldbe taggedwith a tag from the huntinglicense or a WRD. FORT WORTH o physically ROBERT L, COOK While at the taxidermist,the WRD or tag doesnot have to be ExEcurtvE DrREcroR attachedto a part, but may be attachedto an invoice or record at the taxidermistshop, provided that thereis an identifyingtag or mark attached to the part that directlyties thepart to the WRD or tag in the records. o Old mounts taken to a taxidermist for refurbishing do not need a tag or WRD. Capesand hides that taxidermistshave bought and areholding to be usedin their businessdo not needa tag or WRD. In mostcases, they will havea receiptwhere the partswere purchased. o Antlers that the taxidermistis in possessionof that were brought into the Take a kid hunting or fishing shopbefore September l,1997 shouldnot be a concern,although the WRD I Oo wasin effectprior to that date.
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