Chapter17 Appendixiii Species List.Pub

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Chapter17 Appendixiii Species List.Pub Appendix 3: Species List English Latin French PLANTS Acadian quillwort Isoetes acadiensis Isoète acadien Alder Alnus sp. Aulne Alpine bilberry (bog blueberry) Vaccinium uliginosum Airelle des marécages Alternate-leaved dogwood Cornus alternifolia Cornouiller à feuilles alternes American mountain-ash Sorbus americana Sorbier d’Amérique (cormier) American red currant Ribes triste Gadellier amer Arctic sweet coltsfoot Petasites frigidus Pétasite palmé (pétasite hybride) Arrow-grass Triglochin sp. Troscart Ash Fraxinus sp. Frêne Aspen Populus sp. Tremble Atlantic manna grass Glyceria obtusa Glycérie Awlwort Subularia aquatica Subulaire aquatique Back’s sedge Carex backii Carex de Back Bake-apple (cloudberry) Rubus chamaemorus Ronce petit-mûrier (mûres blanches) Balsam fir Abies balsamea Sapin baumier Balsam poplar Populus balsamifera Peuplier baumier (liard) Basswood (American linden) Tilia americana Tilleul d’Amérique (bois blanc) Bathurst saltmarsh aster Aster subulatus var. obtusifolius Aster subulé Beaked hazelnut Corylus cornuta Noisetier à long bec Beech (American beech) Fagus grandifolia Hêtre à grandes feuilles (hêtre américain) Bigelow’s sedge Carex bigelowii Carex de Bigelow Birch Betula sp. Bouleau Black ash Fraxinus nigra Frêne noir Black cherry Prunus serotina Cerisier Tardif Black crowberry Empetrum nigrum Camarine noire (Graines à corbigeaux) Black grass Juncus gerardii Jonc de Gérard Black spruce Picea mariana Épinette noire Black willow Salix nigra Saule noir Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis Sanguinaire du Canada (sang-dragon) Blue cohosh (papoose-root) Caulophyllum thalictroides Caulophylle faux-pigamon Blue flag (iris) Iris versicolor Iris sauvage (clajeux) Blueberry Vaccinium sp. Airelle (atocas) Bluestem (broom or prairie beardgrass) Schizachyrium scoparium Schizachyrium à balais Bog aster Aster nemoralis Aster des bois Bog-rosemary Andromeda polifolia Andromède glauque Braun’s holly fern Polystichum braunii Polystic de Braun Bristly club-moss Lycopodium annotinum Lycopode innovant Bristly currant Ribes lacustre Groseillier sauvage Broad-lipped twayblade Listera convallarioides Listère faux-muguet Brunet’s milk-vetch Astragalus alpinus var. brunetianus Astragale de Brunet Bullhead-lily (beaver-root) Nuphar variegata Pied-de-cheval Bunchberry Cornus canadensis Quatre-temps Bur oak (mossy-cup oak) Quercus macrocarpa Chêne à gros fruits Bush-honeysuckle Diervilla lonicera Dièreville chèvrefeuille (herbe bleue) Bushy aster Aster dumosus Aster à feuilles cordées Butternut Juglans cinerea Noyer cendré Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis Céphalanthe occidental (bois noir) Calico aster Aster lateriflorus Aster latériflore Calypso orchid Calypso bulbosa Calypso bulbeux Canada violet Viola canadensis Violette du Canada Canada yew (ground-hemlock) Taxus canadensis If du Canada (buis de sapin) Cattail Typha sp. Quenoille (massette) Choke cherry Prunus virginiana Cerisier à grappes Christmas fern Polystichum acrosticoides Polystic faux-acrostiche Cinnamon fern Osmunda cinnamomea Osmunde canelle Clammy hedge-hyssop Gratiola neglecta Gratiole négligée Climbing false buckwheat Fallopia scandens Renouée grimpante Clinton’s wood fern Dryopteris clintoniana Dryoptère de Clinton Closed gentian Gentiana linearis Gentiane à feuilles linéaires Closed-head sedge Carex norvegica Carex de Norvège Cluster sanicle (yellow sanicle) Sanicula odorata (Sanicula gregaria) Sanicle grégaire Coastal salt grass Distichlis spicata Distichlis dressé Common lousewort (wood-betony) Pedicularis canadensis Pédiculaire du Canada Common moonwort Botrychium lunaria Botryche lunaire Common plantain (white-man’s-foot) Plantago major Grand plantain Common speedwell Veronica officinalis Thé d’Europe Common wood-sorrel Oxalis montana Surette Cotton-grass Eriophorum sp. Linaigrette Curly-grass fern Schizaea pusilla Schizée naine Cut-leafed toothwort Cardamine concatenata Dentaire laciniée Our Landscape Heritage 347 English Latin French Divaricate rock-cress Arabis xdivaricarpa Arbette à fruits divariqués Dogwood Cornus sp. Cornouiller Dutchman’s-breeches Dicentra cucullaria Dicentre à capuchon Dwarf birch Betula glandulosa Bouleau glanduleux Dwarf huckleberry Gaylussacia dumosa Gaylussaquier nain Dwarf rattlesnake-plantain Goodyera repens Goodyérie rampante Early saxifrage Saxifraga virginiensis Saxifrage de Virginie Eastern hemlock Tsuga canadensis Pruche de l’Est Eastern skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus Symplocarpe fétide (Chou puant) Eastern white cedar (cedar) Thuja occidentalis Cèdre de l’Est (thuya occidental) Eel-grass Zostera marina Zostère marine Elegant sedge (low northern sedge) Carex concinna Carex élégant Elm Ulmus sp. Orme Entire-leaved mountain avens Dryas integrifolia Dryade à huit pétales Ericaceous shrubs, heath family Ericaceae Éricacées Floating bladderwort Utricularia radiata Utriculaire Flowering ferns Osmunda sp. Osmonde Fly honeysuckle Lonicera canadensis Chèvrefeuille du Canada Foamflower (false mitrewort) Tiarella cordifolia Tiarelle cordifoliée Fragrant water-lily Nymphaea odorata Nénuphar blanc Fringed violet Viola sagittata (Viola fimbriatula) Violette ciliée Furbish’s lousewort Pedicularis furbishiae Pédiculaire de Furbish Giant mountain aster Aster modestus Aster Giant rattlesnake-plantain Goodyera oblongifolia Goodyérie à feuilles oblongues Glasswort (chicken-claws) Salicornia europaea Salicorne maritime (corail) Glaucous meadow-grass (glaucous poa) Poa glauca (Poa glaucantha) Pâturin à fleurs glauques Goldie’s (or large) round-leaved orchid Platanthera macrophylla Habénaire orbiculaire de Goldie Goldie’s fern (Goldie’s shield-fern) Dryopteris goldiana Dryoptère de Goldie Goldthread Coptis trifolia Savoyane Grapefern (moonwort) Botrychium sp. Botryche Grasses (grass family) Poaceae Poacées Grass-pink (calopogon) Calopogon tuberosus Calopogon tubéreux Great water dock Rumex orbiculatus Rumex orbiculaire Greater creeping rush Juncus subtilis Jonc délié Green ash (red ash) Fraxinus pennsylvanica Frêne rouge Green’s rush Juncus greenei Jonc de Green Grey birch Betula populifolia Bouleau gris Gulf of St. Lawrence aster Brachyactis ciliata subsp. laurentianus Aster du Golfe St-Laurent Halberd-leaved tearthumb Persicaria arifolia (Polygonum arifolium) Renouée à feuilles d’Arum Hay-scented fern Dennstaedtia punctilobula Dennstaedte à lobules ponctués Helleborine Epipactis helleborine Épipactis petit-hellébore Hidden-scaled sedge (northeastern sedge) Carex cryptolepis Carex à écailles cachées Highland rush (bog rush) Juncus trifidus Jonc trifide Hobblebush Viburnum lantanoides (Viburnum alnifolium) Viorne à feuilles d’aulne (bois d’orignal) Indian cucumber-root Medeola virginiana Concombre sauvage (médéole de Virginie) Ironwood (American hop-hornbeam) Ostrya virginiana Ostryer de Virginie (bois dur, bois de fer) Jack pine Pinus banksiana Pin gris Labrador-tea Rhododendron groenlandicum Thé du Labrador Lake sedge Carex lacustris Carex lacustre Lapland buttercup Ranunculus lapponicus Renoncule de Lapponie Large (or American) cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon Airelle à gros fruits (gros atocas) Large round-leaved orchid Platanthera orbiculata Habénaire à feuilles orbiculaires Large-toothed aspen Populus grandidentata Peuplier à grandes dents Leather-leaf Chamaedaphne calyculata Faux bleuets Leatherwood Dirca palustris Bois de plomb Lepidocarpate sedge Carex viridula subsp. brachyrrhyncha Carex lépidocarpé Lesser bladderwort Utricularia minor Utriculaire mineure Lichen (no common name) Cladina terrae-novae Lichen (pas de nom commun) Little grapefern Botrychium simplex Botryche simple Little shinleaf Pyrola minor Pyrole mineure Livelong saxifrage Saxifraga paniculata Saxifrage aïzoon Livid sedge Carex livida Carex livide Low water-milfoil Myriophyllum humile Myriophylle Lowbush blueberry Vaccinium angustifolium Airelle à feuilles étroites (bleuets) Lungwort (a lichen) Lobaria pulmonaria Lichen pulmonaire Maidenhair fern Adiantum pedatum Adiante pédalé (capillaire) Maidenhair spleenwort Asplenium trichomanes Asplénie chevelue Maple-leaved goosefoot Chenopodium simplex (Chenopodium gigantospermum) Chénopode simple Massachussetts fern Thelypteris simulata Thélyptère simulatrice Mayflower (trailing arbutus) Epigaea repens Épigée rampante (Fleur de mai) Meadow-sweet Spiraea alba Thé du Canada (spirée) Mealy (bird’s-eye primrose) Primula laurentiana (Primula farinosa) Primevère farineuse Mermaid-weed Proserpinaca palustris Proserpinie des marais Methuselah’s beard (lichen) Usnea longissima Barde de Methuselah (lichen) Mingan moonwort Botrychium minganense Bortyche de Mingan Moss (no common name) Entodon brevisetus Mousse (pas de nom commun) Moss (no common name) Splachnum pennsylvanicum Mousse (pas de nom commun) 348 Appendix 3: Species List English Latin French Mosses Division Bryophyta, subdivision Musci Mousses Mountain cranberry (rock cranberry) Vaccinium vitis-idaea Berris (graines rouges) Mountain maple Acer spicatum Érable à épis Mountain valerian (swamp valerian) Valeriana uliginosa Valériane des vases Mountain wood fern Dryopteris campyloptera Dryoptère à ailes recourbées Mountain-fern moss Hylocomium splendens Hylocomie brillante Mountain-holly Nemopanthus mucronatus Faux houx Myrtle-leaved willow Salix myrtillifolia Saule à feuilles de myrtille Naked mitrewort Mitella nuda Mitrelle nue Native hop (American hop) Humulus lupulus var. lupuloides Houblon américain Nodding fescue Festuca subverticillata (Festuca obtusa) Fétuque obtuse Nodeweed (jointweed) Polygonella articulata Polygonelle articulée Northern adder’s tongue Ophioglossum
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    Department of Environmental Protection Page I of 2 parks and forestry links New Jersey Rare Species and Natural Community Lists By County Lists of rare species and natural communities by county can be viewed on this home page. These lists are revised several times each year. Included in the lists is information on the rarity and official status of each species/natural community. Explanations of codes used in Natural Heritage Reports are also available to assist in your interpretation of the lists. The Natural Heritage Database is continuously updated as new information becomes available. Sources of data include scientific literature, museum records, observations of naturalists around the state, staff scientists and field inventories. Entry of information into the database is prioritized according to the rarity of the species or natural community. Most emphasis has been placed on globally rare or officially listed endangered and threatened species. Information provided by the Natural Heritage Database should not be considered a definitive statement on the presence, absence, or condition of biological elements in any part of New Jersey, but simply what has been included in the database to date. If you have information which you believe would add to our knowledge of a specific county, species or natural community, please contact our staff or submit a rare species reporting form. Rare Species and Natural Community Lists by County * Atlantic " Gloucester " Ocean " Bergen " Hudson * Passaic * Burlington " Hunterdon " Salem • Camden " Mercer
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