Serving the Stat. Univertity of Iowa Campul and Iowa City

WASHIKGTON ~ - ~d------­ dent EUenhower said TIl"'Y Pruident touc:hed 00 thele other Jhat wbU~ Ruula iI ualne a dlf­ topics: .j • W ASHlNGTON (AI) - ftA.- terent tone in taUt of J)eII(letuJ ...... Qa.. - Segre,aUoo - The SUP1elDe United State. sironely J)I'Oti~ . coniatence, it mUit be W1ltcbed Court, the Prell~t ...ut. con· Tuelday nJeht Gommuniat cai:.! r very closely l.t thU ~tt.. .an Iroota very ,"at prac:Uc:al .pfClb. na'. condemnaUon of 11 A~ • atwmpt to hall America 'Pto lema and deep-Rated emotioDl In wriUIlI tbe orders that wiU can. to Ipriaon tenna OG (. , CAr WI...... ) co~laeeM1. put Into eUect Iii rulin, a ..lnst the state department cal e~" rK,uI"Lll-rr'om aU walks of life paid their respeda In Iowa', eapitGl T .....' .. Eilenhower said there Is noth­ se.ln!eated ~lIc Ichools for Ne- "trumped up cbal'lU." . I ~ . s ",·. ~lllll" ~,nrr., ..." ....- S. Bearc1aley, killed Sunday nleht In an auto accident.. They nle. put Ia1t bier Inc to indicate a fundameotal groes and whites. t , A state department In aI_t a conUnuou8 line. Later brief rUes were eCllld1lc:led ell Uae· 1Ird Nominations - Jt would De in 'POke~~ chlUl&!, in Soviet attitude, aDd It told newsmen the Am~e_ rlI'~.~'~ae Nitu;.. '': outside th~ cover nor'. suite. of coUntry, would be the ereatest error W!I the be,t Interests the Eilenhower said, lor the eenate consul ,eneral at Geneva. !$.irtd.: .: could ma)ie to lose siJht 0( Bu&­ to conflrm as last as poaible ap­ erland, iJ beln. Instructed:iD 'I~'s belk objecUve of wotld pointments about which. Uaere is make "the atronce.l ~1!JIe ; .j court Ve,iJ~ct protest" to the Chlnae CoauDU~ , ~~y -.Jribute, AUend revolution and the d~ance of no deell or ~al c:on,trover.y. .. niBts. . • a Communist, centrally COD­ Disarmament - The Prealdet1t The Re4 Chlneee decl,., troUed, world .ute. apparently differed with an 00" ay .Stateho I Rites Hinted·by Ike .. jecUve of the World Council of wu labeled In 1be state ~ .: He w Uted his news conter- Churches for "universal enforce­ ment statement u "further JI~ ;~ ~ < M9(NE.S ~R") - Several WASHmG'IOl'l (.4") - PrC41- able dlsarmllmeot' throu;h the of the Cblnese CommunJat» thOUsand , .,pellSOIlS representlng Itinued , "I am convinc;ed that it dent Eisenhower, In a surprise ente there is no, tendency on the ,ime'a cliIreprd tor ~pfall : .;u.tii.; ;~j\allon~, creeds and was not God's will, that there pa~ of Mmlelf or Sec~y . of Uhlted NaUons." This. and other :!:.i b comment on what the SUPreme S··t J h ... t Dull t ta'k Ideals, he: .ald, Is .omethin, that practices of internaUona1 . ~- ,h rief rites for . were still other thi.ngs for him ' .. eon ... os er - Q e ~~. ,~tf(ldd!d mUit animate us but he .mwt duct... ,' ,' • ~'S, ~.:J. William S. Beard- to do, years to be given to noble Court ml~ht do, said Tuesday be anythlnr for ;ranted wJth Te­ Calle CUr,es FaJH " . ~ •. '. ~ ... h!,," stiteh'ouse Tuesday purposes and to joyful family believes It w11l not be IU1bltrary ~t . to ,Sovlef talk ot peaceful diJacree lOOper cent w1lhr, any­ Ia ' . .~. ( t: ' ' living. In its final rullrtl,On llow to encl c~1s~eoce .. · "·' . , body who tbln.k.S thllt' the~ l1.n1~ Simultaneously, tbe def~n;e . be: J~ be~ter ~tlon department iJlued a statemilftt 7;(~ ,·tbc, first such service "Governor Bcardsley was a racial se,re,aUon in pl1Dllc State cap 1;1. JYUr 'J'a!k'\re.-- . calling the Chinese c:ha~ '!u}.i l~~ : ip. ,).!le ·. '70-year-oLd 'person who loved common peo- schools. ' '. At t~e ,If.'le, time herepellted In the punult of 'peace- ,by 'beln( weak. .. .~ \. 'II ' fo. t terly false." • • . ,, ~if. ma,rble '.s.tructure lor pie and the things of thc ear~h. , lOmethln, he haf said many ~ rq~ •. 'who n~d died In He desi red that he might have He also told his news. c:onfe:-- times .:... uI~t wli~ver there IJ The Pe.lpj'1' radio, In an~~- . , . BflatdS1ey was kUled In a part in the conscrvatlon and enee he undC!rstands the c:ourt II reuon. to beUe\'t! anyo~ WfJllI Ing the sentencinf, said tlJe ~-, " 'iff~.~: JlCldldent ' near Des increase of natural and personal trylng to find some sort. of de~ to , t,a~ ,e.;nespy. ·or ~lbcerl! ly erlcans were &pIes. ~ ~ .• '\ :$~~a, ,.rlilibt. values; thc conservation of the centralized process to handle the abOut . peace, • we "'NUl talk . to crlcans were eentenced ., .e ' terma rangin, trom four,.~ , ~, . , ~O.':~~~ I'nemorl~l serv- soils and thc souls of this state." problem. He said he !belleves t1le them. , '. ) • Ilte. :-; 1~ · e~ l' (I\!)\l.ducted beSide the Alter the rites the ca~ket wifS .' ~lit the 'chief executive ruled •. lAP Wlr.... '.) \'ff.B:ll·.. ~amhi . on th,e tirs,t placed in a hearse for an lmmedl- emotional and practical ~~blems out any '.81, Foul' ~n~rence, PO,"IW STAND GUAa.O A8 LINE FORMS ou ..lde Soviet UN The state departmen .~ .. ,.. throuch Geneva because tl\a.ta , " ,, ~p:~a, ,just outside the ate trip to the Beardsley farm Involved will .be, .lven wellht au?t'- u hU. ~ .ua.-ted. for .....lIU1en on Park Avenue i. New York Tue8dar. ... ," r~.lf ~ ~llite Sta·" Hllihway home near New Virginia, amid by the court. nelf,t May; by PrerWer Melldu- P..... e '""' ...... to e1lkr the bu.UclIJI&' to »&~ thelJ' respecta the only olflclal contact· I ~ ' .t»I .' ~et . ' David Herrick es- blustery wind and darkcned There was no indication of France of ~ance" until: .. Aadrel Vllbbllk~, 8Hlet 'eDaar foru.. mJnlster aDd ehle' of United States hal with ~fIl,h\i. 1 't>.._ .1 • ....:.._ L It 'Was set up dur\n' the umaWtl \i~/ldance 'at tl,Uuu. sky. ' Th t ..... 8eYtM ...... &Ioa to Uae UN, who cUed Monda" . r.iBiSt .'.!" •.!l~:" ; ' 'J"Ibu" p~ what was the basis or Eisen- 1. ' e ...-",iI ~~ents Or conference at Geneva. , " "\ iI:o'r" ' .. 'n· ... • ed' th N C hower's belief and undef.jltat1d- b~ / a rearl]\~ WeatlhlD UNJ'lIED ~ATI9N:S, N;Y. (.4") I ClriIIMI He...... , Jt:J.} . ,W'!' , no~rs prec 109 e t R I Go ~rJl'f4nY into the North Atlantic ~~ ' ~ge .;was l!n almost steady 0 U U ene, ing. Tradltlonallt, court.' Jlistlee. Treaty Or..,uzaUon ar: • .Allied. -The Westtnl poweCl and ,Rus- Bulde••• ylnjJ th. ~ IS Ameri­ ~o~ ~rSons flUn, 'past the never talk to anybody ab,olJt a z.. Such a cor(~rence QUerlt a sla joined T~ay with all UN cana were con cte m n.e d 00. tfumped up c:harJU, the'M»ert­ .. ~~r;~;~a!~~r:!t::'t;! .penalti~s Abolished f:,.~jn:o~~~e:~~J,~; prOlllIM of rea truJttulnClS. ntembu. in • ra,re un animo", ment contended the imprJ..ail­ '!lver-nbr'i" Or PC1.teldd alists, came,Jor the great ~- committee Tuaday approved a Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., chlel In honor of Moscow's chief of Arkady Sobolev, second In were shot down Jan. 12, I.'. !tP;I, ~. rle¢" to . tbe governor's n a trl suspensIOn 0 the ·o coverlllg. , . . . request from the state board of American delepte, wbo acted as mouthpl~ for the outside world, command under Vi shinsky. It .ald the ''Co"""uhlala· "~ .• ,, bll ' · dd • rule. Instructors reported aq- Those 'Who bent over the open- edueaUon to aUante PO,910 for spokesman for the seven powera Soviet diplomatic staCf members The body later was taken to charge that these men are; ~­ ;':· fflt~ ~, ,~~ ;a:o~l d,ss C~:~~~: sences, b~t ' they were. used only ipg got a whiK Ot "~ th,e tiUnt completin, to :the fire- aponsor!n, tl\e 'approved re.o­ and .tAf" of naUons dominated Idlewild airport and placed tical' Is palp"li.t~" < '~ J)es: ' Moln~s -area Metho- for sludylOg the number of ab- aroma of ~ar arlslnr ~m th~ damapd 5th ehemlstry build- lutlon durln. delicate and secret by the U8&R tlled jnto the ela- aboard a four-engine Strato­ As for 7ecteau and ·bOwM~ ,,\~~lli.Ch.' 'aupetlriten(.!ent and sencc~ the da.y "bcforc and after sUU remarkably 'Pte~ed ' struc- In" ' -talks with the late Soviet del~- borate ifcond tloor ' reception cruiser, chartered ·by tJ1e Rus­ the defen.. deputment lPli 'w- 7.(fofwnb\Js: d pastor con- vacallon. ture which had laid ';for c:enturtcia Davld Spenc:er, board see- gate Anctre~ Y! Vishinllky, balt­ room of the Soviet Union's lux- slans for about $17,000, to take ''Th.y 'WeN authortzed · ~ ; , i7fra'if.;ervt~e. :Jlist In' front There was only a slight in- undetected by man un!il its .dil- retal')', ,atd \OW cost of the proJ- e1t"tI are P\lft 11( the. cdU.eCtiolJ. ·of .60 At that tiMe'. ~~ A ~ · Y.~ .Beardsley I death as well as electrical shock whtc& cauSed i ~I- th U.s -...... t '!'hOI .. _~, 1_. J C·t iO . " IUItruC...... e ...... 00 .. a~ ~uns on diSIPlay in, the University, 'being b~ t.O \h~ ·' YAS. . ~ ~ •.,.n ...... v.... owa 1 Y w him the loss 01 hill left um and Geneva to malte a proteItln" Hilrary. . I ','. -) :1.. World War 11, I Iilid ', \,;b~ ~serve . • peclal hours for busi- InfiJcled partiaily cripPllnl moat vtaorous terms" to the ~. Ar.nol~ M. Chernaft' 2\., , ~20Q; .lJ.?ugbt, SOfI!e · 01 thete .., ~:-: . ~ pe .. es~bliahments and ,ovetn- bums. His d,ht leg !Was lmpaled nue Com..,Jptn ~~ Muscllti'!~ .• owner 01 the col- {lme ~e wu 13,. he w~ ~.~ "len~ ofti~ today and Thurs- 00 a Ughtning rod as he lel~ . 1b.,e. ) . '. ; ... , lectlon, has dup~tes .qf ~ at magaunes _ ,ana ! 8&.V~z "m ~y. . " ... .. from the shed. - ... a.t.:N" ...... ' the guns on display and several penny ~ibl~ ~w~ ' ~~ :floe lO-;..... Em.I..... _' Th ••,,'d ••• _ ...... =...... "" .... ~ others slored in a Chicago bank his collection. Sec~l1y olftc:es will be closed aU WUliam Rieber farm near Solon. tact. wllb '1led CNna Jut ' . vault. . "wpen I was 13," O1ernott day today. in respect lor the The motion for new trial iI ... U.s. deleption at the . Although he owned his first said, "I learned a new word - late ,overnO!'. The state Uquor baled 'Primarily on the conten- ference emphsalzed l\"blIlO .· , , gun when 11 years old, It wasn't 'trade', One (1f my . triend. «:arne .tore wlU be dosed trom 2 to S lion that the judge refUied to ImplJea United State. a ' easy to convince his parenll that around w1t~ a Navy Colt, whlcb p.m., the time of Beareilley's sublln1t the first clause of Lltch- with an7 meuure of cUP~Ui: collecting weapons was the right he traded me for a .:iUifle in fUnenl. Both wlu remain closed lord's petition to the jury. recopltklll to the Red ~ avocation lor him. Both parents worJt.ln, order." That IUD ;wu Tbankllivln, day. The clause reCerred to an Iowa ~e." " . , disapproved of the .gI!t of an old the beginnin, of CbemClU'1 There wUl be no mall deUv.., statute having to do with power- Tbe atatement _110 ~ Hammond . "Bulldog" by his "_tern" line. .. , , Thanlucfvlnl day and the poat Une accidents occuriDl ou1aidll the U.s. "Intends to ~~ uncle that began his collection. CelleeUoa 8MIa o(ftce will be closed. city areas. In such c ..... the .tone unturDecl In ita- •••• I;oft Iowa CJt,y. haDlu along with .tatute declarel neCU&enc:e iI to IeCUJ'e the reIeaae· of Amed­ Motber OppoHd That year, a b~ stole fIII- That same year, ChernoU's erything of value fIom hia home ~lty ball aad Qae courthouse will presumed on the part of the c:au clu..aa whom tbe ~ lather died. His mother held out, inclUdIn, b1s entire colleet1on of ~ lII. •.CIIaHorP. Jno& CIV...... ~ .... be cloeecl TIlankslivinJ. power c:ompan1 concerned. Comm" bold." _ . ~ '. I stroDJly a,ainst any guDS In the . ... eea ....n .. "'11.8...... eM ...... atI ...... Tbe~uae will close Prl~ If the motlpn for • n,w trial Aa " tIM dvtliaDa' ...~'t home, ,but ,permitted him instead .. GUN ...... J" • ...... rtIIIIL ...... , ilia ...... It ..., - fIIJIa7 .. .. dB)' at 1 ~ tor the- funeral iI denledt', attornep the ... clepartmeQt ~ 'VI-~. at ...... , ...... _ ...... JI of ~ .,tlllle. k, county auditor may appeal the IUlt to tbe Iowa tbal u ", tIaIt ~ ..... to read IUD boob. rilade /NIl Paie 6)-"! R~.dln' (COftti~;'--' ean ...... - ,: ' Wh9 ,upntll)e W!Wa '" of C~oaotf ev~ /llOJ'C ~e1ermtned ..~ v'· 9 T-'" __ • • i...... '-... " ,..- ,.. 4 . .. ~ed .Moada1' . ~rt da7L Uoa ~tIIiIet,~ ' .' , . "- .. " ' . . . ~ .. • • Pap !-TBE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa cn" Ja.-WeL, Nov. 14, ItS4 Skid Row ,Lettecs to the Editor . , c_ .. an ,.",_ ...._ • __ :The Dafo/Ibtbcin ...... - .. _ ...... -." AilII...... W_ MuSle • ReVlews • ____-",...... lAst .... __ Uoe WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. lee. _...... ".,.rt, .. 'ft. DatI, 1.....-- THE n. TO EDITOR: Pub~ dally 8uncl.y and er.... ., ,.,•••• eerl" .. It ..,. .... ,red M'. poWnau. ·Publlab .... ,...... ~ ... ..,10' .. aloe ..... It seems most strange t .... Tio. Dall, In..... 'retllall •• ·Xond.y and Iq.1 hoMay. by Student .r DAILY JOWAJl aDITOUAJ. ITAP" _ ...... --11 ...... , .~.I. .. CI •• Ball. D ...... Aft ....,.... ., that PublJeatloJls. I"". • I. Iowa ... v.. .. low. r £dlto• ••...... Dwlabl It J_n ..... __ •• 10,." City. Iowa. &'n'ered as oeeond dan ••• Jewa ...... hi .... tn...... ,...... 0...... ar. .. II ...... , ...... Hew £dltor .... Pat Seefner J_n send to report on concerts, an -" _t1u al lbe POol oUlee at hU., ••• City Jldltor- .. . • . . • .. llepeMIetn 1UaI...... , •• I.&&en .. Iowa City. under the ad of eon..­ , .... I. II •••• lei ....,. SporU Editor ...... lnale •• , ...... , ,.rI...... IlaIt Eddie Fisher-Nat King Cole en­ of Xareh I. 1m. &Xlel), Edtter •...•. Jun IAlnbeUOllr &aleC. Ie'ta.. .. _ ...... r IHa. thUsiast. AccOIding to the stor­ PI~t" .. EdItor ...... rnle Gore o.uI." ...... , _....u, ., lII. UIOClATaD ..... ",_, lII_ .. Tio. DatI, ...... ) ies in the Iowan concerning ".. Aaaod8led Preu Is eqtltled o· Call 4191,... 1.._ .. Chief PhoU>ll'8pber. DIdt P1tJtObke; duIlv.., t.o __ far ~n ...... __e ' ..... JDdltorlal AuJatanl. Dr:ai new. 1...... lflee. ... I. T io. 11s&an1 Clry &4lto•• Jeny H-. 0._ _._r .. C._•• I ...... KamlnII:owlu; ~nl Sports I!:cUlor. sic is no higher than Sklp-to­ '4'-1ebH. ca.1e,. Arlo Jecobl8J. Iowa-Notre Dame my-Lou. Bach, Handel. Brahms luxua and Mozart may be a little "long AVDIT aV.. AD Sub..,riptlon ••18 - by ..nler In DAn.r IOWAN' ADVlI:aT1IINO STA'.. TO TIlE EDITOR; OW lowe ClI¥. IS cenU wMkly or ...... Bulin... Meoalu .. E. John Kottmen ohair." but I feel that most peo­ y .... In advance; sIX months, .; three Bu'l..... Mlr .. Jamea Peteoakl. Regarding you r Satul day CIaCtlLA'rJOIh ... sst. ple (who are not (oreed) go to .. pel' -"; atx months, t:\; lhrft Clau1l1ed 14...... William J . vaucbn editorial "Good Football and •• thJ'M monthl. "-!!G. By mall In IDw •• Promotion Mgr. .... Robert Moomum ihe concerts expecting to enjoy Call 41.1., f •• ••••t n ...... monUu. t3; ell oUIH mall aUbaerlp· Good Feeling." It presented just this type of music. )e" DaII, I .... ~, 1:...... aII.· lIona. $10 per yeat'; aIx monUla. S$.IIG; DAILY IOWAN CI&CULATION IITAJ'W I .....eme. at ,.ye••• au ••rvlee IhrM monttuo. ".z. Circulation ~ ... •... . Robto.1 ~ some facts. good sense. then alJ Another thing this writer evi­ of a sudden tllfned to nothing dently feels Impelled to do ;5 ... • • but just plain poppycock. to point out what pieces he con­ e d I f o r I a I s Is "helping flay for a lot of siders the low points in the con­ bricks in the Iowa stadium" the cert. these invariably being the reason Iowa goes to Ann Arbor "long-hair" 'l>ariety. I 'attended . Football as a GGm_ ten ye.,-. out of thirteen to play both concerts and as tar as' I'm MlChlaan? • If getting the bricks concerned it would be ext rem­ The 1954 football season, when viewed in retrospect, was a Pllit!;! :for Is the all important ly dil'flcult to poiM out these low .fine season for SUI and Iowans. cohs1deration - how long \s it points. 1 enjoyed both thor­ oughly, It put our universtty into the national spotlight. People golbg to take the while-haired • gyanddaddies at Iowa to get wise It would be my advice to 1his lrom coast to coast watched our HawJceyes match their physical and DO SOMETHING about en­ writer to stay away from these closing one or both ends 'Of the concerts. His talents might. ! and mental capacities against Michigan State. French Premier Men de s - -,., stadium permanently. We need however. be channeled to giving I : . Nationwide broadcasts brought the Notre Dame game to France eame to the United Stat­ more seating capacity. NOW. reviews of the latest Bugs Bun­ ! the ears of millions of interested fans. es last week under a cl.oud, by You are Quite 'l'lght - Notre ny comic books or a critical an­ i Newspapers and magazines headlined tt\e Iowa team and (the weekend he had pegun to Dame does try to balance its alysis or a theme such as "John­ schedule - most fans have no­ ny Ray Really Wows Us failed to say why In all instanc- doubt to the qualifications of 18- . lS-year-olds could not possibly said a 140-mlle stretch. cut BC­ a~d Ice can hit us at any time. sphere provided the limitations ... Most of the pugilists were es. If it was a questl.on of space Jenr-olds." materialize until after the gen- ross preci);>ices arid through for· principle was the same. Intoxicated ... We have beell limitations in your paper then Swisher. who defeated incum- eral election of 1958. ests. was opened last month to · • fowa's hlghWlys are not the best in the nation. which Alter initial approval of a anhoyed by drunks (in the stu.. it would seem the reviewer bent 'Republican C. M. Ludwig Sute'. RiCh' tfafflc. Tltis section of the rOld rrailkes it doub1y advisable to lise the necessary precautions post-ratifi.cation parley, officials dent seetion) at other games. should limit himself to straight of Titlin In the November elec- Thr~ is no federal age re- winds through "the m9St bo- • while driving. began to realize that May would I was also annoyed by the news matter. Critical opinions lions, thought that l8-year-olds qUlf~m~nt for voting. The matter lated part on the the Sikan,· be too soon. tuss about burning lhe sham- belle their name If unsubstanlia- are qualified to vote. J~}eft to, the states. Forty-seven Tibet plateau," iPeipfng said. l:vety driver should know the rules of driving safety. It It would put the Allies into rock. Burn their shamrock. ted 6plnlons are the only con- "Certainly an 18-year-old has isP't necessary to liSt them here. But We do hope that al1 memo negotiations in a fashion which ... Any tellm that plays No- siderations of the reviewer. h 2 If- · 1 d -I , bers of the SUI family who drive out of Iowa Cfty will bear in they had just said they woulll Ire Dame is h~'n<;licapped frorp Lee A. Lendt ~:a~u~ld:·s~~S:al~~ a person 1 .~ 0 Ie! 0 ' .a J-. Y',' not permit - before their flew the beginning because of the 804 N. Dubuque 'W ' mind that safety on the highway is their personal responsibil· position of strength was truly "win or else" spll'it at Notre • hen I was that 1l.iC. 1 ity. \ established. Dame. Rather thiln ac;cept this ______I_ o_w_a_C_it_y_. _1.o_w_a ___t_ h_.o_u..:g:..h_t_] _8-~year-olds should • B U 1. LE r .1N · c' It Isn't necessary to take chances just to get home an hour WEV Tb~riUcal handicap other Bl, Ten schools Ratitication of Western Euro· have simply .refused to play (No- • sooner. Our relativts would rather serve Thanksgiving dinner pean Union is one thing. Until tre Dame) and I believe they are GENE '" RA L N 01 ICE 5 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24,1954 ' over the dining room table than a bed in a hospital. . implemented. it is a theoretical justified. t Clinton Berryhill. M3 GENERAL NOTICES ahoaM be deposIted with 'be city editor U N I V E R SIT yeA LEN 0 A R : So drive with caution and understanding. We'd rather see thing. The fact 01 German re­ 0' armament. which cannot even 203 Stadium Park TIle Dall, 10"'811 In the newsroom 10 tile COlD1DWllcatldnl Celltel'. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Itema are IIC!hedulecl -you in the classroom than in an rowan obituary. begin until atter that. Is another Iowa City. Iowa Not1us IIIlI8t be labmUted by 1 p.m. tile day precedlnc flm pab- In the President', o,raee. OW Ca,""'I. .;.. .;.. 1r thing. It. not paper agteement$. * * * UcaMon; tbe, wtU NOT be accepted b, pbone, aud m_ 1JiI Wedneeday, November 24 movie-"Mirac1e on 34th Street" will present the Russians with TYPED er LEGIBLY WB~'l'rEN aIId SIGNED b~ • ""poDilbl. 12:20 p.m. _ T"anksslvlng "':'main lounge, Iowa Memorial ,';rhe McCcIi1hy Punl_ a situation the Allies have al­ Joe MeCa rthy )IeI'IIOAPP" TIO Recess Begins. Uniqn. , . ways J;Joped Would brlJ)g them to LICA NS FOR LYDIA LANGUAGE MAJORS OR ' SUDcIay, November 21 .' Monday, December. ~ ~ Probably the most puzzled folks in the country at the ano· r,alistic negotiations Il)stead of TO 'DHE EDITOR: C. Roberts graduate fellowships, mihars interested in doing re- 2:30 p.m. _ Iowa MountB'ln- ':OO 'p.m. - Basketball...... , Iowa awarded to persons of the Cau- search and analysis work for the eers travelogue -'- "!Port'rllft' 'of v Nebraska-field house. ~nt ate McCarthy's Wisconsin neighbors of the past. And meetinis -far propaganda pur­ Reael your biased editorial, Joe caslan race, of either sex, born Paris" by Curtis Nagel _ Ma • r"' et;j'oo p.m.-Unlv.erllty ,'Uew- poses. "The McCarthy 'Farce." Nov. 17. Ith t t f I h h National Security o"ency of the ~ ,. ., \be thing that puzales them is why he should be taken so serio in e s a e 0 owa. w 0 ave - bride Auditorium. , .. _\ ' . ers- .clu.b tea-=t so long ago-when he was whooping It up for same thing it seeks today - :In himself up as the wa. mUllt be filed with the grad- ector of bUSiness and industrial eers travelogue - "Rhine JOU ~-I .~ ~y, ~mber 'J opportunity to throw new mon­ only person In i .. new deal. Among fuose who know him best he's neither ma ~ uate oflice on or betore Feb. 20. placement, 107 University hall. ney" by Curtis Nagel - 'Mac- .§.;OO p.m. ~ UnIversity play, key wrenches ~fore . rearma­ the United Stat­ 1955. , The value of each fellow- bride Auditorium. "COnfidential Clerk" - UnlYe,- : ~ propltet nOl' major perll. ment is actually 'a fact. The U '­ es who is como . ship is $1250. Application fOTms THE GRADVATE COLLEGE Monday, November 29 slty theatre. ted States is prepared to stalt bating Commun­ - d t 7:30 a.m. - Resl1m"tion Of Wellnescla,. Deeelllber • Independence Bulletin.]ouf'fllll may be obtained from the Grad an Human ties society will pre- ... moving in arms quickly. But Ism. 1.1hi is ab­ uate Office. room 4. Old Capitol. sent Prof. Edmund de ChaSca Classes 8:00 p.m. - University p1111, mobilization from scratch is an­ ~ urd. Joe Mc· -sday', November 30 "Confidential Clerk" - Unly,r· an d "The Poetic Rendering, of Tu~ other thing. Carthy is ngh t­ History" Tuesday, Nov. SO, at 8 8;00 p.m. - Humanity Society slty tbeatre. ____~...a:..:.....- "CC?NFLICT ON THE NA­ I ing tor an ideal ture of Man" will be the topic p.m. In house chamber,. Old rrMleting - Speaker: Prof. Ed- ,Thunday, Dece.. r • he firmly believ­ ot a sermon at the ]0:45 a.m. Capitol. mun'a de 'Chasca House S:1)O p.m: - American AIIotI- ~ Crpilb/~Le,.j es in; that Com­ Ohamber. Old Capitol. atlon ~! University Women eVt!7 I ser~e Sunday .t Unitarian I WSUI PROGRAM munism must be McCAaTIn' churc;h. Wedneaclay Deeember 1 ning program-University clUb r One Year Aao TocIqy combated as swiftly and com­ THE FOUOWlNG HOURS ..... rooms. ' Bids oWere opened lor repair work bn the Chemistry building. pletely as possible. If a few toes FDlST PRE S BY T E RIA N will be in effect over the ,8;00 p.m. - mlsketball-Iowa 8:00 p.m. - University .pl~, Which Was d.arnaced by a $300~000 tire Oc:t. 7. CALENDAR are stepped on, or some feelings church announces the following Thankllivllll holiday as an- : raShil\flon U. of St. Louis, "Confidential C.erk" - Unlv!r- • Sophomore tackle Calvin Jbnetlrand senior 'Center Jerry HU,en­ nts. I e a d e r s h I' P training noounced Iby the judiciary board FI~l House. sity. theatre. • Wed.e"e,. 1'1 ...... r •• "lit hUl't in the process. so what? eve . of UWA:Tuesday, Nov. '23, 10:30 Thlltl4lay, December 2 . ' Frtlla,. December 1. , berg landed spots on \he 1&53' aU-B" Ten football team selected 8:00 Mornlnc Chapel The end In view justilies his school;Wylie Friday.guild potluckNov. 26. supper.6 p.m., p.m.. Wed nes d IlY. Nov. 2•• and. 1'"..: 30 p,m.-Un I versl' t yom-W 8 :1\1,uv p.m. - University .-1,~'a for the AaSoclated Prt!ss 'by comerence coaches. ~ ~r.~ry Qf the Amerken West means. As tor hurling charges ' :111 'the Bookabelf • II ~ fellow senators, what of it? members are asked to brin, cov- .Thursday, Nov. 25, 11 p.rn .. Fri- en's club luncheon - unlverSl "Oollfldenllal CleriC' - Unlve1'­ I Five Yean 'Ago I:~ :::.e~·. Fealure .•,~: J'utt . because these men were ered dish and table service. Miss day, Nov. 36. and S&turday, Nov. club rooms-and tour of Hogp - sity :theatre. tok, . Ines ~amaso will speak on "Mis- 1I7. 12:80 a.m., and ~unday. Nov. tal School for Severely Ha~dt ~ . -. ~tur • ." 'December 1 David Lilienthal realgoed ,as chairman and member of the 10.:15 "Itchen C~rl . ' .~ . e~ted by our people doesn't woo' COIIMrwtIon 1n lIewkeye IAII~ : 8i!~' ssatny mean they are be- slons In the Philipplnes.." r 28, 10.30 ,p.m. capped Ch~dren. , 8iOO · p.m. - University ,'',. .tplic enerD commiulon In order to ·-.peak out with Kreiter lati­ 11 :15 It Say. Here ,. .', . ___ 'hl0 p.m. - Information .tJrst ,"CQbfldential Clerlt" ~ UIf!Yir- tude." 11 :30 MusJ~ In BIa"" and Whlle i'il . 'yo .reproach. DOVas FOa THE ILUN LI-' -$enate cijamber. Old Capitol " 'sltt theatre. ' . RecommeQdaUons lor Improvemenu In Iowa City's traffic con­ 1I:4~ ReIJ.laua "r"w. Reporter . "

r;;~F"6~ib~f~ Prospecfs . . BY GENE INGLE -pe-c-t-is--:6.,-,-1,-1-=-9-=-5--po- u--n-d:-:E=-m-es-:-t-W=-u-:-h-:-Ingt---:-on-::D:-:.C:::-. -:B~r;:oo-:--m:-::q::ul~s:;t~iS~W::-:;;ill:;-:;:-be-=b:"a-c-k-ne-x-t-se-a-so-n-a-:-lo-n-ll-y-e-a-r-s.cH::-e-:-.s-6::----;~:-. --;2::-1::-5·-po-u-n~d:-:s-fr:-om--::-~-:-ta-r-a-:t:--:ll:;a~n~i;;lla;:-.-runs==--;:tbe=~loo=--:-:OU=t-w::;-;m:;-;:obe::-C·Oiiin! IH~, fr()~ battle (teet yellC'. Velt. \\ NIt DaU, Iowaa spor1li Ed1&er Karlenzig from Chicago, Gary a Nile Kinnick: scholar winner with Ken Meek, Jim Dick and Waterloo. yard dash In :10. Kloewer is Washiniton, D.C.; Bill Happel. Kinnick. scnolar. is a !lood bel Earlieol', thi!> week. Iowa Foot- Kurdermeier lTom Cresco and from Waterloo. The Iowa aLl- John Oakley. Frank Rigney, Now let's t ke a look at the 6-0. 190 pounds. from Cedar Rapids; Tom Newell. handler and smart. perfect Ph­ ball Coach Foresi Evashevski Don SlP'O from Hackensack. N.J,. stater was coruidered one of the Jim Young. Jim Gibbons and backs. Natura Iy. you'd think Fred ,Bania is also re,arded Woodward; Don Naehtman. Du­ requiliites for a good signal eaJI. was quoted as saying, "We'U be also will be around to help out. better blockers on the Creshman Jerry Jenkinson will be up from first oC the .fullback position. as a top fullback prospect. Har-I buque, and Cabalka. In- er. He's also an excellent paae. better next year." At tackle. Rodger Swedber,. squad. He's 6-2. 200 pounds. the freshman squad. since it was here that the lIawk- ris. from Deerfield. nt. is more dependence. The strength and depth in ~ What does he have to back up Dick Deasy, Terry Shuck, Bill At center, the 1955 Hawkeyes Rigney. a 6-4 220-pouoder eyes lost the most power. Bink- a block-bustin, fullback. At 6-1. Hacler and Happel were the mlddle of the line wbicll "* this statement? Reichow. Ken Jehle and Ji~ will have Don Suchy. who was from East St. Louis, m.. was ey Breeder and Jim Head Oath 200 pound., t)e·s an exceptiopally fastest backs 00 the freshman missin, on the '54 squad will" What wllJ be tile 1955 Hawk- Willett return trom the 195~ injured the final three games of considered the top prospect 'On will be gone. powerful runner. squad this year. coaches say. present. Ends probably will ., eyes' strone points? squad. Competing with them the season, Norm Six. Don Soll. the freshman squad, Although Back tor '55 will be Ro,er Also in the running for full- Both are small Ha,ler is 5-8, at a.bollt the same stren&tl; What will be their weakness- from the freshman team will be BlII Van 'Buren. Don Buck and lll'r,er than most ends. Rigney. Wiegman, No. 2 fullback this back next year wlll be Iowa 170 pounds and Happel is 5-10. 1OI0st of -

IF your Savings Bonds are maturing soon, here's im­ portant n.ews. All your Series E Bonds that have niatured .tiU go on earning for you. Now they can Pay back as much as 80% more than you orifinally invested. . Under the present Bond law, ~ Wnia, power of U. S. Series E Savings Bonds is extended a tulllO Y~ I Of i course, you may still l'edeem th()lle Bondi whenever you wish, But if you want them to ,0 rilht'·bD ~kinl money for ' you all you ba. do is hOld on '19.: them. i There's nothinJ to aign, -visit to the ~. tequiNd. ~ ,. '_ • ._ ·r, ' • , If you wanl to b. paid your Int.r•• t a. Il'IcolIM, In vHf In ~ % S.r1 •• H With this ' ad4ed · ~P.9Wel'. vinp Bondi '" aD I", even better investment noW. Especially on the Payroll For a IOUDd fnW!lltment that ~ yeAl fnter.t by Savings Plan where your savini ia done Jor you by the ! check every aix months, ask at )our bank about l .-y oftice "!bere you work-and inve.ted for you in in­ U. S. Seri. H Savinrs Bond&--a current Income tereat-earning Bonds. Bond avaiJabl& in denominatiolll of $500 to $10,- 000. Matures in 9 years and 8 months and llllya ., So hold on to the maturing Bonda you haV&-UUI invest an a\lel'ale 3% inter.,... per annum if held to in O1Orit throUib the convenient Payroll Savin" plio. maturity. Annual limit, $20,000.

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:- .! ~ •t . .P~'.e ,s-'!!fE ,f!"fLY ,IOWAN-I~ eM1, ~.- .~~ ij. ~ -: I.: (jlsoge's Internat;Qririt,ti1"1;nt(sg;v;ng Sheppard's Spence To Deliver .4' Yale Lecture Series .. ~~<; ; .To ~ H onor-5(;)1:,~~fn ~' :$fucJenh ;: _.. Thumbprint ". ,•t I Kenneth W. Spence, bead of in~-1"'9-38-,-S--pe-n-e-e--:"'ta-Ui-h-t-. a"'t.-"~Y-.Ie- : I surs. department of psychology , . t\.( • .. Found On Bed will deliver the annual Slllima~ university anti the 'Unlversl~ , Dt ' lectures at Yale university April Virginia. Born. in 1907 Jh ~ ! CLEVELAND (A» - The only 11-19. He will be the first psy­ ca,o, Ill., he was gradua~ t,.a I fingerprint on Marilyn Snep­ chologist to speak in more than McGill university in MonuiiJ, parc1',s death bed, a police expert 50 years of these presentations Canada, and e,arnhd his dot:. loiOf " of scien tirie researc:h. philosophy degree at Yale up.. , said Tuesday, was a thUmbprint versity. . . ., of Dr. Samuel Sheppard. He is Previous Silliman lecturers --.-\ ....~ have included Nobel prize-winn­ on trial for his liCe Cor his wife's ing physicists Niels Bohr, En­ murder. rico Fermi, .T. J . Thomson and The stat drew tht! testimony Harold Urey, J:.iologists Thomas H. Morgan and Richard Gold­ from Jerome PoeUting. It was • passed Oil- to Sheppard's first de-I schmitt, and surgeon Sir William Osler. Each year approximately I gree murder jury without any seven lectures arc given on suc- ' atte91Pl to evaluate its signiIi- cessive days and then are pub­ lished as a book. Poelking, a [inget prln t expert In his lectu~s Spence \w lll in 1 tor U'le Cleveland police, said terpret results of recent reseal'ch at SUI in conditioning, learning he round the thumbprint on the and motivation. In 1953 hjs work' I headboard ot Marilyn's twin bed in these areas brought him the last July 23, 18 days after her annual Howard Crosby Wal'ren July 4 slaying in the same bed. medal. the highest bonor of the The home had been under pOlice Society of Exper.i.rl1ental Psy­ guard since the murder and chologists. He Is author 01 a Sheppard had not visited it ex­ number of monographs and co­ cept in the company of investi­ ' C l AP Wlr.pholo, author of the book. "Compara- gators. POLICE HAVE IIAlJGED Andrew Slusars, 33, ~lth pvlD~ his tive Psycholog:l." Earlier, another Cleveland po­ daUb'". Do,..... I. 8wa, ~ .. atranrer Sa'urday. Police say that He served as director ot the llee fingerprint man, Michael S. 81 ...... , Dl" from. German1, met Joeeph Kolo&,e, 48, In a. tavern training methOdS divlslon of the I Grabowski, testified he ran into aad pnnonaa to Ialm aner Kolore remarked tba~ he would like army human resources research Ken.nth smudged markings while seekin'g ~ bave .. rirl Ilile ber, BoUf men were round ,uUly of dtsorderly office In 1952-53 while on leave To Discuss P$rjdll.~':U · If \' fingerprints in the Sheppard c.... ud a.e1 8 pre·te.~nce Invefllr."on was ordered. of absence Crom SUI. In this post -- '.1»"- hqme the day of the murder. lie DI8CUSSING PLANS FOR 11Ia. ~~~=~1~=1~~ he direct~d army studles of the ' Ielt to r~b~, Aklra NOl1lChJ, G, Yobllaoll$a:-"""~i ' ~~ said he did not examine the bed human iactors invol\'ed in night­ B ..lldell, visltln.r rorelcn riuiea' ...,...... 700 To Ati.Jut ..~:F5 l1ilfil.ri,lb "C,""'..",.la. closely at the time, lest he dis- firing ()f the M-I rifle, in radar Parts, France, and JHIII Apn... " turb it for other investigators. 4,: N·ame.d 2d Semester observation, and in the use of Con' ''rv.qti~~·;' . Dcpy ~ anti-alrc:raft guided missiles. • ·~nother international Thanks­ BQfore joining the StJI :faculty More >than 100 ' ~e~F ~ giving day will be celebrated ·Professors and their \IIih 1hursday when SlJI fore I,," Res 'e~rch ' i~aehln'S ~ :"oiIi· ,." .0 ~~£"~~~t~~ Shownin Ubrary-' Sl{I campus today to' take : Ig:Guns Four SUI faculty members '. ' \ ; ,,"' ~ \ st.udents sit down to the ,tradj­ . have 'been named research pro­ <:lud~ Loehwing, Provo~t Harvey Book Recovered in Gotlservatipn day .. ~J.vl~ . tlonal turkey dInner In Osage. 1) . Now in its fifth year, this in­ from page fecsors for the second semester H. Davis and Dean Dewey B. Students will .~ .cOlnin" ternational celebration in the I~~~~~~;;~;:~~~ pany man. ot 1954-55, according . to Dean Stuit of the college of liberal After 36 Years , ChernCl!! re- ChernolC said he travels about arts. Now in its second year at ..' .10 . counties, ineliid'~ '. ".I f " notthcentral Iowa dty of 3,600 Walter F. Loebowing at the Iowa . $2.600 in Insurance 80.000 miles a year In search of SUI, the program "create more Dallas (If') ~ Ane a t,-~a .. IOWa, has become world famous. . graduate collCie. , ~ ~c8't, poweShl~/t~" '-~. _UIlS. guns. He reported that his lami- opportunities to bring new absence, a book was :hick ti th Llntl, Jefferson, KeO~UJC ,. ..' A new attraction this year will Under a recently establisbed mother. who had ly's vacation last year was in- knowledge into existence and en­ Dallas public library shlll\ Cedar in additi~n ' .to ::toh~' be a televIsion program :from . the value 01 his gun t.errupted by visits to almost 400 program, Prof. Wendell J?IjIJ~. ""· Hve. 1. "fIa~led, .. "1\4 .has · hjllped >buy sell. He says most of these are of cl85si~, and Prof. 1-1. Fr HeJ­ During their three-day staY In ser.. of the English department, ~S. a day since the dall! of the lego soll,testlng J~.b94.t~l.';t;J.'11e hi , COlt~ction. Chernoff "dogs" (no value). Considering students will Q$tlle, the students will . also Illme gunS that w,re "1 remember one gun in par- will Ibe, free of t~aching duties checkout in Octooer 1918. a radio ·br()ad,~ast tour poklts of interest in Osage t~ay be worth tlcular that a lady in Vinton sent (or the sprmg semC¥1er so they T. K. Irwin Jr., of Dallas, who of the Air nr''''''''m and surrounding countryside. o,r $i.DOQ." . me," he said. "A group of boys ean •b .. i~ . major ~esearct1 pro­ iEconomic Aid Plan found Lhe book in cleaning out :~!~~~ tJon in Ra\\(lte~e ,·uana,·';I,DI~ , r•• An open torum will be held li't i­ the. theft, Chernotf be- had broken into her home, taken jects t\> .completion. . . •. . an old law offlce, said he didn't station W&UI. · i !lay evening, when students and ~llectl~ anew, concel}- the gun, among other things, and Johnson Wilt ~ompletC' the pro­ check it out since "I was only cessin,i of ,data. arid draci ~ report For Southeast Asia Durin. the day. Osage residents will discuss cUS-. .'I1'I&"(/n we~te~n ·guns. He be- had thrown It down a privy. WASHINGTON lIP) - Admin­ two at the time and unable to , a! #mbet of IQ collecting Pollee made them retrieve the on, ,three years '. ot resel\rch on read." stuttering conductCd at SUI un~ istration officials reported to gun, and she decided to bury it be -considQring a big new 'for­ The tItle of the book - ''The Cily Council Refuses in ,her back yard. She sent it to d~~ a Hill' family foundation Model T Ford." grant ~~rminatlng . AlJi. 31. 1956. eign economic program which me instead, having read of my may lead to the investment of collection - I didn't want it." ·Spence w ill interpr~t tindlrigs ~ingle Sidewalk Bid·· of"ten years ot SUI ,J:'Csearch in bilLions of dollars in under-de- TALKS ON DENTISTRY Colts ExpensIve veloped countries o[ the world Dr. George S. Easton, profes- The Iowa City council Tu~s­ In making his collection, Cher­, I~Dnini and .moti­ day turned down the only' ~Id va.tlon. Nybalclterl will' continue notably in non-Communist Asia: sor and head of the department noU said he has found Colts to 1he project is regarded here of oral diagnosis in SUI's col1ello for bonds 10 pay for the $3,- be among the more expensive hjs studies of the ' role bt Greek 275.86 Court st. sidewalk project, and 'Latin in the origin and de­ as activating, in etIeet, a new of dentistry, addressed the Om­ guns. One set of matched Colts front in the struggle with the aha Dental society on the subject The Iowa State Bank lind for instance. cbst him ' velopment of scientific terms Trust submitted the lone bid tor p~rticularly as this knowledg~ Communist powers lor lands "Oral Diagnosis tor the General times more tha~ a pair of duel­ threatened by subversion and Practitioner" Tuesday. (lve per cent interest on 10-year ing pistols the t once ,belonged ta relates to problems ot e\>mmuni­ bonds. The councll authorize.! a king of England, Charles II. chon in the biological and political aggl'


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