8/4/2014 2014-03-24 Minutes - Board of Health Minutes To be Confirmed Board of Health Meeting No. 29 Contact Nancy Martins, Committee Administrator Meeting Date Monday, March 24, 2014 Phone 416-397-4579 Start Time 1:00 PM E-mail
[email protected] Location Committee Room 1, City Hall Chair Councillor Joe Mihevc HL29.1 ACTION Amended Ward:All Health Risks of Indoor Waterpipe Smoking Board Decision The Board of Health: 1. Requested the Medical Officer of Health, in consultation with the City Solicitor and community stakeholders including Toronto Universities and Colleges, to report to the Board of Health by end of 2014 on measures, including prohibition, to address the health risks of indoor waterpipe smoking in Toronto commercial establishments and connected patios thereof; 2. Requested the Medical Officer of Health to include in the requested report international best practices on waterpipe legislation and an economic impact analysis on businesses; 3. Urged the Federal Minister of Health to amend the Tobacco Act and regulations to explicitly include waterpipe tobacco products; and 4. Forwarded the report (March 10, 2014) from the Medical Officer of Health, for information, to the Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Public Health Ontario, the Association of Local Public Health Agencies, the four Toronto School Boards, and Ontario Universities and Colleges. Decision Advice and Other Information The Medical Officer of Health gave a presentation to the Board of Health. Origin (March 10, 2014) Report from the Medical Officer of Health Summary Since 2006, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA) has prohibited the smoking of lighted tobacco in http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewPublishedReport.do?function=getMinutesReport&meetingId=7930 1/7 8/4/2014 2014-03-24 Minutes - Board of Health enclosed public places and workplaces, including the use of waterpipes (also known as hookahs) for this purpose.