LFC' NEXT EDITION -I May 20, 1963 The Campaign 1 "1 By H.I.K. Deadline May 13 Those who attended the Initial Gifts Dinner of the 1 2:00 p.m. Men's Division on April 18 were amply rewarded by .-~ Rabbi Hillel Silverman's presentation of the U.J.A. IYAR 12, 5723 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON VOLUME XXXI, NO. 16 (United Jewish Appeal) message, pointing out without exhortation—the need i'or increased funds. His humane, warm . . . descriptive treatment brought out a living Gifts Lunch features Fashion Show Regional Winners In President Ben-Zvi of Israel, picture seldom (if ever), presented on this very diffi­ Bible Contest Named Beloved Leader, Passes at Age 78 cult subject, in a manner both pleasant and digestible. ' und Event The Bible contest committee JERUSALEM (JTA)—Izhak Ben-Zvi, second Presi­ IMMIGRATION: announces the following re­ dent of Israel, statesman, scholar, and Zionist pioneer, It can be truthfully said that the flow of immigration ,. May 9, Ai gional winners in the fourth was laid to rest April 24, after a funeral procession into Israel has NOT lessened. Rather, it has increased, annual National Bible Contest. watched by more than 100,000 saddened Israelis. He as has the need for funds increased, in order to combine Glendale Country Club In the Advanced Hebrew Divi­ sion, Alan B. Frand, son of Mr. died the day before at the age of 78, a victim of cancer. the work of rescue, rehabilitation and resettlement. The Federated Fund Spe­ and Mrs. David Frand, won Interment of Israel's beloved | In previous years, Israel HAS contributed heavily to cial Gifts Luncheon is again first place. Alan is a 9th grade President took place in the | this effort. Presently—it must reserve and use all Israeli presenting a "Strip Fashion student at the Seattle Hebrew simple family plot of the pub- Funds in connection with the defense of the country. Show" on Thursday, May 9 School. Runners-up in this lie cemetery of Jerusalem. It at the Glendale Country division were Avivah Offman, was preceded by wailing sirens THE CAMPAIGN: Club, at 12:00 o'clock noon. last year's winner, and David and two minutes of silence Twersky, both of the Seattle throughout Israel which ush-| OFFICIAL GOAL $400,000.00 This function was initiated ered in a nationwide cessation j in the 1962 campaign and Hebrew School. In the comprehensive Eng­ of activities until interment As of April 25 — was so successful the same lish division the first three was completed. All places of program will be repeated places went to participants amusement were closed on Men's Division ___$141,000.00 in this year's all-out drive. from Portland, Oregon. They Tuesday, April 23, the start of j This year's committee under are Mama Klein man, first a country-wide seven-day per­ Women's Division 32,000.00 iod of mourning. the direction of chairman Mrs. place, and Shaul Stampher and Total $'173,000.00 George Grashin and co-chair­ Sharon Harronitz, runners-up. Before the funeral proces­ man Mrs. Maurice Shurman, The Bible contest committee, sion began from Jerusalem's SHORT OF GOAL $227,000.00 announces that not only will of which Rabbi Samuel Grau­ Convention Hall, Prime Min­ the raising of additional mon­ denz is chairman, wishes to ister David Ben-Gurion, a life­ long associate of the Presi­ KEY TO SUCCESS: ies fulfil Federated Fund's im­ Left to right: Mrs. Larry Druxman, Mrs. George Grashin, Mrs. thank Hershel Walkow, vice- mediate purpose, but the af­ chairman of the committee, and dent's Zionist career, pro­ Dedicated MANPOWER in sufficient numbers is the fair will provide a most excit­ Maurice Shurman. his assistants, Miss K. Rodan of nounced a eulogy on behalf of KEY to the SUCCESS of any Fund raising effort. While ing and entertaining afternoon the Seattle Hebrew School fac­ the government. Visibly moved, contributors don't rush to part with their money—they for all who "attend. Those who ulty; Allan Lichter, education Mr. Ben - Gurion recalled Mr. ARE happy to do so in almost every instance—when attended last year's affair are director of Temple De Hirsch; Ben-Zvi's activities from his contacted by a Fund Solicitor. well aware of the fun and Rabbi Joshua Stampher of student days in Czarist Russia spontaniety of winning the Portland, and Roberta Russak, in 1904 when he organized the The ranks of the men of yesteryear are thinning .... clothes actually modeled by who served as hostess. Special Jewish self-defense units for Urban Leaguer To More of the younger generation, the busy men in their those taking part in the Fash­ thanks are due Eugene Berlat­ which his father and mother prime, should make themselves available to carry on ion Show. sky, director of the Seattle were exiled to Siberia. Speak at AJC and forward ... in this needed Community endeavor. Jewish Community Center, No Parallel who made all needed facilities Mr. Ben - Gurion described Luncheon May 8 The Campaign Workers meet for luncheon every Mrs. Marie Berg, former available for this contest; to him as a man whom the people Mrs. Edward F. Stern, pro­ Thursday at the Jewish Community Center. COME — member of the National Wom­ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silverstein chose and loved, a faithful serv­ gram chairman, has announced Join with them—HELP BRING THIS CAMPAIGN TO en's Division of the United for the generous donation of ant of "all tribes and commu­ a special luncheon for mem­ A SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSION. Jewish Appeal Board, presi­ refreshments, and to the many nities of the House of Israel," bers and guests of the Seattle dent of the permanent Women's friends of the contest who con­ Jews and non-Jews. "He won Chapter, American Jewish Call MAin 2-8213 Division of San Diego, and tributed towards the $100 Israel the love of the entire Jewish! Committee. Edwin T. Pratt, "Your Central Community Fund Raising Agency" former West Coast vice chair­ Bond and other prizes awarded people as was vouchsafed to no executive secretary of the Se- FEDERATED JEWISH FUND & COUNCIL man for Hadassah will be the the winners. other man in our generation or attle Urban League, will speak speaker. in those to come, a privilege on the National Conference on 1017 4th Avenue 1963-64 Registration to which there is no parallel Religion and Race and the Se- among our people, divided as attle pilot project, on Wednes- MRS. BARUCH TREIGER Reservations are limited to it is by a multitude of parties, day, May 8 at noon, in the Ad­ Albert Hanan Named 300 women ... all of whom For Temple De Hirsch communities and tribes," he miralty Room of the Roosevelt NAMED NATIONAL will donate a minimum of said. Hotel. Mrs. Blanche Wolman President of Family m EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR $21.00. This year's theme for School Announced 'He symbolized more than' is charge of arrangements. both the Initial gifts and Spe­ Alan R. Lichter, educational Mr. Pratt attended the Na­ And Child Service The appointment of Mrs. any other man in his days the Albert Hanan, Seattle attor­ cial Gifts Luncheons is "The director of Temple De Hirsch, love and unity of Israel and tional Conference in Chicago, Baruch I. Treiger as Executive ney, has been elected president Director of the National Wom­ Price is Right." Your gift cov­ recently announced a 3 - day the entire people felt this," the January 14-17 as a delegate of ers the globe. The need is Left to right: Mrs. Alvin Pearl, Mrs. Norman Clein Jr., Mrs. registration period for the 1963- the Protestant Episcopal of the Jewish Family and Child en's League of the United Syn­ Prime Minister continued. "His Service. Other officers elected agogue of America was an­ great . . . the time is now . . . Arnold Robbins. 64 Temple De Hirsch Religion words, ways, customs and atti­ Church. ^ Seattle was named and where can a more fantas­ School season. The following one of ten cities in the country are Mrs. Charles Kaplan, first nounced by Mrs. Albert Fried, tudes were the essence of sim­ vice-president; Dr. Z. W. Birn- National President of the or­ tic price be found than our information is directed to the, plicity and modesty, true sin­ to undertake a pilot project as strip fashion show. FASHION attention of interested parties: ifollow-up to the National Con­ baum, second vice-president; ganization. Mrs. Treiger, who cerity and purity of heart. Yes­ Mrs. Meyer Newberger, treas­ has been serving as Field Serv­ SHOW PROGRAM CHAIR­ 1. Children who are attend­ terday, the most esteemed, ference. MEN: Mrs. Howard Rosenthal Earlier in January, Mr. Pratt urer; Melville Oseran, secre­ ice Director of the League, suc­ ing Religion School as of the most beloved Jew in Israel de­ ceeds Miss Naomi Flax. After and Mrs. Addis Gutmann, Jr.. close of this year, need NOT. and A.J.C.'s staff met with tary. parted from us and entered The executive committee was an association of 11 years, Miss together with Mrs. Larry Drux- register again. into the eternal shrine of Jew­ twelve local ministers to dis­ man, Mrs. Norman Clein, Jr. also elected and consists of the Flax has resigned to take up 2. Children who are not at­ ish history." cuss the specific problems of temporary residence in Cali­ and Mrs. Alvin Pearl. MODELS: above named officers and Mrs. tending this year and whoso Served Since 1952 Seattle churches in the context fornia. Mesdames Lee Lipmann, Alvin Bernard Gray, outgoing presi­ parents are members of the Ben-Zvi was elected for three of the national workshop agen­ Goldfarb, Douglas Weisfield, dent; Irving Anches, Dr. Joseph Congregation, should register consecutive terms of office by da. Following his return, Mr. In her new post, Mrs. Treiger Barry Schneiderman, Stan Cohen, Mux- Kaminoff, Mrs. on Wednesday, Thursday or the Knesset, Israel's Parlia­ Prati aim A.J.C. staff again will be directing the work of Salzman, Norm Lurie, Don E. E. Lescher and Ludwig Friday, May 15, 16 or 17, from ment. He was first elected in initiated meetings of clergy­ 29 activity departments relat­ Sidel, Alan Deutsch, Jack Fag­ Lobe. . 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This can be December 1952, on the death men to consider a Seattle Con­ ing to 750 Sisterhoods of Con­ hin. INVITATIONS: Chair-, done in person at the Religion of the country's first President, ference on Religion and Race, servative Synagogues through­ man Mrs. Norm Greenbaum, School Office, or phone Mrs. Dr. Chaim Weizmann. Mr. Ben- now planned for June 5 at Se­ Art Grunbaum Dies out the United States and Can­ and her Committee, Mesdames Saran at Temple, EA 3-8486. Zvi was reelected for his sec­ attle University. Archbishop ada, in Mexico and Puerto Herbert Wittenberg, Leon ond five-year term in 1957, and Thomas A. Connolly, Rev. Ev­ Rico. The affiliated groups rep­ Schlossberg, Sydney Rogers, 3. The Religion School is his candidature was resubmit­ erett Jensen, and Rabbi Raph-I resent a membership of more Benjamin H. Mayers, Sam Lev­ limited to Temple members. ted to the Knesset in 1962, ael Levine are co-chairmen of than 180,000 women. Through inson, Morgan Barokas, Ken­ Parents who do not now be­ when he was reelected without the Seattle conference. its association with the World neth Greenbaum. WINE POUR- long to Temple De Hirsch but dissent—an indication of Isra­ Mr. Pratt will relate the Council of Synagogues, Na­ ERS, working with Mrs. Alvin wish to send their children to el's general esteem for its story of this gradual involve­ tional Women's League also Pearl, are Mesdames Michael the Religion School must first President. ment of varying faiths and j gives educational and guidance Stern, Edward Fisher, Howard arrange for membership. Mrs. service to synagogue women's Born in Poltava, in the Rus­ races in a cooperative project Adler, Phil Bloom, Norman Esther Eggleston, executive groups in South Am e r i c a, administrator, will be available sian Ukraine on December 6, to examine the responsibility Lurie, Irwin Treiger. DECOR­ of man to his fellow man, each| Europe, Israel and India. ATIONS: Mesdames Arnold to discuss membership on the 1884, he studied at the Univer­ above 3 days, May 15-17, from sity of Kiev and then went to within the framework of his Mrs. Treiger is the daughter Robbins, Jack Faghin. CASH­ own religious faith. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Solo­ IERS: Chairman Mrs. Howard 9 to 11 a.m. and from 2 to 4 Turkey for study at the Uni­ p.m. versity of Istanbul from 1912 Luncheon reservations should mon J. Farber of Tacoma. She Shapiro assisted by Mrs. Rich­ be sent to Mrs. Blanche Wol- I is a graduate of the University ard Kane. HOSPITALITY: Anyone interested in receiv­ to 191-4. With the late Dov Ber Borochov, he founded the Poale mf" 264 E. Newton St., Se­ of Washington, where she was Mrs. Benjamin H. Mayers. ing information about any as­ attle, phone MA. 2-8190 or elected to Phi Beta Kappa dur­ pect of the school program — Zion movement of Socialist Those contributing to the LA. 3-5263. ing her junior year, graduating curriculum, staff, facilities, etc. Zionism in 1905. He did organ­ fashion show are Adler & Ad­ Left to right: Mrs. Hy Pollack, Mrs. Howard Shapiro, Mrs. magna cum laude. She served — is cordially invited to call izational work for the new ler, Judith Allper, Interior De­ on the staffs of the Traveler's Ronald Neubauer. or visit Mr. Lichter at the movement in Russia, Germany, sign, Barr's Apparel, Bobbie GOLDEN AGE CLUB Aid Society, and on the Coun­ Religion School Office in Tern Switzerland and Palestine, Brooks, Expectation Shop, Fos- cil of Social Agencies of the pie De Hirsch. where he settled in 1906. BAZAAR MAY 9 ter-Hochberg Mfg. Co., Fox's Tacoma Community Chest. Equal Opportunity Committee On While teaching at the He­ The annual Bazaar of the Gem Shop, Hylo Fashions, brew High School in Jerusa­ ARTHUR GRUNBAUM, SR. With her late husband, Rabbi Anne Itkin Linens, Jay Jacobs, ReSigion And Race Golden Age Club has been Baruch I. Treiger, she served Measure Introduced DeJaen New Youth lem, which he helped to estab- scheduled for Thursday, May Arthur Grunbaum Sr., 54, Jafco Distributors, Keeg's In­ Formed In Seattle lish, he was a co-founder of g from 10 an attorney since 1939, died on many civic and educational teriors, George Koretz, Leone's a.m. to 5 p.m. in the committees in Tacoma, Wash­ By Pelly and Stinson A Committee to plan a Se­ Director for B.B.s Hashomer, the first Jewish de Jewish Community Center, it April 19 of a heart attack. of Bellevue, Leavitt Bros., Mil- fense organization of the then Mr. Grunbaum of 5544 26th ington, where he was Rabbi of lard-Pollard Inc., Frank More, Washington State Congress­ attle Conference on Religion was announced by Ben Rash­ the Talmud Torah Conserva­ men Tom Pelly and Bill Stin- and Race has been formed. thin and scattered Jewish set­ bam, club President. N.E., was the son of a pioneer Mr. Edward of Island Coif­ tlements in Palestine. Seattle family. His father was tive Congregation. feurs, Mr. Emile, Mr. Tucker son have introduced legislation Members of the three (3) ma­ This year's Bazaar will again to create a Commission on jor faiths in Seattle are co­ Seattle's Herzl Conservative feature mosaic, ceramic and the late Maurice L. Grunbaum. of Mr. Williams Hair Stylists, Congregation held a Memorial A specialist in performance member of the Order of the Northwest Apparel, Nord- Equality of Opportunity in operating in a follow up of the sewing articles made by the Employment. The Commission National Conference on Relig­ service for the deceased Israel Club members. Baked goods bonds for contractors and pub­ Coif, law school honorary. strom's of Northgate, Pied Pip­ President on Friday night, May lic officials, Mr. Grunbaum He belonged to Temple De er Children's Shop, Prager's, would be composed of seven ion and Race held in January and a variety of food products full-time members appointed in Chicago. At that conference 3, at the Synagogue. will also be on sale. Proceeds was also a trustee of the Se­ Hirsch Congregation, B'nai Rose Marie Reid, Seattle Card attle-King County Bar Associa­ B'rith and the Professional Mart, Trident Imports, Molly by the President, with no more Seattle was selected as one of of the sale will go toward the than four members being of ten (10) pilot cities to consider Parent Education Club's numerous philanthro­ tion, and had been on many Arts Club. Wasserman, Weisfield's Jew- the same political party. committees of the State Bar He is survived by his wife, elery, White Stag Mfg. Co. the responsibilities of religion pies. "This year's Bazaar prom­ concerning racial problems. Class Presented ises to be larger and more in­ Association. He was a member Dorothy; a son, Arthur Jr., a Heading the donation com­ Pelly and Slinson empha­ of the judicial-selection com­ student at the University of sized the importance of their The Seattle Conference will At Hebrew School teresting than in any previous mittee are Mrs. Stan Allper, year," Mr. Rashbam stated. The mittee, which recommends Washington; a daughter, Mrs. identical bills, pointing out be held on Wednesday, June To implement the establish­ Mrs. Norman Clein Jr. and Bazaar is open to the entire prospective judges for appoint­ Ernie Shelby, Los Angeles; his Mrs. Alvin Pearl. that the present Committee on 5, at Seattle University. The ment of a Nursery class in the ment by the governor. convenors of the Conference community. mother, Mrs. Maurice T. Grun­ Equal Employment Opportu­ Seattle Hebrew School for the He was a graduate of Broad­ baum; brothers, Henry M., Pre-Pledging Solvations un­ nity, created by Executive Or­ are The Most Reverend Thomas school year 1963-64, the Family The Golden Age Club is der chairman Miss Lilly De- A. Connolly, Archbishop of Se­ way High School and of the Sunnyvale, California; and Ed­ der, for one reason or another Life Department of the Seattle sponsored jointly by the Se University of Washington and ward A., Oakland, California; Jaen are Mesdames Victor Cal- had failed in many instances attle; Reverend Everett J. Jen­ attle deron, Dave Calvo, Mordo De- Public Schools is a Section National Council its School of Law, where he and a sister, Mrs. William Ro­ to eliminate discrimination in sen, President of the Greater class in parent education. The of Jewish Women and the^Se Jaen, Robert Benveniste, Irv­ attle Jewish Community Cen­ won highest honors. He was a sen, Seattle. employment by both manage­ Seattle Council of Churches; second session will be held on ing Sidell, Alex Gomavitz, ment and labor engaged in car­ Rabbi Raphael H. Levine of Wednesday, May 8, at 8 p.m. in ter. Isaac Baruch, Nesso Cohen, rying out Government con­ Temple De Hirsch. the library of the school build­ Day Camp Registration Growing Ann Benoun, Sam Abolofia, tracts. The Congressmen said: ing, 25th and E. Columbia St. Harry J. Cohn, and Nessim "What to expect in a preschool NCJW Re-elects Israel. "Discrimination by reason of AL DeJAEN race, color or creed in employ­ Israeli Motorship child" will be discussed and Hostess Committee chairman ment involving Federal funds, Al DeJaen has been appoint­ illustrated by a special film, Mrs. Edward F. Stem Mrs. David Radner and her co- which are furnished by all the Crew Guests At ed Northern Region B'nai "A Long Way to Grow." All To Vice Presidency chairmen Mesdames Jack Cape­ taxpayers, can no longer be Temple's Seder B'rith Youth Organization Di­ mothers, fathers and interest­ loto, Harold Drebin, Hy Pol­ tolerated." rector. Mr. DeJaen, a native ed friends are cordially invited Mrs. Edward F. Stern was lack, Don Sidel, Douglas Weis­ The Congressmen said that Crew members of the Israeli of the Pacific Northwest, is a to attend. re-elected national vice-presi­ motorship Fernice, including teacher in the Seattle School field, are busy filling tables. among other things, their bills Harry Mesher Dies dent of the National Council of Some of the table hostesses would grant the Commission the chief steward — Levy Shi­ System. He is an alumnus of Jewish Women at the group's hard at work are: Mesdames authority to conduct investiga­ mon, his wife and two year old Seattle AZA and for several Here At Age 72 25th biennial convention held Raymond Benezra, Leslie Stus­ tions and hearings in connec­ daughter, Galith — were spe­ years has worked with the Se­ Harry L. Mesher, 72, died recently in Minneapolis, Min­ ser, Lawrence Wilels, Herbert tion with charges of discrimi­ cial guests at the Seder at attle Jewish Community Cen­ March 18 after an illness of nesota. Wieseneck, Leonard Wiviott, nation in Government employ­ Temple De Hirsch. The ship is ter as Teen Worker. Mr. De­ two weeks. Mr. Mesher was Representing the local chap­ Ray Friedman, Marvin Apple. ment, and that in connection a former Italian vessel once Jaen is married, has three chil­ owner and president of the ter were Mesdames Ted Car­ Reservations can be made by with these investigations, the used to transport Jewish emi­ dren and is a member of Se­ H. L. Mesher Sheet Metal rol, Lawrence Nieder and Joe contacting Mesdames Ronald Commission would also have grants to Israel. attle Lodge No. 503, B'nai Manufacturing Co. in Seattle. Hirshberg. Neubauer, GL 4-4126, Alvin the power to subpoena. "The men were overwhelm­ B'rith. Born in Russia, Mr. Mesher Mrs. Philip Posner, formerly mm Goldfarb, Robert Lackman, The Congressmen said that ed by the beauty of the new As Regional Director, Mr. came to Seattle from Romania of Seattle and now residing in J.C.C. Day Camp children participating' in small group activity Gordon Tobin. in addition to authorizing in­ temple and the hospitality," DeJaen will be responsible for in 1921. He was a Mason, a San Francisco, was elected to Registration i'or both sessions make every effort to register vestigations, that their bills said Martin i Pick, who with 20 AZA and BBG chapters in member of Nile Temple of the the National Board. Mrs. Hy­ of the J.C.C. Day Camp has their children early so they Abraham Danon, 19th cen would also charge the Commis­ Sam Grossman toured the ship Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Shrine, Eagles, Sons of Israel, man Cohn was on the national been progressing at a rapid will not be disappointed," Mr. tury Turkish rabbi and one of sion with the duty of acting as and had lunch with the crew Portland, Eugene and Spokane B'nai B'rith, Bikur Cholim nominating committee. pace with the first session over,Sand stated. The two 4-week the outstanding Jewish schol­ a watchdog over Federal de­ the following day. Mr. Shimon consisting of more than 600 Synagogue and the Machzikay Seattle delegates reported on half full, Adolf Sand, Day i Day Camp sessions are June ars in AdrJanople, was also a partments and agencies, so as was the only one aboard who members, 40 advisors and two Hadath Shul. the convent i on at a recent Camp Director, announced. 24 to July 19 and July 22 to leading folklorist, having pub­ to "prevent discriminatory em­ spoke English but the crews BBYO Councils. Mr. DeJaen Surviving are his wife, Rose, board meeting and will report "There is still room in both August 16. lished numerous Judeo - Span­ ployment practices in such de­ hospitality was also over­ will also serve as Seattle BB and a grandson Dr. Stanford to the general membership in sessions, but parents interested Registration is being taken ish ballads and novels. (JTA) partments and agencies." whelming, said Mr. Pick. YO City Supervisor. Silberman. the near future. in a particular session should at MAin 4-8431. 2 THE TRANSCRIPI Monthly, May 6, 1963 Overlake Teens Plan Swim Parly North Broadway- Wedding Plans Announced Sephardic Groups \ Capitol Hill Group Planning Mother- Of Hadassah Meets Daughter Luncheon The North Broadway-Capi­ A mother and daughter UMP tol Hill Group of Seatle Chap­ luncheon is planned jointly by SYLVIA CALER, Editor ter of Hadassah will meet May the Ezra Bessaroth Ladies Aux­ 20, at the Seattle Federation Management Committee iliary and Seattle Sepharadic Archie S. Katz. Chairman: Samuel G. Holcenberg, Sam Prottas of Women's Clubs, 232 Harvard Sisterhood. Roy G. Rosenthal, Mrs. William Weinstein Avenue East. Luncheon will The program will be held be served at noon. Mrs. Nor- Subscription Price: $3.00 per yeur; $5.00 for two years ! Tuesday, May 14, at the Con­ bert Gruenfeld, accompanied gregation Ezra Bessaroth Hall, Office Hours: Monday, 9 a.m. to !i p.m.; Tuesday thru Friday, by Mrs. Herbert Steuer, will 15217 South Brandon, at 12:30 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (except on press day) present a musical program. p.m. This affair is open to all The following officers will Room 201, 1017 Fourth • Phone MAin 4-0136 • Seattle 4, Wash. | members and friends. be installed by Mrs. Louis Cap­ Program chairman, Mrs. Sam Issued Semi-Monthly (except July-August, with one edition) lan: president, Mrs. Simon Capeloto has also arranged for Entered as second-class matter July 7, 1949, at the Post Office Hurwitz; vice - president for a baby sitter. at Seattle, Washington, under Act of March 3, 1870. program, Mrs. Sam Treiger; For reservations call Chair­ vice-president for membership, UNIVERSITY PRINTING CO. Left to Right: Bobby Applebaum, Howie Meltzer, Adolf Sand, man Mrs. Eli Angel, PA 3-9651; group supervisor, Cindy Winters, Kathy Levinsohn, and Ro­ Mrs. William Ross; vice-presi­ Co-Chairman Mrs. Sam Cape­ berta Birch. dent for education, Mrs. Helen loto, PA 2-5581; Co-Chairman Feinberg; recording secretary, The Overlake Teen-age Ex­ in which the group has en­ Mrs. Joe Benaliol, PA 5-5491. CJW Champagne Mrs. H. Miller; corresponding Medical Group Ladies tension group of the Jewish gaged since its formation in secretary, Mrs. J. Harshfield; Brunch Set For Community Center, will hold December 1962. All 7th, 8th financial secretary, Mrs. H. Plan Donor Luncheon a gala swimming party and and 9th grade students are in Mildred Lasky Back Monday, May 13 Oster; treasurer, Mrs. Max -dance Saturday evening, May vited to attend this event. For Steiner. From Extensive Trip The final meeting of the year 118th. This event will culminate additional information call the of the Council of Jewish Wom­ a varied number of activities program office, MA 4-8431. Mildred Lasky recently re­ en will be held at the Cham­ Hadassah B&P turned from a three and a half pagne Brunch, 11:45 a.m., May month trip around the United 13 at the Temple Center, I Engagement Told Group To Install States during which she per­ Temple DeHirsch. Social hour) Seattle Chapter Of formed for many benefit pro­ The engagement of Cheryl Tuesday, May 21 grams, while visiting family will begin at 11:15 a.m. The Business and Profes­ Mrs. Lawrence Sadick and iWargon to, Phillip Michael Hadassah To Install and friends. ' Barenfeld was, announced re- sional Group of Hadassah will Mrs. Pat Stusser, co-chairmen have its installation of officers While in Miami Beach, Flor­ of the affair, announce that ! cently by her parents, Mr. and Officers on May 15 ida, she sang at a charity din­ • Mrs. Morris Wargon of Los at the East Side YWCA, 2820 Professor Angelo Pellegrini of East Cherry Street, at 8 p.m. on EDDIE HASSON AND MARGARET GOLD ner given by the. Greater the University of Washington, [Angeles, California. He is the Tuesday, May 21. Mrs. Julian Photo by Que Chin studio. Miami American Cancer So­ will speak on "Gourmet Cook­ 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnstein, president of Hadas­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. was affiliated with and is a ciety, for the Heart Associa­ ing." I Barenfeld of Beverly Hills, sah's Seattle Chapter, will be Gold announce the engage­ past president of Alpha Epsi- tion's Hospital benefit, at a Mrs. Fred Backer is in charge j California and the grandson of the, installing officer. ment of their daughter, Mar­ lon Pi Fraternity. Miss Gold is luncheon and dinner given by B'nai B'rith, and starred in a of decorations. Publicity is be­ Mrs. Phillip N. Mendelsohn of A musical program of Israeli garet, to Eddie I. Hasson, son a student at the University of ing handled by Mrs. Martin Seattle. of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Has­ Washington and is a member musical comedy show for thc and Jewish songs will be pre­ benefit of crippled children* Nudelman and Mrs. Gordon sented by Mrs. Harry Burton, son. of Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority. Tobin is arranging for the accompanied on the piano by Mr. Hasson, a graduate of A late summer wedding is While attending services in Champagne punch. Hospitality Pioneer Women To Mrs. Vera Engcl. Refreshments the University of Washington planned. Miami Beach, Mrs. Lasky said committee is chairmaned by Hold Annual Event will be served. she was pleasantly surprised to Mrs. Alvin Schoenfeld while find that the compositions of Mrs. Kermit.Rosen, Jr., is mak­ For Mothers' Day Dai Bons Planning To Marry in July Samuel Goldfarb, music direc­ Henrietta Szold tor of Temple De Hirsch, were ing arrangements for the serv­ MRS. SALVO CAPELOTO Seattle Chapter Pioneer Dance for May 11 ing committee. Tickets are be­ Women will hold their annua Hadassah Meets being sung and were a regu­ ing handled by Mrs. Alvin The Seattle Ladies'Auxiliary "Uni Pastrami" is thc theme lar part of the weekly Sabbath and the Evergreen Chapter of Mother's Day luncheon and of the forthcoming "grub" services. Pearl and Mrs. Eddie Fisher is card party on Tuesday, May 14, Monday, May 20 chairman of the committee to the American Medical Center The closing meeting of the dance sponsored by the Dai at Denver will co-sponsor their at 12:30 p.m. at the Eastside Bons, social and charitable or­ arrange setting the tables. "Y", 29th and East Cherry. season. for the Henrietta Szold Admission to the affair is an annual Spring Donors Lunch­ Chapter (Madison-Madrona) of ganization. The Regents will HEBREW FREE LOAN eon on Wednesday, May 8, at Hostesses for the affair are provide the music for the objet d'art for the ColledorY. Mesdames Gilbert Vcno, Dora Hadassah will be held on Mon­ Loans from $50.00 12:30 p.m. Samuel Holcenberg, day afternoon, May 20, at noon dance to be held May 11 at the Corner at the Thrift Shop. director of the Seattle Feder­ Steinberg, Frank Goldfarb and to $500.00 Credit will be given toward the at the home of Mrs. E. Shifton, Painters' Hall, 2015 Boren, ated Jewish Fund and Council, Nathan Anches. Committee 2336 43rd Avenue East. from 9 to 12 p.m. Programs For information call Angel Ball. Cost of the Brunch will be guest speaker for the members in charge and assist­ is $1.25 without an objet d'art. Photo by George August. Regular features of the aft­ may be purchased from Dai EA 2-4543 affair -which will be held at ing with the luncheon are Mrs. Bons members or at the door. Tickets may be purchased at Sam Cutler, Mrs. Bessie Kap­ MRS. LOUIS CAPLAN ernoon will be the monthly the New Washington Hotel. luncheon and door prize, and Officers of the group are the door. lan, refreshments; Mrs. S. Mrs. Louis Caplan will be The program will feature special for the day will be a Linda Lewis, president; Gail New and past presidents will Brodsky, decorations; Mrs. S. installed as president of Seat­ two fashion shows. The first, report on the recent conference King, vice-president; Lynn Sid- be guests, of honor following Epstein, Mrs. B. Jaffe and Mrs. tle Chapter Hadassah at a St. Vincent de Paul compliments of the Scandinav­ and an installation of officers ran, secretary; Carol Adriam, the installation of officers. S. Winegrad. Corsages will be uncheon meeting to be held ian Airline System and Vogue will be held, also. Guests are treasurer; Rozanne Adriam, Help the Handicapped presented to the youngest and at 12 noon on Wednesday, May Pattern Service, will show a welcome. sargeant at arms. one-suitcase wardrobe consist­ oldest mother present and 15, at the Jewish Community 1001 Fairview E. South Side Teen ing of seven units which mul­ prizes will also be given. Dona­ Center. MA. 3-1492 Seattle Mixer To Be Held tiply into 13 separate outfits. tion is $1.25. Other officers to be installed Narration will be by Sally Mrs. Gilbert Veno, chairman, for the term 1963-64 are: Mrs. Another in a series of Teen Anne Simpson, women's rep­ extends a cordial invitation to Irving Epstein, education vice PANORAMA Age Mixers, sponsored by the resentative of Scandinavian all members and friends. All president; Mrs. Melvin Sichel, JAKE ROCKOV Sephardic Brotherhood and Airlines, and model will be proceeds will go to Israel for m e m b e r s h i p vice president; By DAVID SCHWARTZ Sisterhood in cooperation with Mrs. William Capeloto. The Pioneer Women projects. Mrs. Leo Kremen, correspond­ (Copyright, 1963, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Roy L. Anderson photo. HEATING OIL CO. thc Seattle Jewish Community second show will be a Spring ing secretary; Mrs. Milton ILAINE CONNOR Center, will be held in the hat review by Ethel Young Hat Shindell, financial secretary; PAPA, YOU ARE LAUGHING! Mrs. Ben Saltman announ­ Cleanest Heating Oils Rainier Field House, Rainier Company, modeled by Mes­ Evening Branch Of Mrs. Jack Farber,' treasurer. ces the forthcoming marriage Automatic Service South and South Oregon dames William Capeloto, Mau­ Installing officer will be Mrs. On April 29, Israel celebrated her fifteenth birthday. of her daughter, Ilaine Fran­ and N.C.J.W. Plans Abe Levey of Everett, presi­ Who can forget the stories of the day when she won ces, to John R. Mayer, son of Complete Furnace Street, on Saturday evening, rice Jacobson, Stan Jaffe, Repair May 18, from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Irving Polishuk and Edward dent of the Northern Pacific independence? Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Martin. May 7 Installation July 14 has been chosen as the Pat O'Day, popular disc Sadick. Coast region of Hadassah One story that I particularly remember was of a 24 HOURS A DAY—ME. 3-3410 jockey of Radio Station KJR The Evening Branch, N. C. Chairman of the nominations date for a garden wedding. Mrs. Salvo Capeloto is chair­ J. W. will have its annual no- committee was Mrs. Benjamin woman who got into a cab in Jerusalem. The shots were The bride-to-be attended the will be featured and refresh­ man of the luncheon, which ments will be served. Admis­ host Installation Dinner, on Cole. flying all about. Whiz! Whiz! But the driver paid no at­ University of Washington and will benefit thc American Tuesday, May 7, 6:30 p.m., at The president-elect, Mrs. tention to them. He kept on talking to the woman in was a member of Alpha Epsi- sion will be fifty cents per per Medical Center at Denver, For Your Paints son. Gabriel Amira is organi Bryan's Lake Terrace Dining Louis Caplan, is at present on Hebrew. lon Phi Sorority. Mr. Mayer, known as the "Hospital with Room, 7850 Greenlake Drive zational coordinator for thc the Regional Board of the The woman couldn't understand it. "Ma shiest, und a graduate of the University and Linoleum a Heart." Now in its 59th year, North. Total cost per person of Washington, was a member Teen Age Mixers. the hospital continues its pol­ Anti-Defamation League of er redt loshen kodesh!" ("They are shooting and he is $4.00. Members in good B'nai B'rith and the Board of of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. try icy of being free and non-sec­ standing may make reserva­ talks to me in Hebrew.") tarian. the Seattle Chapter B'nai Hadassah's Goida tions with co-chairmen Bea­ B'rith Women. She is a mem­ The good woman of course didn't understand the effi­ Members of both chapters trice Simon, EA 4-3122 or Mrs. Israel's fastest-growing area ber of the teaching staff of cient Israeli spirit. They were always doing two things is thc southern district of the GRINSPAN'S Meir Group Plans who have been working on all Max Epstein, AT 3-7951. Herzl Conservative Congrega­ at the same time. The Chaluzim always went about country which includes Beer- EAst 4-3531 facets of the luncheon are The invocation will be de­ tion. Mrs. Caplan has served with the gun and the plow together, and this driver Event For May 30 Mesdames Ben Brill, Alan livered by Mrs. Herman Keis­ sheba and the Negev, where on the Washington Congress of also was doing the same thing. While ducking the shots, the population nearly tripled 2216 South Jackson Street May 30, Decoration Day, is Carp, Salvo Capeloto, Meir ler and Mrs. J. F. Hirshberg P-TA and is a past president the date of the annual smor­ he figured, he might as well be practicing up on his in the past ten years to a cur­ Glazer, Hyman Jaffe, Isadore will report on the National Bi of Montlake, Meany and Gar­ SEATTLE gasbord of the Golda Meir Katz, Al Lasky, Lou Morris, ennial Convention held in Hebrew. rent total of some 190,000 per­ field P-TA's. She is also past sons. (JTA) Group of Hadassah. This an­ Harry Mutchler, I. Raban, Wil­ Minneapolis, March 24-28. Mrs. president of Seattle Chapter Eventually, of course, the shooting stopped. When nual fund raising event will be liam Rosenbaum, Ed Sadick, Julian Cohon will instail the B'nai B'rith Women. the statehood of Israel was assured, the joy was great. held at the Seattle Federated Paul Schwartz, Lawrence following officers for 1963-64 Program of the afternoon Men and women poured into the streets embracing one Women's Club, 232 Harvard Weiss and Miss Dora Zeeve. chairman, Mrs. Saul Shapiro; will feature vocal selections by another. When the blue-and-white flag of Zion passed, Avenue East, at 5:30 p.m. Mrs. Jack Richlen will be vice - chairman, Mrs. F. L. P. X. SOOPER MARKET Mrs. Jacob Singer. Mrs. Wil- a young man shouted: "Long live Israel!" An elderly toastmistress. Rabbi Jacob Clark; secretary, Mildred Ket- PATRONIZE- TRANSCRIPT lian Boyd will be the accom­ man who was standing beside him thoughtfully asked, BELLEVUE'S ECONOMY SHOPPING CENTER Singer will give the invoca­ tleman; treasurer, Mrs. Louis panist. ADVERTISERS tion. Reservations may be Pruzan. "On what?" Mrs. Julian Arnstein, retir­ BELLEVUE and LAKE HILLS made by. calling Mrs. Nathan Mrs. Saul Shapiro will pre­ ing president, announced that That was a problem, of course. The economy had Becker, president of the Ladies' sent the annual report of Eve­ awards will be presented at been disrupted, and thousands of new immigrants were ACCURATE Auxiliary, at LA 4 - 3479; or ning Branch activities and an­ the luncheon to those women entering. How would they live? Mrs. Irving Piliavin, Evergreen nounce appointments of the and groups who have done out­ DRY CLEANERS Chapter president, at PA standing committee chairmen True, a new government had been established with a standing work during this past Prime Minister, a Minister of the Exterior and a Min­ WE CLEAN WITH 3 - 2744. An invitation is ex- for 1963-64. year. Iended to all women in the Program Chairman Mrs. ister of the Interior. Maybe that would be a solution. Home of RED CARPET Service PERCHLORETHYLENE community. Esther Eggleston has arranged Make everybody a Minister, put them in the Cabinet OR SOLVENT a musical program with Sam­ Seattle Chapter Of and there would be.no unemployment. Even a Minister uel Goldfarb of Temple De of Finance had come into being. Thc much lamented YOUR CHOICE OR LEAVE IT TO US B'nai B'rith Women Friends of Histadrut H irsc h accompanying Mes­ Eleazar Kaplan was the Minister of Finance, an excel­ Viuest Cleaning dames Alex Altose, Morgan Party on May 13 lent choice, but with what would he pay the state bills? Will Meet May 7 Barokas, Edward Schacher and THRIFTWAY in the Northwest Rudy Spring, members of the Cards and luncheon will be The Israeli story was that every time a bill came The next regular open meet­ the order of the day on' Mon­ before him, Mr. Kaplan put on his hat. He would cover WHERE^CUSTOMER IS IMPORTANT! 2510 E. Cherry EA 3-8844 Temple Choir in several selec­ ing of the Seattle Friends of tions. day, May 13, when Seattle his head. That was the only thing he could cover. Histadrut will be held at the Chapter of B'nai B'rith Women Coming events include Ship- The Israelis might joke, but they were confident. Jewish Community Center on a-Box on May 13 and June 10 presents its annual party at May 7 at 8:15 p.m. sharp. A so­ Carnation Ice Cream Company, They knew it was said in the Gemara that God always at 8:30 p.m. at the home of creates the refueh before the makkeh—the remedy be­ B0NNEY-WATS0N cial hour with refreshments Mrs. Morris Levine, 2422 East 2740 Northeast 45th Street. will follow the meeting. McGraw; Geriatrics on May 27 Luncheon will be served fore the disease. FUNERAt DIRECTORS A card party on Saturday and June 24 at 7 p.m. at the promptly at noon, followed by The Israelis at this time, in fact, manifested a fertility evening, May 11, will be held Kline Galland Home, 7500 a brief program. Many attrac­ of solutions for their economic problems without prece­ tive door prizes will be of­ at the Federation of Women's Seward Park Avenue South. dent in history., For 95 years Club, 232 Harvard East. Pro­ fered. All members, prospec­ Evening Branch has donat­ One man thought that the trouble was due to the funeral services available ceeds will be used for the ed $50.00 for a jungle gym for tive members, and their friends Hebrew alphabet. He said there were too many letters to all families Israeli scholarship drive. Dona­ handicapped children in Spe­ are cordially invited to make regardless of income tion is $1.00 and includes re­ cial Education in Israel, in up tables, or to come and join in it. Hebrew has 22 letters in the alphabet. Were they freshments. Tickets will be honor of Seattle's Golden Age other groups. necessary? he asked; 21 letters, he said, would be enough. I available al the May 7 meet- Club, and a suitable plaque Tickets are available and Which letter, he was asked, would you eliminate? 1732 Broadway ling or by calling Mrs. Sol Levy, reservations may be made with; will be so inscribed. Beth, he answered, for there is no Basar (meat) bayit EAst 2-0013 IPA. 5-4590. The event is open Mrs. Dave Handlin, SU 4-6534, j ; to the community. or Mrs. Edward Hoff, WE 7-i (house) begged (cloak). True, he said, there is Ben- CLASSIFIED 7309. iGurion, but is it worthwhile just f,or one name to retain TWO LADIES, 48 and 52, Is­ The next regular meeting of I |,he letter? Indoor Climate Control Inc. raeli and European, wish to Seattle Chapter of B'nai B'rith Another solution for the food shortage was a change meet party or single persons, Women will be held at thc in the calendar of the holidays. It was proposed that General Electric Healing G> Air-Conditioning preferably with car, for Sun­ home of Mrs. Sum Kremen, Rosh Hashana he limited to one day and Yom Kippur, 3823 4Gth Avenue South, at MA. 3-4810 day trips, movies, lectures, etc. the fast day, be made two days instead of one. Share expenses. Write the noon on Tuesday, May 21. All 500 WALL STREET SEATTLE Transcript, Box 100, 1017 B'nai B'rith Women, regard­ The Israelis simply refused to give into despair. In Fourth Avenue. less of Chapter affiliation, are the course of time, they were confident they would con­ invited to attend and to bring quer economically as they had on the battlefield. Unfurnished Apartments their friends. Luncheon will The religious Jew had their special exultations. At MODERN brick court. Redec­ be followed by a brief business orated 2 - bedroom or 1 - and - meeting. Cards and other last, they said, Communists would have to go to shul. den. Appliances, heated, yard, games will be played. The Hebrew term for shul is Knesset, the same as for I laundry. Close to bus and Israel's parliament, so the Reds would have to go to the shopping. $65-$75. 728 26th. beth naknesset now. EM. 3-0873. The Jewish community of Tunisia, which dates back So the Israelis laughed. Like they say in Yiddish,] more than 19 centuries to "Papa, you 'are laughing," and so forth. FOR RENT: Roman times, today numbers Downtown Hall, suitable for dances, some 60,000 persons, the vast receptions, parties, business con­ majority of whom reside in the TRANSCRIPT ADVERTISERS DESERVE ferences. Good parking. Moderate capital city of Tunis. Smaller price. Jewish communities also exist YOUR PATRONAGE l/m SEATTLE CITY LIGHT MA. 3-5967 in Beja, B i z e r t

SMITH JEWISH MEALS (Continued from Page 3) slices and serve as soon as they FUNERAL HOME are thoroughly heated. Ar­ range the meat and sauce on Your Friends in This Community a hot, deep platter, and garnish with the reserved lemon pieces. for 73 Years This amount serves 6. SMOKY HASH 1124 W. Riverside MA. 4-2181 3 cups minced, cooked smoked tongue SPOKANE 3 cups finely diced cooked potatoes 1 medium onion, finely sliced VA cup water Salt and pepper to taste TRESKO VA teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons chicken fat MONUMENT COMPANY cup mayonnaise •1 tablespoon prepared mustard Close to Mt. Nebo Cemetery Poached eggs if desired This recipe serves 4 or 5 without eggs. With eggs added W. 3525 Government Way MA. 4-7094 it will serve 6. Combine the tongue, pota­ rescue SPOKANE toes, onion, water, salt, and pepper, lightly but thoroughly. Heat the chicken fat in a large GIVE NOV/-HELP NOW skillet over medium heat. Press 1961 — is straining the capacities of Israel's the hash mixture evenly into For the third year in a row, thousands of In Israel—Help 308,000 immigrants, new and old the pan, then cook over me­ Jewish men, women and children have a people to the danger point. Help bring in this year's thousands .. . give therfl LOOFT'S dium-low heat, uncovered, for initial aid ... build 16,000 housing units. 30 minutes. Do not stir. Mean­ chance to move from lands of. despair. A And in France, where 160,000 refugees while, combine the mayonnaise, human tide of European and North African have crowded in recent months, the aid Help unabsorbed immigrants of previous years: MARKET MANOR mustard, and Worcestershire 130,000 immigrant farm settlers still struggling, just sauce and place in a small Jews turns to us for help to start new lives in programs of the Joint Distribution Committee serving bowl. If you wish short of economic independence (23,000 can mak< poached eggs with the hash, Israel and other lands. are being taxed to the utmost. it this year, if UJA's goal is met). TE. 8-4496 prepare one or two for each We must rescue them right now, while they Now is the time to help avert the danger. 51,000 aged and handicapped immigrants yearning portion in a separate pan. for renewed usefulness. When the hash has cooked for have the chance to go. Now is the time to guarantee full rescue and 33rd and Perry Spokane 30 minutes, place the skillet 33,000 young people in need of vocational and under the broiler for a few But in Israel, the task of transporting, resettlement — and turn the human tide home. youth training help. minutes until the top is a rich brown. Carefully unmold on receiving and adequately absorbing tens of Give your increased gift to UJA's Regular Outside Israel—Sustain 267,000 men, women antj children including: a hot serving platter. If you thousands of new immigrants — as well as. Campaign. Then give a great extra gift to GREETINGS are adding eggs, make slight In Europe, Moslem lands—Help thousands on tin depressions in the top of the those who have come into the country since UJA's Special Fund for New Immigrants. move and other thousands waiting their turn . . , hash with the back of a table­ spoon and slip a poached egg with transportation and reception aid, food, shelter, into each. Pass the seasoned medical care and training . . . 258,000 in all. mayonnaise separately. In USA, other lands — Aid and resettle 9,00C VALIEY We've Saved 3,000,000 lives — Let's save more refugees.' Cheese Bar, VOLKSWAGEN Delicatessen 25th Anniversary Year Campaign THE UNITED JEWISH APPEAL Is One of the Major Beneficiary Agencies SEDANS - STATION WAGONS - TRUCKS & Cafe of the Open 8 to 6 Mon., Tues., Wed./ Thurs., Sat. Federated Jewish Fund & Council HEINZ ZEGKE Friday 8 to 9 united Jewish Appeal SUPPORT 1963 CAMPAIGN Fried Chicken Our Specialty BY GIVING AND WORKING S. 117 Francher Road at the Freeway $36,000,000 SPECIAL FUND in addition to $60,000,000 REGULAR CAMPAIGN. Orders To Go 1017 4th Ave., Rm. 202 Seattle 4, Wash. KE. 5-3595 SPOKANE Main & Post Market Spokane Ma. 4-0932 In behalf of: United Israel Appeal, Joint Distribution Committee, New York Association for New Americans and United HIAS Service