Index of Edinburgh Street Names and Districts
Cambridge University Press 0521602823 - The Transformation of Edinburgh: Land, Property and Trust in the Nineteenth Century - Richard Rodger Index More information Index of Edinburgh street names and districts Abbey 445 Boroughloch see Meadows Abbeyhill 106, 114, 375, 377, 381, 405, Borthwick Close School 112n 408, 414, 469, 493, 496 Borthwick Place 359n Abbeyhill School 112n, 470 Botanical Gardens 98 Abbotsford 500 Bothwell Street 108 Abercromby Place 61 Braid Hills 165 Albert Place 173 Brandsfield 213, 219 Albert Street 82 Bread Street 88, 356 Alva Place 402 Breadalbane Terrace 212 Angle Park Terrace 219 Bright Terrace 212 Antigua Street 206, 282, 291 Bristo 48 Ardmillan Terrace 219, 468, 481 Bristo Place 94 Argyle 206 Bristo Street 356 Argyle Square 433 Brougham Place 173, 208 Arthur Street 112n Brougham Street 198–9, 374 Ashley Terrace 389, 465, 468 Broughton 18, 36–8, 41–2, 54, 77 Atholl Terrace 212 Broughton Loan 55 Broughton School 112n Bainfield 173 Broughton Street 79 Balgreen 397 Brown Square 476 Balgreen Road 389 Brown Square School 112n Balmoral Place 377 Brunstane 230 Bangholm Bower 86 Brunswick Street 82, 109, 145 Bareford’s Park 51, 55 Brunton Gardens 108 Barnton Terrace, Craigleith 384–6 Brunton Place 82, 465 Bathfield 196, 337, 492 Brunton Terrace 108, 462 Bedford Street 356 Bruntsfield 48, 96, 109, 168–9, 173, 200 Belgrave Crescent 245, 250–3, 269, 338 Bryson Road 168, 215, 226–7 Belgrave Place 250, 269, 288, 290–1, 303, Buccleugh Place 94 322, 338 Buchanan Street 108 Bell Place 397 Buckingham Terrace 245, 252, 256, 287,
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