VOLUME 27, NUMBER 4 279 LIFE HISTORY OF CALLOPHRYS S. SHERIDANII (LYCAENIDAE) AND NOTES ON OTHER SPECIESl CLIFFORD D. FERRIS2 College of Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82070 Although Callophrys sheridanii sheridanii (Edwards) (see Brown & Opler, 1970, concerning authorship) was described in 1877, little was known until recently about its life history. Eff (in Brown et al., 1957) reported the foodplant as Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. The type locality for this butteIfly is "Big Horn Mountains," near Sheridan, Wyoming. The present study is based upon live material collected in the vicinity of Pole Mountain (East of Laramie), Medicine Bow National Forest, ca. 8500', Albany Co., Wyoming, April-May, 1971-72. A few ova of C. sheridanii were secured in the field. Live females were captured and caged over the hostplant. Very few additional ova were obtained in this manner, however, as the females were very reluctant to oviposit in captivity, even when placed with the foodplant and various nectar sources in a large breeding cage out of doors. Females appear to oviposit selectively upon E. umbellatum. No ova or signs of larval feeding were observed upon two other species of Eriogonum, E. flavum Nutt. and E. subalpinum Greene, which are sympatric with E. umbellatum. In the field, ova were found on the largest of the plants only. Only one or two eggs were found per plant. In April and May, when the ova are deposited, E. umbellatum is a low growing trailing plant. Some plants spread out to a foot or more in diameter. The rosettes are not yet well developed, and the foot-high flower stalks do not appear until June and July.
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