Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 200 / Thursday, October 16, 2014 / Notices 62203 Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, of femora inserted into the obturator Building, 503 S. Thompson St., Ann Minnesota; Sokaogon Chippewa foramen of the pelvis. Between 1996 Arbor, MI 48109–1340, telephone (734) Community, Wisconsin; St. Croix and 2006, 1 lot of DNA extractions was 647–9085, email
[email protected], Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin; Turtle taken from human remains in this site by November 17, 2014. After that date, Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians of collection. if no additional requestors have come North Dakota; and the White Earth Band The human remains date to the Late forward, transfer of control of the of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Woodland Period (900–1300 A.D.) based human remains and associated funerary Minnesota. on objects found at the site. The 812 objects to The Tribes may proceed. Hereafter, all tribes listed in this associated funerary objects present are The University of Michigan’s Office of section are referred to as ‘‘The Tribes.’’ 789 ceramic sherds, 20 black bear bone Research is responsible for notifying History and Description of the Remains fragments, 1 stone celt, 1 ceramic elbow The Tribes that this notice has been pipe, and 1 lot of red ochre and soil. published. From 1923 to 1935, human remains representing, at minimum, 94 Determinations Made by the University Dated: September 22, 2014. individuals were removed from the of Michigan Melanie O’Brien, Younge site (20LP1) in Lapeer County, Officials of the University of Michigan Acting Manager, National NAGPRA Program. MI.