Public Disclosure Authorized Development of a Study on the Establish- ment of the Klokot (Bihać) Spring Cross- Border Sanitary Protection Zones FINAL REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Zürich, 09.09.2020 HOLINGER AG Neugasse 136, CH-8005 Zurich Phone: +41 44 288 81 00
[email protected] Version Date Responsible Control Distribution 1 09.09.2020 HOLINGER / Philipp Derungs Stakeholders UNA Consulting / Hidroinzenjering Development of a study on the establishment of the Klokot (Bihac) spring cross-border sanitary protection zones – Final Report Development of a study on the establishment of the Klokot spring protection zones TABLE OF CONTENT: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 INTRODUCTION 9 DESCRIPTION OF THE WATER INTAKE AT KLOKOT SOURCE 10 CATCHMENT AREA AND PROTECTION ZONES 11 1.3.1 Geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the catchment area 11 1.3.2 Hydrogeological characteristics of the catchment area 11 1.3.3 Overview of the conducted groundwater flow tracings 12 1.3.4 Defining the hydrogeological catchment of Klokot and Privilica 12 1.3.5 Proposed sanitary protection zones boundaries 12 GIS AND MAPPING 17 LEGAL FRAMEWORK 18 WATER QUALITY AT THE KLOKOT SPRING 20 POLLUTERS IN THE CATCHMENT AREA OF WATER SOURCE KLOKOT 23 VEGETATION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOURCE BASIN 25 CHARACTERISTICS OF EROSION PROCESSES IN THE CATCHMENT AREA 27 VULNERABILITY AND POLLUTION RISK MAPS 28 RECOMMENDATION OF MEASURES TO ENSURE WATER QUALITY 29 1.11.1 General 29 1.11.2 Proposed improvement measures