St. Andrew the Apostle R.C. Church 400 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Clifton, NJ 07012 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time – September 26, 2021 Rev. Jeider Barraza, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Patrick J. Scott, In Residence Sergio Armijos, Director of Faith Formation Barbara Hayes, Parish Office Parish: 973-779-6873 / Fax: 973-779-0573 Website: @StAndrewsClifton MASS SCHEDULE CONFESSIONS Saturday at 5:00 P.M. in Church The priest will be available for Confessions Sunday at 8:00 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. before the 12:00 Noon Mass or by calling the Sunday 8:00 A.M. in Church and Live streamed Rectory Office for an appointment. Monday thru Saturda y at 12:00 Noon Monday thru Thursday in Church and Live streamed Friday and Saturday are in Church only. Ministries, Programs & Services: Religious Ed Program (K-6 & Confirmation) Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers: Director of Faith Formation: Sergio Armijos Rectory Office, 973-779-6873 973-779-6873 X-20 Director of Music Ministry: Michelle Petrasek
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Hospitality Committee: Mary Tuites, 973-778-3566 Knights of Columbus & Columbiettes: Grand Knight Rodulfo Moises 973-931-0569 President Joanne J. Graziano, 201-280-3295 Boy Scouts: Scout Master Jon Wellins School Records / Alumni Relations / Parish Fundraising: Parish Project Manager Barbara Hayes, 973-779-6873 X-10
[email protected] ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE September 26, 2021 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, September 26th The Sanctuary Lamp 8:00 Debbie Lopchuk, Joanne St. Fort for Health, In Memory of Barbara Noonan Charles D’Angelo (102nd Birthday) Given By Elizabeth Zakopcsan 10:30 Carmen Soto, John Zane, Victor Pukri, Theodore Steinberger (7th Ann.), Fr.