(Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-11-24

(Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-11-24

Serving the Stat. Univertity of Iowa Campul and Iowa City WASHIKGTON ~ - ~d---------------------­ dent EUenhower said TIl"'Y Pruident touc:hed 00 thele other Jhat wbU~ Ruula iI ualne a dlf­ topics: .j • W ASHlNGTON (AI) - ftA.- terent tone in taUt of J)eII(letuJ ......... Qa.. - Segre,aUoo - The SUP1elDe United State. sironely J)I'Oti~ . coniatence, it mUit be W1ltcbed Court, the Prell~t ...ut. con· Tuelday nJeht Gommuniat cai:.! r very closely l.t thU ~tt.. .an Iroota very ,"at prac:Uc:al .pfClb. na'. condemnaUon of 11 A~ • atwmpt to hall America 'Pto lema and deep-Rated emotioDl In wriUIlI tbe orders that wiU can. to Ipriaon tenna OG (. , CAr WI...... ) co~laeeM1. put Into eUect Iii rulin, a ..lnst the state department cal e~" rK,uI"Lll-rr'om aU walks of life paid their respeda In Iowa', eapitGl T .....' .. Eilenhower said there Is noth­ se.ln!eated ~lIc Ichools for Ne- "trumped up cbal'lU." . I ~ . s ",·. ~lllll" ~,nrr., ..." ....- S. Bearc1aley, killed Sunday nleht In an auto accident.. They nle. put Ia1t bier Inc to indicate a fundameotal groes and whites. t , A state department In aI_t a conUnuou8 line. Later brief rUes were eCllld1lc:led ell Uae· 1Ird Nominations - Jt would De in 'POke~~ chlUl&!, in Soviet attitude, aDd It told newsmen the Am~e_ rlI'~.~'~ae Nitu;.. '': outside th~ cover nor'. suite. of coUntry, would be the ereatest error W!I the be,t Interests the Eilenhower said, lor the eenate consul ,eneral at Geneva. !$.irtd.: .: could ma)ie to lose siJht 0( Bu&­ to conflrm as last as poaible ap­ erland, iJ beln. Instructed:iD 'I~'s belk objecUve of wotld pointments about which. Uaere is make "the atronce.l ~1!JIe ; .j court Ve,iJ~ct protest" to the Chlnae CoauDU~ , ~~y -.Jribute, AUend revolution and the d~ance of no deell or ~al c:on,trover.y. .. niBts. • a Communist, centrally COD­ Disarmament - The Prealdet1t The Re4 Chlneee decl,., troUed, world .ute. apparently differed with an 00" ay .Stateho I Rites Hinted·by Ike .. jecUve of the World Council of wu labeled In 1be state ~ .: He w Uted his news conter- Churches for "universal enforce­ ment statement u "further JI~ ;~ ~ < M9(NE.S ~R") - Several WASHmG'IOl'l (.4") - PrC41- able dlsarmllmeot' throu;h the of the Cblnese CommunJat» thOUsand , .,pellSOIlS representlng Itinued , "I am convinc;ed that it dent Eisenhower, In a surprise ente there is no, tendency on the ,ime'a cliIreprd tor ~pfall : .;u.tii.; ;~j\allon~, creeds and was not God's will, that there pa~ of Mmlelf or Sec~y . of Uhlted NaUons." This. and other :!:.i b comment on what the SUPreme S··t J h ... t Dull t ta'k Ideals, he: .ald, Is .omethin, that practices of internaUona1 . ~- ,h rief rites for . were still other thi.ngs for him ' .. eon ... os er - Q e ~~. ,~tf(ldd!d mUit animate us but he .mwt duct... ,' ,' • ~'S, ~.:J. William S. Beard- to do, years to be given to noble Court ml~ht do, said Tuesday be anythlnr for ;ranted wJth Te­ Calle CUr,es FaJH " . ~ •. '. ~ ... h!,," stiteh'ouse Tuesday purposes and to joyful family believes It w11l not be IU1bltrary ~t . to ,Sovlef talk ot peaceful diJacree lOOper cent w1lhr, any­ Ia ' . .~. ( t: ' ' living. In its final rullrtl,On llow to encl c~1s~eoce .. · "·' . , body who tbln.k.S thllt' the~ l1.n1~ Simultaneously, tbe def~n;e . be: J~ be~ter ~tlon department iJlued a statemilftt 7;(~ ,·tbc, first such service "Governor Bcardsley was a racial se,re,aUon in pl1Dllc State cap 1;1. JYUr 'J'a!k'\re.-- . calling the Chinese c:ha~ '!u}.i l~~ : ip. ,).!le ·. '70-year-oLd 'person who loved common peo- schools. ' '. At t~e ,If.'le, time herepellted In the punult of 'peace- ,by 'beln( weak. .. .~ \. 'II ' fo. t terly false." • • . ,, ~if. ma,rble '.s.tructure lor pie and the things of thc ear~h. , lOmethln, he haf said many ~ rq~ •. 'who n~d died In He desi red that he might have He also told his news. c:onfe:-- times .:... uI~t wli~ver there IJ The Pe.lpj'1' radio, In an~~- . , . BflatdS1ey was kUled In a part in the conscrvatlon and enee he undC!rstands the c:ourt II reuon. to beUe\'t! anyo~ WfJllI Ing the sentencinf, said tlJe ~-, " 'iff~.~: JlCldldent ' near Des increase of natural and personal trylng to find some sort. of de~ to , t,a~ ,e.;nespy. ·or ~lbcerl! ly erlcans were &pIes. ~ ~ .• '\ :$~~a, ,.rlilibt. values; thc conservation of the centralized process to handle the abOut . peace, • we "'NUl talk . to crlcans were eentenced ., .e ' terma rangin, trom four,.~ , ~, . , ~O.':~~~ I'nemorl~l serv- soils and thc souls of this state." problem. He said he !belleves t1le them. , '. ) • Ilte. :-; 1~ · e~ l' (I\!)\l.ducted beSide the Alter the rites the ca~ket wifS .' ~lit the 'chief executive ruled •. lAP Wlr.... '.) \'ff.B:ll·.. ~amhi . on th,e tirs,t placed in a hearse for an lmmedl- emotional and practical ~~blems out any '.81, Foul' ~n~rence, PO,"IW STAND GUAa.O A8 LINE FORMS ou ..lde Soviet UN The state departmen .~ .. ,.. throuch Geneva because tl\a.ta , " ,, ~p:~a, ,just outside the ate trip to the Beardsley farm Involved will .be, .lven wellht au?t'- u hU. ~ .ua.-ted. for ..w.au.a .....lIU1en on Park Avenue i. New York Tue8dar. ... ," r~.lf ~ ~llite Sta·" Hllihway home near New Virginia, amid by the court. nelf,t May; by PrerWer Melldu- P..... e '""' ......... to e1lkr the bu.UclIJI&' to »&~ thelJ' respecta the only olflclal contact· I ~ ' .t»I .' ~et . ' David Herrick es- blustery wind and darkcned There was no indication of France of ~ance" until: .. Aadrel Vllbbllk~, 8Hlet 'eDaar foru.. mJnlster aDd ehle' of United States hal with ~fIl,h\i. 1 't>.._ .1 • ....:.._ L It 'Was set up dur\n' the umaWtl \i~/ldance 'at tl,Uuu. sky. ' Th t ..... 8eYtM .......&Ioa to Uae UN, who cUed Monda" . r.iBiSt .'.!" •.!l~:" ; ' 'J"Ibu" p~ what was the basis or Eisen- 1. ' e ...-",iI ~~ents Or conference at Geneva. , " "\ iI:o'r" ' .. 'n· ... • ed' th N C hower's belief and undef.jltat1d- b~ / a rearl]\~ WeatlhlD UNJ'lIED ~ATI9N:S, N;Y. (.4") I ClriIIMI He.. ..., Jt:J.} . ,W'!' , no~rs prec 109 e t R I Go ~rJl'f4nY into the North Atlantic ~~ ' ~ge .;was l!n almost steady 0 U U ene, ing. Tradltlonallt, court.' Jlistlee. Treaty Or..,uzaUon ar: • .Allied. -The Westtnl poweCl and ,Rus- Bulde••• ylnjJ th. ~ IS Ameri­ ~o~ ~rSons flUn, 'past the never talk to anybody ab,olJt a z.. Such a cor(~rence QUerlt a sla joined T~ay with all UN cana were con cte m n.e d 00. tfumped up c:harJU, the'M»ert­ .. ~~r;~;~a!~~r:!t::'t;! .penalti~s Abolished f:,.~jn:o~~~e:~~J,~; prOlllIM of rea truJttulnClS. ntembu. in • ra,re un animo", ment contended the imprJ..ail­ '!lver-nbr'i" <lesit in the office • tutu!' court decldoJ1l, 3. 'l't1ere 'l.jI time tQ ll1'Wro fOr vqte .pprovl~ President Elsen- ment of the two c1.viUaDl '.rnoiIa Be~~y ' hild OCcupied tor near- The colleges of liberal arts, On the su.ll!acc, Eisenhower a ~~_ lie Alert hower's alom.-tor-peaceplan. the 13, ~ . ~ ~ and Richard Georp ~.\I. ~ : i~~ . ~a~; , , cngincering and com me-rce wtl\ secmell to 'be hlntlnJ ' that the EilJerilio~er took. hiJ PosItion The action took plaN In the raw YOJQc (.4") - More than \,:r!iose, ~ylng tribute Includ~d impose no penalties on students court may listen sympathetic:.Uy that Arnerlca ml,llt -contlnue to uN assemblr political committee 1,000 New Yorkers and scores 01 u they dlJ'ectl!c1 "accredited" was deliberately ~neeaUict 4Ut., GoV. and, Mrs. Leo ElthQn and . 1. which adopted a resolution en- dtpJomata \flewed the body visitors to an anteroom to sign a Ing the Geneva eonfe~ ' J.1t t~I!P.. '~.f' ,Bourke B. 1I1'cken- cutLmg classes Loday or Monday to tne argument of southern be' alert, vJlilan~ , and stron" ' ot May. , ; ~R, .... t th t1 ... _.. dorsln, negotiations for an In- Andrei Y. Vilhlnsky Tuesday be- rerister, and then ,estured them looper .o Iowa. Elthon, as Jieu- in accordance with a new rule sta ell at much me wnl vc while nuuia sounds the coexilt- ternatlona! atomic agency to su- "Today iJ the flr.t wqrd .we t,e. hl1. n~ . ;""~ernor, s u c c e e d e d d I J needed In making any shUt from ence bote, in re.ponae to ques- fore the start of hJ, last journey up the elegant staircase. Amon, ,,_. "'l~- passe ast une. segregated schools to nOnIC,re- tlOllJ ,peUed to a speech last pervlse the pro,ram and tor an to have had that they are , bem. bome )to-cow and a bero's these vilHon! was Paul Robeson, held .by the Chlneae Com8lU­ ..... ~,z'd! eY" as 'ttie stll;le's chlel "The rule has been «;/;l}l galed. week .by senate iRepubUcal'llead- IJlternational scientific conle&;- fun~l. singer Uonized by the Oommu- ISO nlsts," the .tatement said. ' • ~ectlitfV.. ~ .•,!!-o ,nday. Hickenloop- that each Instructor ii i re 1'\- er WilUam r. Knowland ot Call- ence on the atom to be held next Once lln obIcure diplomat and niBts. .~ ,,,?It .. ,,,,e . ~ersonal repres~nta- sible for th e attendancc I Icy. tornia. " summer, probably In Geneva. Downey and ,J'ec:teau were'd­ later th. obJef prosecutor of a VishLnsky died in the mansion vlUana employed by the an'l)Yw;' «Ye,.,Of, ~es.

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