The New Government

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The New Government The new Government HM King Mohammed VI, accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, appointed, on Tuesday in the Royal Palace in Rabat, the new cabinet. Here are the members of the cabinet: - Abdelilah Benkirane: Head of the Government. - Abdellah Baha: State Minister. - Mohand Laenser : Minister of the Interior . - Saad-Eddine El Othmani: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. - Mustafa Ramid: Minister of Justice and Liberties. - Ahmed Toufiq: Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs. - Driss Dahak: Secretary-General of the Govenment. - Nizar Baraka : Minister of Economics and Finance. - Nabil Benabdellah: Minister of Housing, Town Planning and Urban Policy. - Aziz Akhannouch: Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. - Mohamed El Ouafa: Minister of National Education. - Lahcen Daoudi: Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training - Mohamed Ouzzine: Minister of Youth and Sports. - Aziz Rabbah: Minister of Equipment and Transport. - El Hossein El Ouardi: Minister of Health. - Mustapha El Khalfi: Minister of Communications, spokesman for the Government. - Fouad Douiri: Minister of Energy, Mines, Water and the Environment. - Abdelouahed Souhail: Minister of Labour and Vocational Training. - Abdelkader Aâmara: Minister of Industry, Trade and New Technologies. - Lahcen Haddad: Minister of Tourism. - Bassima Hakkaoui : Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development. - Mohamed Amine Sbihi : Minister of Culture. - Abdessamad Qaiouh : Minister of Handicrafts. - Lahbib Choubani : Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament and Civil Society. - Abdellatif Loudiyi: Minister Delegate to the Head of the Government in charge of the Administration of National Defense. - Abdellatif Maazouz: Minister Delegate to the Head of the Government in Charge of the Moroccans Living Abroad. - Charki Draiss: Minister Delegate to the Interior Minister. - Youssef Amrani: Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. - Mohamed Najib Boulif: Minister Delegate to the Head of the Government in charge of General Affairs and Governance. - Abdelâdim El Guerrouj: Minister Delegate to the Head of the Government in Charge of Civil Service and the Administration Modernization. - Idriss Azami Al Idrissi: Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economics and Finance in Charge of the Budget. The cabinet took the oath before HM the King. .
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