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Index of Edinburgh street names and districts

Abbey 445 Boroughloch see Meadows 106, 114, 375, 377, 381, 405, Borthwick Close School 112n 408, 414, 469, 493, 496 Borthwick Place 359n Abbeyhill School 112n, 470 Botanical Gardens 98 Abbotsford 500 Bothwell Street 108 Abercromby Place 61 165 Albert Place 173 Brandsfield 213, 219 Albert Street 82 Bread Street 88, 356 Alva Place 402 Breadalbane Terrace 212 Angle Park Terrace 219 Bright Terrace 212 Antigua Street 206, 282, 291 Bristo 48 Terrace 219, 468, 481 Bristo Place 94 Argyle 206 Bristo Street 356 Argyle Square 433 Brougham Place 173, 208 Arthur Street 112n Brougham Street 198–9, 374 Ashley Terrace 389, 465, 468 Broughton 18, 36–8, 41–2, 54, 77 Atholl Terrace 212 Broughton Loan 55 Broughton School 112n Bainfield 173 Broughton Street 79 397 Brown Square 476 Balgreen Road 389 Brown Square School 112n Balmoral Place 377 230 Bangholm Bower 86 Brunswick Street 82, 109, 145 Bareford’s Park 51, 55 Brunton Gardens 108 Barnton Terrace, Craigleith 384–6 Brunton Place 82, 465 Bathfield 196, 337, 492 Brunton Terrace 108, 462 Bedford Street 356 Bruntsfield 48, 96, 109, 168–9, 173, 200 Belgrave Crescent 245, 250–3, 269, 338 Bryson Road 168, 215, 226–7 Belgrave Place 250, 269, 288, 290–1, 303, Buccleugh Place 94 322, 338 Buchanan Street 108 Bell Place 397 Buckingham Terrace 245, 252, 256, 287, Bellevue 61 290, 322, 338, 477n Bellevue Crescent 61n Bernard Street, 194–5, 206, 282, Caledonian Crescent 216, 217n, 218, 291, 291, 337 326, 330, 333, 340 Bernard Street (Stockbridge) School 112n, Caledonian Place 173, 217n, 218, 291 115, 470 Caledonian Road 218, 291 Blackfriars’ Street 467, 476 Caledonian Street 216, 217n, 218 Blackfriars’ Wynd 420 Canal Street 63n Blackhall 397 Canongate 18, 36, 38, 375, 423, 476 Bonnington 48, 195–6, 205–6, 374, 483, 36, 38, 77, 259, 499 492 Carberry Place 359n 516

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Cargilfield School 163 Cumberland Street 61, 151 Carlton Terrace 82 48 Caroline Park, Granton 493 Castle Barns 88 Daisy Terrace 383 Castle Terrace 85, 89, 469 Street 82, 108, 462 Castlehill 94 Dalry 28, 42, 106, 140, 173, 212, 219, Cathcart Street 218, 232n 220–38, 245, 247, 255–6, 283, 288, 291, Catherine Place 359n 299, 326, 332, 335, 337, 340, 375, 377, Causewayside 208, 339 383–4, 405, 409, 493; Easter 213, Chalmers Street 150 215–16 Chambers Street 476 Dalry Lane 217n Charity Workhouse 94 Dalry Road 216, 217n, 218, 232n, 234, 63 291, 303 Charlotte Street, Leith 206, 282, 337 Dalry Station 235 Coates 28, 42, 53, 77, 243, 249–50, 252, Davidson’s Mains 397 255 Davie Street School 112n, 115, 470 Coates Crescent 151 Dean 48, 117–18, 244 Coates Gardens 151 Dean Bridge 244, 327 Cobden Terrace 212 Dean Park Street 152, 262, 273, 276, 291, Cochrane Place 381n 303–5, 310–13 Cockburn 47, 48 Dean Path 333 Cockburn Street 432, 475, 478 Devon Place 359 108, 290, 300, 500 Douglas Crescent 152, 212, 244, 249, 269, Colinton Road 347, 500 322, 338 College Street 433 Downfield Place 218, 232n, 235n, 464–5 Coltbridge 227 Downie Place 89 28, 80, 99, 117, 256–7, 259, Drumdryan 83, 91, 98, 105, 140, 166n, 283, 296, 303 173, 192–205, 216, 218, 339, 349, 492 Comely Bank Avenue 261–4, 273, 298, Drumdryan House 200 301–11, 315–20, 327 Drummond Circus 61n Comely Bank Grove 310–11, 316–17 Drummond Place 61n Comely Bank Loan 333 Drumsheugh 67–8 Comely Bank Place 262, 273, 311, Dublin Street 61 316–19 Duncan Street 61 Comely Bank Road 262, 273, 310–11, Dundas Street 61, 79 315–19 Dundee Street 140, 215n Comely Bank Row 273, 276, 305, 310, 316–18, 328 East Hermitage Place 381n Comely Bank Street, 273, 310, 314–18 East London Street 166n, 173 Comely Bank Terrace 273, 314–18 East Terrace 389 397 82, 106–7, 108, 263 206, 282, 339 Eglinton Crescent 152, 244, 249, 253, 269, Cornhill Terrace 389 287, 322, 338 Cornwall Street 466 Eglinton Street 359n Cornwallis Place 61n Elgin Place 359n 397 Elgin Street 108 Corstorphine Road 164 Elizafield 196 15, 92–3, 112, 332, 425, 496 Elm Place 381n Cowgate School 112n, 115, 470 Elm Row 82 420 Erskine Place 151 Craighouse Road 110, 500 Craigleith 340 Falconhall 108, 117, 166n Craigleith Poorhouse 98 Falshaw Bridge 469 100, 402 () 374 Park 500 195, 205, 302, 337, 372–3, Crichton Place 140 374, 377

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Fettes Row 61n Hillhousefield 196, 358, 492 Fingzies Place 381n Hillside Crescent 108, 166n Forrest Road 138, 173 Hollybank Terrace 389 Fort Street 337 32 42, 194, 211, 214, 359, 43, 427, 493 383, 481, 492, 495–6 Holyrood Road 440 Fountainbridge Road 215 Home Street 84, 198–200 Fowler Terrace 222, 229 Hope Park 166n, 173, 206 Howe Street 61, 79, 80 Gardener’s Crescent 397 Hugh Miller Place 364, 405 Gayfield Square 282, 291 George IV Bridge 96, 138, 476 India Street 61, 80 George Square 94 Industrial Road 462 George Street 60, 498 117, 259 Gillespie Crescent 166n, 168–9, 173 Inverleith Park 98, 155, 259 Gillsland Road 110, 500 Iona Street 82, 108 Gilmore Street/Place 138, 150 Ivy Terrace 383, 397 Gilmore’s Close 149 Gladstone Terrace 207, 337–8, 374 Jamaica Street 61 Glen Street 173 Jamaica Street, Leith 206, 282 Glencairn Crescent 244, 249, 253, 269, Jock’s Lodge 492 300–3, 338 Joppa 397 Glendevon Place 389 Glengyle Terrace 169, 173, 465 Kew Terrace 243 Glenogle Park 369, 376, 393 King Street 61n Terrace 230 King’s Bridge 88 Road 168, 213, 234, 383, 492 Kirkhill Road 389 Grange 98, 102–4, 211, 289, 300, 327, 497 Granton 216 Laurel Terrace 383 94, 112, 149, 332, 423, 444, 197 496 Lauriston Gardens 166, 173 Great King Street 79 Lauriston Place 51, 94, 166, 173 Great Wellington Street 206, 303 Lawnmarket 94, 96 Greenbank 397 Leamington Place 169 Greyfriars Church 94 Learmonth 80, 497 Grindlay Street 112n, 166n, 173 Learmonth Gardens 275, 288, 298–9, 322, Grove Street 383, 493–4 327–8 Guthrie Street 433 Learmonth Grove 310, 320, 397 Learmonth Mews 288 Hampton Terrace 243 Learmonth Place 320 Hanover Street 48 Learmonth Terrace 477n Haymarket 211–12, 215, 239, 257, 299, Leith Fort 92 318, 334, 359, 374, 383, 409 196 Hazelbank Terrace 389 Leith Walk 82, 106, 108, 140, 168, 282, Henderson Place 372–3 291, 339, 358, 374 Henderson Terrace 219 Leith Wynd 426 Heriot Bridge 112 Leopold Place 82 Heriot Bridge School 112n Leven Lodge 140, 173 79, 80, 81 Leven Street 84 Hermitage Hill 389 Lilliput 86 High Riggs 198, 481 Lily Terrace 383 High School Wynd 424 Lindean Place 381n High School Yards 450 Lindsay Road 337 High School Yards School 112n Livingstone Place 166n, 207, 291, 333 High Street, 14, 36, 91, 94, 112, 335, 356, 149–50, 197 358, 365, 393, 423, 435, 438–9 Logie Green 499

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Lomond Park 157, 163 466, 496–9; (eastern) 82, 86, 106–7; Lomond Road 156 (western) 106 London Road 462 Newhaven 153 London Street 61 Newhaven Parish Manse 157 Lord Russell Street 397 Newington 98, 138, 211, 236, 289, 327, Lothian Road 84, 85, 88, 194, 211, 356, 497 492 Nicolson Square 489 Lothian Road Station 124 Noble Place 381n Lothian Road United Presbyterian Church North Bridge 426, 455, 476 89 North British (Balmoral) Hotel 63 Lower Granton Road 164 North Fort Street 374 Lyceum Theatre 85 North Lauriston Gardens 173 North Learmonth Gardens 324–5 McLeod Street 450 North Leith 38, 377 Magdala Crescent 243–4 North Loch 48, 51 Maitland Street 151 North 214, 225, 228–30, 238, Malta Crescent/Terrace 91 383–4, 405, 493 Mansfield Place 61n North Merchiston Park 212 200, 397, 462 Northcote Street 232n Marchmont Road 462, 476 Northumberland Street 61n, 79 Maryfield 374–5, 402 Norton Park (Abbeyhill) 375, 493 Maxwell (Duff) Street 231, 232n, 257, 383 Meadows 37, 43, 55, 94, 96, 140, 166, 200, Old Assembly Close 91 206, 291, 302 Old Assembly Close School 112n Melville Terrace 166n, 303, 336–8 Old Town 15, 82, 204, 362, 417, 443, 488, Merchiston 47, 48, 51, 52–3, 55, 98–101, 493, 496 105, 108, 138, 140, 168, 327, 349, 385, Orchardfield 48, 83, 85–7, 91, 94, 98 388, 408, 497, 500 Orphan Hospital 98 Merchiston Gardens 110, 500 Orwell Place 217n Millerfield Place 291, 336–7 Orwell Terrace 217n Montague Street 173 Osborne Terrace 243 Montgomery Place 173 Oxford Street 173 Montgomery Street 108 Oxford Terrace 266 Moray Park 493 Morningside 100, 108, 138, 168, 327, 397, Palmerston Place 244 497 Panmure Place 173 Morningside Road 468 Parkvale Place 381n Morrison Street 212, 374–5 Parliament Square 92, 95 117 Pembroke Place 359n Moses’ Well 149 Pentland Hills 47, 100, 108, 165, 214 Mound 63n, 95, 472 Picardy Place 55 Murieston 255, 283, 383 Barracks 92, 420 Murieston Crescent 234, 291, 303, 330 35 Murieston Place 291, 326 Pitt Street 61, 374 Murrayfield 397 Pleasance 48, 230, 332, 496 Murrayfield Station 164–5 Polwarth Gardens 222, 226 Myreside 48 Port Hopetoun 23, 197 Myrtle Terrace 383, 397 Portobello 138, 397 Portsburgh 86 National Gallery 472 Portsburgh Square 451 Nelson Street 61 Potterow 48 Netherby Road 160 Priestfield 230 New Campbeltown 206 Primrose Bank, Trinity 158 New Town 8, 14, 15, 18, 26, 55, 57–60, 63, Primrose Terrace 383 77, 135, 156, 171, 182, 197, 204, 211, 51, 60, 62–3, 76, 96, 211, 229, 236, 289, 322, 327, 397, 417, 460, 259, 427, 498

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Quarryholes 106 Spittalfield 173 Queen Street 60–1, 76; Gardens 67 Spottiswood Road 462 Queensberry House 417 Springfield Street 232n, 235n Queensferry 85 Springwell Place 218 Queensferry Gardens 287 Spylaw 108 Queensferry Road, 262, 320 Stanhope Place 359n Stirling Road 160 Redbraes 499 Stockbridge 259, 369–70, 375, 377, 379, Regent Terrace 82 385, 405, 409, 493 Reid Terrace 364, 372, 393 Strowan Terrace 158 Restalrig 420 Summerfield Place 195, 381n Restalrig Park 374, 377, 379, 383, 385, Summerside Street 195, 206, 302, 388, 405, 414, 469, 492 336 Ritchie Place 230 Surrey Place 359n School 112n Sutherland Street 359n Rosehall Place 173 Sylvan 206 Roseneath 206, 492 Rosevale Place 381n Tarvit Street 199–200 Royal Crescent 61n Tay Street 215, 224 Royal Exchange 149 Tay Street School 222 Royal Terrace 79, 80 Teviot Row 94, 173 Royal Victoria Hospital 99 Thistle Street 483 Rutland Hotel 151 Tollcross 28, 84, 160, 166, 194, 196–7, Rutland Place 151 222, 247, 339, 492 Rutland Street 151 Torphichen Street 231, 235, 259, 302 Ryehill Avenue 389 Trafalgar Street 372–3 Ryehill Gardens 389 Trinity 127, 153–4 Ryehill Terrace 389 Trinity House 154 Trinity Mains 154 St Andrew’s Square 65 Trinity Road 156, 158 St Ann’s Street 63n Tron Church 92, 423, 444 St Cuthbert’s 445 Tron Square 450 St Giles 423, 444 St Leonard’s 55 Union Canal 88, 91, 150, 197, 469 St Margaret’s 409, 420 Usher Hall 85 St Mary’s Street 435, 440, 469, 476 St Vincent Street 61, 151 Valleyfield 140, 173 Saxe Coburg Place 82, 90 Victoria Park 154 28, 140, 160, 166, 173, 212, 216, Victoria Street 432, 476 222, 247, 283, 291, 337, 492–3 Victoria Street Infants School 112n Sciennes Road 207, 291 Viewforth 465 Street 61 Violet Terrace 383 Shaftesbury Park 212, 388–9, 405, 408–9, 414, 493 Walker Bridge 469 Silvermills 77, 259 Wardie Bay 164 Road 346, 383 Warrender Park Road 462, 476 Sloane Street 462 42, 53, 77, 117 Somerset Place 381n Washington Lane 383 South Bridge 94, 455, 476 43, 77, 244, 250, 322, 338, South Clerk Street 402, 483 499 South Grindlay Street 173 Waterloo Bridge 455 South Lauder Road 389 Watson Crescent 224, 226, 229 South Learmonth Gardens 276, 288, 291, Waverley Station 475 298, 322, 327–8 Waverley Steps 62 South Leith 381 Well Court 447–9 South Road 110, 500 Wellington Place (Leith) 166n

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Wellington Street 108 Westerhall 206 West Bow 432 Williamfield 196 West Claremont Street 173 Willowbrae Road 389 West Lauriston Place 166 Windsor Street 82 West Maitland Street 302 West Meadow Place 173 Yeaman Place 140, 226, 229 West Port 86 West Register Street 483 Zetland Place 160

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Index of individual building firms

William Beattie and Sons 481 W.and D. Macgregor 141, 168–69, Cowie and Son, 481 465 A. and W.Fingzies 381, 462 R. McNaughton 384–5 George Fortune 160 John Martin 464 Galloway and Mackintosh 462 H. T.and R. Montgomery 140, 160, 229 James Gowans 481, 72, 286, 294, 466–7, W.S. Morton 480 469–70 William Outerston 462 Simon Henderson 462 John Pyper 462 David Heron 107 Samuel Richard 197 Andrew Hood 107, 464–5, 481 D. B. Ritchie 229 P.Justice 229 Robert Robertson 158–60 W.& J. Kirkwood 481 James Slater 107 R. Lamb and Co. 160 David Steel and David Walker 201 Lawrie and Scott 107, 465 James Steel see separate entry J. W.B. Lee 140 John Watherstone 215, 219, 481


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Aberdeen 19, 132, 482 Jacobean, decorated collegiate 470 Bon Accord Square 68n neo-classical 26, 60, 80, 153, 472, 476, absenteeism 116, 402 484, 489 see also landowners, landownership neo-gothic 472; ‘Scots baronial’ 28, 259, accountability 7, 69, 190 438, 452, 476, 484, 488, features 475; accountants 8, 52, 141, 143–4 Scott monument 472–3 advertising 464–6 ‘old English’ 243 aesthetics of building 79, 80, 438, 477, tenement design 236–8, 476–7 487 see also built environment; Scott, Sir agricultural improvement 53–4, 502 Walter and urban development 54, 86, 502–3 Arnold, Dr Thomas 129 alienation 10, 487 artisans 273, 332, 395, 403, 412, 502 see also class employment 259, 278, 320 Anne of Denmark, Queen 30, 32 incomes 180, 206 annuitants 7, 18, 27, 114, 123, 141, 143, see also building trades 146–9, 182, 213, 253, 283, 300, 315, arts, fine 243, 485 318, 405 associations 260, 295–6, 487 architects 94–5, 263, 438, 464 employers 191 Architectural Institute of Scotland 429 asylums 491 Edinburgh Architectural Association see also hospitals 483 auction, roup 135, 149, 219–20 architects, individual Ayr 226 Anderson, R. Rowand 111, 259, 290, 500 banks and banking 7, 13, 171, 269 Burn, William 94–5, 419 Bank of England 171 Carfrae, J. A. 489 Bank of Scotland 42, 43, 95 Cousins, David 98, 433, 438, 452, banking failure 77, 132 476 British Linen Bank 99, 138 Gowans, James 466–7 City of Glasgow Bank 132, 231 Gray, James 194–5, 216 Chartered Bank of Australia 145 Hamilton, Thomas 94–5, 419 Commercial Bank of Scotland 216 Leslie, Thomas 94 land banks 141, 505 Lessels, John 433, 438, 452, 476 Oriental Bank 144 Morham, Robert 154 People’s Bank 170, 270 Playfair Wiliam 82, 94, 95, 106, 243 Union Bank 167–8 Rhind, David 99 see also credit; crisis; finance Stevenson Robert 94, 419 Begg, Rev. Dr James 363–4, 372, 412, 423, architecture 8, 95–6, 497–8 427 council housing 12, 450, 452 betterment 11 Georgian 477 Birmingham 174, 489 historic 438–9, 474–5, 484, 487–9 birth rate 24–5, 175 Italianate 476 Blackstone, William 506


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524 General index

boards, commissioners 3, 5, 47, 116, labour relations and 190, 356, 379 333 mechanisation 5, 481–2, 486 bonds 7, 9, 32, 58, 74, 82, 87, 126, 142, plots, stances 74n, 79, 80, 82, 106, 155, 144–5, 147, 149, 155, 195, 216, 222, 162, 194, 202, 216, 233; hierarchy of 257 80, 262 Booth, Charles 28, 294 rate of return 195 boundaries sites 79–80, 160 administrative 3, 11–12, 17, 41, 55, 75, success in 241–2, 247 106 see also housing; land; rental market city 15, 117–18, 236, 475–6 building costs 61, 75, 482 property 16, 44, 54, 63, 98, 156–60, 164, see also building, mechanisation 213–14 building finance 27, 73–4, 126–7, 128–41, Bradford 22 143, 151, 153, 155–8, 166–71, 184, brewing, distilling 65, 214–15, 383 194, 201–4, 207, 216, 221–8, 255, Drumdryan Brewery 200 267–75 Fountain Brewery, William McEwan’s building associations and 8, 126, 166 166n, 214, 383 184, 207; Blackfriars’ 435, 469; Holyrood Brewery, William Younger’s Bruntsfield 169; Drumdryan Street 493 202; Gillespie Crescent 168–9; Bristol 116 Leamington 169; see also list 173 Broughty Ferry 132 building societies and 166–8, 202, 255, builders and developers 8, 9, 27, 60–2, 70, 269–70, 272, 274; principles 167, 82, 106, 108, 123, 126–7, 140, 153, 193–4; terminating 166 156, 166–71, 198, 201, 229–30, 242, cash advances 126, 143, 158, 168, 194 330, 333, 339, 462, 464, 477, 503 feuing system and 74, 76, 123, 126–7, reasons for success in building 196, 203, 143, 198, 508 205–7, 212, 216, 241–2, 247, 252, heritable securities 127–41, 130–3, 166, 255, 282, 284, 335–9, 344–9 170, 172, 177–8, 203, 221–8, 508; see small 84, 175–7, 190, 203, 205, 233 also separate entry; Church of Scotland speculative 74, 210, 344, 430 investment societies 167–8; list of survival strategies of 182–5, 190 twenty-five, societies, 167n see also Edinburgh Co-operative Building private loans 126, 143–4, 151, 166, 177, Company; Murrayfield Real Estate 184, 216, 253, 270, 272 Company, Trinity Land Company property companies 126, 144, 166, builders’ merchants 221–8, 255, 401; yields 168, 195, T.and B. Campbell and Co. 483 203 Mushet and Co. 483 solicitors 126, 166, 216, 268–70 Dickson Walker and Co. 483 trade credit 126, 184 James Watson 483 trusts funds as 142–3, 151, 268–73, 302, Wood and Cairns 483 318; advantages 143 C. and A. Willmott 483 building materials 61, 89, 92, 124, 181, building 95, 174–85, 230, 436 184, 236–7, 245–6, 333, 348, 477 bankruptcy in 9, 72, 74, 133, 174, 177, builders’ merchants 481–4 184, 189–90, 192, 231, 502 decoration see built environment characteristics of 174, 176, 178, 182, building regulations 9, 11, 59, 61, 158, 175, 193–4, 212, 255, 483; standardisation 191, 236–8, 333, 453 in 498–9 structural strength and 365 cycles and fluctuations 25, 74, 79, 82, 84, see also Dean of Guild Court; legislation; 88, 105–7, 155, 174, 177, 179–82, planning 189, 192, 210, 224, 232, 234, 247, building trades 205, 222, 224, 230, 377, 269, 293, 358, 372, 381, 394–5, 400, 395, 402, 404, 477 411, 491 builders, see builders and developers economics of 477, 498–9; see also craft skills, workmanship 480; carpenter, characteristics of (above); cycles and joiner 209, 404; glass cutter, 405, fluctuations; Steel, James glazier 209; mason 194, 209, 356,

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364–5, 381, 395, 404, 467, 470, 476, capitalism 3–4, 11, 67, 74, 118, 165, 174, 486; painter 404; plasterer 358; 208, 229–31, 268–9, 280, 292, 294, plumber 209, 358; slaters 209 353, 394–401, 411, 502, 508 buildings dynamic nature of 10, 13, 73–4, 118, commercial 65, 68, 92, 105, 150, 183, 166, 171, 184–5, 190, 292–3, 394–401 195, 208, 215, 232, 289, 375, 487, 499 house ownership and 210, 268, 280, industrial 42, 77, 114, 183, 215, 232, 394–5 259, 375, 383, 492–3, 496, 499 social structure and 4, 20, 205, 305 mixed 150, 259, 303 and urbanisation 12, 67, 165, 171, public 491, 491n, 492; see also churches; 178–9, 190, 293, 450, 452–3 schools; town council celebrations, jubilees 461, 468 residential see housing; tenements; cellars 60, 428 middle classes; working classes cemeteries 3 as symbols of authority 460, 488 see also built environment 124, 268, 454, 459, 475, censuses 175 480–4 centralisation 3, 5, 116, 414, 428, 455–7, architectural decoration 460–83, 477, 472 486 Board of Health 428, 456–7 empire and 461, 471 Chadwick, Edwin 286, 418–19, 428, 456–7 ethnography and 464–76 Report 286, 418–19, 428 ‘imprisoned capital’ 461, 486 Chalmers, Rev. Dr Thomas 363–4 memory and 488–9 Chambers, William 420, 428, 431–2, 441, modernity and 464 456 ornamental symbolism 461–70, 476 Report and proposals 432 power and 459–60, 464, 467, 486, 487 charities 4–5, 21, 92, 123, 182, 430 scale, monumentality 116, 460, 471, 489, endowed 7, 26, 43, 58, 98–9 491 poor relief 21 Scottish nationalism and 461–2, 472, see also endowments; hospitials; trusts 474–6, 480, 484, 486 children 19, 289 state and nationalism in 13, 28–9, 459, education of 36, 42–3, 51, 99 461, 471 mortality of 444, 446 bureaucracy 6, 191, 273 see also schools civil administration 236, 273, 276, 412, cholera 416–19, 428, 455 421–2, 460 Church of Scotland 7, 51, 91–2, 127–41, theories of 455, 488 153, 160–1, 170, 172, 203, 284, 294, business structure 114, 190 362, 421–2 of family firms 4, 149, 348 attendance 127–8, 294, 422 of head offices 13 Chapels of Ease 129, 160 of small firms 21, 114, 175–6, 190, 203, collections 130; legacies and 496 subscriptions, 130 see also builders Disruption 127, 294, 363, 422 Endowment Committee 133–4, 136, Cambusnethan 192, 348, 409 140–1, 160, 203 Canal, Union 197, 213–14 extension movement 127–9, 131, 138, capital 364 human capital 14 heritable securities 7, 27, 127, 130–6, Local supplies 270;see also heritable 160, 172, 203–4, 226; geographical securities distribution 130–3, 138–40 overseas flows 25, 58, 150, 168, 181–2, housing reform see Begg, Rev. Dr James; 293 Chalmers, Rev. Dr Thomas; sources of 74, 118, 123, 135, 140, 169, Edinburgh Co-operative Building 194, 294 Company; Free Church of Scotland working 138, 140, 169, 262 investments 7, 130–41, 172, 226 see also building finance moralism and 129, 285–6, 362, 426–7, capital costs 58, 95–6 496

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526 General index

Church of Scotland (cont.) coal depots 211 property: manses, glebe lands 131 see also Index of Edinburgh street names relief funds 92, 421 and districts: Haymarket sermons 91–2, 127, 429 Comiston sand pit 179, 181 social problems and 420–2 commercial development 42, 91, 105, urban ministry 127–9, 362 208, 215, 228, 232, 320 see also dissenters; Free Church of effect on urban space 42, 114, 208, Scotland 213 churches 4, 123, 128, 131, 140–1, 235, and employment 21, 215 260–1, 294–5, 340 office development 289 All Saint’s Episcopal 201n commissioners, 5, 311, 333 Crichton Place, Edinburgh 140 common good 92–3, 96, 216, 312, 431 Flotta, Orkney 140 communications 3, 85, 87, 94, 96, 154, St Kiaran’s, Fife 140 164–5, 194, 196, 213, 244, 259, 375, Southwick, Dumfries 140, 160 383, 388, 496–7 United Presbyterian 346 see also transport see also Index of Edinburgh street names community and districts concept of 29, 266–7, 296 civil engineering 3, 58, 95–6, 98 facilities 260, 266, 294, 393 see also roads; transport stability 296, 298–9, 302–3, 340, 392 civil society companies development of 3–6, 190–1, 294–6, 300, joint stock 4, 114, 145–7 341, 354, 391, 412–13, 472, 484–6 limited liability 170 and working-class participation 3, 296, compensation 9, 10, 213 354, 366, 412–13 conflicts class 5–6, 91, 112, 119, 205, 230, 273, of interest 346 275–6, 302, 317–19, 328–30, 342, 353 inter-school rivalry 48–52 antagonism 4, 6, 10, 267, 276, 280, 314, public–private 92–3, 96, 216, 312, 431, 353, 402, 413–14; consensual 367 469, 502 education and 112–13 trusts–civic interest 42, 55, 113 fertility rates and 290 consumerism 19–20, 205, 480, 484 neighbourhoods and 107, 164, 262, 412 Co-operative movement 170, 270, 274, petite bourgeoisie 205, 208, 210, 222, 353–6, 381, 394, 399, 411 273, 275–6, 301, 319–20, 332, 337, building companies in Scotland 411n; see 388, 502; and shareholding 395–6 also Edinburgh Co-operative Building residential stability and 275–6, 297–9, Company; Industrial Co-operative 302, 315, 319, 340 Building Company social segregation and 15, 18–19, 80, 91, co-operative societies: East of Scotland 99–105, 153, 164, 198, 239, 274–5, United Buying Agency 354; St 315, 496–7 Cuthbert’s 170, 235, 270; Scottish Co- structure 195, 205, 209, 237, 240, 259, operative Wholesale Society 354 262, 272, 328, 335, 379; occupational moral economy of 28, 353–4, 358, 392, 275, 385 412 see also clerks; middle classes; landlords, objectives 353, 391, 411 landlordism; tenants, working classes political role 353, 392 clergy 20 council see municipal intervention; town evangelical ministers 129, 285, 362–4, council, 412, 422 Court, Stuart 26, 34 clerks 20, 126, 182, 191, 204, 273, 388, courts 13, 26, 63–9, 107, 109 395, 404, 502 see also judicial decisions clubs and societies, 4, 6, 260, 294–6, 300, Craig, James 8, 55, 60, 62–6, 239, 503 340, 450 credit 14 gentlemen’s 13 provided by Co-operatives see building, London 244 economics of; building finance; New Club 65–6 solicitors, lawyers working men’s 260, 294 crime see moral environment; moral panics

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crisis see also commerce, employment, finance, in building 83–4, 88, 90–1, 98, 106, 132, industry 154; tenement collapse 365, 416–17, Edinburgh Academy 259 429 Edinburgh Architectural Association 483 City of Glasgow Bank failure 132 Edinburgh Co-operative Building financial (1825–6) 76–7, 82, 84, 90, 98, Company (ECBC) 28, 210, 212, 452, 491 214–15, 255, 259, 270, 276, 279, 290, see also cholera; fire; moral panics 354, 368–410, 429, 493 Crofters’ Commission 10, 53 achievements 354, 372, 379–80, 390–1; Crown features of success 388, 391–93, 412 as debtor 30–1 Articles of Association 366, 411 as landowner 8, 69 building costs 369, 389 cultural capital 75, 295, 340 capitalism and 394–5, 399–401, 411 culture characteristics of each site: migration, social geography and 18, 289 family size and stucture, lodgers, see also built environment; class employment, household heads 402–10 Cupar 132 constructing identity 366–7, 393, 402, 469 Dean Bowling Club 266–7, 297, 327, design features 368–70, 372, 411; 340 external staircases 368, 384–5, 389; Dean Building Company 266 and family life 374; flatted villas 389, Dean Cemetery 252–3, 349 411 Dean of Guild Court 9, 72, 105, 175–6, finance 379, 400 178–9, 182, 191, 236–8, 346, 365, founders 354–56, 358, 364, 402; French 432, 456, 485–6 influences 366; and lock out 354, 358, see also building regulations 365 death rates 24 housing market 381, 383–4; rentals 372, debts 157, 160 381; sales 372, 377, 379, 383 mortgage 152, 160, 269 mortgages 388, 391, 399 diseases, infectious 444, 453, 455, 457 organisation 366–8, 377–9, 384, 411 see also cholera; typhus owner occupiers 403, 405, 502 dispensaries, public 417, 457 residents, social structure of 404–9 dissenters 127–8 shareholders 356–8, 375, 391, 395–9; distribution networks 116, 196, 493 concentration of 398–9; dividends transport and 94, 383 375, 381, 383, 411 drink, drunkenness 422–3 site development 372, 374, 377, 383, Dublin 116 388–89 Dumfries, 75, 140, 160, 231 Edinburgh Improvement Scheme 28, 268, Dundee 22, 132, 221, 223, 231 433–4, 450, 466–7, 487–8 James Cox trustees 226 achievements 433, 437–43, 447 Dunfermline 221 building industry and 436, 469 mortality, effects on 443–7 East Lothian 35, 47, 86 Scots baronial architecture 476, 488 Gosford 26, 35 western extension 91, 94–6 Longniddry 26 see also built environment; public health, Luffness 26 Glasgow City Improvement Trust economies of scale 53, 203, 244, 482, 493 Edinburgh International Exhibition 1886, economy 4, 12, 14, 111, 179, 293, 305, 469, 484 319, 333, 388, 395 Edinburgh Royal Infirmary 417, 421, 457 cycles in 20, 22, 25, 178–79, 182, 190, Edinburgh School Board 113, 233, 489 210, 305, 333, 394–95 stone decoration 470, 490 and employment structure 19–21, 75, Edinburgh Tramway Company 497 259, 276, 278, 290, 332, 379, 388, Edinburgh Water Company 214 408–9 education 19, 86, 111–13 information based 14, 152 for girls 43, 112 and school finances 111 for orphans 99

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education (cont.) burdens 58–60, 63–8, 76, 84, 106, 113, provision of 41–2, 51, 99, 111–13 119, 156, 171, 197, 220, 226, 385 qualifications 19–20 ‘casualty’ payments 66–7, 70–1, 119, see also charities; endowments; hospitals; 123, 142; see also ‘composition’ schools (below); ‘duplicands’ (below); ‘relief’ elites 3, 26, 47, 67, 79, 86, 105, 119, 129, (below) 240–5, 443, 452, 460 charters 9, 27, 60, 63, 65, 70, 84, 106, see also middle class, upper; New Town, 113–14, 123–4, 153, 156, 197, 200, (west end) 226, 232, 234, 236–8, 252, 290, Empire connections with 10, 25, 32 498 employers 190 creation of obligations 66, 70–3 employment 19, 21–2, 95, 105, 215, 275–6, ‘composition’ 71, 143 278, 290, 332, 412, 502 ‘duplicands’ 71, 123, 143 and health 421 feu-duties 7, 27, 53, 58, 70, 123, 213, industrial 215, 259, 275, 299, 383, 502 221, 226, 381, 385, 504 professional 7, 13, 18–20, 182 ground annuals 72–3, 169, 184, 400 skilled, 259, 278, 320 heritable securities 7, 74, 126–7, 130–6, see also servants, domestic; shops, 148–49, 157; see also separate entry shopkeepers ‘irritancy’ 9, 222, 485 endowments 4, 26, 43, 47, 111, 339 ‘relief’ 71, 143 Engels, Friedrich 129, 420 sub-infeudation 7, 72–3, 76, 105, 106, England and Wales 18, 19, 69, 70, 74–5, 119, 123, 126–7, 150, 165, 169, 171, 124, 210, 231, 247, 267–8, 280, 284, 177 300, 335, 366, 396, 408, 422, 452, superior 7, 27, 36, 53, 56, 58, 60, 70, 87, 505 118, 123, 150, 171, 222, 224, 226, English boroughs 294, 297, 301, 452, 228–31 497 vassal 53–4, 60, 69, 114, 123, 126, 171 housing 311, 335, 379 Youngson,A. J., and 67 environmental pollution see also heritable securities; trusts; and industrial 214, 418 under feuing income of each individual insanitary housing 362, 417–18, 421–2, hospital 445–6, 450–3 Fife 116, 140, 396, 408–9 moral 426–7; police report 426 Fife Coal Co. 348 noise 105 finance sewage 415, 419, 453 property development and 26, 84, 123, smoke 236 126, 170–1, 221–6, 228–31, 256–7 see also moral panics; public health recycled funds 26–7, 111, 140–1, 167, estate plan 82, 88, 155 396, 459, 507 Exhibition, Edinburgh International 1886 financial institutions 322 469, 484 life assurance 13, 167, 269 external economies 14, 58, 496 insurance 13, 92, 92n, 117, 145, 145n, externalities 58–9, 95, 381, 496 216, 269 see also banks and banking; building family 5, 7, 19, 175, 250, 290, 328, 405, finance, building associations and 413 building societies and; heritable extended 405; limitation 289 securities; property companies see also lodgers property investment; Steel James famine, Irish 23 financial instruments Fettes, William 99 feu-duties as 123, 126–7, 165 Fettes’ College 98–9, 259, 261 heritable securities as see heritable trustees 99, 117 securities feuing plan 9, 63–9, 70, 84, 155, 197, 232, financial servitude 123 252, 256, 485 Finlay, J. R. 447–9 see also New Town fire feuing system 27, 53–4, 58, 60–8, 70–2, 84, ‘Great fire’ (1824) 91–3, 98, 416, 455; 153, 156, 171, 184, 193, 196, 208, Relief Fund 92 222, 236–8, 418, 485, 498–9, 503–8 stations 488

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France 365, 431 government, central Free Church of Scotland 128, 215, 233, intervention 3, 276, 414, 426, 428 366 and local government 3, 11, 268, 276, and co-operative housing 364 457 housing reformers: James Collins 365; government stocks, gilts 7, 58, 82, 87, 132, James Colville 365, 374, 384, 399, 142, 161 401, 408, 469; Miller, Hugh 364, 401, Gowans, James 72, 286, 294, 466–7, 423; Gilzean Reid, Hugh 364, 393–4, 469–70 423; David Rintoul 365 Grange 98, 102–4, 211, 289, 300, 327, 497 see also Begg Rev. Dr James; Chalmers, Dick Lauder family 98, 116, 349, 500 Rev. Dr Thomas estate development 102–4, 117–18 feuing plan 98, 103 gardens 7, 62, 65, 80, 98, 101, 105, 154, Greenock 453 156, 200, 205–6, 250–2, 322, 327–8, Grindlay, George 340, 368, 393, 413, 500–1 feu-duty income 88 Belgrave Pleasure Gardens 250 Orchardfield estate 48, 83, 85–9, 98, Botanical Gardens 98, 155, 295 193, 211 see also middle classes; and Index of trustees 48, 88, 124 Edinburgh street names and districts: Guthrie, Rev. Dr Thomas 423 Princes Street, Queen Street, middle class Heriot, George 26, 30, 32, 34–7, 46, 112 gas 100, 171, 489 financier 30–6, 38 Geddes, Patrick 267, 339 solicitor (Walter Balcanquhall) 46 gender relations 43, 146, 300–1, 303, 317, Heriot’s Hospital 8, 26, 112, 131, 149–50, 326, 366, 408 182, 192, 202, 236, 348, 374–5, General Property Investment Company 498–9 212, 219–25, 228, 238 agricultural income 38, 41; tacks 53–4, Hay, John Charles 219–21, 225, 231, 238 504 Landale, Thomas 224–6, 228 educational activities 42, 51, 54, 99, liquidation 223–5, 228 111–12 Steel, James and 219–21, 231 estate management 41–2, 48, 51–5, 61, trustees 225 76, 79, 105, 106–7, 113–14, 118, 182, gentry 196, 206, 220, 231, 492 196, 240, 243–4, 247, 256, 263, 349, George, Henry 11, 268 359, 374, 395, 462, 502 George, David Lloyd 11, 267 feuing income 58–9, 61, 66, 76–7, 108, George III, King 55 112–14, 244, 502 Gillespie, James 47 feuing practices 53–4, 58, 61–2, 66–8, Gillespie’s Hospital 47, 168–9 106–7, 113, 236, 498–9, 504–5 estate development: Colinton 500; financiers to town council 41–2, 58 Gillespie Crescent 167–68 foundation of 36, 38 feuing income 107–9 ‘Foundation Schools’ 112–13, 115, 470 land acquisition 47, 48 land acquisition 37–8, 42, 47–8, 52 purpose of trust 109 and New Town dispute 55–8 trustees 47, 109, 111, 168, 290 power base 26, 41–2, 48, 52, 54, 58, 66 Gilmour, Samuel, 149–50 restrictions on building 60–1, 66–9, 105 bankruptcy 149 trustees 37, 42, 51, 55, 60, 86, 99, 106, Gissing, George 294 112, 240–1, 284 Glasgow 7, 11, 18, 19, 21, 86, 105, 178, heritable securities 7, 73–4, 123, 126, 192, 285, 344, 396, 414, 445, 502 130–41, 148–9, 157, 184, 221–8, 400, Blythswood estate 59n 505 Church of Scotland heritable securities heritable security companies 8, 144, 166, in 130, 132–3 169, 170–1; objectives 221; profitabilty City of Glasgow Bank failure 132 of 171 City Improvement Trust 268, 433, 436, Caledonian Heritable Security Company 438; Corporation 489 221 rents and housing 292–3 Edinburgh Heritable Security Company rivalry with Edinburgh 13, 431, 433 Ltd 170;

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heritable security companies (cont.) owner occupiers 249, 268, 272, 276–7, Heritable Estates Company 169 283, 290, 302, 328, 338, 390–1, 466; Heritable Securities Investment and community roles 297, 412 Association 169 philanthropic 268, 285, 358–9, 362, 430, homelessness 428–9, 437, 444 447, 496; see also model dwellings homes prices 70–2, 95, 252, 262, 273, 275, decoration of 480–4 326–7, 385; price insensitive 291 regulation of 11 ‘problem’ 286–7; insanitary 286, 422, see also lodgers; space 426–8; moral, physical degeneracy hospitals 11, 38n, 182, 460, 491 286, 422, 426–7, 430, 454 hospitals, endowed 7, 26–7, 36, 43, 46–7, public finance and 11, 268, 501 113, 499 reform and improvement: Association for James Donaldson’s 98, 117, 243, 252–3, Improving the Dwellings of the Poor 475 449; Edinburgh Improvement Scheme Mary Erskine’s (Merchant Maiden) 27, see separate entry; Social Science 43, 46, 86, 111, 149 Reform Association 364, 366n; Social James Gillespie’s 47 Union 449; see also Begg, Rev. Dr George Heriot’s see Heriot’s Hospital James; Co-operative movement; Free Orphan 98, 252–3 Church of Scotland Daniel Stewart’s 27, 48, 98, 252–3, rural influences 249, 364 475 standards 123 Trinity 76, 106–8, 346 stock 25, 25n, 75, 82, 175, 178, 379, 391, George Watson’s see Watson’s Hospital 437, 492 John Watson’s 98, 252–3 sub-markets 206, 212, 220, 222, 228, see also trusts 231, 255, 262, 275–6, 282–3, 287, household 175, 297, 300, 328, 407, 485 290, 293, 298–301, 385, 411, 496; and budget strategy 21, 279–80, 290, 302–3, housing hierarchy 303, 305–6, 310–11, 405 331, 500–1 daily rhythms of 296 terraced 76, 176, 289, 311, 322, 383, heads of 404–5, 407; women as 300–1, 408, 464 303, 335–40 uninhabitable 445–6 incomes 174, 180, 278, 405 vacant 28, 178, 255, 287–93, 306, lodgers and 279, 405, 407–8 314–16, 326, 333, 335–9, 342, 411 number in 279, 328 west end 247–50, 255, 262, 289–90, 299, removals 298–9, 302; see also letting 322 system see also feuing system; ‘slums’, slum housing clearance; suburbs; tenements amenity, exclusivity 252, 262, 498, 500; Hume, David, and feuing system 62 see also gardens company 184, 359 improvement, concept of 54, 268 conditions 236, 332, 358, 362, 364, 392, see also Edinburgh Improvement 419–23, 429 Scheme, Glasgow City Improvement co-operative 11, 28, 210–12, 354–411; Trust see also Edinburgh Co-operative income Building Company and housing 106, 205–6, 280 council 7, 11, 261, 267–8, 277, 284–5, and purchasing power 19, 119, 124, 174, 320, 414, 450–1, 454 328, 412 demand for 106, 123, 155–6, 160, rising real 106, 138, 328 174–5, 205–6, 228–9, 231, 232, 255, stream 15, 124, 127, 140, 282, 504–5 259, 262, 269, 276, 288, 290, 328–30, see also heritable securities 377, 381, 385, 388, 412, 491 Incorporated Trades 55, 95 demolition 95 individualism 267 density 74–5, 159; see also overcrowding Industrial Co-operative Building Company and intra-neighbourhood migration 300, 381, 462 302, 310 industrial estates 114, 215, 375, 383, 493, miners’ 10 496–7

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industrialisation, and urban growth 14, 21, Heriot’s Hospital Governors v. Gibson 52, 54, 70, 111, 190, 196, 211, 215, (1814) 63 218, 262, 294, 383, 444, 453, 502–5 Riddell v. Moir (1808) 63 industry Tulk v. Moxhay (1848), 503 composition of 21 Young v. Dewar (1814) 63 location of 114, 194, 215, 259, 375, 383, jurisdictions 6, 17, 105 493, 496–7 see also boundaries information networks 4, 13–14, 52, 144, 152, 175, 202–3, 230, 300, 310, 385, Kelso 26 438, 441, 458 Kirkcaldy 132, 167 asymmetric 152 knowledge and social capital 8, 152, 171, 194, 203, experts and 3, 362, 412, 418–22, 444, 300, 310, 314, 335, 423, 458 447, 456, 460, 488, see also public infrastructure 3–5, 27, 260–1 health, officials municipal investment in 3, 14, 191, 260, and urban growth 14, 175, 203, 441 333, 374, 455, 460, 469 social 295, 340 labour markets 5, 14, 215, 278, 293–5, 388, see also legal system; feuing system; town 395 council transport casual 21, 278, 293 inheritance strategies, 123, 127, 149, 213 fluctuations in 21, 210, 412 and feu-duties 72–3, 116, 141 and migration 12, 23, 25, 190, 294, women’s 146, 213, 220 408–9 inspection, inspectors 191, 445, 488 recruitment 13, 20–1, 190, 215 institutions 4–6, 27, 98–9, 106, 153, 184, skilled 19, 21, 215, 273, 293, 320 215, 226, 230, 232, 244, 268, 395, see also employment 460, 485 land and business networks 41, 52, 171, 191, acreages of urban 8n, 41–2, 48, 54, 194 117–18, 349 employment in 20 competition for 47–8, 51, 54, 98, 219 headquarters 13n, 322 compulsory purchase 332, 437 and landholding 43, 50, 98–9, 196, control over 59, 61, 180 252–3, 259, 340, 395, 460, 491 Crown 8, 118, 349 property ownership and 116, 226, 485 and estate development 26, 35–8, 40, 47, and surveillance 460–1, 488, 491 60–1, 86, 106, 182, 192, 228, 255, see also town council; trusts; and under 381, 388 individual hospitals hoarding 222, 283 interest rates 67, 82, 155, 198, 220 land, entailed 213, 218–20, 225 interior design 12, 480–1, 486 prices 61, 70, 90, 123, 138, 155, 182, inter-organisational relations theories of 231, 252 455–8, purchase, number of years 90, 149, 158, Inveresk 132 161, 178, 220, 225–6 Ireland 10 social status and 61, 91, 198, 236, 242–4 see also migration taxation 11, 118 Irvine 230 tenure 10, 119; see also feuing system; owner occupiers Jacobites 47, 51, 55 titles see land registry James VI and I, King 30, 34 use 9, 86, 180–2 jeweller, jewellery 26, 30–2 values 70, 72, 90, 95, 116, 138, 155, 159, judicial decisions 182; and high rise build 76, 262 Colquoun v. Lindsay (1803) 63 see also feuing system; landowner, Corporation of Tailors of Aberdeen v. Coutts landownership; tenants (1840), 68 land registry Deas v. Edinburgh Magistrates (1772) 62 Sasines, Register of 69, 126, 198, 219, Dirom v. Butterworth (1814) 63 230 Gordon v. Marjoribanks (1818) 65, 124 titles to property 69–70, 87, 108, 119, Gordon v. New Club (1809) 63 126, 216, 503

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landlords, landlordism 10, 28, 53, 72, 95, Burgh Police (Scotland) Act (1862) 236, 143, 151, 168, 177, 181, 195, 205, 365, 453, 485–6 255, 268, 276, 281–300, 342, 402 Clan Act (1717) 69 Edinburgh House Proprietors’ Co. 168 Conveyancing and Land Transfer trusts as 143 (Scotland) Act (1874) 71n see also rental market; rents; Steel, James Edinburgh Improvement Act (1867) landowners, landownership 8–9, 26, 35–7, 433, 454 70, 76, 78, 90, 98, 113, 117–18, 154, Edinburgh Police Act 427 208, 212, 497–8, 504–5; English 503 Educational Institutions (Scotland) Act absentee 114–16 (1869) 111 company 114, 116, 213–14 Housing of the Working Classes Act composition 1872 120–2 (1890) 454 estate development and 28, 40, 42, 47, Local Government Act (1858) 453 82–91, 94, 98, 105, 114, 160–2, 218, Mortmain Act 1773 58 332–3 Scottish definitions in 76, 453 fragmented 150, 153–4, 214, 219, Smallpox Vaccination Act (1867) 429 229–30, 238, 499 leisure 260, 266–7, 340, 395 small 118, 202–3 bowls 165, 266–67, 327, 340 see also Heriot’s Hospital club officials 296 landscape, urban 193, 228–9, 236–8, 417, gardening 393 437–8, 459, 464, 470, 474–5, 492 Grange Cricket Club 259 agents of change 488–93 Murrayfield Golf Course 165 social and cultural, 411–12, 438, 464, Old Edinburgh Club (history) 438 484–6, 487, 492 swimming 340 visual uniformity, reasons for 485–9, tennis 165, 266 498 see also Dean Bowling Club; Summerside see also built environment; maps, mental Bowling Club law Leith 43, 82, 86, 194–5, 206, 216, 222, law 282–3, 291, 299, 302, 331, 343, 358, commercial 6 372–7, 392, 396, 400, 405, 408, 453 contract 6, 8, 9, 60–9 maritime employment 405 inheritance 145–46; jus maritii 146 letting system 278–93, 297, 333, 335–9, property 27, 58, 60–9, 74, 123, 141; see 372, 402 also legal decisions eviction 280, 285, 318, 445 trust 6, 55 law of hypothec 279, 318 lawyers see solicitors, lawyers overcrowding and 279 Learmonth, Alexander 8, 117, 240–6, 262 persistence 281, 302, 315–19, 322, 340, absenteeism 116 342 estate 118, 240–6, 250, 256, 331, 349; rental agreement (‘missive’) 9, 278, 280 Easter Murieston 245 term day 9, 281, 286, 372 lifestyle 244, 256 unlet property 281, 286–91, 296 trustees 250, 256 see also lodgers; rents see also Steel, James Liberalism 6, 11, 412, 505–6 Leeds 174 libraries, public 3, 11, 295, 460, 489 legacies 130 Littlejohn, Henry Duncan 286, 294, legal system 4, 21, 27, 60, 201 429–31, 441, 445–6, 454–6 as a social construct 29, 66–8, 152, 503 Report, main points 430, 441, 446, 455 and urban development 60, 67, 119, 152, Liverpool 21, 174, 230, 268, 284, 289, 294, 201, 228, 503–5 297, 452, 489 see also judicial decisions; law; solicitors, living standards 18–21, 116 lawyers loans, personal 149, 166–69, 216 legislation 56, 58, 95 local government see town council Act of Union (1707) 12 local taxation system see local taxation Artizans’ and Labourers’ Dwellings Act system and housing; rates, public (1868, 1875) 454, 457 finances

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Lochgoilhead 344 song 52 lodgers 279, 405, 408 widows’ fund 158, 400 lodging houses, common 417, 423, 428 Merchant Maiden Hospital 27, 43, 46, 86, London 28, 30, 34, 36, 55, 116, 165, 223, 111, 149 268, 285, 289, 294, 396, 402, 416, educational provision 111 428, 453, 480 estate development 47, 48 London County Council 452 trustees 52, 86 Lothians 396, 408, 482 see also Peterhead; and under hospitals; trust Manchester 21, 174, 297 merchants 14, 52, 67, 86, 158, 195, 206 mansions 196, 206, 492 metropolitanism 20, 116, 243–4 manufacturers 21, 195, 211, 214, 245, 493 middle classes Bertram’s (Katherine Works) 493 consumerism and 18, 20, 114, 182, 412, Broxburn Oil Co. 245 485; interior design 480–1 A. M. Fleming, oil refiners 493 domestic life 18, 289, 412–13 Grove Street Bakery 493 housing 18, 180, 252, 276, 466; see also Holyrood Flint Works 493 suburban housing; suburbs Lochrin Distillery 211 identity 4, 21, 101, 105, 114, 283, 298 London Road Foundry (Miller & Co.) income and wealth 18–20, 114, 127, 180, 493 182, 220, 228–31, 276, 480, 485 William McEwan (Fountain Brewery) role and size 18, 289 214 subsidy to 14 Moray Park Maltings 493 upper 322, 326–7, 385, 485 Thomas Nelson (Parkside Printing 47, 86 Works) 493 Easter Murieston 245–6, 348 Bruce Peebles (Tay Works) 493–4 migration Royal Blind Aslyum 493 causes and nature 23, 25, 362 N. B. Rubber Co., (Castle Mills) 211 ‘colonies’ 408–9 Stevenson, Ressich and Co. 195 population growth 23, 25, 175, 204 John Waddie and Co. 195. rural to urban 10, 12, 21, 23, 82, 140–1, William Younger (Holyrood Brewery) 190, 362, 421; highlands 362–3, 493 421–2; from Ireland 23, 95, 294, 362, maps 15, 16, 43 421–2, 427 mental 487–88; see also built environment mobility markets, market forces 5, 13, 67, 70, 91, residential 28, 105, 231 153, 161, 175, 178, 190, 204, 219–20, social 276 222, 228–31, 273, 340–1, 353, 372, model dwellings 268, 358–61 394–401, 464 Ashley, Chalmers’ 358 marriage contracts 141, 152, 202, 206, 220, Pilrig Buildings 358, 368 253 Rosebank 359, 368, 397 marital status see spinsters; widows Rosemount Buildings 358, 360–1 Medical Officers of Health 294, 392, 412, moneylending 26, 41 417, 427, 428–9, 431, 445–6 Montrose 132 medical opinion 362, 412, 418–22, 444, monuments, public 471–2, 483–4 456 moral environment 286, 362, 426–7, 470 Edinburgh School 421, 428 moral panics 415, 422, 427, 431, 441, 444, see also Medical Officers of Health; poor, 454, 458 poor law, poverty behavioural norms and 415 medical treatment see dispensaries, public; see also cholera; crisis Edinburgh Royal Infirmary Moray, Earl of 67–8, 116, 118, 240–2, 257, Melrose 130 284, 348 Merchant Company of Edinburgh 43, 48, mortality 286, 392, 421, 427, 443–7, 453 50, 52, 55, 86–7, 111–13, 153, 158, mortgage 8, 11, 126, 152, 253 161, 170, 182, 213, 244, 383, 497, 508 companies 169, 502 educational provision 111–13 market 254–5, 269–70, 273, 275–6

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motor cars 290 nuisances 65, 124, 232, 238, 314, 426–7 municipal intervention 3, 7, 11, 58, 191, concept of 65, 105, 236, 427 268, 285, 286, 332, 374, 431, 455, regulations 191, 236 501–2 licensing 191 Oban 132 officers, officials 3,7, 20, 58, 92, 96, 191, occupational structure 18, 272, 276, 290, 273, 388, 403, 432, 441, 456, 447, 315, 320, 332 460 of ‘Colonies’ 406 public finances, public health see separate see also censuses; class; employment entries order, public 4, 129, 191, 266–7, 294, 392, municipal socialism 5, 12 412, 428, 430, 441, 460 Murrayfield Real Estate Company 164–5 Orkney 140 amenities, environment 164–5 overcrowding 41, 75, 82, 286, 408, 420–1, prospectus 165 432, 445, 450 museums and galleries 3, 295, 460, 489 product of feuing 75 Musselburgh 167 owner occupiers 11, 208, 240, 254, 268, mutuality 10, 167, 237, 244, 270, 273–4, 270, 272–7, 297, 302, 328, 338, 354, 311, 354, 358, 365–6, 381, 411–13, 390–1, 502 457 and empowerment 391–2, 412, 502 Oxford 116 neighbourhoods 28, 294, 333–4 and class formation 28, 105, 107; social Paisley 445 deprivation 284 parks 261, 295, 340 folklore, gossip 296, 310, 314 Holyrood Park 43, 427, 493 social interaction in 28, 58–9, 266–7, Inverleith 98, 155, 259 294, 296, 300, 310–11, 314, 319, 335, Lomond Park, 157, 163 412, 488 Meadows 37, 43, 55, 94, 96, 140, 166, networks 4, 190, 194, 202, 279, 300, 412, 200, 206, 291, 302 438, 487 private 198, 250 business 14, 52, 86, 118, 152, 175, Victoria Park 154 190–1, 194, 202, 385 parliament family and kinship 6, 14, 190, 202, 279, House of Commons 95–6 300, 487 House of Lords 8–9, 26, 51, 62, 65–6, financial 41, 73–4, 123, 127, 130–40, 68, 70, 77, 116, 197, 499 144, 203, 228–31, 349 pawnbroker 26 professional 7, 8, 18, 52, 86, 118, 144, pensions, pensioners 7, 18, 27, 114, 123, 146, 148, 158, 171, 191, 228, 445 141, 143, 146–9, 182, 213, 253, 283, social and cultural 4, 14, 19, 75, 105, 300, 315, 318, 405 260, 230–1, 294–300, 310, 335, 438, Perthshire 231 487 Peterhead 26, 47, 52, 111 see also class planning New Town 8, 14, 15, 18, 26, 55, 57–60, 63, and blight 91, 96, 98, 107, 199, 211, 289 77, 135, 156, 171, 182, 197, 204, 211, permission 9, 72, 105, 175–6, 182, 191, 229, 236, 289, 322, 327, 397, 417, 236–7 460, 466, 496–9; (eastern) 82, 86, see also building regulations, zoning 106–7; (western) 106 plaques 403–4, 461–9 newspapers signatures in stone 477 and bankruptcy 189, 192, 231, 244 police 56, 92, 267, 460 and building 106, 243, 368 Edinburgh Cleaning Committee 417, and moral panics 286, 362, 415–17, 422, 456 427 Edinburgh Police Commissioners 417, reports 92, 96n, 98, 106, 178, 362, 294, 419, 456, 458 364, 417–22, 426–9, 438 report by Superintendent 426 nobility, Scottish 35–7, 36n, 38, 42, 335 stations 488 and feudal obligations 69 politics 10, 267, 273, 275, 280, 318, Northumberland, Duke of 257–8 413–14

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poor, poor law, poverty 15, 123, 363, 421, National Property Investment Company 426–8 157 administration 421–2, 460; Property Investment Society 155, 157 Alison, Dr W.P.362, 412, 428, 456 Scottish Equitable Life Assurance and health 421, 427 Company 156 parish relief 7, 21, 362, 421, 427, 445 Scottish Lands and Buildings Company St Cuthbert’s Parochial Board 445 221, 224–6 taxes 118, 279, 427 Scottish Metropolitan Property workhouse 98, 460, 491 Company 401 population 174, 289, 305 Scottish Property Investment Company eighteenth century 14 385 growth 12, 23, 70, 82, 96, 106, 123, 171, Suburban Feuing Company 401 175, 178, 289, 362, 452 property investment 7, 9, 58, 76, 86, 95, and urban development 174–5, 204, 305, 118, 150 328, 452 see also heritable securities; property Port Glasgow 132 companies, trusts power property market 36, 38, 58–9, 76–7, 86, 91, as energy 77, 165, 482, 484 98, 114, 124, 146, 153–54, 161, political 26, 41–2, 48, 58, 67, 280, 310, 219–20, 225–6, 268, 272, 318, 320, 412, 460, 502 339, 400 press see newspapers oversupply 222, 243, 262, 283, 293 prices, retail 143 prosperity and depression 76, 82, 98 see also housing, prices public finances and housing 11, 41, 268, privacy 200, 267, 310–11, 362, 368, 393, 331, 333, 418, 427, 437, 501–2 408, 426, 486 see also rates, local taxation system professions see Medical Officers of Health; public health 82, 95, 191, 236, 268, 286, medical opinion; networks, 363, 418, 420–2, 431, 441, 444 professional; solicitors, lawyers adminstration 441, 444, 453–8, 460; profits 190 Destitute Sick Society 457; Edinburgh promenade 200 Cleaning Committee 417; Fever Board see also gardens; parks 418, 458; Public Health Committee property 446, 455 commodification of 116, 505 Edinburgh Improvement Act (1867) 433 concepts of 29, 69, 214, 277, 504–8 fever 421–2 development, restrictions on 9, 58–9, insanitary housing 3, 7, 362, 417–18, 60–8, 69, 70, 106, 157 421–2, 450–3 heritable 7, 72–4, 219; see also officials: Inspector of Cleaning and landowner, landownership Lighting 429; Superintendent of interests 58, 63–9, 87, 94, 431 Streets 429; see also Medical Officers of liberal views of 6, 11, 412, 505–7 Health participation in 354, 366, 412–13, policy 3, 418, 420, 454–5 504–7 propaganda: ‘foul burn’ agitation, sewage relationships 59, 124–5, 412 419; Health Association 447; sanitary rights 6, 9, 10, 58, 66–7, 72–4, 277, societies 450; Social and Sanitary 504–6; absolutist 505–6 Society 447, 449 see also annuitants; bonds; feuing system; refuse 417 heritable securities; trusts reports on 420, 426 property companies 114, 154, 166, 221–8, responses to moral panic 416–17, 426–7, 269 434–43, 447–50 Fifth Provident Investment Company water closets 420 385 water supplies 191, 418 General Property Investment Company see also hospitals; Littlejohn, Henry see separate entry Duncan; poor, poor law, poverty Heritable Estates Company 247 public interest 56, 58, 82, 91–3, 95–6, 216, Improved Edinburgh Property Company 277, 286, 311–12, 346, 431, 444 202 public opinion 92, 95

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public utilities 3, 7, 100–1, 165, 171, rents 10, 124, 195, 262, 278, 285, 315, 213–14, 460 326–33, 342 company employees 20 agricultural 53–4, 86–8, 98 arrears 279, 286; warrant sale 279 quangos 457 incomes and 279, 289, 293, 305 quarry, quarrying 192, 210, 235, 245 land prices and 71, 95 Barrasford (near Corbridge) 257, 482 long-run trends 98, 330–3 tension over 280, 502 radicalism see Begg, Rev. Dr James; residential Chalmers Rev. Dr Thomas; Edinburgh mobility 276–7, 290 Co-operative Building Company; Free persistence 297–9, 314–16, 322, 328–33, Church of Scotland 335–9, 342 railway companies retailers see shops, shopkeepers Caledonian 90, 101, 105, 117, 124, 195, reversionary rights 124 211, 214, 216, 234–5, 239, 299 Rigg, James Home 84, 105, 116, 196–204, Edinburgh and Glasgow 211, 213 212–13, 218, 349, 493, 504 North British 82, 117, 239, 257, 349, Drumdryan 83–5, 98, 105, 196–205, 466 349; development strategy 198–9, 200; North Tyne Railway 257 feu charters 198, 200–01 railways Drumdryan Building Association 202 amenity and 105, 165, 388, 476 trustees 91, 200, 222–3, 232–3, 240–1, employment 405, 493 247 lines as boundaries 106, 213, 214, 232, risk, uncertainty 168, 174, 182–4, 189, 375 198, 203, 205–8, 293, 338, 349, 379, property ownership and 114, 116, 170, 504 182, 211, 214, 234–5, 349, 375 roads 77, 96, 196, 208, 260, 340 stocks 7, 142, 145, 171 improvements 51, 56, 88, 91, 95–6, 197, ratepayers 275, 418, 426, 437, 460, 216, 374, 433–43, 455 500–1 western extension 91, 94–5, 196, 418 rates, local taxation system 11, 56, 95, 118, see also Edinburgh Improvement 278–80, 320, 331, 333, 418, 427, 437, Scheme; town councils; transport 501 Roxburghshire 47, 86 disenfranchisement 280 Royal Commission incidence, change of 124, 501–2 Housing of the Industrial Population of police and water 279 Scotland (1917) 10 rent collectors 143, 285, 402 Housing of the Working Classes Octavia Hill 285 (1884–5) 294, 399, 446, 450, 453 rental market 281, 285–93, 300–1, 304–5, Poor Law (1844) 362, 421 312, 315–16, 326–39, 401–2 472 ‘hard to let’ property 285, 288–93, 314, Ruskin, John, Lectures 467 326 house factors 72, 168, 280, 318, 337, Salvation Army 235 402 savings, personal 11, 167 management costs 143, 151, 210, 333, schools 147, 222, 340, 423, 470 338 elementary, juvenile 112 rent control 165, 267, 413–14 feuing and school finance 111 rent strikes 10, 267, 413 ‘Foundation’ 112–13, 115 and social class diversity 335–39, 342 industrial 423 ‘sticky’ rents 291–2, 333–4 Merchant Company 111 turnover in tenancies 296–9, 302, rolls, increase of 111 314–16, 319, 322, 335–9; see also see also under Index of Edinburgh street residential persistence names and districts for individual vacancies 287–93, 306, 314–16, 326, schools 333, 335–9, 342, 411 Scott, Sir Walter 37, 56, 472, 479 vertical variations in 305, 310–11, invention of tradition 474–5, 484 335 Scottish Enlightenment 13, 95, 484

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Scottish Office 484 spinsters 123, 230, 299–302, 311, 318–20, segregation 332, 337, 396, 405 residential 27, 61, 79–80, 99–105, 106, stability 205, 230, 239, 275, 315, 452, 497 economic 5, 18–19, 20–3, 190, 275–6, social 61, 63, 80, 101–5, 164, 230, 239, 330, 467, 502 250, 262, 310, 328, 335; exclusivity social 10, 21, 276, 281, 293–4, 298–9, 61, 91, 105, 150, 250, 338, 498–500; 302, 311, 319, 340, 412–13, 454, 460 integration 392, 412; state vertical 239, 273–5, 310, 335 growth of 3, 5, 411–12 see also class stability of 6, 276, 319, 412–13 servants, domestic 20, 22, 250, 278, 290, symbols of 460–1, 484 322 statistics, use of 428, 430, 438, 441, 445, service sector 260, 278, 409 450, 452–3, 456, 488 expansion of 20, 21n national, international comparisons 453 sewers, sewage 7, 60, 232 Steel, James 27, 105, 140, 148, 151, 169, sexual behaviour 422, 426 175, 185, 192, 201, 212, 220, 231–5, Shackleton Ernest, 322 240–7, 259, 266, 275, 290–1, 335–41, Shaftesbury, Lord 96 344, 375, 411, 450, 462, 466, 480, Sheffield 22, 176 497–8 Shepherd, Thomas 80 bankruptcy 193–4, 344 shops, shopkeepers 20, 194, 197, 206–7, builder 194–5, 203, 208, 215, 333, 485; 208, 234–5, 260, 273, 319–20, 388, site development 262–6, 275, 301, 395, 405, 409, 502 383; site office 203, 231, 247, 259, 493 ‘slums’, slum clearance 7, 11, 28, 332, 417, directorships 348 421, 436–7, 443–4, 446–7, 454–5, estate development: Comely Bank, 475 Learmonth 256–67; Dalry 216–19, ‘imagined’ 421 222, 232–5, 240–2; Tollcross,Sciennes redevelopment 191, 475 196; west end (Coates) 240–55 see also Edinburgh Improvement family relations 235, 344 Scheme; town council financial activities 195, 201–3, 206–7, social capital 8, 26, 58, 66, 261, 294–5, 241–2, 256–7, 344; credit rating 205, 340 216, 222, 247; debts 243 social welfare 3–6, 11, 29, 75 Heritable Estate Co. and 247 socialism 10, 267, 276 landlord 195, 205, 232, 281–2, 285–91, solicitors, lawyers 8, 21, 52, 67, 126, 133, 299–301, 328, 450; landlord tenant 144, 148, 155, 166–71, 202–3, 269, relations 310–16, 335–9; rentals 206, 322 282–9, 330–3 as financial intermediaries 8, 126, 133, legal contacts (Melville and Lindesay) 141–3, 144, 148, 152, 155, 166, 201, 216, 240–2, 466 170–1, 201–3, 253, 269, 272, 274, 505 local knowledge, networks 202–3, 208, as trust managers 141–4, 146–8, 152, 232–3, 300, 310–11, 314, 333, 335, 269, 272 339, 377, 385, 466 wills 5, 36, 46, 143, 149 as planning agency 236–8, 340 space principles of business 196, 203, 205–7, affordable 124; see also housing, demand 212, 216, 241–2, 247, 252, 255, 282, for 284, 335–9, 344–9, 379 control of 55, 95, 191, 332, 488 public and political career, 346, 348 cultural meaning of 423, 459–70, 476, sub-feuing 216, 232–5; conditions of feu 480–1 236–7 domestic 75, 368–9, 393, 408, 413, 423 tenants 216; pattern of tenancy 297–9 gendered 300, 408 see also General Property Investment private residential 18, 175, 179, 200, Company; Moray, Earl of; and Index 205 of Edinburgh street names and reorganisation of 95, 300, 368, 496 districts: Belgrave, Comely Bank, see also building regulations; Dean of Dalry, Drumdryan, Murieston, Guild Court; privacy; statistics, use of Sciennes

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Stewart’s Hospital 47, 52, 259, 475 mass-produced appliances 482–4 Bathgate 52, 111 steel alloy drills 482 educational provision 111 see also mechanisation, power feuing income 111 temperance 422–3 land acquisition 47, 48 tenants 10, 74, 151, 229, 231, 286 trustees 47 grievances 278, 296, 314 Stirling 221, 230 permanence 295–7 streets, wynds 7, 14, 28, 55, 75, 77, 216, shared facilities 15, 283, 296, 305, 311, 302, 420, 431, 438 314, 426–7, 452 congestion 14, 94 tenements, 15, 75, 107, 164, 175, 183, 275, development of 79, 80, 84, 94, 102–4, 429 302, 417, 432, 438 appropriation of national symbols 476 hierarchy of 80, 303, 305, 310 and feuing 71–4, 76, 206 as social interaction 488 and fire 92 see also Edinburgh Improvement flats 14, 272–5, 305, 310–11; design of Scheme; town council 368 suburban housing ground or main door 273, 305, 310, detached villas 99–100, 105, 111, 152, 328 153, 156, 163–4, 182, 209, 220, 290; see also rental market, vertical variations flatted villas 389, 411 in; Steel, James owner occupied 208, 412 tenure and restructuring urban space 290 freehold 53, 70 suburbanisation 52, 101–4, 108, 153–60, leasehold 70, 118 209, 211, 397–8, 486 mixed 283, 303, 305, 328, 338 Church of Scotland and 138, 160 repossession 9, 155, 157, 388, 503 suburbs 48, 98, 127, 138, 153, 171, 205, restrictive covenants 70 236, 289, 300, 320 see also feuing system; owner occupiers amenity and exclusivity 61, 67, 80, 101, terms of trade 105, 164–5, 197, 205, 211, 238–9, landlords’ 280, 333 338, 340, 486 landowners’ 123 middle-class 98, 105, 138, 152, 156, 163, residential 501 171, 182, 220, 255; upper- 322, 497 time horizons 76, 124, 150, 157, 179, 190, move to 98, 105, 153–60 197–8, 200 New Town as 18, 26, 58, 67, 77, 152, long-run development 76, 119, 175, 193, 239–40, 262 234, 330–3, 339–40 railway 409; see also Index of Edinburgh rents, social class, unlet houses 342–3 street names and districts: Abbeyhill, short-term lease v. long-term purchase Dalry 290 social and cultural life 26, 100, 105, 114, topography 75, 85, 164, 496–7 164–5, 211, 300, 409 town centre southern 98, 100–5, 106, 108, 111, 151, demolition 95, 216, 445, 475; see also 205, 211, 249 ‘slums’, slum clearance working-class (industrial) 106–7, 209, and elites 289–90, 452, 460, 497 211–13, 215, 233, 256, 301, 493; see redevelopment 11, 95–6, 191, 216, also Edinburgh Co-operative Building 418–19, 433–43, 498 Company; and Index of Edinburgh town clerk 3, 7, 41 street names and districts: Dalry town council 14, 119, 332, 426 see also Index of Edinburgh street names as developer, feuar 18, 55, 62, 65, 182, and districts: Comely Bank, Grange, 277, 450 Merchiston, Murrayfield, Newington, finances 41, 58, 76, 77, 191, 312, 333, Trinity 374 Summerside Bowling Club 266 as landlord 12, 414, 450, 502 as landowner 8, 55, 76, 116–17, 259 taxation, assigned by Crown 32 as trustees 37–8, 41–2, 55, 441, 489 technological change officials see inspectors; Medical Officers lathes, ‘universal’ joiners 481 of Health; town clerk

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Princes St Gardens and 62, 427 solicitors as 8, 126, 141–4, 230 property 6, 11–12, 235, 414, 450, trusts 489–92 Ball’s 152 town planning ’s , 145, 147, 168 aesthetics 60, 438 Donaldson’s see hospitals civic and social theory 267–8, 413, 431 Erskine’s see hospitals controls and procedures 59–60 Fettes’ see separate entry and under origins and nature 60, 267, 454 hospitals Paris, Haussmann 431 Forrest’s, 146–7 and redevelopment 91, 431, 454 Gilmour’s 149–50, 197 see also Geddes, Patrick Grindlay’s see separate entry trade associations 14, 191, 280 Hay’s 148 trade directories 14 Heriot’s see separate entry trade unions 280, 367 Kirkwood’s 149 Co-operative Plasterers’ Society 358 Learmonth’s 8, 116–18, 250, 256, 340 Operative Plumbers’ Society 358 McNaughton’s 384–5 ten hours movement 354, 356, 358, 365 Merchant Company see separate entry trades council 450 Paterson and Pape Fund 226 transport Raitt’s 146 access 94–5, 154, 208, 216, 252, 259–60, Reid’s 148 340, 388, 438, 497 Rigg’s see separate entry networks 194, 213, 260, 375, 497 Robertson’s, Miss Elizabeth 144–5 trams 3, 165, 259–60, 340, 497 Rocheid’s 8, 98, 116, 118 Trinity 127, 153–4 Steel’s see separate entry Trinity Hospital 346, 374 Stewart’s see separate entry estate development 106–7, 182 Trinity see hospitals feuing income 107–8 Walker’s, James see separate entry Trinity Land Company 153–64, 170, Walker’s, J. W.144, 150, 168 508 Watherston’s 161 boundaries 156–60, 164, 475 Watson’s see separate entry building restrictions 156, 158–9, 162 typhus 418 estate plan 155 expenditure and receipts 161–2 unemployment 181, 210 housing development 156–8, 164 unit trust 168 landownership 154–60 urban form 75–6, 328, 459, 477 reasons for success 162–63 high rise building 76, 80, 420 trust 4–5, 141, 190–1, 232, 275, 366, 505 urban identity 4, 367, 477 administration 8, 55, 109, 124, 134, urban networks 52, 153, 175, 194, 296, 141–43, 148 314, 458 approved investments 142 urbanisation 4, 20–4, 27, 54, 60, 70, 119, assets 7, 99, 113–14, 116–17, 134, 143, 123, 153, 165, 166, 171, 178–9, 190, 202, 220, 226, 229, 242, 318, 485 193–4, 195, 208, 215, 236–38, 262, deed 142, 147–8 294, 320, 444, 453, 502, 505, 508 as social capital 4, 9–10, 29, 91, 119, 141, 190–1, 366, 413, 504 Victoria, Queen 461 trustees 6, 67, 98–9, 141–3, 206, 222, 253, commodification of the highlands 474–5 291, 384, 397, 400, 441 appointed 142, 226 Walker’s trust, James 212–25, 228, 247 church 140 estate development strategy 213–16, 219, leadership 4, 55, 91, 134, 140–1 228–31, 238, 375, 377, 493 management role 144–5, 222, 225–6, family inheritance 213, 220–1, 228 242, 349, 400 see also General Property Investment powers 27, 43, 58, 87–8, 118, 141, 143, Company 146–8, 169, 275 war 5, 67, 76, 87, 149, 267 responsibilities 53, 141–3, 146, 349 Warrender, Sir George 200, 263, 349 roads, Middle District of Roads 51 washhouses, baths 489

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water closets 65, 191, 420, 442, 444 will 7, 36–7, 43, 46, 86, 99, 146–7, 149 water supply 100, 171, 191, 214, 346, 426, alimentary settlement 146 441–2, 444, 447, 489 challenges to 36, 38, 46n, 87–8 Edinburgh Water Company 214 Wishaw 130, 192, 210, 344 Watson, George 43, 46n women Watson’s Hospital 86, 98–9, 101, 213 girls’ education 43 educational provision 111 household heads 208, 300, 303, 310, estate development 47–8, 52, 98, 317–18, 322, 335–9 99–102, 105, 114, 118, 388, 500 political roles 10, 267, 273, 310 feuing income 108–9, 111, 114 property ownership and 116, 208, 213, feuing plan, conditions 101 220, 249, 272, 310–11 foundation 43, 51 as shareholders 395, 397–8 landownership 47–8, 52, 98, 99–102, working classes 113 education 112–13 Merchiston 47, 48, 51, 52–3, 55, 98–101, housing 123, 180, 210, 228, 231, 289 105, 388, 500 middle classes’ views of 286, 367, 423, trustees 47, 86, 99, 105, 111, 500 426–7 wealth 4, 7, 220, 250 workshop production 259 47 white-collar workers 20 zoning 52, 101, 211, 213, 216, 237, 452 widows 114, 123, 145–7, 202, 206, 208, effects of railway 90, 211, 214, 232, 230, 297, 300–1, 310–11, 318–20, 234–5, 239, 375, 493 328, 337, 388, 405 and housing 101, 213, 216, 388

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