Hurn Et Al. V. the Holy
Case 1:19-cv-11537 Document 1 Filed 12/17/19 Page 1 of 19 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK X STEPHEN HURN, PETER SENATORE, MARIANNE AGNELLO, DIANNE MONDELLO, CASE NO.: MICHAEL LEONARD, DANIEL RICE and TOM SPARKS, on behalf of themselves and all persons similarly situated, CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT PLAINTIFFS, - vs – The HOLY SEE, a/k/a the APOSTOLIC SEE, Defendant. X PLAINTIFFS STEPHEN HURN, PETER SENATORE, MARIANNE AGNELLO, DIANNE MONDELLO, MICHAEL LEONARD, DANIEL RICE and TOM SPARKS (collectively “PLAINTIFFS”), on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated (the “CLASS”), by their attorneys, HERMAN LAW, as and for their Class Action Complaint against DEFENDANT, the HOLY SEE, allege as follows: INTRODUCTION 1. This is a class action lawsuit against the HOLY SEE for victims of childhood clergy sexual abuse who previously settled claims against Catholic Dioceses in the State of New York. 2. This class action seeks money damages for the negligence of the HOLY SEE in mandating a policy for its Bishops and Dioceses of secrecy and concealment in response to allegations and reports of child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy. This mandatory secrecy policy, imposed on threat of excommunication, bound Bishops and Dioceses for well over a century and continues to bind them. As a result of this policy, child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy developed and continued as a pervasive and systemic problem in the Catholic Church, in which perpetrators 1 Telephone: (212) 390-0100 Case 1:19-cv-11537 Document 1 Filed 12/17/19 Page 2 of 19 were protected and victims were silenced.
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