Postmodern Temptations
Book Reviews Postmodern Temptations Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism,or, The CulturalLogic of Late Capital- ism. Durham: Duke University Press, 1991. Pp. xxii, 438. $34.95 (cloth), $19.95 (paper). Robert Post Pereat mundus, fiat philosophia,fiat philosophus, fiam! Fredric Jameson has long been among our most sophisticated and influential cultural critics. Combining Marxism2 and structuralism, 3 Jameson's persistent effort has been to locate and fix the social dimen- sions of structural cultural patterns. In his most recent book, Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Jameson applies this perspective to the important phenomenon of postmodern- 1. FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE, ON THE GENEALOGY OF MORALS (Francis Golflng trans., 1956) 243. 2. FREDRIC JAMESON, MARXISM AND FORM: TWENTIETH-CENTURY DIALECTICAL THEORIES OF LITERATURE (1971); FREDRIC JAMESON, LATE MARXISM: ADORNO, OR, THE PERSISTENCE OF THE DIALECTIC (1990). 3. FREDRIC JAMESON, THE PRISON-HOUSE OF LANGUAGE: A CRITICAL ACCOUNT OF STRUCTURALISM AND RUSSIAN FORMALISM (1972). 4. FREDRIC JAMESON, THE POLITICAL UNCONSCIOUS: NARRATIVE AS A SOCIALLY SYMBOLIC ACT (1981). Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities, Vol. 4, Iss. 2 [1992], Art. 9 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities [Vol. 4: 391 ism.5 The book ought to be required reading for the many legal academ- ics who have greeted the advent of postmodernism with unrestrained enthusiasm. Jameson, through close attention to the actual cultural manifestations of postmodernism, tells a far darker tale. Postmodernism, Jameson tells us, expresses "an inverted millenarian- ism in which premonitions of the future, catastrophic or redemptive, have been replaced by senses of the end of this or that."6 The postmodern condition defines itself through its interrogation of the great movements of the past, especially of modernism.
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