Index of Edinburgh Street Names and Districts

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Index of Edinburgh Street Names and Districts Cambridge University Press 0521602823 - The Transformation of Edinburgh: Land, Property and Trust in the Nineteenth Century - Richard Rodger Index More information Index of Edinburgh street names and districts Abbey 445 Boroughloch see Meadows Abbeyhill 106, 114, 375, 377, 381, 405, Borthwick Close School 112n 408, 414, 469, 493, 496 Borthwick Place 359n Abbeyhill School 112n, 470 Botanical Gardens 98 Abbotsford 500 Bothwell Street 108 Abercromby Place 61 Braid Hills 165 Albert Place 173 Brandsfield 213, 219 Albert Street 82 Bread Street 88, 356 Alva Place 402 Breadalbane Terrace 212 Angle Park Terrace 219 Bright Terrace 212 Antigua Street 206, 282, 291 Bristo 48 Ardmillan Terrace 219, 468, 481 Bristo Place 94 Argyle 206 Bristo Street 356 Argyle Square 433 Brougham Place 173, 208 Arthur Street 112n Brougham Street 198–9, 374 Ashley Terrace 389, 465, 468 Broughton 18, 36–8, 41–2, 54, 77 Atholl Terrace 212 Broughton Loan 55 Broughton School 112n Bainfield 173 Broughton Street 79 Balgreen 397 Brown Square 476 Balgreen Road 389 Brown Square School 112n Balmoral Place 377 Brunstane 230 Bangholm Bower 86 Brunswick Street 82, 109, 145 Bareford’s Park 51, 55 Brunton Gardens 108 Barnton Terrace, Craigleith 384–6 Brunton Place 82, 465 Bathfield 196, 337, 492 Brunton Terrace 108, 462 Bedford Street 356 Bruntsfield 48, 96, 109, 168–9, 173, 200 Belgrave Crescent 245, 250–3, 269, 338 Bryson Road 168, 215, 226–7 Belgrave Place 250, 269, 288, 290–1, 303, Buccleugh Place 94 322, 338 Buchanan Street 108 Bell Place 397 Buckingham Terrace 245, 252, 256, 287, Bellevue 61 290, 322, 338, 477n Bellevue Crescent 61n Bernard Street, Leith 194–5, 206, 282, Caledonian Crescent 216, 217n, 218, 291, 291, 337 326, 330, 333, 340 Bernard Street (Stockbridge) School 112n, Caledonian Place 173, 217n, 218, 291 115, 470 Caledonian Road 218, 291 Blackfriars’ Street 467, 476 Caledonian Street 216, 217n, 218 Blackfriars’ Wynd 420 Canal Street 63n Blackhall 397 Canongate 18, 36, 38, 375, 423, 476 Bonnington 48, 195–6, 205–6, 374, 483, Canonmills 36, 38, 77, 259, 499 492 Carberry Place 359n 516 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521602823 - The Transformation of Edinburgh: Land, Property and Trust in the Nineteenth Century - Richard Rodger Index More information Index of Edinburgh street names and districts 517 Cargilfield School 163 Cumberland Street 61, 151 Carlton Terrace 82 Currie 48 Caroline Park, Granton 493 Castle Barns 88 Daisy Terrace 383 Castle Terrace 85, 89, 469 Dalmeny Street 82, 108, 462 Castlehill 94 Dalry 28, 42, 106, 140, 173, 212, 219, Cathcart Street 218, 232n 220–38, 245, 247, 255–6, 283, 288, 291, Catherine Place 359n 299, 326, 332, 335, 337, 340, 375, 377, Causewayside 208, 339 383–4, 405, 409, 493; Easter 213, Chalmers Street 150 215–16 Chambers Street 476 Dalry Lane 217n Charity Workhouse 94 Dalry Road 216, 217n, 218, 232n, 234, Charlotte Square 63 291, 303 Charlotte Street, Leith 206, 282, 337 Dalry Station 235 Coates 28, 42, 53, 77, 243, 249–50, 252, Davidson’s Mains 397 255 Davie Street School 112n, 115, 470 Coates Crescent 151 Dean 48, 117–18, 244 Coates Gardens 151 Dean Bridge 244, 327 Cobden Terrace 212 Dean Park Street 152, 262, 273, 276, 291, Cochrane Place 381n 303–5, 310–13 Cockburn 47, 48 Dean Path 333 Cockburn Street 432, 475, 478 Devon Place 359 Colinton 108, 290, 300, 500 Douglas Crescent 152, 212, 244, 249, 269, Colinton Road 347, 500 322, 338 College Street 433 Downfield Place 218, 232n, 235n, 464–5 Coltbridge 227 Downie Place 89 Comely Bank 28, 80, 99, 117, 256–7, 259, Drumdryan 83, 91, 98, 105, 140, 166n, 283, 296, 303 173, 192–205, 216, 218, 339, 349, 492 Comely Bank Avenue 261–4, 273, 298, Drumdryan House 200 301–11, 315–20, 327 Drummond Circus 61n Comely Bank Grove 310–11, 316–17 Drummond Place 61n Comely Bank Loan 333 Drumsheugh 67–8 Comely Bank Place 262, 273, 311, Dublin Street 61 316–19 Duncan Street 61 Comely Bank Road 262, 273, 310–11, Dundas Street 61, 79 315–19 Dundee Street 140, 215n Comely Bank Row 273, 276, 305, 310, 316–18, 328 East Hermitage Place 381n Comely Bank Street, 273, 310, 314–18 East London Street 166n, 173 Comely Bank Terrace 273, 314–18 East Restalrig Terrace 389 Comiston 397 Easter Road 82, 106–7, 108, 263 Constitution Street 206, 282, 339 Eglinton Crescent 152, 244, 249, 253, 269, Cornhill Terrace 389 287, 322, 338 Cornwall Street 466 Eglinton Street 359n Cornwallis Place 61n Elgin Place 359n Corstorphine 397 Elgin Street 108 Corstorphine Road 164 Elizafield 196 Cowgate 15, 92–3, 112, 332, 425, 496 Elm Place 381n Cowgate School 112n, 115, 470 Elm Row 82 Craigentinny 420 Erskine Place 151 Craighouse Road 110, 500 Craigleith 340 Falconhall 108, 117, 166n Craigleith Poorhouse 98 Falshaw Bridge 469 Craiglockhart 100, 402 Ferniehill (Leith Walk) 374 Craigmillar Park 500 Ferry Road 195, 205, 302, 337, 372–3, Crichton Place 140 374, 377 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521602823 - The Transformation of Edinburgh: Land, Property and Trust in the Nineteenth Century - Richard Rodger Index More information 518 Index of Edinburgh street names and districts Fettes Row 61n Hillhousefield 196, 358, 492 Fingzies Place 381n Hillside Crescent 108, 166n Forrest Road 138, 173 Hollybank Terrace 389 Fort Street 337 Holyrood Palace 32 Fountainbridge 42, 194, 211, 214, 359, Holyrood Park 43, 427, 493 383, 481, 492, 495–6 Holyrood Road 440 Fountainbridge Road 215 Home Street 84, 198–200 Fowler Terrace 222, 229 Hope Park 166n, 173, 206 Howe Street 61, 79, 80 Gardener’s Crescent 397 Hugh Miller Place 364, 405 Gayfield Square 282, 291 George IV Bridge 96, 138, 476 India Street 61, 80 George Square 94 Industrial Road 462 George Street 60, 498 Inverleith 117, 259 Gillespie Crescent 166n, 168–9, 173 Inverleith Park 98, 155, 259 Gillsland Road 110, 500 Iona Street 82, 108 Gilmore Street/Place 138, 150 Ivy Terrace 383, 397 Gilmore’s Close 149 Gladstone Terrace 207, 337–8, 374 Jamaica Street 61 Glen Street 173 Jamaica Street, Leith 206, 282 Glencairn Crescent 244, 249, 253, 269, Jock’s Lodge 492 300–3, 338 Joppa 397 Glendevon Place 389 Glengyle Terrace 169, 173, 465 Kew Terrace 243 Glenogle Park 369, 376, 393 King Street 61n Goldenacre Terrace 230 King’s Bridge 88 Gorgie Road 168, 213, 234, 383, 492 Kirkhill Road 389 Grange 98, 102–4, 211, 289, 300, 327, 497 Granton 216 Laurel Terrace 383 Grassmarket 94, 112, 149, 332, 423, 444, Lauriston 197 496 Lauriston Gardens 166, 173 Great King Street 79 Lauriston Place 51, 94, 166, 173 Great Wellington Street 206, 303 Lawnmarket 94, 96 Greenbank 397 Leamington Place 169 Greyfriars Church 94 Learmonth 80, 497 Grindlay Street 112n, 166n, 173 Learmonth Gardens 275, 288, 298–9, 322, Grove Street 383, 493–4 327–8 Guthrie Street 433 Learmonth Grove 310, 320, 397 Learmonth Mews 288 Hampton Terrace 243 Learmonth Place 320 Hanover Street 48 Learmonth Terrace 477n Haymarket 211–12, 215, 239, 257, 299, Leith Fort 92 318, 334, 359, 374, 383, 409 Leith Links 196 Hazelbank Terrace 389 Leith Walk 82, 106, 108, 140, 168, 282, Henderson Place 372–3 291, 339, 358, 374 Henderson Terrace 219 Leith Wynd 426 Heriot Bridge 112 Leopold Place 82 Heriot Bridge School 112n Leven Lodge 140, 173 Heriot Row 79, 80, 81 Leven Street 84 Hermitage Hill 389 Lilliput 86 High Riggs 198, 481 Lily Terrace 383 High School Wynd 424 Lindean Place 381n High School Yards 450 Lindsay Road 337 High School Yards School 112n Livingstone Place 166n, 207, 291, 333 High Street, 14, 36, 91, 94, 112, 335, 356, Lochrin 149–50, 197 358, 365, 393, 423, 435, 438–9 Logie Green 499 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521602823 - The Transformation of Edinburgh: Land, Property and Trust in the Nineteenth Century - Richard Rodger Index More information Index of Edinburgh street names and districts 519 Lomond Park 157, 163 466, 496–9; (eastern) 82, 86, 106–7; Lomond Road 156 (western) 106 London Road 462 Newhaven 153 London Street 61 Newhaven Parish Manse 157 Lord Russell Street 397 Newington 98, 138, 211, 236, 289, 327, Lothian Road 84, 85, 88, 194, 211, 356, 497 492 Nicolson Square 489 Lothian Road Station 124 Noble Place 381n Lothian Road United Presbyterian Church North Bridge 426, 455, 476 89 North British (Balmoral) Hotel 63 Lower Granton Road 164 North Fort Street 374 Lyceum Theatre 85 North Lauriston Gardens 173 North Learmonth Gardens 324–5 McLeod Street 450 North Leith 38, 377 Magdala Crescent 243–4 North Loch 48, 51 Maitland Street 151 North Merchiston 214, 225, 228–30, 238, Malta Crescent/Terrace 91 383–4, 405, 493 Mansfield Place 61n North Merchiston Park 212 Marchmont 200, 397, 462 Northcote Street 232n Marchmont Road 462, 476 Northumberland Street 61n, 79 Maryfield 374–5, 402 Norton Park (Abbeyhill) 375, 493 Maxwell (Duff) Street 231, 232n, 257, 383 Meadows 37, 43, 55, 94, 96, 140, 166, 200, Old Assembly Close 91 206, 291, 302 Old Assembly Close School 112n Melville Terrace 166n, 303, 336–8 Old Town 15, 82, 204, 362, 417, 443, 488, Merchiston 47, 48, 51, 52–3, 55, 98–101, 493, 496 105, 108, 138, 140, 168, 327, 349, 385, Orchardfield 48, 83, 85–7, 91, 94, 98 388, 408, 497, 500 Orphan Hospital 98 Merchiston Gardens 110, 500 Orwell Place 217n Millerfield Place 291, 336–7 Orwell Terrace 217n Montague Street 173 Osborne Terrace 243 Montgomery Place 173 Oxford Street 173 Montgomery Street 108 Oxford Terrace 266 Moray Park 493 Morningside 100, 108, 138, 168, 327, 397, Palmerston Place 244 497 Panmure Place 173 Morningside Road 468 Parkvale Place 381n Morrison Street 212, 374–5 Parliament Square 92, 95 Mortonhall 117 Pembroke Place
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