Jamie Anderson v. Taylor Williams Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament 2011 Materials 2011 Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament CASE MATERIALS Page 1 Introduction This Mock Trial case was developed for the 2011Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament. For information about the MHSMTT Rules or information about Mock Trial in general, contact the Michigan Center for Civic Education at
[email protected]. The 2011 mock trial case was initially drafted by the Illinois State Bar Association as a criminal case. It was substantially re-written to be a civil case for use in Pennsylvania by Jonathan A. Grode, a third year student at Temple University James Beasley School of Law and Jane Meyer, Esq., of the Pennsylvania State Bar Young Lawyers’ Division Mock Trial Committee and the National High School Mock Trial Championship Board of Directors. The case problem was again substantially re-written for use in New Mexico by Shannon L. Donahue, Esq., of Shannon L. Donahue, PC, Michelle Giger, President and CEO of Center for Civic Values, and Karl Johnson, Esq., of Luebben, Johnson & Barnhouse, LLP. Next, the case was adapted for use in Arizona by Dewain D. Fox, Esq., Fennemore Craig, PC; Lance R. Broberg, Esq., Tiffany & Bosco, PA; and Tiffany F. Broberg, Esq., Ridenour, Hienton, Kelhoffer & Lewis, PLLC. We extend sincere thanks to the Arizona, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Illinois mock trial programs for granting permission to adapt this case for use in Michigan. Summary: The plaintiff is Jamie Anderson, a high school senior, who used the school’s chat room as a means to stay on top of her/his academic pursuit of the highly coveted valedictorian scholarship.