An early photo of the Gippsland Standard production room. The newspaper—initially called the Gippsland Standard and Alberton, Foster, Port Albert, Tarraville, Woodside, Woranga and Yarram Representative— began at Port Albert, Victoria, on 5 March 1875. It later moved to Yarram and continued publication until 29 September 1971. It amalgamated with the Yarram News and became the Yarram Standard News. In 2009, it became the Yarram Standard. It ceased publication, during COVID-19, in March 2020. The photo shows John Rossiter (white beard), and a son, Augustus John (centre), with two employees. Some of the old type cases, make-up benches and machinery remained in the office in 1975. This image was featured in publicity material at the centenary celebration of the Victorian Country Press Association in 2010. AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER HISTORY GROUP NEWSLETTER ISSN 1443-4962 No. 112 May 2021 Publication details Compiled for the Australian Newspaper History Group by Rod Kirkpatrick, F. R. Hist. S. Q., of U 337, 55 Linkwood Drive, Ferny Hills, Qld, 4055. Ph. +61-7-3351 6175. Email: Published in memory of Victor Mark Isaacs (1949-2019), founding editor. Back copies of the Newsletter and copies of some ANHG publications can be viewed online at: Deadline for the next Newsletter: 15 July 2021. Subscription details appear at end of Newsletter. [Number 1 appeared October 1999.] Ten issues had appeared by December 2000; the Newsletter has appeared five times a year since 2001. 1—Current Developments: National & Metropolitan 112.1.1 Shift in Fairfax emphasis on Nine board, and new CEO Board: Fairfax Media’s influence in the Nine Entertainment Co boardroom is close to ending with the resignation of a key director and uncertainty over the future of two other directors with ties to the historic publisher (Sydney Morning Herald, 1 March 2021).
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