Jane Yolen,Robert J Harris | 234 pages | 19 Aug 2004 | Penguin Young Readers Group | 9780142401323 | English | New York, NY, United States Slave Cages by

FreeBookNotes found 7 sites with book summaries or analysis of Girl in a Cage. Among the summaries and analysis available for Girl in a Cage , there is 7 Book Reviews. Depending on the study guide provider SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc. Sites like SparkNotes with a Girl in a Cage study guide or cliff notes. We found no such entries for this book title. Please see the supplementary resources provided below for other helpful content related to this book. Girl in a Cage by Jane Yolen. Mary died in , she had survived four years imprisoned in a cage at Roxburgh Castle before being transferred to a more comfortable imprisonment in To survive 4 years imprisoned in a cage within a castle is remarkable. Even though they were not exposed to the elements, their movements, ability to exercise and exposure to fresh air were severely limited. Their courage and tenacity deserves to be remembered and celebrated. Their story deserves to be told. Thank you for sharing their stories. Though many of the tales of medieval women are poignant, this one was extremely sad. Yet also very inspiring, because they surely knew what was to come when they took sides. Mary and Isabella are extraordinary women. As an aside, is the surname de Burgh French in origin? It always amazes me the connections between and France that go back so many hundreds of years. Anyway, again, many thanks for keeping Isabella and Mary alive for us. Like Like. Like Liked by 1 person. Wonderful article. I am a descendent of through her second husband Fraser and I think of her often when I am going through difficult times. Does that make me my own step-sister? Have a wonderful Solstice, Sharon. Great post. Thanks for providing the real history. What incredible women, thanks for sharing their stories. Although at least is more accurate than Braveheart, and the struggle Elizabeth faces for supporting her husband is perhaps even greater than Robert himself. Nice one. I wrote an article about Robert and the cave spider story. Check it out:. Daro is a reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in Toronto. Contact Ishmael N. Daro at ishmael. Got a confidential tip? Submit it here. Want to support our journalism? Become a BuzzFeed News member. Leroy Pena. Ross D. Girl in a Cage Summary and Analysis (like SparkNotes) | Free Book Notes

FreeBookNotes found 7 sites with book summaries or analysis of Girl in a Cage. Among the summaries and analysis available for Girl in a Cage , there is 7 Book Reviews. Depending on the study guide provider SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc. Sites like SparkNotes with a Girl in a Cage study guide or cliff notes. We found no such entries for this book title. Please see the supplementary resources provided below for other helpful content related to this book. Girl in a Cage by Jane Yolen. Read Time:. PublishersWeekly - Girl in a Cage Publishers Weekly reviews vary in length, with all focusing on a synopsis of the book and a look at the quality of writing. Many reviews are behind a subscriber paywall. Estimated Read Time : 3 minutes. There was discussion as to why certain choices were made, and what elements of the story were taken from the legends of the era and woven into the story of Marjorie's life and imprisonment. It also points out that some of these "facts" were impossible to verify, given the history of legends and heroes in Scotland at the time. I'm definitely looking forward to using this book in our homeschooling this year. I'm even going to be suggesting my older son who is going to be missing out on this book reads it because it's an interesting story. I will admit that some of it is a bit dry, and I don't love the way Marjorie is portrayed again, I kept wanting to think she was much younger than she actually was , but I think it opens up good points of discussion and the potential for further research on that period in history. However, the details like being occasionally dry and Marjorie's childishness are the reason I'm not able to bump this up to a 4 star review, as much as I enjoyed the read. And I did enjoy it enough to finish in one day, so that says something. Apr 05, Brenda-Jean Shephard rated it really liked it Shelves: etecrealistic- historic-fiction. Back at the turn of the 14th century! All was good and well if you were a member of the right family and among your own people, but perilous otherwise. Girl in a Cage tells in great detail the fictionalized experiences of Marjorie Bruce, the year-old Prior to reading this haunting novel, I knew next to nothing about the history of Scotland, but now I feel compelled to explore and find out more. Girl in a Cage tells in great detail the fictionalized experiences of Marjorie Bruce, the year-old daughter of Robert Bruce, while captured and imprisoned by the English. The authors Robert J Harris is credited as co-author describe the thoughts, feelings, character, and choices of this young girl whose father led Scots in the fight against for the independence of Scotland, after the defeat and execution of William Wallace. The story focuses on the imagined battle of wills between the captured girl and her captor, King Edward "Longshanks," who was himself on death's door. Drawing courage from the examples of bravery she remembered from her father, stepmother, aunts and uncles, Marjorie refused to accede defeat, even in the face of being starved to death. The story was told so engagingly, I wondered right up to the end if she would survive. The theme is a mature one, but the language of the text is uncomplicated. It even alludes to the very modern concept of identifying fake news when Marjorie asks herself how much she can believe the king's claims to have defeated her kinsmen. In the epilogue, the authors not only fill us in on the rest of the documented parts of the story, but also comment on the roles of writers of historical fiction. Target audience: 6th-9th grade May 13, TPK rated it really liked it. Marjorie, the eleven-year-old daughter of Scottish king , has hardly had time to learn how to be a princess when she is captured, dragged out of Scotland and thrown into a public cage in an English border town, where the villagers can gawk at her, mock her, even throw rotten food and dung at her. But she is determined not to give in to the cruelty of the people, nor to the demands of her captor, Edward Longshanks of England. She is a princess of Scotland, and a princess she will Marjorie, the eleven-year-old daughter of Scottish king Robert the Bruce, has hardly had time to learn how to be a princess when she is captured, dragged out of Scotland and thrown into a public cage in an English border town, where the villagers can gawk at her, mock her, even throw rotten food and dung at her. She is a princess of Scotland, and a princess she will remain, whether in a castle or in a cage. This middle-grade novel is an engaging read, the chapters shifting back and forth between the indignities of Marjorie's captivity and the time before she was captured. There's some mostly-implied gore and death which may bother sensitive readers, I noted a few problems with the way historical exposition is handled in the narrative on several occasions, characters tell other characters things they already know, primarily for the reader's sake and the authors have taken liberties with history when few records survive to show what actually happened, but overall this is a brisk, engaging, thoughtful read about love, loyalty, and the differences of belief about what it really means to be a royal. Mar 26, Heather O'Neill rated it it was ok Shelves: homeschool. It is a historical fiction book that speculates how Marjorie lived being a prisoner of King Edward Longshanks. The book goes back and forth between the past when Marjorie's father becomes King and they all escape because of the fighting between the Scottish and the English to Marjorie being locked up in a cage. We were reading this book as part of our homeschool curriculum for my third grader. My boys liked the fighting involved, but found the rest boring. It was much of the same thing all of the time. When we would review the book the next day all of us had a hard time remembering what we were reading. I also found myself spacing out while I was reading, which is not a great sign! The book did give a good overview of what the times were like then, but I found it very dry and not a great historical fiction book that was riveting and kept your attention. I adored this book the first time I read it in high school. Coming back as an adult, I still enjoyed it, though with more reservation. Girl in a Cage is not historically accurate. And yet the imaginary interactions between Longshanks and Marjorie Bruce are some of the most compelling scenes I adored this book the first time I read it in high school. And yet the imaginary interactions between Longshanks and Marjorie Bruce are some of the most compelling scenes in the book. The real story here is of a girl growing up, of her growing attachment and appreciation of her once-loathed stepmother, and her surprising inner strength, revealed under harsh circumstances. To get to this place, however, one must travel the length and breadth of Scotland with a spoiled, childish Marjorie, receiving large doses of political context and historical exposition along the way. Yolen tries her best to bring it all to life: the people, the politics, and the history, and sometimes she succeeds. Other times Sep 08, Tatum H. Marjorie becomes imprisoned by this king and is left in a wooden cage in the center of a village for the villagers to taunt her and throw stuff at her. Even with all of her sufferings, she reminds herself that she is the princess of Scotland and it is her duty to make her country and father proud. I love this book because it shows how the little princess Marjorie stands up for herself even though she is imprisoned by the enemy and scorned by those who come to see her in her cage while throwing rocks, rotten tomatoes and other fruits at her. It is amazing to see that she is able to read about her very difficult life and still make it out stronger than ever. Nov 12, Elizabeth rated it it was amazing. Girl in a Cage is an exceptionally well-done peek into life in the s and a good history lesson of Robert the Bruce's reign in Scotland, that was hard-won and cost him and his family dearly. The book is historical fiction, so some liberties are assumed with the known history. That said, the story is based on reasonable conclusions. Marjorie, Robert's daughter and only heir, is captured and kept on display in a town as a prize of war. She is regularly visited by King Longshanks so nicknamed b Girl in a Cage is an exceptionally well-done peek into life in the s and a good history lesson of Robert the Bruce's reign in Scotland, that was hard-won and cost him and his family dearly. She is regularly visited by King Longshanks so nicknamed because of his extreme height. Longshanks is dying and his decline is reflected in 'Jo's' decline in the cage. Even so, as his temperament collapses, hers is fortified. Each small kindness she marks as victories towards her own eventual success. For instance, a girl who brings her a comb is named her 'Lady Enid'. When her brothers bring her food, she knights them and names them her army. The monk who brings her food and shows her kindness becomes her clergy. Truly, her determination, hope and positivity is worth the story alone. The story brings history to life and would be an excellent companion to Scottish history studies, although it is an excellent read for its own sake. Jul 06, Raquel Evans rated it it was ok Shelves: dnf , middle-grade , england , scotland. I thought I was okay with the fact that this wasn't a strictly historically accurate book, but it ended up bugging me too much to enjoy it, so I gave up after a couple of chapters. It's really more like 'alternative history' since a cage was built for Marjorie Bruce, but in real life she was never put into it. It's a historical book set in years ago in Scotland. The story is about a princess who, when her father the king is outlawed, is made a prisoner in the land of the her and her fathers enemy, and the story follows that girl from there [I'm not saying anything more other wise I spoil it for people]. The characters have been perfectly plotted and have been written so well that it's like they are alive, which only truly magical writers manage to do. The whole story is amazing, each word felt like It's a historical book set in years ago in Scotland. The whole story is amazing, each word felt like it was pushing me a little further to the edge of a cliff, to the edge of tears. It was a truly fantastic read. And I hope that, when other girls read it they will know that, even in the worst of times, they should stand strong, trust your heart, even if others are trying to tear you down. They must fight for what is right. May 13, Kathy rated it liked it Shelves: historical-fiction , ya-fiction. Another gripping historical novel that brings to life a place and time that wasn't well documented. It'Rs the story of Marjorie, the only daughter and only child of Robert Bruce, and includes the chronicle of Scotland's attempt one of them to break free from England. From the descriptions of the rugged terrain, it's not difficult to see why the Scots were such fierce, tough people--and not just the men, either. Realistic and violent--definitely not for younger children. Aug 30, Esther May rated it really liked it. So the title to this book is not that great but the book was. It is about a princess who is captured and used as bate to capture her father the king. Nothing really bad happens to the princess so this book can be read aloud to young children. I liked watching the princess as she decided to rule her cage as it was a kingdom. She decided that even though some of her choices had been taken away she still had a choice as to what she would do. Fantastic Historical fiction of Scotland's struggle against Kind Edward. Princess Marjorie flees across Scotland as her father's forces become cornered. When captured, she is put on public display for the English to mock and throw dung at. The story of Marj and her family is a testament to willpower. It is a Chapter Book designed for younger readers I think, but at 24 I read it all in one sitting. Excellent piece of historical fiction about Robert Bruce's daughter. Jane Yolen is a fantastic author so I'll definitely be checking out more of her young adult books. Jan 11, Kells Earl rated it liked it. This is one I haven't read in a very very long time but I remember being pretty engrossed in it. I may have to get my hands on a copy and read the entire series instead of just this one. I was not aware that this was part of a series. Good to know that it is. Dec 08, Anastasia rated it it was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I liked it's overall theme and the main character was very realistic. She had a lot of growth throughout the book. It was very well written and I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes an adventure story and historical fiction. Jun 06, Colin Liew rated it it was amazing. I remember reading this during middle school and really loved the way the author jumps back and forth. The now and the past. In the end I was rewarded. I didn't know the story was based on real history. This one had much more of an impact on me than Queen's Own Fool. Harsher, grittier, it was an interesting read. I really enjoyed it, and although I might re-home Queen's Own Fool, I think I'm going to keep a space on my shelf for this one. A well-written and interesting glimpse into a historical character and her time and place in history. The Scottish princess Marjorie comes to life as both relatably similar and uniquely distinct from children today. Jan 31, Brietta stargirl rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. It is a tragedy what happened to her family but the fact they fought back even when in a hopeless situation is inspiring. Rather a good Middle Grade historical story - about Marjorie, daughter of Robert the Bruce, who was captured and put in a cage by Edward I - as part of his revenge against the uprising in Scotland Easy to read obviously bc directed to children and quite reasonably accurate historically. Sep 16, SophiaGhastly rated it it was amazing. Great to reread as an adult! Feb 11, Kimberly Brown rated it really liked it. I thought I was going to hate this book, but I really enjoyed it. Readers also enjoyed. Young Adult. About Jane Yolen. Jane Yolen. Born and raised in New York City, the mother of three and the grandmother of six, Yolen lives in Massachusetts and St. Andrews, Scotland. Other books in the series. Stuart Quartet 4 books. Books by Jane Yolen. Related Articles. Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? We've got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day. To create our Read more Mary and Isabella – the Women in Cages – History… the interesting bits!

Girl in a Cage by Jane Yolen. Read Time:. PublishersWeekly - Girl in a Cage Publishers Weekly reviews vary in length, with all focusing on a synopsis of the book and a look at the quality of writing. Many reviews are behind a subscriber paywall. Estimated Read Time : 3 minutes. Reviews will usually include a short synopsis and focus on the reviewer's thoughts. Grammar and structure can be flawed. Estimated Read Time : 2 minutes. The first one or two paragraphs will be devoted to an introduction to the plot and characters, followed by a short assessment. Estimated Read Time : 1 minute. BuffaloLib - Girl in a Cage BuffaloLib's library catalog tends to include a brief plot synopsis and a collection of selected trade reviews for each entry. Pena's group — the Brown Berets de Cemanahuac—Texas Chapter — had set up the cage outside Dallas City Hall to demonstrate the cruelty of the system, he said, and when he uploaded photos to his Facebook page later he clearly labeled them. His post had been shared more than 20, times, as of Friday afternoon. In a follow-up tweet , Vargas said he had seen the photo on a friend's Facebook timeline and was still "looking for confirmation" of its origins. At least one lawmaker also attributed the photo to the Trump administration's family separations. Catherine Miranda, a Democratic state senator in Arizona, shared it on her Facebook page and blamed "the cruelty of trumps [ sic ] policies. This is not the first time shocking images of children have been falsely blamed on the Trump administration. In late May, photos of minors in an immigration detention center in Arizona went viral after prominent journalists shared them on social media as examples of the current policy. The Associated Press photos were actually taken in , however, and the children were being detained under the Obama administration. Pena said he made his photos private after receiving threatening messages from Trump supporters, many of whom are accusing him and the boy's parents of neglect. He said the children inside the cage at the Dallas protest were all about 11 to 13 years old. The little boy wandered in by himself and became upset when he saw his mother on the other side of the fence. For somebody to forcefully remove a child, it would be a times worse. Ishmael N. Daro is a reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in Toronto.

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Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. A woman trapped in a home elevator is terrorized by a group of vicious hoodlums. Director: Walter Grauman. Writer: Luther Davis. Available on Amazon. Added to Watchlist. The Evolution of Armie Hammer. Everything Coming to Hulu in October My Top 25 Films of Share this Rating Title: Lady in a Cage 6. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Edit Cast Complete credited cast: Olivia de Havilland I adored this book the first time I read it in high school. Coming back as an adult, I still enjoyed it, though with more reservation. Girl in a Cage is not historically accurate. And yet the imaginary interactions between Longshanks and Marjorie Bruce are some of the most compelling scenes I adored this book the first time I read it in high school. And yet the imaginary interactions between Longshanks and Marjorie Bruce are some of the most compelling scenes in the book. The real story here is of a girl growing up, of her growing attachment and appreciation of her once-loathed stepmother, and her surprising inner strength, revealed under harsh circumstances. To get to this place, however, one must travel the length and breadth of Scotland with a spoiled, childish Marjorie, receiving large doses of political context and historical exposition along the way. Yolen tries her best to bring it all to life: the people, the politics, and the history, and sometimes she succeeds. Other times Sep 08, Tatum H. Marjorie becomes imprisoned by this king and is left in a wooden cage in the center of a village for the villagers to taunt her and throw stuff at her. Even with all of her sufferings, she reminds herself that she is the princess of Scotland and it is her duty to make her country and father proud. I love this book because it shows how the little princess Marjorie stands up for herself even though she is imprisoned by the enemy and scorned by those who come to see her in her cage while throwing rocks, rotten tomatoes and other fruits at her. It is amazing to see that she is able to read about her very difficult life and still make it out stronger than ever. Nov 12, Elizabeth rated it it was amazing. Girl in a Cage is an exceptionally well-done peek into life in the s and a good history lesson of Robert the Bruce's reign in Scotland, that was hard- won and cost him and his family dearly. The book is historical fiction, so some liberties are assumed with the known history. That said, the story is based on reasonable conclusions. Marjorie, Robert's daughter and only heir, is captured and kept on display in a town as a prize of war. She is regularly visited by King Longshanks so nicknamed b Girl in a Cage is an exceptionally well-done peek into life in the s and a good history lesson of Robert the Bruce's reign in Scotland, that was hard-won and cost him and his family dearly. She is regularly visited by King Longshanks so nicknamed because of his extreme height. Longshanks is dying and his decline is reflected in 'Jo's' decline in the cage. Even so, as his temperament collapses, hers is fortified. Each small kindness she marks as victories towards her own eventual success. For instance, a girl who brings her a comb is named her 'Lady Enid'. When her brothers bring her food, she knights them and names them her army. The monk who brings her food and shows her kindness becomes her clergy. Truly, her determination, hope and positivity is worth the story alone. The story brings history to life and would be an excellent companion to Scottish history studies, although it is an excellent read for its own sake. Jul 06, Raquel Evans rated it it was ok Shelves: dnf , middle-grade , england , scotland. I thought I was okay with the fact that this wasn't a strictly historically accurate book, but it ended up bugging me too much to enjoy it, so I gave up after a couple of chapters. It's really more like 'alternative history' since a cage was built for Marjorie Bruce, but in real life she was never put into it. It's a historical book set in years ago in Scotland. The story is about a princess who, when her father the king is outlawed, is made a prisoner in the land of the her and her fathers enemy, and the story follows that girl from there [I'm not saying anything more other wise I spoil it for people]. The characters have been perfectly plotted and have been written so well that it's like they are alive, which only truly magical writers manage to do. The whole story is amazing, each word felt like It's a historical book set in years ago in Scotland. The whole story is amazing, each word felt like it was pushing me a little further to the edge of a cliff, to the edge of tears. It was a truly fantastic read. And I hope that, when other girls read it they will know that, even in the worst of times, they should stand strong, trust your heart, even if others are trying to tear you down. They must fight for what is right. May 13, Kathy rated it liked it Shelves: historical-fiction , ya-fiction. Another gripping historical novel that brings to life a place and time that wasn't well documented. It'Rs the story of Marjorie, the only daughter and only child of Robert Bruce, and includes the chronicle of Scotland's attempt one of them to break free from England. From the descriptions of the rugged terrain, it's not difficult to see why the Scots were such fierce, tough people--and not just the men, either. Realistic and violent--definitely not for younger children. Aug 30, Esther May rated it really liked it. So the title to this book is not that great but the book was. It is about a princess who is captured and used as bate to capture her father the king. Nothing really bad happens to the princess so this book can be read aloud to young children. I liked watching the princess as she decided to rule her cage as it was a kingdom. She decided that even though some of her choices had been taken away she still had a choice as to what she would do. Fantastic Historical fiction of Scotland's struggle against Kind Edward. Princess Marjorie flees across Scotland as her father's forces become cornered. When captured, she is put on public display for the English to mock and throw dung at. The story of Marj and her family is a testament to willpower. It is a Chapter Book designed for younger readers I think, but at 24 I read it all in one sitting. Excellent piece of historical fiction about Robert Bruce's daughter. Jane Yolen is a fantastic author so I'll definitely be checking out more of her young adult books. Jan 11, Kells Earl rated it liked it. This is one I haven't read in a very very long time but I remember being pretty engrossed in it. I may have to get my hands on a copy and read the entire series instead of just this one. I was not aware that this was part of a series. Good to know that it is. Dec 08, Anastasia rated it it was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I liked it's overall theme and the main character was very realistic. She had a lot of growth throughout the book. It was very well written and I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes an adventure story and historical fiction. Jun 06, Colin Liew rated it it was amazing. I remember reading this during middle school and really loved the way the author jumps back and forth. The now and the past. In the end I was rewarded. I didn't know the story was based on real history. This one had much more of an impact on me than Queen's Own Fool. Harsher, grittier, it was an interesting read. I really enjoyed it, and although I might re-home Queen's Own Fool, I think I'm going to keep a space on my shelf for this one. A well-written and interesting glimpse into a historical character and her time and place in history. The Scottish princess Marjorie comes to life as both relatably similar and uniquely distinct from children today. Jan 31, Brietta stargirl rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. It is a tragedy what happened to her family but the fact they fought back even when in a hopeless situation is inspiring. Rather a good Middle Grade historical story - about Marjorie, daughter of Robert the Bruce, who was captured and put in a cage by Edward I - as part of his revenge against the uprising in Scotland Easy to read obviously bc directed to children and quite reasonably accurate historically. Sep 16, SophiaGhastly rated it it was amazing. Great to reread as an adult! Feb 11, Kimberly Brown rated it really liked it. I thought I was going to hate this book, but I really enjoyed it. Readers also enjoyed. Young Adult. About Jane Yolen. Jane Yolen. Grammar and structure can be flawed. Estimated Read Time : 2 minutes. The first one or two paragraphs will be devoted to an introduction to the plot and characters, followed by a short assessment. Estimated Read Time : 1 minute. BuffaloLib - Girl in a Cage BuffaloLib's library catalog tends to include a brief plot synopsis and a collection of selected trade reviews for each entry. Entries also contain a short biography of the author. The emphasis is on describing the writing style and quality, with a short plot synopsis included.