Worlds in Translation: European Novels in Albanian Language

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Worlds in Translation: European Novels in Albanian Language 552571-CREA-1-2014-1-AL-CULT-LIT1 Generated on: Sep 30, 2021 Subprogramme: Culture Action: Literary translation projects Project Title Worlds in translation: European novels in Albanian language Project Coordinator Organisation TOENA Address RRUGA M GJOLLESHA 1420 , 1001 1028 TIRANA , Albania , AL Project Information Project Number 552571-CREA-1-2014-1-AL-CULT-LIT1 Start Date Oct 1, 2014 End Date Sep 30, 2016 Union Grant 62,927.85 EUR This document has been generated by Creative Europe Project Results Platform Page 1 of 2 552571-CREA-1-2014-1-AL-CULT-LIT1 Generated on: Sep 30, 2021 Project Summary Worlds in translation: European novels in Albanian Language is a literary translation Project made possible by the Creative Europe policy to help and promote the Translation, publication and promotion of a package of nine novels chosen by Toena Publishing House with the aim to translate, distribute and promote a number of contemporary novels in Albania and Albanian Diaspora. Toena has undertaken in order to fulfil the project goals a series of activities and steps that include: 1. The accurate creation of a collection, containing the nine books in the package, connected by the details of a collection like, same format and main colours for all the books included, a name for the collection (in Albanian: Botë në përkthim: Pikëtakim i kulturave evropiane). 2. Participation in different Literary Festivals and Bookfairs, presented in our application and others where we usually participate during the year like: The Art and Book Festival (2015, Tirana), Tirana National Bookfair, International Bookfairs in: Turin, Thessaloniki, Skopje, Geneva, Pristina, local BookFairs in Albania like: Durres, Saranda, Tirana, Vlore, others not included in the Project like Montenegro, etc. 3. Literary events and promotional events with the participation of both author and translator of the novel included in the collection with the aim to promote the novels giving to them the needed space to have a real communication with the readers. Promotional events were placed in important hubs of Tirana like The National Museum and The Science Academy. Literary events were focused to build a communication environment between authors, translators and specific target groups as students of high school and university, where the main topics of these meetings were literature in an European context, the specific novel in both languages (In original and the Albanian version) and different other subject as: studying abroad, benefits of learning foreign languages and becoming professionals in the field of literature, translation and professions in interest of students. Also in these meetings were present academics, writers, literary critics, etc. 4. During the authors stay in Tirana we made possible arranging a large number of interviews released by the authors and translators of the books in the collection in all the important TV Stations (Top Channel, Ora News, News 24), newspapers and literary supplements (Gazeta Shqiptare, Mapo, Milosao, Gazeta Shqip, Tema), radio readings of excerpts of the books (Albanian National Radio). 5. Promotion of the novels through social media as official pages of Toena in Facebook, Twitter, official website, Toena online bookstore and collaboration with online distributors like, Bukinist. 6. Inclusion in all our activities of debates, readings, discussions of the book with readers, students of Foreign Languages and Albanian Language (University of Tirana), students of High schools, Albanian writers, translators and specialised readers. 7. Distribution of all the nine title package at Toena’s chain of stores in Albania and abroad: Tirana, Durres, Vlorë (Orikumi), Skopje (FYROM), Dulcinj (Montenegro), Pristina (Kosovo) and other important bookstores we collaborate with as Albanian, Adrion, 8. Different new projects on translation by meeting different foreign publishers and literary agents in the Book Fairs we were present, where we distributed the English catalogue, of Albanian authors, and where we discussed about possible future collaborations in Albanian translation. Also during these activities we organised meetings with Albanian readers abroad. Link to project card: Show project card * Results are available for this project. You can click on the link above, and go to "Results" section to view them This document has been generated by Creative Europe Project Results Platform Page 2 of 2.
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