
Please share your thoughts about programs for English Learners, Foster youth, and low income students, both positives or ideas for growth and improvement.

Please continue with specialized coordinators. no comment

Appreciates the free lunches and would like tutoring for the foster student.

Yes, and no. He does not have students that require these services.

None at this time. District employee.

I think kinder and first grade students should not have WIN time because all of the students are learning language and they all need to learn the same things. Much more time needs to be spent on vocabulary through hands on projects and writing activities. The groups are too big and the range of abilities are too wide and their is not enough time for effective instruction. We've been doing the WIN time for awhile now, and I really have not seen improvement for EL students due to WIN. The best EL progress comes from the classroom teacher and the reading specialist who works in small groups with students. It would be far more effective for EL students to meet in small groups with a person dedicated to that purpose and group the students by reading/writing ability.

I believe that this is a good thing i have no ideas as of ;right now on how to improve these programs help is there if one chooses to use it.

My student is none of the above but I support these kinds of programs and I'm very glad to hear that NUSD has them, especially the support for PSAT and ACT. I came from a low income, non college parents and there was a lot I just didn't know in HS that I learned on my own but sometimes too late (but I managed it and went on to graduate from UC Berkeley) but only in retrospect have I been able to grasp how clueless I was, compared to my peers in college.

I don't understand why my children were identified as EL since we speak English at home. But my husband and I speak to each other other languages. Hence when it came time for them to have EL support. It took time away from class which might result in missing important instruction from their teachers. In short, I'm questionin how students are identified as EL.

EL Coordinators are not doing ANYTHING to support EL students that I am aware of. I think it is a waste of prep periods!

Did not know these programs existed.

There should be more awareness shared about these programs

Lowering class sizes, so student engagement would be higher for EL and fosters students is more critical than these other ideas presented. Go back 20:1 in primary and 25:1 in intermediate at schools where EL population is higher. It seems to me that all these programs do not involve the parents enough in the process. My prior school required parents to attend meetings once a month and to describe at home learning for student; ie, desks, when studies, what homework etc.

The after school programs can really provide additional opportunities by enriching the program the time spent and developing a program that targets the individual needs by level. Focus on reading and writing since many students struggle to put ideas on paper once they have learned to read. Many student can't complete the homework because parent don't understand and are unable to support in that matter.

ESY and 1:1 computing should be available for low income students district wide who have or may have fallen behind due to lack of resources.

Thanks for having interpreters & translators ready available for staff when needed.

I think NUSD is doing a wonderful job reaching out and serving underprivileged youth. he district should financially support overnight field trips for students that have expressed financial concerns. Teachers have raised funds knowing that it is a "we all go, or we don't go" knowing that children are in no way shape or form be excluded from a trip because of financial reasons. I truly agree, too, but it becomes very stressful when we fall short of our donation goal and have to ask our families if they can donate more to make the trip possible for all. At this point, is when I feel the district should become involved. Overnight field trip provide a memorable educational experience for students, but with the stresses of more and more students in financial need, I'm afraid that the overnight field trips will no longer be feasible. An experience that makes our district stand out from other districts. I believe funds need to be set aside to assist with overnight field trip expenses thus helping our low income students.

Reading exile levels for all NHS students have been identified, but the district is not listening to staff. we need comprehensive decoding and comprehension classes, date has been provided, but instead NHS gets an "intervention" class with no curriculum. babysit and have fun. NUSD has put such an emphasis on data, and then to ignore site level date provided to ed center, is basically, reprehensible.

The After school meals are helpful for students before they attend office hours

Did not know of these programs in in the property and my child did not do sports. Because we did not have money to get sport supply. Was not aware of programs

Although I think we're doing some to support our foster youth and low income students, I think we need to address their behavioral and mental health needs better with increased services on school campuses. We need more Tier 1 supports for social and emotional learning, in addition to more staff who can provide Tier 2 and Tier 3 social emotional supports.

I think it is awesome that you provide children with the best education and giving them the opportunity to succeed and go to college.

These programs has been great to our students these pass 12years since I been employed with NUSD. Honest opinion we should continue, working hard and support our students financially. Eliminating great programs in our society will not bring a better future in our students life's.

There needs to be an ELD teacher/TOSA at each school site to provide ELD instruction to English learners. WINN time is not enough and it is not effective. Teachers of non-EL students teach impacted classes (classes of 30+) during WINN time while EL groups per grade are 12 or lower. A TOSA is needed to teach ELD groups because there are not enough teachers per grade level to group the classes by ability and EL proficiency.

We have low-income students throughout the district, and it is not equitable to provide instructional technology to only one school. You must consider how you can provide the same services and resources to all low-income students, not just those in one geographic area.

It would be great if we could add after school counseling and a homework place for the English Learners, foster youth, and our low income students.

There are little to no foster services for students I have worked with in the elementary age, no outreach, I have had to email to figure out any services if any. For EL, there are no current programs or training, no report card standards or training. For low income students in all the schools I have worked out, only AL provided low student ratios, but no other incentives as field trip funds, finger printing for parents that could not afford so they could volunteer, counseling services for students that are struggling in the elementary age. Elementary is getting ignored in terms of services, not meeting the needs of younger students who will need the services even more in junior high and high school. PLEASE PROVIDE SERVICES TO ALL! In all schools! The funds to low income services to teachers should be greater as we are spending more money to get the supplies they do not have. A supply closet for teachers would be great with essentials such as paper, scissors, glue, crayons and markers!

Low income students need more support in reading, writing and math. Access to technology does not guarantee comprehension or skill development. Now that there's a technology based intervention curriculum implemented at Gateways the technology is being used more effectively. more money and time need to be spent on all areas

Regarding English learners, I feel that the students parents of English learners can use some help as well.

The word needs to get out for the programs offered to these children.

At what schools are the summer school support located at? Which teachers receive training?

Foster students need research based targeted academic assistance programs. I think the funding is wonderful but they need more help catching up with school work and being supported with academics. You are not helping poor children by paying for tests that they can't pass because you have failed to educate them. Poor students need research based targeted intervention and academic assistance which you are not providing with your funds although you are legally mandated to do so. The NGMS program is a lie. Poor kids have the least access to computing at ngms because they can't pay for their chromebooks when they broke them so they don't get to use a computer at all. Also, you have not taught them to type in the 3rd grade so they can't use computers like a college bound student anyway. You need to require touchtyping for 30 minutes per day beginning in 3rd grade. When a student can touch type 40 words per minute then you need to buy and train your teachers in a coding curriculum. you need to end the current NGMS computer distribution model immediately, it is the most inequitable ever.

Regarding Foster Youth: Thanks to the efforts of Brent Johnson (and previously Amreek Singh), staff are better equipped to support students who fall in the Foster Youth or Low Income areas. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Singh gave elevated staffs awareness of the programs and personal support that's needed in the lives of our students that fall in these categories.

At NMS, the ELD teachers do an outstanding job.

Low Income students may get new computers but without intensive reading- interventions it is a mute point; many of the students who come from poor backgrounds have not had the proper instruction to address reading-related struggles that may spring from being at multiple schools, classes of over 20, and/or lack of education in the home.

Systematic and systemic EL instruction is non-existent at the elementary levels, causing academic difficulty for English Learners entering middle school. Low income students need a guaranteed safe place to be before and after school that parents/guardians don't have to pay for, no matter where the students attend school. Right now, we don't have a district-wide before and after school program, so students at some school have somewhere to go and others don't.

I do not feel adequately trained to totally support my EL learners.

Foster Youth experience a immense amount of trauma and need support services through Mental Health or counseling. Regular meetings and connection with an established person is incredibly important, as communicated by a former Foster Youth.

We have provided training for lead teachers but rarely give them time to share and disseminate that information. It gets too far removed from individual teachers in their classrooms. It feels like the training and information really impacts the lead teachers classrooms. It isn't enough to impact all students. We have walked away from GLAD and other coaching programs that impacted many more teachers and students. Elk Grove, Twin Rivers, West Sac, Roseville and San Juan are ALL pursuing GLAD training - even in our district borders. We have 3 of our 5 Key trainers still in this district....

I believe this survey is insensitive to the programs you are trying to serve. You have not hit the target area for the students that you claim you are helping. What programs not tests, are in place for those students that are not in the IB, AP, Ceca programs and are average or below grade level but don't qualify for Special Ed? I do know that you are pushing for Restore of Justice and Promise Program that deals with behavior but not the bigger issue of their frustration of not being supported academically, Students get in trouble in class then sent to the programs that you have created for behavior. Just like California. Build prisons not schools. I have yet to receive financial support from this district for a foster student with needed assistance.I know the district receives funds for those student but they don't come to the site for items such as PE clothing, dance tickets, senior trip. These students get these items due to other students fundraising! That is a problem of disproportionality!

Our classroom supply budget in SDC is very low. When our student population in those classes is mostly low income and EL and special needs, how can help our students access what they need without continuing to buy supplies for them out of pocket? If gateway students have access to technology, then what happens when they come to NHS? The population is similar. We expect our students to check our website, submit some work online, and type most papers and projects. some students do not have technology at home and are not given in class time to work. we are great at saying come after school, go to the library, but some cannot.

The English Learners programs need a complete overhaul. Students should be pulled out of class and put into a resource center environment. EL students should have quality curriculum that meets state standards. The current WIN Program is counterproductive and negatively effects the learning time of non-EL students... there has to be a better way than what is currently done.

Would like to see more support and consistency among our high school foster youth to prepare them after graduation and security to enjoy their senior year.

Programs dont help students, people do. You need the right people running the programs. Additionally, you need a better way for site employees to get students help they need. There is too much top down micro control from the DO and kids lose.

We need to have more diverse male figures on campus. Especially in the lower income schools. MANY students come from broken families and don't have male role models. DOGS or hiring administration that is more diverse is a good idea.

I feel that our EL students need more support with qualified personnel.

If you keep firing ("non-reelecting") quality teachers that have relationships with these kids, it wont matter that more students are taking tests because they will have no motivation or connection. Many of the students connected to these people are devastated with the non-reelections. These decisions do not support your supposed goal of : hire & retrain high quality teachers. It is hypocritical.

The teacher trainings for EL teachers was cancelled due to (I assume) lack of subs. It seems like it might be important to look like a better and more supportive location for teachers to compete with neighboring districts in times of teacher shortages.

I very impressed with all the new changes for the better I'm seeing coming from NUSD. :-)

We need an actual program for EL students district and school needs more parent engagement which in turn will be support for English learners as we need more parent-school connections to work as partners with families

Lack of CTE courses but significant College Prep courses addresses only one component of "College and Career Readiness". The majority of low income and special needs students in this district would benefit from CTE courses tailored to professions they can enter directly out of secondary education.

Very necessary and hopefully we continue to add more supports still going forward there is a need for after school help for EL students and low income students no nothing to add more parent outreach

We need more support for English Learners so they can succeed.

Not really

I think it is awesome. I have seen first hand the impact and I applaud NUSD for including everyone.


Teachers need to see lessons that include EL strategies in everyday lessons for their class. Watching a video and answering questions is not training.

I would like to see training for teachers with demonstration lessons which include EL strategies. Watching a video or reading information and answering questions is not the kind of training teachers need. They need to see it live!!

Although I was previously unaware of the various support offered by NUSD, I now believe that the district is working hard to help these students succeed. do not have input on these programs. We are not considered low income based on the poverty table; however, it would be nice to see other some programs that my child qualifies for.

Low income students are present at all district schools. Although it is beneficial for NGMS students, we also have students in poverty who would benefit from the same opportunity to have access to technology. It seems this disparity is based solely on geographic location of the school site, which is not equitable to all students.

The charters keep opening up and don't reflect these populations all too well. They only take high achieving students who have supportive, involved families. Has the district looked into how the demographics of charter schools in the district compare to NUSD? It's getting ridiculous. You are promoting inequity with charters like this.

Lower class sizes in all grade levels especially in K-3 more exposure to technology, newer books of their interest more acticities that teach life skills and appropriate social skils

Doing fine with this...

I think these all sound like very valuable programs.


I welcome these programs. I did not have these opportunities when I was in grade school

Very happy to hear my son's school recognizes the need for all these programs

I believe every child desereves to have the best education they can have reguardless of their race,foster,English leaner,or low income.Schools r their only chance of surviving in the world not to mention they'er our future.

Well they all sound like excellent programs that are probably in their developmental phases so I'm pretty sure that they will only improve from this point going forward.

Good that they are there for the children and guardians.

I'm glad to hear about the foster youth,mand low income program I believe no student should ever be left out regardless of there family income.

Don't forget high performing youth in your efforts to expand services. Access to sports and positive peer relationships essential. Access to technology. After school safe programs and homework help. Help for parents to help kids or support parents as well. Free school supplies. Support groups to teach peer interactions.

The teachers need support as well with foster youth. These are children that are coming from broken and at times abusive homes. We are not trained on how to deal with their special needs and help these children succeed. n/a

No comment

I feel that the process to help low income students is very important to the school district. the program that assigned computers to the middle school students is very good.

I am unaware of the programs, for my family and I do not comply to: English Learners, Foster Youth, or Low Income. However, I have met families that do apply. I feel that they get the run-around because they do not understand your "terminology". I would not have either if I did not have the guidance of ALTA and CAS... I could not imagine what the English Learners deal with...

I'm glad to hear of the proactive approaches for English learners, Foster youth, and low income students....keep up the good work and look for ways to continuously improve learning for all students.

No comment

Low income students need more opportunities with being more productive in class . More one on one, there is a over crowd Ness in the classroom there should be more aides to help the teachers. Im am a single mother who volunteers and just recently passed background check to be in the schools. There are too many kids coming to the office and there also needs to be more communication between the teachers and parents. PHONE CALLS NOT EMAILS. CHALLENGED KIDS ARE BEING PUT TO THE SIDE INSTEAD OF TRYING TO HELP THEM. I'M AN ADVOCATE, ACTIVIST, AND I WILL EXCEPT THE CHALLENGE . n/a

These are very good efforts

I think that it is wonderful that the school district is working to support foster kids and low income while those of us that pay taxes and support the district get little to no programs or school activities for our kids. Maybe when my kids get to high school there might be some activities for them but in the grade school and middle school levels, nothing. I've paid for the contracted art after school program that was pathetic. I've paid for the after school science program, also a waste of money. My kids have had more learning at home that at the school. And I fear for the future if the language arts reflects what is being taught throughout the nation. These kids wrote more in the 4th grade than 8th grade. Not a single report! I've seen nothing more than single paragraphs. If there were vouchers, they would be out of Heron. I like my house, my neighborhood but certainly not the school district. Maybe if you all could hire teachers with some experience it would help. And here Heron is supposed to be one of your better schools.

No comment.

Since i was unaware i have no feedback

There are a lot of resources being devoted to these groups.

We felt very supported when our children were in the Foster care system, and continue to feel this way now that we have legally adopted them.

Great idea.

Sometimes districts spend so much attention on specialized groups that average kids from average families fall through the cracks

The programs are not the problem; the curriculum needs great improvement and class sizes are extreme. Ratio would be better 25 to 1?

Teachers do not seem to be trained or supported in these endeavors. It is sad Though I have no ideas at this moment regarding these programs, I do feel they are needed and glad they exist.

With knowledge comes growth and improvement for a better individual having positive attitude in our community making a better world.

I am very pleased to hear that NUSD has the forethought and fortitude to focus on students that may have become forgotten in other districts.

I think this survey is confusing, because I have never heard the term "English Learner" before. Aren't all our kids learning English? Or does this refer to children whose native language is NOT English? If so, won't this data collection be skewed, given that you are asking people to answer questions that are vague and possibly misleading?

I would like to see music and art back in the elementary school as well as field trip experiences for our title I schools...the children who need extracurricular learning experiences the most. Art/music is lacking and adds so much to elementary age kids' learning.

Class sizes are too large to support any of these programs

I suspect that these students struggle in the classroom to learn subject matter and I suspect that teachers struggle to teach the broad spectrum of learning abilities of the students in their classrooms. Lowering student to teacher ratios would be a start toward allowing teachers to reach all levels of learning abilities in the classroom. If the district is focused on helping these students to be successful in a regular classroom setting, maybe placing more focused emphasis on the front end for these students would be more productive. As they achieve levels of accomplishments in various subjects, then move them on to regular classroom setting. Those students will continuously struggle to learn subject matter until they get a better grasp on the English language; until they learn that they are just children/students needing and hopefully wanting to learn. Take a look at the preschool and kinder programs to see if there is anything that can be done at those levels to better serve disadvantaged students and ready them for higher learning.

From past few years, we as parents can see drastic change in educational programs and support from NUSD. I personally attend ELAC meeting, parents core meeting, and many other meetings where we can get more information about how our district is doing and what is doing special. We saw the growth and improvement in all students' grade.

I think the EL program is a great idea and it's good to know that our district provides help with foster youth too. Keep up the good work

More training and frequent monitoring should take place at schools to help the English learners improve .

Sounds good since that is the language spoken in USA, I wonder why most communication from the schools is spoken/printed in English AND Spanish. To me, that is enabling people to not learn English.

I think tutoring is very helpful and important

I think this is excellent!

I think if these programs are welcomed to all students. Than the students whom really need these programs wouldn't feel like they singled out.

My father's family immigrated to the with little money. Half of the family was born abroad; half here. But this was a long time ago when we expected kids and families to make the adjustments on their own no matter what their background or financial standing. I'm all for extra classes to help non-English speakers catch-up. And I also respect and appreciate the customs of other cultures, but on the other hand, let's provide classes not crutches so non- English speakers can catch-up and not be isolated. The same goes for low income but even more so. I would also hope, in the case of Foster children, that their temporary families are doing more than warehousing the kids in order to collect a stipend.

Not enough math curriculum support for students who have gaps in math. Teachers need training on how to teach math. My son is struggling and I've reached out to NHS and there isn't any resources. Teachers could provide math notes to parents so we can help our students. They could videotape lectures or provide resources so parents can help their children.

Sounds like Natomas Unified is on the right track.

I believe it will take some time before we truly see the results of these efforts. For some, the educational deficits accumulated over years in the district will require a generation of efforts. I applaud the district for the intentionality it has given to creating a more equitable educational environment for all students.

More in-class and outside-class supports or aides are needed.

We need an education system that focus on individualism instead of the collective. Our country is is a Republic not a Social Democracy. So it is time for the K-12 education in CA and the rest of our nation to focus on the three R's, instead of social engineering. I believe the program such as the one's on this survey should be done in the private sector because they can run these types of programs more effectively and at a much lower cost. Since the 1960's government funded school systems in this country have failed our students and misused taxpayers money.

All I can say is that regardless of a students background , the ADMIN. Need to have a better behavior/accountability system in place and not be too soft!!!! Disparity happens when a handful of students interfere with other student's education! This is very stupid, let's do a survey on how well the vice principals handle behaviors!

These children need the most support, so I hope they continue to receive extra support services.

I have no opinion.

You spend a lot of money on these groups. What about exceptional learners? There are very limited supports to challenge the top.

What about supporting students who are excelling? All the money is being spent on these groups. You are ignoring another whole group of students. need to be volunteer based and offer community service hours to volunteers so there will be no payment necessary

Why is so much effort put into teaching English? Shouldn't the school district offer foreign language lessons just to be fair? I didn't even know the school disctrict had a music program. Is that only available for low-income and foster kid studends too?

It sounds like these programs can be very beneficial.

Unless the district acts aggressively to repair its relationship with teachers, none of these programs will help.

It's important to acknowledge Foster youth

This program is good and needs to continue for the goodness of our kids.

No feedback since these programs are not needed by my child.

It would be helpful if notifications of testing is atleast a week in advance and a day before....instead of one email the day before. This will allow parents to prepare adequate transportation.

Regarding low income students - the above bullets only comment on things being implemented at secondary schools. What is being provided at elementary schools? And would it only be for title 1 schools even if these students still exist at non-title 1 schools? in regards to ELD: please list what is available in course catalog. also, are ELD parents being reached appropriately to discuss whether or not they feel these programs are being effective.

I know there are programs but haven't been in it.

The district office says they support these groups but it is not in practical ways. Too much funding is staying at the district office and not making it's way directly to students. The district is using funds in ways that do not directly benefit students academic and personal growth. NGMS students do not ALL have computers, many who do don't use them, many CAN'T use them at home due to lack of wifi.

Our ELs are well supported by our staff.

I think exposure to arts and music is key as they may not have otherwise, a crucial link. Also a yearly coat drive.

I'm not sure if they have special programs to help Children who need help understanding there subjects better. I support these programs to support these disadvantaged students.

I didn't know about many of these. It's wonderful! Some kids don't have the advantages others do. It's wonderful that the schools are doing what they can to help bridge the gap. Well done!

Providing the testing (PSAT, ACT) for free is a great starting point.

Counseling support?

My daughter tried to get in touch with someone at the district regarding foster youth in this district and never received a reply.

English Learners are not really supported in the high schools. In both high schools they are lumped into regular classes and then the district washes it hands of them by calling it an EL class. There is no real way anyone can teach two classes in one and call it effective. It seems like a violation of their rights. Low income students and English learners learn best in small classes, not the 40+ classes seen at the high school level. In short, smaller class sizes- not some average number that is claimed and that does not fit what is seen in the high schools. Dedicated classes for English Learners so they can have access to a real education. More classes that help English Learners and low income kids build the needed skills, academic and social, to be successful in school and life. Last, where have the elective classes gone? My child will be at Inderkum in two years and the more I look into the school the less I like about sending her there.

I believe every child deserves an opportunity to thrive.

You are good but when there are fights you have them in the office and they miss learning time try to do another consequence

Instead of just focusing on low income how about trying to make it all financially viable across. I don't know how low income families can do it if I can barely manage myself! It's ridiculous!

While I think it is wonderful to support English Learners, Foster youth, and low income students I think we should not forget the 'average' or above 'average' student in their needs as well.

All sound helpful not enough teachers,

Ideas for growth include. Consistent staff for foster youth and the ability to collaborate with other non-profits & community partners to assist.

REDUCE class sizes. Kids cannot learn adequately in a class with 35 +/- kids and 1 teacher. Ridiculous!

You need to better assess the opportunities ( and lack there of) for after school options. Our area is aa bedroom community for many parents who work downtown. Yet, the 4R program has a 20 family wait list. All the potential after school options are far away. There is a lack of response on this issue. It effects those of who work well into the evening and is preventative to helping strengthen our students' learning. Two rivers ends at 2pm. I had to hire a child care provider to pick up my child and take care of her until about 6 every day. Not only is this costly, but now I am having to pay taxes as an employer. There were literally NO aftercare programs available but the 4thR program. It was exhausting, anxiety producing, and did not make me feel welcomed when I came to live in the apartments near two rivers. We need the district to pay attention to this issue.

NUSD pays for programs it does not properly implement nor monitor. Therefore it wastes tons of money, but proclaims it is making progress. It's all smoke and mirrors. True intervention would include input from teachers, and proper and timely evaluation. We have many EL, foster and low income youth who do not graduate on time, because the district isn't interested in staff driven solutions. The arrogance and incompetence is shocking and staggering.

I feel that they are over identifying students and when solutions are brought to the table they need to consider them

They should pay for the extra classes that take away from the school's resources. I can't move to and expect their country to pay to teach my children French.

I think that everyone should be getting one to one devices, not just one campus or group of students

We live in California. Think of the Taxes from companies like Apple, Facebook, Google, and MANY, MANY more. Lets use that money for our youth!

I think it is great to hear that these programs are available. I had no idea that these programs were available.

Parents are the hinge that pin home and school together, yet it seems that a lot of effort and money are spent directly to support students. Missing in this equation is a stronger effort to hold parents responsible and accountable for the education of their children. If the parents receive specialized services for their student(s)/family, they should be required to participate more directly in helping their students and schools. Reducing classroom sizes to 22 students could have such a great and positive impact on all student learning and not just EL, FY and low income students and their families. Just imagine how much more effective teachers can be in the classroom with 10 less students, specially disruptive students. I also believe that teachers should each have a teacher's aide for no less than 4 hours per day. Having volunteered in the classroom of 30 to 35 students for some years, I have directly experienced the real world that many teachers have to work within and it is not a very rewarding experience. I am amazed that young people today would want to become teachers if they could see what a typical classroom of 30 to 35 students is really like, specially without the assistance of an aide or volunteer parent. With the huge increase in the state's school budget, one could reasonably expect that the direct teacher/student learning environment would have a priority in the improvement arena.

My husband and I adopted our 2 children from Foster Care and had contacted Brent Johnson and received a few phone calls and he attended 1 teacher / parent meeting. But there was no support offered to us in any way shape or form. Now that we have gone through the adoption process, it would be extremely helpful to still have support from a Foster youth program - our children still have needs that Foster youth have.

I didn't know Natomas was offering these programs however I Think is wonderful the support giving to the community

I think that NUSD sauce they have a lot for programs and don't make them available. I believe that this district is horrible and needs a new all new administration.

Excellent work supporting these special groups!

NUSD is actively working to increase disparity and disproportionality for its students. NUSD approves and permits its charter schools to consistently take on fewer EL students, fewer SPED students, fewer poor students, and more white students than the non-charters. The charter schools do not serve their neighborhoods, and instead serve the skimmed cream of the district population. This concentrates the effects of poverty and language needs to fewer schools and the concentration makes the challenges much harder to manage and face. The school choice model allowing anybody in the district to attend any school allows wealthier families with greater transportation flexibility to choose any school they want while giving poorer families with limited transportation options only the ability to pick schools they can walk to. This further concentrates the challenges of poverty onto very few schools and makes the challenge much harder to deal with. Programs such as the 1 to 1 technology at Gateways points out a clear disparity that this technology initiative is only for one school while all other schools go without. There are many good teachers and programs at our public schools, but to say that these programs are supported evenly and fairly and with the goal of reducing disparity and disproportionality is simply untrue. NUSD does not execute on this declared core belief and in fact, does the opposite in practice.

I was not aware of these services but know that I have learned about it via this survey, I'm glad the NUSD is doing something about it so we can given an equal chance to succeed to all our children.

I believe these programs detract from the education of English proficient students and place them at a disadvantage. There should be just as much emphasis on English speakers being bilingual


Additional foster youth coordinators, or a few vollunteers working under the FYC could help improve the support provided to the youth.

What are you doing for the kids that are not part of these programs..the "regular" kids. What is there special treatment?

My family just have moved here from Taiwan for 3 months. My daughter attended to 3rd grade in mid-semester (November, 2015). Our native language is Mandarin. My daughter knows not much in English, so she can't understand what teacher said in class. She began her after-school English tutoring since this month (January, 2016), and just 1- 2 hours a week. I think it's not enough for her and she also needs aids in class during school time. My opinions are you should give EL supports sooner for the student who needs but attend in mid-semester and more support in class during school time.

Parent support and education groups will help

Great -- I appreciate the assistance for low-income students. for some these programs the teacher is interested in the students that know the most. I'm worried about the youths that don't have home training and someone to help them any kinda of homework. I've seen the parents having to come to school raise hell just to get some kinda attention for the child the struggling in math, English and reading abilities.

Remember that your district includes charter schools and offer these services to ALL kids in NUSD. Charters take the cost of educating these students- you could at least spread around the love that you get from federal programs.

Please share your thoughts about these college and career readiness programs, both positives or ideas for growth and improvement.

Continue with above programs.

Inderkum students with IEP's or specialized needs do not seem to get the same kind of push - like to see more resources for this area.


Doing and exceptional job, especially at Inderkum

I think having concentrations such as Science and Engineering will help students prepare for college and also help them to decide if the concentration they chose should be there path. why does it seem that schools north of I-80 always come first with special programs?

I love that programs such as AP offerings and IB are available and PUBLICIZED. I think NUSD does a good job of sharing information.

More training for teachers who teach these classes and possibly passing a test if they qualify

I know NUSD brought multiple program to make each student success. I know NUSD is putting great efforts to improve and I can see the difference from past 5 years to the date. But I don't know the data about how many students are participating in IB OR AP program each year and from those how many did like that program and how many students succeed in that program or what are their results comparing to other districts in that program. Can we review those data so we can take decision for our kids' for middle school and high school?

My son has received a horriblemail 5th grade education. His classroom is a circus. I would never recommend NPE Just offering opportunities is not enough. Where is the support so students can be successful with these opportunities?

They need more guidance on career planning, choosing a career and making decisions on college.

I would like to see open houses for these programs to increase awareness for students and parents

I believe these programs are keeping students from leaving NUSD to go to other districts and private schools. More focus needs to be on discipline and consequences for behavior that interrupts student learning.

It's great to have these program in our district, but not to the extent that class sizes are higher.

Seems like things in this area are headed in the right direction.

The bracket with student's of poverty and foster need to have a pathway to also find there success in the mist of all the disadvantages they face.

The MYP program for middle school should not be mandated for all students. Rather students should be invited into it. One size does NOT fit all.

My thought on the programs is agreeable with college readiness starting at the K-5 all the way through 12th.

Too many of the students are "ready" on paper only, making school statistics look good yet doing a disservice to kids as they will soon find out how unprepared they are. The district office admin puts too much pressure to pump statistics over valuing quality education.

I like that we are moving in the right direction, but we have to use caution when we expand so quickly. These programs need to be well rooted- meaning well supported with materials, teacher training, intervention programs, and parent workshops, etc. We need to have lower class sizes. Teacher are able to focus on students, and adjust their curriculum so students are college and career ready.

Kids can't read. Expanding high level programs does nothing for those who can't read. District has ignored site data and not worked with site to develop proper programs to address the reading level deficiencies with which students are entering Natomas High

Well designed

I think that natomas should have an aprentinship or hands on training jobs for student that have an I.E.P or students who are less highly to go to college.This would benefit the community to have good citizens.

When my son attended middle school in NUSD (2005-2007), the school was horrible, so we pulled him out and home schooled him for 8th through 10th grade. Then he took the CHSPE and entered the college system.

Awesome improvements! Glad these are available to our students!

The biggest concern I hear from teachers at other sites (not really at LGA) is that class sizes are outrageously large. It's impossible to educate a class of 40 or more students as well as you could educate a class of 25-30 students.

I am new to this district but I am happy to here that students are getting these opportunities to go to college and be ready for it.

When I first got introduce to the early college program I was more excited then my children. When I was growing up I never had this opportunity to learn or seek about college life. This is the best program I ever experience along with my current children.

There needs to be expansion on the career side of preparedness, including skilled trades such as mechanics and carpentry.

College and career readiness begins at the elementary level. Not enough is being done early on to ensure college and career readiness. College and career readiness at the elementary level includes school/district wide comprehensive positive behavioral support systems which are poorly implemented in NUSD.

I would like to see more ROP (regional occupational programs) avail. for high school students. I have seen the positive impact these programs can have to stimulate students interest.

Retain students who do not achieve.

The health pathway requires curriculum and lesson integration. A one day training and no additional collaboration time does not support integration of health into the curriculum. Students need more input into careers to pursue and colleges to visit.


Seeing so many college & career readiness programs in our NUSD schools makes me happy for our students and their families. Continuing down that path is proof that this District puts student success first and those efforts will continue! since I know the NGMS pathway is underfunded and underplanned and undersupported, I don't know how many of your other statements are also exagerrations. you need to provide good research based intervention, we are a high poverty district, why is that so hard for you to understand?

While many students benefit from these programs, some students need training in how to be a successful student: getting to class on time, being prepared, etc.

A focus on direct entry into 4-year colleges instead of building pathways based on strengths and parent/child goals is narrow in its view of giving families "options."

Inderkum needs better electives, culinary arts, design, auto mechanics...etc

I applaud our efforts to provide quality programs for our students. Since they are site specific IB programs, how can we spread the wealth so each of our schools have quality programs which set them apart and give them a positive educational identity in the community

These programs are great, but students are not receiving appropriate discipline and behavioral expectations are too low. These programs may help a few, but the majority of our students are not college and career ready.

There is still not programs for students that are below grade level but don't qualify for Special Ed.What programs will be developed for them. Not behavior intervention!

Need more Technology offerings

Not enough courses or teachers for P.E. and very difficult for my students to get their classes at Inderkum. Zero period P.E., P.E. waviers, no classes offered beyond Calculus for my students. Need more options for courses please!!!

You did not mention the early college program (CECA) offered at Inderkum high school and just because a student who is not truly academically prepared for an AP class or the IB program is placed in it and thus the program needs to be watered down so that they students passes, it does not mean that the student is now prepared for college. Also when AP classes are being taught for long periods of time by unqualified substitutes the students are not being prepared for the the AP test or college properly

Our counselors work diligently with our students and with us, teachers, as well. Workshops, parent meetings, class and individual meetings are constantly taking place. re- opening the career center might help serve more students by giving them even more access to help researching college or vocational programs. Intervention programs for underclass students might help minimize the need for credit recovery programs.

Great ideas and the teachers are getting support to implement these programs. Class size and student behavior is preventing this programs to develop and grow and be effective. start college and career readiness in freshman year and followup each semester to keep students on track and not let them slip through the cracks to end up going to Discovery High

Create culture of college awareness from elementary through secondary levels.

A few WELL run pathways is better than a catalog of poorly run and executed pathways. NUSD is the later

More communication at the 7th and 8th grade level for parents to know what to expect and how to get their students ready/enrolled in the best courses for them in High School. As a parent do I make an appointment to speak with someone at the high school? How does that work? Need more vocational education programs

AGAIN: FIRING half of the IB English program is a sure fire way to DESTROY the connections these kids have with their teachers and the continuum created between the teachers. Despite IB being a rigorous and prestigious program, by having inconsistency students will not pass their exams and be prepared for their futures.

The IB program is sub-par to a strong AP program according to UC admission acceptance rates. The IB program can't keep teachers and has way too many 1st year teachers in important positions.

I think it's wonderful NUSD is encouraging college. we have lowered standards for the AP and IB classes.....forcing students to take the sat is not ensuring more students go to college or post high school education. In general behavior standards have been lowered...the programs look good on paper but in reality achievement is not increasing.

NO CTE courses available. Nothing is being done to prepare students for careers that do not require college.

You did not mention the AVID programs that exists within the district and expansion of this program into the middle schools could be a strong support for College and Career readiness for foster, EL and other at risk groups as well as supporting rigor in all classrooms on campus.

Room to improve always and perfect but we are doing a lot already to try and help this process for our students would like to see these available at all schools

Need more information for 10th grade preparedness sounds good

Let's invest more in those programs.

The kids need tutoring with language arts and math.

I think this option should be available at the student's level.

The goal of the district should be to make the campus's safe and treat the staff as professionals so that we keep the best teachers on staff for our incredible deserving students.

NUSD is truly doing an outstanding job with their college and career readiness program! I'm proud to have my son attend an NUSD school.

I am a parent who was not born and raised in the United States. I am not familiar with the programs that the school system has. Please share more information by providing parent informational workshops. Increased access to programs and pathways is beneficial to our students and community. However, a list of programs isn't enough. We need to improve the skills and abilities of our students so they are prepared to enter AND graduate from college or enter a career pathway. We need additional professional development, collaboration, and other structures to improve classroom instruction and provide resources to students.

Needs to be started at earlier age.

Help students with disabilities to access these programs.

I believe the program standards have been lowered to allow what looks like "more students" taking these classes. It is a shell game

I appreciated the open house for middle and upper grade options. Parents of 6-8th graders should know what their child needs to do to get into the program they think is best for their student.

While the programs sound great on paper, it is important not to let the students get lost in the shuffle. As a Mother of a gifted and advanced student, there has been very limited resources for him to feel challenged in the classroom. I was even advised by his teacher to work with him at home on a tailored lesson plan because if not he will be "bored to tears." Also, as a classroom volunteer, I see many of the advanced children working by themselves, bored and uninspired while the students at grade level get to work in groups. To six snd seven year olds, this feels like a punishment for being gifted. That does not send a very good message and could have extreme adverse effects if the more advanced children become resentful of their progress. I hope this is rectified next year when he is old enough to start the GATE program.

The programs are great but are seriously hindered by the lack of expectations and consequences for bad behavior. There must be a program put in place to ensure that students with poor behavior in the classroom can no longer be allowed to disrupt others' learning environment.

I knew about some of these programs, but not all of them. Also, I don't know very much about any one of the programs.

I appreciate all these programs. I have a child who attends NMS and who was a Gate student at NPE..she has a couple of honor classes and is constantly being challenge by the assignments and projects given this year. Which she is excited to be apart of. I also have a child who attends Hight Elementary and is in the sped program and he had speech problems,which has been very beneficial to him. He started the previous school year,not being able to pronounce certain letter sounds and this year he can make out all of them. He also has more confidence in his reading and homework which was taking all evening has gotten alot easier for him. Thanks to these programs we have seen progress from our children and eagerness to become better a better student in the years to come. Thank You NUSD.

I wouls like to shee a IB Program at Wittier Ranch Elementary.

More vocational opportunities. More electives to choose from for a diversity in learning and opportunities Students also need to know simple skills of budgeting and paying bills, saving, establishing credit. Money skills is important to allow a young adult success when going to college and starting a career. Basic adult living expenses too need to be taught. Luckily my child will get that from us, her parents, but many kids do not get educated on self supporting, putting a roof over their heads and budgeting for young adulthood. Real Life Money Class should be offered to Jr and Sr's in Advisory or Homerooms.

Keep up the good work

I believe students need that head start to have confidence in themselfves that one day reguardless of what their background is they can go to college an succeed.

I really don't know much about the programs beyond what I read in the occasional emails but it sounds like they are on a good track.

My child is in 2nd grade.

Practical job training is also a must such as how to take interviews and shop or voc ed classes. Also things like time management, multitasking, and basic job etiquette. Internships and mentoring programs would be helpful. More options for ap and leadership and public speaking classes. Analytical thinking is a must. Multicultural learning expansion opportunities and practical application of real world skils.

Your teachers need to be evaluated better. ots time for a rehaul of staff.

I am encouraged to read that local schools offer college readiness courses and offer specialized courses in career fields such as engineering and health.

These programs should be offered to all students which they are not. All students should have the opportunity to be prepared for college. need to continue with AP classes and help those students that are unable to reach thier potentials.

I want the IB program for my kids

My child is part of CECA at IHS. She has been exposed to so many opportunities and college campus trips which makes her on a sure path to college when she graduates.

More AP and college prep classes.My childr's English class has only had a substitute teacher for months now.

I would find it helpful to hold more parent information nights or else advertise them better

I believe the programs sound great. If I had a suggestion to promote it, it would be to make every advancement look fun, and worth staying in school. My son who is in 1st grade, wants to be an architect. Legos, building blocks, linking logs keep him wanting to do homework...

No comment n/a

What about teaching the same curriculum to the low poverty school such as American Lakes, Bannon Creek that West Lake Charter and Natomas Charter etc. teaching their students.

Elementary school needs alot of focus to prepare them for middle and high school.

We received a notice that Natomas Middle School did not meet the standards and we have a choice of moving our son, an incoming 6th grader to other schools. I do not understand/believe Natomas Middle can be IB school with this fact. That means, at least to me, that IB credential has a low standard or any school can be IB school (which means nothing).

I attended several CORE programs. Thank you for spreading the words about their availability.

What about the intervention programs? What do they look like? How are these programs helping out at risk youth?

It would be good if there could be more electives in IB program

If your grade school and middle schools can't get the students ready for high school, how do you expect them to survive in advanced classes? And while it is lovely that there are advanced programs in other schools, such as Natomas Middle in the high crime area, there is no transportation should I want to send my child over there. If you don't support the infrastructure, what is the point? Or placing was placing the IB at Natomas Middle part of your low income program? Again, another example of NUSD failing to support the students who are not low income. And I know that I told Chris Evans at a few of the informational meetings that transportation needed to be established so that kids from the neighborhoods where the parents worked for a living to pay the taxes that support the district could get their kids to these new programs.

The districts needs to STOP allowing students to participate in ANY extra curriculum including SPORTS.

They are both very good, but the District could do more for their more exceptional students.

Great idea.

Love that they visit colleges. Also think teachers should show their diploma in class or college flag. Same with administrators. Need more guidance counselors.

College ready courses and college prep studies with smaller class sizes for individual teachers to focus on students for progression

A lot of this looks good on paper, but teachers are not trained, prepared or given curriculum and support , and the rest of the students in CP. ignored

Keep up the great work! Thank you for providing these programs so the young generation can gain knowledge to better themselves in securing their future

Reduce class size

Class sizes are too large. Full day kindergarten does not make a difference in academic growth, class size does. With the class sizes being around 29 on average kindergarten is nothing more than daycare

Retain experienced teachers and reduce the current turnover rate. Evaluate teacher student ratio.

If you can be more successful at the very stages of learning, you would be much more successful at graduating students ready for college. What research has been done to learn how the district can better serve students at the elementary level of learning. Looking outside the district, state country may be very helpful as I do not believe that California is a leader in producing well educated students. Look at some of the recognized charter school for examples of what works and produces college ready students.

With the rigor and the emphasis on critical thinking, collaboration, modeling, creating, explaining, and extending of Common Core, there is a lack of differentiation in instruction and instructional strategies between a GATE cluster class and a non-GATE class.

More practice and practical knowledge would help better understanding

I've heard their is a limited number of students accepted into these programs, it would be nice if more had an opportunity to apply if that is the case. Also, students in these programs attend the same classes "regular" students attend, so what is the difference? Just so they could say they're in a program verses "regular" high school?

Career ready programs are amazing!!

That is one of the reason I wanted my son in this school district.

If these programs are offered to all students. I believe it will be a great tool for the students to succeed in the future

My daughter is only in kindergarten, but I feel there are very few options available to her. She is above grade level in all areas because she is bright and we work with her at home regularly, but I wish there were more resources available to us to support and encourage her growth.

It's great that there is such a variety of programs. The best thing, of course, is motivated students and families. My daughter "motivated" her way into special offerings and an IVY league school.

Please improve the teacher- parent home/school connection at NHS. The Spanish teacher is rude and she scores low in regard for student perspective and teacher sensitivity. I've reached out several times for math, physics and Spanish support. The teachers need to find their passion. They lack genuine concern for the student's education.

My son went on a field trip to Sacramento State and he loved it because he got to see the college his cousin went to.

Not sure if my child can go to college. Maybe a trade school is better for him. He's in special ed. Really concerned about my sons future.

We need more qualified teachers, most of these teachers play movies or have free time on chrome books ! You call this "honers" in NMS?? Teachers don't get the grades on time I can't even have the teacher give me the grades! How does this help them prepare for college when they don't know where they are at? Have you really looked into "design" classes? It's just nonsense and free time YOU tell me how this prepares them? More variety of classes are much needed, classes that matter!

I think it great that today's student have the opportunity for college readiness.

It is appalling that only 44% and 34% of graduates are ready to go to a university. A sad day for Natomas families. not enough

I am thrilled about IB program and plan to transfer my charter student to Inderkum.

I've heard of these programs in other school districts and I was in the GATE program in Sacramento growing up but I don't know what the difference is when the students graduate from these programs vs a standard educational program. The motivated students tend to find extracurricular learning programs regardless of the title of the class or program.

GATE program at Bannon Creek is virtually non-existent

I am very impressed with the strides the district has made in college readiness. I only wish more students would take advantage of the opportunity.

It would be helpful if Parents knew about about these programs. Also...please note that not all students who attend Discovery High School have behavioral problems, some are attending for other personal reasons. Excluding criminal and pregnancies. So it is important that we dont label the children as just -"continuation" students. They are student. NUSD students, and they deserve to be treated as such. They too can be successful. Culinary is good, but they too should be able to have multiple pathways ....ie. technology, engineering, law...etc.

Good idea,we need these programs so that our kids learn new skills

There is a lot of fretting in the parent community that if their child doesn't get into, or isn't interested in participating in the IB or CECA program that they won't be getting into college or will be left behind in a more "traditional path". Parents need to be reminded that Inderkum still reaches students at ALL levels. not just top levels. and that they will be encouraged and stretched and prepared no matter what program they are or aren't in. Or that they can be a part of AP classes without being in the actual official program. That teachers and classes provided are still great whether or not in a program. That is, IF this is all true.

Need more outreach

I think they are doing well.

The belief that all students are going to college is unreasonable. We have students that want to be mechanics, Construction workers, and other technical jobs for which a college education is not needed but a technical degree would be more beneficial. We need all kinds of programs not just those for college preparedness

Students are not receiving consistent support in reading and math at the foundational levels. Throwing kids into programs they do not have the skills for or offering support classes that start the year with no curriculum does not help students.

Could be more done to support GATE teachers. There is a gap with levels in what is taught-from top notch Mrs Christiano to a teacher in 5th grade who says he doesn't believe in GATE, yet still is a GATE teacher-no projects at all, no homework. GATE program could be good- teachers should also be compensated. GATE kids are a type of special need at other end of spectrum that aren't given equal focus in my opinion. Also arts and music could help reach gifted students in other areas than academics and keep them engaged. Dance as well- many kids love it. No language barrier there connects kids and school

At Leroy Green they need improvement in teaching the AP classes to help the student not just give them work and leave them to them selves.

I am so happy with the IB program at HAH elementary school. The more I see how my kids will benefit from the program through high school is amazing. Definitely a program that I am proud to be a part of.

All of my children were in GATE, AP, and IB, however they are offered hands on pathways to careers such as shadowing, internships, or even ongoing talk about specific careers. They do well academically but difficult to focus on a specific job/career.

These are good initial steps that NUSD will need to build upon for continued success and student preparation.

We need a criminal justice program in our district:) A new program to add to the list!

While there are more programs in place for college bound students, I feel students are pressured into being college bound instead of looking at other options such as trade and tech schools.

It really seems that like this survey is being used to ask for a pat on the back. While it is great to have AP and IB schools the bigger question is what are you doing to help out struggling students? As a person who attended an IB school, as a scholar, I will tell you that you are serving a very small population. That goes the same AP. We need more programs like AVID and CECA that target the middle and lower end of the education population. That is the bigger group and the ones that need more help. In order to benefit all students hopefully these beneficial programs are a requirement to attend the Natomas Middle school.

Control the fighting going on. Clean up the learning environment.

We switched our high schooler from LeRoy Greene to inderkum. LeRoy was NOT doing significant enough work or offerings to prepare for high school. We are very happy with the switch.

For being such a small school district, there needs to be better communication in regards to the offering all programs and which students would best fit the programs. it would also be helpful to allow students to test somehow what would be the best program for them. Many students do not know what they want to do. NUSD seems to have a system where there is little continuity.

I don't feel there are enough resources to support strengthening math skills. My observation is that mathematical concepts are presented, but there is little commitment to ensure the children have a strong hold of those concepts. I am unaware of any additional resources that are available to my 4th grader at H. Allan Hight.

This is a great start, but I'd like to see more academy/pathway options available

I think that Heron, as a k-8 school, tends to miss out on some of these educational opportunities because we are not seen as an actual middle school. I believe that more families would stay at Heron for middle school if Heron had the same attention and finances from NUSD that the other middle schools have. start at lower grades

More can be done to support students who are not IB students. The middle ground student seems to get left behind. Unsure of supports for at risk youth. Collaborate with Jr. Colleges and ensure career center and counsellors continue to prepare students.

Passing classes which are categorized as a-g compliant isn't the same as being college ready. I'd like to see statistics on how many graduates successfully matriculate at the college level.

Sounds great. My daughter is in 4th grade though.

Again, saying you have a program is not nearly the same as proper implementation and monitoring. Also, the district's top down approach to everything prevents true student success and prevents authentic progress. Finally, the district has ignored the teachers low morale due to excessive adding of programs, while co-opting the time teachers need to collaborate and support each other (especially the large number of new teachers hired each year.). It's sad and unnessesry

These programs are good, but not for those who were the first to start the program. The sad part is teachers leaving and not staying. I don't blame them. I blame the parents who hasn't taught their kids how to behave. I'm sorry to say this, but having my kids going to NUSD is very disappointing. They need strong principals and teachers to handle those low income students that you guys are so providing to help. Students are average.

I have a son in college that graduated from high school he did everything get so but my time. Is there now I have to take more energy and because I did not know all of these things were there for college but I must say he doesn't show as much interest as my first child didn't even gone there's a serious split that I see with this new generation where they don't necessarily care as much as 5 years ago I think about going to college

Good as far as I know

Increased AP courses at Leroy Greene, and increased support for the almost forgotten business and technology pathway

Handouts, flyers, and posters are not enough. Great teachers, and dedicated staff are the key, I feel in Natomas Middle School there are very few Dedicated individuals, due primarily to to families and youth who act disrespectfully, and without discipline.

Lack of quality English/writing instruction at middle and high school levels. Study skills should be directly taught Freshman year.

I think having these programs available for our students is great. I would be particularly interested to know what the percentage of students per campus participate in these programs and what percentage are successful and what percentage actually go on to post secondary educational institutions. I believe that not all students are college bound and often have skills and abilities unique to themselves where vocational training could provide paths to success. I also believe that having ROTC programs on campus could also provide alternate paths to success for those not college bound. Our students deserve to have alternative routes to success and it should be strongly supported and funded. This certainly would be a much more positive route for success than what some students have after high school--life on the streets causing problems within communities that lead to incarceration. Let's for once really get proactive in helping our kids today. If this country can give away so much free services for illegals and undocumented persons, they we should be able to put our students first and make them our priority before anyone else.

Whilst these programs are great for the success of the students, I have noticed that some teachers and administrators don't really care. In order to have a successful operation, staff members should be well informed, knowledgeable and passionate about the work they do. I have noticed that there is a lack of concern and willingness to help at times.

My child is very smart and never been supported. She doesn't have a behavioral problems so she get pass around.

I'd like to see more effort on internships and real world experience to get youth employed in the community

Students in CECA unable to enroll in classes at American River College. Students from out of district enroll in CECA which has limited space. Admission reqs for CECA are not posted. More "programs" does not mean better education. 34% completion of a-g requirements is still really low. Expanding access to AP courses and advanced science is great, but what about additional suports for students who aren't meeting a-g requirements?

Since my child is in K....this does not apply to me yet

I think these are great programs to offer the kids, but the most important thing to focus on is teaching them in their grade levels as of now, there are a lot of student's in Natomas school district that are below grade level and there aren't enough if any programs to help them, back to the basics Natomas.

I think it's fantastic that they provide direction to further education.

Keep trying teachers to work with GATE kids and have afterschool programs for the too.

All needed programs for the advancement of our students. I appreciate the GATE classes, as my daughter is a 3rd grader GATE student at Witter Ranch.

I know my grandson has made me aware of all the programs for college in junior and senior of high school this I'm proud of the school what they are doing with kids this last year this year.

Need to give students in high school a better idea of how far they are behind before they get to the Jr year. When it's almost too late for them to be able to graduate.

Teachers do not feel heard in this process. Decisions are handed down straight from the DO. Class sizes are also too large.

You are lacking severely in higher math classes and opportunities in comparison with great districts in the area

Although these programs are available at some of the NUSD schools, some of the faculty seem to be unconcerned & unprepared to help the kids progress. In my opinion from my experience

Please share your thoughts about these programs to engage students in school, both positives or ideas for growth and improvement.

Keep the students involved in self esteem programs.

Need better communication. If there are bad educated students, don't mix with students who want to learn. Each teacher needs a person to help with misbehaving students.

I want information sent to me in Spanish.

There are a lot of good programs. Witter Ranch sends information of opportunity for her children.

I would like tutoring at Heron school. My kids are behind in their studies.

Appreciates that the district is putting money back into the extra-curricular areas. How about art programs. music classes.....need more of this most of these are not offered at the school where my children are

I just think Natomas Middle and the district needs to do a lot more to help students get into soccer. my son, being new at NH, wanted to play soccer and he didn't get a chance because the coach only selected kids that had played the year before. The coach didn't give my son, and a lot other kids, the opportunity to demonstrate their skills! Also, in order to select kids to play, the coach needs at least 2 weeks of try outs....they only had 2 days!!!!!

I love the way, school encourage students for sports by make inter school game and team t-shirts. They also learn sportsmanship and make new friends. After implementing sports activity, I think if they should have practice at least 2 days in a week an a game, so total 3 days sports, that would make more support for students and they will enjoy school sports.

Inderkum has a boys and girls club that is underused. More parents need to know about these clubs that will help their kids.

Once again, lower class sizes in schools with high poverty and EL population would serve us better.

Seems to be headed in the right direction.

Music teachers are asking for donations or for instruments to be donated since they don't have any. Schools are fundraising to buy uniforms for sports. NUSD has not properly invested additional resources for music and athletic equipment at all schools this is lacking. Call schools and ask for status.

More clubs (activity but non sport oriented) in middle schools or a push to join clubs may encourage loner type students or those feeling disenfranchised to participate and foster engagement &/or a sense of belonging.

Thanks for having the programs at the schools and in the classroom for the students growth & education.

Starting elementary athletics was a great way to help with student engagement at a younger age.

I like the variety of activities that are being offered, we just need to ensure the activities are well supported with supplies and equipment.

The sports programs at the elementary school level put too much additional work on site secretary. school athletics is totally positive as is band - at all levels. Teach kids to read and things get better. Very positive - need to keep expanding

At American Lakes, we have activities and programs that help improve student engagement. I would like to see more PBIS strategies schoolwide and Tier 1 social- emotional supports in each classroom. We focus so much on academics, but our students need to learn how to behave, how to solve problems, and how to regulate emotions.

Active activities are great to our students growth and a healthier life

The parent involved after school programs such as the one at Two Rivers is an excellent model.

I believe that both sports and music programs are important to include in student learning. Some children are more encouraged to learn knowing they can also include either sports &/or music to their study program.

At the Middle School level, there needs to be an academic eligibility standard for participation in athletics, similar to the one student-athletes must meet at the H.S. level.

Elementary School Sports and expanded music programs are off to a good start this year. Have heard positive things from friends in the community who have students in NUSD schools about both programs.

2 out of 3 of the sections of music at our campus still are not actually playing music since they did not receive instruments until very recently. Students openly brag that they just do "whatever they want" in their music class since "they don't have instruments anyway." NGMS's lunch set up is worse than a prison yard. Why hasn't there been targeted brainstorming and funding for supervision to give 11 year olds access to basketball courts and sports fields during their lunch time? Why didn't you give your classified staff award to someone who actually has contact with students? You should have a separate award for district office only personnel. The work that some of our classified staff does supporting our students is way beyond the effectiveness of your surveys but you refuse to recognize their efforts.

Students needs to behave.

Though such data may suggest that students do not feel safe and connected (i.e. depression, social isolation), a lack of willingness to increase the level of mental health staff (i.e. psychologists, MFT, social workers, etc.) is concerning, especially when national, state and county data would stress the need to act now and not to wait until a crisis occurs. On a qualitative level, the amount of stressors impacting our students on both the north and south side is obvious to anyone with the ability to log onto a computer and review something as simple as Google News.

I think there are lots of programs for students. Some students are busy and or don't take full advantage of what is available to them. Others take full advantage. Those that don't take advantage of resources and programs may make it appear that some students are not getting what they need, though they are encouraged to take part.

A consistent budget every year should be set aside for these programs and increase due to student enrollment and involvement..The music programs at the High schools both have to fundraise their own money for transportation. This should be covered by the district since band is a core class ( elective) on campus. No different then are sports program that are extra curricular that have district financial support for transportation.

More free or low cost science and art after school programs for elementary students

I am so very thankful to Mr. Evans and our school board that totally support Music an athletics.

Focus groups that address bullying and supporting the LGBTQ students.

Please keep the sports and music program. I would love to see us continue those programs and include art as well. more programs needed to be offered to lower elementary grades like first, kinder, and TK

Need more Technology offerings

Smaller class size and a lot more interventions needed to support elementary schools. The district needs a much stronger SARB process. Student behavior is extremely poor and school safety needs to be addressed. Teachers and administrators are of the highest quality - it is time for students to be held accountable. there has never been any focus student groups in the decision making at the high school, policies are imposed on students, no student-staff collaboration, we should be modeling collaboration among stakeholders, good communication, modeling leadership skills, and just in general how to work well with others who do not share your views

I think we need to understand our student base a bit better, using qualitative and quantitative data to breate programs that are specific to our demographic.

Engagement happens after the bottom two levels of Maslow's hierarchy are fulfilled. Our students are stuck in level 1 and 2, so no engagement strategies work until they are physically and emotionally safe. We need programs at that level first and then enrichment programs. Well planned and executed before and after school programs are needed when students can be safe, warm, fed and supported academically

Some of the clubs seem inclusive and it would be nice to have a list and information on all of them available so as a parent I can discuss and encourage the right options for my student. I only know what my students tells me about. students are out of control and very little is being done to hold students accountable.

I think NUSD is engaging students in socializing, athletics, clubs, and events but FAILS at the main reason we are here: to teach. To engage students in academic endeavors

Drama is not supported by the district efforts. The theatres are all falling apart and do not meet fire codes. They are unsafe for students and staff and nothing has been done by the district to fix these issues even though they were brought up more than 12 months ago. Engagement at school requires attendance and we do not have a functional SARB.

We need additional programs like music and art.

What are you doing regarding teaching computer science?

I was aware of some but not all these things

More work needs to be done at the elementary school level

I think many parents are not aware of these programs and therefore not everyone who needs these aren't taking advantage of them they encourage to participate but not to the point they want to be there

They tell them participate but not to the point where they want to be there more music programs at elementary school including choir

How students are chosen needs to be fair and done in an orderly fashion

More sports offered at elementary

Again, I believe NUSD is doing an awesome job in this area.

I was not aware of any of these programs. I would like my child to participate.

Creating opportunities for students to connect to school is critical, and these increased opportunities are helpful. However, some school sites continue to struggle with bullying and other negative campus culture activities, and we need to identify needs and address these issues quickly. Programs like Safe and Civil or other PBIS models will help provide structures for school common areas and classrooms to transform school cultures.

Students should have behavior expectations up front. Those expectations should be followed Computer lab in library with printer for students. Make a more school community connections

Provide more opportunities for students with special needs to access these program.

There is still a lot of bullying and students who are lacking the consequences for their behavior. We need MORE in class discussion with students on how to handle conflict and who to treat each other with respect.

Increasing support staff to assist teachers in the classroom and on the playground. At H. Allen Hight there are too many students in the classroom making it difficult for teachers to actively engage and connect with students. If teachers had support staff on a regular basis I believe it would enhance the classroom experience in a positive way. Teachers would have another pair eyes to help control kids who are distracting other kids, grade papers, etc. Music and movement should be intertwined with lesson plans. Kids are bored and tired of sitting down listening to teachers teach all day long. We need to take a more interactive hands on approach to teaching subjects. I would love to get my son in to any of these

Please continue to support the non-academic engagement programs. For some students, they only work to succeed academically and socially in order to participate in these programs.

I had no idea about these programs, or at which school they are offered.



Bring back art programs for elementary schools. Where are the music classes that were promised elementary schools

LGA, Mrs.Autumn Del Russo, Director of Students, has done an amazing job bringing activities and " fun" back into school. Students need academics, but they also need the dances, homecoming, rallies, that make school memorable. The entire school experience.

Kids need these programs it keeps them focus an out of trouble. It give them self worth an confidence that they can b what they what to b.

I think the outreach efforts and making the parents have been great.

There are some disappointed parents since the elementary schools don't offer regular art classes after school

Mr. Singh Principal at Bannin Creek always has information and programs for children to engage in to improve

Start sports at lower grades to make it fun and get them mooving. More pe. Art and a second language must come back to schools at a lower level ideally starting at kindergarten. Music too. Art and pe type activities and supplies could be incorporated into core lesson learning and homework. Make learning integrated with these items early. Offer them on campus supervised during after school hours before evening pickup so working parents can participate rather than sending to 4th r or rushing to lessons before dinner.

I am very thankful that NUSD has introduced elementary sports and band. My daughter has enjoyed both very much.

I have seen no clubs continue from year to year at LGA - very disappointing

You need leaders that care about the job at hand not their little cliques in these "programs".

Students need to be engaged not only in schools, but also in the community. Create class projects that favor the Natomas community.

I would like to see a music program at Leroy Greene Need programs like music, sports, & arts to find other alternative ways to learn.

The district needs to ensure that all schools are provided equality when it comes to programs mentioned above.

Music needs to be increased as well as other art offerings in the elementary school level

I think that the variety of clubs at IHS allows my child to be a peer mentor (tutor) and to associate with groups that have common interests.

More after school programs for (non peer) tutoring for at risk kids.

The programs sound helpful and useful to students. My student has not had the opportunity to participate but when the time comes,I am open to what NUSD has to offer.

No comment

All of NUSD doesn't offer the same activities. American Lakes has a music auditorium doesn't teach music. My child play basketball this year not organized haven't seen a schedule don't know when the games are played. NUSD is only focus on the new development school

Needs to be more counseling and Mentoring in the school. Kids need to be heard. There should be assemblies to talk about issues in and around the school . Topics about bulling, name calling, social media, peer pressure should be talked about. n/a

I did not know anything about music classes. There is not a lot of media about these activities. My sons have only joined these because of word of mouth. I didn't see anything and I have the NUSD app, like the Facebook page, look at folders going home.

The music program is great, but that's not what the question asked. My child has been left to not do his work without intervention and there has not been enough behavior support for out of control kids in his special ed classrooms. My emails are ignored also which doesn't lead to an engaged child.

These programs are poorly organized and are not equal across all schools.

My kids are part of the Spanish club if you want to call kids getting together in the Spanish teacher's room to eat their lunches and talk with each other a club. Seems to me there should be more to it than that.

The last couple of years have shown increases in the levels of support for these programs. I hope it continues. i love all the things NUSD is working on in this area.

I appreciate the levels of sports and levels of help you give to my children

Great idea. I marked low because our child is in K-grade and does not take part yet.

I believe teachers are overwhelmed and unable to focus with individual students whom may need specialized tutoring

All the money goes to football. Other clubs sports and interests are not financially supported

Track program having these programs helps the individuals find their full potential by giving their very best.

My elementary student has not had the opportunity to be a part of extracurricular school sponsored activities. There haven't been any opportunities for her to be involved in science clubs, dance, music/arts ...none of her interests.


I have heard of some of these programs and have concern that the volume of launching so many programs in such a short period of time may hinder desired outcomes and affect valuable resources in a negative way.

The number one group that the district needs to reach are the parents/guardians of our district students. It is there where the students learn and become the persons that they are. The persons that they are is not always the persons you want on our campuses. There has to be a way to engage more parents on a regular and consistent manner to help their students. I suspect that there are a lot of parents who could use assistance with parenting skills, and who could use some help and direction as to how they might help their students to be successful. As I recall, happy and successful students are those whose parents are involved, care, contribute and support their students to be achieve. It seems that much of what the teachers are tasked with daily is being a substitute parent which takes away from teaching and prohibits those students who want to learn from receiving what they deserve to learn. Parents are a critical part of the formula for student behaviors and learning and must be kept in the circle of involvement and must be held accountable for their lack of involvement.

Just like class sizes these programs are IMPACTED

My kids love to be engaged in school programs and activities. Sports and music are best activities to improve student's performance. Student's involvement in leadership and club make them more confident and extrovert for their own thoughts and ideas.

I believe we are heading in the right direction.

Let's keep the kids moving


Communicate about the programs available I believe impletmating dance and sports into PE would motivate kids a lot more

I think they help the kids be well rounded.

I think they should get the word out about the programs by doing something to catch the students attention. One Example: A Rally

I'm going to give you just two items that I believe that need to be addressed to help the NUSD become more effective. The NUSD has way to much political correctness. The teacher contracts do not provide the district enough authority to discipline poorly performing teachers.

It starts with good leadership. The teachers at NHS suck. They lack ambition, passion or excitement and have no accountability. The students at Bannon Creek never go on any 4th grade field trips. This is so sad to me. They also have garden beds and they don't utilize them. How unfortunate to not include gardening into the curriculum. There is so much to learn from their environment.

Safety equipment for sports is underfunded, e.g., the softball teams at Inderkum don't have enough helmets and girls sports receive unequal support for facilities, e.g., fences in disrepair on non-existent (which may be a Title IX violation). The budget for the high school music programs has not kept pace with the growth of these programs. It is wonderful to have music in the lower grades, but the increase in students is not matched by funding at the high school level.

My concern is for kids w special needs to be included and welcomed into these programs.

We need math clubs, yoga, Legos, important meanings clubs that teachers will actually stick to and not do for three days !!! Like the robotics club that never happened!!!!!!

There is activities for students 5 grade and above but what about 1st and above

I think it's great that the kids have so much opportunity to get involved.

Leroy Greene has had very little the first 3 years. This year is a little better. Star Academy has tons going on all the time. The other schools could learn a lot from them. We have attended American Lakes and Bannon Creek. Both are terrible compared to what Star offers during the day and after school.

Research shows that music and art as well as language learning should start at elementary. more access to clubs

My children are in Kinder and 3rd grade, which have no access to the sports and other clubs

I think more sports should be brought to the elementary schools of nusd

More free clubs for gifted kids. Chess. Book clubs. Debate. Engineering I like the ACE program at NP3. Our sons both participate in the program. Their feedback is that the instruction and organization could be significantly better for more focused activity rather than just supervised activity.

What programs?

For whatever reason far too many students at our high schools are turned off from participating.

Helps the kids to stay out of trouble. Please continue to bring in new program.

My son participated in Sports this school year. I feel the district should get better coaching for these sports. To make sure ALL children are involved in each game. Also coaching classes would help with these programs. So the children learn to be part of a team and the program isn't just about winning.

I wish Witter Ranch had a gymnasium. Music program for young children would be beneficial.

I think we need to have sports available for the kids after school.

Consider athletics at elementary (4th/5th grade) continue, but possibly are conducted at their home school. Since cuts are not made, this makes for high involvement - overwhelming amounts of kids needing transportation and leaving class. If the programs remain on their home campus, possibly only 2-3 days per week, still with paid coaches to run a truly intramural program, it would cut down GREATLY on transportation costs and disruption and will also provide a great learning environment for teaching the game to students who quite possibly have never played those sports and will prep them for trying out for middle school sports. I think the district did a great job deciding to start this based on what was asked, but maybe sports should have been started at the middle school level FIRST/only, to get kinks worked out, (transportation, coach hiring, communication, etc.) on a smaller scale.

Would love to have elementary music during the day or after school.

Wish we could have elementary music of some sort - either during the day or after school.

At NPE the student council does very little compared to what they could do. The teacher who leads them provides little opportunity for leadership training; role playing; fundraising; assisting new students and parents as ambassadors...the student leaders are being UNDER-utilized. need more peer mentoring, After school clubs, family days at high schools

Not many get in sports mabye because others make them feel bad ,and some want to be good at them .

Make school a safe place. Continue with field trips.

Art and music K-6 would be great. Student paper would be cool to help writing. GATE support and actual standards for class for parents to expect would be great.

It's great we are getting sport's started at LEROY GREEN

I would like to see more of these available to the elementary grade levels.

I support youth sports and music at the primary level.

We are happy with the interactive learning environment.

Inderkum does a great job but I believe they are the exception in the district. As previously stated LeRoy did nothing in terms of extra curricular programs.

My daughter enjoyed playing sports at her elementary school this year.

Music should be available at the elementary level

Band should be an elective at Heron, rather than an after school program.

As the parent of a student athlete, I am very disappointed at how much instructional time student athletes are missing due to lack of efficient busing. I am, however, happy to hear that this is an important issue to NUSD and appropriate changes and upgrades are being made. I also feel that it is VERY unfair that Heron has so little support in the area of music. NMS has a huge band, orchestra, and even a choir. We are a middle school too and those choices should be offered to our students as well!!

More has to be done on safety & climate. Several fights at Inderkum since January. Support services like mentoring or other types of prevention programs are key as well as administration that reflects the diversity of students.

You need more. It's all great that there is one or two options afterschook, but they fill up. It's just disappointing to not be able to rely on these annually.

The board presentation on this terrible. The snippets used were slanted and made no sense. It neglected the teacher voice. Unless things are surfaced organically, we will never be on the mark. It's a shame, really.

I don't know why they had to do this blue or pink day for Natomas Middle school. It cuts back on learning band or design. It wasn't like that last year.

It is difficult for working parents to get information on opportunities. The website is terrible. Not up to date. The phone calls home are so full of info I can't keep track but can't find details on the website. It is difficult to make sure my child is engaged in any opportunities. Manage a good website!

They need to actually do them and notify involved parties beforehand

I see that the school is trying but I do see that football games and sports games are less and less with kids in them they're just not having fun at the games anymore as a parent and as a volunteer I see maybe a lot of people have been there for a long time and they tend to blanket all of the children with being a problem or mischievious and then they treat them a certain way and the kids feel like why should I even go to the game if I'm going to be police and not as this is my school and I feel like they don't cater to the athletes enough is there school everybody there to see him and they just don't get enough treatment I feel special treatment because it's very strange and everybody is there paying money to see them my other son was also on the football gameteam and it was just for kids at the game more camaraderie or rally you

Schools are TOO IMPACTED!!! Class sizes are too large, address these issues first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All this extra curricular stuff is okay, and important to kids, but when the basics are lacking it doesn't even matter. Natomas Middle School is lacking in all areas, and so I would ask to get back to the basics. (less substitutes, Less teachers quitting, More permanent staff; these are way more important than any programs trying to be implemented.

All excellent programs, however the sports are for able-bodied students and you cannot take the music class, without being in the Marching Band, which may be a problem for some students. Are there anything for the students who have medical issues and cannot participate in sports or march in a band. Maybe a sewing class or after school music lessons, so they can feel included in something.

The afterschool sport programs are excellent! There are so many offerings and the students love it. The uniforms are free! However, I don't like the fact that students are pulled out of class at 1pm to get on busses to go to other schools. They are missing 1 1/2 hours of school on each game day! For this reason, my children will not participate in the afterschool sports programs. Please fix this problem.

Extracurricular activities after school would be a great deterrent to students making bad decisions. If they can see that someone really cares about their well-being; about THEM, they may very well decide that they should make better decisions because they know what better decisions look like and feel like. Parent involvement in many capacities would make such a difference for our students. I would love to hear more students say that they want to be successful and happy and most of all that they "do not want to disappoint their parents" and "that they do not want to let themselves down ".

At HAH, there are no programs geared towards 2nd or 3rd graders to engage in at school. Let's Get Moovin, which is not school sponsored is an after school sports program was almost cancelled. Thankfully, it was brought back.

Love the additional sports and music opportunities that provide valuable lessons outside of a book and build lasting friendships.

It would be nice to see more theater arts programming in the schools.

Love the Link program

Staff is very rude . Ask for a meeting with Evans for 3 years still nothing. My children have been in unsafe environment. My child has been bullied by teachers and suffer mental health wrote complaints nothing. Feel NUSD should be close down. Evans need to be fired. I wish Wittier Ranch had free of charge after school activities for children on a regular basis - sports, arts and crafts, music, etc.

The charter schools are ever growing and succeeding above the traditional schools but do not have the same access to school activities

Transportation should be available to all students to get to and from school including after extracurricular activities.

I think it is a great start.

I wish there were at least an after schools arts program at the elementary school level to engage them.

Every kid should be able to take music lessons starting in elementary school, when their minds are young. it would help them socially and academically. These programs should have never been taken out of the schools system. The money you are so proud of spending isn't going to the programs we really need because they no longer exist. It's a shame

I have not seen any sporting activities at elementary or middle school levels. I would like to see, at least, the middle schools offering some type program(s).

Don't take kids out of school for sports. Get more buses drivers/drivers. If you can't, take sports away. we talk a lot but I'm still not know everything what the school does. I get phone calls and I listen what the messages are about some are positive and some negative feed back from the students.

This first year offering Sports/Athletics for elementary grades 4-6th has had it's challenges. Kids/parents are enjoying the opportunity however the lack of organization among the schools (games canceled last minute), bussing (failure to arrange or have transportation, infomration provided to parents for pick up after games is way off. Canceling of practices/games impacts parents in that last minute have to be figured out to pick children up or they are left stranded at school. Additionally the number of participates has been great but challenging to coaches and players. It is very difficult to teach a group of 20-30 kids how to play volleyball or basketball and then playing time for each kid is very minimal. It would be better if limiting particiapation is not an option for the lower grades to simply form true intramural teams, just among the school and host games at home school. You could then mix in a few games amoung schools but do not think it is necessary atleast for 4th and 5th grade.

I think the school district could support the music program more by providing school buses to events and competitions and furnishing musical instruments.

I really like that AVID is being used at Inderkum. It has helped my son tremendously! We need more resources for students such as longer library hours. There should be more push in support so students are successful and want to stay connected and engaged in school. I think student athletics is great for kids, but we won't be participating because they miss so much school. Elementary students should just play in an intramural program at their own schools; no need to bus them to at her schools and miss an hour and a half of school.

I am concerned that extracurricular programs are too impacted because Inderkum high school has too large of a population.

While I am very thankful for sports in the elementary and middle schools, I feel that NUSD took off running before learning to walk

Please share your thoughts about the implementation of Common Core State Standards and instructional technology, both positives or ideas for growth and improvement.

That has been a great advantage but need to keep using it for what it was designed for.

Further teacher training is needed. Teachers should not have to give up their own time to be trained in Common Core. District should provide systematic training.

Not enough teacher training or time to really learn the things we need to know to really use the computers beyond students using them as reading, math and language tutors. Need to work on how students can really use them.

The new common core method can be a challenge for parents helping their kids at home. Maybe with math homework, provide several samples and better explanation so the students and parents(if they need our assistance) can have a better understanding. do not forget schools south of I-80....

I like ;that they implemented these program

I like change. If this can put us in par with the rest of the world, then I am all for it.

I have no comments as this is the first year my son is using it.

I appreciate the detail in no.20. I think it's a very good approach for all schools.

I was not aware of this

Again no knowledge of this

I felt the district did a good job offering opporunities for parents to learn about the common core implementaiton and give feedback.

Much work still needs to be done.

I am all for technology but what worry's me is that how are we accounting for all of the chrome books? Who is tracking to make sure they are returned so we don't have to reinvest every year because 100 weren't returned? Since I am a big fan of technology, along with being an alumni from ITT Technical Instituted & a Current University of Phoenix Student , I know the instructional technology is wonderful for the growth of our students district wide.

Computers need to be in the hands of every student, every day, and every week. It is difficult to complete a project /lesson thoroughly on Chromebooks when you have it for a few hours a week. Students need opportunities in the classroom to conduct research and complete their writing in class. WE NEED COMPUTERS FOR ALL STUDENTS!

Yes, at the minimal level, the items in #20 have happened. However, CC implementation has been erratic and inadequate. Teachers have not been consulted prior to adoptions. Chromebooks are often reserved for all too frequent standardized testing instead of available to teachers and classes. Ongoing PD does not mean quality PD. ridiculous. texts chosen for implantation at high school English level are a joke. No new 12th grade text? Forcing to ERWC is a joke. No teachers are teaching it thoroughly. Definitely not CSU compliant. short sighted and lacking enough teacher input. totally top- down driven.

I would like clarification on what we are to structure our instruction around Standards or common core.

Each classroom needs its own cart for us to truly deliver 21st Century lessons at the same time on a regular basis. Moving carts from room to room and grade to grade causes a lot of wear and tear and makes it very difficult to determine who causes damage. It would be nice to have pd either during the school day or paid during the summer.

Too much testing

I am very proud of NUSD's technology... I think we are ahead in this area compared to surrounding districts. As a third grade teacher, I am frustrated that I am unable to fully implement the use of Chromebooks as a learning tool in my classroom. My three third grade colleagues and I must share the computers. This limits the time students have to use them, and adds another scheduling hurdle to my daily instructional planning---especially if we are expected to teach subjects at a certain block of time each day. Additionally, since NWEA and CAASPP are taken using Chromebooks, students need as much practice and exposure to using the Chromebook as a learning tool, versus playing games on their computers at home. Since the first round of STATE testing begins at third grade, ALL third (and successive) grade classrooms, should have a class set that can be used for a variety of subjects at any time. This will not only prepare them for "the test", but will be aligned with the Common Core requirements of technology use.

Technology is a great resource for our students.

Preschool teacher still lack in technology compared to other grades. We do not have ways to "ladybugs" or ways to project information

This has been done in my classes for the past five years. The Air and iPad are not really useful and the Chromebooks are not very helpful either.

Additional technology and resources will be needed for classroom instruction in order to meet the CC state standards. There is insufficient Chromebooks at IHS to allow teachers access to use technology regularly in classrooms.

What textbook/program does the district use for intervention? The adopted academic textbooks are pretty out of academic reach for our MANY low performing students.

Wait to change curriculum until beginning of year technology has really improved

It would be nice if all classes had a chrome book cart and didn't have to share

NUSD has been the springboard and model for other Districts to model in terms of technology. Student success must include the latest technology.

See previous comments about how we can't even do a 1995 level of technology at NGMS due to no computer labs and no chromebooks. Show up in any classroom, about 25% of the students will have charged chromebooks. I was given a mac book and ipad when all I wanted was a printer. The amount of money joel rabin is paid would have been much better spent providing targeted research based intervention programs and more arts teachers with actual supplies.

I have seen students be so disrespectful of the ChromeBooks that I feel it will end up being a total waste of the district's money.


Common Core seemed really hard to get going last year. Teachers at my daughters school. The math especially. I heard from teachers from many schools who said they were not prepared to teach common core. I think schools probably did the best they could in a short time to be prepared as possible. Some subjects like math in 6th grade up, may have been the hardest? I don't agree with dropping this on students quickly. I think a lot of kids had a tough year, as did many teachers...

Very difficult for one to support when you fail to follow ED Code and have a district Liberian only 2 days a month not daily and cannot fully follow ED code requirements when aligning textbooks and standards. We should have benchmarks for each core subject based off the textbooks so that students and parents know what they are learning each week so that they can fully be supported. There is not accountablity for the Crome books that have been issued. We are starting to look like LA. who makes sure the books are returned at the end of the year?

The chromebooks should be regularly maintained because many keys and the trackpad stick. This makes using the chromebooks difficult for students.

Need more computer carts, when testing is happening other grade levels are unable to use technology in the classrooms We are moving in the right direction. I would encourage us to continue to seek engagement of staff to produce application of the curriculum we adopt. I would also like to see additional chrome carts available so that children do no miss the opportunity to work with chrome books while other grade levels are testing. It can take several weeks for our schools to complete the three/four testing cycles. When the chrome books are needed for testing the rest of the students much go without use of the chrome books. It would also be my suggestion to change to iPad carts for kinder and possibly first grade. The track pads are difficult for students to successfully navigate and often impact their feelings of success with these testing events.

I do not feel that Common Core is a positive direction for the district, it depletes the creativity of instructional delivery.

The math book is not helpful and is not fully aligned to the Common Core Standards. we need more chromebooks. our cart doesn't even have a working classroom set anymore. too many are broken or in need of repair need to increase the bandwidth/internet... excited to have more technology in our school, however slow internet (and getting kicked off of TV) interfere with 21st century instruction

I would like to see that all students have access to common core books, including SDC. I would like to see that our students with special needs have access to more technology.

Common Core develops excellent critical thinking skills. Students need more intervention to help them meet the higher expectations. many teachers are still in need of IC training, google drive training, there is a need for meaningful professional development presented by experienced presenters who have actually been in the classroom, NUSDs professional development days have not been very meaningful and the presenters have not been very engaging with the participants, any presenter who will be giving professional development to other professionals should be highly trained and skilled at presenting and about the subject matter, it's like having a math teacher presenting about us history, the presenters need to know their material instructional technology only works when the platforms used are good. Chromebooks are VERY limited. Students are NEVER trained in one place by one teacher to use Chromebooks so the level of student ability is a huge range. Until there is one type of technology and a class to teach how to use software packages and the hardware the use of instructional technology will be adequate at best.

More common core training for the teachers. Teachers also need to be trained on how to communicate with parents in "parent friendly' common core language.

If Trump is elected common core will be out the door.

The chromebooks are not available at the high schools for 15 weeks during the year due to testing. This is a lie to appear to meet a need when it is actually just a requirement for electronic testing. Veteran teachers know how to teach to standards. Forcing them to painstakingly break apart every standard is debasing and juvenile.

There is a complete lack of training in how to use Ipad's in the classroom report card very confusing

A MacBook Air and an iPad does not ensure 21st century instruction. it's great

Parents should be given a video or tutorial that we can follow to assist our children up front.

A mid year math adoption was not positive academically for students. Nothing was given to teachers to help with scope and sequence for this new adoption. Each school decided which chapters to begin teaching in the new program. There are big holes changing to a new program since it does not parallel enVision topics. So teachers had to try to find all of the standards that they would be missing in enVision due to switching and then try to supplement them during Go-math. There should be curriculum experts job to provide information to teachers to make the transition mid- year smoother and beneficial for our students. Minimal staff development was given to teachers before they started this new program. The pilot teachers for math were told that the rest of this year the math program would be available to teachers to "dabble" in and get familiar. We were assured that the program would not be mandatory until Fall of 2016. This was not true. The MacBook Air is great and so is the IPAD for instruction and planning. The only time we usually get to use the Chromebooks is for NWEA testing because there are not enough Chromebrooks for our 7th and 8th grade classes. gradually improving

NUSD is doing an excellent job in helping students transition to the new Common Core Standards. Also, strengthening the technology experiences and opportunities will benefit students greatly. it sounds good but I was not aware of it.

Why on earth would a district make teachers change their math curriculum mid year!? Half of our teachers didn't even have the materials to begin their program, expecting us to begin Feb. 1, and having only one training day...most people I talk to who hear about his are astonished that a district would do that plus I have had parents express their unhappiness with the change mid year.

Inderkum High School continues to grow and has 1800-1900 students. Currently, there are only 9 Chromebook carts available for technology use in the classroom. These are often not available due to testing (NWEA, CAASP, etc). The district should consider how it will increase the availability of technology for students so teachers can plan 21st Century lessons on a regular basis.

Allow teachers academic freedom to achieve success with CCSS. The curriculums are obviously not working. Some Classified people need technology not only to do their jobs but to help students. At IB schools technology helps with research projects.

Lower class sizes especially K-3.

Chromebooks are only helpful if the network can support all of them.

I think what the students are getting on Chromebooks is a good start. Need more tech instruction for the younger kids, including keyboarding skills BEFORE assignments on computer are expected to be done independently.

"Common core math is stupid," Said my son's teacher. "I don't understand some of it and have to look it up. For those who get it, great. For those who don't, figure it out in a way that makes sense to you." I THINK THAT ABOUT SUMS IT UP.

The new Math 1,2,3 program for HS that replaces Algebra 1,2 and geometry is truly awful. The books make no sense, there is little the parents can do to help, and the scope and sequence of each year is poor.

The students adapt well, however I do not think that the teachers will be abel to keep up year after year

Provide children with tablets

Curriculum should NOT be switched in the middle of the school year especially with such little training for the teachers.

NO on Common Core. Bring back " Common Sense"

Difficulty in transition, however I welcome the change as improvement over previous curriculum. We need world class academics in preparing our youth to compete globally.

Dislike CORE math but love that the kids get to use Chrome books technology is very important because that is our childrens future.

The only area of Common Core State Standards that I do not care for is the math. The mathematical processes of simple addition and subtraction have become so complicated that it's not only confusing the students but the parents/guardians as well.

I feel the kids in elementary school need more access to chromebooks, preferably a set for each class. I saw firsthand how kids were so disappointed that they can't get on AR because it's not their class time to use it. It would also be nice to have an AR lab where all kids can go, not just those that are behind in reading. There are so many times where my daughter said she couldn't do an AR because they didn't have access to the chromebooks. If you want to expand reading, give the kids more access to the chromebooks so they can reach their goals faster and move forward faster.

Yes I missed the meeting; however, will reach out to check if there are any materials I can followup on.

I love what you do with tec and staff and students

Chromebooks food. Alloes kids to learn tech supervised by teachers. More blocked sites for savy kid searches would be better. Able to do nore lessons online would save paper and allow teachers easier to grade. Common core math is HARD. more parent resources that are easy for working parents to access (webinar, telephone townhall, online videos) for understanding would be helpful since i have to teach it at home to reinforce lessons and through homework. Hard to go to after school meetings and i forget afterwards and need a refeesher. Static online tools for reference would be great.

I think there should be a seminar about Common Core that can be available to parents so we can help our children understand it. It is great that Chromebooks are available to children to help them with work during school

You need to make the students take better care of the ChromeBooks - most have no regard for the school property!

Schools are always switching from one teaching standard to another. It seems these decisions are based on monetary values that the students' best interests. The school system is broken and is now more of a financial corporation. The students are no longer a priority.

The teacher need to be more educated with the implementation of common core. Students and parents are struggling with the concepts and lack of support that the students are bringing home. Teachers are frustrated with the lack of funding to get the supplies needed in the classroom.

I don't believe that the report cards are appropriately aligned with the standards. They need to be more parent friendly. The teachers need support with assessing these standards.

Don't like the new math common core style of teaching my kids the fundamental math skills. It's confusing and not helping!

Wasted money on testing and too much time spent on assessments and tests rather than on more instruction

I do know that the district has implemented the new math books with CCSS. I wasn't aware of any of the other new implementations.

Ridiculous teaching the bizarre "new math" stuff!

I would not get rid of the program

Only time can tell...usually it's a great teacher who really aids in the success of students doing well in math.

Absolutely dislike common core

All school need to bring back text books part of their curriculum. no comment n/a

I think NUSD has been working in the right direction.

Not excited over Common Core. Don't like them having to teach to a test either.

When the STEM teacher tells me he is hoping he can get the school's one cart of chromebooks for a particular day when he is talking about technology, that's just pathetic. I don't know where the chromebooks are hiding but you are not supporting your 21st century focus when you can't get computers in STEM

To much pressure on the kindergartner through 2nd grade level while they are still adjusting and learning to participate and each teacher is different in their teaching skills and requirements

I think Common Core is unnecessary.

I thought it was a big mistake to change math programs mid-year. Whoever agreed to do that is not in touch with the classrooms.

According to edreports.org, GoMath! Does not meet the standards for common core. Also, although the concept of chromebooks for each kid appears to be a great thing for schools, I am concerned that they are not adequately secured for appropriate usage by children. I was using a chromebook on site as part of a parent meeting and was disappointed and concerned to find that the internet filters were inadequate in protecting my kids from inappropriate images. (Try searching for, "girls" on google images and you'll see what I mean.) Open imaging search capabilities needs to be reevaluated and possibly eliminated from chromebooks.

I believe there should be some instruction time for parents to learn as well this common core. Some of us have the knowledge math and don't understand this common core

Great idea.

I like how you reached out to parents when new math text books were purchased.

CC is a great program just no instructional help for parents

Teachers and admin need more support and training

Good idea very efficient way of communication between teachers, parents, students & administrators.

My children formerly attended a Montessori school; it appears that common core is very similar.

GoMath is not common core. Treasures is not common core. I'm concerned that the District has not provided sufficient vision or tangible substance with regard to its implementation of Common Core. Furthermore, the current student population of the District is over 13,000 pupils. In this day and age each student should have consistent access to Chrome books and other necessary technology to meet the demands of class work. Sharing and rotating such technology creates logistical issues that create inefficient breaks in learning and instruction affecting students in a negative way.

Not a fan of it!!!

It is great that our students will be brought into the world of technology because that is where this world is going. Now if more parents can have access to some of this technology, perhaps they would be better able to help their students. Technology cannot be a substitute for text books, however, because books have been around for a very long time and will continue to be around for a very long time into the future.

This is all a joke since there is no individualized instruction. The only kids that get attention are the ones with major behavioral issues

Good but should have started with new books from the beginning of the school year.

I like that nowadays, schools adopting new technology for students make their education easy and better. I also have concern about students are loosing interest in writing and better hand writing. Through technology they understand and learn everything very quick. They like to learn new things and finish their work themselves.

Students should be provided with their own chrome book to use all day everyday during the class day. As it stands, chrome books are shared by the grade level and not accessible for every lesson. Classrooms should be equipped with a chrome book for every child or at the least a 2:1 ratio of students to chrome book.

More Chromebooks are needed at each grade level for students to consistently complete their coursework.

I'm a supporter of the common core program and feel like it fits well with the Go Math program that is starting.

Is this why my child has triple the amount of homework lately? I've wondered what my child learns at school because it seems I'm teaching a lot more than I used to! I think it will keep the children on the right academic path.

I think it is crazy that 2/3 of the way through the school year a new math textbook was introduced to my kindergartner.

I am unaware of a lot of these programs and new ideas.

Common Core is a nice feel good plan that will not help our students become better individuals for our Republic, but it is a good plan for trainning them to put the collective first.

Common Core is a good idea but truly great schools go far beyond minimum standards created by bureaucrats. Computers are less important than learning to read. The proverbial 3 R's (reading, writing and arithmetic) are still the core of a sound education no matter how delivered -- electronically or with pencil and paper.

I'm happy with common core implementation. However the NWEA testing seems redundant, uninformative,expensive and is a poor use of valuable classroom time, especially in light of all the additional testing required under the common core curriculum. I would like the district and board to specifically address this.

I'm concerned about the strategies teachers will be implementing in the classroom to help students learn.

I think it completely sucks!! It is ridiculous that we can't help our kids with their homework anymore!!

I don't understand Common Core.

Do not like common core, especially as it relates to math skills, at any grade level.

Unsure about common core. Especially how it pertains to special ed.

Did YOU know that my boys NEVER used a textbook since 6,7,&8 grade???!!! Why you spend out tax dollars on books the teachers will not use especially special Ed kids? Shame on you and all the stupid parents that don't know what's going on!!!!!

That is awesome

CC standards are very rigorous. Students at STAR Academy are prepared more than those at Leroy Greene. improvement in technology used for testing

I think not all kids test well on computers, but this seems a proper move forward, as long as kids have paper and pencil to use for math, notes, etc, while testing.

Common Core math is hurting my daughter's interest in math. She's known multiplication and division since 1st grade and here you are in 4th grade counting blocks still. After the student understands the concept you need to move on to something more challenging. My daughter loves learning yet can't wait to come home from school every day.

There is something very troubling about trying to make our schools more like those in Alabama and Mississippi.

My child says their grade level has 1 cart. How can an entire grade level deliver a 21st century lesson at the same time with 1 cart?

Do not like common core middle schools need chromebook carts for each class. possibly ipad carts for lower grades instead (k-2) to accomodate for the different learning curve: ie, click and drag, touch screen, hand size, etc. i might understand why, but i do find it frustrating that Go Math books were purchased (lots of $) to replace books previously purchased (lots of money), 2/3 of the way through the school year.

Would iPads be appropriate for younger grades K-2?

Continue increasing network and onsite chromebooks; accountability for GATE programs and development is needed for each site

Love it

They teach many diff rent ways.

More Chromebooks are needed and students need to feel safe on their campus from other students.

Teachers have not received consistent and adequate training.

So far so good, Math is proving tricky

Common core is the worst. It's just making our children stupid.

I approve of the alignment and implementation of Common Core State Standards.

I love common core. I don't understand it much myself, but seeing how my son has such a broad understanding of numbers and how they work is incredible. It's actually teaching them number concepts instead of simply memorization.

Very pleased. Technology is something that is mandatory for children to know in the real world.

Technology improves and advances at breakneck speed. Looking for low cost solutions in order to stay current in technology, but, not at the expense of other important endeavors will be the challenge.

I believe the biggest challenge with changing to Common Core is the parents. Our society is moving forward quickly with technology and it is great to see the schools implementing Chromebooks. I would also like to see more tech based instruction for students who do not have access to computers at home.

Chrome books are great thing, I was why I haven't seen them in American Lakes , even though their kids are economically, are poor to some point

I believe that common core is a necessity. I hope that school also remembers the 'soft' skills that are also necessary in college, in the work place, and in life including conflict management, communication, good listening, healthy relationships etc.

I am grateful for the technology in the classroom. As for the common core math curriculum, this curriculum seems to present concepts in a way that is not optimal for my 4th grader and I wish there was support for children who are struggling with the way concepts are being presented, especially math. Math is being taught in a way that we as parents do not have experience with, which makes it difficult to aid with homework or help reinforce learning. In the spirit of optimizing technology, it would be nice to have a webpage to refer to so we can review the material and how the students are expected to learn it so we can reinforce it in the way that will be presented to them in class, the way they will see it in class/home work, and the way they will see it in tests. all classified do not have tools to work with students, no IPAd or Macbook air for IA

Not sure about common core, but awesome that technology has reached the classrooms and that it's often 1:1 ratio.

Testing consumes far too much learning time. Chromebooks should be more available for student use, not tied up for NWEA tests.

Everyone needs more computer training and a positive and rewarding math expierence. However, music and art education are equally important

Text adoption was not done appropriately. Professional development is a waste of time when agendas are not shared in advance and adequate time is not given to teachers to prepare for classes or collaborate with each other. Communication is at an all time low. Chrome books and technology are low priority for the district office staff. More attention is paid to the district office staff and their needs, rather than the sites. Work orders stay open and unattended to for months, sometimes years. Most teachers think the current PD is crap. District makes promises to the community, but in reality at school sites teachers are extremely unhappy and discouraged with the direction of the district. We need to replace the bullies with truly supportive management.

What ever happened to learning when we all were in grade school? It seems like the kids to need to learn different ways to pass tests.

We need to continue to teach the "old" way too. Some kids learn simply through memorization. Not through multi step problem solving

I understand that we need to try different things I don't know if it's because what's going on is not working but I just wanted to be careful and giving the kids too many things to change on summer getting drop through the cracks or maybe you know changing on a dime too much my son have been struggling and now for a long time maybe we do need something to do it but we definitely need teachers to care more about the students I have said in class and I seen it and they have entirely too many substitute that don't know what's going on in the classroom and its showing in academic yes we need to change things but we also need to work hard on what we already do my son has been at the school for the two years I've only had three teachers call me on their own everyone else I contact it myself and he in IEP I don't mean to sound like a broken record but it was not like this just three years ago

Are you going to address the large class sizes to support a positive learning environment for our kids

The MacBook Airs and Apple TVS are a common cause of distress for teachers, they failed way to often, and it would be logical to have gotten wired adapters for these instead. Kindergarten through 3rd grade too focused on common core standards and should allow smaller ages to learn to adjust to school before demanding common core standards be used for their age groups.

Technology is cool, but imagine all that money being used to help teachers. Stop changing the standards too, I don't really think changing math text books three times in the last 2 years helps anyone but the people making the books. Money for Dedicated teachers is all you need!

If the Common Core Math is taught properly, there shouldn't be any problems, however, time will tell. It is great to hear that the teachers are being provided with the necessary tools needed to get the job done.

I think it is absolutely awful how every single student is not understanding the math. They are completely lost and are missing everything. Especially kids with add. They need repetition in order to remember anything. On top of it there is way too much homework. I don't believe in homework. It is scientfically proven that their brains need rest in order to absorb information. If you can't teach them what they need in 7 hours a day, you're not doing your job

In the event that the new US President discontinues Common Core, has NUSD given any consideration as to what teaching methods would be implemented? Is there a back- up plan being developed? When comparing student success using CC versus past teaching methods, can NUSD and all other USDs, see any differences? If yes, what are the differences and has there been any measurable improvement in student learning? How has CC impacted EL students, if at all. Can programs be developed to better mesh slower learners such as EL and other students with average to advanced learners in such a way as to not hinder the advanced learners. Better yet, what programs can be developed and offered to advanced learners to maximize their learning abilities? This should be a priority too.

Heron school needs more Chrome Books. There are NO Chrome Books dedicated to the Middle School kids (7 and 8 graders). They have to borrow the Chrome Books from the Kindergarten Class. Please purchase Chrome Books (or at least one set) for our Middle Schoolers.

I like some of what I have seen but really don't like some other things. It seems the school/district/State keep changing learning tools which creates a lot of confusion for parents, teachers and students. Kids need solid understanding of basics before being thrown into something new.

My son said he was so frustrated that the Chromebook was so slow and he couldn't create a large excel spreadsheet or word document. All the chromebook does well is the internet.

Communication with NUSD is unbelievable

The district is stumbling and "making it up as they go along" regarding Common Core implementation. The technology implementation is spotty and inconsistent. Decisions are made without consideration for the end users all the time. Software and tools are cancelled without notice. The computer for my classroom was leased originally in 2007 and is being asked to run software generations later terribly. This computer takes ten minutes to boot up in the morning. New teachers are not consistently provided with equal technology and printing access. Natomas High School has one copier while Inderkum High School has four. The allocation and maintenance of IT resources is flawed.

Would like to see free tutoring/Homework help for children after school at Wittier Ranch.

I strongly disagree with the implementation of common core. Students are more successful where teachers are empowered beyond a text book. The more outside of the box education provided, the more successful students will be. I'm sad to see NUSD still stuck in the box that is common core. My students will always be opted out of any standardized testing and efforts to teach to test

It's required by law, so the district should implement it.

I strongly feel there should be more access for the students to get on the chromebooks. I've seen disappointed kids unable to get on, because it wasn't the classes turn to use them. The number of times of being able to use AR seemed to drastically decrease.

Common Core is a joke. I hate it.

I am not a fan of common core, especially as it relates to math, but at least the district is making attempts to do their best with this program. I believe that we need the current technology for our students if we want them to succeed.

Sounds like great ideas as long as you can get real teachers that really enjoy what they do and teach the kids

I'm not a fan of Common Core. no comment

We do not have enough Chromebooks at Heron. I thI is its wonderful that every student at Gateways has one; I just wish we had more than one per grade level at Heron. Our kids have very limited access to technology in the classroom

Let your teachers teach and be innovative instead of being overly focused on the standards. Great teaching raises test scores alone.

Please share your thoughts about district communication tools, both positives or ideas for growth and improvement.

I like attending Jefferson Elementary Coffee Conservartions meetings. good

Each teacher should have a teachers assistant

Can't read English.


Just by browsing at the website before I get into the specific school I am looking for, it seems to be very informative which helps parents learn about various events, calendar dates, what schools have to offer, etc

looks good!

I think this is an important step for parents to engage in the school. Everyone is too busy today. Sometimes flyers don't make the cut.

District needs to add the school bus transportation information because the school bus is ALWAYS LATE to pick up the kids and most of the time they get late to school and they rush to eat breakfast and sometimes there is nothing left for them to eat...

I am pretty much satisfied with the website.

More help for parents experiencing issues at a particular school or with a particular teacher.

I would like to learn more about parent training classes

Please send more info by email newsletters

More parent education and training is needed in this area. Many of my parents don't know how to look up their students grades etc. until I personally train them.

I think that not all parents enjoy or find a great connection with social media and that sometime outreach needs to be done on a more personal level.

The district communication tools are a good resource when you need to communicate during holiday breaks or anything dealing with district. propaganda vs. teachers is slimy and beneath the professionalism that one would expect. District admin has received between 8% and 19% raises, yet doesn't want to reward teachers? Slander pieces toward teachers are cowardly and not truthful. No wonder it is at mediation.

Very difficult to reach district office personnel. Any inquiries are kicked back to the school site. It adds a frustrating layer of complication. there is no technical help desk. everything is work order driven.

The district has been communicating misinformation regarding negotiations with the NTA and this is not appropriate and it is demoralizing.

District communication tools are clearly in place; however, honesty and respect for teachers is sadly lacking. As a professional, I do not undermine the integrity of our District by speaking ill of my colleagues or administrators to parents or the public. My hope is that we can bring a strong sense of cohesiveness back to our Natomas UNIFIED School District, where teachers are consulted and regarded as professionals, experts in their field. If teaching children were a business, it would be easy--- only Common Core and curricula. But it's not. We can't forget about the kids. That's where administrators needs to remember that the teachers know what's best for students.

Great access to follow my children's studies, homework, attendance & grades.

District needs to use parent communication tools appropriately and with fidelity; not to slander teachers in their district.

I feel that labor concerns should be addressed in house and not addressed on the district website when of negative nature.The district goals should be at the for front.. Staff must be committed, collaborative and caring and exemplary. That includes anyone that gets a paycheck from this district or receives benefits. It should not be used to manipulate ones views or opinions with out first following the policy set fourth. reception for computers is not great

I enjoy having access to these tools. It's a great way to get information about various programs, district &/or school site updates and overall NUSD information.

I give NUSD an "A" in terms of being transparent and making it easy for parents and community members to stay well informed about the happenings of the district. Hats off to Jim Sanders, the Communications Director for his efforts and ability to write engaging news stories on the district website.

The new website was 100% un necessary. the phone ap didn't even work until I sent an email to the DO telling them it didn't work. Parent Cores is awesome, triple the funding for it. communication from the district should be transparent, objective, impartial, and professional; the district needs to model professionalism to its staff, parents, and students by showing collaboration and respect to those who are preparing the youth for the future; respect and diplomacy is desperately needed at the ed center

I like the app despite hating infinite campus...I love it when my students ask me about the grade I posted the night before and seek immediate feedback.

District website is excellent.

The website is too busy and needs more of a "Table of Contents" to allow outside users to navigate better. Currently, the site is overwhelming if outside users don't know which department would handle the item or question the user is seeking info about.

Too much information too often, the Infinite Campus tool is horrible - go back to PowerSchool. Online newsletter is OK, but sites have to promote selves, the DO has no idea the good stuff that goes on at all the campus....

I think the district is doing a pretty good job with communication.

You hired a PR person to make the district staff look good while making the site staff look bad. This seems counterproductive to stated desires.

Very low moral, failure to promote within. this district is not Elk Grove or Fresno. The sooner we realize that the better we will be.

NUSD is more interested in looking good on paper than actually helping students succeed. The district office and admin alike have no idea who our students are or the needs they have on an individual level. The "power that be" are ladder climbers that don't care if students get left behind in their ascent.

Please include all the schools when sharing activities and accomplishments. Some are often left out on Twitter.

Teacher sites are impossible to use, need to be switched to Google Apps. Wordpress is antiquated. requests better communication between parents and teachers especially at middle school good communication in automated phone calls they are doing well

The district website looks great.

NUSD has excellent communication resources. The district communicates quickly and often on matters that are important to parents and students. My compliments to the NUSD public relations director and staff!

Great, I will download an app on my phone and will use the website more often to look for info.


I look forward to joining these to be more aware of what is going on.

Infinite Campus is much more difficult and non-intuitive to use than Powerschool. I find that I don't bother to check my children's grades/attendance/assignments like I did before because it is frustrating to use. The switch has decreased my engagement. Also, I strongly dislike that there are no more phone calls home for missed school periods or days. I don't know that the teacher took attendance wrong and marked my kid absent even though they were there until it is too late to correct. Also, I won't know the same day that my kid skipped school (not that that's an issue for me but looking around the community during a school day, it certainly is for others) so I won't have the opportunity to address that in a timely manner. we needs more after school programs free of charge provided directly bu district not third party contractors or service providers.

Need to check it all out

I love the new principal an his way of thinking an making sure our kids r accountable for their actions,attendance,an most of all tardy to class.

Well the website looks nice and is very user friendly.

I think having customer constituent isn't as helpful as originally thought. It seems when the parents went to them, that they were referred back to the school. I think some parents want the district's attention to actually do something.

I am aware through the school providing our children info to read and don't use social media much.

All your telephone messages should say connect w us on social media and list. Didn't know u had but this generation uses and now that i know i will connect. Website is hard to use and not attractive. Surprised no school newsletter. Training workshops good. Do read newsletter. Robocalls helpful. Would be good to have an ical export of key school days to put on my digital calender. More digital tools would ve good -webinar, telephne townhalls, online videos, messages from principals on status of school etc, podcasts, real time school stats, tools for gifted youth.

Nice to know we can be informed on the daily, weekly and monthly from the schools websites.

The website is very resourceful and user friendly.

The automated phone calls that make parents/caretakers aware of "no school" days are very helpful. I took my son to school one day when there was no school. If I had the time to check my email everyday I would have known. I saw several parents driving their kids to school that day, We all turned around. communication is finally getting better. Parent Cores workshops are GREAT! Very helpful. Love and Logic, Strengthening Families Program, etc. Please expand the offerings.

I didn't know we had these communication tools available

Sometimes your NUSD website not user friendly

No comment

Not enough communication between parent , teachers, n/a

I don't know how to check for my children's grades. I think some standards things like directions on how to should stay on the webpages. Do you have a NUSD liaison? I would love to call someone, Similar to dialing 311.

You should post a phone number for the Constituent Office and when they are emailed they should be able to assist rather than pass the buck.

Communication should be honest. I don't use my school bucks because my kids won't touch the school lunches even if they were starving. There is little to know pertinent information in the top stories except to hear about how a school was on lock down or a student was being stalked on their way home from school. Need to work on security?

I've found communicating with the district is pretty much a waste of time and energy as nothing much ever changes or is accomplished.

They have improved.

I really like the email communication, from the district and weekly from the teachers. I also like that you can search about each school's state performance and rating.

I refer to the website often. It is user friendly and easy to navigate good communication makes a good relation

I remain concerned about the District's choice to release an unnecessarily alarming press release with regard to negotiations with NTA. I found District's defining press release not only obsurd, but moreover, damaging to our community. I hope that the Board and Administration use better judgement in the future when providing the community information.

Excellent communication via wesite, fb, voicemails etc.

Had very useful information.

All the staff, including the principal, assistant principal, faculty and reception staff Since attending American Lakes school for the last two years are uncoordinated, unprofessional. Thru do not know how to be friendly or facilitate anything. I would not recommend this district or school.

It is my understanding that there are many homes that do not have computers. So all the information available through the district website does not exist for many families. Perhaps giving parents a choice as to how they would like to receive information, i.e., computer or paper from their respective schools would be helpful. This would be in addition to the phone calls which are great and very helpful in learning what is going on on campus.

Good initiatives taken .

They're helpful when kept current and up to date. Some schools are better than others with this aspect.

The app is difficult to access.

My husband and I are so excited that we are able to access a website to have ALL of our questions /concerns answered

Good that they are there but they aren't always kept up to date ... so usefulness is limited. Great job!

The app is very helpful.

The district has improved its technology, but the campuses are much less consistent with providing updated web based information.

It's ok

It would be nice if the teachers used their website. Possibly more support is needed to get those up and running.

The district has improved its communications. I would like to see a greater emphasis on being completely honest with the community

Please don't include educational 'videos' for lessons. Not everybody can afford good internet and haven't the bandwidth to watch videos.

Voicemail and email is a little much. the new website for grades is not that good. There is no meals posted online. The schools need more buses

This helps students and parents know more ok.

Definitely appreciate the increased communication options

Tweets and social media very savvy reach a lot of people, much better in last few years, also the NUSD newsletter and calls- alto call system this year on # given for emergency contacts ties up office cells. Other wise tho may miss emergency messages. Used to be able to get update calls on home phone, not an option now with new system. Have notified school told it's new system.

Communicate with teachers

Easier access in one place to Senior dates, because they are so important. I have to look at different areas such as the Registrars for payment of AP tests, etc and another place for other important dates. They should all be in one area: Seniors - Cap & gown, transcripts, tests, senior trip, etc at each one of the high schools.

Don't overlook traditional ways of communication like the USPS in addition to high tech tools. Some families and especially ELL, Low income and foster families may not have the resources nor the knowledge to effectively use 21st Century tech tools.

I appreciate the emails I receive with current information.

I've been very pleased with the 'robo calls' from the school administration.

Communication tools are good, but we have an overwhelming number of online passwords per child for every electronic tool.

I would like to be able to get specific information about extra curricular activities and respective schedules

In Missing Clara Allen's First book event, (not important enough) you blew it

District spent money on a new website that is less useful. Seems like a waste of money. Someone's relative got paid. CCCS is another expense, that never has any useful answers. The only reason it got an award is from an organization that is accostomed to rewarding things they hear about but don't truly understand. It's an insiders organization, therefore virtually meaningless to the real educational world. Not surprising the district engages in propaganda, and uses substandard means to achieve this.

Schools need to keep their page updated, maybe a link regarding after school activities ( bit then you would have to have something to offer)

Need a better website. Commonly used pages are not easily accessible. Also have an FAQ page where we can ask questions.

Twitter should be used more to communicate recent events and new stories.

The Natomas middle school website is usually not very current. Anything I need to know I ask my child about. The link to infinite Campus website as a point of fact has never worked for me, it will not load, and every link I have been given fails. For me social Media is a waste of time, and the information doesn't really help me or my child learn

Electronic sites for information is only as good as intended if well maintained and updated. However, it is also my understanding that many families do not have access to computers therefore no access to electronic information. Use of the phone messaging is great, but then you must expect that some families do not keep phone number current in the school offices. So, it seems that there must still be a paper notice provided and with the increased school budgets, this should not be a problem.

I have heard about the free supper meal for middle school but found no information about it on line. I looked for the menu on line before but it was seldom there or updated so I stopped going to the web site to look for it.


Would like to see telephone messages both in voicemail and text form

NUSD should grow social media interaction. The effort is still seriously lacking. I'm thankful our school understands the importance of this tool to keep parents involved

Poor quality and not engaging as seen by lack of comments, shares, likes and retweets. Just because fewer complaints reach district level does not mean parents are happier. the "app" is a mobile friendly website, not an actual app that does something not offered by the district website. Communication is poorly written...

Why can't you just send the info home safety pined to their shirt like they did when I was a kid. I would for sure get it on a consistent basis then. I have enough email etc to check with my job, I do not need another. Plus you can't guarantee I will learn of everything is a timely manner. Old Fashioned info on paper is the best delivery method...oh wait....schools can't afford paper anymore. Pathetic.

Infinite campus SUCKS! It's way to hard to understand. The is no GPA for high schools

It's all great, but the main focus should be on teaching the kids, making sure they understand, not tweets and Facebook

I have none

Each school should have a staff list (certificated and classified) with email addresses so parents and the community can find who they are looking for without having to navigate and hunt down the information.

What do you believe your school(s) does well?

Keeping parents and communities inform about the schools' goals and progress.

Yes, but not 100%

They are doing good in trying to help the students in their academic classes.

Need more communication

The school is doing good.



Administrative support my school is good in communication

The positives our school has; school proactive in JIji and Istation; started music club and choir; has expanded on sports, has various family events in school, has ESL, etc. teachers are great

Jefferson does a great job engaging their kids in good attendance, education, and school activities by constant reinforcement. Principal Keeler is excellent at doing so. teaching

Our school has great opportunities for the students. There are lots of services available to them. access to AP courses and access to ACT, AP exams on campus

Monthly recognition ceremonies with with principal. It's always a very positive atmosphere. Makes me glad to be at Heron.

The teacher to my daugther doing realy good job..the principal too.. Teacher's efforts to make every student success, after school program, library, safety these are all points that I believe our school is doing well.

We enact changes very well, our Tardy Sweeps as an example. The whole staff was on board and supported the movement.

N/a sports AVID CECA AP classes senior project clubs

We work collaboratively and support each other. We quickly identify needs and gaps and work hard to correct them. We rise above the obstacles placed in front of us (often by superiors) and have become quite adept at adapting and solving problems.

Provides activities, encourages parent/teacher communication

High standards in curriculum and communication.

Always room for improvement and expanding programs

Special programs such as IB and CECA

Offering various college readiness courses n peer tutoring.

Heron has a great sense of community and the teachers passion for their students is invaluable. The communication with the weekly voicemails and emails is great for staying informed. The PTSA is really great as well and if you have a question and post it on their page you'll typically get an 30 The students feel safe and academically challenged. They have opportunities for tutoring, clubs and sports after school. The staff goes above and beyond in communicating with parents and students as well as developing lessons and administrative tasks such as the online grade book.

Stop Bullying Program - good Office hours - good Sports - improving Academic requirements and expectations - improving

Communication and reaching out to parents. Friday mornings assemble.

Our library is the best in the district only needing updates, new computers, remolding, for the students & Ms. Lizz

The music program at NMS


We value our students by celebrating their successes, and culture.

We have some outstanding committed staff members and students with great potential. Sadly, many staff are frustrated to the point of leaving while too many students are being given the wrong life lessons (insignificant consequences for poor effort and behavior).

Offering different programs to support learning. Serving students and parents

A lot. A whole lot.

Individualized student attentio

Keeping the good teachers.

My school reaches out to families and gets them involved on campus.

After school programs for tutoring and extra curricular activities. Also activities for the community to get together.

Our staff has a unique bond of trust, professionalism, and friendship much like a family. Staff and families work well together. Our enrichment classes are a hit, and PTA participation in school events is strong.

Excellent programs in the school. Follow-up and keep track on variety of programs and activities.

I think we focus on academic progress and attempt to help all students learn and progress. I think we strive to be a welcoming school to students and their families. I think our staff does a great job of looking at the whole student- and getting to know the whole child. I think our staff is compassionate towards the students we serve. I think our staff is dedicated to the success of students. Our staff has good understanding of needing to try interventions and differentiate instruction for students.

I Believe that our school got to a very rough start during the beginning of the school year but has made stronger improvement since changing the principal.

Providing children with the best education possible! dedicated teachers giving 100% to their students

We are a team. We support each other. Extra curricular activities and academic clubs

Helping students and parents.

The principal gives freedom to the teachers to teach and supports them when problems arise. We work well as a grade level and value each other as educators.

Site level Administrative support for teachers and students.

I work at district office, so I don't get to see first hand the programs that exist at each school site. That's what is so good about having this information avail. on our website!

No, too many students in each classroom

WE need counselors in elementary school to help with behavior issues.

Education Center: I believe, we are committed employees who work hard to support the schools with caring hearts that recognize we too play an important role in seeing that NUSD students be "college and career ready"

Ap classes

Our school has extremely high quality, highly skilled and talented teachers and classified staff.

Adding all events on DIstrict webpage

Academics. IB and CECA. Athletics. Our athletic department is amazing. Activities. Ms. Larson is the best. teachers work very hard

Engaging all students and ensuring that everyone is prepared college and career ready.


Classified staff works really hard to know each individual student's needs.

Gives students many options with sports, leadership, clubs, college resources, scholarships, and ways to prepare for their future

Community building and understanding of the life circumstances the student's go through (and their families).

Is Multicultural

Communication with parents. I believe we do a great job with the sports programs.

Teachers and staff care.

Inderkum-CECA, IB programs, sports, college readiness, school spirit, safe environment. Heron-fantastic teachers and staff, safe environment, K-8 model. teach common core standards support EL SPED full inclusion model

We have amazing teachers, administrators and staff.

Heron Elementary is a great school. Teachers are amazing and the families are very supportive. counseling: we have the best, most hard working, counselors. sports clubs

Tries to keep kids safe and has a staff that generally likes students.

N/A - Staff @ Ed Center.

Distract students from learning with an INSANE number of activities. Keep ineffective but lemming-like employees that won't rock the status quo but also aren't capable of teaching fully. Belittling their staff and their desire to teach. Disconnect students from those teachers they truly appreciate and trust, because those teachers asked for more support or discipline. Keeping administrators that missed every single deadline and failed in evaluations but aren't trying to rock the boat.

Our teachers are extremely dedicated to the school site and its students.

Feeds students 3 times a day

Collaboration from the parents.

We try to educate our kids in classrooms that are overpacked with kids who lack the background they need to be in the class.

Has teachers who care

Special Programs like CECA, IB and Scholars.

Allow students a place to be nurtured and safe...

Students are known and addressed by name. Students have many resources available to them


We help students experience new avenues that they would not elsewhere at a high rigor level through the pathways and some project based learning in core classes

Volunteer run after school activities

We're too new to the district to comment.

Keep students and parents engaged.

Elementary school-good experience with special ed team Middle school-poor communication, feels like nobody cares, no support teachers are nice and school is nice. Pretty good school. Inderkum is a great school. They are focused on encouraging kids to come to school to succeed.

GATE program nothing at this time communicating with parents are giving support.

Informing parents of events and updates. communicate through emails and automated phone calls Both Inderkum and Heron School has god teachers. enrichment programs academics, support for special needs students

Welcome parents and make them an important part of our school. -Welcome students and make them feel safe and cared for by all staff. -Integrate all grades of students K to 8th and special ed so that all students appreciate all students, even the students who are different from them. -We use the projectors, Macs, Apple TV, Chromebooks and IPADS to the maximum use. -Staff that works long days to prepare for curriculum thrown on them the last minute to be ready for our students. -Administration who communicates with staff through email, weekly bulletins and direct contact. -Principal chats monthly - Weekly grade level collaboration -Staff that works together to solve problems and plans well to avoid issues before they occur.

High standards set for students. Special education resources and support. Curriculum and college ready classes. Quality of teachers (engaged & knowledgeable). Block schedule.

Nothing. The school is out of control.

IHS regularly connects students to the school community and uses relationship building to support students. IHS also offer various programs, including Scholars, CECA, DP, etc. that serve various students. The administration is supportive of teachers and students, and the school is growing and changing for the better. Teachers work collaboratively to develop subject overviews and common units, and the admin team supports teachers to improve instruction and increase student learning. feeds the students daily

Teachers working hard to implement CCSS.

Yes, but could do miles better given the right set od circumstances.

Give students a place where they can come and feel cared for and appreciated

Keeping the kids engaged and encourage them to go to college. credit recovery

PTSA events

Communication from our daughter's teacher is great, timely and informative. PTA works hard to create family events at the school which help bring parents/students together.

Fosters community and diversity

Our principal has been great in more communication.

Quality teachers, who seem to care. Good Principal and support staff (including coaches). Care for there students

Fundrasing, school programs

Creative use of technology, community engagement

Jefferson Elementary does an overall excellent job! keep track of attendance, testing, etc.

Great teachers, wonderful office staff and Mr. BILL is wonderful with the students. Some after school programs, like jogging club

Engaging both kids and parents in the school community through events and volunteer opportunities.

LGA- Provides updates weekly and daily checks in with the teachers on a need bases. Academics is top notch. Security and safety is key too. The new principal is a delight and cares a lot about the campus. You can see it in her personality that she is " all in 100%", which is great!

College readiness

Engage students, and enhance the connections of our community

My child is only 6 and in first grade...4th R is wonderful keep our kids safe an accountable for their actions.

Well my daughter got to be one of the first group of kids to experience full day kindergarten which I think helped her to get into the GATE program. keep kids engaged

In communication to parents yes.

Yes I do think Witter Ranch is doing well.

Parent involvement.

I think Heron does a good job of cultivating a community of involved teachers, parents and students.

Communication with parents

HAH - staff works hard to get to know each student and their individual needs

Offers a variety of field trips enrichment classes offered after school

Communicates through phone calls and emails with parents. Also love the portal where I can check on grades and email teachers.


Provide an atmosphere free of distractions which allows my son to learn. pushing my kids to reach their potentials

Supports parents and students by informing them with district news and community information.

Great teachers!!!!

CECA is a great newer program. Parent involvement at the elementary school level. Full day K and TK are great implementations. Keeping parents up to speed on what is happening at school.

Promotes learning.

Dedicated teachers who care about the students, for the most part. Extracurricular activities for students, community events.

I love the IB program at IHS

Unsure, my daughter is attending kindergarten. I can say that I like her teacher, Ms. A. Bains, and the assistant.


Engaging and motivating students

No comment

Diversity higher test scores

Organizing events

Re-starting a strong science program and great sense of community

Presents positive reinforcement choir/ music, PE

I appreciate that Heron has stratified math offerings so that advanced students can continue to move forward and struggling students presumably are supported. I am sorry that the district has ended allowing students to skip grades and advanced to high school math if they are competent.

Two Rivers does everything well, we love our school. Our son has been here 7 years now. Use of Infinite Campus

I am impressed on how informative my daughters school is. The broadcast messages plus a follow-up email helps keep us from missing anything. Additionally, the school is very clean and the staff is helpful and friendly.

I believe the schools keep us well informed of activities and everything that goes goes on via email and phone.


Engages students and provides a number of important programs and activities

Extra-curricular activities have improved.

Provide support for the students and tutoring opportunities.

Engaging parents, supporting teachers and students. We have an excellent resource teacher who has helped my son bring his reading skills up to grade level. I am so impressed with the academic support he has received! Classes are relatively small and manageable; teachers are experienced and clearly enjoy their jobs. Also, many activities are hosted on campus for families to get involved.

Offer rigorous courses.

Engaging parents into the education of their children. Providing specific feedback regarding my child's progress.

Administration keeps parents engaged and in the loop.

Helping the kids in learning and staying focused


Offering advanced classes. A sense of community, especially at Two Rivers.

The teachers really care for the development and well being of the kids. Their progress is evident. extra curricular activites and clubs ie: band/ design


Keeps students involved and parents aware

Teaching and college readiness

Mrs. Stoddard is amazing. It's great to see people who care. every aspect of the programs

I feel the staff works well with parents and wants help and input from parents on how to better learning opportunities for children.

Keeping me updated on my son's improvement

I think that some staff and the principal work hard to build a sense of community.

Recognizes students for their contributions.

Parent teacher relationship and connection. Excellent P.E. instruction/program. none

Very well informed about student grades, attadance. Also weekly updates on what coming up such as sports, PTSA, achievements.

Ignore bully situations

All the staff, including the principal, assistant principal, faculty and reception staff Since attending American Lakes school for the last two years are uncoordinated, unprofessional. Thru do not know how to be friendly or facilitate anything. I would not recommend this district or school.

Hire well qualified and culturally diverse teachers.

No, class sizes are too large to support my child's academic growth. Kids that have behavior issues, violent tendencies and bullies get more attention than others. Looking into other options for my child next year

Communication with parents

In all area of education, sports activities and after school program.

Building community

Excellent involved, committed teachers and families

The educational programs that are being used and implemented. I specifically like the IB program.

Good mix of teachers


Added sports after school

Inderkum's college prep Heron's after school band

Good teachers and principal.

Helping parents to learn more about their well beings in school

Sports, getting kids involved with student council is amazing! Nice and knowledgable teachers

Care for students

My child is in the target excellence program and I think it is a great program that helps kids grow socially and academically.

Not sure. We are new to the school/district.


Heron fosters. Sense of community. Amy Whitten is a tremendous asset to the school and has implemented great changes that makes every hold feel like they are valued.

Mr. Singh is the only principal I know who truly works with children who have behavior challenges.

It has many enriching after-school activities and high parent involvement.

Provide a wonderful "community" for my children, from K all the way through high school.


I have no answer

STAR -Amazing use of students using technology. They start blogging in kindergarten. The 4th graders have their own web pages with links to show their learning and projects for each subject.

Staff support for students

Encourages good attendance, support programs for struggling students.

Fundraising for classrooms

PTA/ parent involvement. After school enrichment programs.

Attempts to facilitate communication with families

It provides all students with the opportunity to receive an excellent education. provide afterschool tutoring for those who need it

Bannon Creek does an excellent job of causing a traffic jam every weekday morning. Some days the cars are lined up for a quarter mile waiting to drop off children. Principle Singh insist that is a 'feeling' problem, but I see blocking one of the traffic lanes and reducing the traffic flow by half (single file) where the cue can only go as fast as the slowest car, more of a 'math' problem.

Teachers are great, other staff as well. School is safe. Lots of communication and opportunities to volunteer and be involved. Principal and counselor is great! Dr. Morris & Mrs.Carrasco

Providing them with school materials such as cromebooks.

Keeps us informed about activities and functions. The front office is wonderful at Witter Ranch


Advanced learning

My school does great with community involvement.

Heron has a strong community feel - a real family. Our after school band program is wonderful and should be expanded through elementary.

Provides different assemblies; staff are hard working; presence of PTA; after school tutoring

Parent involvement and sharing information.

Teaching my kids

They do good in teaching the agenda.

Coping with not having it's own campus. tutoring, after school enrichment activities

Communication to parents and recognizing student accomplishments.

Parent communication and building a school community. administrative support

Great community events like Coyote Carnival, great community spirtt, PTA, teachers like Mrs Pugh, Mrs. Ferraz, good communication

It's nice that it's small. But it's sad to see that 70 percent of the teachers and our new principal don't care, they are just there for a pay check. It shows in their work and my child speaks of this often

I find that Heron really fosters a sense of community. I particularly enjoy the Coffee Chats that Principal Whitten holds with parents.

Not much

So proud of the work our school has done as an IB candidate school.

Enrichment programs, quality teachers, GATE program, parent communication

They provide good communication on line, by phone, email or text. Witter Ranch seems to handle the student diversity well and the teachers deal with problems that arise between students efficiently and effectively. The PTA is supportive of school events and the school seems to welcome that.

I believe that the school has many activities and enrichment programs to keep kiddos involved and active, and rewards students well for their achievement, in addition to promoting a love and practice of reading:)

Heron has begun to focus on science and technology. This is my son's area of interest so I am looking forward to more science for him. He has an IEP and the staff is amazing - speech, OT etc. They go above and beyond for my son. My daughter is at NP3 and their standards for academics are exemplary.

Offers a variety of activities for students to join.

Prep for college

Automated telephone call system

Witter Ranch has great parent involvement and communication.

Gathering invovment


Getting parents involved, principal connectEd messages, growing athletics as an after school sport

Keeping parents informed and making sure that the children are a priority if schools need to raise funds, I would be willing as a parent to donate.

Bring a number of after school programs and activities that are diverse.

NMS has a good honors program (my daughter transferred from Heron to NMS because of band and the honors program).

We have a fabulous and dedicated staff, and an unwavering parent volunteer base. What middle school support we don't get from the district, our teachers do their best to provide. no

The school has great programs but presently there are a lot of other areas that needs improvement.

For the most part administration is visible & available. Inderkum tries to involve students and parents. We enjoy sporting events & try to stay involved in additional activities.

Adding of sports, keeping parents informed on school activities and news

Engages students, family and community. Very strong PTA. I can't name what is done well. I've had incidences where I've tried to have my daughter skip kindergarten because she missed the cut off date to turn 5 by 2 weeks. The teachers and the school principal and the child psychologist told me "no" she can't skip because they thought she couldn't handle it with more cons than pros even though the assessment via nwea showed she was well fit for the 1st (2nd grd even). Another incident was when my daughter was slapped in the face and pushed to the ground by a child that was in a special education class. There should have been someone watching this child closely if he was in a special education class. Zero tolerance for bullying and I tried to reach out to the teachers who did help but the vice principal who is in charge of child safety really lacked in showing that this incident was important by not communicating back and blowing me off. I can't say what the school does well. The school did a great job by having Mrs. Trujano as a teacher. She showed she cared and was compassion which is what the vice principal ms lurchen did not.

The teachers are wonderful. Students recognize this. The students are terrific. Our teachers are loyal, compassionate, dedicated, and skillful.

It's got great curb appeal

I like the fact they are trying to improve on kids are learning now a days.

Community involvement and promotes parental involvement.

Great parent/teacher communication; excellent differentiation to support my child's learning needs.

Cleanliness is good. Everyone is nice.

Collects money

No class sizes are too large to support the kids


Being open. Thats it.


I love principal Borge's phone messages. They are current, relevant and clear, but most of all consistent. Mrs Carlstom's messages are less consistent, but also valuable.

Teaching, Target Excellence

Offering programs like Leadership, sports and other. Good teachers who care about the well being of the children.

A variety of programs is offered.

I believe that staff development has improved over the years, but there could be more effort toward this endeavor. Teachers should have a strong role in identifying their needs and helping to meet those needs. Adding teacher aides to assist in their daily jobs in the classroom. This is clearly something that could help improve in the learning environment.

Teachers are wonderful and engage students in learning!

HAH is in a transition with a new principal and there have been some attempts at improvements.

Great teachers, good school spirit, well rounded education.

The staff is well prepared, it was a great community of parents and teachers involved with the education of children and the fact that they are bringing back sports to the school is great

Witter ranch now opens for breakfast at 7:05 instead of 7:20. This is a great idea to encourage children to go to school early, avoid the traffic.

Great teachers and staff. Safe volunteer program, safe campus at NPE.

Westlake has done an incredible job transitioning into Common Core seamlessly. Inderkum's IB so far is very communicative and encouraging of the kids success

We are new to the district as of November. Customer service with us as parents when on campus from office staff has been excellent. My son has had a negative incident with another student and the teacher handled it appropriately. We are very pleased with Leroy Greene Academy.

Nothing!! You only have Inderkum high school principal that knows what they are going and supports parents.

IB and Link program

Natomas High School has the finest staff members of any school in the district. We take on some of the neediest kids and yet create more success than any other. calls/e-mails to parents

Social media, parent involvement, thinking outside of the box, not being bogged down by bureaucracy, trying new ideas, listening to what families want, being innovative

Parents connect with each other.

The schools has a lot of good hardworking teachers and parent participation. The school sends out weekly communication of what's happening.

Not much. yes

The school tried hard to get to know each student and motivate them.

Teacher/parent partnership, admin/Pta partnership, I'm totally disappointed with Natomas School District, I feel like there's a lot of young inexperienced teacher's that don't really care about teaching the kids

Natomas Park does well to ensure after school tutoring is available for students that need extra assistance with a particular subjet.

Principal Birdsong is very engaged and taking positive strides to better the environment and services for the children. It is a clean and safe place. Very happy with GATE classes.


Great teachers and community engagement

Weekly updates by principal. Caring teachers.

Communicating with parents, really engages parents into the school, great activities, loves the kids.

I think that they have a great parent involvement which is ideal in holding kids accountable for their school behavior and academics. The school reaches out to parents to stay connected on a weekly + basis. They just expanded to include a science teacher & class for the kids beyond what they learn in the classroom.

Weekly email from principal. Teachers email daily regarding homework no sure yet. student enrichment programs.

Great parent involvement and support. Believe Heron is a safe, nurturing environment.

Diverse students preparing students for college, lost of opportunities

Contact with parents

Following cell phone policy

Great teachers, positive school climate, a lot of improvements at the middle school level

Works to serve all kids and show growth for everyone.


Engaging students and parents in he school community.

What changes do you believe would improve your school?

Inderkum school campus does not feel safe or friendly. Lunchtime is madness. Some kids are intimidated by the atmosphere.

Because of student issues. Teachers lack experience to deal with students. Too much disrespect.

More tutoring.

Need more communication

More security. Check the students to make sure they are not cutting.

For all the kids to have tutoring and safety

Lower the class sizes. Make sure teachers have 1:1 with students.

More peer support for the student body to help the kids deal with negative things...drugs/alcohol

New Principal first of all getting more after school programs here then getting kids more involved in these after school programs

Jefferson....sharing site with other school (WL)...needs to end soon! parking is crazy

I am very satisfied with the school. I believe we can do better with food. I wish they transformed the cafeteria to a restaurant with organic, local food items.

I think getting more parent involvement would help. links to "info you need" by grade level, to keep abreast of all the things kids need to keep track of. I stay on top of my Junior's activities but I know she has friends who missed the deadline for AP exam sign ups (specifically because the info was supposed to be passed out in a class where they currently have a permanent sub). Maybe an app feature? code events by grade applicability and allow for deadline alerts? maybe enlist kids to do some of the app design and coding. Also, the use of the student store as the only way to pay for certain events is a problem. Add more options. The student store accepts only cash and is not open before school, after school and even at lunch it's not open very long. I don't like sending my kid with $200 cash (once from prom and another time for 2 AP classes). Money she needs to hang on to for days at a time because she can't hit the student store at the right time or the line closes when lunch ends, etc. Add more options for these payments.

Improved communication and follow-through regarding school policies. For example, if the expectation is for kids to be at the blacktop before school, that needs to be enforced. Every year it seems the teachers accept different things (kids must be out walking before the bell, kids can wait at class with their parents, or the teacher is ambivalent). If kids shouldn't be waiting at the class, there need to be consequences for the student from teacher/administration. If there's a no pet policy on campus, teachers/administration need to enforce it. I've stepped in animal feces more than once on campus. It's disgusting. I've also seen people walk right past school staff while they're holding a dog and staff says nothing.

I believe that by offering more soccer activities for kids - fall and spring semesters and having not having the same kids play both semesters. Let's give other kids a chance to play.

The security around the school..

I believe more art program like music and/or drawing make school more powerful. Also, I believe if student can learn how to responsible, respectful and problem solver(for their behavior, protection and self defense by learning to use words and sign language instead of hands and feet) would make difference.

Paying subs more money so teachers don't have to consistently work on their collar and prep period.

Higher standards expected and tolerated across the board

We need to improve our campus culture: - better discipline structure and follow through per admin so students don't "run the show" on campus - consequences for students in which they are held accountable for their actions. - enforcement of after school detentions/Saturday school and stick to it (consistency from admin/staff) - create an on campus suspension room for students to be housed during the school day who receive a class suspension for any class period throughout the day - etc.

Less management from the district office. There is nothing wrong with communicating goals and philosophies, but let us implement and run the schools with the management staff you chose for us!

My daughter and her friends talk about the lunch-and they mention they do not care for it too much. Hot lunches are a good idea and helps parents who work. Better hot lunches and a clean lunchroom would be nice.

More parent/student opportunities. More hands on skills for our kids. Confidence building workshops and workshops that can motivate students. I would like to see leadership academies and community outreach.

Leadership classes, communication classes, drivers education, internships with local business programs, handling conflict and basics of handling money.

More strict disciplinary actions for disruptive students.

Lower class sizes at elementary schools especially school in greater need.

I think Heron could really benefit from adding some extracurricular activities. I have a friend whose children attend Two Rivers and love the after school programs and the parents love how affordable they are. For a kindergartner my only options are the art and early engineering program which my daughter really has enjoyed but they are pricey at $15 per lesson and variety would be great. The addition of choir or music for the younger grades would be great as well. More administrative support to the staff. More acknowledgement of the numerous hours beyond a 40 hour work week, staff spends on the job. More support to teachers when parents have unfounded and unreasonable complaints.

Admin should come by and observe classes on a casual / drop in basis much more frequently. One or two formal observations a year do not give a realistic view of what's going on in any given class.

The school is very old and is need of a face lift for sure. The bathroom lighting and some classroom sealing. The library please needs to be revamped with books that aren't ripped or missing pages.

Remolding of the Library for the students & Ms.Lizz

Students who have proven they don't care and have constant discipline issues need to be served separately so teachers can actually teach those students who do care. Until that happens students are not going to be College and Career ready.

We are in desperate need of FULL TIME HEALTH ASSISTANTS!!! Also, we need more Substitute teachers. I believe an additional Kindergarten and 5th grade class are IMPERATIVE for the 2016-2017 school year.


Full time Health Assistant please

We need an afterschool extended day program that is guaranteed for students performing below grade level. It is not dependent on teachers' schedules. If a child needs help, we, as a district, must provide the intervention. We NEED intervention materials and programs! Too many kids year after year are reading below grade level. We must improve literacy rates! We need to have smaller class sizes.

Give site administrators more time to be on campus and attending to their schools instead of attending meetings and evaluating more numbers.

Sufficient support staff in the front office, including health aid available daily.

Full time Health Assistant

Listen to the teachers who know what we need to aid our students and get them to where they need to be. Specifically, a comprehensive corrective reading program.

The opportunity to participate in the formulating of an all school vision.

The special education should be improved. This year is the worst. Stricken rules on cell phones

Smaller class sizes would be a great start!

Less testing and not such big invicince on common core

We need one-to-one Chromebooks for third grade on up. Act quickly on behavior and discipline issues.

Smaller class sizes. Better administration. Classrooms for all teachers.

Tier 1 Social/Emotional/Behavioral Supports PBIS Behavioral Supports Schoolwide

I think that the Boys and Girl Club could help our students become better role models and support the over all conduct of our students. THIS could happen by showing them the appropriate ways we talk to our peers and how we support our fellow classmates in school , afterschool and at sporting events... a lot of changes are need. We need to talk face to face for all the issues. behavior of student needs to change need a class for manners and right conduct. having the resources to focus on all students not just a select few.

Hold students accountable for their actions. n/a....we have been very successful the last few years (Distinguished School and possible Gold Ribbon Award).

Serve breakfast before instructional time starts, like other schools. Student behaviors need to improve so teachers can teach and other students can focus. We also need intervention materials for students who are not at grade level.

More supports for students who are not working at grade level. Reading specialist, more counseling for students

WE need counselors in elementary school , social groups for all grade levels, music and art for all grade levels! Science curriculum would be nice!

I work at the Education Center; but I'd like to see more secretarial support at Elementary sites for the Principals. The school office is laden with constant interruptions and Principals get the left overs in terms of time for support from secretaries. putting the middle school on another campus.

More campus security and communication with H.S. so students can use basketball courts and sports fields at lunch. More campus security after school so that school can run a school beautification program as the detentions. More funding for intervention classes. More training for teachers of intervention classes. More funding for curriculum for intervention classes. 4 additional mental health providers. end chromebooks go home program.

Computer labs for parents

Need to offer more elective classes in PE. Dance, weight training, sport theory classes. academic freedom

More chrome books, balancing classes more effectively. Formal, district-wide, three-tiered discipline plan that contains second tier intervention programs for chronic misbehaviors. more & better consequences for bad behavior

Continue to work on ways to keep students from fights, causing problems with their teachers, other students in class and on campus. Keep kids in class, not hanging out. I think the school is really working on this, but it really needs to continue to avoid room for more problems.

More support in the form of lower class sizes, available mental health, and support from district level in terms of communication and collaboration.

Better program for gate students.

I believe our Elementary schools with almost 1000 students need a vice principal. A teacher on special assignment cannot do everything a vice principal can to assist a principal.

Better communication and consistency.

Inderkum-more class offerings and impacted P.E. classes. More meetings with counsoler for college options and readiness. Heron-reduce overcrowding of campus with smaller student body numbers. More space for kids to play, better gym facilitiy.

Consistency in discipline, as in we should have some discipline. A talking to and then sending the student back to class telling them to apologize is not working. When you have teachers passing out in the middle of class, at different schools and that teach different grade levels, you have a problem. When you have too many students in a classroom causing the heat levels to become uncomfortable, there is a problem.

Need more Technology offerings increased internet bandwidth admin/staff in classes to support a large number of new teachers at our site (many new teachers due to being a charter and growing so quickly)

Our playground needs a complete overhaul. It needs more activities for kids. Students need more opportunities for technology in the classroom (intervention software). We need more secretaries in the office and more yard duties on the playground. Class sizes are too big and contributing to behavior problems.

Heron-I have a 7th grader now who has been at the school since kinder. I am sad to see who the 7th and 8th graders fade out of the elementary school community. I think they should have more "Buddy time" with lower grades to keep that community feeling going. I would also like to see electives at I am also a teacher at HAH. The school is quite different in parent support and involvement. There are MANY behavior issues and we need more DIVERSE MALE members of our staff. The Administration is awesome, however student consequences are not strong enough to let students know that inappropriate behavior is not tolerated. remediation and intervention programs for underperforming 9th graders. more peer tutoring

Using evaluation to get rid of teachers, having a teacher training/student teacher cohort in Natomas to get the very best early Having the DO respect the ideas and work of teachers and not destroy our morale.

Increased efforts for inclusiveness & community-building.

Overhauling the entire administrative team. Keeping teachers that have built curriculum, been trained in their fields, and are experts in their subject matter; even if they have bruised the egos of those above.

Full time health assistant needed at Natomas Park. With almost 900 students this needs to be a priority. Secretaries are unable to do their job when spending all day in the health room. Parking enforcement/supervision for drop off and pick up. Parents are constantly complaining about the back up and others not following the policy. Horns honking and tension high with parents and visitors.

Teachers are overloaded with the implementation of new programs and lack of overall discipline.

An armed police officer on campus, Administration that relates to students monthly behavior expectations and that holds students accountable for bad behavior

There is a high number of teachers absent on a daily basis. My child has a revolving door of subs in more than one class.

Smaller class sizes and a better discipline matrix to deal with all of the many repeat offenders.

Positive Behavior Supports Access to more support staff for counseling, positive behavior support systems SST process MTSS for academic and behavior interventions counselors and more afterschool programs

AP Preparation for students. We've increased the number of students taking AP classes, but have not prepared many of them for success. follow our planed discipline program as outlined in our handbook...... consistent consequences, site admin. support

Broader pathways more advanced classes


More interconnected lessons through in retention of staff so we can create those lessons and have buy in

Improved efficiency as well as clarity in how the special education team and the general education faculty identify, support, evaluate and provide special education services to students. Student safety. Outreach programs to prevent drug use and violence

More music and band during the school day

If student is not doing well, talk with parent and child to find out what is going to make sure that parents are creating a good environment for children to learn and excell. better communication and more support for special needs and learning disabilities as well as more parent support

Kids are behind in math and language arts. When you ask principle or teacher they say they are going to work on it but only if they have teacher volunteers. MATH is a problem at Heron. Even though scores are high my kids are failing. They need to provide tutoring services so children will not be left behind. nothing at this time getting through to students with outreach

Safety and help student with emotional problems.

Improvement in safety at secondaries better communication between teachers and parents, more strict with students with behavior problems, better enforcement of rules including dress code, more accountability for teachers i think both the schools are doing well. making sure each child gets a chance to participate. Some children are chosen because their parent teaches the class and other children have been chosen multiple times. Someone who hasn't been given a chance to participate should be chosen over someone that has already participated.

None better disciplinary guidelines for students to improve behavior

-Better maintenance on our grounds and inside our rooms. -More Chrome carts for our upper grades -Maintain a Principal for more than 2 years -A counselor/social worker for our upper grade students -A kindergarten playground big enough for 4 classes at a time to play. -A gathering place (like a cafeteria) that is adequate for our entire school population for motivation, character building, etc.

New principal to be more accessible to students.

Provide more nutritious and healthy meals. Assign a mentor, friend to help children find friends and network.

Discipline, respect for teachers,

Many opportunities are provided to students who are in certain programs, and it would be beneficial to see the same opportunities for our CP students. They do have access to MYP and AP courses, but students in CECA or Scholars (or the soon to be Media Pathway) receive a different experience than a CP student. Additionally, school-wide behavior supports (such as Safe and Civil) would benefit the school as well. law enforcement on campus visibly present, behavior expectations and consequences clearly spelled out to students in an assembly format

Behavior expectations that are follow thru on. Respect and professional attitude toward all staff.

Raise behavior standards and enforce school and district rules, ensure all actions have consequences. Do not continue to lower standards-raise them.

My son would like their to be a football team at his high school. He was thinking of going Natomas High School in order to play football but I prefer him to stay at Leroy because I feel the classes are smaller and he gets more attention. more communication between teachers and parents. also between the school and friends: notifications etc.

More support of STEM integration into curruculum

Nothing at this time.

Nutrition plan needs improvement. Providing processed food although it may meet the USDA requirements is not nurturing for children's bodies and minds. Children need fresh , cooked meals on a daily basis. Please check the ingredients of the foods we are giving the children. You would be surprised how unhealthy it really is.

Safety, in parking lot. Principle had been great and has done a lot. The lot is a poor design. Less homework too. They have a lot of homework. Or offer help with homework after school

Take more listen time on 1-1

Better communication between parents and teachers. More attention given to the younger gifted student's academic needs.

More advertising of college and career readiness programs and sports programs. not using the new math book until the beginning of the new school more inclusive culture where all children have access to after school tutoring to help with homework and reading/math core areas

More after school programs, more art and music in the classrooms.

Here are a few suggestions that should be re analyzed for next year. The lunch cafeteria is WAY undersized for the kids. My daughter says there is always long lines and no space to eat. By the time lunch is served, the bell rings and she has not even ate. The mid morning break got cut last year at LGA and it is not enough in between bell time for a young lady to use the restroom and get to class on time. This adds a lot of stress on a young lady during certain times of the month with no mid morning break. Add large scale art and color on campus. Hire a professional graffiti ( tasteful one) to design a Lion ( mascot) on the quad wall. This will bring pride to the school. The campus is quaint, but boring aesthetically. More funds for on campus improvements: bring in art onto class walls, new paint for class interiors, books ( yes books) in library-multi room. The teachers try their best to make the classrooms lively, but the interiors are drab. Studies show a bright colorful room, stirs and encourage creativity and overall production. More parent involvement which is tough. There are a handful of parents volunteering and who show up to coordinate and help with campus events.

Continue improving sports, music/art, science programs to enhance student engagement. none

I would like to see better campus security. I feel that it is too open for potential intruders.


LOWER CLASS SIZES- MORE CHROMEBOOKS, more arts and music offered throughout the year on a regular basis.

I believe a new principal may improve Witter Ranch. My autistic 4th grade daughter was bullied for months and Mr. Birdsong refused to take the matter seriously. From what I've been told, he typically has a nonchalant attitude towards bullying.

Helping bring our score up to be better in all areas we are failing.

I think adding Art in school would improve the school

More parent involved. Art, language, music offerings after school before evening pickups or incorporated into ciriculum EARLY (K).

Smaller class sizes at Heron.

a better engagement of their principal clubs that continue at LGA & not dissolve after 2 months

More after school activities free afterschool programs for working middle class parents music program and sports programs.

Support for teachers who have students coming from foster homes, low income families, and severe behavior issues. n/a hire more quailified teachers/aids. cleaner schools

Able to reach out to all parents, as many parents do not have technology such as cell phones, PC at home etc. Might need to provide information back to old day of flyers etc.

More art and better band and music program

Safety being evaluated on playgrounds and in parking lots (before and after school) Cleanliness, more janitorial staff (American lakes) Possibly improving the outside areas and play structures.

Discipline of students who are disruptive, rude, and loud during classtime.

Better Administrators, more counselors, smaller class sizes. more college information for parents

Maybe smaller class sizes...also, when I visited a Charter school in Natomas, I liked that they had signs posted in the entrance that encourage children to think positive such as...think of different ways to solve problems...have a "can do" attitude..this was Natomas Charter's kindergarten office...impressive. It's important to teach children to have a positive mindset at an early age. I've never seen this in a public school. Also, offer a more healthy lunch menu...the food does not look like I want my child to eat hot lunch from the cafeteria. better communication with parents/guardians

Have more after school sports

Increase security

More African American Teachers IN THE CLASSROOMS better encompassing special accommodation plan

School needs to be little more strict to students.

Teacher communication and collaboration

Responsiveness from administrators to emails stating needs for students.

The language arts instructing is pathetic. I don't care if kids would struggle learning to write multipaged papers. How else are they going to learn if they aren't forced to complete them? There is little to no homework and for kids in 7th and 8th grades, that's not okay. The GATE program isn't challenging and those kids have too much free time on computers.


Better safety at upper grade schools I would like to see someone out monitoring the pick-up and drop offs. Cars park where they are not suppose to and block people in.

Some teachers simply dont know how to handle Middle schoolers at NMS. So maybe some training on ways to deal with this age group. Positive reinforcement..

Eliminate the sport contracts for students especially the football players who the majority are afro American and are NOT prepared for college.


Smaller class sizes or more assistance in the classrooms.

Better lunch meals and more affordable.

I know that plans are in the works to reconfigure the parking lot at NPE, and hopefully this will improve the traffic situation and make drop-off/pick-up time a lot safer. Wish there was a busing option for students who live more than a half mile away (not within walking distance).

Better security; Increase in peer to peer positive pressure. More focus on character and recognizing students for academics and behavior NOT athletics.

They need a better system on visitors coming to school ground by monitoring or locking gates

Teachers' communications could be more consistent. We have three children and the amount of feedback and communication from each teacher varies greatly. One teacher has a webpage that includes current weekly classroom work which is very helpful.



Safe environment where kids are not scared. Teachers being more supported by administration as far as classroom management and removing problem students.

Better communication on events. I feel like even though we here about events well in advance, the details are not available until about a week away. Also, the school should consider having a mid year finger printing event.

Smaller class size! 25 students to 1 teacher.

Site improvements such as gutter cleaning, leaf removal, garbage pick up, water pounding problems, better gates. you have to pay for everything. Why doent the district have such a small budget for the school.


A track program You have an awesome football team, but when it comes to golf and soccer you hear nothing. I feel all teams should have the same attention. We're fairly new to Inderkum and the HighSchool my child came from previously All sports were huge. more programs to enhance knowledge in our your community

More involvement from a higher percentage of parents/caretakers/families.

Assignment notification for homework that is due in each class

Responsibly address the bullying issue.

1:1 ratio with regard to Chrome Books

Better security at the school's front desk, and after basketball child pick up. Positive language campaign to stamp out cursing on the play ground. Spelling test for all grades so that students have better reading comprehension. Choir or music classes available.

Add music/art/science to daily elementary class instruction. More field trip experiences for elementary.

Any sort f active support for kids with Aspergers. Play groups, peer/social engagement training, anything at all. Socially, our kids are being left behind because there are no programs in place to ensure any level of social inclusion. My son sits by himself in the library during lunch and recess every day, and there are currently no resources for him to turn to to help him make friends.

Bully training for all students

A new principal, assistant principal, front reception faculty (I walk right in the school and never have been greeted or questioned who I was. I just sign my name and walk right in). This is horrible. Principal and assistant principal have no friendly personality.

There should be better monitoring of student behavior in the classrooms and when passing between classes. Too much time is consumed by ill behaved students in the classroom taking away from the teachers' ability to teach their students wanting to learn.

Get a new principal to start and lower class sizes

Permanent teachers rather than new substitutes for every month or fortnight. Same methods of teachers at grade level.

Extended school program and support for English learners.

An academic Extended Day program and an Afterschool reading program

Chrome books provided for every student attending Heron. I would like to see Instructional support teachers (one for each Language Arts and Math) provided to our school. I would like to see our campus security professional's hours increased to start when students arrive at school (20 min before instruction time begins) and end 15 minutes after dismissal. Expand fine arts instruction to art with different mediums (water color, paint, chalk oil pastels) and dance. Parent involvement. I'm at a loss for words when it comes to the involvement with a child's education.


Special needs students aren't accepted in classrooms, in mainstream. They're ostracized as behavior problems and not given the tools needed to succeed.

Have all school sites share equally with the student population. Having sites with class sizes over 30 students while others are in the mid 20's puts extra pressure on the students as well as staff.

Bigger lunch portions.

Needs more Crossing guards at all times and safety security..TRANSPORTATIOS for students and more school buses for all neighborhood children so they don't have to walk so far to school and home...

Better tutoring help for kids that are having a hard time, instead of just constantly giving poor grades help them by extra tutoring or extra help

Maybe a little more security

Better communication about the websites for students and parents.

Removing the Teacher's Union.

Security continues to be an issue at Inderkum. Students are carrying duffle bags and selling "items" that includ chips (not a big concern) and brownies (not Betty Crocker's recipe). I hope that any sale of items between students will be addressed. My daughter's phone was recently stolen and she spent the entire day trying to get someone to review the video cameras in the gym that would have caught the perpetrator, but no one would take the time to do so. No one took a report and therefore this crime is not a part of the school/district's crime reporting statistics. Whether this was an isolated incident or a pattern of response to student crime victims.

Expansion of electives at both the middle school and high school levels. I would like to see art, photography, cooking, music, wood shop, drama, choir, pottery, and other creative studies. I appreciate all the effort towards offering STEM and technology electives; however, some my children are interested in participating in creative electives. Also, it would be nice if children could choose languages other than Spanish. I have one child who would like to take Mandarin (student in CECA at Inderkum), and another who would like to take French (student at Heron).

More inclusion of special needs kids into all school programs.

Smaller kindergarten class size

There is a lot of programs for low income but what about middle class More teachers with websites. And homework information

More to support top accelerated learners. Kids get bored and won't push themselves. Kids are fine doing little or nothing in classes. At Leroy Greene, the 90 minute block schedule is not giving students a whole year's worth of curriculum. They are also not prepared for the benchmarks as they may not have had that grade's English or math class yet when the test is given.

More support services

Make all teachers GATE trained so that all classes are taught equally. Kids that aren't in a GATE class are not challenged. use of teacher websites to monitor student progress.

There has to be a better system to get Kindergarten students picked up. I think the 1st- 5th grade should be let out 10 minutes earlier than Kindergarten. This allows for older siblings to pick up their younger sisters/brothers and parents aren't left waiting in the pick-up line blocking traffic for 10 minutes while they wait for the older children to get out of class.

Getting bombarded with information. I get emailed, called, and usually take home flyers about every event at school. Now I do think it is great that I'm being kept in the loop, but could we be able to choose a preference on which mode works best for us. Its almost like are school is a telemarketer.

More art, music and a mentor program for children who display challenging behaviors

Unfortunately our school makes it too easy for students to opt out of a rigorous curriculum. more passing period, less fights

I would allow students to enter and leave the school through all the gates, and even open up a new gate on the West side of the school to alleviate some of the traffic congestion. I would also like it if the school yard was left open so kids could use the playground equipment in non-school hours.

Please bring discipline back on campus - there is zero accountability for student behavior it is like the Wild West. Also it would be nice if there were support and emphasis given to student who are high achievers. At this time it feels they are unchallenged in the IB environment.

Better supervision on playground. More GATE opportunities. Better lunch options.

Integrating activities and courses from neighboring schools

No bullying at school please

More communication with teachers during the year. I was disappointed with the lack of communication with my students teacher this year. Mrs. Hawkins was my students teacher last year and she was great! More teacher support from the district. Less crazy Union letters from the district office and Superintendent.

I would prefer the school day to be more closer to 8:10am-3:40pm we don't tend to qualify for a lot of things because of small populations of particular student groups, but those student groups still exist, so then we end up not getting "help".

Longer school day to incorporate the arts.

Need Full-time health assistant; another intervention teacher; use student leaders (student council) more effectively...get a different teacher to lead them who has ideas to develop their potential; is the NWEA data being used by teachers?

Changes are in progress.

More Money, family involvement, after school clubs/workshops, More buses, Snack and dinner program, Peer mentoring more communication and participation.

Having our own campus. Having adequate staffing. Reducing class sizes. Providing funding for lab equipment, class novels, math manipulative, etc.

School safety is important and technology that works (enough band width) and qualified teachers that want to stay.

Safety has been a hot topic this year. Modern electives.

Lower class size in all grade especially kindergarten and TK!!! more support in all sports not only on foot ball

Lower class sizes.

Arts and music, more attention to GATE as in actual funding, projects,

Allow the principal observers the classes more often to see how the inner action of the student and the teacher are reacting.

Better iep programs

We need to find a way to communicate with parents to get them more involved.

More focus on research-based reading programs and literacy specialists to help support students struggling to meet grade level standards for reading.

Hire staff that are passionate about teaching and can teach. Right now, there are teachers who are not engaged or are awkward and put off the students: I am afraid to say who they are because my kids feel they will be retaliated against. Ways to challenge the kids that may have special interests. The only school sponsored club is jogging club and while the teachers stay late to tutor more clubs would be great. Physics, or Ecology or School Newspaper etc.

I strongly believe there needs to be MUCH more support for struggling students, as in afterschool tutoring by QUALIFIED teachers, as well as throughout the day, a better focus on a more advanced critical thinking and language arts program.

Admin needs to support our teachers and show appreciation at Heron.

I believe there needs to be more "anti-bullying" education in the middle school. My child has often been told by other students that she is "too white" to listen to certain music or to wear certain things and that she is ugly because her skin is too white. She no longer loves school, and, in fact, dreads going some days.

Behavior of kids Bring Dr. Kevin Leman to talk about parenting

Better control of the bullying. Incidents should be addressed immediately. Parents should be informed not only by their child but also by school staff. Signing an 'I will not bully' should be more than a social event.

Leroy Greene could offer AP classes.

Stop the violence


Need to be more special needs friendly. Great to hear about all the things going on for the children that are in general ed classes, but reading through this survey you only mentioned special needs once and that was to ask what type of child a person has and after you don't mention anything else about it, and as a special needs parent that is insulting to notice all of the good things you're doing for English learners etc... but not the things for the students make up a nice percentage of the children going to school. To have the right amount of staff necessary to help the children do their best is always necessary for the children to prosperous. Remember they are human to they may be different but they are not less and should never be treated as such. So with all the good that you guys are doing at the school try to include the children with special needs in to your equation of making the school better for "everyone".

Further teacher training. Better communication with parents about students progress, between official report cards.

More academic competitions, more opportunities for students to engage in leadership, more recognition for student achievement,

NMS needs to support the teachers more, so that they can teach the kids who actually want to learn. The classes are loud with disruptive students. Sometimes, my daughter can't even hear the teacher speak. NMS also needs more campus supervisors. A lot of students hang out after school in front of campus and are pretty rough with their language and each other. NMS needs an opportunity for their students to travel to Washington D.C. If NUSD is going to continue with elementary and middle school sports, our gym HAS to be updated to include seating for spectators. It's embarrassing and frustrating that there is really no room to sit.

Discipline expectations, and follow up. Bad kids stay and good kids leave.

Better communication. Most of the time, I get no reply to my emails or voice mails. I end up having to go to the school. Sometimes, information given is not accurate.When told I would get a call back, no one calls back. There also needs to be some sort of order in the classrooms. Some students are very disruptive and that creates a problem for those who are there to learn. Teachers need to take control of their classrooms.

More community involvement. As stated earlier, mentoring & programs to support students not in IB program. How do we motivate these students? Staff is key. Caring teachers who believe in the potential of all students. Staff that reflects the diversity of students being served. Strategies to improve safety.

Teacher/ Parent communication

Reduce class sizes. 35+/- per class is outrageous. Eliminate the troublemakers who do not want to learn. fewer meetings pulling administrators off campus and allowing them more time to interact with students and teachers

Not allowing the parents to park and block traffic in the bike lanes and block the cars in that are parked legally on the curb. Most schools in different districts I've seen have people out there to direct traffic and help children cross the busy roads. To have people hold stop signs for the children to cross not only for walking Wednesday but for every school day to help with traffic and also for the safety of the children.

Return the collaboration time to teacher initiatives. Properly communicate behavior management systems and meeting agendas to staff so that we become a positive culture again. Support us or get out of our way. We have all been teachers of the year, or been part of large improvements in our schools, before this current admin came along. They are not currently raising our morale, and making our classrooms more productive. The district is steering us in the wrong direction.

Better transportation options to viable aftercare opportunies

Since my daughter has been in NMS. I'm tired of having them change teachers or principals. It is frustrating when they don't do anything about classroom behaviors. Teachers would just quit. Even in Indurkum. It real males the school look really bad. The education is poor.

Communications are often electronic. Traditional communication would be helpful (I.e., notices in children's folder). In addition, many sign ups and informational posters are at the school. This is not helpful for working parents that utilize before and after school care?

At this time, nothing. I am extremely happy with Bannon Creek and the time Mr Singh takes to ensure all his students are learning and growing.

From a parents view, more resources to support school age students with reading. As a staff member more man power in school offices including health office. Training, direction and communication among, staff members and administration.

Focus on safety. Invest in traffic control. More open houses. Better special ed department - more cohesive.

Get more parent involement.

Teachers to care more

More emphasis on art and music during regular school hours instead of before or after school

Smaller class sizes and a more engaged principal cyber bullying

Implementing the school rules better. Actually following through with dress codes. Better meals,activities, better teachers who want to teach and not just be there for a pay check.

Not able to answer that

Consistency with teachers. Tougher discipline! Give Educators and staff the ability to punish and discipline. Don't allow disruptive kids in school, regardless! It only hurts everyone else that wants to achieve.

More crosswalks to cross the street to the apartment complex and other areas parents park at.

Being more responsive the needs of parents. For example when a parent emails the principal she should respond. Lockers for the students so they don't have to carry all those books which are very bad on their backs.

Less homework should be implemented. It is absolutely ridiculous that they should have more than one page of homework a night. They are supposed to be well rounded but they have no time for exercise or playing with so much homework

295 Improve Englishand writing instruction. Hire readers/graders to help score student writing. Do not allow teachers to leave mid year unless a qualified replacement is hired. Directly teach study skills strategies. Find out why great teachers are leaving for other districts and do more to retain staff.

Develop a program to compel parents to be diligent when addressing the needs of troubled students; students who become problems for teachers, other students and at school in general. Just like rewards should fit the actions of good students; discipline should fit the actions of the not so good students. I have seen some not so good students receive the same rewards as the good students and that is not a great value to teach the students. More Chrome Books or other technology.

HAH looks like an institution and not like a school - the appearance is cold and uninviting. The drop off and pick up situation is very chaotic and dangerous!

Introduction to sciences and basic computer programming at an earlier age. Kids are Minecraft fanatics by 6. They could easily be taught basic code. having a lower ratio per student/teacher. Some classes are just too crowded and the attention given to some kids is not quite there

Elementary starts time should be after 8am, not before 8 am!

The GATE program needs a complete overhaul. GATE kids are not given unique enrichment opportunities at their level. Advanced kids are not allowed to advanced further at the elementary level.

Traffic control

More staffing and supplies for special needs children.

First start fired the board and Evans. Train staff on dealing with difficult children not be rude.

Changing culture to make traditional bullying uncool

A respect for the sacredness of class time. A training setup that does not remove teachers from the classroom. The district is terrible at long term planning and communication and the sites suffer greatly from the lack of planning ability.

SAFETY - develop and share SAFETY PLANS with Parents.

Better facilities

Better communication

Special education supports and services.

The school should give students more access to the chromebooks. The class sizes should be decreased. Seemed like it was higher this year than last.

It would be great if we had a new principal, ours is way above his pay grade. It would be nice if the Principal supported the teacher more, we have a mother that stays in the class room for about a half hour every morning...the excuse is that his son has severe food allergies. But the only kid that is eating in the classroom the first 30 minutes of class is her 3 year old she brings with her. We are 7 months into the school year and she is still there. it shown NO respect to the teacher...especially when another mother sits with her and they have a full on conversation when the teacher is trying to conduct class. Again pathetic. WHY hasn't the principal stepped in and talked to this mother about proper conduct....tell her to go home!

? Additional support staff or vollunteers to reach out and engage students who are harder to reach.

Lunch atmosphere is uncomfortable with leaders yelling negatively. Find another way, so you don't upset the kids while they are trying to eat their meal. Bathrooms need upgrade and need to be cleaned frequently throughout the day. Get graffiti off doors. Recycle more. Challenge the advanced learners, so they don't all choose private schools. Have afterschool programs to challenge them.

I think this current schools need to work on their GATE program. They are so focused on the general population and are leaving these talented kids out.

Teaching the kids, more communication between teachers and parents, not just directing us to a website

Not sure

Though it has improved, smoother pick up/drop off in the mornings and afternoons.

Hiring good coaches to support athlete students excel and eliminate partiality in sports

Smaller class sizes. 33 4th graders in one class is too big.

Increased opportunities for PTSA involvement outside of fundraising.

More sports & includes younger grades.

No changes not sure of that yet either. smaller class sizes.

Middle School at Heron - circulum does not appear to be challenging my daughter. I am concerned about her being prepared for High School. She was more challenged by her 6th grade teacher.

Treat music program as equal to sports programs work on reducing the drug/alcohol issues on campus and increase security

More tutoring

Get students off the floor and out of overcrowded classrooms

More access to technology for all kids; less time spent taking nwea tests

Access to more programs and services

Safety. Too many fights at Inderkum due to overpopulation and lack of sufficient security. NUSD should adhere to school boundaries What do you believe the Natomas Unified School District does well?

Providing opportunities for all students. communication and general support for diversity and inclusion

In general, I am happy with Inderkum, and the system of NUSD.

Mentoring the students. NUSD has a very good reputation.

Need more communication n/a


Yes, of course.

They have done a very good job addressing the concerns from 6 years ago.

From a teacher perspective, pretend things are better than they really are. gathering all this data. makes me feel as they are worry about what is going on with not only its students but anyone surrounding as well

Listens to parents opinions and suggestions, informs families by emails, phone, etc on events, dates, etc.


I like that they are willing to try new ways to educate. emphasis on academic success for ALL students

The NUSD does well in notifying parents about kids grades, attendance and activities.

Improve a kids to lear with her parent in home ..with a web pages .

I believe our respected superintendent brought a drastic change in our district schools by implementing more successful programs. "He says what he thinks and does what he says."

Have yet to see graduates students from high school - which can actually be a" catch 22", because there is a lot of buzz about teachers just passing students so they aren't reprimanded, even though many students really have not earned passing grades.

I think their intention to have ALL students college and career ready is GREAT! I think the work they are doing with local univeisites keeps us on the cutting edge and I am proud to be a part of an innovative district that has high standards for its students. Updates parents on events. Emails provide us information.

I would like more insight and voting power for the programs we bring to the schools.

They are very open to ideas.

Getting information out to the public

The Telepaw

I think the communication is great. I like the new app.

We have excellent, caring staff in our schools who are flexible and work hard. There are many programs to help support students at many levels.

Communications to parents is improving but much more effort in this area is needed.

Strategies to help support teachers so they can teach. Training for staff in different software. PD-planing

Provides programs to support student learning and success for college or a career

Educate our student with college readiness and preparations, making sure the best teachers are staffed within the district.


Committed to the success of our students

The are great at finding enriching programs, which are exciting, but they fall should of throughly supporting the program with materials, timely professional training for staff, and collaboration time.


Supports athletics and band. Tries to increase student involvement.

Meets many of the needs of a diverse student populatioln

Giving information to all staff

The NUSD promotes itself well in the community. That has not always been the case. However, recent press releases about the teachers is undermining this.

Extracurricular programs and tutoring

I think the District has a vision for excellent learning opportunities for students.

Supporting leadership on campus when needed.

Technology Professional Development I believe it can do more for our students in middle school

Teachers working so hard and giving so much of themselves without getting any positive feedback overload classes

Providing breakfasts for students who need it.

The Constituent & Customer Service team do an excellent job assisting parents with their concerns. Great job team!

WE need counselors in elementary school , social groups for all grades. MUSIC AND ART ARE NEEDED!

Communicating goals and visions with the community Trouble shooting concerns & finding solutions (CCS) Keeping up with new technology for student success Bringing higher learning programs into more schools (AP, IB etc.)

I do like it that you can find the bell schedule for all the schools, but that was already true with the old website. Natomas high school is a gorgeous campus with so much trees and natural areas. The tech response time for people like Edson is outstanding. You hire the best classified staff.

I feel the subjects, material, curriculum in our school has improved the past few years. With the addition of IB and CECA, our test scores have improved yearly.

Teachers that care about the students.

Having events that recognize student achievement.

Distribute negative propaganda

Provide Special Education services, Adult transition services, support Foster Youth and Homeless, provide Mental Health services. think of the future needs of students

Prepare students for college and career paths

The district has a strong connection to the community.

Communication from District office via social media. parent support

Hiring more people to do jobs at the District Office that no one knows what they do.

Cares passionately about students, staff is familial.

Ignoring their staff and certificated employees. Villianizing teachers and their hard work. Destroying relationships. Belittling individuals. Killing dreams. Promotes itself

Collaboration from the parents.

Passing out propaganda designed to make the District look good on the surface.

Making sure students have access to technology

Teachers in the district are very dedicated and hard working.

Good at PR......

Responsive to concerns


Provide a variety of options for our students

Continue to keep us informed and engaged. it tries very hard to involve the community

Really good scores

GATE and AP programs are important

Communicate well testing and getting feedback to parents

Giving information about what is going on at the schools communicate with parents

Communicating with parents.

They make sure no child goes hungry and they have a healthy lunch. provides good education and special needs support

Keeps staff updated on technology -Technology department replies quickly to help/assist.

Superintendent really cares about providing the best education resources and tools to NUSD students. NUSD does an excellent job in communicating information with parents and students. High standards set for students. Special education resources and support. Curriculum and college ready classes. Quality of teachers (engaged & knowledgeable). Transportation offered to students.

Good teachers NUSD has provided additional tools, like the portal and Knowledge Base, to improve communication and streamline processes. brings in people from out of district that have no knowledge of our clientele and tries to conform us to their previous district.

Pays the District officials well

Good at PR...

Offer lots of school choices. yes

Goals, communication

Communication with the parents.

Offers a variety of programs for kids and parents. Communication.

Great communication throughout the district. Possesses a strong goal to improve the quality of education and the experience as a whole for our Natomas youth.

Hires great teachers! Supports families by offering free buses (NP3). Encourages the efficient use of technology keep track of funding sources

A lot of communication lately even though some was teacher bashing and completely inappropriate

Informs parents of incidents, good and bad immediately.

Community engagement

Communicates w parents every week bring new programs.

Being proactive with college preparation.

Keeping the children happy.

Yes I do think that NUSD is doing well.

Parent tools

Cultivates a diverse community that is supportive of students from all backgrounds.

It has a great way of communicating and also providing tools to help children in need lets parents know what's going on Ethnically diverse

They have great social/peer programs and networking.

Communicate with the community keeping them informed of the programs the district offers.

Be imfomed and find out how you can improve/get help when needed.

Communication, however as noted in #26 flyers etc. to reach all parents.

Informing parents

Keeping parents informed via web, calls and email. Provides a way for parent feedback

See above

Respond to customer service needs or requests. asking for parent input

I like that parents and students are included and thought about when decision are being made about their education.

No comment

Keeping family informed

NUSD is improving from the beginning 2000s. Approachability, losing the reputation of the kids being in a jail with constant police presence bringing demeaning and negative behaviors.

They make an effort to have a special ed program, but there are problems with the program.

I'm glad that the district has added IB and CECA.

Frequent emails are helpful to know what is going on district-wide.

I see the school district always striving to implement new programs and opportunities.

Lack of follow through with complaints from the parents. Promises are made but are not kept.

Communicates well with parents and allows for opportunities to provide input

Special Ed and ESL.

Continuing the focus on elevating education and keeping the parents informed and involved.

Love the new focus on career- and college-ready! I work in higher education and see many students come to our university unprepared for college-level work. I think more emphasis on vocational training and non-college career paths is vitally important for this generation, and I'm excited to see NUSD taking this on. At the elementary level, I couldn't be happier with my children's school experience. As parents, we are kept informed about what is happening in the classroom, including changes in curriculum and access to online resources. We love the diversity of this district, and my kids are exposed to so many different cultures and experiences. It really is a great representation of the "real life" population of this state, and the advantages and challenges this diversity presents.

Get information to parents

Communication and follow-through

The knowledge of the teachers that have been hired or been working....

Keeping parents informed.

Standing up to the Union.

The prep programs for children going to college and learning technological trades.

Alternate programs to help students progress, but no follow up tutoring to help progression of academic scholars


Supports the schools well

I do like reciecing updates- never talks about any of the clubs on compass. all aspects that's needed for our youth

They are good at the grade school level. This is very vague but my mind is drawing a blank from the late hour.

Initiating a non tolerance program to address bullying.

I'm concerned about the perceived disparity between its public and local charter schools. Furthermore, the sales pitch offered by particular charter schools within the District unfairly portray the public schools as inferior. Please do a better job to eliminate such damaging rhetoric.

Communicates to the community.

Small class size. Dedicated hardworking caring teachers. P.E. program/teachers at elementary are fantastic!

They at least have s place for kids who need extra support.

Nothing because need to change their schools Spends too much money on salaries for a number of administrators for a much lower number of students when compared to other districts.


Good communication, keeping parents in the loop.

Absolutely NUSD does well from K to12.

Seeking new programs/pathways for students to succeed.

Informing families of district accolades.

Constantly looking for ways to produce productive members of society.

Keeps parents informed and involved


The sites my children attend doña good job in preparing my students for the next level.

Keeps kids interested in school

Answer my questions

Provide opportunities and choice, communication, good staff

I think they strive to constantly improve and provide better programs.

Not sure.We are new to the district/school.

Push political correctness.

Communication with parents

Implement field trips/gardening at Bannon Creek along with parent monthly newsletters from each teacher related to curriculum and what the children are learning. At NHS, instruction and communication to parents needs a major overhaul.

I like the telephone messages I receive whenever there is new information available or an emergency situation has arisen. I find this communication to be very important as it keeps the parents aware of what is going on.

Communicates with families and hires some amazing teachers!

We love the after school enrichment programs. School spirit.

Technology implementation for staff and students

No answer

Identifies gaps in education Very happy with two rivers at the moment. My daughter is a kindergartner so I only have a short amount of experience with NUSD. So far I'm very happy with everything. Also very thankful for the automated phone calls on live situations that are happening at school, i.e., natomas high incident with student and gun. It nice to be notified by the school before hearing it 2nd hand, and knowing that the information is current and from the source.

Supports its teachers the district is good at communication and organizing staff training.

Listening to parents, students and the community. Offering a variety of programs to students and parents. Great athletic options. Nice buildings.

Sports and good teachers

Well informed on all aspects

The teachers are amazing. District Office and leadership not so amazing.

They keep parents informed about any and all issues. I felt good knowing about the bb gun on my kindergartners school location as soon as possible.

Good communication with families. Great high school programs.

I like the way the district communicates with the community; PAC; implements new ideas; desires more technology

Communicate with the districts.

Trying new things

Helping students .

The district communicates well. good teachers

Transparancy, thinking outside of the norm, student centered decision making

Communication, and so much more progressive and responsive in last few years thank you

It assist the bigger schools better

Educating parents on a variety of topics.

Parent trainings, technology, communication, supporting foster youth.

Witter is a safe and effective school but I'm not sure whether that is true for the middle schools or the Natomas High School. When driving around near San Juan it seems like there are always kids hanging out - off campus. We have had teachers that really want to see the kids succeed and they welcome parent help.

I believe the NUSD has stellar communication skills in keeping parents apprised of news and progress, and I also think that the NUSD has high goals to be recognized as a district that offers everything and above, but do NOT lose sight of the fact that while the district is making gains, the teachers must be skilled enough to support the students' success as they meander through these honorable programs as well. Teachers are the CORE to every district.

Communication has improved.

Prep for college

Visionary Planning

Continuing to improve and taking efforts to involve parents in decision making.

Introduce new programs/systems

Has a uniform policy to keep students safe and from keeping them to be bullied

The NUSD really does well with keep everyone informed on up coming meetings and discussions that would effect children and parents

Parent university/ Parent CORES

Love the ap! Incorporating technology.

Communication with families

Talks about everything they are doing. no

There are a lot of good programs available.

Adding sports to the school


I don't think the school district did anything to help. Everyone treated this situation as if it was nothing big.

The associations (NTA and CSEA) are very dedicated, strong and representative to our members. It's just sad that the district does not want to recognize them as positive, constructive partners. They will sustain long after this team leaves us, Teachers are loved by their students, and families love the teachers we have. They are quite resilient in the face of the extreme negativity of the district management.

Charter schools and options for schools/programs

Parent communication. Community outreach, programs for families in poverty, services for special need students.

Sends calls home with district level decisions.

Ignores phone calls

Implementing a program or try and help the kids

Improving communication and technology


There communication at times.

Not able to answer that

I haven't dealt with many NSUD District people so I can't answer this question.

Keeping children and teachers safe. Offering lots of programs and extra curricular .

Engaging kids.

Hire and/or promote administrators into higher paying jobs with benefits over other school districts with higher district enrollments. This has resulted in a very negative impact on our community thinking. It is almost embarrassing, specially when students' results are not outstanding when compared to other school districts. This does not make sense and the decision makers seem to be lacking in good financial management decisions and actions. Additionally, NUSD trustees when compared with other SD with higher enrollments are over compensated. This is specially so for trustees who are employed for other government entities where some of their benefits are available through their employment. This district should not be paying benefits to trustees who could be covered by their respective employers.

In the last 2 years, NUSD has put a lot of effort into helping Natomas High, Inderkum, Natomas Middle, Leading Edge, and Gateways Middle. They have started many new programs for low performing and high performing students.

I am impressed with the focus on improvement and the desire to keep up to date with what is trending for schools. involving parents/teachers with communications via email about updates, surveys, or things happening

The CORE parents programs are very informative and educational. I've attended several sections as long as my work schedule allows. I can see that the district has tried to apply many new programs and they are not shy from making changes for the common good.

Communication. Programs for parents and kids that need help catching up to grade level.

Communication Absolutely nothing. My child had struggle every since they got here.

We care a great deal about public affairs and image.

Keeps students learning a top priority

Spend tax payers money.

Having lots of programs

I like Chris Evans and believe he truly cares about the success of our children.


Not sure

Trying to improve quality of services. I am happy at Witter Ranch.

Keeping parents informed

Communication yes in somethings

Managing its disparate student body.

Help poor students being diverse

Contact with parents

Advertising to the community

Strong vision, dedicated to student success, supportive of parents sped services have improved significantly

Providing programs and options for our diverse students and families.

What do you believe would improve the Natomas Unified School District?

Providing social activities for parents.

The students need to respect the teachers and administrations. Too many teachers call in sick.

More programs for the children to make their life more hopeful that they could do better.

Need more communication

More security. Check the students to make sure they are not cutting. No comment

Lower class sizes.

If they continue to empower and support the teachers that are in the trenches so the teachers can focus on teaching rather than not having support for the discipline issues.

Engage teachers in the running of the schools like we used to do instead of using top- down, my way or the highway tactics.

I think having a meeting at least once a year at the school sites to listen to parents and their needs, one on one.

I think they can feed our kids better. If they focus on cooking food locally and avoid processed foods, our kids would like healthier lives.

The class sizes are too big. NUSD should hire more teachers. support your academic clubs and music and arts programs as much as you do your sports. The band accomplishments this year were great but I hardly heard about them. Can there be as much support and coaching for debate team as there is for football or even golf?

Better school transportation and offer more sports activities for kids - specially soccer since it's the sport that is growing more and more. Our kids deserve to play more sports and I also think that by having soccer in the fall and spring semesters will give an opportunity to those kids who were not given a chance before.

Any extra classes for natomas patk elementary. About art music and sport..

Same thing that I have mentioned for the school. We may have music or drawing in middle school or high school but if we add those in elementary schools I believe that would make difference.

Standards of charter schools applied to every school in the district for admin to support teachers with discipline, for admin to be more consistent with the consequences students receive for their negative actions, for students to understand what specific consequences will be dealt to them for their actions, for a discipline matrix to be clearly outlined for students,parents, and teachers, and for better parent involvement in their child's education across the board - with lack of negative preconceived notions about educators.

Recognizing that having ALL students be college and career ready will take time and it will happen gradually. Oftentimes, decisions are made for the current 30% that are college and career ready, which leaves the remaining 70% out. We need to continue to work to get the 70% ready, but we need to provide supports to them to help get them there. Site staff need to be consulted about how to do this along with input from district staff.

Update calendar on website. The more we empower our students and the more they will have a strong foundation to build a better future.

More soft skills and real life skills to prepare our youth for real life.

Implement school boundaries

Quit sending negotiation letter update to the community. That's garbage and not ethical or professional. How does Mr. Sanders able to live with himself by associating with this?

More support of staff helps create a happier and healthier staff that is better for students.

More communications with local community.

Realistically speaking understanding that you can't continue to add to something without having a balance on how much you can actually accomplish in day. Our District has grown if we look back 10 years some departments at the ed. center have remained with the same amount of staff from when we had layoffs. We have more students in the District, students need so much more support and we haven't considered data to support that if the staff balances the amount of service a student needs. I understand that we can't do everything but we can stretch the dollar and invest in positions that really have a direct impact on our children.

Continue providing programs and hiring staff that support the academic, social and emotional success of all students. to be continued...... recognizing that students with big discipline issues need to be served separately. Trade school is not a bad thing.

Lower Class Sizes, Intervention and Enrichment Extended Day, Resources and Training for newly adopted program, Collaboration Time

Refocus on education and truly valuing teachers instead of administrative goals

Full time Health Assistant see #26 - trust the professional educators who are in the classroom everyday. Especially when presented with very specific and relevant data that clearly identifies problems.

Less of a top down management model

Having more programs for students that are less capable of continue school.

Treat the teachers with the respect that the majority of us deserve. Don't switch curriculum publishers mid-year and without training.

More positive attitude to teachers In the excitement of great ideas and opportunities for students, planning and pacing is forgotten. It is nearly impossible for teachers to keep up with all that has been expected of them, especially this year. I have never heard so many teachers talking about burnout, fatigue, stress, and not having time to "do" their job (i.e. correct papers and give students timely feedback) because they are "doing" the additional work that is required of them. What about bringing back teacher's assistants, or instructional aides to the general ed classrooms?

Visiting more on school campus so students can identify you as our leadership in the district office. Students may know who you are and what you represent to our school.

Less turnover of administrators so rules don't change constantly.

Making sure teachers who are the first and most valuable assets of this district treated fairly with the utmost respect more support for special education: money to buy supplies, additional program coordinators, additional SLP, OT, and nurses. Training tailored for preschool teachers both general educators and special educators. Training preschool teachers on new curriculum given by the district.

Improve relationships of administrators and District Office with teachers and staff and establish trust.

Having faith in its leaders at the district level--less mirco managing of PLC time, not having to redo assessment data each P.D and giving more time for the teachers to work with their peers.

Student accountability for behaviors and school work. Limiting classes to suggested maximums - stop so many overages. Serve breakfast to all district students BEFORE instructional time starts.

During the peak period for registration, an extra person to assist the front desk would be a great help. The front desk at the district office gets allot of foot traffic on a regular basis, but, I see during registration time, the traffic is tripled during registration time.

Great support for the district office. Have office hours and inform teachers and principals of services that are provided

Finding ways to engage parents in their child's' learning

Help get the parents involved

Decide to consider your teachers as talented professionals and involve them in how to improve achievement. Not in fake ways like you did for the math book field test. In real ways, like actually use shared decision making. District office has made it perfectly clear they think all of their teachers are stupid and incompetent and everyone at the district office knows tons about how to improve student learning and everyone at the school site knows nothing. Therefore you are squandering a lot of talent about how you could actually be helping our high poverty students. I think we need to improve communication with parents. I also thing we could do a better job of partnering with local business. NO MORE ALLOWING OF WEST LAKE CHARTER TO HAVE JESUIT, SAC HS, CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, AND OTHER NON NUSD SCHOOLS TO HAVE RECRUITMENT NIGHTS IN OUR DISTRICT BOUNDARIES OR ON OUR DISTRICT FACILITIES.SOUTH NATOMAS HAS BECOME THE RECRUITING GROUNDS FOR SAC HS AND JESUIT. support and respect teachers

Better communication between the district and staff.

See 26.

Need more nurses to provide health education, medical services, train staff, support staff, provide a healthy and safe environment for students. Recommended ratio is 1:750 nurse to healthy students.

See above changes...in addition, working to help strengthen special education with the ideas and support of staff.

More options for middle school, we need more shools.schools are too crowded. The IA s needs a better pay.

We need to have consistency in the district office. There have been so many changes in personnel and vision from new administrators. It is difficult to keep up. Each new administrator comes in and without using the words communicates to us a teaching staff that what we have done before is wrong...we all need to get on the same page. Talk to teachers who are not the faces of union and see what they say. (Both new and experienced teachers)

Support, appreciate and treat professionally all its school site staff.

Smaller class sizes, respect, discipline, consistency. keep negotiations and comments about teachers private

Retain Teachers coteaching training (beyond the two day training) and coteaching support/oversite to ensure its implementation SPED training for site level admin- what an IEP should look like/include supporting teachers in an effort to keep teachers

The schools need guidance on discipline. The safety of our schools and the quality of the education that is being delivered is being impaired by the behavior of the students.

Seems that there is a lot of tension between the teachers and the district. I am a new teacher and would like to see the communication and partnership improve. teacher support

Getting rid of board members Community and college outreach. Tangible evidence that Natomas cares for its students and families.

A new school board, district office team, and administrators that were truly concerned with students and not what makes them look good on paper. People in charge who are willing to accept they are wrong on occasion and fix their mistakes like adults. Respect and communication.

Better communication and respect for the teachers. Respect that they are professionals. Remember that without teachers you wouldn't have a job. Teachers are in the field day in and day out and do whatever needs to be done for their students. Respect that!

A new school board

Focus on professional development in summer. Keep teachers in the classroom. Reprimand the teachers who consistently call in sick, abuse sick leave, and who do not have any consideration for the well being of their students, and colleagues.

Smaller class sizes, a better discipline matrix which will get the trouble makers removed from the class so the those who wish to learn, can learn.

More support staff to help support the growing social-emotional concerns of student. Positive Behavior Supports Access to more support staff for counseling, positive behavior support systems SST process MTSS for academic and behavior interventions leadership

Fair and balanced information coming out of the District Office. see prior comments

Get rid of the union. I'm quiting because I'm so tired of hearing about it. Your health care plans are pretty awful too

Advertising and emphasizing the program's we have to the public. Maintaining manageable sizes to Cte so rigor does not need to be lowered to allow for all students to have successful help and access to instruction

Communication needs to be accurate and not negative to shareholders of the district. Fully staff school including a health assistant at every site every day keep better track of students as I am aware of many students who don't live in the district attending district schools. this problem contributes to overcrowding of schools. class sizes are too large especially at middle school

Tutoring Programs. When parents have problems they are not heard and respected. Listen to the parents more. safety, anti-bullying programs, police interaction, anti-gang intervention nothing at this time Invest in more programs.

Invest more in students and less in bureaucracy. Also as i heard from many students, please give them better food!

If we can have better student safety programs, like opening a self defense class for girls.

Reading and Literacy Programs being a must. transporation- son often late for school and misses breakfast

District office admin communicating with each other so that everyone is on the same page. -Communicating honestly and professionally to all staff. -District office admin keeping their word when they communicate plans to teachers. - Treat school and district administrators and school staffs with respect so that we retain successful admin and staff for the good of our students. -Do everything you can to keep moral high knowing that happy employees make successful parents and students. -Make salaries for Admin and teachers competitive with other districts to attract quality staff and maintain them.

Continue doing what you are currently doing. Also, keep abreast of the successes of other schools to implement similar programs at NUSD.

Provide informational workshops with times convenient for working parents. Provide more nutritious and healthy meals.

Stop implementing programs mid year, allow teacher input, and stop the stress.

Change in leadership

Additional structures and support systems would be helpful, including proactive planning and resources, to support staff and students.

A new board, fewer chiefs and more indians. Promotion from within.

Better District attitude and clearer truthful comminication

A more collaborative effort on district leadership to include NTA in shared decision making on LCAP. see above...treat its employees with respect and courtesy, increase moral by better employees, which ultimately impacts students

Categorizes the school by your child's future career goals. For example if my daughter has a strong desire to be a scientist which high school would be best for her to attend to prepare her for that college major. stricter rules for students. more accountability.

Ensure that every teacher hired is passionate and loves teaching kids and not just there to collect a paycheck. Teachers should have experience in the subjects and grade levels they are asked to teach and not shuffled around to fill a gap due to budget restrictions. Take time getting to know your teachers. A lot of teachers in the district are extremely educated and smart but lack the skills needed to connect and bond with students, attune to a child's needs, understand a child's strengths and weaknesses to improve their learning experience, show they really care, make kids feel worthy and important and that they matter.

When implementing rules or changes, rather than following a model, like that of a high school example, find out the wants/needs/desires of the students, parents, volunteers and teachers involved. What's working and why? What's not working and why? Changes will surely be more beneficial and make more sense. not using the new math book until the beginning of the new school increase more technology awareness among children, offer coding classes.

Support teachers and students better, keep full GATE classes and learning centers.

Less testing, more experiences. CA State mandated exams which I know the district can not get around, but the focus is WAY too heavy on exams to get funding.

Unsure, but currently doing well at Heron nothing.

I do not know at this time.

LOWER CLASS SIZES, MORE CHROMEBOOKS and access. MORE art.music at the elementary level. Also, it seems the district needs to improve its relations with the teachers union. It's terrible to see that the two groups are not working together as a team.

The district should evaluate the employees more closely.

Spending time to target areas and work on them to improve the score over the year.

Adding art to elementary schools every week would improve the district.

Better communication to parents. Perhaps do eblasts to parent emails and smaller school sizes. Better eqiupment for teachers. Less need for parent fundraising (i want to support but it is excessive and sad we have to raise money bc there isn't enough support from district and school).

The seeking of additional educational grants to support programs that either are not funded or not fully funded. more teachers & staff

Needs to use the ethnic diversity to its advantage

Hire teachers at Bannon Creek that care about the kids and are not there for just a pay check

Holding parents accountable for attendance. n/a more one on one with my child & instructor

Less testing for students through the year and less feuding between teachers and school district- very unprofessional to see such things about our district on the news

See above

More special ed teachers and staff.

See answer to #26 better communication

No comment


Continue to do what you're doing and encourage parents to participate and collaborate. Everyone will benefit, including the kids. I noticed at a parent meeting, for an upcoming 5th grade field trip, that Spanish speaking interpreters were not there to translate what the principal was saying. So our friends didn't understand that their child could attend the trip even if they didn't have any money. One family wasn't going to send their child because of their financial situation but we told them what the principal stated. Have someone say things in English and in Spanish, ASL or whatever.

Better access to Constituent help & special ed help, better classroom management in special ed classes with behavior specialist present. Having an aide present for special ed studnts in general ed classes, more responsiveness from administrators to parent concerns and emails.

Expanded bus services, more challenging course work, experienced teachers.

Implementing broader use of course syllabi by all high school teachers.

Still new to the district so I have not found anything yet.

Healthier school lunches. Organic.

Follow through and follow up. A majority of the afro American high schools are not prepared for the next career level. The IB Program does not want afro American students in their program. As a majority have been removed for various reasons. With the lack of assistance to succeed.


More support to its exceptional students.

More staffing.

Better internet filtering on chromebooks.


Working to give teachers tools to teach.

Have the lunch menus available before the first of every month. It helps determine if we have to prepare lunch.

Smaller class size.

Continuing the great support

It would be very nice to see my child's gpa online vs me calling the school. If the teacher would input my child's grades daily or even weekly.

I mentioned before but for overall improvement it takes parental/family involvement. Standing idly by waiting for someone to make things better has never been a recipe for success. As Children are helped from all angles, they will have more and better avenues and chances to succeed.

Implementing a non tolerance program to address bullying.

See aforementioned comments throughout the survey.

Additional participation in nationally recognized programs like the National Geographic Bee.

Same changes as mentioned above regarding science, art, music, field trip experiences for elementary. Also chromebook for every student, not sharing with grade level.

If the principal of the school did not explicitly tell our sons psychiatrist that she was not welcome at his 504 meeting.

More support for kids who need smaller class rooms. More help with those who are behind in reading.

Hire a new leadership team, including principal, asst. principal and front reception.

Make sure that the business philosophy of the district is clear, related to the job of teaching students, supportive of teachers and includes classified staff when setting performance standards and expectations.

Better resources for parents

Good understanding ,cooperation and support within schools in the district .

College career readiness programs, sports and music, and IB programs would definitely improve the NUSD.

Develop the new programs/pathways with depth. Chrome books for every student in the district. Instructional intervention teachers at every elementary site specifically to support grades k-6 (Language Arts and Math).

Involve kids in more activities

Providing support for the teachers! I've pulled two of my children from two different schools due to teachers being treated poorly by students and no administrative help to the teachers! Students disrespect the teachers and it is heartbreaking to hear or see on video clips sent to me while my child is in class! Shame on those students and I feel the poor teachers have no one to back them up!! A substitute teacher took roll for the ENTIRE class period and was still calling out names as students left to go to next class!! Yep, my student was learning a lot Ike that. Another substitute handed it puzzles and told the students they can have a piece of candy if they complete it...uh... How about credit towards their grade too?? But the puzzle had nothing to do with the subject of the class so.... Another teacher badgered by student bullies resorted to throwing her book on the floor(she did this on two separate occasions) it's because she has no back up from admin. I could go on and on but I think you get the picture.

Acceptance of diversity. Your school leadership claims to want that but doesn't know how to incorporate it as a whole into everyday life with students.

See answer 26.

More field trips


Reduce staffing in the Superintendent's Office.

See my notes above about NWEA. I'm also concerned about creation of new high level positions at the district - feeling top-heavy when resources might be better spent compensating teachers. Recent communications from the district regarding negotiations with NTA were one-sided at best, deceiving and dishonest are better words. That communication makes me distrust the district and doubt the veracity of its statements.

Keep doing what you are doing at the district level.

More visits to NHS in the math and physic classes.

Put more emphasis into the arts. So many children leave Heron and choose not to go to Inderkum because of the lack of arts in the curriculum.

Inclusion of special needs kids. Communication with general ed teachers for those kids that have mainstream time.

No answer

See #26.

Most state and/or federal support

More opportunities/preference for children in assigned areas to attend charter schools. My children attend two rivers elementary, are they going to have any preference to get into Leroy Greene?

Make programs available at all schools instead of a select few.

Working with all stakeholders to do what is best for students more consequences for the troublemakers

Website is clunky. I still have concerns about drugs and sexual activity/language on middle school and high school campuses.

Punishment to rude student please


A better Superintendent.

More parent involvement

Better school calendar - shorter summer with more week long breaks during the school year.

Continual investment in high school - how are they developing their leaders?


More Money, More community involvement, More family support for kids in K-6, Safe place for teens to hang and do homework and positive activities Monday-Friday

Solving more problems.

Treat teachers with dignity and respect. Spending funding on activities and items that directly benefit students.

I would like to see more after school tutoring. Better communication from the teachers. improve safety issues at the school, teachers need better health benefits, and we need to lower class size to be more effective!! lower the number of students on classrooms for students to get better education

Continued focus on students

Excited to see new programs coming like pathways. Arts and music K-6 and true commitment financial as well to GATE. Continued physical education

Quit giving yourselves raises when we have budget cuts. Give raises to your teachers instead.

Do things to encourage your teachers that they matter, and hire teachers and principals that actually care for the kids not just a title . Paying close attention to special ed students

More funding for more programs and to develop programs that are already in place.

More focus on research-based reading programs and literacy specialists to help support students struggling to meet grade level standards for reading especially at elementary and middle school levels. NUSD needs to put more focus and effort into retaining new teachers. Administrators need training to help transition them into becoming the instructional leaders of their school sites. Principals should be in classroom regularly to help support, coach, and model teaching practices. NUSD needs more alternative ed and voc. ed programs for secondary students.

Hire a diverse staff who are passionate and enjoy teaching who do not take the students' talk personally offensive (not reactive) and can manage classroom behaviors. Unfortunately, several of my kids have had experiences with teachers who gave up on teaching the students and because of that my children suffered in learning math in the primarily level and secondary level, as an example. Do not have long term substitutes. They do not teach the students. I am sorry if a teacher is out on long term medical leave, but that is not fair to the students who do not learn from worksheets. I have two specific examples that I don't feel comfortable sharing. Once my kids are out of the district I will share.

It would be great if the different school calendars between the charters and the public would match. Not all teachers welcome parent help, classroom or school help should be encouraged. Also mentoring in the schools would be great.

While I believe the district has good intentions, I do believe that the hired teachers are still lacking to be caring and compassionate teachers that go above and beyond to help struggling students, as well as the fact that many NUSD teachers are overwhelmed with ridiculously large class sizes. The class limit needs to be reduced and more highly qualified teachers need to be retained with proper training to support them and their success:)

Being less political in decision making.

Discipline kids / invite Dr. Kevin Leman for parenting skills he is Greeeeeat and very famous and his teachings are easier and more effective than Love and Logic

Better control of the bullying.

Removing the violent offenders from the learning environments

Have one password per child with all electronics. Why have up to 6 passwords per student?


Making sure that programs for children with special needs i.e class room with enough help, resources for the children who need extra help, and better ways to access where a child needs to be placed and follow through on making sure that every child's educational needs are met

A teacher mentor program and evaluation for new teachers. Help strengthen teachers, check in on them and their wellbeing.

Music in elementary school, a GATE contained classroom at ALL elementary schools (those GATE clusters aren't very effective)

An incentive to keep Administrators from leaving their school site or looking for promotional opportunities. High turnover has hurt Heron.

Really do everything they are talking about. Don't just implement stuff because it looks good on paper. Before you make changes, get real and solid feedback from those who will be most affected by your decisions, the staff in the trenches the parents on the front lines, and the students who will either gain or lose with the decisions NUSD makes. new administration

Must meet the needs of all students not just some.Encourage teachers to use their websites. Do not tolerate disruptive and disrespectful behavior from students. Make sure your employees are happy. being honest about the level at which many of our students are performing and working forward from there instead of "papering over" the situation by titling courses to be a-g compliant even though students are not working at that level

Management is very negative, insecure, and patronizing. How do you fix that? Site management are shocked and dismayed over what they are asked to do. Site management is pulled off their sites too much. Negatively affects school culture. Management creating low morale, which in turn affects the classrooms. Processes need to return to organic and teacher directed methods, so that things actually go back to working well.

To invest time and money into creating aftercare solutions that are special for NUSD students and coordinating transportation to all for that. ( also parents would pay for a bus pass if it was even an option)... Becuase 2 miles or even 1.5 miles is WAY TO FAR for my little girl to walk...plus that is SO unsafe.

NUSD need to look into why this is happening. They need to have principals with backbones. Let parents complain about their children on why this or that is happening. The parents are the ones who are really responsible. I'm sure they didn't grow up that way. Makes you wonder what the hell society is going to be like in the future.

More emphasis on crime prevention, zero tolerance on violence, more focus on making youth exemplary in regard to conduct. Socio-economic status should not translate into behavior.

Better public collaboration between the teacher union and NUSD admin. I received an update on negotiations that shocked me, not because of what teachers were asking for but because of the level of apparent bias in the newsletter. It felt like admin were putting teachers down instead of trying to work together. Especially concerning since I attended the same Labor Management Initiative in December that Chris Evans did, and what this newsletter represented was the opposite of the initiative's message. The negative attitude of the negotiations update overshadowed the potential message. NTA's proposals were made clear, along with the bias of admin, yet admin's counter proposals were not shown. Admin does not have to accept NTA's proposals, so why even tell parents unless it's to turn parents against the teachers? I am very disappointed that NUSD is choosing to vilify teachers rather than show support and communication to reach a compromise, especially in these dire times of teacher shortages.

Special ed department does not make decisions in the best interest of educating our students. I feel no respect. Also add some bussing stations.

Answering the phone

Teachers that take an interest in their students

Smaller class sizes

Better communication, a bit earlier notice of things, getting things together on time,slacking off on coaches and better lunch program. Stop trying to get our kids sick with disgusting food daily

Not able to answer that

I haven't dealt with many NSUD District people so I can't answer this question.

Listening to the ideas of parents and teachers and being pro-active.

Less homework should be implemented. It is absolutely ridiculous that they should have more than one page of homework a night. They are supposed to be well rounded but they have no time for exercise or playing with so much homework And get rid of common core math so that they can actually learn something

Fewer administrative positions at the main office. Counselors and nurses at all sites full time. Work harder to retain teachers.

Show, not just say, that students matter. Show, not just say, that teachers matter. Show, not just say that parents involvement matter. Somehow compel parents involvement. Clearly identify how and when the PTA can step up to make a positive and lasting difference on campus. The PTA should not be expected or requested to provide any classroom supplies or equipment. That should be provided for through the district richer budgets. So let your PTAs know how they can help make a worthwhile and valuable difference for your schools.

More positive publicity about all the wonderful programs that NUSD is offering.

More support for schools that need more support such as HAH.

I think getting a hold of someone at the office when calling over the phone would be great. Sometimes it can take too long to try and get a hold of someone More staff, more funding, new ideas, good committees to execute plans.

Improved GATE services

End of the year or class teacher surveys so parents and students have a voice in how their experience with the teacher was during the year. I think this is also beneficial for teachers to improve if needed.

New staff

Respect for employees and treat the teachers and staff as collaborators. Actually seek out our ideas and listen.

Offering after school services & activities to all children free of charge - tutoring at Wittier Ranch

More charter schools

People that care and not just going to work to get a check

Fewer administrators.

CLASS SIZES should be decreased, more access to chromebooks for students, more arts programs.

More afterschool educational programs for all students that are free or low cost. Kids could be learning instead of just being at 4th R.

I feel that the district can improve their relationships with the charter schools more. I have noticed over the past few years the relationships have improved, but there still is more work that needs to be done.

Real employees that have passion in what they do, teaching children

NOt sure

Continue to develop quality services and programs to prepare students for college.

Better supervision of school activities

Stand behind and support our schools more, not the politics

Increased information posted on its website.

Not adopt common core not sure

Smaller class sizes.

Better funding cleaning up the campuses, insuring safety in all areas

More tutoring and after school activities

Retain subs

Spend less time and money on nwea testing

Still major safety concerns at the middle and high schools. Bullying, fights and violence must be addressed!

What can the district do to be more effective with sharing and receiving information about the LCAP?

I like getting phone calls for survey

No suggestion

Phone call. a phone call is fine and online.

Website survey instead.

Spell it out. on site meetings simplify it all.... use charts,diagrams, etc

Having a representative present per school and actively engaged would be helpful.

I dont know..if somebody need to know something about that we can find at web page.

I am not good in that but may be by showing pictures with some details or by providing more information with interesting titles. So people take interest to read.

Emails and webpage

Have the teachers tell parents about it as they come in and drop their kids off at class.

More newsletters, afterschool awareness, student notifications, bulletin board

I think the survey n Telepaw are great ways.

I think they did a good job communicating about the LCAP.

Just put more out there using variety of means.

I think if every school had a small electric bulletin board that randomly shared information that would be great. Additional outreach offering more evening meetings that are open to staff and community.

Involve more parents, students, staff with meetings, socials, dinners, and continue to offer the free classes for parents and staff to further education within the whole family & Natomas Unified staff family as well.

Hold community forums about the LCAP

More people would complete such surveys if they thought their input would be taken seriously and appreciated.

Through newsletters that are emailed to staff.

See earlier responses. Be transparent and not slant information to make district look good when there are problems. I understand positive press, but please realistically look at the problems. unsure

Talking about it morr

Meetings after school

Separate out the responses from staff to get a clear read on what employees are seeing as positives and areas of need. Report that as separate to us so we can see that you truly acknowledge our input. Validate our concerns with a respectful response.

Emails, Newsletter or flier.

Let teachers know during a meeting. following the LCAP process with educators and parents Newsletters and information on website.

Provide communication, what does district office do all day? Do they provide any office hours or go to schools, do they know what is going on in the district or so detached?

I am glad you are doing this survey, although it seems a little late. Hopefully you have a Spanish version you are disemminating through cores, and have a translator day or parent night at least at elementary schools for parents to sit with a translator to fill out the survey who speak languages other than Spanish or English. emails

Post on website and email to everyone.

Direct links to CDE leadership who oversee LCAP.

Describe the purpose in an email or on Facebook keep trying to communicate how important the LCAP is. send us an email with a table of results.

Don't pick and choose the information you want to share but rather the facts of the situation. This is not a tyranny. Propaganda should not be the only information put forth.

Phone calls are made out to the parents, but I know I myself am very busy in the evening so completing a survey online is better for me, but not all parents will commit to completing a survey online.

Share it.

Community outreach seminars.

??? more reminders to parents

Over the phone, email, or flyer sent home with child.

Send information home like flyers. more handouts to parents as not all have access to internet

Parent will look for the LCAP in the district website to learn more about it.

Please inform parents of the importance of the LCAP and why they need to get involved. Explained in a simple way how it works. making the survey more accesible and easier to find on the district website, maybe bring a kiosk to the schools so that parents can complete the survey at the school

Send flyers home and do phone calls

Send a paper survey home with each child be open to suggestions

Explain it at a Staff Development day.

Phone calls are very effective, emails and text messages with important events could be good. I didn't know there was an app, so I will download it.

Send info to staff with updates. communication more awareness. have mandatory meetings for parents after school for 15-30 mins.

Offer updates on current activities, and future plans via electronic communications and host occasional meetings/town halls. nothing

Maybe leave more recorded phone messages and post more on Facebook.

There have been discussion among parents of the need for lower class sizes, so I hope the district really takes it to heart and actually lower class sizes with quality teachers. Be visible during pick up and drop off. Boots on the ground works for busy parents. Message on your websire and social media. Robocalls good. Use community partners like churchs and nonprofits and businesses. n/a continue to improve in mobile apps/websites and news letters

Send the questionnaire home in paper form

Send out a better summary or overview of the process, and explain how parents can be more directly involved in public mtgs, on committees, supporting or opposing proposals, etc.

Email information or videos. Chris Evans used to send video messages. I haven't seen one in awhile.

I think the district is doing an outstanding job, the issue is how to make sure it targets most parents. emailing is very ineffective.

No comment post it in your media pages and apps. Remember we get soooo many phone calls and flyers. Put it on the school marquee website sharing and emails, phone messages

Put more pertinent information on the district web site.

Have informational meetings with parents/caregivers

Send detailed email information about the LCAP

Keep sending home information to parents.


Public meetings.

Get ideas from other schools whom progressed and exceeded API scores. Learn or adapt their methods ie: Heron

Not much. I can reach out and learn more myself. I'm sure the information is out there. I need to go get it. Share the result of this survey.

Usual: email, voicemail and flyer.


Make available on a monthly basis information about specific benefits resulting from LCAP decisions. Break LCAP down so that each monthly presentation focuses on specific areas and not the whole LCAP processes, etc. at one time.

By meeting with new parents and educating them would help them understand better.

Email works for me.



1st to send out a newsletter to the parents. Informing the parents that ALL information can be found on website

Send out a 1 pager, hold parent groups


Always include the full name. I don't know what lcap stands for.

Stop using acronyms only.

Perhaps stating what LCAP stands for in this survey carry out all the recommendations

Specify purpose of the group and previous successes they have had.

NA lots of reminders and parents and principals backing it to share the importance of it - that it is a great way to be heard or share ways the district can improve. Update meeting at school sites this Fall have free dinner information night

Have more people helping. In person meetings, developing a "parent friendly" quick LCAP presentation that can be presented by staff at site meetings,

More on local news and maybe sites like Natomas Buzz or My Neighborhood, morning coffees, Email and mail

A meeting/class and literature that is easily accessible and easily understood. Provide specific emails to parents explaining the process in detail.

Providing on line focus groups.

In the survey it would be great to have options on how to spend future money and not just hear about what has been done.

Provide data regarding the increased funding and resources, where these resources will be invested and why, the metrics to evaluate whether or not these investments are achieving the outcomes intended.

Be honest

I think the information should be shared and communicated in a way that allows the community to come to their own decision. The survey is insulting because it really is trying hard to fish for a favorable response. It makes me wonder if the district wants honest opinions and dialogue or just a rubber stamped favorable grade.

Telephone and email correspondence. Information packets sent home with students.


Post the results of LCAP on the NUSD webpage.

Nothing....already doing a great job

I am unaware of any LCAP meetings at school sites, but it could help. I would attend.

Have more parent information nights at individual schools.

Instead to lying about taking input from NTA each year, actually take input in the proper manner. I don't know how you teach management to be actually interested in opinions other than their own. I believe they already know what and who they want to fund, and then they just report that the submitters asked for said items. We know it isn't accurate. The truth will be revealed when the system that is built on a poor foundation will fail. It already is on its way. Many, many things are not working properly.

Regular email updates.

Brief posts on website. Brief emails.

Send it out to parents

Make sure that the students understand how important this is because with the age of technology and how fast everything you're going to have to care about themselves before anybody else with everybody just too busy so they should know and clearly understand so they can teach you tell us there is a serious gap between me and my kids with technology I am left in the dark with a lot of things because I don't have knowledge and I'm trying to keep up

An email works for me. Do a bulleted format with key topics that the LCAP has created for our school with dollar amounts. Keep the NUSD website updated, send home quarterly newsletters about what was accomplished using LCAP provided funds.

Send it home inFriday folders twice a year employ several methods to deliver the news (phone, email, newsletter, website, printout) and follow up so parents can get it.

Digital and social media send letters, text messages and call parents as they have done.

Constant communication through various platforms

Stop referring to it as LCAP. Means nothing to average parent.

Share the results of the survey responses and actions the District takes thereafter to ensure it aligns

Perhaps a letter could be sent to parents.

A letter home. probably already doing so; website posting, emails, phone blasts, etc.

Phone call and letters to the homes.

District email is fine

Please share below any thoughts regarding LCAP and NUSD you have not had the opportunity to express in the survey so far.

Generally good but all kids leaving school at 3 throughout the neighbourhood isnt the best idea.

Nothing more at the this time.


No comment none.


Nothing. Continue doing what you are doing. none

Answering a survey allows us to have input, but it would be nice to see the results of the survey and have more input on coming up with the LCAP goals too. Spend more money on lowering class sizes.

Keep up the and improve the communications to local community who about successes in the district. Local community are the people who keep voting in bonds for the district we should keep them constantly informed on how their investment is working.

- Lower class sizes -Offer guaranteed Extended Day (2x week) at all sites for all grades - Additional credentialed staff to support Push In Model at each grade level and site

This is a poorly written survey. Many of the questions ask if respondents are aware of long lists of items. There's no option to indicate awareness of some items and not others. Respondents can make comments, but the survey doesn't have questions asking whether we see the items/programs as successful or necessary.

I am finding NUSD a pleasant place to work and look forward to greater involvement in the district.

Class size is a huge concern. Students learn best when there is a lower ratio of students to teacher. Kindergarten classes over 24 are not in the best interest of students. NUSD needs to hire more substitute teachers.

LCAP as far as I know a little about this program. It will bring more students and staff to understand the future plans and carry-on to the next generation.

It seems the teachers are not being asked to participate in the process.

At the current state, I would not recommend new teachers to sign on with this district. It use to be a great place to work but over the course of several years the workload has increased, class size reduction has not been enforced (I have had 28 all year), staff development days have not been productive, curriculum has changed mid year which is hard for parents and teachers and I don't feel valued as a teacher by those who work at the district office. I love my school site, but would not bring my daughter to this district due to the demands placed on the children and the teachers.

These sort of surveys are quite informative. Keep them coming.

Unless, a parent works in education, they probably have no idea how much work was/is involved in implementing the LCAP and its connection with state and local priorities.

We went through the DSLT process a number of years ago through the previous administration and it was well done. See if any of the secretaries who worked for Howard Kornblum are still around and ask how they did it and do it that way. Unfortunately all of our work was dismantled by the next administration, but the process was strong, effective and representative. You should be having committee meetings for stakeholders pretty soon here in some form. I think you should present a full on vote in this survey form about eliminating Joel Rabin's position and funding intervention teachers instead. And don't tell me you need him to make a survey monkey, anybody can make a survey monkey.

OK outcome?

If the powers that be were reflective and honest with themselves, they would drop their egos and realize what is best for the students, not what is going to make them look better or have less friction.

I think I covered everything.

Is there any thought to lowering class sizes at the high school level?


It was finally nice to be able to give some feedback. There are some great schools but math and tutoring as well as language arts need to have more resources to aid the children in succeeding. When concerns are spoken in the office it would nice to be treated with proper respect and listened to. Also , do not wait so long to inform parents that their children are failing. Encourage and engage students more to participate and want to be apart of their school. appreciate the communication and the phone calls

I think it is ridiculous that they only have credit recovery school. There are not enough schools where as Sacramento Unified School District has multiple. The survey is entirely too long.

Student safety and Tutoring for LA and Math

Nothing to share

LOWER CLASS SIZES! mailing out more informational broshures etc need more after school programs free to parents/students n/a yes


Over the year, I've heard a lot of parents complain amongst each other that the class sizes in elementary was to high.

Adding art in elementary school

This survey was tooooo long. Better to do a few shorter ones. Powered through bc important but curious if others will. Phone survey might be useful for those w no access or time or fb/twitter poll for a quick impression.

We need more support and parent accountability for those students that are not meeting the standards. communication between NUSD and a low income parent like me is my main issue. I cant always access my email as I might have might wifi off or phone off.

No comment

I am truly impressed with NUSD and the efforts as I was not at all before when my older sons' attended. Thank you for the sports programs and bringing back a positive environment. Some teachers definitely need communication skills classes or cameras in the classrooms. But, your bigger picture is a positive one.

Music lessons at elementary level

My child is graduating in May, he has been accepted into every college he has applied. No thanks to NUSD. I do not feel they support afro American students in the dame matter as other ethnic groups. Good Day!

Smaller class sizes


All the staff, including the principal, assistant principal, faculty and reception staff Since attending American Lakes school for the last two years are uncoordinated, unprofessional. Thru do not know how to be friendly or facilitate anything. I would not recommend this district or school.

One of the thing that should be done is to work in great coordination with campus PTAs to ensure that the PTAs are supporting areas that clearly are covered through LCAP. Set priorities for needs that are met with LCAP and needs that can be better served by PTAs.

Let's support children without behavioral issues too

In my opinion if explained better about LCAP to parents , parents might donate or raise money for the school liberally.

Improvements should he made regarding homeschoolers applying to NUSD.



Overall the system is ok. all good


They should have more safety.

More cultural events celebrating our diversity. Music performances say from Natomas Middle to K-6 classes maybe cool, or high schoolers doing community service to teach music. Please hire staff that are respectful of students and are not reactive (they don't get their buttons pushed easily). Many of the Assistant Principals who deal with the disciplinary problems are very disrespectful to students. They yell and scream at the students and don't listen and hear them. I understand they have a difficult job, but that is not a good starting point. Additionally, many of the students the LCAP addresses have extensive mental health issues and I don't see the district being ready or able to deal with these issues. It is an illness like diabetes, that needs to be managed and affects their daily attendance and learning. Be flexible. If they are not mentally present, they can not learn. I suggest doing better outreach through your Child Find strategies.

Stop the violence!

It is a good idea but will the parents be able to see what the results were?

I would like to see summer school or activity programs sponsored by NUSD that are open to all children, not just EL, SDC, and "educational intervention" kids.

Management needs an overhaul. Their tactics are going to be their undoing. The unraveling is already happening now. It's just a matter of time. Unless a more cooperative and organic methodology is used, we can be as optimistic as we want to be, but we will be doomed to fail without making teachers the core of the decisions.

How can LCAP finds be used to strongly encourage more parent involvement in their students" education on campus. Are there any tools that can be sent home to complement teacher classroom efforts? Record and present school board meetings for public viewing. This is specially important for so many parents who either are working, or are caring for other family members, and specially for the NUSD community who have interest but are otherwise not available to attend meetings. Provide a path for submitting feedback, questions, etc., after viewing.

I appreciate everybody and every effort NUSD has striven to make the community better. Please get parents informed, using redundant communication methods is okay. We are so busy with life and not all of us are on the same page with technology. The more we are informed, the better we are prepared to participate. Thank you.

I would like to see more money spend on DIRECT SERVICES to STUDENTS - After School Tutoring, Homework Club, Free of charge Extra-Curricular Activities - sports, learing to play an instrument, Career Paths enhance programs.

It would be great if there could be funds for more push in support for sped students, el students and struggling students.