(Coleoptera) of Australia

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(Coleoptera) of Australia AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS McKeown, K. C., 1947. Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Australia. Australian Museum Memoir 10: 1–190. [2 May 1947]. doi:10.3853/j.0067-1967.10.1947.477 ISSN 0067-1967 Published by the Australian Museum, Sydney naturenature cultureculture discover discover AustralianAustralian Museum Museum science science is is freely freely accessible accessible online online at at www.australianmuseum.net.au/publications/www.australianmuseum.net.au/publications/ 66 CollegeCollege Street,Street, SydneySydney NSWNSW 2010,2010, AustraliaAustralia THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, SYDNEY MEMOIR X. CATALOGUE OF THE CERAMBYCIDAE (COLEOPTERA) OF AUSTRALIA BY KEITH C. McKEOWN, F.R.Z.S., Assistant Entomologist. The Australian Museum. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES A. B. Walkom, D.%., Director. Sydney, May 2, I947 PREFACE. The accompanying Catalogue of the Cerambycidae is the first, dealing solely with Australian genera and species, to be published since that of Pascoe in 1867. Masters' Catalogue of the Described Coleoptera of Australia, 1885-1887, included the Cerambycidae, and was based on the work of Gemminger and Harold. A new catalogue has been badly needed owing to the large number of new species described in recent years, and the changes in the already complicated synonymy. The Junk catalogue, covering the Coleoptera of the world, is defective in many respects, as well as being too unwieldy, and too costly for the average Australian worker. Many of the references in the Junk catalogue are inaccurate, synonymy misleading, and the genera under which the species were originally described omitted, and type localities are not quoted. In this catalogue every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, and the fact that it has been used, in slip form, over a number. of years as a working list has been invaluable in detecting and correcting errors. Several features not previously to be found in any catalogue have been included. The genotype has been determined in each instance, recorded localities have been included, as well as the range of the genera, and the genera under which the species were originally described. Other references not hitherto included are those referring to geographical distribution of species, and on economic questions, as also are the recorded food-plants. In view of the economic importance of the Cerambycidae in forestry, the value of the latter cannot be too strongly stressed. Species doubtfully of Australian origin, or of which the validity is questionable, have been retained in the list, and are enclosed in square brackets, for the convenience of workers. I am indebted to the late Dr. Walther Horn for considerable advice and assistance regarding the location of types-another feature not hitherto included in a catalogue. CATALOGUE OF THE CERAMBYCIDAE (COLEOPTERA) OF AUSTRALIA. By KEITHC. MCKEOWN,F.R.Z.S. Family CERAMBYCIDAE. Subfamily PRIONINAE. Archetypi. Genus UTEA Jordan, 1896. Utra Jordan, Stett. Ent. Zeit., liv, p. 267. (Genotype, Utra nitida Jordan.) Utra Lameere, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., xxi (15 Nov.), p. 130. Utra Lameere, Gen. Insector., Fasc. 172, p. 21. $, ?. N. Australia. Australia. UTRAmTma Jordan. Utra nitida Jordan, Stett. Ent. Zeit., lvi, p. 267. $, 9. North Australia: Port Darwin. Queensland: Cairns. (Type, Tring Mus.) Utra nitida Jordan, Mem. SW. Ent. Belg., xxi (15 Nov.), p. 130, 131. 0. N. Australia: Port Darwin. Queensland: Cairns. New South Wales. Utra nitida Lameere, Gen. Insector., Fasc. 172, p. 21, pl. ii, fig. 3 (col.). N. Australia. North Australia, Queensland, New South Wales. Genus ARCHETYPUSThomson, 1860. Archetypus Thomson, Classif. Ceramb., p. 319. (Genotype, Archetypus parandroides Thomson.) Archetypus Thomson, Syst. Ceramb., p. 479. Archetypus Lacordaire, Gen. Col., viii, p. 129. Archetypus Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., (3) iii, p. 671. Archetypus Lameere, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., xi, p. 5. Archetypus Lameere, Gen. Insector., Fasc. 172, p. 21. Queensland to New Guinea and Solomon Is. Australia, New Guinea. ARCHETYPUSFRENCHI (Blackburn). Teispes frenchi Blackburn, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., xv, 1 (July), p. 234. $, 0. North Queensland. (Type, B.M.) Archetypus frenchi Lameere, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., xi, p. 7. Queensland. Archetypus frenchi Aurivillius, Arkiv f. Zool., X, 23 (30 Jan.), p. 2. Queensland: Atherton, Townsville. Archetypus frenchi Lameere, Gen. Insector., Fasc. 172, p. 22. Queensland. Queensland. ARCHETYPUSFULVIPEl?NIB (PUSCOe). Yallodon fulvipenne Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., (2) v, p. 15. $, 9. Aru. Archetypus parandroides Thomson, Classif. Cerarnb., p. 320. Aru. Archetypus fulvipennis Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., (3) iii, p. 672. $, 9. Aru, Bouru, Waigiou, Dorey. Archetypus fulvipennis Lameere, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., xi, p. 5. New Guinea, Waigiou, Bourou, Arou. Archetypus fulvipennis Heyne and Taschenberg, Exot. Kafer, p. 238, pl. xxviii, fig. 3 (col.). Archetypus fulvipennis Lameere, Gen. Insector., Fasc. 172, p. 22. Cape York, New Guinea, Waigou, Bouru, Arou, New Britain, Solomon Is. ' Queensland, New Guinea, Solomon Is., etc. 6 MEMOIRS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUN. Genus TEISPES Thomson, 1864. 1864. Teispes Thomson, Syst. Ceramb., p. 304. (Genotype, Teispes dorsd4s Thomson.) 1869. Teispes Lacordaire, Gen. Col., viii, p. 111. 1903. Teispes Lameere, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., xi, p. 8. Australia, Timor. TEISPES INSULARIS (Hope). 1842. Mallodon insulare Hope, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ix (July), p. 428. Port Essington. (Type, Hope Mus.) 1842. Mallodon insulare Hope, Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond., iv, p. 48. Port Essington. 1864. Teispes dorsalis Thomson, Syst. Ceramb., p. 303. North Australia. 1903. Teispes insularis Lameere, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., xi, p. 9. Port Essington, Port Darwin, Timor. North Australia, Timor. Genus EURYNASSAThomson, 1864. 1864. Eurynassa Thomson, Syst. Ceramb., p. 303. (Genotype, Eurynassa servillei Thomson.) 1869. Eurynassa Lacordaire, Gen. Col., viii, p. 110. 1903. Eurynassa Lameere, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., xi, p. 10. Australia. 1835. Hallodon australis Boisduval, Voy. Astrol. Ins., ii, p. 465. New Holland. 1840. Mallodon australis Castelneau, Hist. Nat., ii, p. 404. 1858. Mallodon fcguratum Pascoe, Trans. ,Ent. Soc. Lond., (2) v, p. 14. Australia: Sydney. 1864. Eurynassa servillei Thomson, Syst. Ceramb., p. 304. d, 9. N. Australia. 1869. Eurynassa australis Lacordaire, Gen. Col., viii, p. 111, n. 1. 1869. Eurynassa figurata Lacordaire, Gen. Col. viii, p. 111, n. 1. 1890. Eurynassa australis Lumholtz, Among Cannibals, pp. 153-155, figs., p. 93. Queensland. (Used as food by the aboriginals.) 1893. Eurynassa australis Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr., xiv (25 May), p. 154, fig. 1893. Eurynassa servillei Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr., xiv (25 May), p. 156, fig. 6, 9. Queensland. 1893. Eurynassa figurata Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr., xiv (25 May), p. 157, fig. 8, 9. Queensland. 1893. Eurynassa australis Gahan, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., (June 6), p. 166. 1896. Eurynassa australis Blackburn, Horn. Exped. Zool., ii, p. 299. Central Australia. 1903. Eurynassa australis Lameere, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., xi, p. 11. 8, 9. Australia and Tasmania. 1906. Euryzassa figurata Cox, Aust. Nat., i, 3 (July), p. 30. Biology. 1907. Eurynassa australis Froggatt, Australian Insects, p. 191. 1917. Eurynassa australis Aurivillius, Arkiv f. Zool., X, 23 (Jan. 30), p. 2. North-weat Australia: Kimberley district. Queensland: Cairns. 1919. Eurynassa australis Lameere, Gen. Insector., Fasc. 172, p. 23. S, 9. Australia. Food-plant, Eucalyptus squamosa, E. punctata (possibly usual food-plant), Casuarina glauca ? (Cox, 1906). Australia. EURYNASSAAUSTBALIS (Boisduval) var. STIQMOSA (Newman). 1840. Mallodon stigmosum Newman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., v (March), p. 15. New Holland. 1893. lurynassa stigmosa Gahan, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., (June B), p. 165. 1913. Eurynassa australis (Boisduval) var. stigmosa Aurivillius, Col. Cat. (Junk), Pars 52 (Aug. 28), p. 9. CATALOGUE OF THE CBIBAMBYCIDA~McKEOWN. 7 Eurynassa stigmosum Lea, Trans. Roy. Soc. South Aust., xli (Dec.), p. 617. Ooldea. South Australia. EUEYNAS~AAUSTBALIS (Boisduval) var. ODJCWAHNI (Pacoe). Mallodon odaaahni Pascoe, Journ. Ent., ii (June), p. 242. South Australia. (Type, B.M.) Eurynassa odewahni Lacordaire, Gen. Col., viii, p. 111, n. 1. Eurynassa australis (Boisduval) var. odewahni Lameere, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., xxix, Bull., p. X. Eurynassa (Mallodon) odewahni Tepper, Native Insects South Aust., i, p. 36. South Australia. Eurynassa odewahni Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. Wales, xii, 10 (Oct.), pl. flg. 2. Central Australia. Eurynassa australis (Boisduval) var. odewahni Heyne and Taschenberg, Exot. Kafer, p. 238, t. 34, fig. 10 (col.). Eurynassa odewahni Froggatt, Australian Insects, p. 191, fig. 89. Interior of Australia ranging westward from N.S.W. to Western Australia. Eurynassa odewahnii Lea, Trans: Roy. Soc. South Aust., xli (Dec.), p. 617. Ooldea. Eurynassa odewahni Tillyard, Ins. Aust. and N.Z., p. 232. Food-plant, Eucalyptus spp. (Tepper, 1887). Interior of N.S. Wales, South Australia, and Western Australia. Cnemoplites. Genus ANALOPHUSWaterhouse, 1877. Analophqs Waterhouse, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) xix (May), p. 423. (Genotype, Analophus parallelus Waterhouse.) Analophus Lameere, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., xi, p. 1. Analophus Lameere, Gen. Insector., Fasc. 172, p. 36. Australia and New Guinea. ANALOPHUSPARALLELUS Waterhouse. Analophus parallelus Waterhouse, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) xix (May), p. 423. Queensland. Analophus parallelus Lameere, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., xi, p. 4. $. Queensland. (Type, B.M.) Analophus parallelus
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