Information As of 1 August 2014 Has Been Used in Preparation of This Directory

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Information As of 1 August 2014 Has Been Used in Preparation of This Directory Information as of 1 August 2014 has been used in preparation of this directory. PREFACE The Central Intelligence Agency publishes and updates the online directory of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments weekly. The directory is intended to be used primarily as a reference aid and includes as many governments of the world as is considered practical, some of them not officially recognized by the United States. Regimes with which the United States has no diplomatic exchanges are indicated by the initials NDE. Governments are listed in alphabetical order according to the most commonly used version of each country's name. The spelling of the personal names in this directory follows transliteration systems generally agreed upon by US Government agencies, except in the cases in which officials have stated a preference for alternate spellings of their names. NOTE: Although the head of the central bank is listed for each country, in most cases he or she is not a Cabinet member. Ambassadors to the United States and Permanent Representatives to the UN, New York, have also been included. Page 2 of 211 Key to Abbreviations Adm. Admiral Admin. Administrative, Administration Asst. Assistant Brig. Brigadier Capt. Captain Cdr. Commander Cdte. Comandante Chmn. Chairman, Chairwoman Col. Colonel Ctte. Committee Del. Delegate Dep. Deputy Dept. Department Dir. Director Div. Division Dr. Doctor Eng. Engineer Fd. Mar. Field Marshal Fed. Federal Gen. General Govt. Government Intl. International Lt. Lieutenant Maj. Major Mar. Marshal Mbr. Member Min. Minister, Ministry NDE No Diplomatic Exchange Org. Organization Pres. President Prof. Professor RAdm. Rear Admiral Ret. Retired Sec. Secretary VAdm. Vice Admiral VMar. Vice Marshal Page 3 of 211 Afghanistan Last Updated: 11 May 2014 Pres. Hamid KARZAI First Vice Pres. Yunis QANUNI Second Vice Pres. Abdul Karim KHALILI Min. of Agriculture, Irrigation, & Livestock Mohammad Asif RAHIMI Min. of Border & Tribal Affairs Mohammad Akram KHPALWAK, Dr. Min. of Commerce & Industry (Acting) Mohammad Shakir KARGAR Min. of Communications Amirzai SANGIN Min. of Counternarcotics (Acting) Din Mohammad Mubarez RASHEDI Min. of Defense BISMULLAH Muhammadi Khan Min. of Economy Abdul Hadi ARGHANDIWAL Min. of Education Faruq WARDAK Min. of Energy & Water (Acting) Aref NOORZAI Min. of Finance Omar ZAKHILWAL Min. of Foreign Affairs (Acting) Ahmad Zarar MOQBEL Osmani Min. of Hajj & Islamic Affairs Mohammad Yusuf NIAZI Min. of Health Suraya DALIL, Dr. Min. of Higher Education Obaidullah OBAID Min. of Information & Culture Sayed Makhdum RAHIN Min. of Interior Mohammad Umer DAUDZAI Min. of Justice (Acting) Said Yusuf HALIM Min. of Martyred, Disabled, Labor, & Social Affairs Amena AFZALI Min. of Mines & Petroleum (Acting) Haji Akbar BARAKZAI Min. of Public Works Najibullah AOUDJAN Min. of Refugees & Repatriation Jamahir ANWARI Min. of Rural Rehabilitation & Development Wais BARMACK Min. of Transportation & Civil Aviation Daoud Ali NAJAFI, Dr. Min. of Urban Development Hassan ABDULHAI Min. of Women's Affairs Hasan Bano GHAZANFAR National Security Adviser Rangin Dadfar SPANTA Dir. Gen. (Acting), National Directorate of Security Rahmatullah NABIL Governor, Da Afghanistan Bank Noorullah DELAWARI Ambassador to the US Eklil Ahmad HAKIMI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Zahir TANIN Page 4 of 211 Albania Last Updated: 6 Dec 2013 Pres. Bujar NISHANI Prime Min. Edi RAMA Dep. Prime Min. Niko PELESHI Min. of Agriculture, Food, & Consumer Protection Edmond PANARITI Min. of Culture Mirela KUMBARO Min. of Defense Mimi KODHELI Min. of Economic Development, Trade, & Entrepreneurship Arben AHMETAJ Min. of Education & Sports Lindita NIKOLLI Min. of Energy & Industry Damian GJIKNURI Min. of Environment Lefter KOKA Min. of Finance Shkelqim CANI Min. of Foreign Affairs Ditmir BUSHATI Min. of Health Ilir BEQJA Min. of Innovation & Public Admin. Milena HARITO Min. of Integration Klajda GJOSHA Min. of Interior Sajmir TAHIRI Min. of Justice Nasip NACO Min. of Local Govt. Affairs Bled CUCI Min. of Relations With Parliament Ilirjan CELIBASHI Min. of Social Welfare & Youth Erion VELIAJ Min. of Transport & Infrastructure Edmond HAXHINASTO Min. of Urban Development & Tourism Englantina GJERMENI Governor, Bank of Albania Ardian FULLANI Ambassador to the US Gilbert GALANXHI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ferit HOXHA Page 5 of 211 Algeria Last Updated: 11 May 2014 Pres. Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA Prime Min. Abdelmalek SELLAL Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Abdelwahab NOURI Min. of Commerce Amara BENYOUNES Min. of Communication Hamid GRINE Min. of Culture Nadia LABIDI Min. of Energy Youcef YOUSFI Min. of Finance Mohamed DJELLAB Min. of Fisheries & Fishing Resources Sid Ahmed FERROUKHI Min. of Foreign Affairs Ramtane LAMAMRA Min. of Health, Population, & Hospital Reform Abdelmalek BOUDIAF Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Mohamed MEBARKI Min. of Housing, Urban Planning, & the City Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE Min. of Industry & Mines Abdesalam BOUCHOUAREB Min. of Interior & Local Govts. Tayeb BELAIZ Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Tayeb LOUH Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Security Mohamed GHAZI Min. of National Defense Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA Min. of National Education Nouria BENGHEBRIT Min. of National Planning & Environment Dalila BOUDJEMAA Min. of National Solidarity, Family, & Women's Affairs Mounia MESLEM Min. of Postal Services & Information & Communication Technologies Zohra DERDOURI Min. of Public Works Abdelkader KADI Min. of Relations With the Parliament Khelil MAHI Min. of Religious Affairs & Endowments Mohamed AISSA Min. of Sports Mohamed TAHMI Min. of Tourism & Craft Industry Nouria Yasmina ZERHOUNI Min. of Transport Amar GHOUL Min. of Vocational Training Nouredine BEDOUI Min. of War Veterans (Moudjahidine) Tayeb ZITOUNI Min. of Water Resources Hocine NECIB Min. of Youth Abdelkader KHOMRI Min.-Del. to the Min. of Finance in Charge of the Budget Hadji Baba AMMI Min.-Del. to the Min. of Foreign Affairs in Charge of Maghreb & African Affairs Abdelkader MESSAHEL Sec. Gen. of the Govt. Ahmed NOUI Governor, Bank of Algeria Mohamed LAKSACI Ambassador to the US Abdallah BAALI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Sabri BOUKADOUM Page 6 of 211 Andorra Last Updated: 16 Jan 2014 Head of State (Co-Prince) Francois HOLLANDE Head of State (Co-Prince) Joan-Enric VIVES i SICILIA, Bishop Head of Govt. Antoni MARTI Petit Min. of Culture Albert Esteve GARCIA Min. of Economy & Territorial Planning Jordi ALCOBE Min. of Education & Youth Roser SUNE Min. of Finance & Public Admin. Jordi CINCA Mateos Min. of Foreign Affairs Gilbert SABOYA Sunye Min. of Health & Wellness Cristina RODRIGUEZ Min. of Justice & Interior Xavier ESPOT Zamora Min. of the Presidency Antoni RIBERAYGUA Sasplugas Min. of Tourism & Environment Francesc CAMP Ambassador to the US Narcis CASAL de Fonsdeviela Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Narcis CASAL de Fonsdeviela Page 7 of 211 Angola Last Updated: 20 Jul 2014 Pres. Jose Eduardo DOS SANTOS Vice Pres. Manuel Domingos VICENTE Min. of Agriculture Afonso Pedro CANGA Min. of Commerce Rosa Escorcio PACAVIRA DE MATOS Min. of Culture Rosa Maria MARTINS DA CRUZ E SILVA Min. of Defense Joao Manuel Goncalves LOURENCO Min. of Economy Abraao Pio dos Santos GOURGEL Min. of Education Mpinda SIMAO Min. of Energy & Water Joao Baptista BORGES Min. of Environment Maria de Fatima Monteiro JARDIM Min. of External Relations Georges Rebelo CHIKOTI Min. of Family & Women Promotion Maria Felomena de Fatima Lobao TELO DELGADO Min. of Finance Armando MANUEL Min. of Fisheries Victoria Christopher Francisco Lopes de Barros NETO Min. of Former Combatants & Veterans of War Candido Pereira dos Santos VAN DUNEM, Maj. Gen. Min. of Geology, Mines, & Industry Manuel Francisco QUEIROS Min. of Health Jose Vieira DIAS VAN-DUNEM Min. of Higher Education Adao do NASCIMENTO Min. of Hotels & Tourism Pedro MUTINDE Min. of Industry Bernarda Goncalves Martins Henriques DA SILVA Min. of Interior Angelo de Barros Veiga TAVARES Min. of Justice & Human Rights Rui Jorge Carneiro MANGUEIRA Min. of Parliamentary Affairs Rosa Luis de Sousa MICOLO Min. of Petroleum Jose Maria Botelho de VASCONCELOS Min. of Planning Job GRACA Min. of Public Admin., Employment, & Social Security Antonio Domingos da Costa Pitra NETO Min. of Science & Technology Maria Candida TEIXEIRA Min. of Social Communication Jose Luis DE MATOS Min. of Telecommunications & Information Technology Jose Carvalho DA ROCHA Min. of Territorial Admin. Bornito de Sousa Baltazar DIOGO Min. of Transport Augusto da Silva TOMAS Min. of Urbanism & Housing Jose Antonio Maria DA CONCEICAO E SILVA Min. of Welfare & Social Reintegration Joao Baptista KUSSUMUA Min. of Youth & Sports Goncalves Manuel MUANDUMBA Min. in the Office of the Presidency, Civil Affairs Edeltrudes Mauricio Fernandes GASPAR DA COSTA Min. in the Office of the Presidency, Military Affairs Manuel Helder "Kopelipa" VIEIRA DIAS Sec. of the Council of Ministers Frederico Manuel dos Santos e Silva CARDOSO Governor, National Bank of Angola Jose de Lima MASSANO Ambassador to the US Alberto do Carmo BENTO RIBEIRO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ismael Abraao GASPAR MARTINS Page 8 of 211 Antigua and Barbuda Last Updated: 2 Jul 2013 Governor Gen. Louise Agnetha LAKE-TACK Prime Min. Baldwin SPENCER Dep. Prime Min. Wilmoth DANIEL Min. of Agriculture, Lands, Housing, & the Environment Hilson BAPTISTE Min. of Education, Sports, Youth, & Gender Affairs Jacqui QUINN-LEANDRO Min. of Finance, the Economy, & Public
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