Weihsien Gazette 2007 De: <
[email protected]> À: <
[email protected]> Objet: Re: Yule-tide greetings Date: mardi 26 décembre 2006 2:33 Have a blessed Christmas= Phyllis De: "Greg Leck" <
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[email protected]> Objet: RE: Weihsien photos Date: jeudi 4 janvier 2007 20:20 I sent a message to Topica relating to the Weihsien photos but did not receive the message myself. Did anyone else get it? Greg De: "Buddy Graant" <
[email protected]> À: <
[email protected]> Objet: Re: Weihsien photos Date: vendredi 5 janvier 2007 7:06 Greg, I got the email without any photo attachments. John (Buddy) Grant De: "Tapol" <
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[email protected]> Objet: Re: Weihsien photos Date: vendredi 5 janvier 2007 9:16 unfortunately not :-( Question: Is there a link to your other web-site? --- could you send it again? :-)) Best regards, Leopold De: "Greg Leck" <
[email protected]> À: <
[email protected]> Objet: Weihsien photographs Date: lundi 8 janvier 2007 2:24 Gay Talbot Stratford mentioned she received a photograph taken in Weihsien. (Gay - was this recently? What was the source?) From her description of it, it sounds like file:///G|/DATA/G_WeihsienWEB/topica/archives/2007-1to12.htm[12-12-20 10:11:22] Weihsien Gazette 2007 the same photo I found and published on page 158 of my book, Captives of Empire. I have now forwarded the photographs of 53 individuals, taken in March of 1943, shortly after the arrival of internees in Weihsien, to Leopold. Hopefully he can get them up on his website and we can identify some of these individuals.