PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS FROM THE AUSRALIAN JEWISH COMMUNITY A Union List Compiled by Marianne Dacy University of Sydney, Archive of Australian Judaica, 2007, fifth edition. First Published in 1986. I. DETAILS OF SCOPE AND ARRANGEMENT OF BIBLIOGRAPHY Scope The bibliography lists more than 400 Australian Jewish periodicals as well as over 100 annual reports and yearbooks of Australian Jewish organisations currently held in some 20 libraries and Jewish resource centres in Australia. Some New Zealand material is also included. Arrangement The listings are arranged alphabetically, initial articles being disregarded. In the case of title changes, each sequence receives its own entry with title cross references. Subject to availability of details, periodical annotations include: place of publication, the responsible body, dates and length of run, size, frequency, editorship, content, the name of the printer, as well as where these periodicals are to be found. Titles of some periodicals mentioned in articles were also included, even when actual copies were not found. When it was possible to trace starting dates, these were added to Annual Reports of organisations. The plus sign "+" indicates that the periodical is still being published (shown at the end of runs) and "imp" at the end of a run shows that some issues are missing. The symbol n d means undated. II. LOCATION SYMBOLS AND ADDRESSES This list gives a key to the symbols for contributing libraries and synagogues to this union list of periodicals, annual reports and yearbooks. Names and addresses are listed under each state. Australian Capital Territory ANL National Library of Australia CANBERRA ACT 2600 Tel: (02) 6262 1111 New South Wales NGS Falk Library Great Synagogue 166 Castlereagh St SYDNEY NSW 2000 Tel: (02) 9267 2477
[email protected] NJHS Australian Jewish Historical Society Inc.