MARCH 28 THE LIMA NEWS PAGE ELEVEN Con-ig<»n to fly, Donald QUADRUPLETS GO VISITING Mavliride as the airport owner, Doivnhy Pet^r.Mjn as Mr*. Corri- Barney Oldfield, Youthful Colbert And Marshall Star s;an, all give admirable perform* a noes. V * • In New Ohio Film Wednesday OHIO Detective On 'We, The People" Hack to the- type of role in ivhich she rose to stardom comes Joan Crawford in "The Ice Follies 01 1939," showing at the Ohio Noted Foursome Will Reveal Their Secret Ambi- Double Feature Programs Are Current On Screens theatre. Of Sigma, Quilna, Lyric And State A pietuie designed for the en- tions During Appearance On "If I Had lire family, "The Ice Follies of Theatres 19oi»" has "everything." There The Chance" Spot ait- bse