Contents of Selected Journals

Vol. 2 No. 6 June 2012

Library & Documentation Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute P.B.No.1603, Cochin - 682 018, Kerala

Contents of Selected Journals

June 2012


V. Edwin Joseph P. Geetha

Library & Documentation CMFRI, Cochin – 18


Sl.No. Title Vol./No. Mon./Yr Page No.

1 Aquaculture 342-343 Apr ‘12 1

2 Aquaculture Research 43 (6) May ‘12 2

3 Biological Bulletin 222 (1) Feb ‘12 3

4 Crustaceana 85 (2) Feb ‘12 4-5

5 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 37 (2) 2011 6

6 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 37 (3) 2011 7

7 Fish and Fisheries 13 (2) Jun ‘12 8

8 Fisheries 37 (2) Feb ‘12 9

9 Fishing Chimes 32 (1) Apr ‘12 10

10 Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 41 (3) Jun ‘12 11-12

11 Infofish International No. 6 Nov/Dec ‘11 13

12 Infofish International No. 1 Jan/Feb ‘12 14

13 Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 108 (2) Aug ‘11 15

14 Journal of Biology 32 (2) Mar ‘12 16-17

15 Journal of Fish Biology 80 (4) Apr ‘12 18

16 Journal of Fish Biology 80 (5) Apr ‘12 19-21

17 Journal of Fish Biology 80 (6) May ‘12 22-23

18 Journal of Fish Diseases 35 (6) Jun ‘12 24

19 JMBA UK 92 (4) Jun ‘12 25

20 Marine Biology Research 8 (6) 2012 26 21 Marine Fisheries Review 73 (4) 2011 27

22 Marine Mammal Science 28 (2) Apr ‘12 28-29

23 Marine Resource Economics 27 (1) 2012 30

24 North American Journal of Aquaculture 74 (1) Jan ‘12 31

25 Statistical Science 27 (1) Feb ‘12 32

New Additions to Library

1 Periodicals 33-35


VOLS. 342-343 CONTENTS 15 APRIL 2012

(Abstracts/contents list published in: Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Elsevier BIDBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, Current Contents A, B & ES, EMBiology, Environment Abstracts, Freshwater and Aquaculture Contents Tables, Geo Abstracts, Geobase, Marine Science Contents Tables, Zoological Record). Also covered in the abstract and citation database SciVerse Scopus@. Full text available in SciVerse ScienceDirect@

Review A laboratory guide to in vitro fertilization of oceanic squids R. Villanueva (Barcelona, Spain), D.J. Staaf (Pacific Grove, California, USA), ]. ArgUelles (Callao, Peru), A. Bozzano (Barcelona, Spain), S. Camarillo-Coop (La Paz, Mexico), C.M. Nigmatullin (Kaliningrad, Russia), G. Petroni, D. Quintana (Barcelona, Spain), M. Sakai (Yokohama-shi,Japao), Y. Sakurai (Hokkaido,Japan), c.A. Salinas-Zavala, R. De Silva-Davila (La Paz, Mexico), R. Tafur, C. Yamashiro (Callao, Peru) and E.A.G. Vidal (Pontal do Parana, Brazil) ...... 125

Diseases Dietary nicarbazin reduces prevalence and severity of Kudoa thyrsites (Myxosporea: Multivalvulida) in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolts S.R.M. Jones (Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada), I. Forster (West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada), X. Liao and M.G. Ikonomou (Sidney, British Columbia, Canada) ...... Recovery and pathogenicity analysis of Aerococcus viridans isolated from tilapia (Orecohromis niloticus) cultured in southwest of China X. Ke, M. Lu, X. Ye, F. Gao, H. Zhu and Z. Huang (Guangzhou, China) ...... 18 Antibiograms and the estimation of epidemiological cut off values for Vibrio ichthyoenteri isolated from larval olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus D.-C. Lee, H.-]. Han (Busan, Republic of Korea), S.-Y. Choi (Yeosu, Republic of Korea), G. Kronvall (Stockholm, Sweden), c.-I. Park (Tongyeong, Republic of Korea) and D.-H. Kim (Yeosu, Republic of Korea)...... 31 Vaccination effect of Iiposomes entrapped whole cell bacterial vaccine on immune response and disease protection in Epinephelus bruneus against Vibrio harveyi R. Harikrishnan, ].-S. Kim (jeju, Republic of Korea), C. Balasundaram (Tamilnadu, India) and M.-S. Heo (jeju, R.epllblic of Korea ) • , ..... , " .•.. • . •.••. , •.• .. , ..•...... •...... , . . . . . • .• 69

Genetics Quantitative genetics of body weight, fillet weight and fillet yield in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) B. Gjerde (As, Norway), S.B. Mengistu (As, Norway; Awassa, Ethiopia), J. 0degard (As, Norway), H. Johansen (Sunndals0ra, Norway) and D.5. Altamirano (Managua, Nicaragua) ...... 117

Nutrition Effects of water temperature and Na+:K+ ratio on physiological and production parameters of Litopenaeus vannamei reared in low salinity water M. Perez-Velazquez (Sonora, Mexico), D.A. Davis, L.A. Roy (Auburn, Alabama, USA) and M.L. Gonzalez-Felix (Sonora,

Mex!co) ...... I I ' I ~ • • • ~ to I It • • t I .. ~ • , I I of , • , t .. " • " " ! • t • ~ I .. .. iO , , ... • 4 • • • • • , of '" • • " ! -i • • • t' • • • • t '3

1 Aquaculture Research

Volume 43, Number 6, May 2012

Contents Original Articles 799 The settlement and feproductive success of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Knilyer 1837; Copepoda: Caligidae) on atypical hosts C C Pert, A J Mordue (Luntz), B O'Shea and I R Bricknell B06 Apparent digestibility coefficients of selected feed ingredients for juvenile hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus x Oreochromis aureus Q-C Zhou and Y-R Yue 815 Seasonal reproductive cycle of Waigieu seaperch (Psammoperca waigiensis) H Q Pham, A T Nguyen, E Kjersvik, M 0 Nguyen and A Arukwe 133 1 Effect of different live food on survival and growth of first feeding barber goby, Elacatinus ligaro (Sazima, Moura & Rosa 1997) larvae G de F C6rtes and M Y Tsuzuki 835 Detection of Koi herpesvirus: impact of extraction method, primer set and DNA polymerase on the sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction examinations K Meyer, S M Bergmann, M van der Marel and 0 Steinhagen 843 Preliminary evaluation of growth performance and immune response of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus supplemented with two putative probiotic bacteria M T Ridha and I S Azad 851l Fecundity of the sea louse Ca/igus rogercresseyi on its native host Eleginops maclovinus captured near salmon farms in southern Chile M T Gonzalez, C Molinet, B Arenas, G Asencio and J Carvajal B6 Effect of dietary willow herb, Epilobium hirsutum extract on growth performance, body composition, haematological parameters and Aeromonas hydrophila challenge on common carp, Cyprinus carpio S Pakravan, A Hajimoradloo and R Ghorbani !l70 Productive performance of a new synthetic red til apia population 'Pargo-UNAM' compared with that of wildtype Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) J G RamIrez-Paredes, M Garduno-Lugo and G Munoz-C6rdova B79 Purification and partial characterization of GtHs (cfLH and cfFSH) from Indian walking catfish (Glarias batrachus) (L.) and development of a homologous ELISA for cfLH S Sarkar and P Nath 81t7 Molecular characterization, inductive expression and mechanism of interleukin-l 0 gene induction in the Indian major carp, calla (Gatla cat/a) B Swain, M Samanta, M Basu, P Panda, B R Sahoo, N K Maiti, B K Mishra and A E Eknath 908 Haemorrhagic septicaemia in the hybrid surubim (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans x Pseudoplatystoma lasciatum) caused by Aeromonas hydrophila B C da Silva, J L P Mourino, F N Vieira, A JatoM, W Q Seiffert and M L Martins 9 17 Dietary lysine requirement of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea, Richardson 1846) larvae F Xie, Q Ai, K Mai, W Xu and X Wang 929 Ultra highly sensitive method for detecting Flavobacterium psychrophilum using high-gradient immunomagnetic separation with a polymerase chain reaction U Ryumae, K Hibi, Y Yoshiura, H Ren and H Endo 940- Size measurement and nutritional condition evaluation methods in sand fish (Holothuria scabra Jaeger) S Watanabe, J M Zarate, J G Sum bing, M J H Lebata-Ramos and M F Nievales Short Communications 949 Preliminary observations of survival and growth of European hake in captivity A Jolivet, H de Pontual, M Hervy, YoM Paulet and R Fablet 9515 The South American freshwater fish Prochilodus lineatus (: : Prochilodontidae): new in Vietnamese aquaculture L Kalous, A T Bui, M Petrtyl, J Bohlen and P Ghaloupkova

2 The Biological Bulletin


VOLUME 222, No.1: FEBRUARY 20 12

RAPID COMMUNICATION Garro, A.,]. Bielecki, R. Petie, and D.-E. Nilsson Opposite patterns of diurnal activity in the box jelly- Wakabayashi, Kaori, Riki Sato, Atsushi Hirai, Hamto fish Trifledalia cystojlllOra and Copula sivickisi ...... 35 Ishii, Tatsuro Akiba, and Yuji Tanaka Young, Morgan, Michael Salmon, and Richard FOlWard Predation by the phyllosoma larva of Ibacus novemden­ Visual wavelength discrimination by the loggerhead tatus on various kinds of venomous jellyfish • . • . ,. turtle, Caretta caretta .. .. •••••.• . ... • . •••••• , . -J

DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION INNATE IMMUNITY Gaudron, Sylvie MaryUme, Emile Derooyencourt, and Sebastien Duperron Reproductive traits of the cold-seep symbiotic mussel Scholnick, David A., and Vena N. Haynes Idas modiolaeformis: gametogenesis and larval biology . 6 Influence of hypoxia on bacteremia in the Dungeness crab. Cam:i!" fII a~i.\'H'r .. , , , ...... _ , , .. , ...... 56


Bavestrello, Giorgio, Riccardo Cattaneo-Vietti, SYMBIOSIS AND PARASITOLOGY Cristina G. Di Camillo, and Marzia Bo Helicospiral growth in the whip black coral Cirrhi- Kojima, Aoi, and Euichi Hirose pathes sp. (Antipatharia, Antipathidae) ...... _ n Transmission of cyanobacterial symbionts during em­ bryogenesis in the ascidians Trididemnwn NEUROBIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR nubilum and T. clinides (Didemnidae, Ascidiacea, Chordata) ...... , , , , , , •....•. 63 Atkinson, CarJa]. L., and Shaun P. Collin Smith, Nancy F., and]onathan H. Cohen Structure and topographic distribution of oral den- Comparative photobehavior of marine cercariae with tides in elasmobranch fishes . . •... , ...... 26 differing secondary host preferences ...... 74

3 Volume 85 - February 2012 - Part 2


M. AMAROUAYACHE, F. DERBAL & M. H. KARA, Note on the carcinological fauna associated with Artemia salina (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) from Sebkha Ez-Zemoul (northeast Algeria) • . •• ...... j 2 J. HUMBERTO RUELAS-PENA, E. ALBERTO ARAG6N-NORIEGA, CARMEN VALDEZ-MuNOZ & S. GUSTAVO CASTILLO- VARGASMACHUCA, A quantitative approach to shrimp fishery in a marine pr·Clle ~ed tlrc• • •••••.• . • . .•.• •••.•..•. . • . •.•..•.•.. , •.•••.• ...... • . ..•••••• . • . •.••.•.• . • , . . • 1)9 OK HWAN Yu & HAE-LLp SUH, Life history and secondary production of the amphilochid amphipod Gitanopsis japonica Hirayama, 1983, on a temperate sandy shore of Korea...... 151 F. B. RIBEIRO, H. MATTH EWS-CASCON & L. E. A. BEZERRA, Population structure and reproductive biology of the crab Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840 (Brachyura, Sesarmidae) in an impacted tropical tJ1l1l1groyc in northeast BrnzH ., ...... •...... , . . .. . •.• . •...... ••.... . 173 M . KIENZLE, W. N. VENABLES & D. DENNIS, Long-term variation of tropical rock lobster Panulirus omatus (Decapoda, Palinuridae) growth in Torres Strait, Australia...... J 89 RALF BOCHERT & MICHAEL L. ZETTLER, Nebalia deborahae, a new species of Leptostraca rPhyUocarida} fr If ol.llh West Africa . , ...... _ ...... • ...... 20 KER EM BAKIR, Contributions to the knowledge of on soft bottoms in the Sea of Marmara, WiLh a d e kii '! ..... 219 (Colllinued Oil inside cover page)

4 {)Ie~ flnU cws . . , ...... • . •.•... . • . • •.•• .. • • , •• . • , • . • .•. • . •.. • •• . • . •• , • .. . • .. • . . , . . . . , .. ' l37 MIREILLE CHARMANTIER-DAURES & GUY CHARMANTlER, Professor Genevieve Vernet (1926· 20 1I l ...... , . . •... • , ., ...... •..••.• •. , ...... •. .. .. , 27 RALPH E. T. VANSTREELS, PRYSCILLA MARACINI, CLAUDIA NIEMEYER, VALERIA RUOPPOLO & JOSE L. CATAo-DIAS, Common goose barnacles Lepas australis (Thoracica, Pedunculata) 0 11 deceased MageUanic penguins Spheniscus magellanicus (Aves) ...... 2 ,I MAfRA POMBO & JOSE E. MARTINELLI-FILHO, New non-sexual skeletal abnormalities in Acartia Iilljeborgii Giesbrecht, 1889 (Copepoda, Calanoida)...... 249 DANIELLE DEFAYE & J. CAREL VON VAUPEL KLEIN, In Memoriam. Prof. J. Forest...... 25(t

5 103-121 Aquatic pollution and its effects on fish population Abaza, Kh.M. 123-130 Toxicological studies on puffer fishes, Lagoeepha/us seeleratus and Amblyrhynehotes hypeslogenion in Suez Gulf, Red Sea, Egypt Abd allah EI sayed Ali, Mohamed Nasr Eldin Gomaa and Hanan Mohamed Othman 131-137 Deep Sea Shrimp Resources in the South Eastern Mediterranean Waters of Egypt Mohamed A Ibrahim', Mohamed W. A Hasan, Alaa M. M. El-Far, EI-Sayed F. E. Farrag and Mahmoud M. S. Farrag 139-145 Growth, mortality.and exploitation of European hake Merlueeius merluecius in the Moroccan North Atlantic Sea Sadia Belcaid and Md. Sagir Ahmed 147-159 Heavy metals concentrations and condition of some fish species at two hot spots, Mediterranean coast, Alexandria, Egypt Mohamed A. Sayed Ahmed, Laila M. Shakweer, Hoda A Hemaida and Abdou A Alsayes 161-171 Impact of drainage effluents on the condition ofCichlid (tilapias) fish in Lake Edku, Egypt Mohamed A Sayed Ahmed 173-182 Monitoring of some heavy metals and wellbeing status of some fish species from middle Alexandria and Sid i-Barany areas Mediterranean coast, Egypt Mohamed A Say~d Ahmed, Laila M. Shakweer, Hoda A Hemaida and Abdou A Alsayes 183-189 Relationship between frozen pre-storage period of raw tilapia and mullet fish and quality criteria of its cooked products S. A. El-Sherif, S. M. aIbrahim and Mohamed Abou-Taleb 191-197 Assessment of Apparent Digestibility Coefficients (ADCs %) of some Protein Sources by Gilthead Sea bream (Sparus auraia) H.A Mabrouk and AM. Nour 199-208 Response of Nile TiIapia (Oreoehromis nilotieus) fingerlings to different replacement levels of fish meal with soybean meal using garlic and onion H.A. Mabrouk, Eman M. H. Labib and M.A. Zaki I-lV Guidelines for Authors for Manuscript Preparation

ISSN: 1687-4285

6 209-219 Study on water quality along the coastal zone of Abu- Qir Bay, Mediterranean Sea, Alexandria Egypt ,Quad El- Sayed 1- Gobruy; ona F. EI-Naggar; Hermine Rarnzy Zaki 221-231 Assessment of some heavy metals pollution in Damietta harbor, Egypt Suzan M. EI-Gharabawy, Mohamed A. Shata, Maie 1. EI-Gammal , Mahmoud S. Ibrahim and Mona Kh. Khalil 233-242 Speciation of heavy metals in marine sediments from Damietta Harbor, Egypt Suzan M. EI-Gharabawy, Mohamed A. Shata, Mahmoud S. Ibrahim, Maie 1. EI-Gammal and Suzanne O. Draz 243-259 Zooplankton community at fish fry collection sites along the Mediterranean coast of Egypt Nagwa E. Abdel- Aziz and Ahmed M. Heneash 261-265 Cadmium induced histopathological alterations in the kidney of freshwater catfish Heteropneustes /ossilis (Bloch.) Mathur Venkiteswaran Radhakrishnan 267-274 Some aspects of reproductive biology of Alepes djedaba ( Teleostei: Carangidae) in the Arabian Gulf Amany, M. Osman and Hayam Abdulla Al Abdulhadi 275-282 Isopoda infestation and its effects on the reproductive maturation of Nemipterus japonicus Red Sea Magdy M. EI-Halfawy; Heba 1. Abdel-Mawla and Amal M. Ramadan 283-292 Population dynamics of Por's Goatfish (Upeneus pori Ben-Tuvia and Golani, 1989) inhabiting Red Sea, Egypt Amal Mohamed Mahmoud Amin 293-303 Effects of pro biotic and prebiotic diet supplements on growth performance, immune response and disease resistance of juvenile Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) R. . hcwita. Waleed N. EI-TIawarryand din B. Mahfouz 305-311 Rcprodudl e perform .nce of tb blue wJmm r crab, PortlllHls pelclgictu in relation to salinity, pH and nature of substratum Raghunath Ravi and Mary K. Manisseri l-lV Guidelines for Authors for Manuscript Preparation

ISSN: 1687-4285


;=-=-~",.------= - - - ~ FISH and FISHERIES Editors: Tony Pitcher, Paul Hart and Gary Carvalho


ORIGINAL ARTICLES 216 Theories and behavioural drivers underlying fleet dynamics models 121 Conservation status of eulacllOn in the California I Evan Putten, S Kulmala, 0 Thebaud, Current N Dowling, K G Hamon, T Hutton and R G Gustafson, M J Ford, P B Adams, S Pascoe J S Drake, R L Emmett, K L Fresh, M Rowse, E A K Spangler, R E Spangler, D J Teel and BOOK REVIEWS MT Wilson 236 Mismanagement of Marine Fisheries; 139 Assessing opportunity and relocation costs of All the fish in the sea marine protected areas using a behavioural P J B Hart model of longline fleet dynamics & N A Dowling, C Wilcox, M Mangel and S Pascoe 238 Seamounts: Ecology, Fisheries Conservation HOFock 158 Qualitative and quantitative effects oj 239 Ecology and Evolution ofPoeciliid Fishes reintroduced beavers on stream fish S W Griffiths P S Kemp, T A Worthington, TEL Langford, A R JTree and M J Gaywood 182 Nutrition and income from molluscs today imply vulnerability to ocean acidification tomorrow S R Cooley, N Lucey, H Kite-Powell and S C Doney

Fish and Fisheries is covered by Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents!Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences, lSI Alerting Services, Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts, and other Cambridge Scientific Abstracts databases.

The images of fish on this cover are reproduced with kind permission of Scandinavian Fishing Year Book, Denmark

8 COLUMNS 51 PRESIDENT'S HOOK The Value of Meetings Bill Fisher-AFS President

86 GUEST DIRECTOR'S LINE AFS FacilItates Development of Ecologists without Borders Eric Knudsen, Larry Dominguez, and Cleve Steward

CANDIDATE STATEMENTS - Second Vice President .52 Robert L. Curry 53 Ronald J. Essig OPINION 54 Fisheries and Hard Rock Mining: AFS Symposium Synopsis EDUCATION ESSAYS A synthesis of information presented in a i-Day session at 76 Improving the Learning Process for Both Instructor the 2011 AFS Annual Meeting in Seattle. and Student Using Assessments Sarah O'Neal and Robert Hughes Thomas E. Lauer

HEADLINERS 80 Recruiting the Next Generation of Fisheries Professionals 56 Invasive Species, Research, Legislation, Commercial Andrew C. Seitz, Katherine M. Straub, and Trent M. Sutton Aquaculture, Toxic Substances, Overfishing, Oil Spills, Climate Change, National Marine Sanctuaries, AFS IN MEMORIAM Members in Action A. Yasmine Rassam 84 Dr. Theodore R. Rice Ford "Bud" Cross and David S. Peters FEATURES AFS ANNUAL MEETING 2012 Education 85 Where Waters Meet, People Greet, and Networks are 60 Population Characteristics of AFS Membership: Born Special Focus on the Millennial Generation of Fisheries Professionals JOURNAL HIGHLIGHTS What do we need to know to recruit and retain the next generation of fisheries professionals? 88 North American Journal of Aquaculture, Volume 73, Melissa R. Wuellner and Donald C. Jackson Number 4 88 Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, Volume 23, Conservation Number 4 66 Use of a Stormwater Retention System for Conservation of Regionally Endangered Fishes NEW AFS MEMBERS and RECENTLY Prairie crossing is a suburban development whose stormwater CERTIFIED PROFESSIONALS 89 management system proved to be ideal for repatriation of four regionally imperiled fish species. We believe that similar CALENDAR approaches are possible for other urban environments that lack aquatic biodiversity and suggest that alteration of human envi­ 93 Fishe~ies Events ronments be considered more widely as a conservation tool. ANNOUNCEMENTS Jeffrey S. Schaeffer, James K. Bland, and John Janssen j 94 February 2012 Jobs COVER: Left three panels, starting at the top: blacknose shiner Notropis heteroiepis , Iowa darter Etheostoma exile, banded killifish Fundulus dlaphanus. Right panel: blackchln shiner Notropls heterodon. CREDIT: All photos by James Bland

9 Contents

Editorial ~ Vital National Fisheries Developmental Issues such as Sea Capture Fisheries, Pond & Sea cage Aquafarming, Fishery Development in Reservoirs, Wetlands, Beels etc., & Inland Saline Waters, deserve Focal Attention ...... 5 Of Publication Fisheries Education .., .....,...... _.. ... ______...... _. 9 Vo1.32 No.1 April 2012 Inaugural Harvest of farmed Cobia in Sea Cages by Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Fishing Chimes is registered as a Journal in India ( No. 37750/81 ) Aquaculture (RGCA) - Shows New Business Opportunities in Sea Cage Farming ...... _...... 11 Interview with Dr. S. Vasudevappa, C.E, NFDB ...... 16 Chief Editor and Publisher J.V.H Dlxitulu Obituary: Dr.S.N. Owivedi left mortal wo rld ...... "...... 18 Fish Festival, Madhya Pradesh: Parade Ground, Bhopal: 3-6 February 2012 ...... 20 Managing Editor Research Centre of CIFRI, Bangalore Celebrates its Golden Jubilee: Eashwar Dev Anand Hessarghatta, Bangalore: 14-04-2012...... _...... _... _...... 22 Associate Editor (Hon.) Meeting of the Fisheries Colleges Deans: Venue: K. Vljayakumaran Conference Hall, CIBA, Chennai: Date: 19 Dec 2011 ...... 25 Advisory Soard Dr.LU - Overview of Indian Aquaculture Industry ...... 28 Michael New The A.P. Government treats Aquaculture at par with Agriculture M.V.Gupta Mohan Joseph Modayil - All,east when it comes to levying taxes ...... -... -...... " ..... " ...... 30 S.D. Tripathi Doctor Shrimp: Probiotics: Do they work? A farmer's perspective ...... " ... "."." ...... 32 Mohankumaran Nair Andhra Pradesh News Letter ...... 34 I. Karunasagar Venkatesh Salagrama NFDB's New Headquarters Inaugurated: Hyderabad: 20th April 2012 ...... 35 Human Resources Development for the Fisheries Sector in India ...... 37 Address Successful cage culture (farming) initiatives by CMFRI during Fishing Chimes, Chimes House Sector-12, Plot-176, M.V.P. Colony the 11 th Five Y:ear Plan ...... 4 1 Visakhapatnam- 530 017, India CIBA's initiative in aquaculture nutrition and feed development...... 49 Pili : 9i 8.91: 2.7M2'M.;21S4419 Diversification of Freshwater Aquaculture in India ...... 54 Fax: +91 891 2784542 E-mail: [email protected] Potential and Future Prospects for the Processing and Export of Major Carps ..... 60 [email protected] Molecular Markers for Genetic Variability Studies in Fish ...... 66 Visit us at : Impact and vulnerability of inland fisheries to climate change ~ Ada.ptation Strategies ...... " ...... 73 Printed by Low Count Tiger Shrimp Farming: A Success Story ...... 80 G. Ramakrishna Raamakrishna Printers Pvt. Ltd., A simple and rapid two step farmer level immunogold kit (IGK) 49·24-5, Sankaramattam Road for detection of WSSV in shrimp ...... " .. 84 Madhuranagar, Vlsakhapatnam-16. Kappaphycus, The Wonder Seaweed - Bestows enormous Ph : 2740222,2798072 socio-economic benefits upon marine fishers and other stakeholders ...... 87 Resident Editors Multi-Purpose and Multi-Dimensional Hatchery ~ Prospects and Profitability ...... 95 H.S. Badapanda Aquaculture without Frontiers (AwF): Alleviating Poverty through Aquaculture ...... 100 Anandnagar, College Square Bolangir-767 002, Orissa Fishing harbours in Maharashtra: An Overview with special reference to Mirkarwada fishing harbour, (Ratnagiri District) ...... 103 D.S.James Trap Fishing in Karnataka through Tank Users Group ...... 106 No.37, Sadasiva Metha Street Methanagar, Chennal- 600 029 Reservoir Fisheries - A thought-provoking assessment ...... 108 Seasonally flooded water bodies ~ D.D.Nambudirl A potential resource for Rice-fish farming in West Bengal ...... 110 No.72, Kalnikkara (Res) Chandrathil Road, Edappally, Cochin-682024 AutolySiS in Fish: A Spo.ilage Enhancer ...... 117 Piranha may alter Traditional species Configuration in W.B River Waters ...... 122 Annual Subscnptlon I) Within India Book-Post - RI; 9101- Indian Freshwater Shark, Wallago attu ~Its Food and Feeding Habits ...... 124 Regd Book-Post Rs 12101- Argulus (Fish Lice): A Major Threat in Fish Ponds ...... 126 II) Foreign - US $ 801- Indigenous Ornamental Fish: A New Boon in Fish Trade of West Bengal ...... 130 Representatives Probiotics: Present Status and Future Prospects in Aquaculture ...... 135 A.P. K. Simhachalam Ornamental Fish Farming ~ Bihar Arun Kumar Singh - A Successful Rural and Urban Cottage Industry in India ...... 140 Goa Yogeesh C GUjarat Anuj Tiwari Effect of different organic manures on the growth of Jharkhand Ashish Kumar Screw Vallisneria. Vallisneria soiralis Linne 1753 ...... 144 Karnataka H.N. Chandrasekharaiah Kerala Basheer Ahamed Lakshadweep T.T.Ajith Kumar ... And several news items such as 'Dr. Anand Prakash Award of AZRA to Rajasthan ' V.S. Durve Tamil Nadu S. Jayakumar Dr. A.K. Pandey' - 23; and others (page nos 14,21,27,29,31,33,40,53,59,83,86, N.E. States Armaan U. Muzaddadi 107,109,116,123,134,139,143) West Bengal : P.K. Samanta Washington D.C. : Santhi Jammi

10 11 12 13 I CONTENTS

EVENTS 66 INFOFISH Governing Council rneets in Colombo ~ VALCAPFISH Center launched in Indonesia 68 INFOFISH members at China and Busan seafood shows 00 Workshop on onboard and onshore fish NUMBER 1/2012 JANUARY I FEBRUARY handling and histamine analysis ------00 Malaysia International Seafood Show, Live grouper trade, market MISE 2011 70 Malaysia Organic Aquaculture Seminar and supply Fueled by the growing demand in China, grouper MARKETSI MARKETING farming and live trade have expanded rapidly in 8 Live grouper trade, market and supply Asia . Hong Kong, however, remains the largest trends in Asia and main market. by Sudari Pawiro 8 13 Industry Notes (Market) 18 Market Barometer 22 Commodity Update - Sea Cucumber Broome Tropical Aquaculture Park AQUACULTURE A state of the art aquaculture park in a pristine 24 Broome Tropical Aquaculture Park­ location in northwest Australia offers excellent operations and opportunities facilities to potential investors. Its proximity to Asian by Pia Carter export markets is an added attraction. 28 Cobia -an update by Anil Kumar P 32 Aquaculture News $ Ornamental Fish Cobia update The cobia is fast emerging as a promising new HANDLINGI PROCESSING candidate for aquaculture and the global fish trade. 28 Energy efficient cooling technologies based Farms cultivating the fast growing. white-meat on sorption chillers marine fish have sprouted in several countries. byU/iJakob 41 Ngari -a traditional fish product of Manipur, India by Asem Sanjit Singh, Atom Arun Singh Energy efficient cooling and Manohannayum Shaya Devi technologies 46 Industry Notes (Processing) 4$ Product Update Recently developed energy efficient chillers using waste heat from engines, solar energy or other HARVESTING sources can lead to a considerable reduction in energy consumption. Such chillers have much [i) Community supported fisheries, an innovative model for developing countries potential for use in the seafood industry. byAnnaChiid 38 54 Industry Notes (Harvesting) Community supported COUNTRY PROFILE fisheries - a model for 51 Malaysia's seafood industry developing countries 3 Editorial A successful community supported fisheries project 4 Abstracts offers a model for developing countries to follow, if 71 Technical Q &A small-scale fishers can be linked with a high 73 Innovations income market willing to pay premium prices for 74 Equipment and Supplies fresh fish. 76 Index to Advertisers 00 77 Publications in Brief 78 Fishinfonetwork News

00 Diary Caption: A variety of sushi products on display; Cover Credit: Fatima Ferdouse INFOFISH International 1/2012 1

14 15 Volume 32 Number 2 March 201 2 R,c.V'iew: , b@rL rev i.ew pi' th ,l1cp-gtmgrunhy af t 'r(JItgm~

.I()~NA CI\I\owCis. C1.AUI1I1\ MmmrRA, FAHIA A FRP.T'tMh "ND RBNK 'W, VA N DHl~ VeifR... . , .. . , .. •••• o • • • I' .~ ) t".5\J AnJlhtMY: Pleapocll~~wln~ ilO URt." immlng [il,\etls during tJ'il! esc. ~ resflonlle of Odolt/m/a(l/ylliv haw.tJ1(1nst~· (Sl n!l.l~pOOn)

RRI ~ OC;~1'AV 1 ~ CAMPUS, DARIL VU.H A. A 0 0 Roy L, CALDWELL .• 0 "',., ...... , .. " . ,, ... . ,. ". " ... 171 reactien 0'1' Cane~,. ,\'t!tDsm MoUnu 1782 (Decapod ! Bl"imh)"ura) , ENRa~VEE)(: IPR.M RAF-IOOLJl)STEIN' ,,6,'N1)S RCiOPALM,A;, •• .• ,. , • ••.••• ".1 •• , •• • • , •• " ,., • • , •• • •••••• 181 .Beha lorl pilfnilIg 'nmrine.S lk f. r tne l1urpe 'e of IlIb.e-b!} ldlug

Ki\1'1U KRONENBB~06R, P, GEOf fl REY MOOR. Kl!vl • HALeJ(OW. ~ n fiR 'rZVf l.1 'R/rrH • . • ". I . ", 0 ••• ••• ,191 EooIQgy: Snell U{le. populntil n !ltroctUi ; 10d rep UuCliQU or Ute hennil crllb e'libllfll1r[J,I.\' vircsc '1M n<:rau~, ltf4~) nt IIP~ R~lfe. . Soutb Africa MICHBLL WAI'f,AlllDD,S.SCHOE IA:,N .. • .. " .· I ... · ' ...... " " ...... , .... 0, ...... , . " ...... 1' .. ' .. ' 03 Growth c.:)fjuvenil ed killS G'.r.ibS'. P.aralith(um dal'ntsc}ltIlielis through £CCjuenlial IUl.1lts in the labGratory

Btt-AD ¥' ,G. StrrEVUNS . ~ •.. I , • • t- ~ . ~ • • • • • • Of .. .. I ~ . I I ... ' ...... "' ...... + ~ .. .. _ ...... I I , ' ••••• , • • i I . .. I I, . II • • ~ i I • I I 21S Sedi~eDl bl tnrbatlon potential of LJ{,"(l mpcUJ DIld (ktlljru!,~ us a result of lheiJ1 feoomg ·netivity 8 'R NO &.A'l~O . A I IIA,a. M lH' t.n ANTONIO AMAI.!() PLNHWRO. AND KA'RIN • f)Brw'EL~ 'I'" COLP . ' , •••• ,., . , 1 2~ l.:aJI'Vlle and Development: Flfflt d 'lleripLl , ~1 of l~rva.l Rtllg' I Jhi'm a "

Ph, iol ogy~ MCil!lbulite pl1 lfi1e in ~(ar\lcd lJiportdu','f'P UlIit1g Ji'luid chromntogrnphy-nrass sl!'ectromet11 (LC- ) bas.OO met-abolonucs 8tJMAN'-MM'l"Y, A~BER JANNAS n. JIRIADAMEC. MI€HAB I ~ GRIBSK~)V, THOMAS ALftPA, TOMAS O.

1160l{, A.:NO MARIA '0 'sEP. l.VIH')J\ ...... , ..... , ., 0 • , •• __ • ''" • , ' , , ...... , •• " ...... 1 ' , , , , ..... 0 .. .. 2- Sp~.rttnIl~(!gc"c

"y,siQrnQtI.cs, Bhmeograpby and Pbylo~n,.: C'{Jf)'P.f(Iph(Jnlodrr1l,Wli n(lV, (Coi¢pooa; fhirpacticoid : Au(;1QI:a~Jldae» anew g,ellLJ'S of in lUlling remar"s (!In lUteal' IboHd p,hyl gellY

[lnN))IHK 'lUlER'X R,llI'i'N 1\ b "flo 'HO~I. l ... f{p,. ' " ...... ,, ' , , • , 0 , , ...... , , • , , . .... o. ,. I , • , , , " .. .. """' ,.0 263 TaxolH)my: Ind(IJ/mJlt'Vndlrt pr8IJi!J'I;.~ili,v n. genl, !li • • p., an ab~11'aOl specie ol'1l11tbyn Uaoea fEumalllc~tl'aca) fmIn India

y~ 1I Ml I.A"RA ~'l~ RlIUt?y ANIl Ve KATBSWARA RIlI0 TOTAl(UItA , , , , , • 0 • 0 •• , • • , , • 0 ' • • •• •• • ," , , , •• •• •• •• 0 • • 28J Bat~ype l l1gic sbrlmp oe th ~enu:s Pa q,haea (Decllpod41: ru'Jdea.: p~ Iphn~jda~ 1rom water" lIT(l\lnd 'Fuiw~lll w,ith d . t!iptiou.'1 affollrnew NJ;ll!!die: 1'OMOYlIKJ KOMA I. CHIA· WRll.IN. Ioi f) Tt ~ YAM CRAN, .• ",. 0... 0' .".' ...... , .. , ...... " .. , .. .. 2.9 Short Communication: Set, tiAI1 Fiscb r {1R'06-t WI I· • BU'i'lll'ilUl ",by I 'ilin-naturfilillt in B8~PI and Rus 'ill DAVIU M. Oi\M~AER A p'R A1'E M,'TZKB-KAkA l; .. . , , • . , •• • , •• , • .• ". , ...... ,' . , ...... '1 ,., .. " •• 327

16 Book Reviews: New, M. B., W. C. Valenti, 1. H. Tidwell, L. R. D' Abramo & M. N. Kutty (eds.). 2009. Freshwater Prawns: Biology and Farming. Wiley and Blackwell. 560 pages. ISBN: 978-1-4051-4861-0 (hardcover, alk. paper). US$ 270.00.

DI\VlIJ E, VA IlA • . .•.. ..•• ....•...... • , •••••••.•...... , •••••... I , • I ••••••• • , , •• ; • • • •••••• , •• , , , • , ••• •• • 335 Galil, B. S., P. F. Clark & 1. T. Carlton (eds.). 2011. In the Wrong Place - Alien Marine Crustaceans: Distribution, Biology and Impacts. Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 6.716 pages + 163 illustrations, 87 in color. ISBN-lO: 9400705905; ISBN-13: 978-9400705906. US$ 229.00.

J 'EL \V ~ , ARTfN. , ...... , " II .. ~ I II . M .. .. . f.4 ~. 14., II" ...... ,., I •• t f" t ...... ,I tt ' •• , I ...... • I I I '" r. ······", 337 Announcement: Gerhard Scholtz Recipient of the Crustacean Society Excellence in Research Award COLIN McLAY, CHRISTOPHER B. BOYKO, AND FREDERICK R. SCHRAM ...... ·········· · ····· 341

17 Journal of FISH BIOLOGY CONTENTS: Volume 80. Number 4. April 2012 • Pages 739-896


Huebert, K. B., Connecting recent studies on fish vertical navigation 739


Barkataki, S., Aluru, N. , Ii, M., Vijayan, M. M. and Leatherland, J. F., Characteristics of ovarian follicle steroidogenesis during vitellogenesis in an asynchronously ovulating stock of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss 741 Bertucci, F., Attia, J., Beauchaud, M. and Mathevon, N., Sounds produced by the cichlid fish Metriaclima zebra allow reliable estimation of size and provide information on individual identity 752 Knip, D. M., Heupel, M. R. and Simpftndorfer, C A., Habitat use and spatial segregation of adult spottail sharks Carcharhinus sorrah in tropical nearshore waters 767 Tine, M. , Guinand, B. and Durand, J.-D. , Variation in gene expression along a salinity gradient in wild populations of the euryhaline black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon rnelanotheron 785 Milhornem, S. S. R., Crampton, W. G. R., Pieczarka, J. C , Shetka, G. H., Silva, D. S. and Nagamachi, C Y. , Gymnotus capanema, a new species of electric knife fish (Gymnotiformes, Gymnotidae) from eastern Amazonia, with comments on an unusual karyotype 802 Herrmann, K. K. and Poulin, R., The missing host hypothesis: do chemical cues from predators induce life cycle truncation of trematodes within their fish host? 816 Zheng, L. P., Yang, J. X. and Chen, X. Y., A new species of Triplophysa (Nemacheilidae: ), from Guangxi, southern China g·;n Luo, Y. P. and Wang, Q. Q., Effects of body mass and temperature on routine metabolic rate of juvenile largemouth bronze gudgeon guichenoti 842 Dalben, A. and Floeter, S. R., Cryptobenthic reef fishes: depth distribution and correlations with habitat complexity and sea urchins 852 Wang, S. F., Cai, Y;, Qin, Y. X., Zhou, Y. C , Su, Y. Q. and Wang, J. , Characterization of yellow grouper Epinephelus awoara (Serranidae) karyotype by chromosome bandings and fluorescence in situ hybridization 866


Ballesta, S., Hanson, L. M. and Farrell, A. P., The effect of adrenaline on the .temperature dependency of cardiac action potentials in pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha 876 Rohtla, M. , Vetemaa, M., Urtson, K. and Soesoo, A., Early life migration patterns of Baltic Sea pike Esox lucius 886

Book Review 8904

Announcement 8%

Journal ofFish Biology is indexed in An imal Behaviour Abstracts; AQUAREF; Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts; Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS); Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Fisheries; lSI Alerting Services; and Science Citation Index· Expanded.

This journal is available online. Visit to search the articles and register for table of contents e·mail alerts.


18 Journal of FISH BIOLOGY CONTENTS: Volume 80. Number 5 • April 2012. Pages 897-2124


The current status of elasmobranchs: biology, fisheries and conservation 897

White, W. T. and Last, P. R., A review of the of chondrichthyan fishes: a modern perspective 901 Maisey, j. G., What is an 'elasmobranch'? The impact of palaeontology in understanding elasmobranch phylogeny and evolution 918

Spaet, J. L. Y., Thorrold, S. R. and Berumen, M. L., A review of elasmobranch research in the Red Sea 952

Barnett, A, Braccini, j. M., Awruch, C. A and Ebert, D. A, An overview on the role of Hexanchiformes in marine ecosystems: biology, ecology and conservation status of a primitive order of modern sharks 966 MacNeil, M. A, McMeans, B. c., Hussey, N. E., Vecsei, P., Svavarsson, j., Kovacs, K. M., Lydersen, c., Treble, M. A, Skomal, G. B., Ramsey, M. and Fisk, A T., Biology of the Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus 991 Rowat, D. and Brooks, K. S., A review of the biology, fisheries and conservation of the whale shark Rhincodon typus 1019 Ellis, j. R., McCully, S. R. and Brown, M. j., An overview of the biology and status of undulate ray Raja undulata in the north-east Atlantic Ocean 1057 Couturier, L. I. E., Marshall, A D., Jaine, F. R. A, Kashiwagi, T., Pierce, S. j., Townsend, K. A., Weeks, S. j., Bennett, M. B. and Richardson, A j., Biology, ecology and conservation of the Mobulidae 1075 Portnoy, D. S. and Heist, E. j., Molecular markers: progress and prospects for understanding reproductive ecology in elasmobranchs 1120

Fitzpatrick, J. L., Kempster, R. M., Daly-Engel, T. S., Collin, S. P. and Evans, j. P., Assessing the potential for post-copulatory sexual selection in elasmobranchs 1141

Tribuzio, C. A and Kruse, G. H., Life history characteristics of a lightly exploited stock of Squalus suckleyi 11 59 Irvine, S. B., Daley, R. K., Graham, K. j. and Stevens, j. D., Biological vulnerability of two exploited sharks of the Deania (Centrophoridae) 1181

Dai, X. J., Zhu, j. F., Chen, X. j., Xu, L. X. and Chen, Y., Biological observations on the crocodile shark Pseudocarcharias kamoharai 1207

BustamatHe, c., ~argas.curo, C., OddDm~, M. c., Concha, P., Flores, H" Lami1kl. J. and Bf.'~rtei~, M. B., Reproductive biology of Zearaja chilensis (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae) in the south-east Pacific Ocean 1213

Jirik, K. E. and Lowe, C. G., An elasmobranch maternity ward: female round stingrays Urobatis halleri use warm, restored estuarine habitat during gestation 1227

Me} a-Fr /lu, fl. A .. Na"ia., A. F. Cjl ·~d em·lts. E., Reprodllctiv~n",t:riables of Urotrygon rogersl (Batoidea: Urotrygonidae): a species with a triannual reproductive cycle in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean 1246

Trinnie, F. I., Walker, T. I., Jones, P. L. and Laurenson, L. j., Biennial reproductive cycle in an extensive matrotrophic viviparous batoid: the sandyback stingaree Urolophus bucculentus from south-eastern Australia 1267

Continued on inside back cover

jOgrtllJIof • It Biru~ ~:i r ~"'J:d fn A n l nl~ 1 ~ (!lt a viO lJ r ~ trads r AQU AR : Aqual CScl_c ~I!d Rs.hetlet Abstracts: Ab slJ~cb (lllostS): Chemlc.:J1 ~bjtr.K ls, OJ~ I C on ' eJl t s/Fl~ : lSI Al erting Sen>lces; uM S()iroc~ at tiDn II1!dI!Jl - UpiiJ>dcd.

This journal is available online. Visit to search the articles and register for table of contents e-mail alerts.


19 Geraghty, P. T., Jones, A S., Stewart,]. and Macbeth, W. G., Micro-computed tomography: an alternative method for shark ageing 1292 Bubley, W.]., Kneebone,]., Sulikowski,]. A and Tsang, P. C W., Reassessment of spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias age and growth using vertebrae and dorsal-fin spines 1300 Hall, N. G., Bartron, C, White, W. T., Dharmadi, and Potter, I. C, Biology of the silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis (Carcharhinidae) in the eastern Indian Ocean, including an approach to estimating age when timing of parturition is not well defined 1320 Papastamatiou, Y. P. and Lowe, C G., An analytical and hypothesis-driven approach to elasmobranch movement studies 1342 Marshall, A D. and Pierce, S.]., The use and abuse of photographic identification in sharks and rays 1361

Williams, G. D., Andrews, K. S., Katz, S. L., Moser, M. L., Tolimieri, N., Farrer, D. A and Levin, P. S., Scale and pattern of broadnose seven gill shark Notorynchus cepedianus movement in estuarine embayments 1380 Ram{rez-Madas, D., Meekan, M., de la Parra- Venegas, R. , Remolina-Suarez, F., TrigO-Mendoza, M. and Vazquez-]u6rez, R., Patterns in composition, abundance and scarring of whale sharks Rhincodon typus near Holbox Island, Mexico 1401 Awruch, C A, Frusher, S. D. , Stevens,]. D. and Barnett, A, Movement patterns of the draughtboard shark Cephaloscyllium laticeps (Scyliorhinidae) determined by passive tracking and conventional tagging 1417

DiGil'olamo, A. L., Gmber, S. H., Pomory, C and Bennett, W. A, Diel temperature patterns of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris, in a shallow-water nurselY 1436 Hussey, N. E., MacNeil, M. A, Olin,]. A, McMeans, B. C, Kinney, M.]., Chapman, D. D. and Fisk, AT., Stable isotopes and elasmobranchs: tissue types, methods, applications and assumptions 1449

Boyle, M. D., Ebert, D. A. and Cailliet, G. M., Stable-isotope analysis of a deep-sea benthic-fish assemblage: evidence of an enriched benthic food web 1485

Courtney, D. L. and Foy, R., Pacific sleeper shark Somnios~.s pacificus trophic ecology in the eastern North ,Paci ri Oc';m inferred from nitrogen und . r n stable-isotope lio and diet • 08 Forman,]. S. and Dunn, M. R., Diet and scavenging habits of the smooth skate Dipturus innominatus 154(, L6pez-Garda,]., Navia, A F., Mejia-Falla, P. A. and Rubio, E. A, Feeding habits and trophic ecology of Dasyatis longa (Elasmobranchii: Myliobatifonnes): sexual, temporal and ontogenetic effects 1563 j Clc:.obsf!ll. 1. P. alld B~'mf!ti. M. 8., Feeding ecology and dietary comparisons rnong furl' syllclprurlc N~otl't'gtlJl (Myl iohltoidei: Da s atidae) species 1580

Hsu, H. H., Joung, S.]. and Liu, K. M., Fisheries, management and conservation of the wllate shark Rhincodon typ~.s in Taiwan 1595 Li, W., Wang, Y. and Norman, B., A preliminary survey of whale shark Rhincodon typus catch and trade rn China: an emerging crisis 1608 Moore, A B. M., McCarthy, I. D., Carvalho, G. R. and Peirce, R., Species. sex, size and male matunty 'composition of previously unreported elasmobranch landings in Kuwait. Qatar and Abu Dhabi Emirate 1619

Biery. L. and Pauly, D., A global review of species-specific shark-fin-to-body-mass ratios and relevant legislation 1643

Silva,]. F., Ellis,]. R. and Catchpole, T. L., Species composition of skates (Rajidae) in commercial fisheries around the British Isles and their discarding patterns 1678

20 Arkhipkin, A , Brickle, P., Laptikhovsky, V., Pompert, j. and Winter, A, Skate assemblage on the eastern Patagonian Shelf and Slope: structure, diversity and abundance 1704 Gallagher, A j., Kyne, P. M . and Hammerschlag, N., Ecological risk assessment and its application to elasmobranch conservation and management 1727 Carlson, j. K, Hale, L. F., Morgan, A and Burgess, G., Relative abundance and size of coastal sharks derived from commercial shark longline catch and effort data 1749 Barnett, L. A K, Ebert, D. A and Cailliet, G. M. , Evidence of stability in a chondrichthyan population: case study of the spotted ratfish Hydrolagus colliei (Chondrichthyes: Chimaeridae) 1765

Dudgeon C L., Blower D C., Broderick D ., Giles] L., Holmes B ] ., Kashiwagi T., KrUck N C., Morgan, j. A T., Tillett, B. j. and Ovenden, j. R., A review of the application of molecular genetics for fisheries management and conservation of sharks and rays 1789

Ward-Paige, C. A, Keith, D. M., Worm, B. and Lotze, H. K, Recovery potential and conservation options for elasmobranchs 1844 Bromhead, D., Clark e, S., Hoyle, S., Muller, B. , Shmples, P. and Harley, S., Identification of factors influencing shark catch and mortality in the Marshall Islands tuna longline fishery and management implications 1870 Santana-Garcon, j., Fordham, S. and Fowler, S., Blue shark Prionace glauca fin-to-carcass-mass ratios in Spain and implications for finning ban enforcement 1895

Shadwick, R. E. and Goldbogen, j. A, Muscle function and swimming in sharks 1904

Meyer, W. and Seegers, u., Basics of skin structure and function in elasmobranchs: a review 1940

Yopak, K E., Neuroecology of cartilaginous fishes: the functional implications of brain scaling 1968 Lisney, T. j., Theiss, S. M., Collin, S. P. and Hart, N. S., Vision in elasmobranchs and their relatives: 21st century advances 201.4 Kempster, R. M., McCarthy, I. D. and Collin, S. P., Phylogenetic and ecological factors influencing the number and distribution of electroreceptors in elasmobranchs 2055 Barnes, D. W., Cell and molecular biology of the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias and little skate Leucoraja erinacea: insights from in vitro cultured cells 2089 Del Giudice, G., Prisco, M., Agnese, M., Verderame, M., Rosati, L., Limatola, E. and Andreuccetti, P., Effects of nonylphenol on vitellogenin synthesis in adult males of the spotted ray T01pedo marmorata 2112

Announcement 2IZ3

21 Journal ofFISH BIOLOGY CONTENTS: Volume 80. Number 6. May 2012. Pages 2125-2392 ~ ~ ~ ~ REVIEW PAPER o ~ Cioffi,M. B., Moreira·Filho, 0., Almeida·Toledo, L. F. and Bertollo, L. A c., The contrasting role of heterochromatin in the differentiation of sex chromosomes: an overview from Neotropical fishes 2125 lo ;1' REGULAR PAPERS ~

Tillett, B. j., Meekan, M. G., Field, I. c., Thorburn, D. C. and Ovenden, j. R., Evidence for reproductive philopatry in the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas 2140 Arechavala·Lopez, P., Sanchez-Jerez, P., Bayle·Sempere, J. T., Sfakianakis, D. G. and Somarakis, S., Discriminating farmed gilthead sea bream Sparns aurata and European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax from wild stocks through scales and otoliths 2159 Russell, D. J., Thuesen, P. A and Thomson, F. E., Reproductive strategies of two invasive tilapia species Oreochromis mossambicus and Tilapia mariae in northern Australia 2176 Menezes, M. R. , Kumar, G. and Kunal, S. P., Population genetic structure of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis from the Indian coast using sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA D.loop region 2198 Glowacki, L. and Penczak, T. , Large dam reservoirs are probably long·period oscillators of fish diversity 2213 Uchiyama, M., Komiyama, M., Yoshizawa, H., Shimizu, N., Konno, N. and Matsuda, K., Structures and immunolocalization of Na+, K+-ATPase, Na+ /H+ exchanger 3 and vacuolar-type H+-ATPase in the gills ofblennies (Teleostei: Blenniidae) inhabiting rocky intertidal areas Domingos, j. A, Fromm, P., Smith· Keune, C. and Jerry, D. R., A robust flow·cytometric protocol for assessing growth rate of hatchery-reared Lates calcarifer larvae 2253 Sykes, P. J., Stryhn, H. , McClure, C. A , Brooking, C. L. and Hammell, K. L., Evaluation of external operculum loop tags to. individually identify cage.cultured Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus in commercial research trials 2267 Williams, J., Hindell, J. 5., Swearer, S. E. and Jenkins, G. P., Influence of freshwater flows on the distribution of eggs and larvae of black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri within a drought-affected estuary 2281 Bergek, S., Franzen, F., Quack, M., Hochkirch, A, Kinitz, T., Prestegaard, T. and Appelberg, M., Panmixia in Zoarces viviparns: implications for environmental monitoring studies 2302 Rasmussen, j. B., Krimmer, A N., Paul, A j. and Hontela, A., Empirical relationships between body tissue composition and bioelectrical impedance of brook trout Salvelinusfontinalis from a Rocky Mountain Stream 2317 Chen, K.·S ., Shimose, T., Tanabe, T., Chen, c.. Y. and Hsu, C. .c., Age and growth of albacore Thunnus alalunga in the North Pacific Ocean 2328

Continued on inside back cover

22 Makiguchi, Y., Sugie, Y., Kojima, T. and Naito, Y., D~tection of feeding behaviour in common carp Cyprinus calpio by using an acceleration data logger to identifY mandibular movement 2345

COf1t~"" I (! . R. P•• StefllIlOnJ. M. F. and Sp', N, H. 1., Feedlllgl. .' CO)ogy of the. Americ:an fl'eslhvat 'r goby Ctenogobius shufeldti (Gobiidae, ) in a sub-tropical estuary 2357


Sopinka, N. M., Fitzpatrick, J. L., Taves, J. E. , lkonomou, M. G., Marsh-Rollo, S. E. and Balshine, S., Does proximity to aquatic pollution affect reproductive traits in a wild-caught intertidal fish? 2.374

Nilsson, P. A., Baktoft, H. , Boei, M., Meier, K. , Jacobsen, L., Rokkjcer, E. M. , Clausen, T. and Skov, C, Visibility conditions and diel period affect small-scale spatio-temporal behaviour of pike Esox lucius in the absence of prey and con specifics 2384

Book Review 2390

23 Journal of Fish Diseases

Volume 35, Number 6, June 2012


Original Articles

)95 Oral transmission as a route of infection for viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) A A Schonherz, M H H Hansen, H B H j@rgensen, P Berg, N Lorenzen and KEiner-jensen 407 Validation of diagnostic assays to screen broodstock for Flavobacterium psychrophilum infections A Long, M P Polinski, D R Call and K D Cain 421 Isolation and characterization of Aeromonas schubertii from diseased snakehead, Channa maculata (Lacepede) Y F Chen, R S Liang, XL Zhuo, X T Wu and j X Zou 431 Infectivity study of Streptococcus phocae to seven fish and mammalian cell lines by confocal microscopy M Cortez-San Martin, A Gonzalez-Contreras and R Avendano-Herrera 437 Morphopathological features of a severe ulcerative disease outbreak associated with Tenacibaculum maritimum in cultivated sole, Solea senegalensis (L.) P Vila,; L D Failde, R Bermudez, F Vigliano, A Riaza, R Silva, Y Santos and M I Quiroga 447 Development and validation of a range of endogenous controls to support the implementation of practical Taqman real-time PCR-based surveillance for fish diseases within aquaculture F Bland, R Mclntosh, N Bain and M Snow 455 Blood cleansing cells in head kidney and spleen in Buenos Aires , anisitsi (Eigenmann), (: Teleostei) I L Leknes

Short Communications

461 Simultaneous detection of the LPN and ISA viruses in outbreaks of clinical disease and mortality in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in Chile M Cortez-San Martin, A Rivas-Aravena, S Guajmdo, M T Castillo, M jashes, A M Sandino and E Spencer 467 Safety and efficacy of emamectin benzoate to treat Anguillicoloides crassus (Kuwahara, Niimi & Itagaki) infections in American eels, Anguilla rostrata (Lesueur) S Larrat, j Marvin and S Lair

Covered in EMBASE, BIOBASE/CABS (CutTent Awareness in Biological Sciences), Current Contents/Fisheries, Marine Freshwater Biology, Veterinary Sciences, Science Citation Index, lSI Alerting Services, Medline, Aquatic Science & Fisheries Abstracts



FOREWORD MANSEll, P.j., SUGGETI, D.j. & SHITH, DJ Management of marine resources; combining industry and research 60

FROM SPECIES TO COMMUNITIES HOEKSEMA, B.W., VAN DER MElj , S.E.T. & FRANSEN, e.H.j.M. The mushroom coral as a habitat 6~7 URRA, j., RUEDA, j.l., GOfAl, S., MARINA, P. & SAlAS, c. A species-rich molluscan assemblage in a coralligenous bottom of the Alboran Sea (south-western Mediterranean): intra-annual changes and ecological considerations 065 CHAPMAN, N.D., MOORE, e.G., HARRIES, D.B. & LYNDON, A.R. The community associated with biogenic reefs formed by the polychaete, Serpula vermicularis 619 HARTlE-MoUGIOU, K., D'ANGElO, e., SHITH, E.G., BURT, j., WEST, P. &WIEDENMANN,]. Diversity of zooxanthellae from corals and sea anemones after long-term aquarium culture 687 GUZMAN, H.M. & BREEDY, O. Pacifigorgia marviva (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) a new species from Coiba National Park, Pacific Panama ~9) KLEEI1ANN, K. & BAAl, e. Note on the coral Blastomussa loyae, a valid species from the Red Sea ii99

ENVIRONMENTALLY REGULATED GROWTH SCHUTTER, M., VAN DER VEN, R.M ., JANSE, M., VERRETH, j.A.j., WljfFElS, R.H. & OSINGA, R. light intensity, photoperiod duration, daily light flux and coral growth of Galaxea fascicularis in an aquarium setting: a matter of photons? lV1 OSINGA, R., VAN DElFT, S., lEWARU, M.W., JANSE, M. &VERRETH, j.A.]. Determination of prey capture rates in the stony coral Galaxea fascicularir. a critical reconsideration of the clearance rate concept 713 FORSMAN, Z.H., KIMOKEO, B.K., BIRD, e.E., HUNTER, e.l. & TOONEN, R.j. Coral farming: effects of light, water motion and artificial foods 721 TOONEN, R.j., NAKAYAMA, T., OGAWA, T., ROSSITER, A. & DElBEEK, j.e. Growth of cultured giant clams (rridacna spp.) in low pH, high-nutrient seawater: species-specific effects of substrate and supplemental feeding under acidification 111 ERFTEHEljER, P.l.A., HAGEDORN, M., LATERVEER, M., CRAGGS, j. & GUEST, j.R. Effect of suspended sediment on fertilization success in the scleractinian coral Pectinia lactuca NI CRABBE, M.j.C Environmental effects on coral growth and recruitment in the Caribbean 747 OSINGA, R., SCHUTTER, M., WljGERDE, T., RINKEVICH, B., SHAflR, S., SHPIGEl, M. et al. The CORALZOO project: a synopsis of four years of public aquarium science m

STRESS BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY D'ANGElO, e. & WIEDENMANN, j. An experimental mesocosm for long-term studies of reef corals J69 PANCUCCI -PAPAOOPOUlOU, M.A., RAmos, D.E. & CORSINI-FoKA, M. Biological invasions and climatic warming: implications for south-eastern Aegean ecosystem functioning m SWEET, M., JONES, R. & BYTHEll, j. Coral diseases in aquaria and in nature m LANE, D.j.W. Acanthaster planci impact on coral communities at permanent transect sites on Bruneian reefs, with a regional overview and a critique on outbreak causes 803

MARITIME INDUSTRIES PARAMO, j. & SAINT-PAUl, U. Deep-sea shrimps Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Pleoticus robustus (Crustacea: Penaeoidea) in the Colombian Caribbean Sea as a new potential fishing resource 81 1 DE CROOS, M.D.S.T. & PAmoN, S. Population biology and genetic diversity of two adjacent shrimp (Parapenaeopsis coromandelica) populations exploited under different fishing pressures in the coastal waters of Sri lanka e1 9 DISSANAYAKE, D.LT. & STEfANSSON, G. Present status of th'e commercial sea cucumber fishery off the north-west and east coasts of Sri lanka 81 1 HENDE RSON, P.A., PLENTY, S.j ., NEWTON, L.e. & BIRO, D.j. Evidence for a population collapse of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Bristol Channel 843 ECHWIKHI, K., jRIBI, I., BRADAI, M.N . & BOUAIN, A. Interactions of loggerhead turtle with bottom longline fishery in the Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia alil

25 EDITORIAL , : ~ff~ts bf;intl:lr!i~!iQns between fish populations 00 ecosYlite.itl d~" arTiics in th~ Norwegian saa~ ~ , of Ihe: IN ~~N 9 fXlJ'J '; G.~'jrHuse~ J;ln-s :C~ristian Holst, Kjel/ Ulne, Lei' N~.'fl'esJ!lrJ, Wf#~m Mel/e,MI SloNe, Geir DJJorw, om /'lchel & ~nt' U " ~ " .'ORIG1NAl ' AlUICL~S \V, ." . . . • ,<'-< ':' Ho'~20'I)~1 ~isttfbiitlon and overlap of planktivorous'fish stocks in the Norwegian Sea tilA re 1995--2006 . ;~ngUtrre; Geir HUS8, Geir Ottersen, Jens Christian Holst, Vladimir Zabavnikov, Ja/1 ~ rg Jf1cbbst;Jn, ~~m ulJ(J1iJ' .j. ·Qskarsson & Leif Nettestad o.vertap . i~ distribution and diets of Atlantic mackerel .(§comber scombrus), Norwegian herrfng (C/upea hari:)ngus) aridblue'whiting (Mlcromesistlus poutassou) in the Norwegian Sea during late summer . H~rdis Lang(IJy, Lei N(lJttestad, Georg Skaret, CecilieBroms & Anders Ferno Navigation mechanisms of herring during f~dingmigration: the role of ecological gradients on an oceanic scale .' .C~cllie Broms, Webjt4rn Mel/e & John K. Horne ", . . ". THEMATIC REVIEW Thfj 'ril!e and fall of the NE Atlantic b>luEtwhJllng {Mtcl'Ol1Idltdr[ls poutt!ssou) Mark ~ . Payne, Afra ~ an, Sa§cha M, M, /#J1J#er; Hir1lrrwr H~n, Jefls Christian Holst, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Aril S/otte & Harald Loong 415 ... ~ - . ORIGINAL ARTICLES Vertical distribution of herring and blue whiting in the Norwegian Sea

Geir Huse, Kjel/ Rang U,tne & Anders Ferno " , '. I • .. 'fP'1 -; '.. "'. Using RAFOS floats'to simulate overwinter transport 6f,C81anlls,firimarchicu8 in the Norwegian Sea Henrik $(lJiland & Geir Huse . ~:'" ,.~ '~' 'r"'" " . . "' , . ,~~~I=~~~~:;::l:n~:~,l 6! . N QJW:~g~~~;'::, ,~ .. \'ty C;prec.JXl~sic il llpr1m~ PrQ, ftipnl!ndivl,ctu~l-based ,Solfrid Swtre Hj(IJl/o, Geir Huse, Morten D. Skoge(l & Vi/fJbjI?)J;rI M(J/I~ Ell ~~ nQ Ihe o(mSlJrnptloM 01 calanuspnmarc;~;cus~~\ ~i~h' kti~O~OUS ~~IT , ln"the Norwegla S~a U::l~I ~:m~~ T [;41 ~ I~ D model'.s.ys1tlfll . , '\' 1$Jtil( tt/fJ. Ifrjd SjrttTfI flJ,,-lfo, ~,/( H~e -& fht(eh S~b life tJ~ , 548 Elv 568 570

MIX From responsible ~.. 26 27 Oontents

ARTICLES Pseudo-nitzschia blooms, domoic acid, and related California sea lion strandings in Monterey Bay, California Sibel Bargu, Tracey Goldstein, Kathryn Roberts, Chunyan Li and Frances Gulland 237 A simple photograph-based approach for discriminating between free-ranging long.finned (G/obicepha/a me/as) and short-finned (G. macrorhynchus) pilot whales off the east coast of the United States Brenda K. Rone and Richard M. Pace, III ...... 254 Individual foraging site fidelity in lactating New Zealand fur seals: Continental shelf vs. oceanic habitats Alastair M. M. Baylis, Brad Page, Jane McKenzie and Simon D. Goldsworthy . . .. 27£ii Why become speckled? Ontogeny and function of speckling in Shark Bay bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) Ewa Kl'Zyszczyk and Jane Mann ...... 29£ Seasonal changes in the local distribution of Yangtze fin less porpoises related to fish presence Satoko Kimura, Tomonari Akamatsu, Songhai Li, Lijun Dong, Kexiong Wang, Ding Wang and Arel ...... , ...... , . 308 . Fin whale (Ba/aenoptera physa/us) population identity in the western Mediterranean Sea Manuel Castellote, Christopher W. Clark and Marc O. Lammers...... 325

NOTES Using a mandible accelerometer to study fine-scale foraging behavior of free-ranging Antarctic fur seals Takashi Iwata, Kentaro Q. Sakamoto, Akinori Takahashi, Ewan W. J. Edwards, lain J. Staniland, Philip N. Trathan and Yasuhiko Naito ...... •...... " ...... 345 Underwater hearing in California sea lions (Za/ophus californianus): Expansion and interpretation of existing data Colleen Reichmuth and Brandon L. Southall ...... , ...... " .. 358 Feeding habits of two sympatric dolphin species off North Patagonia, Argentina Marfa Alejandra Romero, Silvana L. Dans, Nestor Garcia, Guillermo M. Svendsen, Raul Gonzalez and Enrique A. Crespo ...... 364 Age estimation and growth layer patterns in teeth of Commerson's dolphins (Cepha/orhynchus c. commersonil) in subantarctic waters Natalia A. Dellabianca, Aleta A. Hohn and R. Natalie P. Goodall...... 318 Interyear differences in the offshore distribution of eastern North Pacific gray whales Kim E. W. Shelden, David J. Rugh and Roderick C. Hobbs...... 389

(Continued on inside back cover)

28 Persistence of skin marks on killer whales (Orcinus orca) caused by the parasitic sea lamprey (Petromyzon marin us) in Iceland Filipa I. P. Samarra, Alexandra Fennell, Kagari Aoki, Volker B. Deecke and Patrick J. O. Miller .. . , •... , ' ...... , ...... , .. , ...... 3951 Seasonality of calving and predation risk in bottlenose dolphins on Little Bahama Bank Holly Fearnbach, John Durban, Kim Parsons and Diane Claridge...... 402 BOOKS Health of Antarctic Wildlife Frances M. D. GUJland ....•• , •• , .• , .• , .•.••...... , .. , .. . ..•.. ,. ... , . . 41 2 LETTERS Global threats to pinnipeds Kit M. Kovacs, Alex Aguilar, David Aurioles, Vladimir Burkanov, Claudio Campagna, Nick Gales, Tom Gelatt, Simon D. Goldsworthy, Simon J. Goodman, Greg J. G. Hofmeyr, Tero Hark6nen, Lloyd Lowry, Christian Lydersen, Jan Schipper, Tero Sipila, Colin Southwell, Simon Stuart, Dave Thompson and Fritz Trillmich ...... 414 CORRIGENDUM 437 E-ARTICLES: These articles can be accessed by members of the Society for Marine Mammalogy through their website ( Nonmembers should visit: to access the e-only content. No shallow talk: Cryptic strategy in the vocal communication of Blainville's beaked whales Natacha Aguilar De Soto, Peter T. Madsen, Peter Tyack, Patricia Arranz, Jacobo Marrero, Andrea Fais, Eletta Revelli and Mark Johnson ...... E75 Killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the Canadian Arctic: Distribution, prey items, group sizes, and seasonality Jeff W. Higdon, Donna D. W. Hauser and Steven H. Ferguson...... E93 Postrelease dive ability in rehabilitated harbor seals Catriona Morrison, Carol Sparling, l aila Sadler, Alison Charles, Ruth Sharples and Bernie McConnell ...... •...... • ...... , .. ,. E110 Ecological factors influencing group sizes of river dolphins (Jnia geoffrensis and Sota/ia fJuviatilis) Catalina Gomez-Salazar, Fernando Trujillo and Hal Whitehead...... E124 Food partitioning among three sympatrlc odontocetes (Grampus gr;seus, LagenodeJphis hose;, and Stenella attenuata) Ming-Chih Wang, Kwang-Tsao Shao. Shiang-Lin Huang and Lien-Siang Chou . . .. E143 Indiv.idual variation in pup vocalizations and absence of behavioral signs of maternal vocal recognition in Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddel/ii) lise C. Van Opzeeland, Sofie M. Van Parijs, Stephan Frickenhaus, Corlilelia M. Kreiss and Olaf Boebel ...... E158 Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in muscle and epidermis of arctic whales Larissa Horstmann-Dehn, Erich H. Follmann, Cheryl Rosa, Gennady Zelensky

and Cra,ig George .•.. , , ...•• , •...... •••.•...... , ..... , .• I • E1 78 E-NOTES Pvc74 is sex linked in elephant seals (genus Mirounga) Simona Sanvito, Yolanda Schramm and Filippo Galimberti...... E191 First acoustic recordings of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) in winter Kathleen M. Stafford, Kristin L. Laidre and Mads P. Helde-JlZlrgensen ...... " E197


Volume 27 Number 1 2012

Editorial James L. Anderson Measuring Welfare Losses from Hypoxia: The Case of North 3 Carolina Brown Shrimp Ling Huang, Lauren A.B. Nichols, 1. Kevin Craig, and Martin D. Smith Fisheries Subsidies and Management in Open Economies 25 Naoto Jinji Potential Collapse in Fisheries with Increasing Returns and 43 Stock-dependent Costs Jose M. Maroto, Manuel Moran, LeifK. Sandal, and Stein I. Steinshamn Management of and Economic Returns from Selected 65 Fisheries in the Nordic Countries Max Nielsen, Ola Flaaten, and Staffan Waldo Perspectives Do Property Rights Lead to Sustainable Catch Increases? 89 Josh Nowlis and Arthur A. Van Benthem Thalassorama The Centenary of Jens Warming's Optimal Landing Tax 107 in Fisheries Hiikan Eggert Books Reviewed I ] I

Published by the MRE Foundation, Inc. in association with the North American Association of Fisheries Economists (NAAFE) and the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (IIFET)


Safety of Aquaflor-Medicated Feed to Sunshine Bass David L. Straus, James D. Bowkel; Molly P. Bowman, Dan Carty, Andrew J. Mitchell, and Bradley D. Farmer 8 Exploring Soy-Derived Alternatives to Fish Meal: Using Soy Protein Concentrate and Soy Protein Isolate in Hybrid Striped Bass Feeds Patrick Blaufuss and Jesse Trushenski 20 [Communication] Effect of Feeding Rate and Pond Primary Productivity on Growth of Litopellaeus l'annamei Reared in Inland Saline Waters of West Alabama Luke A. Roy, D. Allen Davis, and Gregory N. Whitis 27 Residue Depletion of Tritium-Labeled Ivermectin in the Muscle Tissues of Aquacultured Atlantic Salmon, Tilapia, and Catfish following Oral Treatment Badal' Shaikh, Nathan Rummel, Charles Giesekel; Christie-Sue Cheely, and Renate Reimschuessel 34 Effects of Live Artemia Nauplii Supplementation for Different Periods on Survival and Growth of Juvenile Signal Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in the First Six Months of Intensive Culture Alvaro Gonzalez, Jestis D. Celada, Jose M. Carral, Marfa Saez-Royuela, Vanesa Garda, and Roc(o Gonzalez 39 Comparative Cost Analysis of Hybrid Striped Bass Fingerling Production in Ponds and Tanks Patty Eklund, Cwvle Engle, and Gerald Ludwig _ '" Influence of Substrate and Salinity on Air-Incubated Gulf Killifish Embryos M. P. Coulon, C. T. Gothreaux, and C. C. Green iO Safety of Copper Sulfate to Channel Catfish Eggs David L. Straus, Andrew J. Mitchell, Ray R. Cartel; Matthew E. McEntire, and James A. Steeby 65 Performance of Spring Chinook Salmon Reared in Acclimation Ponds for Two and Four Months before Release Lance R. Clarke, William A. Cameron, and Richard W Carmichael 73 Effects of Effluents from a Fisheries Research Station on Stream Water Quality Suthira Soongsawang and Claude E. Boyd ::10 [Technical Note1 Evaluation of Tannic Acid for Disinfection of Rainbow Trout Eggs Eric J. Wagnel; Randall W Oplingel; and Matthew Bartley 84· Effect of Single or Double Exposures to Hydrogen Peroxide or Iodine on Salmonid Egg Survival and Bacterial Growth Eric J. Wagnel; Randall W Oplingel; and Matthew Bartley 9'2 Laboratory and Production Scale Disinfection of Salmonid Eggs with Hydrogen Peroxide Eric 1. Wagnel; Randall W Oplingel; and Matthew Bartley 100 Low-Dose Hydrogen Peroxide Application in Closed Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Lars-Flemming Pedersen, Christopher M. Good, and Per B. Pedersen 107 Feeding Rate and Frequency Affect Growth of Juvenile Atlantic Spadefish Jesse Trushenski, Artur Rombenso, Michael H. Schwarz, John Bowzel; Brian Gause, Brendan Delbos, and Luis A. Sampaio 113 Novel Praziquantel Treatment Regime for Controlling Asian Tapeworm Infections in Pond-Reared Fish Alison C. Jles, Thomas P. Archdeacon, alld Scott A. Bonar

I ~H Book Review Aquaculture: An Introductory Text 12U Editor's Note

12 1 Guide for Authors

31 STATISTICAL SCIENCE Volume 27, Number 1 February 2012

Special Section: Minimax Shrinkage Estimation: A Tribute to Charles Stein A Tribute to Charles Stein ...... Edward 1. George and William E. Strawderman 1 Bayesian Nonparametric Shrinkage Applied to Cepheid Star Oscillations · ...... James Berger, William H. Jefferys and Peter Muller 3 Stein Estimation for Spherically Symmetric Distributions: Recent Developments · ...... Ann Cohen Brandwein and William E. Strawderman 11 A Geometrical Explanation of Stein Shrinkage ..... Lawrence D. Brown and Linda H. Zhao 24 Minimax and Adaptive Inference in Nonparametric Function Estimation ...... T. Tony Cai 31 Shrinkage Confidence Procedures ...... George Casella and J. T. Gene Hwang 51 On Improved Loss Estimation for Shrinkage Estimators · , ...... , .. " . , , . " . , .. , , ., .. , .. , ...... , . , .. Dominique Fourdrinier an,d Martin '1~ Wells 61 From Minimax Shrinkage Estimation to Minimax Shrinkage Prediction · ...... , ...... Edward 1. George, Feng Liang and Xinyi Xu 82 Small Area Shrinkage Estimation ...... G. Datta and M. Ghosh 95 Shrinkage Estimation in Multilevel Normal Models ... . , ... Carl N Morris and Martin Lysy 115 Reversing the Stein Effect ...... , . , , , , , , , Michael D. Perlman and Sanjay Chaudhuri 135 General Section Celebrating 70: An Interview with Don Berry · ...... , ...... Dalene Stangl, Lurdes Y. T. Inoue and Telba Z. Irony 144

32 New Additions to Library

I. Periodicals

1. Agriculture Today : Vol. 15 (5) May '12 2. Agriculture Today : Vol. 15 (6) Jun '12 3. Annals of Library & Information Studies : Vol. 59 (1) Mar '12 4. Aquaculture : Vol. 342 - 343, Apr '12 5. Aquaculture Research : Vol. 43 (6) May '12 6. Aquastar : Vol. 18 (6) Apr '12 7. Biological Bulletin : Vol. 222 (1) Feb '12 8. Biospectrum (Life Science) : Vol. 7 (5) May '12 9. Biospectrum (Bio Science) : Vol.10 (5) May '12 10. California Fish and Game : Vol. 98 (1) Winter 2012 11. Contents Page Service - Fisheries and Allied Sciences, CIFE : Vol. 13 (1) 2012 12. Crustaceana : Vol. 85 (2) Feb '12 13. Current Science : Vol. 102 (10) May '12 14. Daily Weather Report - Kerala and Lakshadweep: Apr 2012 15. Daily Weather Report - Kerala and Lakshadweep: Mar 2012 16. Down To Earth : Vol. 20 (24) May '12 17. Down To Earth : Vol. 21 (1) May '12 18. DREAM 2047 : Vol. 14 (9) Jun '12 19. Economic and Political Weekly : Vol. 47 (16) Apr '12 20. Economic and Political Weekly : Vol. 47 (20) May '12 21. Economic and Political Weekly : Vol. 47 (21) May '12 22. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research : Vol. 37 (2) 2011 23. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research : Vol. 37 (3) 2011 24. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 569 : Review of the state of world marine fishery resources, 2011 25. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 988 : Report of the Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010 - Farming the waters for people and food. Phuket, Thailand, 20-25, September 2010 26. Fish and Fisheries : Vol. 13 (2) 2012 27. Fish Farming International : Vol. 39 (5) May '12 28. Fish Technology Newsletter : Vol. 22 (4) Oct- Dec '11 29. Fisheries : Vol. 37 (2) Feb '12 30. Fishing Chimes : Vol. 32 (1) Apr'12 31. Fishing News International : Vol. 51 (5) May '12 32. Indian Farming : Vol. 62 (2) May '12 33. Indian Journal of (Geo) Marine Sciences : Vol. 41 (2) Apr '12 34. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics : Vol. 67 (1) Jan-Mar '12 35. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences : Vol. 82 (5) May '12 36. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology : Vol. 50 (6) Jun '12 37. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences : 41 (3) Jun ‘12 38. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources : Vol. 3 (1) Mar '12

33 39. Indian Journal of Social Research : Vol. 53 (1) Jan-Feb'12 40. Indian Journal of Social Research : Vol. 53 (2) Mar-Apr'12 41. Infofish International : No. 6 Nov / Dec '11 42. Infofish International : No.1 Jan / Feb '12 43. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom : Vol. 92 (4) Jun '12 44. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society : Vol. 108 (2) Aug '11 45. Journal of Crustacean Biology : Vol.32 (2) Mar '12 46. Journal of Fish Biology : Vol. 80 (4) Apr '12 47. Journal of Fish Biology : Vol. 80 (5) Apr '12 ( Sp.issue on Elasmobranchs) 48. Journal of Fish Biology : Vol. 80 (6) May '12 49. Journal of Fish Diseases : Vol. 35 (6) Jun '12 50. Journal of Research ANGRAU : Vol. 40 (1) Jan-Mar '12 51. Marine Biology Research : Vol. 8 (5-6) 2012 52. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - I : India R 53. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (1) : West Bengal 54. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (2) : Odisha 55. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (3) : AndhraPradesh 56. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (4) : Tamil Nadu 57. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (5) : Puducherry 58. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (6) : Kerala 59. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (7) : Karnataka 60. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (8) : Goa R 61. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (9) : Maharashtra 62. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (10) : Gujarat 63. Marine Fisheries Census 2010 . Part - II (11) : Daman & Diu 64. Marine Fisheries Review : Vol 73 (4) 2011 65. Marine Mammal Science : Vol. 28 (2) Apr '12 66. Marine Resource Economics : Vol. 27 (1) 2012 67. MPEDA Newsletter : Vol. 21 (4) Sep '12 68. National Geographic : Vol. 221 (4) Apr '12 69. National Geographic : Vol. 221 (5) May '12 70. Nature : Vol. 484 (7394) Apr '12 71. Nature : Vol. 484 (7395) Apr '12 72. Nature : Vol. 484 (7396) May '12 73. Nature : Vol. 485 (7397) May '12 74. North American Journal of Aquaculture : Vol. 74 (1) Jan '12 75. IES-ENVIS Newsletter : Vol. 13 (1), 2010 76. IES-ENVIS Newsletter : Vol. 15 (1), 2012 77. Proceedings of Kerala Environment Congress 2011- Energy and Environment. 25th,26th and 27th August 2011, Thiruvananthapuram 78. Proceedings of National Consultation on Development of Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases. National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, India.April 17-18, 2012 79. Seafood Export Journal : Vol. 42 (4) May '12 80. Statistical Science : Vol. 27 (1) Feb '12 81. Swamysnews : No. 6, June '12

34 82. Think India Quarterly - Special Issue on ' Indian Agriculture ' : Vol. 14 (3) Jul-Sep 2011 83. Training Manual : Centre of Advanced Faculty Training on development of brood and gene banks for aquaculture production and genetic conservation. 8-28 February 2012, CIFE, Mumbai 84. Women Achievers in Science - A brief profile of ' Women Young Scientist Awardees ' in Kerala Science Congress from 1989-2011