PROTECTED AREAS in France A diversity of tools for the conservation of biodiversity Acknowledgements This publication was produced jointly with the Commission on Protected Areas of the IUCN French Committee and the help of © Fred JACQ Coordinated by Thierry Lefebvre and Sébastien Moncorps, and published by the IUCN French Committee, Paris, France. Maps: Benoît Lefeuvre (Natural Heritage Service, National Museum of Natural History), data from the national inventory of natural heritage (NINH) Legal deposit: September 2013 ISBN : 978-2-918105-32-9 Reproduction for non-commercial purposes, notably educational, is permitted without written permission, provided that the source is duly cited. Reproduction for commercial purposes, notably sale, is prohibited without the written permission of the IUCN French Committee. The presentation of the documents and geographic terms used in this book is by no means the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the IUCN French Committee in respect of the legal status or authority of any State, territory or region, or their borders or territorial limits. Quotation reference: IUCN France (2013), Protected Areas in France: a diversity of tools for the conservation of biodiversity, Paris, 44 pages. Cover photo credit: Matthieu JEANSON - Glorioso Islands, Pascal SAULAY - Ecrins National Park Printing : Imprimerie La Forezienne - Printed on paper from sustainable forests. 10-31-2097 Orders should be addressed to: Comité français de l’UICN 26 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire - 75005 Paris - France Phone: +33 (0)1 4331 0279 Fax: +33 (0)1 4707 7178 Email:
[email protected] 2 Protected Areas in France Foreword Protected areas are an essential part of biodiversity, economic development policies and actions.