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STRATEGIC REVIEW SSATP ANNEX REPORT Volume III NETHERLANDS ECONOMIC INSTITUTE October 2001 This Annex Report (Volume III) is one of the final outputs of the strategic review of the Sub-Saharan Transport Policy Programme (SSATP). In addition to this Annex Report, an Extended Executive Summary (Volume I) and a Final Report (Volume II) have been produced. In the Annex Report the following annexes are included: 1. Terms of Reference 2. References 3. Country Report Côte d’Ivoire 4. Country Report Ethiopia 5. Country report Ghana 6. Country Report Malawi 7. Country Report Mozambique 8. Donors’ Perspective 9. The policy issues 10. Partnerships beyond Africa 11. Review Framework SSATP 12. Expenditures and Budget Assessment 13. SSATP Framework Document 14. UNECA: minutes of meeting Annex 1 Terms of Reference Terms of Reference A. Background To The Review 2001 The Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) was launched as a joint initiative of the World Bank and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) to improve transport sector performance by promoting policy reforms and institutional changes. The basic premises of the Program are that: (i) policy reform is essential to obtain improved transport services; and (ii) countries and their development partners need to collaborate within the common framework of policies in the sector. The program has over the last twelve years evolved into a flexible tool for the development of such a framework. SSATP is a broad collaborative effort of national development aid agencies, international agencies (UNDP, ILO and UNCTAD), and African institutions (i.e. UAR, MINCONMAR, PTA), with the World Bank and the ECA acting as the Executing Agencies. An International Advisory Committee chaired by UNECA which first met in 1987 initially coordinated its activities. The principles and the coverage of the SSATP were laid down at a meeting of the IAC in Oslo in 1988. By 1992 policy reform had emerged as the prime area needing attention. Program management resides with the World Bank. A review of the SSATP was conducted in 1995. Some of its principal findings were: Need for sustained, multiyear flexible financing. Geographic expansion of SSATP components within Africa. Deepening of SSATP ownership by SSA countries and shedding of donor-led image. Need for increased attention to mechanisms employed to translate policy into practice. Improve dissemination and sensitize the general public at national level. In 1996, the World Bank underwent major reorganization, which resulted in components of the program, hitherto located within one division, to be located in several units of the Bank. For some time, this resulted in some lack of cohesiveness in the program, but recent merger of the Africa Transport units has assisted in unifying program and component management. The SSATP is currently implemented through five sub-components Road Management Initiative (RMI). Urban Mobility (UM). Rural Travel and Transport Program (RTTP). Trade and Transport (T&T). Railway Restructuring (RR). 1 SSATP Mission Statement was formulated in 2000: The SSATP is an international partnership to facilitate policy reforms and related capacity building in the transport sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sound policies lead to safe, reliable and cost effective transport, freeing people to lift themselves out of poverty, and helping countries to compete internationally. While SSATP is viewed by its sponsors to have been overall successful and to have played an innovative role in evolution of African transport policy, it now is at a juncture that demands a comprehensive assessment of SSATP and reformulation of its strategies. Change in the program’s emphasis, evolving need of its beneficiaries and requests by donors supporting the program for improved clarity in linkages between objectives and inputs and outputs of the program, is now necessitating recalibration of SSATP. An interim study of the management of SSATP was conducted in the fall of 2000, assessment of which can be used as input to this review. This review is intended to support a SSATP reform process started at a Business Meeting in June 2000, and to be a significant input into a SSATP General Assembly meeting scheduled for September, 2001. It will therefore be important that indicated timing be adhered to. Inception report needs to be presented about 3 weeks following the start of the assignment, and a draft report to be presented 7 weeks hence. A final report is expected 2 weeks following submission of comments on the draft. The assignment requires extensive travel during the study period. B. Purpose of the Review 2001 The Review 2001 will provide a “Strategy to 2006” for SSATP management, supporting donors, beneficiary countries and cooperating partners. This Review will take account of the SSATP’s performance since 1987, the new orientation developed during the SSATP 2000 business meeting and decisions made at a follow up meeting in Copenhagen in November, 2000. It will locate the "Strategy to 2006" within a clear logical framework demonstrating how the SSATP vision, as prescribed in its mission statement, may be realized. The results of focused analysis will thus provide SSATP stakeholders with sufficient knowledge to (i) adapt the program focus (ii) decide on whether the program should be modified to allow for new or emerging subject areas, such as road safety, gender, environment and HIV-Aids issues, and if so, how these issues can be accommodated by the program, (iii) secure sufficient resources for ensuring SSATP can, at regional, sub- regional and country levels adequately facilitate the formulation and implementation of transport policy reform as well as building sufficient capacity to resolve post-reform issues, (iv) further strengthen its program structure and management, and (v) translate vision into results measured by simple performance indicators. 2 The review will, based on learning lessons from the past, recommend a strategy for ensuring SSATP policy reform initiatives effectively contribute to meeting wider development goals, particularly poverty reduction strategies. Further, the recommended strategy will, to the extent feasible, complement current and evolving developmental approaches, including the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF), Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) and Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative. C. Results of the Review 2001 The Review will deliver the following: (Program) i. an assessment of the added value and the Program’s comparative advantage for translating policy reform into sustainable practices in three countries, as well as views of these countries on the proposals of the Review to be delivered under points (v) to (ix) below. ii. to gain comparative indication, the review will assess standing of transport policies in a Sub-Saharan country that has had minimal exposure to SSATP. iii. an assessment of the way in which the program and its components respond to stakeholders' demands at the regional, sub-regional and country levels, and recommendations for improving SSATP’s role in facilitating reform at these levels and responding to post reform issues, iv. in this context, assess whether new and recently emerging subject areas should be advanced by SSATP, such as road safety, gender, environment and HIV-Aids issues (relationship between transmission patterns and transport corridors) – if so recommended, how these issues can be accommodated by the program and how should SSATP involvement be harmonized with existing efforts. v. an assessment of how SSATP components can improve their interface between country and sub-regional transport programs, vi. analyze the value added of a program approach vis-a-vis component approach; develop proposals for ways in which SSATP can move from a program of discrete components to developing an SSATP program approach at regional, sub-regional and country level, vii. an assessment of the impact of the annual coordinating meetings of RMI, RTTP and UM, and identification of ways for improving how such meetings could, firstly, strengthen the focus of these components and improve their interfaces with and support to country and sub-regional level transport programs, an assessment of the existing media for sharing experiences and disseminating and proposals for improving the flow of knowledge to stakeholders engaged in transport reform and sector development programs at all levels, (Governance) 3 viii. proposals for increasing African participation in setting priorities and delivering Program and component results at regional, sub-regional and at country levels. ix. assessing the working practices of SSATP’s new management structure for ensuring these practices improve accountability to stakeholders, x. proposals for ways of learning lessons of similar policy initiatives of partners beyond Africa (Resources) xi. An assessment of the application of financial resources since 1995, to (a) studies, dissemination (publications, seminars), capacity building, evaluation (b) regional, sub-regional and country programs, and (c) financial resources used in each country by each SSATP component xii. an assessment of the resources, financial and human, required for managing, administering and implementing SSATP and its components and the flexible management of these resources to meet the Program and component needs. Such assessments should include resource forecasts based on low and high funding scenarios. Existing funding level can be assumed to be a low case scenario.