Switzerland in Britain's Cultural Life

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Switzerland in Britain's Cultural Life Switzerland in Britain's cultural life Objekttyp: Group Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1980) Heft 1763 PDF erstellt am: 28.09.2021 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind. Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, www.library.ethz.ch http://www.e-periodica.ch SWITZERLAND IN BRITAIN'S CULTURAL LIFE Manola Asensio dances leading Tuesday, 11th March, 1.05 p.m.— Karl Anton Rickenbacher con- roles, including the title role in City Music Society, Bishopsgate ducts the B.B.C. Scottish Sym- Ronald Hynd's "Rosalinda" and the Hall, 230 Bishopsgate, E.C.2. phony Orchestra: principal role in "The Sleeping Thursday, 13th March, 6.30 p.m.— Tuesday, 4th March, 7.30 p.m. — Beauty" in London Festival Ballet's City Music Society, Goldsmiths' City Hall, Glasgow. Spring Season at The London Hall, Foster Lane, E.C.2. Wednesday, 12th March, 12.15 p.m. Coliseum, from Tuesday, 4th March — City Hall, Glasgow. Lionel Rogg, plays at the to Saturday, 5th April. organ, Tuesday, 1st April, 7.30 Royal Festival Hall: p.m.— City Saturday, 15th March at 2.30 p.m. Hall, Glasgow. Wednesday, 12th March, 5.55 p.m. and Tuesday, 18th March at 7.30 in Switzerland "Rosalinda". Charles Dutoit conducts the Lon- Photography from p.m. — 1840 until Wednesday, 26th March at 7.30 don Philharmonic Orchestra: Today 5th—25th March — Fermoy Centre, p.m. — "The Sleeping Beauty". Tuesday, 25th March, 8.00 p.m. at the Festival King's Lynn. Silvio conducts Royal Hall; Varviso Wagner's and the Bournemouth "Swiss Artists of at the Symphony Tapestries, "Lohengrin" Royal Opera Orchestra: House, Covent Garden: Today" Thursday 27th March at the Winter Friday 29th February — Tuesday, Wednesday, 5th March, 6.30 p.m. Gardens, Bournemouth. 8th April — The Whitworth Art Saturday, 8th March, 5.30 p.m. Monday, 31st March at 8 p.m. at the Gallery, Manchester. Tuesday, 11th March, 6.30 Royal Festival Hall. p.m. Academy of Arts — Post- Friday, 14th March, 6.30 Thursday, 3rd April, at the Winter p.m. Impressionism, an exhibition which Monday, 17th March, 6.30 Gardens, Bournemouth. p.m. includes paintings by Ferdinand Thursday, 20th March, 6.30 p.m. Erich Schmid conducts the City of Hodler and Cuno Amiet, as well as Thomas Demenga, cello, performs Birmingham Symphony Orchestra: works from Swiss collections and works by Bach, Kodaly and Ravel in Thursday, 3rd April, 7.30 p.m. — museums. recitals with Nigel Kennedy: Birmingham Town Hall. Until 16th March. conf/nued on nexf page Vrenelis and Krugerrands may be bought or sold at our West End Branch Swiss Bank Corporation Schweizerischer Bankverein Société de Banque Suisse Société di Banca Svizzera (A company limited by shares, incorporated in Switzerland) City Office West End Branch Representative Officer for Scotland 99 GRESHAM Street, SWISS CENTRE, 66 HANOVER STREET, P.O. Box no. 114, 1 NEW COVENTRY STREET, EDINBURGH EH2 1HH LONDON EC2P 2BR LONDON W1V 8BR Tel. 031-225 9186/7 Tel. 01-606 4000 Tel. 01-734 0767 Over 180 offices throughout Switzerland. Branches in London, New York, Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo and Bahrain. Subsidiaries, affiliated companies and representatives in Beirut, Bogota, Buenos Airès, Cairo, Caracas, Edinburgh, Grand Cayman (B.W.I.), Guayaquil, Hong Kong, Houston, Johnannesburg, Lima, London, Los Angeles, Luxembourg, Madrid, Melbourne, Mexico, Monte-Carlo, Montreal, Nassau (Bahamas), New York, Panama, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Sâo Paulo, Singapore, Sydney, Tehran and Toronto. -< rv SILVIO VARVISO SWISS TAPESTRIES — ARTISTS countries, and it is in this sense that Born in 1924 in Zurich, Silvio Varviso OF TODAY "Swiss" tapestry now exists. studied at the Zurich School of While there is no tapestry tradition in It was at the of Music. He was appointed conductor Switzerland, she is suggestion now seeing an Monsieur René Berger, Conser- the St. Gallen Stadttheater in 1946 of this at upsurge art, as Madame vator of the Cantonal Fine Arts and made his first public Claude Ritschard, General appearance Secre- Museum in Lausanne, that the Mozart's "Die Zauberflöte". In of the in tary Centre international de la Groupe de Cartonniers Lissiers 1950 he became a resident conduc- tapisserie ancienne et moderne, Romands undertook to mount and at the Basle Opera House and in points out in tor the exhibition an exhibition of Swiss music director. catalogue 1957 was appointed catalogue. Switzerland does have a Tapestry. The Centre international the six he tradition of For following years long textile-making — de la tapisserie anciene et moderne conducted everything in the operatic indeed, she has become the world appointed a jury to choose the repertory, including performances textile centre— so it was natural that exhibitors from the works such as Prokofiev's the art of among many of "Fiery tapestry should eventually competing artists. This touring flourish, Angel". encouraged by the exhibition, under the patronage of Lausanne Biennale de la From 1965 until 1971 Silvio Tapisserie. the Pro Helvetia Foundation, was Varviso was music director of the It is now 50 years since Madame first shown in Zurich and has already Royal Opera, Stockholm, and in Elsi Giauque, until 1955 a teacher at been seen in many European 1970 he was appointed Court the Kunstgewerbeschule (College countries. Conductor by King Gustav VI. He is of Arts and Crafts) in Zurich, made a presently music director of the break-through for the textile arts. Stuttgart Opera and music director Her merits are acknowledged in this In anticipation of the forthcoming designate of the Paris Opera. exhibition. She trained many artists, who to State Visit by the Queen to Silvio Varviso first conducted in went on develop their own others travelled to Poland Switzerland (29th April to 2nd at the Festi- style; or England Glyndebourne France to learn different May) the Swiss Federal Depart- val in 1962, and in the techniques. same year In André Küenzi's book ment of Foreign Affairs, in co- made his Covent Garden debut in "La Nouvelle Madame operation with the Swiss National Strauss' "Der Rosenkavalier". Tapisserie" Giauque comments: Tourist Office and Swissair are Since then he has returned on inviting 13 British journalists fora several occasions, the last time in "A woven or knotted work, made week-long introductory tour 1975 when he conducted a revival of from the most diverse materials, through Switzerland. "Der Rosenkavalier". He has ranging from simple string to The who appeared in the major houses horse-hair, silk, wool or artificial press people repres- opera ent the most national all over the world. fibres, is an expression of a prestigious and of Britain will personality. Tapestry is a visual regional papers visit Swiss talk to manifestation of the creative genius major centres, leading of Swiss which depends on a wide know- personalities them ledge of materials and techniques, public life, among the THOMAS DEMENGA was born in of the and on the to the current president Confed- in 1954. At the of six ability rearrange Switzerland age basic textile elements." eration, Monsieur Georges- he studied with Walter Grimmer, André Chevallaz. The tour will later becoming a pupil of Antonio In 1967 some friends founded the take place during the week of Janigro and, at the Juilliard School of "Groupe de Cartonniers Lissiers 17th March. Music, New York, with Leonard Romands", whose aim was to So watch out for detailed Rose. His London debut in 1976 in Switzerland. press was promote tapestry of between acclaimed and resulted in Ten later the first exhibition of coverage our country highly an years this date and the date of the State from the Swiss crossed the frontier immediate engagement tapestry Visit. B.B.C. to submit itself to inspection by other FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN SWITZERLAND DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH 1980 2.-5.3.— Lausanne — SPISSO— Exhibitions of Toys, Souvenirs, Hobby, Christmas and Winter Articles. 4.-7.3— Basle — POWTECH — 7th International Exhibition for Powder Technology. 4.-12.3.— Basle — IFM 80— 5th International Fair for Mechanical Handling. 6.-16.3. — Geneva — 50th International Motor Show. 9.-12.3.— Lausanne — SERATEX— Buying Week for Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Wear. 11.-13.3. — Zurich — SEMICON EUROPA 80— Specialised Trade Fair for Semi-Conductors. 15.23.3. — Basle — KAM — 21st Art and Antiques Fair of Switzerland. 15.-23.3— Lausanne — International Tourist and Holidays Exhibition. and Automated Production. 17.-23.3. — Zurich — Industrial Handling — International Exhibition for Mechanised 29.-30.3— St.-Gall — International Exhibition and Exchange of Minerals. 11.
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