Endocrine Conditions
Endocrine Conditions: Treatment Protocols and Clinical Pearls This document has been prepared by the AOR medical advisory team and peer reviewed by the following clinicians. Authors: Robyn Murphy, ND, BSc Paul Hrkal, ND, BKin Peer review group: Carrie Jones, ND, MPH Aaron Zadek, ND, BSc Sarah Zadek, ND, BSc Jennifer Marion, ND Nirat Nibber, ND Leigh Arseneau, NDHSc, FMP Shari Caplan, MD, CCFP, FCFP, FAARM This document is property of Advanced Orthomolecular Research (AOR) Inc. All rights reserved 2020. It may not be copied, duplicated or reproduced without express written permission from AOR. Disclaimer: For clinical reference only – NOT for public use. The information in this document is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Natural and Non-prescription Health Product Directorate of Canada (NNHPD) or the FDA. The information and products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any medical condition. The doses are suggestions based on the clinical experience and it is up to the practitioner to apply the information for their patients. Please refer to label for safety data, cautions and interactions. p. 2 Table of Contents General Foundational Protocol for 4 Advanced B Complex® 41 All Chronic Disease Conditions Advanced PCOS Relief 42 Anxiety / Excess Sympathetic 5 Antioxidant Synergy 43 Nervous System (SNS) tone Cogni-Q 44 Insomnia 7 Fem Adapt 45 Estrogen Dominance 9 (Associated conditions: Fibroids, Glycine 46 Endometriosis, PMS, Fibrocystic Breasts) Inositol 47 Menopausal Symptoms
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