Leed Tc Ofuss 5Over 1 Foreig Lrlrity£ Gnersi Ibuyin Ig Fan

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Leed Tc Ofuss 5Over 1 Foreig Lrlrity£ Gnersi Ibuyin Ig Fan i ! N o n *leed tcofuss5 over foreig1 gnersIibuyinig fanm s i ByWAYNIkYNEKING A ccounting Office, whichwhic Is gathering data on foreignfo counties in Georgia,■gla, and Uiree cach In California,'omia, Kansas interests and'1 . ©N.Y. Time id- Nebrasxa nm e .one-hundrundrcdths of ono rimes S^ c e .. fannland ownershipt for theI Congress, currently con;onslder- and Missouri. “Therho txittomb line," he said , "w as ih V ATLANTA — Panelists A'as t h n t 000 percent, its representing govemment,ent, ing legislation lo requirejulre disclosure of such holdingsg sto th o acres out of 16,000,(X)100,000 In ,Uie counties hatl been b< j a ^ c u lU ^ a l, acadcmlc and rej <H;n bouRht by However, Uie rate of foreign buyingg of United States d real e sta te interests generallyally Department of Agrlcultrlculture, conceded that no reliablere nonroldent aliens,"ns," abouti ono'tenth of one pcrcen /. npeed Thureday. thal-the fu orcent. farmland mightight have been suggested-by--by-a report from e furor over foreign Interestse sts-. m'etiiDd now exists for determinlng-Ujo-estentd of'fo['foreign He- reported that Johnson County, Ga.,',, 'imdImd over 6 V erm ont — bas( buying up' dltlcar American i Based on a lim ited survey, nonnonresident aliens :ah fannland is not Justified1 by land ownership. percent of its farmlaim land under foreign ownership,^ip. In that state boi the extent of cuirent foreign ho bought 931 acres, o r about1 2020; percent, of the 31 holdings. ■" John Ir^ m all, Jr., fia fawyer whose Atlanta fintlrm has A telephone checkheck by The New York Timesies inIn Johnson to tal 4,746 acres A t tb e som e time; everyone zres of farmland that were! soldsol< In four of Uie one also a g reed th at the pictureture handled a num ber ofif forforeign land acquisitions, saidaid, “ I’U _ Counly revealedl lthat h al tho l ^ d referred to. nccordi j ’roegnttvf hy prr>wit mothod ccording to Uie__sta te 's .14 couaUuaUc3.durlng_l97fi.andJ977^Si7^Sarffl-conceded ... tbods-of-gathering-informatlontlon 'guarantee you this,"you'^you'il-nevef"find-out^lhal-nnr< ircfm y—Cloirof-Courts-DalrDalerPtwellrhad'DeciTboughi xjughfbj^four— thnrhl3"offlco'lCO'hfldTWl'delcnnIned"whar 'hlil“p e'rc ^ la g o ~ o P about th e foreign Incursion1 int-inlo U nited S ta le s a ^ c u ltuural ra l clients own United StatesStat< land unless they want j it you to corporations wiUith thethi names Southeastern InvestInvestors Land recen t land purpurchases were made by’ foreignfor interests, production is sketchy at bcs Ip transactions arc sthictured Ir best and possibly misleadingling know It. A lot of fo re lp tr d insuch and CatUe Co.,., NorfolkNc Farm s, C ypressis FarmsFai and . only the loUUI amountarr now h d d In comparlsoirison wlUi the total because many foreign buyers i ers prefer to rem ain anonymousious fc-ay th a l you cannol findfTndlt," 1 SoutheasteiTi Cotton.>tton. am ount in existccistence. because of the legal or politiolltlcal situation in their homeome He notedlhat in ^m^mt e South American countric Ties, for _ The governor’s’s officeoil In AUanta said the; ownersowne of the R egardlessa of the extent of foreign owneiwnershlp, pandlsts countiies. example, capital cannotnnot bc taken from the country ry under 'Georgia corporaliorations were' “ E uropean banks.”banl but made dear: UiatU farm ers and pollUcliiUclans In m ajor But what Information lhatthat is available suggests thalthat pain of felony and acqulsl;qulsltlons here are thus hidden, suggested Uiot Uiethe actuali purchase moneyy was likely in acricultural areareas were concerned, andI thatUia the spectre of holdings of American farmlajmland by nonresident aliensIS iiIs The panelists appean?teared at a seminar sponsonKl 1 d by Uie tru st — "and thatUiat could bc anybody, maybemuyb Arabs, foreign controlroi of( parTof America’s agriculi•icultural resources ' m inute at present, and, as one )the Georgia World Congnongress’ Institute, a state fi one panelist p u t il, “ Despite th( funded anybody." m ight be poliUcliUcally unacceptable, regardlc:rdlcss of the reality ^nlgbtmahsh.vlslOQ of comclsclB roamr lng whcre cattle used}dto_lnformaUonal t< group.ip. CGeorgia .U nited States SenatorS< _ The G en et^ AccountingAccc Officc found thatl ^ t wwhile nine behind Uiat specs p e c t r e ^ __ ___________________ ■ p m e , th e Arab presence Is ne{ _Henhah ETTalriiadgeldgeTias“bcen"a”leodlng”ndvocj snegll^ble." 'ocate of states had general;ral prohibitionsi or m ajor restrlrestrictions on" G e o '^ a Statetate S m to r WUUam B. Engllsligiish, for exam ple, T tat panelist, Stephen K. ^ «ra* m an d ato ry disclosurero of foreign farmland holdings. K. Weber, Director for Opera gs and is foreign ownershipjhlp of land — Connecticut,llcut, Indiana, talked fervenUjaiUy of American dead In fordloreign graves, and Uons for Oppenhelmcr Indust land a chief sponsor of aScnatSenate-approved bill to Implemer dustrles of Kansas City, a Itmc nent Uiat Kentucky. Mlnnesotnesota, Mississippi, Missouri,uri, ^Nebraska, asked, “At wh«whal point are we no longer'er Americans/ who th a disclosure, investmenC brokerage andJd managementm conceni with £ New Hampshire; and Oklahoma — "In the aggregggregate, slate own America..ca....Fo)d is our weapon, our strength, our substantial foreign clientele,Je, maintainedr that the concencem S argol ol the GAO.). whwhich has completed a prelln:limlnary law s do not slgnifiIgnillcantly Inhibit foreign1 ownershipown of America. o v e r foreign investment InI Am erican farm lan d !‘may bcbe ta spot survey to “suggest'gest” the extent of foreign owne/nership, land." “ I don’t Uilnliilnk that the Shah of Iran1 shouldshi bc able lo conceded lhat foreignsign ownership> could not alwa; media event." ways be Also, few statestes hadh data on foreign owTierslvnershlp. Iowa come over henhere wiUi a C-5A loaded wlUiiUi petrodollarsp and ding determined, A t th e sam e Ume. ho andnd othero participants- Including reported only threehree one-hundredUis of oneJ percpercent of Its s ta r t at one end of a fertile valley and buy)uy iti right up to the Stanley S. Saigol, Assistantslant Director of tho Generaleral In a study completedileted In June, tho GAO samplnpled 11 farmland was own^Dwned by foreign or substantlallintially foreign otherend." ly y j ^ lrlriTY£I O m n l * a 3 t 3322 s . 5 ^ - E. Salt LlkrClty U ^ / s — s i 73rdi)earriiirNar336— “^ -^TwirrFallsrrldahfah€T-------- -------Frid■rtdayi-September^it - 2 2 r ^ 9 7 8 -------- ^ Vance {finds PR underststanding cimongI Saudiss ' t£ } tm RIYADH, Saudi Arabiaa (I(U PI) - S ecretary of Statistate C y iv s Vance found md i mt^ la n d in g Thursday, if no outright support, for the CntCamp David peace accords Ij Saudi Arabia. AmeHcan officials saidd TlT hursday night after nearl; th re e hours of talks bctweeiween Vance and Sairfi leadertde'rs “they are actlvely-lnvclvedied-in-a dlaiOgue-thatxanTeaclcach" f A M understanding.” Hoddlng Carter III, Vance'ince's spokesman, said “we! canca continue to believe thatI SoSaudi Arabia is a: force fofor — mboeratlon and stability inntheMlddleEasl.” th< ------------ H ie Camp David accordsrds had angered some hanlllndllne A rab sta te s so m uch that; radradical Palestinians Ihreatene;ened T h u rsd ay to blow up U.S.3. oloU installations in tho MlddlIddle : ' 1 E a st. It appeahsd that the ncutricutral Saudi stance, eppanmtlentiy g iving Jo rd an a free handi to <enter peace talks vrith Israis'rad and Egypt, wuld be. the.nle.m axim um th at Vance coulcou]i._nH Bj^^H ^Bn " a q ^ . AKf-V.' Jordan, the first stq) onI the Vance mission, also gave'etho tli t odmlnlstratlon a nonconuninimltal answer but 'exp'resscessed - w illingness to hold fiirth ^rtalks. tall •'W e c a m e lo find, first,t, urunderstanding, and (hen out of< ------thatcouldcomesuppoiV^HoiHoddingCflrtor-said.-;------------ Vanco'a selling missionn is complicated by an appaieia i ^ l d isag reem en t between thele UiU nited S ta te s a nd la-ael abotabout the exact wording of the a p ’eem en t reached on moratorium of new Israeljraell settlem en ts in ' occupUupled. tailtories. ^ T b e tw o differing viewsn oron tho settlements, as wellelias ( Jenisalem , were to be hand)andled in se p a ra te letters whicvhlch w e n to. have been -issuedsued Monday, .Because .ofI tt contlimlng dispute ov^ thehe eexact agreem en t, V ^ c e coulcould not present the lelters to the Saudis In his meetln(itlngs T b u i ^ y . Saudis donm’t plcin another oil(ilembargo HIHHI DluMIlUSi Hijiinin/TUBei'Nffwi RIYADH, Saudi Arabiala ((UPI) — Saudi .Arabia, li„ Virginiaia !Farmer by the treei:es, grass and puddled ie she will m iss if curcurbs and sidewalkss sappear on her streitreet un h appy w ith the Camp Davli)avid apreemenls but won't callcal another oil embaigo b^ausouse 1it wanls U.S. anns and feon th e o v oihixnv of Egypt’s p'ro-p'ro-W eslem regim e, diplomatli ^ sowceaBald'nunBday. ^ Puddllies are beautifiI fill to Virirginia FFarmer^ I The sources said Saudidl iArabia would also use9 itits co n siderable Inllueitce to discdiscourage o th e r A ra^ oil statelates ByLONNONNIE ROSENWALD ....... Wednesday or ThurThursday, she erected a signgn ne:next to Uie y a rd would p'robirobably be feUed by street widewidening. from cutting off sqjplles lo3 tbethe West. Tlmeinmes-NewBwtiter puddle on her frontont hlawn telling city lead ers Uie pupuddle was “ I ’d hate U)) loseIos that tree a s m uch as any)anything; The kids ' If a large brown puddle dIsap; NeVCTtheless, they said,lid, th ere w as little chonc(mce TWIN FALLS - If a lappears their fault, p la y In It, sit undiunder it, p ark under It, and rakeltsleaves.”rak< j West in Twin Falls, birds,; tree • Sed«taiy of State C y ^ Vane/ance would be able to persuadijado from Filer Avenue West rees and “ T hese puddleses werew( not here until th e CityIty pulput a w ater "W e don't needne< sidewalks,” the worrleorrled homeowner | light leave too.
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