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Table of Contents

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. INTRODUCTION: BRIEF OVERVIEW ...... 5 2.1. Location ...... 5 2.2. Historical Perspective...... 5 2.3. Spatial Status ...... 5 2.4. Land Ownership ...... 6 3. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROFILE ...... 6 3.1. Key Social Demographics ...... 6 3.1.1. Population...... 6 3.1.2. Race Gender and Age ...... 7 3.1.3. Households ...... 9 Child Headed...... 9 Women Headed ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.2. Health Profile ...... 9 3.3. Covid 19 ...... 11 3.3.1. Number of cases ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3.2. Quarantine Facilities Available and Assessed ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3.3. Infrastructure (responding to COVID 19) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4. Poverty Dimensions ...... 12 3.4.1. Distribution ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4.2. Inequality ...... 12 3.4.3. Employed /Unemployed ...... 13 3.4.4. Crime ...... 14 3.5. Education and Skills Profile ...... 16 4. DRIVERS OF THE ECONOMY ...... 17 4.1. Structure of the Economy ...... 17 4.2. Primary Sector ...... 17 4.2.1. Mining and Agriculture ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.3. Secondary Sector ...... 17 4.3.1. Manufacturing, electricity and the construction ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.4. Tertiary Sector ...... 18 4.4.1. Trade, transport, finance and the community ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. SERVICE DELIVERY ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1. Water and Sanitation ...... 19 5.1.1. Access to Water ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1.2. Sanitation...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2. Human Settlements ...... 19 5.3. Waste Management ...... 20 5.4. Roads and Transport ...... 21 5.5. Electricity ...... 21 6. GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT ...... 22 6.1. Performance ...... 22 6.2. Municipal Capacity ...... 26 6.3. Traditional Affairs Governance ...... 27 7. PROJECTS TO DIVERSIFY AND GROW PEOPLE AND THE ECONOMY ...... 27 7.1. Social Development Projects ...... 27 7.2. Spatial Development ...... 28 7.3. Infrastructure Projects ...... 29 7.4. Economic Projects ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.5. Environmental forecast ...... 30 8. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 314 8.1. Prioritise Integrated Development Plan ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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1. Executive Summary

The Dr Kenneth Kaunda District is situated at the southern part of the North West and borders both the Gauteng and . It consists of three (3) local i.e. Maquassi Hills, Matlosana and JB Marks. Between 2006 and 2009 the district comprised of five local municipalities which included Merafong Council, which has since been re-demarcated into the Gauteng Province. After the 2016 Local Government elections, Tlokwe and Local Municipalities were merged into the JB Marks Local Municipality.

The total population of the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality increased from 695 934 in 2011 to 742 822 in 2016. The population is unevenly distributed among the four local municipalities and the average annual growth rate of the district is 1.07% between 2011 and 2016. In 2016 the total number of households in the District was 240 544, with 37.1% headed by women and 988 child-headed households.

In respect of COVID-19, as of 6 July 2020, a total of 154 979 people were screened with 1599 confirmed cases, 1172 active cases, 409 recoveries and with the highest number of death of 18.The District has seven quarantine sites with 240 beds however one site at the Dam with 114 beds is not yet ready, therefore 126 are active beds. In response to Covid-19 pandemic, the district have established the District Command Council (DCC) chaired by the Mayor of the distict which meets on weekly basis.

Annual GDP growth in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality broadly follows the national trend, though it is generally lower than both the national and provincial averages. A fairly stagnant economic growth trend has been observed within the District, i.e. the rate of growth has remained fairly constant and negative growth rates were experienced on average between 2014 and 2016.

Mining has historically been the main economic activity within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, and with the industry in steady decline the District is seeking to diversify the economy from its over-reliance on the mining industry. To this end, the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality Local Economic Development (LED) policy identified three priority sectors earmarked for growth and development which is Tourism, Agriculture and Manufacturing. The District is confronted by a number of socio-economic and economic challenges, including high levels of poverty and unemployment, low education and skills levels and a relatively underdeveloped tourism sector. 2. 2. Introduction: Brief Overview 2.1 Location

The Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality is situated at the southern part of the North West Province, consisting of three local municipalities i.e. Matlosana, JB Marks and Maquassi Hills. The District borders both Gauteng and Free State Provinces.

2.2 Historical Perspective

Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality is a with a rich and diverse natural and cultural heritage, with the potential for sustained economic growth. The district was formerly known as the Southern District Municipality however, it is named after Kenneth Kaunda, the first President of Zambia. The region is home to some of the most prominent gold mines in the world and one of the oldest meteor impact sites in the world. 2.3 Spatial Status

Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality comprises of three local municipalities, i.e. JB Marks, Maquassi Hills and Matlosana City. Dr Kenneth Kaunda District comprises of four Sub- . Most of the population resides in Matlosana and Tlokwe, which are peri-urban areas. There are two rural Sub-Districts: Ventersdorp and Maquassi Hills. All the Sub-Districts

Page 5 of 35 have mining activities. It is located 65km south-west of Johannesburg and borders the Gauteng Province on that side.

The district is serviced by a number of primary roads, with the N12 Treasure Corridor forming the main development axis in the district and serving as a potential concentration point for future industrial, commercial and tourism development.

2.4 Land Ownership

The land ownership in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality is significant to ensure that the residents of the district enjoys a liveable and prosperious life. However, the district owns very little land in the region which makes it difficult to achieve its set goals. The map below depicts the size of the land ownership patterns in Dr KK District Municipality.

3. Social Development Profile 3.1 Key Social Demographics

3.1.1 Population According to IHS Markit report, Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality has an estimated 809 000 people in the region and housed 1.4% of 's total population in 2019. Between 2009 and 2019 the population growth averaged 1.77% per annum which is very similar than the growth rate of South Africa as a whole (1.61%). Compared to North-West's average annual growth rate (1.97%), the growth rate in Dr Kenneth Kaunda's population at 1.77% was very similar than that of the province.

The JB Marks Local Municipality increased the most, in terms of population, with an average annual growth rate of 2.4%, the Maquassi Hills Local Municipality had the second highest growth in terms of its population, with an average annual growth rate of 1.6%. The City of Matlosana Local Municipality had the lowest average annual growth rate of 1.46% relative to the other within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality. The number of wards per local municipality is City of Matlosana (39), JB Marks (34) and Maquassi Hills (11) for a total of 84 wards in the District.

3.1.2 Gender, Age and Race The total population of a region is the total number of people within that region measured in the middle of the year. Total population can be categorised according to the population group, as well as the sub-categories of age and gender. The population groups include African, White, Coloured and Asian, where the Asian group includes all people originating from Asia, India and China. The age subcategory divides the population into 5-year cohorts, e.g. 0-4, 5- 9, 10-13, etc.

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Male Female Total Dr Kenneth Kaunda 395,334 414,107 809,441 Bojanala Platinum 975,074 873,059 1,848,133 Ngaka Modiri Molema 468,252 493,707 961,960 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati 250,530 271,876 522,406 North-West 2,089,190 2,052,749 4,141,939 Source: IHS Markit Regional eXplorer version 1946

Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality's male/female split in population was 95.5 males per 100 females in 2019. The Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality appears to be a fairly stable population with the share of female population (51.16%) being very similar to the national average of (51.04%). In total, there were 414 000 (51.16%) females and 395 000 (48.84%) males. This is different from the North-West Province as a whole where the female population counted 2.05 million which constitutes 49.56% of the total population of 4.14 million.

Table: Population by population group, gender and age - Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, 2019 [number].

African White Coloured Asian

Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male 00-04 34,800 36,000 2,220 2,320 1,670 1,760 352 343 05-09 37,600 39,100 2,490 2,690 1,550 1,770 495 346 10-14 33,800 34,300 2,590 2,770 1,430 1,680 213 364 15-19 23,700 23,900 2,810 2,790 1,130 1,310 229 311 20-24 26,100 24,300 4,050 4,080 1,400 1,430 288 455 25-29 31,300 27,900 2,920 2,910 1,360 1,460 232 523 30-34 32,300 28,300 3,320 3,260 1,300 1,420 449 548 35-39 24,800 25,800 3,600 3,550 1,040 1,100 492 540 40-44 20,100 20,000 3,480 3,340 951 913 393 589 45-49 17,500 15,700 3,330 2,950 953 783 252 366 50-54 15,700 14,200 3,040 2,430 881 824 238 169 55-59 14,800 13,200 2,980 2,630 862 580 249 177 60-64 11,600 10,300 3,400 2,860 669 405 116 98 65-69 7,670 6,410 3,360 2,550 422 369 156 63 70-74 4,970 4,260 3,010 2,460 344 239 131 47 75+ 5,160 3,380 5,100 3,520 268 181 217 66 Total 342,000 327,000 51,700 47,100 16,200 16,200 4,500 5,000 Source: IHS Markit Regional eXplorer version 1946

In 2019, the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality's population consisted of 82.61% African (669 000), 12.21% White (98 800), 4.01% Coloured (32 500) and 1.17% Asian (9 510) people. The largest share of population is within the young working age (25-44 years) age category with a total number of 250 000 or 30.9% of the total population. The age category with the second largest number of people is the babies and kids (0-14 years) age category with a total share of 30.0%, followed by the older working age (45-64 years) age category with 144 000 people. The age category with the least number of people is the retired / old age (65 years and older) age category with only 54 400 people, as reflected in the population pyramids below.

3.1.3 Households According to the IHS Markit, the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality comprised of 241 000 households in 2019. This equates to an average annual growth rate of 1.77% in the number of households from 2009 to 2019. With an average annual growth rate of 1.77% in the total population, the average household size in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality is by implication decreasing. This is confirmed by the data where the average household size in 2009 decreased from approximately 3.4 individuals per household to 3.4 persons per household in 2019.

Table: Number of households - Dr Kenneth Kaunda, North-West and national total, 2009-2019 [number percentage]

Dr Kenneth Dr Kenneth Dr Kenneth North-West National Total Kaunda as % of Kaunda as % of Kaunda province national 2009 202,000 996,000 13,900,000 20.3% 1.46% 2010 205,000 1,020,000 14,100,000 20.0% 1.46% 2011 209,000 1,050,000 14,400,000 19.8% 1.45% 2012 213,000 1,080,000 14,700,000 19.7% 1.45% 2013 216,000 1,110,000 15,000,000 19.5% 1.44% 2014 219,000 1,130,000 15,300,000 19.4% 1.43% 2015 224,000 1,160,000 15,700,000 19.4% 1.43% 2016 230,000 1,190,000 16,100,000 19.4% 1.43% 2017 231,000 1,200,000 16,400,000 19.2% 1.41% 2018 235,000 1,230,000 16,700,000 19.1% 1.40% 2019 241,000 1,260,000 17,000,000 19.1% 1.41%

Average Annual growth 2009-2019 1.77% 2.36% 2.09% Source: IHS Markit Regional eXplorer version 1946

Relative to the province, the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality had a lower average annual growth rate of 1.77% from 2009 to 2019. In contrast, the South Africa had a total of 17 million households, with a growth rate of 2.09%, thus growing at a higher rate than the Dr Kenneth Kaunda.

The composition of the households by population group consists of 77.3% which is ascribed to the African population group with the largest number of households by population group. The White population group had a total composition of 17.3% (ranking second). The Coloured population group had a total composition of 4.0% of the total households. The smallest population group by households is the Asian population group with only 1.4% in 2019.

3.2 Health Profile

According to the Mortality and Causes of Death in SA, 2015, (a publication of Statistics SA) the major causes of death in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality measured in 2015 Page 9 of 35 were led by non-natural causes at 9.5%, followed by tuberculosis at 8.9%. In 2019, 104 000 people in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality were infected with HIV. This reflects an increase at an average annual rate of 2.20% since 2009, and in 2019 represented 12.80% of the district municipality's total population. The North-West Province had an average annual growth rate of 2.54% from 2009 to 2019 in the number of people infected with HIV, which is higher than that of the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality.

The Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality has the least number of Public Health Clinic (PHC) facilities in the North West, with three regional and one district hospital. The district has a 40-bed in patient Community Health Centre and, has added another 20-bed PHC facility with imaging services and a procedure room. Health services are delivered by one Regional; three District Hospitals; nine Community Health Centers; twenty-seven clinics; six satellite clinics and two mobile health service units. Service Delivery Platforms Number of facilities by level, 2017 2018 Sub District Ward Based Clinic Commun District Regiona Central/ Other outreach ity Health Hospita l tertiary hospital teams Centre l hospital Hospitals s s Maquassi Hills 13 6 2 1 0 0 0 Matlosana 36 13 4 0 0 1 5 JB Marks 35 12 4 0 1 0 3 Dr. Kenneth Kaunda 84 31 10 1 1 1 8 Source: DHIS The figure below illustrates the causes of deaths in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality.

Figure: Percentage of Major Causes of Death

Source: Statistics SA, Mortality and Causes of Death in SA, 2015

3.3 COVID - 19

In respect of COVID-19, as of 6 July 2020, a total of 154 979 people were screened with 1599 confirmed cases, 1172 active cases, 409 recoveries and with the highest number of death of 18.

Source: Department of Health, 2020

The District has seven quarantine sites with 240 beds however one site, i.e. Potchefstroom dam with 114 beds is not yet ready, therefore 126 are active beds. In response to Covid-19 pandemic, the district established the District Command Council chaired by the Mayor of the distict which meets on weekly basis. A number of other COVID-19 interventions relating to the provision of water tanks and the DSD feeding programmes have been implemented in the District.

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3.4 Poverty Dimensions

3.4.1 Distribution

According to the IHS Markit report, there were 491 000 people living in poverty, using the upper poverty line definition, across Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality in 2019 - this is 21.82% higher than the 403 000 in 2009. The percentage of people living in poverty has increased from 59.35% in 2009 to 60.69% in 2019, which indicates an increase of -1.34 percentage points. In 2019, the population group with the highest percentage of people living in poverty was the African population group with a total of 70.2% people living in poverty, using the upper poverty line definition. The proportion of the African population group, living in poverty, decreased by 0.987 percentage points, as can be seen by the change from 71.15% in 2009 to 70.17% in 2019. In 2019 3.56% of the White population group lived in poverty, as compared to the 3.20% in 2009. The Asian and the Coloured population group saw a decrease in the percentage of people living in poverty, with a decrease of -6.97 and 0.736 percentage points respectively.

3.4.2 Inequality In 2019, the Gini coefficient in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality was at 0.608, which reflects a marginal increase in the number over the ten-year period from 2009 to 2019. The North-West Province and South Africa, both had a more unequal spread of income amongst their residents (at 0.613 and 0.63 respectively) when compared to Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality.

Furthermore, the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality had a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.641 compared to the North-West with a HDI of 0.628 and 0.662 of National Total as a whole in 2019. Seeing that South Africa recorded a higher HDI in 2019 when compared to Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality which translates to worse human development for Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality compared to South Africa. South Africa's HDI increased at an average annual growth rate of 1.44% and this increase is higher than that of Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality (1.40%).

In terms of the Gini coefficient for each of the within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, JB Marks Local Municipality has the highest Gini coefficient, with an index value of 0.624. The lowest Gini coefficient can be observed in the Maquassi Hills Local Municipality with an index value of 0.588.

3.4.3 Employed /Unemployed High unemployment in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality remains a challenge and mostly affecting the youth. Government continues to combat this challenge through the Expanded Public Work Programmes (EPWP) launched in 2004 including to improving the education system that is capable of producing competent participants in the economy. In 2019, Dr Kenneth Kaunda employed 185 000 people which is 19.99% of the total employment in North-West Province (927 000), 1.13% of total employment in South Africa (16.4 million). Employment within Dr Kenneth Kaunda increased annually at an average rate of 0.51% from 2009 to 2019.


In Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality the economic sectors that recorded the largest number of employment in 2019 were the community services sector with a total of 48 900 employed people or 26.4% of total employment in the district municipality. The trade sector with a total of 42 400 (22.9%) employs the second highest number of people relative to the rest of the sectors. The electricity sector with 1 220 (0.7%) is the sector that employs the least number of people in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, followed by the mining sector with 4 900 (2.6%) people employed.

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Compared with the employment number of people in the region, there were a total number of 89 700 people unemployed in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality in 2019, which is an increase of 21 100 from 68 600 in 2009. The total number of unemployed people within Dr Kenneth Kaunda constitutes 22.42% of the total number of unemployed people in North- West Province. The Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality experienced an average annual increase of 2.72% in the number of unemployed people, which is better than that of the North- West Province which had an average annual increase in unemployment of 2.75%.

In 2018, the majority of the economically active population in the District was found in City of Matlosana (34.4%), followed by JB Marks (33.9%) and Maquassi Hills (29.9%).

In 2019 the labour force participation rate for Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality was at 56.0% which is slightly higher when compared to the 53.4% in 2009. The unemployment rate is an efficient indicator that measures the success rate of the labour force relative to employment. In 2009, the unemployment rate for Dr Kenneth Kaunda was 28.2% and increased overtime to 31.3% in 2019. The gap between the labour force participation rate and the unemployment rate decreased which indicates a negative outlook for the employment within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality.

Figure: Economically Active Population for Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, 2009 and 2019 Labour force participation rate Dr Kenneth Kaunda, 2009-2019 70%







0% City of Matlosana Maquassi Hills JB Marks

2009 2014 2019

Source: IHS Markit Regional eXplorer version 1946 JB Marks Local Municipality had the highest labour force participation rate with 58.1% in 2019 increasing from 53.1% in 2009. Maquassi Hills Local Municipality had the lowest labour force participation rate of 51.1% in 2019, this increased from 48.7% in 2009.

3.4.4 Crime According to the IHS Composite Crime Index, the period 2008/2009 to 2018/2019 overall crime has decrease at an average annual rate of 1.43% within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality. Violent crime decreased by 1.74% since 2008/2009, while property crimes increased by 0.12% between the 2008/2009 and 2018/2019 financial years.

Chart: IHS Crime Index - Calender years (Weighted Avg / 100,000 people) - Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, 2008/2009-2018/2019 [Index Value]

In 2018/2019, the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality has the highest overall crime rate of the sub-regions within the overall North-West Province with an index value of 117. Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality has the second highest overall crime index at 83.1, with Bojanala Platinum District Municipality having the third highest overall crime index of 82.2. It is clear that all the crime is decreasing overtime for all the regions within North-West Province.

Bojanala Platinum District Municipality has the second lowest overall crime index of 82.2 and the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality has the lowest overall crime rate of 77.5. It is clear that crime is decreasing overtime for all the regions within North-West Province. The region that decreased the most in overall crime since 2008/2009 was Bojanala Platinum District Municipality with an average annual decrease of 3.9% followed by Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality with an average annual decrease of 1.4%.

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3.5 Education and Skills Profile

Within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, the number of people without any schooling decreased from 2009 to 2019 with an average annual rate of -0.96%, while the number of people within the 'matric only' category, increased from 108,000 to 150,000. The number of people with 'matric and a certificate/diploma' increased with an average annual rate of 1.70%, with the number of people with a 'matric and a Bachelor's' degree increasing with an average annual rate of 5.58%. Overall improvement in the level of education is visible with an increase in the number of people with 'matric' or higher education.

Figure: Highest level of education: age 15+ - Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, 2009-2019 [percentage]

Highest level of education: age 15+ Dr Kenneth Kaunda, 2009-2019 100% Matric & 90% Postgrad degree 80% Matric & Bachelors 70% degree Matric & 60% certificate / diploma 50% Matric only

40% Certificate / 30% diploma without matric 20% Grade 10-11

10% Grade 7-9 0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Source: IHS Markit Regional eXplorer version 1946

City of Matlosana has the highest propotion of the population with matric (51%), with the lowest proportion in Maquassi Hills (32%). Maquassi Hills has also a corresponding higher percentage of the population with a qualification of less than matric atb 48% (district average is 30%) and slightly higher percentage of the population without any schooling at 17% (just higher than the district average of 16%).

The number of people without any schooling in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality accounts for 18.37% of the number of people without schooling in the province and a total share of 1.90% of the national. In 2019, the number of people in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality with a matric only was 150,000 which is a share of 20.17% of the province's total number of people that has obtained a matric.

The number of people with a matric and a Postgrad degree constitutes 26.22% of the province and 1.24% of the national.The number of colleges in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality includes Centurion Acadamy, Potchefstroom College of Agriculture as well as universities such as the University of South Africa and North West University.

4. Drivers of the Economy 4.1 Structure of the Economy

For the period 2019 and 2009, the GVA in the finance sector had the highest average annual growth rate in Dr Kenneth Kaunda at 1.63%. The industry with the second highest average annual growth rate is the community services sector averaging at 1.30% per year. The agriculture sector had an average annual growth rate of -1.70%, while the mining sector had the lowest average annual growth of -9.46%. Overall a negative growth existed for all the industries in 2019 with an annual growth rate of -1.08% since 2018. 4.2 Primary Sector

The primary sector consists of two broad economic sectors namely the mining and the agricultural sector. The following chart represents the average growth rate in the GVA for both of these sectors in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality from 2009 to 2019. Mining has historically been the main economic activity within the district, and with the industry in steady decline the district is seeking to diversify the economy from its over-reliance on the mining industry. However, the mining sector reached its highest point of growth of 4.3% in 2011. The agriculture sector experienced the highest positive growth in 2017 with an average growth rate of 25.5%. The agricultural sector experienced the lowest growth for the period during 2015 at -17.1%, while the mining sector reaching its lowest point of growth in 2014 at -24.2%. Both the agriculture and mining sectors are generally characterised by volatility in growth over the period. 4.3 Secondary Sector

The secondary sector consists of three broad economic sectors namely the manufacturing, electricity and the construction sector. Between 2009 and 2019, the manufacturing sector experienced the highest positive growth in 2010 with a growth rate of 2.8%. The construction sector reached its highest growth in 2013 at 3.5%.

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The manufacturing sector experienced its lowest growth in 2010 of -10.6%, while construction sector reached its lowest point of growth in 2010 with -5.8% growth rate. The electricity sector experienced the highest growth in 2011 at 3.4%, while it recorded the lowest growth of -4.5% in 2012.

4.4 Tertiary Sector

The tertiary sector consists of four broad economic sectors namely the trade, transport, finance and the community services sector. The trade sector experienced the highest positive growth in 2011 with a growth rate of 2.9%. The transport sector reached its highest point of growth in 2015 at 4.0%. The finance sector experienced the highest growth rate in 2012 when it grew by 4.2% and recorded the lowest growth rate in 2009 at -2.1%.

The Trade sector also had the lowest growth rate in 2009 at -8.7%. The community services sector, which largely consists of government, experienced its highest positive growth in 2011 with 3.7% and the lowest growth rate in 2009 with -2.0%.

Figure: Gross Value Added (GVA) by aggregate economic sector - Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, 2019 [percentage]

Gross Value Added (GVA) by aggregate sector Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, 2019

Primary Tertiary sector sector Secondary sector

Source: IHS Markit Regional eXplorer version 1946 The tertiary sector contributes the most to the Gross Value Added within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality at 69.9%. This is very similar than the national economy (68.7%). The primary sector contributed a total of 16.7% (ranking second), while the secondary sector contributed the least at 13.4%.

The agriculture sector is expected to grow fastest at an average of 1.32% annually from R 887 million in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality to R 947 million in 2024. The community services sector is estimated to be the largest sector within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality in 2024, with a total share of 29.5% of the total GVA (as measured in current prices), growing at an average annual rate of -2.1%. The sector that is estimated to grow the slowest is the mining sector with an average annual growth rate of -5.96%.

5. Service Delivery 5.1 Water and Sanitation

Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality had a total number of 113 000 (or 47.95%) households with piped water inside the dwelling, a total of 106 000 (45.08%) households had piped water inside the yard and a total number of 908 (0.39%) households had no formal piped water. Whilst 93.3% of households have access to water from a regional or local service provider, only 47% of households have piped water inside their yard.

Table: Households by type of water access - Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, 2018 [number]

Communal Communal Piped water piped water: less piped water: Piped water No formal inside than 200m from more than 200m Total in yard piped water dwelling dwelling (At from dwelling RDP-level) (Below RDP) City of 67,387 61,786 2,409 1,714 268 133,564 Matlosana Maquassi Hills 7,426 14,381 685 567 169 23,228 JB Marks 38,119 30,010 6,739 3,412 471 78,751 Total Dr Kenneth 112,932 106,177 9,832 5,693 908 235,542 Kaunda Source: IHS Markit Regional eXplorer version 1946

The regions within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality with the highest number of households with piped water inside the dwelling is City of Matlosana Local Municipality with 67 400 or a share of 59.67% of the households with piped water inside the dwelling within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality. The region with the lowest number of households with piped water inside the dwelling is Maquassi Hills Local Municipality with a total of 7 430 or a share of 6.58% of the total households with piped water inside the dwelling within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality.

5.2. Human Settlements Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality had a total number of 113 000 (or 47.95%) households with piped water inside the dwelling, a total of 106 000 (45.08%) households had piped water inside the yard and a total number of 908 (0.39%) households had no formal Page 19 of 35 piped water.JB Marks has five informal settlements that they need to formalise and currently have a backlog of 20 000 houses. There is social housing project also in the pipeline in the areas of Miederpark and Dassierand.

The regions within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality with the highest number of households with piped water inside the dwelling is City of Matlosana Local Municipality with 67 400 or a share of 59.67% of the households with piped water inside the dwelling within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality. The region with the lowest number of households with piped water inside the dwelling is Maquassi Hills Local Municipality with a total of 7 430 or a share of 6.58% of the total households with piped water inside the dwelling within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality.

Chart: Households by dwelling unit type - Dr Kenneth Kaunda, North-West and national total, 2018 [percentage]

Households by dwelling unit type Dr Kenneth Kaunda, North-West and National Total, 2018 100%

90% Other dwelling type 80%

70% Traditional


50% Informal


30% Formal


10% Very Formal

0% Dr Kenneth Kaunda North-West National Total

Source: IHS Markit Regional eXplorer version 1946

5.3. Waste Management According to the IHS Markit, Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality had a total number of 187 000 (79.20%) households which had their refuse removed weekly by the authority, a total of 3 170 (1.34%) households had their refuse removed less often than weekly by the authority and a total number of 31 500 (13.39%) households which had to remove their refuse personally (own dump). Table: Households by refuse disposal - City of Matlosana, Maquassi Hills and JB Marks Local Municipalities, 2018 [number]

Removed less Removed Removed by Personal often than No refuse weekly by community removal (own Total weekly by removal authority members dump) authority City of 121,575 1,296 1,050 7,392 2,250 133,564 Matlosana Maquassi Hills 11,130 986 2,647 6,233 2,232 23,228 JB Marks 53,853 885 2,384 17,913 3,716 78,751 Total Dr Kenneth 186,558 3,167 6,081 31,538 8,198 235,542 Kaunda Source: IHS Markit Regional eXplorer version 1946

The region within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality with the highest number of households where the refuse is removed weekly by the authority is City of Matlosana Local Municipality with 122 000 or a share of 65.17% of the households where the refuse is removed weekly by the authority within Dr Kenneth Kaunda. The region with the lowest number of households where the refuse is removed weekly by the authority is Maquassi Hills Local Municipality with a total of 11 100 or a share of 5.97% of the total households where the refuse is removed weekly by the authority within the district municipality.

5.4. Roads and Transport

In 2016, the Department of Community Safety and Transport Management (DCSTM) in the North West embarked on the third-generation District Integrated Transport Plan (DITP) for the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality for the period 2017 to 2021. The key findings have indicated on the following interventions that needs to be made in order to improve the transport system in the District. Various transport needs have been summarised from the Local Municipalities’ Integrated Transport Plans. In view of the coordination and strategic role of the DM, it is proposed that masterplans for Roads, Freight Transport, Non-Motorised Transport, Learner Transport and Rural Transport are conducted by the DM.

The District Municipality is well served with mini-bus taxi routes and services. There are more than 2 039 legally registered mini-bus taxi vehicles, 1 283 operational members, 2 011 operating licences issued of which 1 976 have been issued for commuter services, and 1 004 for long distance services. The is a total of 112 learner transport operators serving 78 schools with 164 vehicles.

5.5 Electricity Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality had a total number of 6 830 (2.90%) households with electricity for lighting only, a total of 212 000 (90.15%) households had electricity for

Page 21 of 35 lighting and other purposes and a total number of 16 400 (6.96%) households did not use electricity.

Table: Households by type of electrical connection - City Of Matlosana, Maquassi Hills and JB Marks Local Municipalities, 2018 [Number]

Electricity for Electricity for Not using lighting and other Total lighting only electricity purposes

City of Matlosana 2,856 122,821 7,887 133,564

Maquassi Hills 488 20,893 1,847 23,228

JB Marks 3,484 68,618 6,648 78,751

Total 6,828 212,332 16,382 235,542 Dr Kenneth Kaunda

Source: IHS Markit Regional eXplorer version 1946

The region within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality with the highest number of households with electricity for lighting and other purposes is City of Matlosana Local Municipality with 123 000 or a share of 57.84% of the households with electricity for lighting and other purposes within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality. The Region with the lowest number of households with electricity for lighting and other purposes is Maquassi Hills Local Municipality with a total of 20 900 or a share of 9.84% of the total households with electricity for lighting and other purposes within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality.

6. Governance and Management 6.1 Municipality Performance

In terms of MFMA Section 16(1) “the council of a municipality must for each financial year approve an annual budget for the municipality before the start of that financial year”. Section 16 (2) “In order for a municipality to comply with subsection (1), the mayor of the municipality must table the annual budget at a council meeting at least 90 days before the start of the budget year”. MFMA Section 24(1) the municipal council must at least 30 days before the start of the budget year consider approval of the annual budget.

MFMA Section 55 “if a municipality has not approved an annual budget by the first day of the budget year or if the municipality encounters a serious financial problem referred to in section 136, the mayor of the municipality- (a) must immediately report the matter to the MEC for local government in the province; and (b) may recommend to the MEC an appropriate provincial intervention in terms of section 139 of the Constitution. Municipality Tabling of Draft Budget Adoption of Final Budget Date Date City of Matlosana 20-04-2018 30-05-2018 Maquassi Hills 29-03-2018 07-06-2018 JB Marks 13-04-2018 30-05-2018 Dr Kenneth Kaunda 29-03-2018 07-06-2018

All four municipalities managed to adopt the final budget 2018-19 before the start of financial year. Financial Reporting The structure of the report will mainly cover Operating Expenditure, Cash Flow, Creditors, Debtors Management and Collection Rate. Operating Expenditure Municipality Code Total Employe Bulk Other Total YTD % of operatin e related purchas Expense % salarie g Exp cost e s s & Budget Wages City of NW403 3 277 461 274 747 923 936 447 2 145 65% 14% Matlosana 021 644 Maquassi Hills NW404 356 692 60 068 82 118 61 886 204 072 57% 17% JB Marks NW405 1 748 257 954 419 287 791 584 1 468 84% 15% 204 825 Dr Kenneth DC40 178 059 77 935 0 77 272 155 207 87% 44% Kaunda DM Dr Kenneth Kaunda 5 559 857 231 1 249 1 867 3 973 71% 15% district 976 328 189 748

The total expenditure for Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality amounted to R3 973 748 billion or 71 percent of the total budget of R5 559 976 billion. 15% of the total operating expenditure as at the end of June 2018 is on employee related costs.

Cash Flow at at End of June 2018 (Dr KKD Municipalities) Municipality Opening Balance Receipts Payments Closing Creditors City of Matlosana 193 075 180 377 481 369 -107 917 371 730 Maquassi Hills 414 21 787 20 813 1 388 147 910 JB Marks 310 217 147 379 126 873 330 723 53 42

Creditors Management, Debtors Management and Collection Rate The total creditors for the Dr Keneth Kaunda municipalities amounts to R588 909 million of which R360 680 million is owed for over 90 days. Total debt owed to the Dr Kenneth Kaunda Municipalities amounted to R3.623 billion, of which R3.083 billion is owed for more than 90 days

The Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs compiled a Collection Rate assessment report from the 2017-18 Audited Annual Financial Statement (AFS) sourced from National Treasury Website (municipal documentation). Page 23 of 35

According to this report, the City of Matlosana collects at 96%, Maquassi Hills at 88% and JB Marks at 91%. Audit Outcomes and MPAC Functionality Summary of Audit Outcomes of Dr KK District Municipalities Progres Municipality 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13 s Dr Kenneth Qualifie Qualifie Unqualifi Unqualifi Unqualifi Stagnan Kaunda Qualified d d ed ed ed t Unqualifi Qualifie Qualifie Disclaim Improve Matlosana ed d d Qualified Qualified er d Disclaim Qualifie Qualifie Disclaim Disclaim Regress Maquassi Hills er d d Qualified er er ed Disclaim Qualifie Improve JB Marks Qualified er d d Erstwhile Disclaim Disclaim Disclaim Disclaim Stagnan Ventersdorp er er er er t Qualifie Unqualifi Unqualifi Unqualifi Stagnan Erstwhile Tlokwe d ed ed ed t

MPAC Fuctionality in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipalities Municipality Functional/Not Comments/ reasons for non functionality Dr Kenneth Kaunda Functional Active Matlosana Functional Active Maquassi Hills Not Functional Backlog of Oversight reports, no permanently allocated support staff and no annual work plan. MPAC inactive JB Marks Not Functional No support from administration. MPAC inactive

Chart: The chart below indicates the 2015/16, 2016/17. 2017/18 expenditure patterns of Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality.

3,500,000.00 Unauthorised 3,000,000.00

2,500,000.00 Irregular 2,000,000.00 Fruitless & Wasteful 1,500,000.00 Expenditures 1,000,000.00 Linear (Unauthorised)

500,000.00 Linear (Irregular) - 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18

The UIF&W expenditure has been increasing annually. Municipalities are not addressing UIF&W expenditure as required by MFMA sec 32.


6.2 Municipal Capacity

The organizational structure of the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality is under review and the changed structure will first be adopted in Council and will be reflected in future documents. The District is reportedly stable whereby Council and its Committees are functional. Notwithstanding, at Maquassi Hills Local Municipality, there is instability of Council characterized by infighting that led to political instability and weak oversight. This has led to non-functionality of Council and its Committees and in particular the MPAC.

For City of Matlosana Local Municipality the Council is fragmented, the Mayoral Committee is divided, and the Troika is not coherent. Meetings of Committees of Council are not convened and/or poorly attended and if they happen to convene, they are disrupted. This anomaly is impacting negatively on governance and oversight of Council, thus creating an enabling environment for the collapse of service delivery and violent service delivery protests. Nonetheless, it is so far the only municipality in the province with an unqualified audit opinion.

And in the case of JB Marks Local Municipality, Council and its Committees are functional. Functional ward committees are critical to the national strategic objective of deepening democracy through public participation. Ward committees have a pivotal role to play as a conduit between the municipal Council and the community. All local municipalities in the district have established ward committees.

An audit was also conducted at the three local municipalities and reflected that some vacancies do exist at ward committees which have been left unfilled for a long period despite a plea made by the Department of CoGTA to municipalities that whenever a vacancy occurs, it must be filled immediately at least within three months after it occurred. The table below indicates the status of total vacancies in ward committees per municipality in the district: Name of Number of Ward Total Number of Total number of Municipality Committees Vacancies Ward Committee Members 1. City of Matlosana 39 2 388 2. JB Marks 34 16 324


3. Maquassi Hills 11 8 102 Total 84 26 814

The table below provides an overview of staffing levels in the municipality, including total staff currently employed, permanent staff, temporary staff, approved positions, and total funded vacancies.

For example, in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality 93.7% of staff are permanent employees and 6.3% are temporary employees, in JB Marks local municipality, 91.5% of staff are permanent employees and 8.5% are temporary employees, in the City of Matlosana Local Municipality 99% of the staff are permanent employees and 1% are temporary employees and in Maquassi Hills local municipality 97.5% of the staff are permanent employees and 2.5% are temporary employees.

Status DR KK DM JB Marks City of Maquassi LM Matlosana Hills LM LM Total municipal staff currently employed 205 1053 2032 275 Total permanent currently employed 192 (93.7%) 963 (91.5%) 2012 (99%) 268 (97.5%) Total temporary staff currently employed 13 (6.3%) 90 (8.5%) 20 (1%) 7 (2.5%) Total approved positions 210 288 503 10 Total funded vacancies 415 1341 2535 285 Source: Municipal Demarcation Board (Municipal Capacity Assessments 2018)

6.3 Traditional Affairs Governance

With regards to traditional leaders, there are no traditional leaders within the district.

7. Projects to Diversify and Grow People and the Economy 7.1 Social Development Project

The Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality can promote social cohesion through tourism activities which are the source of tourist attraction and local residents can make use of such. The region has numerous number of outdoor adventurer’s paradise which offers hiking trails, mountain biking trails, canoeing, white water rafting, mountain climbing and abseiling.

Lodges along the Vaal River afford some of the best angling and fly fishing opportunities in South Africa which includes the Cristiana All Seasons Resort, Bloemhof Dam Reserve, Dam Reserve, Sunwa Water Experiences, The Vaal River and Wolwespruit . Other popular attractions include the

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Vredefort Dome one of the oldest meteor impact sites in the world and the Mine Tours.

7.2. Spatial Development

The SDF proposes development according to the following hierarchy of nodes as outlined in the NW PSDF. Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom are identified as Priority 1 investment nodes (can be regarded as primary nodes). is identified as a Priority 2 investment area (regarded as secondary node). Ventersdorp is identified as a Priority 3 investment area (regarded as tertiary node)

The map below shows the development corridors and urban edge in the two major of the district. The urban edge extracted directly from the local municipalities’ SDFs shows areas where development is restricted in, whereas the development corridors shows areas that have greater investment potential and where future developments should be concentrated.


7.3 Infrastructure Projects

JB Marks

Total amount for all MIG registered projects is R121 million. Maquassi Hills Local Municipality

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Total amount for all MIG registered projects is R33. 818 millions.

Matlosana Local Municipality

7.4 Environmental forecast

Responding to growth pressures and climate change requires action. In Dr KKD, a range of planning and design actions are integrated with local planning instruments to adapt settlements to the likely impacts of climate change and reduce their exposure to hazards.


8. Key Recommendations JB Marks Local Municipality borders Gauteng and City of Matlosana Local Municipality. The main node in the municipality, linking Gauteng to the east, is Potchefstroom. Potchefstroom is a developed with finance and business services sector as the main sector. With the well-developed infrastructure of Potchefstroom, it has been able to sustain a positive economic growth rate throughout the transition period in South Africa and, together with its abundance of water and electricity, holds great opportunities for future growth.

The North West University Potchefstroom Campus attracts investment and capital to the municipality, making Potchefstroom ideal for the Diversification and Maintenance Strategy. Matlosana City Local Municipality is considered as a distressed mining municipality and the focus need to be on the economic and social transformation of settlements.

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Development Guidelines: • The municipality has a strong educational base and can be seen as a leading national tertiary hub, with a myriad of opportunities associated with student housing and relevant services. • Ensure better functional integration. • The municipality has high value agricultural land that should be promoted and protected. • Ensure land tenure security. • Delineate a clear urban edge to prevent development on high value agricultural land and to promote densification. • Potchefstroom provides a strong urban core with highly skilled employees and entrepreneurial skills, mainly as a result of the NWU Potchefstroom Campus. Opportunities exist to diversify the economy and focus on tertiary services such as the finance and business services sector. • Potchefstroom is situated close to Gauteng and Klerksdorp – forming part of the Gauteng City Region, creating opportunities for industrial development, lifestyle estate development and services such as health care, retail and education. • Focus on diversifying and promoting the manufacturing sector. • Diversify the local economy – focus on forward and backward linkages. • Uphold business environment and property investment maintenance – contribute to retain and instill business confidence. • Integrate the informal market into the economy. There is potential in the second economy that can be exploited and help to increase the economic base. • Promote nodal development and retail / commercial development in second economy areas. • Formalise housing. • Provide affordable housing in appropriate locations to ensure that the property values of high-income areas (mostly situated in the eastern parts of Potchefstroom) are not affected. • Promote mixed use developments. • Revitalisation of the CBD. • Promote tourism development in the following areas:


o The Vredefort Dome which has been listed as a World Heritage Site. o The Boskop Dam Nature Reserve. o The Prozesky Bird Sanctuary. o The proposed Highveld National Park. • Ensure proper maintenance and upgrading of infrastructure. • Create a conductive environment that will attract private sector investment.

Projects and Programmes of Provincial Sector Departments

PROJECTS BY INSPECTORATE NO: DESCRIPTIO Local Contracto TOTAL EXPE ACTUAL Remarks PWR N (NAME OF Municipalit r BUDGE N TO PROGRES PROJECT y T FOR DATE S (include 19/20 R ‘000 progress R‘000 expressed as % completed against planned 57/1 Renovation of JB Marks Lerato and R1 175 R 503 Contractor Progress 8 DPWR Tefo 556.48 436.92 on site, satisfactor Workshops at Progress to y, to Witrand date 41% overlap to Hospital new f/y Renovation Matlosana Khululeka R207 R207 100% Retention and Repairs Civils 830.00 830.00 released of Boardroom at Klerksdorp Sub District Offices Renovations Matlosana Khululeka R370 R315 95% Progress and Repairs Civils 275.36 436.82 Satisfactor of Hall at y Klerksdorp Sub district Offices Renovation JB Marks Gabo R 198 R163 Contractor Progress and Repairs Motho 495.00 489.50 on site, Satisfactor of Boardroom Trading Progress to y at Enterprise date 82% Ventersdorp Sub district Offices Renovation JB Marks Mashota R 437 R 356 81% Progress and Repairs Trading 841.95 726.21 Satisfactor of Enterprise y Hall at Ventersdorp Sub District Offices Renovations Maquassi Mesale R 478 R 478 100% Retention and Repairs Hill Projects 276.95 276.95 released of Hall at Wolmaransta

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d Sub district Offices


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