Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 38(2) 1971
i~rl&'-->¥J:,'\±" •• • :•> ' .- fec?^VIS3; Volufrie/r38 '$ .4,^ July--! 97.1' Number 2 The Helmintholog^ ri ' ^V seibionjpua/ /ourriq/ of research devoted fo 1 ^' {HelminiholQQy arid all branches, of Parasitol&gy in :; i~ ^ ; g / Brdytpn H.. Ransom Memorial /Trust Fjund x ; ;;, '' ''''•'".''.''/ .'.^'rv'"^.' 7'' ';';< • ''-,."' •.! :."•"'•'-- ^. ! •• - , '• ';;/- - '*.-. ' • •' ' '//Y'- •' ; ;' -'/V.- " y, ? Subscription $9.00 a ,VpIurne; Fpreign, $9.50 '^ ^ / ' ; \ ^ ;> v £ ^','ilfnl ''$$** ^ CONTENTS;V ^v^^,;^;--.^- ;, '••1,J,>; V- ALI, S, MEHDI, M. V. SuRYAWANSHi, AND K. ZAkitrDDiN GHISTY. ^Rogertis rosae , r/ sp..ri.\(Nematoda: jGylindrolaimiriae ) from Marathwada, India .-.-.-,-.,.lr... 193 BECKERDlTE, FRED W., GROV^R' C. 'IVllLliER, AND REINARD HAR«3EMA. ; Obser- •*"— '••,'' vatioris on "the Life Cycle ofi Pharyngostomoides !spp. and the Description ' ;pf P. adenp'eeplidla sp. -ri.' (Strigeoidea: DijilostOmatidae ) -from 'the ,Rac-,'x • >:'' .coon, Proctjon lotor (L. ) ______ ^-_-_L^-J..-^-—r.— ,-.l.^--^^_L.^.,-^ _____-,.^.lj.^: ; ;149 CQLGLAZIER, 'M. L., .K. Q. KATES, A^D ,F.. D. ENZIE. ( Activity , of LevamisoleP i" "Pyrantel rTartrate., and :Rafoxanide Against T\vo 'Tiiiahendazole-tolerant Iso- ^ ,'Jate s 6i'<H,aeinbnclws /contortus, and 'T\v'o Species of 'Ti'ichdstrorigylus^m DOUVRES, FRANK W. AND FKANCIS G. TROMBA. Comparative , Development of ^ " \ ' . Ascpris$w,iin in Rabbits, Guinea "Pigs,' Mice;, arid Swine in I'l "Days •-. ,.-_— ^\ 246 , JQHN V.,<G. TRUMAN FINCHER, AND : 'T, BONNER STEWART. \Eimeria ' •, 'pat/neisp.n.J, Protozoa:' Eimeriidae) rfrom tiie Gopher ^Tortoise, 'Gflphenis > Polyphemus J__^^-l_r-..r-_-l-__J^:l.u--— _. _____ L_ rrl— ~- ..— -—.-----^--- - l-----A---i---^-t:. '- ..'223 !:,, JACOB H, AND J.,D. THOMAS. - Some Hemiuricl Trematodes of Marine Fishes^from Ghana ._.-1::...^.._-JJ— 1..L _____:.„;... ^:l..-:-.^-.^.:-lL_-_.
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