bannockburn Prepare for

battleAs we approach the 700th anniversary of the in 2014, join us in revisiting the events leading up to the confrontation that altered the path of Scottish history words Michael Penman

hen Most of us know the date of the Battle of Bannock- Bowmen at the Battle The lengthy absence of forces in the field led by ‘Now Robert, seeing that he had the whole attempted to win back burn: 24 June 1314. But that famous set-to came after of Bannockburn, by the English king himself proved crucial. Bruce had border of under tribute, applied ’s greatest a long, hard road travelled by Bruce and his support- Graham Coton still not felt strong enough to challenge Edward II’s all his thoughts to getting possession of the trading port from the ers, since 1306 and the murder of his rival, John only expedition to Scotland, over the winter and town of Berwick, which was in the king of English, it was an Comyn. After the death of Edward I (7 July 1307), spring of 1310-11: the Scots withdrew to the north England’s hands. Coming unexpectedly to the assault too far. The Edward II had shown much less interest in Scotland. and west while Edward and his Gascon favourite, castle on 6 December 1312, he laid ladders sacking of Berwick in Robert had thus had time to face down his Scottish Piers Gaveston, reinforced their garrisons at Perth against the walls and began to scale them; 1312 would have meant a long siege, which was difficult enemies and draw such vital captains as Thomas and Dundee. However, in August 1311, Edward and had not a dog betrayed the approach for the Scots in the Wars of Independence: they lacked Randolph and James Douglas to his cause. By 1309-10 returned south to face the grievances of his nobility, of the Scots by loud barking, it is believed warW engines and sufficient men to pit against garrisons King Robert had control of much of Scotland north plunging into civil war. Bruce seized the chance to that he would quickly have taken the often supplied by sea and well connected to other of the Forth and had begun restoring royal govern- campaign in a number of theatres. This push through- castle and the town.’ strongholds. However, the Chronicle of Lanercost ment – appointing officers, granting lands and out 1311-13 would launch an intimidating series of Chronicle of Lanercost Priory, Cumbria shows that the English felt the threat was real, and holding parliaments (St Andrews, March 1309; castle captures and bring terror to Edward II’s

this was testimony to the surge Bruce’s campaign had m an Inchture, April 1312; Ayr, July 1312) as well as opening Scottish adherents and northern English subjects

achieved in the preceding two years. bridge communications with the Papacy and France. alike: all culminating in the battle for Stirling

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castle at Bannockburn in against Edward I in 1304) was midsummer 1314. spared and imprisoned. The August 1311 saw the Scots first half of 1313, saw the The road to raid the Lothians, Berwick- surrender and destruction of banNockBurn shire and northern England, a succession of minor English- 1306 forcing the earldom of Dunbar held castles, particularly in Follow the long and winding 10 February and the bishopric of Durham the south-west where King Robert the march to Scotland’s epic battle (16 August) to pay tribute for Dumfries fell about 7 February Bruce murders John respite until mid-summer and its captain, Gallovidian Comyn of Badenoch 1312. This made it all too clear Dugald McDowall (who had at Dumfries that the English crown could turned over two of Bruce’s not protect its subjects. By the brothers for execution in year’s end, Edward II’s 1307), fled into exile. McDow- westernmost garrison, Ayr all’s refuge on the Isle of Man castle, had fallen to the Scots proved short-lived as Bruce 7 July who razed it to the ground. and Randolph landed on the Death of 1307 Dundee was next with Robert island on 17 May, taking Edward I occupying the burgh about 12 Rushen castle after a April 1312 despite English five-week siege: Edward II, in attempts to relieve the the meantime, was in France. garrison (interestingly, by a The emboldened Scots then date agreed with the besieging Scots, as would occur A statue of Robert the attempted a first, if repelled, assault on Ulster. By at Stirling in 1314). Former Scottish opponents such Bruce stands guard at August 1313 the Scots had taken and destroyed 1309 as David, Earl of Atholl, and Sir David Brechin now the site of the Battle of Linlithgow peel in , widening the March submitted to Bruce. The Scots pressed on to south- Bannockburn English supply line between Edinburgh and Stirling Robert I’s first west Scotland. Further raids into northern England castles to over 30 miles. Tradition has it that the parliament, followed relentlessly. King Robert himself led forces king’s forces were aided at Linlithgow, as in other at St Andrews which burnt Hexham, Corbridge and then Durham captures, by local folk rising up against the garrison. town on market day in August, extracting yet more Bruce’s momentum seemed unstoppable. ransom for year-long truces and ‘a very large booty And yet Bruce had landed no blow decisive enough in cattle’. to force Edward II to make peace and recognise Edward II had no response, embroiled as he was Scottish independence. His government lacked credi- in the crisis of political reforms imposed on him by bility. He had rewarded his brother Edward Bruce with 1311 1310 his nobility. Gaveston was executed by Edward’s the lordship of Galloway in 1312 and Thomas Randolph 1312 disgruntled earls on 19 June 1312. Admittedly, this with the lordships of Annandale, Nithsdale and Man 12 April By December 1311 August 1311 Winter 1310–August 1311 would allow the English king to recover his position by 1313: but he had made only a few minor grants of Dundee garrison Ayr garrison falls to Scots raid northern Edward II and Piers Gaveston and to negotiate with his subjects which included the Lothian lands. Bruce had made a treaty with Norway falls to Scots Scots England and extract tribute campaign in Scotland prospect of another expedition to Scotland. However, in 1312, but he still lacked real acknowledgement from the talks would drag on into summer 1313. the Pope or France. On 11 July 1313 he entered his 40th Although thwarted in his attack on Berwick, Bruce year. His queen, and his only legit- recovered swiftly to lead his men across the moat at imate child, , remained England’s Perth on 8 January 1313, overwhelming the garrison: prisoners; his dynasty seemed perilously slight. ‘the disloyal people, both Scots and English, were In summer 1313, then, did King Robert’s thoughts 19 June August 29 October 1312 6 December 1312 dragged and slain with the sword’, a fate which befell turn to moves designed to force events towards a Piers Scots raid northern England, Robert I at Inverness Scots attempt to take some burgesses, although their commander, Scot Sir decisive reckoning with Edward II? Gaveston and burn Hexham, Corbridge to seal treaty with Berwick-upon-Tweed William Oliphant (who had defended Stirling castle executed and Durham town; tribute Norway about To be continued... in the next issue of Scotland in Trust extracted Western Isles

The new visitor site Bannockburn blog will open in 2014 Go online for a continuation of with sneak peeks and 11 July July May–June 7 February the story of the events up to the highlights of what’s to come at Robert I Scots Edward II Dumfries 1313 Battle of Bannockburn on the new visitor experience turns 39 attempt travels to garrison falls 8 January 23 and 24 June 1314 in the opening in 2014, this will be the years old to land in France; Scots to Scots Perth garrison falls to Scots Ulster invade and ‘Bannockburn Countdown ultimate countdown to the take the Isle Blog’ launching on the 699th 700th anniversary of the of Man anniversary of the battle this battle.

s evan m ary m an, year. Written by a number of supporters and partners of the ✤ For details see www. bridge Battle of Bannockburn project,

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