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I.‘ %'_ I q if WM ‘ __ >IR+q’F7r\/QERS w DIRT? P123 ..

\ 2‘ I “\- 4 P’“"' '5rvavfi?-"‘{”‘Hvv""I W _ 9 J Q -B e Q,’ :1‘ :1 u » U ' . {I V I‘ I - 1"'\{Au -.. I 3-, *P;\4'» I V 7 if ’ DJ ‘vjfi ‘ -ru V ‘.1: ‘W i; ‘ I ~* Q W f~ ' " .. -,4 v, W. 1- 3 s »" 1 u I .

?tV J ‘I,1V M ‘ ‘ J»t - ~J3aTw“-Y ‘ 3.’ 0 i dd‘'- ‘ .."<35 ' A Li _ Q _ p ' 4 ‘ 4, ll U|<‘ _ .

‘Dirty Finge s in Dirty Pies" is ct ~o neans complete - it ‘Dirty Fingers in Dirty Pies" is depressing stuff. It confirms scratches at the surface of a vast unacknowledged conspiracy which what we already suspect ~ that pain_

\- the continuance of this imbalance. It's easy to assume that the ;.fn‘ w-.v whole web of injustice, the sheer amount of products which hide involvement in exploitation, and the seemingly tiny scope for finding alternatives, is unchangeable the Lists and tables and \\fix,\\,/./ Ii ‘ta

sheer weight of'finger~ncinting included in this booklet can be r4__/ depressing t» the point wt thinking "why bother?” shrug your ' I .no:tde~s - what can you no“ Not cnly are some of your favourite .l‘IQ|'.', foods made by some huge multinational armsmfunding company, but the east~suspected household items are oroduced only after animal tests,

sought from a shop with south African trade links...etc, etc. 5 \_.__ z§§Jar ,_\~. \‘Q again, it‘s up to you. Consumer boycotts are a way of removing L..'_€dr‘ .‘_J vi N. Q%? iur cart in the profit—from~pain system, and if well—organised can f My 5 . Hi -e=Ye ihange for the setter Spreading information is an essential »art 1? any boycott. Direct action can be used to create publicity vhi st at the same time throwing a spanner into the corporate Footnote: As I write this, I make no claims to be completely untainted wacnineryi

by this mass of grubby companyI dealings. We all proceed at our own dot more than this is the value of searching out alternatives. I D pace; every tiny step towards a new horizon. A cliche admittedly, Ft's something that this bO0klet can't properly List — alternatives but one which, unlike the advertising cliches used by all the »iffer from nlace'tc place, from time to time. Put simply: there is brandnames in this booklet, doesn't hide a legacy of wanton ~estruction. always an alternative, Unlike the Big Company version, your own

r . aiternative is rarely a T.V.-advertised glittery cure~all~1lls product. hut, at the very least, Ftls not something that those T% have served


I (__0 . -=-‘I A I _' ,.¢'.,-'1.-3.a -1_a-J;-.61 ~ ;=_; ‘I , . J v‘ C- 65» *»' J ~ ‘ 0 --,.. - 0 _' . 1 '6 - -_ >1 L, " ‘ J. v‘ 0.‘ ‘lap 1 1' ! 4,.‘ . -6 L - _ : I '1‘ ¢’_'"u~b- _ ) A 20 ,6 0"0 _;-4- u 4 '0 '¢¥I-' “*9, ' ._ - P 1 36. 00011 001780811 51000? = 066666 0 mail 66060 8 2 46TP~6'v ' I n- ' .-6 ('7 _ _ _ _ _ ,;_~ ___ — . I — 7 *— — 1* \ 1 ,1, 0. , ‘ _ _ _ _-?¢I 0‘ .. _ .;'_fi_- ‘ 11 _ 1;.‘ - . \ I _.‘-Qwf? *__ WM _A', _-‘. - J —" v-_ It -_. . ._ ,. n. - _\, ‘ 1 Iv - ' ' ' 17, 00070 00 Pharmaceuticals, etc I Z [email protected] . ' V i 2””! W I""’Ei""h _~‘;__ V V___| ______,___ _,,_._ _.__. _ --....._ 7; — -___- _e ————=--»='-I -7 *3--—— ' " :'" 7' ’ __ _4 .10 . ..,._..._.-...._ ——'__: - _ ;.._— 2 ' _ 38. 0000 1NT0RNAT100Aim , 1 Paper, . 0 6 , . __“ we I 0 ___ _.-_1.1-_,.. . ,. - ‘-1, * " " ‘ " " I 3Q. TATE & LYLE I Sugar refiners t i 7967061000 COMPANY ACTIVITY NET PROFIT (PRE-TAX)“ ‘Year Ending Easter 1985 ” 40. 0100 sorcerer 7 '*'e 1 ,,,1, ,;,,f;;,1,;;;i‘"“‘“ 1}6i 166,666,666 ‘I 41; 0001iIfi0L0100é ' I c 17661;;1¢;1*p+616¢167 ; 6 166,666,666 1666 BRITISH PETROLEUM industry 2 5,606,000,000 42. INCHCAPE T Intern'l merchants W 1_£_wM101,959,000 SHELL TRANSPORT/TRADING industry s;,788,000,000 i“4§. C0fiBC8Y‘SCH§CPPC8II Confectionary, etc 1 H 7,142,900,000 61. BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO , Tobacoo, etc 0 1,113,000,000 7 Consumer products, etc Y £ 270,600,000 44. BEECHAM 0000? i i A r i_ V W i _ ___v ,_,__ ,=______,__.—~'-.6---.._ 101 ' \ Petrochemicals, etc 2 1,017,000,000 I 45;16616001§?61666;” 1 Gas manufacturers etc k £ 184,500,000_ _,,4M< ,a,,W~ mA~~~-~~”T~*7"7 7 ' SHELL UK 1 Oil industry 2 1,911,00,000 46. CONOCO L Petroleum products 7* ,,,£1** 148,900,000 ESSO UK 1 Oil industry T T , 2 1,895,000,000 A7. IBM UK HDLDINGS LTD Y Information equipment , 2 282,010,000 00110703 616 Food, detergents etc ~J 2 400,000,000 7 Dairy & food retail M £ 70,600,000 ‘i 48. 0010108 _, I ___ __, W 2 __, 7 — rt 7 I RIO6TINTO—ZINC j, Mining & industrial __I-Mr 1 7496000,00 ""1;T60661666?666661L flWFood manufacturers W L*£ ,W?§1!313!OOQ GENERAL ELECTRIC CO L Electrical enginees £ 2 703,000,000 I 50,”80wAT§R 1000310108 7 Paper manufacturers iii 118,900,000

00100 METROPOLITAN , Hotels, dairy, etc - \ £ 421,000,000 T 6 fie _ IMPERIAL 0000? iii ,5 Tobacco, £660, 616 1 2 220,400,000 1 — — _1Ie I e — ~¢ ~ — 6 1 09666166666 I ‘L Merchanting, trading 6T“:126,411,060 * Companies are here ranked by turnover, even though 661666_6166661 I I ‘ Commodity brokers E ?§'46?’°9° FORD MOTOR CO i7 Vehicle manufacturers £6 261,000,000 _0 __ 1 ______,_ _ \ I BL (BRITIs11I1j1§1'LA1¢0) I I”V6§1C6i16:i}n611u1i.6*6{6i;Cr6i CE” I 48,100,000 66981,I , *6‘ \?~ 2'30

ROTHMANS INTERNATIONAL ii Tobacco, etc at 179,512,000 ,_ k’fl5,, _._-‘\\_r'Pl. GEORGE HESTON HOLDINGS 1 Food manufacturers ' 2 177,678.1 7 00,“ MARKS & SPENCER :16; General stores 2 298,000,000 Q CCALLIED 66666 if I if i666;6r6, 066611666 , 2 232,000,000 — ._-g . €u_s_'fl’ 0.§ DALGETY Merchants 2 79,700,000 6 'nan R THORN;EHIC I I Electrical, music etc 2 ii172,800,000 - GALLAHEH ,§ Tobacco, 661166 616 2 111,900,000 W ' \ — —— — J J. SAINSBURY 11 Food stores a 130,300,000 & I TEXACC I I I 7 Oil industry 0 150,963,000 loss ngfiyiuQgfihgt —,.._-__- i\‘\‘!n\_iIIIl LONRHO J Mining, agriculture 2 195,600,000 ‘fauna 9 BRITISH AEROSPACE T Aircraft manufacture 2 147,700,000 --_ __ _ _ i ___,l __ TESCO Y Food stores 2 64,000,000 r _ ~—-0-*-§.4=~\_;=__ 7x*"r’s5Y AMALGAMATED MBTQL 0000C ‘{ M6661 1 6566 I W” I 2 16,502,000 ‘Z? ULTRAMAR Exploration/petrol 616 2 I 166,500,000 ' -QC". _ L ,7 I COURTAULDS ‘L Textiles, chemicals etct at 145,100,000 _ __, in BASS :7 Brewers 1 £ 186,900,000 \v 16;’ _ 6 _ I 1 W:_____ 6 W 9 V '*~—~ 1* _-_ —._ _. ii...- / / ..._._ _ _ GUEST KEEN & NETTLEFOLDS 3 Steel & eng. products 1 2 136,800,000 '4».-_*

- 35 dTR Construction I 2 234,000,000 my/C’ LONCONEX HOLDINGS Commodity Brokers' 2 2,083,000 1666 p6a 35 68166"66L6r666“ I ‘AT Footwear, stores 616 Y Q 169,500,000 __,_.__ .. __ 6- 1., -.....____1_._ I we if ~_WJ.»' ~ — 91¢” ,1 Iii, W I I WW I 41* 1______;_, __ __._,_ 1

3 _g$ ~,n ,£w- (f+

\ I’: ' J . " rflv . in ' ..-{$1 . {- A +' 6 Q ' .‘:* "J" f 61 ' ' ¢-f,' F M J ‘ , P‘ | fly -g,'§' J ., ' e is *4: — _i1,T*—~ V _,__ _ _ W_ M ______, _ W éiiii ___ i i i 7 i _ 77 . - ' E? ' ¥" or ‘ ‘ _ '-J ‘ ,,-l "' . ' .’ _ 1 ?“ . I . 101‘ (IMPERIAL CHEMICAL6 INDUSTRIF8)1 0166666666 666 manufacture 16666 vx H m 1&6 ‘ *‘ ‘ n. , I ' 6 ‘ I ' _. V ’ 1 ' J‘: 1‘ , - J 9 ! 6 , fa ¢ r ,’\ ' - , I U , 0 7 a nerve gas used by the US Army lh (I I ‘_ ' ' I ' V f ' drug ERALDIN, produced by ICI, was 6 .' ' \ d ‘ ‘- W - - ‘ Q ," , ' launched, ‘ onto the over—swelled drug “V,\‘Q‘-'. ' 14,1 0. . ‘- K 1 1 NF ’ " market after extensive animal tests -

‘I:--__.'. _ t it's effects on humans were blindness ‘‘ ’I ‘6 damaged stomachs, and death Also involved in production of The operations of Multinational Companies (MNC's) span the globe, nuclear power, nu lear waste disposal Has large SA/Namibian operations. and with annual sales greater than the gross national products of many > *~ I 2 , _ BOOKER MQCONNELL The world's leading producer of European nations, they act as neo-countries whose overriding aim 1S to breeding stock for broiler chickens,

Pursue it's own interests seperate and distinct from every and any' world's leading source of breeding

government, including the government of it's country of origin. farming;stocg foranwhlteintegralturkeys’link salmonin the Shareholders‘ interests far outweigh those of any national or factory—farm cycle Subsidiaries

humanitarian interests. Thus the MNC's continue to make a killing HOLL?ND165 health& BARRETTfood‘ shops(who havein theoverUK often at the expense of the poorer nations ~ the underdeveloped remain KINGSWOOD CHEMISTS that way because they are employed as underpaid and undernourished W 7 W W Wffii W? i i%£%§:g§A€€r:;§fM%§:CultS etc labour forces for the Multinationals. Most of the companies listed THE WESTERN1 UNITFD., Mas s ive interest ln the s 1 aught er here will be_found-in other sections of the booklet, so wide and INVESTMENT CO LTD industry, and with 14 Subsldlarleb 1n South Africa Other concerns are diverse are their insidious activities. J.Hr DEWHUHST \ j PREMIER BACON is 7‘: ‘W I “ BRITISH BEEF co T" "6§776R161§§‘P60R6L000§“9 I 25% owned by the British government, PINNACLE FOODS 20% owned by 666 Bank 6f . TEMPCO UNION 49% interest in the Roxby Downs uranium I VCIIIWW ""7 I 7 7 " 7 — ———— 7 7 7* .4- mine in Australia, in addition to forced 001200 01000100 Own evictions of native aborigines. with WIMPY (£661 £666 66616 RTZ, BP are converting one—sixth of the MGVITIES, CRAWFORD & CARR'S hi6cu1ts Amazon.jungle into an industrial zone; KP a zone presentlyrthe home of 13,000 REED INTERNATIONAL Subsidiaries Crown & Polycell and 7 indians. Subsidiaries include: associate subsidiary 6ainsbury'q, 316 BP NUTRITION, one of Europe's largest all BIBRA membeis In addition, Heed animal feed producers - over a million Int'1 own IPC magazine publi6hers, tonnes p-a. for poultry & meat rearing including NEW MUJICAL EXPRE5% and 0933? in factoryvfarms. Also has a licence to vivisect. 7 7 W 7 7 & HOUND (hunting magazlng SCICON DEFENCE, a scientific & computer PEPSICO C I Subsidiariee include PvPQj~rQ,q and group supporting all major MoD research PIZZA HUT establishments; design & development of ' PILLSPNRY Own BURGER KING all types of weapons systems. > OwnI ifRossingMC mine I inI Namibia, mining R'J‘REYNOLDS Huge t0ba0P0 Company, eubsidiarlpe RIO TINTO ZINC include: uranium, exploiting black SA labour, DFI MUNQF KFNTU(KY P I an integral link in the nuclear weap0nry' CANADXJ» DRY'», JMTRICPI 0 10 CHICKPN, chain. SubsidiariesV . . . include:. _, ’ <3 \r)1.I voflkl’ J(1() EVEREST DOUBLE GLAZING, RIBBLESDALE 000000, SKIPPERS GARAGES. _ _ ,,_ CIBA~GEIGY Swiss company — recently admitted that it sprayed a field full of Egyptian children with 606 16666616166 GALECRON (606 605661 being to tes3,the childrens' urine for I I LO I I I VII I I I I IIUJPIIII / \ toxicity levels.) Galecron has since been I ; ‘i

“-6. linked with cancer. "Hi W,W,_;?,, 1

-.n-w.,_-._-q-i- \_.-..---.-.-...-_»..-..-.=-_-...- -6 . -. . - ~ ‘- -

5 6 \ ‘ v

_ 1 7 _ .1’:; . _ . ._ - ' . \@ _ ‘ I. up‘ , , ,3‘ < \\. u" ' - ' __ , _ _ ‘ .-»‘ *. * -' :.~.- _ - :4" ' I4 3‘ ~ .» l-"ltd ' _ - H’ an. . N I an-,1p’ l D a i B ( "anti-W '\ -4“F'4‘ $71‘_ ' 1? n ~ ‘f | hf" 6"-'0 I »‘\' T5‘ Pr-4 \{_ .' ' >‘ A |- "P . _ , ' ‘L;r"4 *' ,1 J .p..u ffi ».\f: . --v ‘V’ . ' . h " uf ‘ ' \ ' - . ‘ 1 “ ah J1" ‘ - ‘ ‘Z V '-'iv‘\'“*"' “yr '1 ' 9 ' i I h .1 ‘ $157”1 3‘.‘ - M H ‘ ‘P .. V» Jfi ' w. oé . ‘;‘ rm V’ z -. ‘(ii~ ~ M,‘,.4 7 » 0 Difig, u - , .. _ . 03 ‘§>J| 4 ‘_ Ff‘ . \ ~‘ 1 -v~-‘\¢'\,;. -U, -4. » The British Industrial Biological Research Association — BIBRA — is 1- The following UK companies are Just a few of those who operate in based in Carshalton, Surrey, a large animal research laboratory funded South Africa; the list is limited to those which contribute to the by government grants (through the Ministry of Agriculture) and by development of South Africa's economic and industrial infrastructure individual member—subscriptions: annual payments by companies for and military capabilitiesc whom BIBRA carries out research. BIBRA takes on the work of torturing animals on behalf of businesses who may not have a licence to vivisect, BARCLAYS BANK PHDENIX ASSURANCE and appoints as it's council-(governing body? the directors and -I \- BRITISH LEYLAND (BL) RACAL ELECTRONICS (inoluuihg ohairmen (sic) of these manufacturers. The 1985 deputy Chairman is BRITISH STEEL CORPORATTOF DECCA ELECTRIQSL R A Ingham, Director of Sainsbury's. Among the council members are GHLORIDE GROUP RENTOKIL LTD representatives of Beecham, Rowntree-Mackintosh, , cause e sou dOYAL INSURANCE , Marks and Spencer...etc. Membership subscriptions for the COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE TARMAC year ending March 1985, including government grants, totalled almost DUNLOP BF D 2 million pounds. EAGLE STAR INSURANCE GEC GENERAL ACCIDENT FIRE a LIFE ASSURANCE PLESSEY A§ElPQEDlLl§E_9F7CQMPANY~§HE§§Bl§ER3 TQ73IPB£ lEORGE WIMPEY e co DRUDENTIAL CORPORATION ARMOUR PHARMACEUTICAL co. LTD A subsidiary of REVLON. f__ dAWKEH—SlDDELEY GROUP RIO TINTO ZINC ______, 7 ______7 7 7”, 77,777 7 7 77 ______7 7 7777;," ,_ __ 7 7~,77;;,, —e W7” ___7:.: 7:. LTD A subsidiary of WITTTNGTON re] %HEL1 INVESTMENTS? it”s concerns fim" THORN~EMl include ALLIED BAKERIFS, .Acnb LNDUSTRIES “RUSTEE SAVINGS BANK CITRA soft drinks, FINE . . .. ~ 7. .._ ,7 ,_4_. .1 <_iIt7<_.;-7» -\ FARE supermarket chain, RYVITA LTD, SUNBLEST bread, TWINING ‘he ?o lowing brands are imported *rom South Africau e teaapmp *1? pp i BASF UNITED KINGDOM LTD §anneq_Fishp Frashiiifingé/Dried Fruit Health Foods 7 7 7 7 7 S 77 7 7 7 77 7 BEECHAM GROUP Subsidiaries include B¢§§£L,i ARMOUR CAPE SHAPERS MARMITE, YARDLEY cosmetics, JOHN weer OUTSPAN KOO LENTHERIQ, HORLICKS, LUCOZADE, PUFFINS GOLDEN JUBILEE ROOLSBOSCH QU0sH,1uJnmA. S GOLD REEF 7a_.."._~__~-.-l_m. . _“ 77 BEVALOID LTD A subsidiary of RIO TINTO zinc. 4 Hines and Spirits: IXL 7~- 7 —7 ~~7- » —~~— ~ 77 ~ THE BOOTS CO. LTD Subsidiaries include OPTHEX LANZERAC KOO and TIMOTHY WHITES stores. ZONNEBLOEM DEL MONTE BOR I)F'Zi LTD Own Hlllil BROL . REMBHAND'I" JOHN WEST i7-m-;__7;--..____-_ i _-_._l__,l _ _, _ _ THIS B'R}*}W.?'§l'{S' SOCIl~j'l'Y L‘I‘]): ' KOOPMANSKLOOF SHhRWOOD'S Adnams & C0 Ltd LIBBIES Allied Breweries Ltd Pet Food _ Ann Street Brewery Ltr J.- Arkell & ?cmn.s htd. HAPPY PET Catfood


Lac ..'.1'ke11 R.W.Randall Ltd e Bass Ltd Randalls Brewery Ltd G. Bateman-k Son Ltd Ridley (T.D.) & Sons Ltd Daniel Batham &-Son Ltd Frederic Robinson Ltd Beard & Co(Lewes)Ltd G.Ruddle & Co Belhaven Brewery Group Ltd St.Austel1 Brewery Co Ltd Boddingtons' Breweries Ltd Scottish & Newcastle Breweries Ltd Border Breweries (Wrexham) Ltd Shepherd Neame Ltd Brain (S.A.) & Co Ltd Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster) Ltd Brakspear (w.s.) & Sons Ltd Timothy Taylor & Co Ltd Brown (Matthew) a Co Ltd Theakston (T & H) Ltd Buckley's Ltd Thwaites (Daniel) & Co Ltd Burtonwood Brewery Co (Forshaws)Ltd Tollemache & Cobbold Breweries Ltd Cameron (J.W.) & Co Ltd Vaux Breweries Ltd Carlsserg Brewery Ltd Wadworth &7Co Ltd Castletown Brewery Ltd Watney Mann & Truman Holdings Ltd Courage Ltd Charles Wells Ltd Davenports Brewery (Holdings) Ltd Whitbread & Co plc J.A. Devenish & Co Ltd Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries Ltd Eldridge, Pope &-Co Ltd Yates & Jackson Ltd Elgood & Sons Ltd Young & Co's Brewery Ltd g fig” i Everards Brewery Ltd The Felinfoel Brewery Co Ltd leerrreldéimribnr reeeeee co LTD own nu MAURIER, mu, KIM, L Fuller, Smith & Turner Ltd 7 and STATE EXPRESS 5 KT) U1 1 Galt (George) & Co Ltd Gibts, Mew & Co Ltd TD“ hmfififidhfififiwnbé fwd “DD j g ,W_w, W g gfl HT” _ Godson, Freeman &7Wilmot Ltd "L‘ *TBR¢5r§LB5r5Le§@ur*: LTLTTTL L A subsidiary of UNILEVER Gray & Sons (Chelmsford) Ltd H.P. BULMER LTD m ,_,Wfl My pg f _ 1 Gre+na1l Whitley & Co Ltd Greene, King & Son Ltd l*:TT”:BiL”PL1sTi€sTL’. 7 TD LTD Did _ WT D u_ A subsidiary of B?__ _ jg _ Arthur Guinness Sons plc llllelpfiigy egerererg T LTD LT TTTDTL it L suseidderdee include JEYES Hall & Woodhouse Ltd Hardys & Hansons Ltd GROUP, KENCO COFFEE, TYPHOO Harp Ltd TEA, CHIVERS—HARTLEY jams, Bartley's Ulverston Ltd Harvey & Son (Lewes) Ltd R.S.McCOLL (Newsagents), Higsons Brewery Ltd CADBURY Chocolate, FRY'S Holden's Brewery Ltd Joseph Holt Ltd Chocolate. Also has the UK Heme Brewery Co Ltd licence to sell PEPSI—COLA Hook Norton Brewery Co Ltd Tehoskins Ltd and T—UP. Hydes' Anvil Brewery Ltd T L cdnnnnds Rornmdns LTDL D Concerns include: DUNHILL, 7.P.S. Breweries Ltd Jennings Bros Ltd PETER srorvsssrr, HOTHMANS. King & Barnes Ltd THO CIBA~GEIGY (UK) LTD Subsidiaries include ILFORD J.W. Lees & Co (Brewers) Ltd Maclay & Co Ltd PHOTOGHAPHIC. NcMu1len & Sons Ltd LTHE COCA—COLA co, use Concerns include: FANTA and Mansfield Brewery C0 Ltd Marston, Thompson &~Evershed Ltd LILT. Me1b0urn's Brewery Ltd e 777 7 , 7» 777 7 7777 77 - 7 ~»»7 -77 7 77~ COURTAULDS Mitchel's of Lancaster (Brewers) Ltd g ‘ Wiigj gfi W, 7 i ,JuH_m,___,_J gfiwt pg 7 ,_g W g gr 3 Morland & C0 Ltd CROWN DECORATIVE PRODUCTS LTD A subsidiary of REED INT'L. Morrellls Brewery Ltd L T LLLdLdLrY UK LTDL WTTTL ll D cede SPTLLBRS foods d gee" OWL North Country Brewery Ltd Northern Clubs Federation Brewery Ltd foods, MARTIN—BHOWER (dist— Okell & Sons Ltd ributors of raw foods to Paine & Co Ltd

JQCO & 10 _ _._._.i__._--_-...... -.,.p Q -'5»

(DALGETY UK LTD, CONTINUED) W RECKITT & COLMAN FOOD DIVISION McDONALD'S fast—food chain), W,RANKg HOVISg pg McDOUGALLgg _ fl,,HWW_:g,_RESEARCH LTD(W mg, Wgi gig”, T” fly, M1,“, gr g (pg and COOK~IN SAUCES. I ROWNTREE MACKINTOSH Subsidiary brand names incl~ ;——______,' _7~ ______; — __ 7_77_ 77 7 7 T THE DISTILLERS COMPANY LTD suDsidi;7Li¥§7§sLliihcludfimlc,I _ I I I is __ ,,}?,‘1'%?’7?I F9’?'LS ’"I?'F‘?’F‘?g SIU7NII"P%TI:77_ , and PIMM.5, J.SAINSBURY(CHAINSTORES) g g pg, b

_I_ 7_77 7 7 7 77 j_7:__ _ 777 ___77_ _ _— _ ——7_ 7 7 77 »———-L77 ~—7 7 DUNLOP LTD CHEMICAL PRODUCTS DIVISION ll W i“i“”S”"”' " I SNEETHEART INTERNATIONAL LTDg

I-7-__7 7 ESSOD *CHEMICALT’ E" ILTD* "c*" E "”**" is **"‘ I TATE & LYLE GRQURIWL PIP _ 1 ha-7 FISONS (PHARMACEUTICAL DIVISION) T” %"i* L esssrre,7 H I LI GEEST HOLDINGS LTD LI" ' UNILEVER PLC Subsidiaries include: GENERALll "C FOODS " LTD I I Own* "‘”Coffee HAG." "C ‘ ' ' BATCHELOR'S, BIRD'S EYE, GIVAUDAN & CO LTD A subsidiary of HOFFMAN—LA Dmnm1mmD-

—..._... _ _ —— — __7_ _ <7___ 7 7’7'77_::’ ' ‘I H.J.HEINZ ICE CREAM, WALLS MEAT, JOHN 7 77 777777777 7 7777777 , , — _ '— ;-1 NEST foods. HOECHBT UK LTD Subsidiaries include: %:fi:,,;*, ,,W_ Wggflfi g __,fi ______7777 ______7"7______777 __77__777 7 __—77——fl| BERGER and CUPRINOL. UNIROYAL CHEMICAL

W Hfl__ 7, 777 77 7 7777— 7 —77;;77—7 __—__7 7— 7—77 ______77 7 :_7_7______r" ART§§§l§OnDEN“;f§b§§ “i”“"“* i *l‘” *“"i’;S A ;¢§;§§§é;;7;f I¢};f*""" i wELLcomE FOUNDATION __T__W_m;; ,_ _;_”j:@_,___:_g;”_, ____mW_HT:;I _m I__, , 7Lfi_;__;_I,____7 __lI I lln_7 _,_77::;l_77.77 **"l~* *;;_ rs ‘ "r ‘Tr —*W“— _____ 7: :___ _ _7_ _ Yjli — 7 _7—1_ J. ICI (IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES) I“ €:TWfM§fiRIALfiCROfiPDW;I iii DIET TIRED In II ISubsidiariesWinc"ude: HP I FOODS LTD, GOLDEN WONDER, COURAGE, SMEDLEY foods, - BUXTED POULTRY, PLAYERS 02$ KELLOGG COMPANY OF GB LTD F HwIflMUM$IRD OMIMHMEWPMMIWUHL.


E CHAMBOURCY. /. ERss~esILiise"eseeTe rs E E" IAIs_ubsidiary7 ofIRE'ED see. PROCTER &-GAMBLE LTD LTD ‘ 1='EL1iXi<>s"£fioo?i, r"IeEs7 I -3-fir PRICE toys, SUTHERLANDS foods .u§~

-» . .-1 I - - flwnw '1 H .‘ N‘ _ 3 22‘ I . __. _ .. - ‘ ' J-H,5 _ ‘ --"' .3: s‘ .2 » ' . ‘.1-72'-1., 1,-1.1. . _ r *~ ,1 ( ' I 1 . I ,-,_1, _ 4 1 ll)‘/:7’:' ' E‘ 3 ‘L,‘ " I L V. ‘ up ‘¢A" _ U V H t_. _ . I ... Hizisiii-- " ervi, n <3 J1 eq V I _ t 2 .1:..e~ J; , I . 3- _" -\ ‘ ‘ ’ . L \ '. 2 ‘P 1 . 5. I " _ ~ f ‘:_ ' - %~ ' ~._ - _ - .J .. - . ,- I ' .2' . ‘ - V - em -- . ~ 1 _.,\¢ " . ~1 .._ -.) _v , __ ». ' ' ‘ /9 e. - ' '. . ‘ ._ _.‘-J‘ _'_ - I , 50 U /, Y . ‘,5:-. H ._ _ _ _ . v ‘X . _._r , p, , up V. H ‘ _ I \ -%€£%%fi H: In am __ ‘u '__i . | >,\_.‘ ' ~ ., 1; I ‘-. ._ _ - .- , r" P, ,, "'J"9" ‘ . -| 2 ' Ifl‘ m%? 1 ' L ‘P

The following are companies who fund the Conservative Party. The An alphabetical and geographical listing of military exporters in figures are quite old — they refer to donations made in 1979 either the UK, "The Arms Traders", is available from: Campaign Against The Arms Trade, 5 Caledonian Road, L0ndon,Nl. It costs £1.50 and is a directly to the Tory Party or to it's right—wimg Industrialist ' ~ - Councils. comprehensive and detailed list; here are some of the well—known companies who export weapons:

1 '_; _ ' 2_ ' i‘ 4*' _ ‘_ H —' " 2' 2 t ' *' '2' ALLIED BREWERIES 2 53,525 Part of Allied-Lyons . u. 0 Group, which includes ALCAN * Armour alloys, alloys for ‘ Subsidiaries inc- ANSELL'S, IND COOPE, , weapons and ammunition. lude BACOFOIL. JOSHUA TETLEY‘& SONS, _ _ _ V _L__. _ —— ____ —_ l‘ ; — — 7 — ' _— ——_ HALES CAKES, LYONS BELL & HOWELL 1 Transducers, instrument— MAID, SUNFRESH, LAMB 2 L ation. (Whiskey), TETLEY tea BOSTICK 2 2 22Adbesiyes 2 Eisrcnum, , ,__ , __ _. _ ,_.______._ ___.______\ W __ 7 — —<. TEACHEH'S, HARVEY'S, BRITISH AEROSPACE 1 Fighter planes. I '1 L 1, . . ._ _ _ _ ,______,;ande-—- THWAITES._ — . ,— K —,—.~ 2222 BP 2 Subsidiaries inc- BEECH1M GROUP £ 20,000 ______7 __ 77 7———— —j 2lude SCICON, milit- COMMERCIAL UNION £ 20,000 + ‘ J ary consultants. DEBENHAMS s: moo BACO 1 A subsidiary of 2ALCAN. THDRN—EMI z 20,000 + * =——~~ is ~ ~—— —_ ~~»_—~ — e __— _::—_+~ W _ .__ — _ L, _ _ ;:;_ __ _ *;**’_ ' rt: r:_;i ; titti- _r_aLAX6,. i; llli,e- ea _iie._ ___ .__..______; _ _ _ _ _ V e——~ ___ _ e,—— — ————:7'_':_:___ ':_._ fez: _ _ 1 BRITISH OXYGEN 00 (BOG) i Ground support equipm't. £ 25,000 + Own FARLEY'S. ee 5»-~eWeee1eWW 4-__-”__eee~JWeaie-;~_. ma_fii. <-_.._l e 0 _i.ie 2 2:3 cf— _;_ e— —— _— ':_: , e _ 7 ' ":_i:~;i'i’ —— BRITISH SHIPBUILDERS GUARDIAN ROYAL EXCHANGE 0 21,750 my“ f ”__, NW*__”_ *,”i__ - BRITISH STEEL CORP'N Ammunition packs. _ 22 22 22 2 Own NATURE'S BEST Pew’->00 ..e_ Lee_e.,_,W_, __W_e,,_l”,,H W,__i 2_il_. _ lid __l, 051:, L ‘*2 tnj1ihu1m§:§22222 2222 2222 2 2222}: T3509 I ?@fiHBALTH.€R0pOCTS. W i ? BROCK'S Pyrotechnics, plastic Fireworks makers. -n~_,,,i :2 ,_—;;*:__,, , < is *:.i_" ~— i i W if is — e ' bullets (used in N.I.). E LUCAS INDUSTRIES s 13,000 J _ _ __J CHLORIDE 2 2 2 C 22 ee.;;‘e1ee...n.;oe;.e;Ee 2 2 MARKS e SPENCER a 20,000 & components; submarine, 222Lfi§gEY2222 222 2 2 2 18,000 aircraft &-torpedo batteries. ___ ,7’. _ W __ V _ _‘ 7 '- 222Elik ORGANISATIO0222 £ 30,000 CIBA-GEIGY’ Adhesives, feLrieeI2 2 Subsidiaries inc— _'_ ___ 17' — — 3 * lude ILFORD. _ _ ___ | __ —— - 222RiEK H0vis2Me00U0ALL22 22a 30,000 + Subsidiary brands are: H e» .1 BISTO, ATORA, CEREBOS, EUNL0P2 ‘ Turret drives, brakes 1 Subsidiaries inc- CHESSWOOD, ENERGEN, MR. for fighting vehicles. iilude SLAZENGER e KIPLING, MOTHER ' s PRIDE, 5 . CARLTON. .-_T _ irr em, ‘U 0 __ 0 , PAX0i.WINDMILL» 0 0 L 1 "2 EEREANTi 2 222Weapons systems, missile RECKITT a COLEMAN a 20,000 + control components etc.

_ .i . _ __ _ 21 2 2iEEnlc 222 2 2 14,000 GENERAL ELECTRIC (GEO) ‘ Nuclear2controls,2 22 parts for222 Subsidiaries2 inc- 22iTATE2&2LYLE2 2 a 19,000 22 gunnery'control, etc. L lude OSHAM. __ _ t *1- D 22luEiEEL2Eis00ITs2 a 2i,500 HAHKER—SIDDELEY2 22 2 2 2 2 Fighter planes.2 2 22 22 1 Own2 CROMPTON2222222 and H ______srsnn iVIDOR batteries. WIMPEY ,£ 25,000 I HUNTING 0R0Ur 2 22 i2C1uster bombs, etc. ‘ BARCLAYb . L l0T22222 22222" 2 22 Fibre Optics, laser diodes. Subsidiaries inc- 2MlDLAND lude ABBEY LIFE. Contributions unknown ee.e.~~.»eJe e W 0 an . _ . . . .0 L W L _ ___ KW\ __e _ ;~;_ __ , —~ —:_— __ _ __—_ _ ._:_1 mwnmm.mswnmnm KELVIN HUGHES Naval electronics,222 radar, \A subsidiary of LL0Ym's 2 y SOHHT. ‘SMITHS INDUSTRIES.

Vi 13 __ , _ _ _ _ H ~ ~~~~ as . Wall as 1 la 1 4 _7 777is T -—---—— tr7 tt* "'\~ its t *** E »§k Q MEL EQUIPMLNT Electronic warfare, sights A subsidiary of \ 2 . 1 I" N for armoured vehicles, etc the PHILIPS GROUP. d;5i..§ , _ x L¥,fi,,. R}g€7R}; . ." ' e ’ Q _, %m“K¢?”'°‘ ,.-4'“ ' a._ Q3 "' ' qr‘ - ’ F 4‘ 2 s ‘ _ 22"‘ o~ - NLUUASKET TUnUSISTORS 2 Hybrid microcircuits for2 22 2@2subsidiary 0L2 22¢ "\ u ‘ 2 A . '0" - military systems ,the PHILIPS GROUP ._2 ’.‘ Y . 2‘: . 4_"‘. ‘-2 .

0 H23?’ 2 \2‘2 " I - t PLESQEY’ 2 2 2 22 Elgctronid warfare, guided 2222222 22 22 22222 _ ‘ -L-'.-I ‘ ,---.._ "-‘E e8PH§¢' weapons systems, etc. ( <1 HIIIPS _J4 (see MEL, NEHMARKET) r"“v" Aside from the BIBRA institution, vivisection occurs in many, RACAL Electronic warfare, etc. Subsidiaries inc- ._' lude DECCA ELECTRICAL, many different laboratories across the UK — by private companies, CHUBB security. by company research departments, and by university and medical 2RANi2 2 2 2 Missile guidance systems Subsidiaries inc- schools. Much of the work carried out in educational establishments lude ODEON, BUTLINS, ‘ . WI NUS2‘ L22 TRAVFLJ 7 XEROX. is, in fact, "bought" by companies; below is a short list of some RCA 22 Communications systems. of the biggest vivisectionist companies. 2SAS csour eei2Visors & shields for riot- 1 e I 1 . control forces. 22BRITISH‘AMERICAN TOBACCO BAT recently claimed that SINGER Navigation system for there was "no knohn connect Pershang missiles between smoking and disease... SCHPRHULY PAINS—WESSEX Pyrotechnics for military Own WILKINSON MATCH, the search for proof by BAT's & paramilitary organisations including BRYANT & MAY. research includes contract riot control equipment, etc testing carried out at BIBRA, Hazelton and Wickhmn labor- THORN~EMI Weapons control systems, etc _ e.e— as ~ »_s~e~e e sees =-¥e-ee ~ atories.~eW~es~e ~ I -.~e~-~ ..e;~~e~ 5 SHELL ~" Have a licence to vivisect. 2f?’ _ _ *422l;;:;1%;22"222_/5 _ , 4 WELLCOME FOUNDATION Major UK drug company with

l-:' ~,:i....ee,-1 *;**T_"';4:‘ . - pre—tax profits of £ TO million L i i i \ : _ _ _.|-n-_ —7—— _ tie iii, "*’;;i;;7*}Ii§ Wellcome spend around £100 m _ ””__; .;l;: glfilf‘ i ‘, annually on research, most of e22 ;€§22i§2§¥Ei:t /22‘ it animal-based.

e——~?1g__%;e1;,;;U122;“”22222 2 UNILEVER Uni1ever's research centre in

fies’ r l ;‘ - -.. £1ii—ig Bedford carry out such tests ' ~ as LD50, acute toxicity tests

---i-. intact- ai --i etc. 1- 1-hi @- F: __ - fig‘. 2” 2 --1 ICI Own the Central Toxicology Labs '+ , _ 1.? K 1*‘_

--i-i-i_l in Macclesfield, one of UK's '4":i k- i biggest animal-test establis} — {'22 ents ~ at the centre of the --—-_--e--in1l smoking beagles outcry in IQY6

p-—-_.i-_ Almost 10 yrs later, at the same |-- iii labs, l0,000 beagles are kept along with horses, rats, sheen, and chickens. Another ICI lab ‘ 1:1-=—e I-1----0-1--1--i-—-_-i; J v--1---1-?.i.____.... in Cheshire has another 20,000 h-----i--i__;-1-. hi--ii-—._.ii L-—--it----____.. beagles. A subsidiary of ICI, pi---i-1 ironically, is DULUX PAINTS who

0,.I I01‘. 0, .. use a dog for advertising. The I ' 0'," " I Macclesfield centre also has a large primate colony and close links with Porton Down MoD research centre. OIBA—GEIGY Have a large vivisection labor- atory in the UK, including a large beagle stock.

-1- K5 Q‘ _ _ ‘ _ ..

-a _::,€:;.._:F=_-;. _j N ‘T iv ‘IL V 4-. I ‘ -L‘-I A.‘ ml ‘ 31' vr - \ nJI'.~ \ r - -,.;;r~ax wt,¢ _~"Na‘ 5';- "P,@~»_;w~"»*2 'UY* -~wW"%&».: @ .~‘ 4*‘ .%m4 emf“; 5, _ O" . ;@ r” J -@!#' -, n. ______V ______'______>______V l ____‘______I: ______i___ i_ i____,______i, ______,_,______, __, ______i. 0 } - I‘-fly.‘ ' '~’. 4; _ ‘ I J _7-- ]_ ; " g " ."'_ H K v - ‘ _ 1 \ (1 V ‘ 1 ' _- -.,._‘ ‘ . _ Q 4’ :_ 9'. ‘- . F 'e';H 7"‘ ’ .‘ ¢ A . L-J . Corn peuv-XL-1,‘ “.1 fl_O S O\;"('-1 I‘ ‘K I 1‘ _ __ 1‘ 1| " ._--.;»_-~,_. I - .. ., ,1,-.v 3 59”» §" I _,, .' i '-

F‘ ‘ A -“Y1,-‘I; _ v . "\ I’ i E -7",’ _ J \ ‘1‘ a billion doll~"~ unnua ‘y. In _ * '0 Q ax‘ ‘ Q’. 1:“! h '1

5- l978, QYOO rabl 7% were used in _h, f nu‘ ‘ fl_ , ~ . $- ,. _“ _ .. \ Draizc test exfivriments in _j “*" ,*"fl; >..¢,€r-3 "fir._“ 7 . '.§?-aw‘,h. . Revlon research c J i "1 R’ - i . i .1 la. _ 7 ,,,M:_ pp fi__w_ _*,J ,%_, Wfipvfipi H, ",_, m4_‘ ~_, ____fifi _ _ _fi_T,, W ,_“,_ _,_Ww7WW_ __ , I. '~‘_ ' " -iv L _~ _: - * ,_ H _ ‘ff:

-' " . .'; '¢\‘ ‘g . -" 4 (1. ‘

, \ ‘.1 Music's retail outlets, despite their claims, are made up of the same old businessmen pulling the same old strings. Most of the big record i€::§:;§7 companies are responsible for dealings more sinister than simply mass- producing consumer fodder; how ironic that the music entertainment industry is so closely linked with electronic warfare - these companies do, in fact, "make a bomb". Just as disturbing is the use of recorded, mass—produced sound to disseminate the equally mass- produced morality which infects us all... _

THORN—EMI Command a sizeable share of the investments and profits of the arms industry. Manufacture weapons systems, tracking systems (it's Searchwater Radar was a military firs success — their word, not mine — in the Falklands War), and what EMI advertisers call "anti—personell mine systems" - that is, designed to kill people. A trading profit of around £ 400 million each year. Subsidiaries include: HMV RECORD SHOPS I HARVEST rmcoans if im ISLAND RECORDS - \¢ ZTT RECORDS >--""‘ MUSIC FOR PLEASURE RECORDS CLASSICS FOR PLEASURE RECORDS BENDIX WASHING MACHINES (The Bendix.Ccmpany manufacture warhead components for Cruise and Pershing missiles) ABC CINEMAS (Incidentally, both "Ghandi" and "Rambo" are EMI films) KENWOOD kitchenware 4 FERGUSON ELECTRICALS D.E.R. Television rental RADIO RENTALS RUMBELOWS retail outlet if AFA MINERVA security systems $.. ' 50 % share in THAMES TELEVISION

_RQA, Produce radar systems for aircraft defence, early- warning ballistic missile defence, and warfare laser systems. Subsidiaries include: I BALLANTINR BOOKS ORIEL FOODS 1P',Q¥ PHILIPS - A Dutch company with wide~ranging interests, including electronic warfare, sights for armoured vehicles,night— //' /' viewing devices for surveillance and weapon aiming, mLan1ln>~distanc0 systems, and microcircuits for militar 1}» 'l.fl /

*1 t3 .. ‘ J 1: . .- . "4’. F;-iwfilh ' ‘ I1 o-n ‘ in r Q ' i 1_;.H5)" -' 05 I ‘f (PHILIPS, CONTINUED) 1-",v§¢P" ‘ " ¢§-' ~ ~ \Q Q ~. e § /:~'* _ Q ~,-.:\ .- ._,1.‘ I . - ' . use. Subsidiaries include: j “ _{§Ek' K4 45 _ ;'__ ; ' , ._’ mw MARANTZ AUDIO T A g. 1, i M5 O‘ ~ ' PYE 1 ,*“' ]~ ¢. v _ '5. ; . mx»h "'~ i I. —- , all ~ ' K =7-1-all -~ V, ' ems l ' — . , ' H .-- 7 , — a A - 9 ,. 3, ' ‘ 1 -_fl‘ ' .‘,, 5- r ) . . av -V ‘Y i a . "" . if, POLYGRAQ Is a joint enterprise between Philips (see above) and SIEMENS. Siemens produce warfare communications equip- ment. Subsidiaries include: POLYDOR LTD UK THE DECCA nscoan COMPANY (includes LONDON ascents). In recent years the big oil companies have quietly developed a monopoly on solar energy. For over a decade oil companies have put down solar power as 'impractical', and when public demand grew and threatened oil consumpt- ion these companies slyly bought up the solar energy industry. This is why solar power has never been developed to it's full potential. Meanwhile the nuclear power industry, much more profitable, can be exploited and developed despite a legacy of deaths, deformities and destruction. The Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) are at the moment involved in the Sizewell Enquiry, which concerns the building of a new—killer reactor which is uneconomic, unnecessary and dangerous. Whilst Friends of The Earth continue to find holes in CEGB's plans, CEGB continues to order key components of the reactor at tremendous expense; especially for a type of Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) which has been proven to be unsafe in America — three plants of this design have been closed down. CEGB are also involved in the illegal chain of business involving the importing of uranium from Namibia. It is CEGB who buy the processed uranium under the terms of their contract with Rossing RTZ. Every time we pay our electricity bills,.as much as 20% of that bill goes towards nuclear power development and use. As well as CEGB there are, as always, manufacturing companies with direct interest in the build—up of the nuclear power industry. The "World Nuclear Directory" lists the following (selected) company involvements:

GENERAL ELECTRIC co (sac) Construction & manufacturing for the nuclear industry; nuclear waste disposal; nuclear systems; nuclear power reactors. GEC are hoping to win the contract to build the PNR at Sizewell.

KODAK Construction and manufacturing as suppliers of industrial x-ray film and processing equipment & chemicals for use during construction of nuclear power stations; training in use of equipment; examination of radioactive fuel elements.

ii 20 ',;?‘_ " I 2 h , .. ¢_ .§~ .. ~~ '¢ ' v. - 1». ’ ' 5 fir‘ & Zificisillaiaosivicefilth" A K Designers and manufacturers of IF’ reactor control systems. . ' D ( “E1 "0 " - 5 ' P-\ I r ‘ Q: 1 .;. 4 _ uni ' »-..}_- 9- -=<__,-, __.w':..c-'#~ -\- \ ‘ ‘ Q 1

I Enterprises" which in involved in nbwII y~" I’ A ‘I’ n , l | . manufacturing materials for the ,\i"0' nuclear industry. _ IN, ,__ _-_.-_¢--:___ f " ' ’ ' so assets " ‘ ‘ Work on nuclear reactors; production Of inBtPumentati°ns mechanical! _ "The main business of the international banking electronic and physics design services; engineering and reactor t@ChnO}Ogy_ W g division is the provision of loans in all the t t ’~~~ r "W ’ "”" ’ principle currencies to governments, multinationals ROLLS-ROYCE Have a subsidiary called "Nuclear Develojments Ltd", but no information and corporations, and for major projects — about it at present. particularly in the development of energy resources." (Natwest Brochure) _ _ ‘

That means they use investors‘ money to prop up governments around the world who are fighting wars against their neighbours or their own people. It means investments in the destruction of the earth through. massive loans for nuclear power. It means financing the status quo -

-1- hecause it's profitable. The four major banks — Barclay‘s, Natwest, Lloyd's and Midland E are all contributors to Tory funding; are all involved in South \ Fl \ \ African investment (though Barclay's is by far the largest investor); are all involved in financing civil war abroad.

H ll J MIDLAND Act as bankers for the notorious Rio Tinto Zinc 5 i \ and_financed illegal arms deals with Khomeini's l - army._Subsidiaries include: THOMAS COOK and -COMPASS TRAVEL. \ \ 1‘ LLOYD ' s Have part~funded the establishment of the fascist military dictatorship in Chile - where over 2000 people have "disappeared" at the hands of the la Chilean Secret Police — to the tune of well over we ‘t-_,,.-a I I 4 £ 260 million in loans. 47"‘. \_._Q._ BARCLAY'S Holds over £ 500 million in SA apartheid govern- I- I -fimqrg Q ment, and in 1980 made an after~tax profit of £ 43 million. Also large contributors to Defence -. \‘v~._ ‘x-_ ‘~.' -of"‘ii__ 1‘»_ 1'.-,.~’~‘KW_. n, Technology Enterprises, a business set up recently >- by Thatcher and Heseltine in order to "sell" technology developed at MoD establishments. A

\l subsidiary of Barclay's is THE YORKSHIRE BANK. J‘1 1-._-v \ \ "-,7.’---$1.‘ '1}2II’.-11*- In short, there are no untainted high—street banks, and all major mr ~ we\. “J“a I ‘tr:3"J4 _ ' »"- <-Q‘4|;1 W'’-r45<\.1_,_§Ug(."‘i. building societies use the four main banks anyway. Whoever you cash your cheque with, it inevitably ends up in South Africa or somesuch, propping up this or that military regime. Aside from total disinvestmert l \ U (often totally impractical) there are very very few alternatives. -_ e 11 22. ./ u 1 __ _qw _ 2.',_.-'1

5-. . ‘db K \)- f \. t ~_J‘a"\ ii xi ‘Pf ‘ pi? *4 -‘I \‘.. i $9»)J§ 1» A 1 .. ~-~* , ' - .. " ' . Eikzl ‘ !_- 4:.-' _ 1 Yr . re. , ,,¢.:-"~ > ‘i 1' _ - p‘ zr I , "'r~‘ -if’! H.‘ ' ."d4,“ __| ‘ D ~ F‘ ‘ 4

nside from the record companies listed elsewhere, the following comp ies are involved in the design and manufacture of components cash crops repre ent the acute end of the exploitation wedge: for Cruise, Trident and Pershing muclear missiles: ndustiies which rely upon slave labour in disgusting conditions

‘ i * " with no regard for the identities of race or individual where SING i Make the inertial navigation system for Pershlng 11, a1Bo work wath Cru1se_ people become dispensable numbers, figures to he added on or taken

BENDiX ~Pea— 0 Make prQpu151Qn mechanlsms for pgréhlnp II 0 awav Western companies fill shops and brochures full of glossy TEXAQ TNCTEUMENT3 Crulgg $183116 +echn010é& l onsumer rubbish which includes as a stage in it*s manufacture the MAN VOLKSWAGCh Lafllchlng trucks yo; cruise ‘M 0 M“ wholesale oppression of those people in underdeveloped countries Al TARMAC M Hhg an Q 11 5 m1111On contract for the l Lso—called because our vision-of 'developement“ means exploiting Cflnstruotlon & development of Greenham and wasting the earth and it's resources, something that the Common USAF Cruise base. ‘ '* i* to " l * " Third World hasn't begun to do yet), upon whose labour the product BRITISH TELECOM Have a contract for work at Greenham r * t ' * " e s rrr — ‘es is dependent Phese accusations lie not with particular brands, ROILS ROYCF Manufacture components for Trident *““"“"“'*“ ‘" rt ‘i * * ** ” ‘ ‘art r ‘ but with whole products. g

it,» .»---— _ __ — —————— — ————— __ _..______———— _ '— — _ ———~ ______HRYSLE} coarse &_TEA* 7* 2500 cups of Brooke Bond tea are drunk around OOD q“, All manufacture components for Pershing II the world every second of every day. And as Brooke Bond say in their brochure: "...coffee plays an important and sometimes vital part in .__-_.__-- 7 _ 7 ,7___ : _; __ _ ::_ 7 _ _ _ UORl~EM FMI's subsidiary SYSTRON DONNER make the economies of more than fourty producing the accelerometer system for PerSh1Y countries", countries hooked on producing and Trident missiles Another SubSlQliTyq drugs for western habits, grown on stolen land, FDCLIFF INoTRUMFNTb, are involved in the land which could be used to grow food for development and manufacture of air— people who are starving to death. launched Cruise missiles. iSugar is added to nearly all processed foods, RC5 Involved in development program for and people in Britain eat an average of over air—launched Cruise missiles 100 lbs per person per year — not one grain of which their bodies need. For this, a sugar ENEh.T FLECTQIC Assemble neutron generator Ior warheads worker in Brazil's northreast has a_1ife of Pershing and Cruise expectancy of 28 years {for men) and 32 (for UNIO" "ARQTC jroductior of Uranium components foi women). A few rich barons own-most of the land warheads of Pershing and Cruise and the many'poor pay exorbitant rent and work -ii .1.__...._.._. _ for next to nothing on the plantations ~ again, TTT Make igniters for Pershing land which could be used to grow proper food TTON Involved in ance syste for the people who work the land. Meat is produced by wasting land and wheat which could be used to feed hungry people; rainforests are cut down, depriving people and animals that live there of their livelihoods, and the atmosphere of it's life—b1ood, to

4? provide land for burger-bars to feed rubbish to the wealthy. Add to this the inhumanity of the factory farm system, the cruelty involved in breeding and rearing of animals, and the

-“& gross chemical manipulation of animal flesh...

,7 ~ _ _ —: _ _ — _ '— _—:__ ——— ' __ _ -1‘ +- — -______\_ c"’~

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the common cold, american pharmaceutical ‘ KW 1 manufacturers manage to market some 35,000 different cold remedies, for which consumers 1. THE BUSINESS SECTION OF YOUR CITY OH TOWN LIBRARY shell out 735 million dollars every/year. Ask the library staff for where these are, if they've got themr The drug—company/advertisers sell ms more and varied ways to stay healthy; and yet the mortality rate in the west, where these drugs wao owns wnon (UK) In two volumes, comes cum every year. , proliferate, increases yearly...perhaps not Volume one is an index of parent in spite of, but because of these "miracle companies, listing all their subsid— cures". Business comes first} iaries in the UK and abroad. Volume two is an index of subsidiaries TOBACCO Farmed on plantations owned by huge tobacco telling which parent company Owns Gompaniefl in practically every south american, WW, ifl i W "W, theme indian, and african regions British“Amerioan _ McCAR@H§’INFORMATION CARDS Tobacco explain: "Trends include the move to Usua11y*kept in filing cabinets - recognise the aspirations of developing collated press cuttings of all the countries...with increasing encouragement of business activities of major companies local participation." Which is the accession (listed alphabetically) in the last of land management away from the company twelve months or so...eg if Thorn-EMI themselves — and into local, rich, puppet- have just won a new arms contract with managers, paying barely poverty—level wages the MoD, then it will get reported in and destroying useful land. the business section of, say, the Financial Times. Rather than wade MARIJUANA Currently a major cash—crop in many areas — through hundreds of newspapers, the notably Central and Southern America. Slave McCarthy information cards do it for labour, awful conditions, ruined land, worked yow. by the exploited many and owned by the exploiting "ii iEXTEL”C£hb3 11:: _ W__..___ 7 _,______——.-__—— i--:~—»__-=-'__ W —""’:—~~—*:-I _ few. In filing cabinets, contain financial information for all the companies quoted on the London stock exchange; plus 1500 unquoted companies. ll iiiniirceonf ow n1éEE¥EE? H“ Anindexofdirectors,tellingwwhich companies they direct/are associated with ~ it's interesting to see that some fat cats have more directorships than they have fingers to get dirty..@ lisosinsssfiiascwonlss Almost everyvglobal act of oppression

~ has a directory devoted to it: not always easy to find - hut obvious examples like Jane's Warfare Direct~ bv _ _ __..x cries are commonplace. Another 4 ;— " J I [1 , . example: The World Nuclear Directory, listing companies involved in the " k nuclear powertbusiness.

-4' '- .2 3% 1‘ mi ‘V.’‘*- . 4;» 5 ,. \ _ ‘ \‘,,,-rd; “"*~_._ c g If d ‘ _... \,:.,--' 1' - ‘ 4 T V 2. READING THE SMALL PHINW WN SUPERMARKET SHELVES Example — POLO MINTS and KIT KAT are brand names, not the name of the actual manufacturing company; unlike Mars Bars, for instance, made by" g N‘c t,=e I:h’ilst:' nthiopiato " ' continues, ' . to be held by .evc1cQ‘ -~ famine,-' - ]t'm». W land% Mars-ConfectionaryIt. Says vmade by RowntreeLtd. ButMacklntoshnsomewhere. Non likewise’the. packaging. when aof_.“lgPolocompany.mints is sti l farmed for it s cash—croDs, not for lOC&11y—nQoOnd fund; (kw; bums 3 Smaller COmpany.th8y Wonrt atways Change the name of Certain of Ethiopia's exported goods is coffee.

Q16 HEN Y JOUBLFDAY RsSEflRCh ASSO"IATIOH (for organi compost brand, because people know and recognise the name; but the parent Convent Lane, Booking, Braintree, Essex company name is almost invariably stated on the back...for instance, 1NcTgAp QF A MAgAZ1Ny (U 5 Anarchlst magazlne) "FHY'S TURKISH DELIGHT" is actually made by Cadbury~Schweppes. But Spoon r Society P O Box 433, Hillimantic, CT 06226, USA "Cadbury~Schweppes' Turkish Delight" doesn't sound catchy or recognisablr — and we the consumers are sticklers for tradition.1 DABOUB PARTY RFS"ARCH DTP? ( publish occasional papers LONDON GREINIFACP (anti—McDonald's campaign, etc i» WRITING TO THE COMPANIES THEMSELVES 6, Endslelgh qtreet, London Write saying you are doing a business studies project at school or MIND MATTIR LITERATURE (pamphlets? Ieaflets) college, or looking for a job after leaving college - the company will p 0.501 421304, San Francisco, Callfornla’ 94142’ 95A send you a fat wad of glossy company brochures/annual reports/general whitewash advertising — which is all public relations stuff, from NATIONAL CENTRE FOR ALTERNQTIVE TECHNOLOGY ta booklist etc available) which you can get lots of information by reading between the lies, Llwynéwern Quarry: Ma°hYn11ethr P°wYS1 walis MOVEMENT FOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING 4- CAREERS OFFICES AT YOUR LOCAL UNIVERSITY/POLYTECHNIC Dean & Catherine Yates, 9 Hoyle Terrace,Hobson, Burnopenfield, Co Durham It's not hard to pretend to be a student! You can just walk in and walk NATURE CURE (heaIth wlthout drugs) out with a carrier~bag full of big—company graduate recruitment Publications Dept, Klngston cI1n1c, Edlnburgh EH15 5UQ brochures; if you want to take it a step further, you can ask for a list of dates when the representat-ives 0f Ih. e various' c Ompanies are' NORTHERH ANIMAL LIBERATION LEAGUE (particularly information on ICI, etc coming to interview students for careers in the oppression industry — 2nd Fl°°r! 8 “ 10 Great Ancnats Street! Manchester and maybe act ccccrdinely? - PEACE NEWS (invaluable, lnformatlve OPEN ' 8, Elm Avenue, Nottingham 5. BROWSING, KEEPING YOUR EYES AND EARS The alternative and underground press, and the business section of PLAMIL (nonedairy foods newspapers, as well as the smali print on adverts in Sunday magazines, Plamll Hbusev B°“1e3 W911 Gardens! Folkestonev Kent miles of ignored library shelves, eto ~ there's always things to pick STQNEHENGE 36 CAMPAIGN up on regarding yhe unsavoury side 0? big business activity. Suffice Polyantrlc Clrcle, 9) Torlano Avenue, London gwg to say , this bookletH 's a hotch~potch of contributions from various "ounces and everything in it is available quite freely — if you find TRAIDCRAFM (n°n'exp1°1tat1ve ‘Third world’ pr°d“°e “ °°ffee1 etc an~Wcrrors,or omissions (there must be loads) then write and let us Ind 13 HOuser C ar 1 1° 1 Square! Ne“°a5 tl9'UPo“—Tyne’ NE1 OTY @ccw* vicii SOCIETY SHOPPER'S GUIDE (up-to-date, discerning, about 2 1 P Oaoox 3, Charlbury, Oxiord, OX? GDU THE VEGAN SHOP (Vegan cookery books, publications etc 1, Orrin Close, Tileiurst, Reading, RG3 4DB

SOURCES, THANKS, RECOMMENDED PUBLICATIONS ETC VEGETARIAN SOCIETY UK Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire HAl4 4QG WAR OH RAFT ANTI—APARTHEID MOVEMENT (have a comprehensive List of SA investors) e Caatles Hbuse 1 London Bridge Street London SE1 9UT 13, Selous Street, London NW1v ODW The ! 1 ANIMAL AID (have a list of non animal-tested cosmetics available) ?, Castle Street, Tonbridge, Kent

- BUAV (quarterly paper "Liberator" to membersi 16a, Crane Grove, London ‘

CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE ARMS TRADE (full list of UK arms traders, -¢.’¢,,._“,,, 5, Caledonian Road, London N1 CHMSE OHGANICS LTD (for organic seeds

Seeds Division, Gibraltar House, Shepperton, Middx, TWl7 8AQ 4'.-.'. ECOLOGY PARTY (publish occasional papers) 36 - 38 Clapham Road, London.SW9 ECOROPA (have a series of informative end varied leaflets) Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 LTA I GvLnAoDe (Group on Lifestyles & Aotion.on Development ~ newsletters) 20a, Blurton Road, Clapton, London-E5

2;? lafl_fl_fl—-I-_IH_HflHl:;DI— ‘7 .. ". . ‘F _. IF ‘-4 vi '4 ' 1:!" _‘, ' ;"" - .3‘ ' ,,:=~ _ 1* \ . -_ ._ ~ 1 ; .. Y ,1-_, ' __ , ' fl I _ wk? 1 ‘$ < .-1 _ - .-Fl“-. '.'-‘V’ ' 1- ‘ it 1:" I, "F " ‘ w’ -1 Gathering information about big business’ unsavoury activities I U ‘ IL." H . ¢ V "1 J V ‘ ' ' - . ‘ is - Y. ‘ Y ' .'\‘ \- - I _ I. ‘ ‘\ O '. F j _ Q v . ‘ac _ ‘ _ "3 a long, gradual and OfifiOing'pTOC€SSw Companies change hands 2 J i , ' rt ‘-' 1' ” - ' . . *5 H Q . 1:. 9 A , . _ . r 0,. faster than we can research and print booklets about them! The reason our efforts aren't made redundant by these changes is because The oppression-based nature of big business is inherent in it's the pattern remains the same when the company logo changes M it's make up, yet it oftenlremains invisible; a) because big business always profit before people: doesn't want us to see people deprived of their livelihoods and ‘t is profitable to sell arms to Ethiopia starving as a result of the companyds overseas activities, and b) it is not profitable to give food mountains to Ethiopia if we see the company's glossy product first, then-we don't want it is profitable to sponsor the government of the United Kingdom to look. it is not profitable to encourage people to organise their own lives At first sight the glossyvcityvshopping centre seems warm, inviting, and nothing but go0d.... that is, until we take our eyes So when I read in the paper last week that Sainsbury's are off the product for a minute and look up to see their close-circuit considering not selling South African goods, I ask myself — is it t.v. cameras watching our every'move. Such is the product, too. because of their compassion for the victims of apartheid? And if it It's not as simple as thinking "Mars Company commission research is, what do they think about all the people turfed off plantations on monkeys, therefore I'll boycott Mars ," it's learning to see the where Sainsbury's tea, sugar, and coffee is grown? Or is it, more whole network of oppression which induces ms to work for them to realistically, because they are worried that if the company-is seen earn the necoesary cash; to watch their t.v. with it's images of by the british public to be supporting apartheid, that their overall "the goodness (Z) of thick, thick chocolate"; to complete our life sales will fall? What do you think? _ of "work, rest and play, lived to it's fullest" by simply buying .4

"a Mars a day". \ I’ “'|“M.‘ v.‘ if-_ . And once we start looking, we start to see through their mass“ . . I -( - I':"""\AJ’ Jim .. -‘*_ produced luxury lies—style (sic), on which we in the west are spoon- ‘ I0‘ w‘ 0' : E, . "“a up?1 fi' , .11-‘ """:.-.1. ":'».-"- a . _ U-I \ . fed. For instance, if I'm reading a book and I come across a word ‘ ,:' I *,,-‘.5 _, ii? * ' _ qja‘‘S " I pi‘! '0 t I A“ 5“ Q4 "~»'.7 TH '3'? ~11- that is new to me, I maybe remember the word and it's vague connotat- Bi 9 Q ~a-'~=. is 41.-»‘-st‘,.i. as '3- 8?‘ ions; and over the next Few weeks that word will seem to crop_up -vi’ 5-'$_-. again and again - not by coincidence {the word was always there), but because I've started to notice the word. And it's the same big company names which keep cropping up again and again — the companies have always been there with their vivisection laboratories and evictions of natives and cash~crop murder ~ it's just that before we begin to question who manipulates our lives, before we have occasion to look beneath the glossy facade, we skip over the surface and accept what we're given as truth. So when Rowntree-Mackintosh say in their annual report that "we believe we should contribute to the creation of an environment in which all races can work together in harmony," as reason for not disinvesting in South Africa, it all starts to sound a bit hollow. A Sm] + Tkzafi 8ooeFF + A/oson-mu Si£,c-F4\rr.‘.\./ W25. i 1 ILL\./5TRfiTZ'Dv~/5 511 zoF Reseavaca it Because on top of a daily poverty~level standard of living, blacks .5K\// 4 T/$225, 30% 4, 56 [0oI

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