Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 38(2) 1971

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Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 38(2) 1971 i~rl&'-->¥J:,'\±" •• • :•> ' .- fec?^VIS3; Volufrie/r38 '$ .4,^ July--! 97.1' Number 2 The Helmintholog^ ri ' ^V seibionjpua/ /ourriq/ of research devoted fo 1 ^' {HelminiholQQy arid all branches, of Parasitol&gy in :; i~ ^ ; g / Brdytpn H.. Ransom Memorial /Trust Fjund x ; ;;, '' ''''•'".''.''/ .'.^'rv'"^.' 7'' ';';< • ''-,."' •.! :."•"'•'-- ^. ! •• - , '• ';;/- - '*.-. ' • •' ' '//Y'- •' ; ;' -'/V.- " y, ? Subscription $9.00 a ,VpIurne; Fpreign, $9.50 '^ ^ / ' ; \ ^ ;> v £ ^','ilfnl ''$$** ^ CONTENTS;V ^v^^,;^;--.^- ;, '••1,J,>; V- ALI, S, MEHDI, M. V. SuRYAWANSHi, AND K. ZAkitrDDiN GHISTY. ^Rogertis rosae , r/ sp..ri.\(Nematoda: jGylindrolaimiriae ) from Marathwada, India .-.-.-,-.,.lr... 193 BECKERDlTE, FRED W., GROV^R' C. 'IVllLliER, AND REINARD HAR«3EMA. ; Obser- •*"— '••,'' vatioris on "the Life Cycle ofi Pharyngostomoides !spp. and the Description ' ;pf P. adenp'eeplidla sp. -ri.' (Strigeoidea: DijilostOmatidae ) -from 'the ,Rac-,'x • >:'' .coon, Proctjon lotor (L. ) ______ ^-_-_L^-J..-^-—r.— ,-.l.^--^^_L.^.,-^ _____-,.^.lj.^: ; ;149 CQLGLAZIER, 'M. L., .K. Q. KATES, A^D ,F.. D. ENZIE. ( Activity , of LevamisoleP i" "Pyrantel rTartrate., and :Rafoxanide Against T\vo 'Tiiiahendazole-tolerant Iso- ^ ,'Jate s 6i'<H,aeinbnclws /contortus, and 'T\v'o Species of 'Ti'ichdstrorigylus^m DOUVRES, FRANK W. AND FKANCIS G. TROMBA. Comparative , Development of ^ " \ ' . Ascpris$w,iin in Rabbits, Guinea "Pigs,' Mice;, arid Swine in I'l "Days •-. ,.-_— ^\ 246 , JQHN V.,<G. TRUMAN FINCHER, AND : 'T, BONNER STEWART. \Eimeria ' •, 'pat/neisp.n.J, Protozoa:' Eimeriidae) rfrom tiie Gopher ^Tortoise, 'Gflphenis > Polyphemus J__^^-l_r-..r-_-l-__J^:l.u--— _. _____ L_ rrl— ~- ..— -—.-----^--- - l-----A---i---^-t:. '- ..'223 !:,, JACOB H, AND J.,D. THOMAS. - Some Hemiuricl Trematodes of Marine Fishes^from Ghana ._.-1::...^.._-JJ— 1..L _____:.„;... ^:l..-:-.^-.^.:-lL_-_. 181 , ; JERRY M. AND JOHN E. UBEI.AKER. ,• Gercdria' aniblemae sp. h., a «> Rliopalocercous -;,Cerqaria frdrh. Amblema plicata (.Say) -.r.— _--„— _^-.:^..._> , -159 '/^(Continued on Jiack Covet) Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON > •,"".•;•' ^ ^ ;-' ;' - •" - IN: ^'--- • '-' > ;' ; ' " '"•''. , v' •''• •'..•''.. .r i ' ','..,. ':•-.,..•.' >---'"-.-:' - !>, /' v.f> so THE SOCIETY* meets once a~m6n$i from October through" May for the presentation and discussion >. of papers in ; any and all branches of parasitology^ or related sciences. JA11 interested persons are invited to attend. , > v< • .^ .•• ••'••. .';. /-''^ •. ',-'/-- ;•;-'" ' : r''-M-1v' vV'-'"v * Persons interested in membership in the Helminthplogical Society of Washington may obtain application blanks from the Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Edna M. Buhrer, National Animal Parasite Laboratory, Agricultural Research 'Service, BeltsxT^le, ^Maryland 2Q705., A year's subscription t'o the Proceedings is included in the annual dues ($8:00).- - - .v-r "•-,/;•'' ">v' /'.< V OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1971 ' •r 'W> v ~- -:-\• '"-•-',- ' * 'V -v'-V'-V-t' '; '•'"'•••' •• ""': r/ - ; ' ''-:?1' ; ' -•-" ";"''' '•" ?;' ' !! President: 'E. J. L". SOULSBY , >,—. "'"•' ; . V' , .; ->•/.'-, ;; f;: '. •-., -/' --;-• •-'> .'.-^v".:--;;r Vice President: FRANK W. DQUVRES ; U ! f ^ 7 " ,6 v Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: EDNA M. BUHRER '^ W > ;~ i : L ^ - ,:-,Ass6'ciiate Treasurer: LLOYD E: ROZEBOOM - - , ; ! ^V ! 7 ;."> ••'':" .Assistant Cflrresponding Secretary^Treasurer: HALSEY_H. VEpORS ' 'Recording Secretary: THOMAS K. SAWYER ; " ; , ' '• ;r '. > ^ .". , Librarian: JUDITH M. HUMPHREY ( 1962^ ) ~'~',- - ^ : X. r Archipist: JUDITH^. HUMPHREY (,197O-: '• ) ;, -^ 'A;' v ^ / Representative to the Washington Academy of Sciences: AIIJREL O. FOSTER (1965-.=) Representative to the American Society of Parasitologists: / ' ; '" ' , GEOR6E W. LUTTERMOSER (1969- > r '}.•_' .;•; "'/' .: r N ,^ C^f,'^ Executive Committee MeinbersHit^Large: HARRY ilERLICH, 1972s) " ' -•^ /'..' M'. -• w '"••'••'••'•• '•••' -••^"•-- ">'-,'•; KENDALLS POWERS, J972 •' ••>-"' ':v"l''-'- :;/.'T,-- ; :..: k/'-i:V-''. •- vV: GILBERT F. OTTO, 1971 :' '- > . /->"--;: '. KOCAN, 1971 ,; ^ r ^ -O1. .. ' ' ' THE PROCEEDING' S OF THE 'HELMINTHOLOGICA " L SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ... .. ; . PROCEElDlNGS are published semiannually; at Lawrence,; Kansas by the Hehnintho- logical -Society ... of Washington. Papers need not bexpresented iat a meeting to be pubh'she'd in tne Proceedings. However, non-*nembers may publish ito -the Proceedings only if they contribute ^the full cost of publication. "^' ' . ~ r / , -, MANUSCRIPTS should be sent to.the EDltOR, JHarley G. Sheffield, Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, jBuilding ,5, Room 1 12, National Institutes of 'Health, Bethesda, Maryland 2001L4. Manuscripts must be -typewritten, double spaced, .and in linished/form. The original and one1 copy are required. Photocopies of figures arid drawirigs may be submitted for revipw purposes; brigihals will be irequested after acceptance, of the manuscript. Papers are accepted i with the understanding .that they will be 'published only in the Proceedings. ^ ^ "' ^ - REPRINTS may be ordered from the PRINTER at the same ;time the corrected , proof is returned to the EDITOR, '""./•->• •• ' :. '.:"•/ '"i:; •• ; ;;->/ -'-'•- ' ''/"•-• ',.,.'','• ; ' •..' \- -':~''''' BACK VOLUMES iaf the Proceedings are available. Inquiries concerning, back volumes and current subscriptions should be directed to: Hehninthological rSociety of -.\, c^o Allen Press, Inc., 11041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A. BUSINESS OFFICE. The Society's business office is at Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries concerning ^subscriptions or back : .issues and all payments for dues, subscriptions, and back issues should be, addressed to: Hehnintliological Society of Washington, c/o Allen Press, ;Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas\66044, U.S:Aj ir.-' ''(( ^ ^ >w r^ , ^'.;- EDITORIAL BOARD ? HARLEY G. SHEFFIELD, Editor WILBUR L. BULLOCK , ALLEN MclNTQSH' : / MAY BELLE CHITWOOD: WILLIAM R. NICKLE JACOB H. FISCHTHAL GILBERT F. OTTO WILLIANi J. HARGIS, JR. DEWEY J, RASKI '^ GLENN L. HOFFMAN ARMEN C. TARJAN : i LOREN H, KRUSBERG \. LUCKER / ': JOHN.M. VETTERLING PAUL: P. WEINSTEIN; ' /JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ ,' -, Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME 38 1971 NUMBER 2 The Secretory Nature of the Excretory Gland Cells of Stephanurus dentatus. I. Morphology and Histochemistry ROBERT D. ROMANOWSKI, DONALD E. THOMPSON, AND PHILIP A. MADDEN National Animal Parasite Laboratory, Veterinary Sciences Research Division, ARS, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland 20705. ABSTRACT: Morphological, histochemical, and ultrastructural studies show that the excretory gland cells of Stephanurus dentatus contain granules resembling the secretory granules of various exocrine and endo- crine glands. The granules are eosin and PAS positive. Glycogen, acid mucopolysaccharides, and lipids were not detected histochemically. Therefore, the granules are thought to contain glycoprotein. From this evidence it is postulated that the excretory gland cells have a secretoiy function. Tayler (1900), Chitwood and Chitwood Gomori's trichrome stain and Himes and (1950), Enigk and Grittner (1952), Tromba Moriber triple stain for proteins, carbohydrates, and Baisden (1964), Douvres, Tromba, and and nucleic acids; (3) PAS both with and with- Doran (1966), and Waddell (1968) have de- out 1% malt diastase digestion for carbohy- scribed the morphology of the excretory glands drates; (4) the Bauer-Feulgen reaction for of adult and larval stages of the swine kidney glycogen; and (5) the Feulgen reaction for worm, Stephanurus dentatus Diesing, 1839. DNA. Frozen sections were cut on an IEC However, these studies gave no evidence con- Cryostat at 10 /JL and subjected to the following cerning the function of this gland. Weinstein's procedures according to Barka and Anderson statement (1960) that "the so-called excretory (1965): (1) alcian blue, toluidine blue, and system remains an enigma, and an interpreta- methylene blue for acid mucopolysaccharides; tion of its function still depends on speculation," (2) sudan black B and oil red 0 for lipids; (3) remains true. Therefore, morphological, histo- naphthol AS-TR phosphate with fast red violet chemical, and ultrastructural studies were con- LB as coupler for alkaline phosphatase; and (4) ducted to define the chemical nature and func- naphthol AS-BI phosphate with pararosaniline- tion of the excretory gland cells. HC1 as coupler for acid phosphatase. For electron microscopy both whole worms Material and Methods and intact excretory glands were immersed in Adult worms were collected from ureteral cold 3% glutaraldehyde (cacodylate buffer 0.1 cysts of infected swine kidneys obtained from M; pH 8.0) for 12 hr, post-fixed in cold 1% a packing house. Intact excretory glands were osmium tetroxide for 1 hr, and embedded in removed from the worms as described by Epon. Tissue sections were stained with uranyl Tromba and Baisden (1964). Depending upon acetate and lead citrate, then examined in an the procedure to be employed for staining, AEI EM6B electron microscope. whole worms and intact excretory glands were Results either fixed in Helly's solution or frozen. For light microscopy, paraffin embedded Morphology serial sections were cut at 6 p, and subjected to The excretory system of S. dentatus is of the the following procedures according to Humason rhabditoid type and consists
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