A WEEKI,Y JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE, MECHANICS, CHEMISTRY, AND MANUFACTURES. Vol. LVII.--No. 2.] [NEW SEllIES.] NKW YORK, JCLY 9, 1887 [$3.00 per Year. On stormy afternoon in the early part of "Feb broad stock or cross-bar prevents its fouling, the power RAISING A SUNKEN STEAMSHIP. a last Those who ha \'e had oecasion to cross the Jersey ruary, tho \Volles City steamed the Hudson Hiver of the mud to resist was not equal j;o the force of the up as City or Hoboken ferries may have noticed a collection far as Christopher Street, well over toward Jersey City, oncoming iee, and the \Velles City went drifting of nondescript craft anchored in the North River, well and dropped anchor. down stream. Directly in her track lay anchored the over toward the New J er�ey shore, yet quite distant 'I'he captain had ehosen his anchorage with an eye to iron steamer Lone Star, of the .Morgan line. StJA from it. Coming down the river or up frotH the bay, convenient delivery of earg'o rather than to good hold headed in the direction whence the \Velles City was the group looked not unlike a swarm of big flies gath ing ground, beeause, uuder ordinary conditions, there advancing, and, her crew perhaps not wide-awake nor ered about a dead beetle lying on its back with is not mueh strain on the cable� of h riding at quick enough tq slip their cables, the \Velles City carne stiff a s ip ened legs projecting up into the air.
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