The new Government

HM King Mohammed VI, accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, appointed, on Tuesday in the Royal Palace in , the new cabinet.

Here are the members of the cabinet:

- : Head of the Government. - : State Minister. - : Minister of the Interior . - Saad-Eddine El Othmani: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. - : Minister of Justice and Liberties. - : Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs. - : Secretary-General of the Govenment. - : Minister of Economics and Finance. - Nabil Benabdellah: Minister of Housing, Town Planning and Urban Policy. - : Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. - : Minister of National Education. - : Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training - : Minister of Youth and Sports. - : Minister of Equipment and Transport. - : Minister of Health. - : Minister of Communications, spokesman for the Government. - : Minister of Energy, Mines, Water and the Environment. - : Minister of Labour and Vocational Training. - Abdelkader Aâmara: Minister of Industry, Trade and New Technologies. - : Minister of Tourism. - : Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development. - : Minister of Culture. - Abdessamad Qaiouh : Minister of Handicrafts. - : Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament and Civil Society. - : Minister Delegate to the Head of the Government in charge of the Administration of National Defense. - : Minister Delegate to the Head of the Government in Charge of the Living Abroad. - : Minister Delegate to the Interior Minister. - : Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. - : Minister Delegate to the Head of the Government in charge of General Affairs and Governance. - Abdelâdim El Guerrouj: Minister Delegate to the Head of the Government in Charge of Civil Service and the Administration Modernization. - : Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economics and Finance in Charge of the Budget.

The cabinet took the oath before HM the King.