f Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Highways r I ENGINEERING REPORT f on HAMPTON ROADS PROJECT I l including RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER BRIDGE GEO. P. COLEMAN MEMORIAL BRIDGE JAMES RIVER BRIDGE SYSTEM AUGUST 1954 L PARSONS, BRINCKERHOFF, HALL 8c: MACDONALD ' I ENGINEERS ISi BROADWAY, NEW YORK 6, N. Y. PARSONS, BRINCKERHOFF, HALL & MACDONALD ENGINEERS FOUNDED BY WILLIAM BARCLAY PARSONS IN 1885 EUGENE L. MACDONALD 5 I BROADWAY, NEW YORK 6, N. Y. CONSULTANTS LAWRENCE S. WATERBURY MAURICE N. QUA DE ..JOHN P. HOGAN WALTER S DOUGL AS w: E. A.COVELL ALF'RED HEDEFINE August 16, 1954 .JOHN O. BICKEL RUSH F. ZIEGENFELDER WILLIAM H. BRUCE, JR. General J. A. Anderson, Commissioner Virginia Department of Highways Richmond 19, Virginia Dear General Anderson: In accordance with your authorization, we have completed the services to be rendered under Stage 1 of our contract for engineer ing work in connection with the Hampton Roads Project. These services consist principally of investigations, studies, and the preparation of preliminary plans and estimates of cost of the Pro ject. We find that from an engineering viewpoint the construction of the Project as described in the ::i.ccompanying report is entirely feasible and that its estimated cost - exclusive of costs of financing - is $63, 000, 000. Inasmuch as the Hampton Roads Project is one of four toll facili ties that will be constructed or, in the case of existing facilities, re financed under a proposed new bond issue, we have included in our report pertinent factual data pertaining to the other three facilities. These are the Rappahannock River Bridge, which is a new project, the George P.
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