LFC' NEXT EDITION -I May 20, 1963 The Campaign 1 "1 By H.I.K. Deadline May 13 Those who attended the Initial Gifts Dinner of the 1 2:00 p.m. Men's Division on April 18 were amply rewarded by .-~ Rabbi Hillel Silverman's presentation of the U.J.A. IYAR 12, 5723 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON VOLUME XXXI, NO. 16 (United Jewish Appeal) message, pointing out without exhortation—the need i'or increased funds. His humane, warm . descriptive treatment brought out a living Gifts Lunch features Fashion Show Regional Winners In President Ben-Zvi of Israel, picture seldom (if ever), presented on this very diffi­ Bible Contest Named Beloved Leader, Passes at Age 78 cult subject, in a manner both pleasant and digestible. ' und Event The Bible contest committee JERUSALEM (JTA)—Izhak Ben-Zvi, second Presi­ IMMIGRATION: announces the following re­ dent of Israel, statesman, scholar, and Zionist pioneer, It can be truthfully said that the flow of immigration ,. May 9, Ai gional winners in the fourth was laid to rest April 24, after a funeral procession into Israel has NOT lessened. Rather, it has increased, annual National Bible Contest. watched by more than 100,000 saddened Israelis. He as has the need for funds increased, in order to combine Glendale Country Club In the Advanced Hebrew Divi­ sion, Alan B. Frand, son of Mr. died the day before at the age of 78, a victim of cancer. the work of rescue, rehabilitation and resettlement. The Federated Fund Spe­ and Mrs. David Frand, won Interment of Israel's beloved | In previous years, Israel HAS contributed heavily to cial Gifts Luncheon is again first place. Alan is a 9th grade President took place in the | this effort. Presently—it must reserve and use all Israeli presenting a "Strip Fashion student at the Seattle Hebrew simple family plot of the pub- Funds in connection with the defense of the country. Show" on Thursday, May 9 School. Runners-up in this lie cemetery of Jerusalem. It at the Glendale Country division were Avivah Offman, was preceded by wailing sirens THE CAMPAIGN: Club, at 12:00 o'clock noon. last year's winner, and David and two minutes of silence Twersky, both of the Seattle throughout Israel which ush-| OFFICIAL GOAL $400,000.00 This function was initiated ered in a nationwide cessation j in the 1962 campaign and Hebrew School. In the comprehensive Eng­ of activities until interment As of April 25 — was so successful the same lish division the first three was completed. All places of program will be repeated places went to participants amusement were closed on Men's Division ___$141,000.00 in this year's all-out drive. from Portland, Oregon. They Tuesday, April 23, the start of j This year's committee under are Mama Klein man, first a country-wide seven-day per­ Women's Division 32,000.00 iod of mourning. the direction of chairman Mrs. place, and Shaul Stampher and Total $'173,000.00 George Grashin and co-chair­ Sharon Harronitz, runners-up. Before the funeral proces­ man Mrs. Maurice Shurman, The Bible contest committee, sion began from Jerusalem's SHORT OF GOAL $227,000.00 announces that not only will of which Rabbi Samuel Grau­ Convention Hall, Prime Min­ the raising of additional mon­ denz is chairman, wishes to ister David Ben-Gurion, a life­ long associate of the Presi­ KEY TO SUCCESS: ies fulfil Federated Fund's im­ Left to right: Mrs. Larry Druxman, Mrs. George Grashin, Mrs. thank Hershel Walkow, vice- mediate purpose, but the af­ chairman of the committee, and dent's Zionist career, pro­ Dedicated MANPOWER in sufficient numbers is the fair will provide a most excit­ Maurice Shurman. his assistants, Miss K. Rodan of nounced a eulogy on behalf of KEY to the SUCCESS of any Fund raising effort. While ing and entertaining afternoon the Seattle Hebrew School fac­ the government. Visibly moved, contributors don't rush to part with their money—they for all who "attend. Those who ulty; Allan Lichter, education Mr. Ben - Gurion recalled Mr. ARE happy to do so in almost every instance—when attended last year's affair are director of Temple De Hirsch; Ben-Zvi's activities from his contacted by a Fund Solicitor. well aware of the fun and Rabbi Joshua Stampher of student days in Czarist Russia spontaniety of winning the Portland, and Roberta Russak, in 1904 when he organized the The ranks of the men of yesteryear are thinning .... clothes actually modeled by who served as hostess. Special Jewish self-defense units for Urban Leaguer To More of the younger generation, the busy men in their those taking part in the Fash­ thanks are due Eugene Berlat­ which his father and mother prime, should make themselves available to carry on ion Show. sky, director of the Seattle were exiled to Siberia. Speak at AJC and forward ... in this needed Community endeavor. Jewish Community Center, No Parallel who made all needed facilities Mr. Ben - Gurion described Luncheon May 8 The Campaign Workers meet for luncheon every Mrs. Marie Berg, former available for this contest; to him as a man whom the people Mrs. Edward F. Stern, pro­ Thursday at the Jewish Community Center. COME — member of the National Wom­ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silverstein chose and loved, a faithful serv­ gram chairman, has announced Join with them—HELP BRING THIS CAMPAIGN TO en's Division of the United for the generous donation of ant of "all tribes and commu­ a special luncheon for mem­ A SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSION. Jewish Appeal Board, presi­ refreshments, and to the many nities of the House of Israel," bers and guests of the Seattle dent of the permanent Women's friends of the contest who con­ Jews and non-Jews. "He won Chapter, American Jewish Call MAin 2-8213 Division of San Diego, and tributed towards the $100 Israel the love of the entire Jewish! Committee. Edwin T. Pratt, "Your Central Community Fund Raising Agency" former West Coast vice chair­ Bond and other prizes awarded people as was vouchsafed to no executive secretary of the Se- FEDERATED JEWISH FUND & COUNCIL man for Hadassah will be the the winners. other man in our generation or attle Urban League, will speak speaker. in those to come, a privilege on the National Conference on 1017 4th Avenue 1963-64 Registration to which there is no parallel Religion and Race and the Se- among our people, divided as attle pilot project, on Wednes- MRS. BARUCH TREIGER Reservations are limited to it is by a multitude of parties, day, May 8 at noon, in the Ad­ Albert Hanan Named 300 women ... all of whom For Temple De Hirsch communities and tribes," he miralty Room of the Roosevelt NAMED NATIONAL will donate a minimum of said. Hotel. Mrs. Blanche Wolman President of Family m EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR $21.00. This year's theme for School Announced 'He symbolized more than' is charge of arrangements. both the Initial gifts and Spe­ Alan R. Lichter, educational Mr. Pratt attended the Na­ And Child Service The appointment of Mrs. any other man in his days the Albert Hanan, Seattle attor­ cial Gifts Luncheons is "The director of Temple De Hirsch, love and unity of Israel and tional Conference in Chicago, Baruch I. Treiger as Executive ney, has been elected president Director of the National Wom­ Price is Right." Your gift cov­ recently announced a 3 - day the entire people felt this," the January 14-17 as a delegate of ers the globe. The need is Left to right: Mrs. Alvin Pearl, Mrs. Norman Clein Jr., Mrs. registration period for the 1963- the Protestant Episcopal of the Jewish Family and Child en's League of the United Syn­ Prime Minister continued. "His Service. Other officers elected agogue of America was an­ great . the time is now . Arnold Robbins. 64 Temple De Hirsch Religion words, ways, customs and atti­ Church. ^ Seattle was named and where can a more fantas­ School season. The following one of ten cities in the country are Mrs. Charles Kaplan, first nounced by Mrs. Albert Fried, tudes were the essence of sim­ vice-president; Dr. Z. W. Birn- National President of the or­ tic price be found than our information is directed to the, plicity and modesty, true sin­ to undertake a pilot project as strip fashion show. FASHION attention of interested parties: ifollow-up to the National Con­ baum, second vice-president; ganization. Mrs. Treiger, who cerity and purity of heart. Yes­ Mrs. Meyer Newberger, treas­ has been serving as Field Serv­ SHOW PROGRAM CHAIR­ 1. Children who are attend­ terday, the most esteemed, ference. MEN: Mrs. Howard Rosenthal Earlier in January, Mr. Pratt urer; Melville Oseran, secre­ ice Director of the League, suc­ ing Religion School as of the most beloved Jew in Israel de­ ceeds Miss Naomi Flax. After and Mrs. Addis Gutmann, Jr.. close of this year, need NOT. and A.J.C.'s staff met with tary. parted from us and entered The executive committee was an association of 11 years, Miss together with Mrs. Larry Drux- register again. into the eternal shrine of Jew­ twelve local ministers to dis­ man, Mrs. Norman Clein, Jr. also elected and consists of the Flax has resigned to take up 2. Children who are not at­ ish history." cuss the specific problems of temporary residence in Cali­ and Mrs. Alvin Pearl. MODELS: above named officers and Mrs. tending this year and whoso Served Since 1952 Seattle churches in the context fornia. Mesdames Lee Lipmann, Alvin Bernard Gray, outgoing presi­ parents are members of the Ben-Zvi was elected for three of the national workshop agen­ Goldfarb, Douglas Weisfield, dent; Irving Anches, Dr.
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