Dirty Fingers in Dirty Pies" Is Depressing Stuff
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V?tJ ‘I,1V M ‘ ‘ J»t - ~J3aTw“-Y ‘ 3.’ 0 i dd‘'- ‘ .."<35 ' A Li _ Q _ p ' 4 ‘ 4, ll U|<‘ _ . ‘Dirty Finge s in Dirty Pies" is ct ~o neans complete - it ‘Dirty Fingers in Dirty Pies" is depressing stuff. It confirms scratches at the surface of a vast unacknowledged conspiracy which what we already suspect ~ that pain_<s an additional ingredient in keeps things ‘as they are‘. ‘As they are’ is two-thirds of the world a large proportion of the basic good; which we consume and use in starving to death; !As they are‘ is the continued wholesale slaughter our daily livesv At present, 7% of the people of the Uok» own 84% of animals, human and non-human, so that we can enjoy the luxury vf the country's wealth ~ the 7% who own ans direct every manufactur- of increased comfort (and more alienation, more dependence upon ing concern within the broad amalgamation of the United Kingdom others to make decisions for us...); ‘As they are‘ is an H00@Ptan¢@ Gompanyc that racism, poverty, animal abuse, nuclear power, the arms race and Broadly speaking, this means that the other 93% are subject to moral and financial blackmail are things well worth keeping. tee decisions and preferences of those few thousand businessmen "Dirty Fingers in Dirty Pies" lays the blame for the way things who continue to support and uphold the exploitation and mismanagement are. The way things could be is not in this small booklet, it's in ct the earth. And they're all in it together; and it's we who pay your hands. for it. ’ What we can do about this is up to us all, as individuals, to decide. Suffice to say, we can't ignore our role as consumers in \- the continuance of this imbalance. It's easy to assume that the ;.fn‘ w-.v whole web of injustice, the sheer amount of products which hide involvement in exploitation, and the seemingly tiny scope for finding alternatives, is unchangeable the Lists and tables and \\fix,\\,/./ Ii ‘ta sheer weight of'finger~ncinting included in this booklet can be r4__/ depressing t» the point wt thinking "why bother?” shrug your ' I .no:tde~s - what can you no“ Not cnly are some of your favourite .l‘IQ|'.', foods made by some huge multinational armsmfunding company, but the east~suspected household items are oroduced only after animal tests, sought from a shop with south African trade links...etc, etc. 5 \_.__ z§§Jar ,_\~. \‘Q again, it‘s up to you. Consumer boycotts are a way of removing L..'_€dr‘ .‘_J vi N. Q%? iur cart in the profit—from~pain system, and if well—organised can f My 5 . Hi -e=Ye ihange for the setter Spreading information is an essential »art 1? any boycott. Direct action can be used to create publicity vhi st at the same time throwing a spanner into the corporate Footnote: As I write this, I make no claims to be completely untainted wacnineryi by this mass of grubby companyI dealings. We all proceed at our own dot more than this is the value of searching out alternatives. I D pace; every tiny step towards a new horizon. A cliche admittedly, Ft's something that this bO0klet can't properly List — alternatives but one which, unlike the advertising cliches used by all the »iffer from nlace'tc place, from time to time. Put simply: there is brandnames in this booklet, doesn't hide a legacy of wanton ~estruction. always an alternative, Unlike the Big Company version, your own r . aiternative is rarely a T.V.-advertised glittery cure~all~1lls product. hut, at the very least, Ftls not something that those T% have served 1 I 0(__ . -=-‘I A I _' ,.¢'.,-'1.-3.a -1_a-J;-.61 ~ ;=_; ‘I , . J v‘ C- 65» *»' J ~ ‘ 0 --,.. - 0 _' . 1 '6 - -_ >1 L, " ‘ J. v‘ 0.‘ ‘lap 1 1' ! 4,.‘ . -6 L - _ : I '1‘ ¢’_'"u~b- _ ) A 20 ,6 0"0 _;-4- u 4 '0 '¢¥I-' “*9, ' ._ - P 1 36. 00011 001780811 51000? = 066666 0 mail 66060 8 2 46TP~6'v ' I n- ' .-6 ('7 _ _ _ _ _ ,;_~ ___ — . I — 7 *— — 1* \ 1 ,1, 0. , ‘ _ _ _ _-?¢I 0‘ .. _ .;'_fi_- ‘ 11 _ 1;.‘ - . \ I _.‘-Qwf? *__ WM _A', _-‘. - J —" v-_ It -_. ._ ,. n. - _\, ‘ 1 Iv - ' ' ' 17, 00070 00 Pharmaceuticals, etc I Z [email protected] . ' V i 2””! W I""’Ei""h _~‘;__ V V___| _ _ _______ __ __ _,___ _,,_._ _.__. _ --....._ 7; — -___- _e ————=--»='-I -7 *3--—— ' " :'" 7' ’ __ _4 .10 . ..,._..._.-...._ ——'__: - _ ;.._— 2 ' _ 38. 0000 1NT0RNAT100Aim , 1 Paper, . 0 6 , . __“ we I 0 ___ _.-_1.1-_,.. ,. - ‘-1, * " " ‘ " " I 3Q. TATE & LYLE I Sugar refiners t i 7967061000 COMPANY ACTIVITY NET PROFIT (PRE-TAX)“ ‘Year Ending Easter 1985 ” 40. 0100 sorcerer 7 '*'e 1 ,,,1, ,;,,f;;,1,;;;i‘"“‘“ 1}6i 166,666,666 ‘I 41; 0001iIfi0L0100é ' I c 17661;;1¢;1*p+616¢167 ; 6 166,666,666 1666 BRITISH PETROLEUM industry 2 5,606,000,000 42. INCHCAPE T Intern'l merchants W 1_£_wM101,959,000 SHELL TRANSPORT/TRADING industry s;,788,000,000 i“4§. C0fiBC8Y‘SCH§CPPC8II Confectionary, etc 1 H 7,142,900,000 61. BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO , Tobacoo, etc 0 1,113,000,000 7 Consumer products, etc Y £ 270,600,000 44. BEECHAM 0000? i i A r i_ V W i _ ___v ,_,__ ,=_ _ __ __,__.—~'-.6---.._ 101 ' \ Petrochemicals, etc 2 1,017,000,000 I 45;16616001§?61666;” 1 Gas manufacturers etc k £ 184,500,000_ _,,4M< ,a,,W~ mA~~~-~~”T~*7"7 7 ' SHELL UK 1 Oil industry 2 1,911,00,000 46.