The Publications of Johan J0rgen Holst

During almost 35 years Johan J. Holst produced a considerable amount of printed works. The first was published in 1961 in the joumallnternasjonal Politikk, which is still published by NUPI. NUPI's library has compiled this bibliography, which is believed to be com• plete. It does not include newspaper articles and so on, however. Readers who are not already familiar with Holst's work should be aware that many of the shorter pieces may have partly overlapping contents. Pieces in the series NUPI Notat are often earlier versions of articles subsequently published elsewhere. Do note, also, that many of the shorter pieces were related to the author's other activities. Holst often wrote brief papers on short notice for a special, select group whenever a key meeting in the policy process was coming up or there was an ongoing debate in some forum of international experts. It is hoped that this bibliography will be useful to students of international affairs, not least those interested in Norwegian foreign policy and the history of strategic studies.


Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk i strategisk perspektiv, 1-11. , Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1967. 229 s.; 294 s. (Ed.) Why ABM? Policy Issues in the Missile Defense Controversy, co-editor with William Schneider, Jr., Elmsford, NY, Pergamon Press, 1969. 321 pp. (Red.) EF- Norges vei?, med Valter Angell. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972. 208 s. (Red.) Hvorfor Ja til EF, med John Sanness. Oslo, 'Ja til EF-aksjonen', 1972. 126 s. (Ed.) Security, Order, and the Bomb. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972. 208 pp. (Ed.) Five Roads to Nordic Security. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. 240 pp. (Red.) Norge og rustningskontroll i Europa. Oslo, Dreyer, 1974. 107 s. (Red.) Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Arbok 1973. Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk lnstitutt, 1974.432 s. (Red.) Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Arbok 1974. Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1975. 512 s. (Ed.) Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: New Aims, New Arms, with Uwe Nerlich. New York, Crane, Russak & Co., Inc. 1977.314 pp. (Ed.) New Strategic Factors in the North Atlantic, co-editor with Christoph Bertram. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1977. 193 pp. Var forsvarspolitikk: Vurderinger og utsyn. Oslo, Tiden Norsk Forlag, 1978. 99 s.

224 The Publications of Johan 1¢rgen Holst 225 (Red.) Norsk utenrikspolitikk, med Daniel Heradstveit. Oslo, Tano, 1985. 368 s. (Ed.) Norwegian Foreign Policy in the 1980s. Oslo, Norwegian University Press, 1985. 176 pp. (Ed.) Deterrence and Defense in the North, co-editor with Kenneth Hunt and Anders C. Sjaastad. Oslo, Norwegian University Press, 1985. 244 pp.


Den strategiske vapensituasjon: Ordliste og katalog. Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk lnstitutt. 1969. 45 s. Co11q>arative U.S. and Soviet Deployments, Doctrines, and Arms Limitation. Chicago. Center for Policy Studies of The University of Chicago, 1971. 60 pp. Europeisk sikkerhet og var egen, med Tomas Torsvik. Oslo, Europabevegelsen i Norge. 1971. 36 s. Norge og EF: Utfordringen sett i perspektiv, med Svein Otto L~vAs. Oslo, Europabcvegelsens OpplysningsrAd, 1973. 80s. New Approaches to Non-Proliferation: A European Approach. Report of the NANPEA Steering Committee (Johan J~rgen Holst, Chairman). Brussels, Centre for European Policy Studies, 1985.


'NATO i dag: En allianse i forandring', Halle J~rn Hanssen og Eilert Struksnes (red.). NATO og et nyll Europa. Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1966: pp. 46-68. 'NATO og utviklingen'. Halle J~rn Hanssen og Eilert Struksnes (red.), NATO og et nytt Europa. Oslo. Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1966: pp. 122-46. 'Missile Defense: The Soviet Union and the Arms Race', Johan J~rgen Holst and William Schneider, Jr (eds), Why ARM? Policy Issues in the Missile Defense Controversy. Elmsford. NY, Pergamon Press, 1969: pp. 145-86. 'Missile Defense: Implications for Europe', Johan J~rgen Holst and William Schneider. Jr (eds), Why ARM? Policy Issues in the Missile Defense Controversy. Elmsford, NY, Pergamon Press, 1969: pp. 187-204. 'Strategic Arms Control and Stability: A Retrospective Look', Johan J~rgen Holst and William Schneider, Jr (eds), Why ARM? Policy Issues in the Missile D£~fense Controversy. Elmsford, NY, Pergamon Press, 1969: pp. 245-84. 'Norges utenrikspolitiske situasjon: Et langsiktig perspektiv', Karl E. Birnbaum (red.), Nordiska Framtidsperspektiv. Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1971 : pp. 43-61. 'A Norwegian Point of View', The Soviets and Northern Europe. Paris, Atlantic Treaty Association, 1971 : pp. 15-20. 'Small Powers in a Nuclear World', and Arne Olav Brundtland (eds). Small States in International Relations. Stockholm, Almquist & Wiksell, 1971 : pp. I 87-94. 226 The Publications of Johan ]f/Jrgen Holst

'Arms Control in Europe: A Preliminary Survey', Problemes de La Conference Europeenne pour Ia Cooperation et La Securite. Bucuresti, ADIRI, 1971: pp. 99-114. 'Rustningskontroll og sikkerheten i Europa', Oscar Vrern0 (red.), Arbok 1970171. Oslo: Utvalget for rustningskontroll og nedrustning, 1971: pp. 45-58. 'Sikkerheten i Europa og de taktiske atomvapen: Adferdsregler og doktriner', Oscar Vrernl'l (red.), Arbok 1971172. Oslo: Utvalget for rustningskontroll og nedrustning, 1972: pp. 97-113. 'SALT-avtalene', Oscar Vrernl'l (red.), Arbok 1971172. Oslo: Utvalget for rust• ningskontroll og nedrustning, 1972: pp. 200-2. 'Oije, strategi og utenrikspolitikk', M. Ll:'lnnum (red.), Norsk oljepolitikk. Oslo, Elingaard, 1972: pp. 160-192. 'EF, Norge og sikkerhetsordningene i Europa', Vatter Angell og Johan Jl:'lrgen Holst (red.), EF - Norges vei?. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972: pp. 187-203. 'The Threat in the North Atlantic and Nordic Security', The Role of Maritime Forces in the Security of Western Europe. Southampton, University of Southampton Press, 1972: pp. 33-47. 'Perspectives on Post-NPT Proliferation Issues', Johan J0rgen Holst (ed.), Security, Order, and the Bomb. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972: pp. 9-18. 'The Nuclear Genie: Norwegian Policies and Perspectives', Johan Jl'lrgen Holst (ed.), Security, Order, and the Bomb. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972: pp. 42-60. 'Comparative US and Soviet Deployments, Doctrines, and Arms Limitation', Morton A. Kaplan (ed.), SALT: Problems and Prospects. Morristown, NJ, General Learning Press, 1973: pp. 53-95. 'Five Roads to Nordic Security', Johan Jl'lrgen Holst (ed.), Five Roads to Nordic Security. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973: pp. l-5. 'Norwegian Security Policy: Options and Constraints', Johan Jl:'lrgen Holst (ed.), Five Roads to Nordic Security. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973: pp. 77-128. 'Norge og forhandlingene om rustningskontroll: En oppsummering', Johan Jl:'lrgen Holst (red.), Norge og rustnirigskontroll i Europa. Oslo, Dreyer, 1974: pp. 7-14. 'Norske interesser og hensyn i forhandlingene om rustningskontroll i Europa', Johan Jl:'lrgen Holst (red.), Norge og rustningskontroll i Europa. Oslo, Dreyer, 1974: pp. 72-94. 'Langtidsplan for Forsvaret 1974-78: De utenrikspolitiske forutsetnin_ger', Johan Jl:'lrgen Holst & Stein Fredrik Halden (red.), Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Arbok 1973. Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1974: pp. 26-32. 'Norges sikkerhetspolitiske kurs - utenfor EF', Norges sikkerhetspolitikk. Oslo, Elingaard, 1974: pp. 89-113. 'Northern Europe in the Process of European Security', Richard B. Foster, Andre Beaufre, Wynfred Joshua (eds), Strategy for the West: American-Allied Relations in Transition. New York, Crane, Russak & Co., Inc., 1974: pp. 161-74. 'Avspenning og sikkerhet i Norskehavsomradet', EHmann Ellingsen (red.), Island• Norge: Aktuelle sp(Jrsmal om utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitisk samarbeid. Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1974: pp. 51-60. 'Norge, atlanterhavssamarbeidet og framtiden', Haakon Lie (red.), Transatlantisk krise. Oslo, Tiden, 1974: pp. 123-31. The Publications of Johan ]f/Jrgen Holst 227

'Det internasjonale samfunn i sytticlrene', Tre foredrag utgitt av Christiania Bank og Kreditkasse. Oslo, 1974: pp. 1-32. 'Norges sikkerhetspolitiske situasjon: En smclstat i sentrumsposisjon', Forsvaret og samfunnet. Oslo, Oslo Militrere Samfund, 1975: pp. 13-19. 'The Nordic Nuclear-Free Zone Plan Today', A Nuclear-Free Zone and Nordic Security. Helsinki, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 1975: pp. 29-33. 'Strategic and Security Requirements of North Sea Oil and Gas', Martin Sreter & Ian Smart (eds), The Political Implications of North Sea Oil and Gas. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1975: pp. 131-41. 'Norge og forhandlingene om det internasjonale energibyrclet', Johan Jl<}rgen Holst (red.), Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Arbok 1974. Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1975: pp. 67-79. 'Energiproblemene og det internasjonale samfunn', Energi, ressurs- og milj¢prob• lemer. Oslo, Miljl<}verndepartementet, I 975: pp. 36-9. 'The Changing Structure of Security in Europe', Jenan G. John (ed.), EEC Policy Towards Eastern Europe. London, Saxon House/Lexington Books, 1975: pp. 21-36. 'II fianco nord nell' equilibrio est-ovest: Un punto di vista norvegese', Problemi Prel'isionali della Difesa. Equilibria della Forze e Deterrenza. Roma, Jstituto Affari Internazionali, 1975: pp. 62-75. 'Japan, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean: A Comment', Abbas Amirie (ed.), The Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean in International Politics. Tehran, Institute for International Politics and Economic Studies, 1975: p. 169 ff. · 'Security as Mutual Education', G.R. Urban (ed.), Detente. London, Temple Smith, 1975: pp. 109-37. 'NATO, EC and the Transatlantic Order', Richard Mayne (ed.), The New Atlantic C/wllenge. London, Charles Knight & Co., 1975: pp. 265-76. 'Atom- og basepolitikken i s~kelyset', Anders C. Sjaastad (red.), Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Arbok 1975. Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1976: pp. 73-82. 'SALT and East-West Relations in Europe', Nils Andren and Karl E. Birnbaum (eds), Beyond Detente: Prospects for East- West Cooperation and Security in Europe. Leyden, A. W. Sijthoff, 1976: pp. 99-122. 'Havomriidene i Nord', Arbeiderbevegelsens lu'lndbok 1976. Oslo, Tiden, 1976: pp. 137-41. 'Svaldbardproblemene', Arbeiderbevegelsens Mndbok 1976. Oslo, Tiden, 1976: pp. 142-5. 'Flexible Options in Alliance Strategy', Johan Jl<}rgen Holst & Uwe Nerlich (eds), Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: New Arms, New Aims. New York, Crane, Russak & Co., Inc., 1977: pp. 267-90. 'Prospects for Conflict Management and Arms Control in the North Atlantic', Christoph Bertram & Johan Jl<}rgen Holst (eds), New Strategic Factors in the North Atlantic. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1977: pp. 120-38. 'The Strategic Importance of the North Atlantic: Some Questions for the Future', Christoph Bertram & Johan Jl<}rgen Holst (eds), New Strategic Factors in the North Atlantic. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1977: pp. 169-77. 'The Strategic Importance of the North Atlantic: 's Role and Options', Christoph Bertram & Johan Jl<}rgen Holst (eds), New Strategic Factors in the North Atlantic. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1977: pp. 178-86. 228 The Publications of Johan ](Jrgen Holst

'Nordomrlidene i norsk forsvarspolitikk', Polaromradet i brrendpunktet. K"'benhavn, Forsvarets Oplysnings- og Velfrerdstjeneste, 1979: pp. 108-17. 'Defence Planning and the Politics of European Security', Philip W. Hemily and M.N. Ozdas (eds), Science and Future Choice. Vol. 2. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979: pp. 310-32. 'Future Peacetime Missions', Jan H. Veldman & Frits T. Oliver (eds), West European Navies and the Future. Royal Netherlands Naval College, 1980: pp. 32-55. 'Om en atomvlipenfri sone i nordisk omrlide', Nedrustningsarbeidets plass i sikkerhetspolitikken. Oslo, Det Kg!. Utenriksdepartement, 1981: pp. 71-81. 'Deterrence and Stability in the NATO-Warsaw Pact Relationship', Robert O'Neill and D.M. Homer (eds), New Directions in Strategic Thinking. London, Boston, Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, 1981: pp. 89-103. 'The Role of Agriculture in the Development Process of Low-Income Countries', Landbrukets plass i bistandspolitikken. As, Landbruksbokhandelen, 1982: pp. 27-31. 'Towards a New Political Order in Europe? The Role of Arms Control', Daniel Frei (ed.), Sicherheit durch Gleichgewicht. ZUrich, Schultess Polygraphischer Verlag, 1982: pp. 77-92. 'Perspectives on Peace and Security in Europe', The Present and Future of the Atlantic Alliance. Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1982: pp. 29-37. 'Rilstungskontrolle: Eine Zwischenbilanz', Uwe Nerlich (ed.), Sowjetische Macht und Westliche Verhandlungspolitik im Wandel Militi:irischer Kriifteverhi:iltnisse. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1982: pp. 579-616. 'Confidence-building Measures: A Conceptual Framework', Karl E. Birnbaum (ed.), Confidence-building and East West Relations. Wien, Wilhelm Braumuller Universitiits-Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1983: pp. 59-90. 'A European Perspective on the Concept of a Nuclear Freeze', The Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Arms Control. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1983: pp. 151-7. 'Arms Control Revisited', Uwe Nerlich (ed.), Soviet Power and Western Negotiating Policies. Vol. 2, Cambridge, Mass., Ballinger Publishing Company, 1983: pp. 153-88. 'Moving towards No First Use in Practice', John D. Steinbruner and Leon V. Sigal (eds), Alliance Security: NATO and the No First Use Question. Washington, DC, The Brookings Institution, 1983: pp. 173-96. 'A Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the Nordic Area: Conditions and Options', Kari Mottola (ed.), Nuclear Weapons and Northern Europe. Helsinki, The Finnish Institute oflntemational Affairs, 1983: pp. 5-13. 'Dobbeltbeslutningen endnu en gang', Hans-Henrik Holm & Nikolaj Petersen (red.), Slager om missilerne: Dobbeltbeslutningen og sikkerheden i Europa. K"'benhavn, Det sikkerheds- og nedrustningspolitiske udvalg, 1983: pp. 45-62. 'The double-track decision revisited', Hans-Henrik Holm and Nikolaj Petersen (eds.), The European Missiles Crisis: Nuclear Weapons and Security Policy. London, Frances Pinter, 1983: pp. 43-66. 'Confidence-building through Openness about Military Activities', Karl Kaiser (ed.), Confidence-building Measures. Bonn, Europa Union Verlag GmbH, 1983: pp. 33-52. The Publications of Johan 1¢rgen Holst 229 'Domestic Concerns and Nuclear Doctrine: How Should the Nuclear Posture be Shaped?', Christoph Bertram (ed.), Defence and Consensus: The Domestic Aspects of Western Security. London, Macmillian, 1983: pp. 85-99. 'Some Reflections on Alliance Strategy and the Problem of Command, Control and Communication', Coalition Defence and C3/. Bedford, MA., The MITRE Corporation, 1984: pp. 91-8. 'Norsk sikkerhedspolitik i 1980-erne', Nordiske sikkerhedsproblemer. K!i'lbenhavn, Det sikkerheds- og nedrustningspolitiske udvalg, 1984: pp. 38-76. 'Strategy and Arms Control', Joseph Godson (ed.), Challenges to the Western Alliance. London, Times Books Ltd, 1984: pp. 56-62. 'Das Nordische Gleichgewicht und die Nordftanke: Eine Betrachtung aus Norwegischer Sicht', Nordeuropa. Ausfalltor der Sovjetunion zu den Weltmeeren. Deutsches Marine Institut, Herford, Verlag E.S. Mittler & Sohn, 1985: pp. 83-104. 'Confidence-building and Nuclear Weapons in Europe', Policies for Common Security. SIPRI, London, Taylor & Frances, 1985: pp. 193-205. 'Report on the USA-USSR Relationship and Common Security', Policies for Common Security. SIPRI, London, Taylor & Frances, 1985: pp. 223-6. 'Om utenrikspolitikk og Norge', Johan J!i'lrgen Holst og Daniel Heradstveit (red.), Norsk utenrikspolitikk. Oslo, Tano, 1985: pp. 13-32. 'Ensidige bindinger i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', Johan Jji'lrgen Holst og Daniel Heradstveit (red.), Norsk utenrikspolitikk. Oslo, Tano, 1985: pp. 58-76. 'Norsk nedrustningspolitikk i en opprustet verden', Johan Jji'lrgen Holst og Daniel Heradstveit (red.), Norsk utenrikspolitikk. Oslo, Tano, 1985: pp. 77-95. 'Norsk havretts- og nordpolitikk', Johan Jji'lrgen Holst og Daniel Heradstveit (red.), Norsk utenrihpolitikk. Oslo, Tano, 1985: pp. 349-67. 'Norway's Role in the Search for International Peace and Security', Johan J!i'lrgen Holst (ed.), Norwegian Foreign Policy in the 1980s. Oslo, Norwegian University Press, 1985: pp. 144-65. 'Norwegian Security Policy: The Strategic Dimensions', Johan Jji'lrgen Holst, Kenneth Hunt, Anders C. Sjaastad (eds), Deterrence and Defense in the North. Oslo, Norwegian University Press, 1985: pp. 93-132. 'Norwegian Security Policy: The Domestic Context', Johan Jji'lrgen Holst, Kenneth Hunt, Anders C. Sjaastad (eds), Deterrence and Defense in the North. Oslo, Norwegian University Press, 1985: pp. 21~. 'Lilliputs and Gulliver: Small States in a Great-Power Alliance', Gregory Flynn (ed.), NATO's Northern Allies. London, Croom Helm, 1985: pp. 258-86. 'Blocking the Spread of Nuclear Weapons. American and European perspectives', New York, Council on Foreign Relations, 1986. 'The Effect on Norway: Increased Precaution', Sverre Jervell and Kare Nyblom (eds), The Military Buildup in the High North. American and Nordic Perspectives. Cambridge, Mass., University Press of America, 1986: pp. 77-90. 'Vertrauens- und Sicherheitsbildende Massnahmen in und fiir Europa- in konzep• tioneller Rahmen und eine langerfristige Perspektive', Hans Gunter Brauch (Hrsg.), Vertrauensbildende Massnahmen und Europiiische Abrustungskoriferenz. Gerlingen, Bleidner Verlag, 1986: pp. 360-87. 230 The Publications of Johan ](Jrgen Holst

'Allied Defence of Europe's Northern Corner. A Norwegian Perspective', Defence of Europe's Northern Corner. Oslo, Europabevegelsen i Norge, 1986: pp. 5-14. 'Introduction', Security and the Environment: Exploring some Key Issues of Our Times. Oslo, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defence, 1987: pp. 5-6. 'Security and the Environment: A Preliminary Exploration', Security and the Environment: Exploring some Key Issues of Our Times. Oslo, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defence, 1987: pp. 7-19. 'A CBM Regime in Europe- 19 Interrelated Propositions', R.B. Byers, F. Stephen Larrabee, Allen Lynch (eds), Confidence-Building Measures and Inter• national Security. New York, Institute for East-West Security Studies, 1987: pp. 31-8. 'Introduction: Non-Proliferation and Europe's Responsibilities', Harald Miiller (ed.), A European Non-Proliferation Policy: Prospects and Problems. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987: pp. xvii-xxii. 'Norwegian Security in Light of the Maritime Development in the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea', EHmann Ellingsen (ed.), NATO and US Maritime Strategy: Diverging Interests or Cooperative Effort. Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1987: pp. 59-77. 'The Contribution of Allied Reinforcements to Norwegian Security', EHmann Ellingsen (ed.), Reinforcing the Northern Flank. Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1988: pp. 5-19. 'The Security Pattern in Northern Europe: A Norwegian View', Geoffrey Till (ed.), Britain and NATO's Northern Flank. London, Macmillan, 1988: pp. 35-64. 'Atlanterhavspaktens 40-{trs jubileum', Ellmann Ellingsen (red.), NATO 40 ar. Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1989: pp. 19-24. 'Norway and Strategic Developments on NATO's Northern Flank', Jan A. Olsen (ed.), The Air Situation in the North. Year 2000 and Beyond. Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1989: pp. 5-23. 'Hvordan kan Norge styrke den felles sikkerhet?' Feltes sikkerhet i Nord: truster og svar. Oslo, Nordisk Forum for Sikkerhetspolitikk, 1989: pp. 161-69. 'Military Stability and Political Order in Europe', Gregory F. Treverton (ed.), Europe and America Beyond 2000. New York, Council on Foreign Relations, 1989: pp. 91-116. 'Integrating Arms Control and Force Planning. Budgeting for Defence in the 1990s', Economic Implications of Arms Control. The Hague, The Netherlands Atlantic Commission, 1989: pp. 47-56. 'Sivil motstand som kompletterende forsvarsform: Enkelte refleksjoner', Ellmann Ellingsen (red.), Kompletterende forsvarsformer. Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1989: pp. 5-12. 'European Security- A View from the North', Armand Clesse and Lothar RUhl (eds), Beyond East-West Confrontations. Searching for a New Security Structure in Europe. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1990: pp. 321-31. 'Confidence and Security Building in Europe: Achievements and Lessons', Arms Council on the Korean Peninsula: What Lessons Can We Learn from the The Publications of Johan l(Jrgen Holst 231 European Experiences? Seoul, Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, 1990: pp. 3-22. 'Support and Limitations: Peacekeeping from the Point of View of Troop Contributors', lndar J. Rikhye and Kjell Skjellsbrek (eds), The United Nations and Peacekeeping. London, Macmillan, 1990: pp. 11-124. 'The Arctic, Northern Waters and Arms Control', The Arctic. Choices for Peace and Security. Vancouver, Gordon Soules Books Publishers Ltd, 1990: pp. 157-68. 'Strategic Developments in the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea: Challenges to Norway', John Kristen Skogan and Arne Olav Brundtland (eds), Soviet Seapower in Northern Waters. London, Frances Pinter, 1990: pp. 177-92. 'Northern Europe and the High North', Sverre Lodgaard (ed.), Naval Arms Control. London, Sage, 1990: pp. 42-56. 'La sicurezza norvegese in un contesto europeo: opportunita e limiti', Luigi Caligaris (ed.), La Difesa Europa Proposte e Sfide. Milano, Edizioni di Comunita, 1990: pp. 224-45. 'Konvensjonell nedrustning i Europa: Den nye Apning', Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Arbok /989. Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1990: pp. 17-23. 'The Future of Europe: A Personal Scenario', lnsikt och Beslut. Studier tilliignade Leif Leifland. Stockholm, Militlirhistoriska FMaget, 1991: pp. 157-70. 'From Arctic to Baltic -The Strategic Significance of Norway', Challenges of a Changing World. Festschrift to Willy 0streng. Oslo, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 1991: pp. 23-32. 'NATO and the Northern Region: Security and Arms Control', Paul J. Cook (ed.), Change and Continuity in Europe's Northern Region. Washington DC, The Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1991: pp. 19-29. 'Arms Control in the Nineties: A European Perspective', Emanuel Adler (ed.), The International Practice of Arms Control. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992: pp. 85-118. 'Fred i det nye Midt-0sten', Shimon Peres, Veien til fred. Oslo, Cappelen, 1993: pp. 7-31. 'NATOs europeiske s~yle: rammer og begrensninger for anvendelighet av sj~makt', Roald Gjelsten (red.), Verkt~y for fred: Sj~forsvaret og sikkerheten i 90-arene. Oslo, Cappelen, 1993: pp. 17-37. 'The Barents Region: Institutions, cooperation and prospects', Olav Schram Stokke and Ola Tunander (eds), The Barents Region: Cooperation in Arctic Europe. London, Sage, 1994:pp. 11-24. 'Norsk sikkerhet i et fredens Europa', Odd Nordhaug og Oddmund S~ilen (red.), Et sosialdemokratiskja til EU. Oslo, Tano, 1994: pp. 140-56. 'Norges plass i det nye Europa', Axel Jensen et at. (red.), Det kollektive eventyr: en bok om Norge, Europa og EU. Oslo, Aschehoug, 1994: pp. 150-65. 'Keeping a Fractured Peace', Marianne Heiberg (ed.), Subduing Sovereignty: Sovereignty and the Right to Intervene. London, Frances Pinter, 1994: pp. 126-46. 'Ambiguity and Promise. The Security Order in Europe in a Period of Transition: Patterns and Trends', Bernard von Plate (ed.), Europa auf dem Weg zur kollektiven Sicherheit? (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1994) 232 The Publications of Johan l(Jrgen Holst ARTICLES

'De kjernefysiske vapen og "arms control'", lnternasjonal Politikk (4) 1961: pp. 357-74. 'Militrer makt og utenrikspolitikk', lnternasjonal Politikk (2) 1962: pp. 165-91. 'Faste kontrollposter og den militrere og politiske situasjon i Europa', Norsk Milittert Tidsskrift, 134 (3) 1964: pp. 133-51. 'Studiet av strategi og sikkerhetspolitikk: fagomrade og institusjoner', Norsk MilittertTidsskrift, 134(12) 1964: pp. 821-37. 'Den nye amerikanske forsvarsstrategien og Norges stilling', Liberalt Perspektiv, 4 (I) 1964: pp. 20-7. 'Sovjetsamveldets utenrikspolitikk og rustningskontroll', lnternasjonal Politikk (I) 1964: pp. 115-29. 'Noen tanker om norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', lnternasjonal Politikk (2-3) 1964: pp. 351-68. 'Fixed Control Posts and European Stability', Disarmament and Arms Control, 2 (3) 1964: pp. 262-91. 'Atomk1ubben: Medlemskap, innftyte1se og sikkerhet', Samtiden, 74 (I 0) 1965: pp. 583-97. 'Nedrustning, inspeksjon og sikkerhet', Norsk Milittert Tidsskrift, 135 (II) 1965: pp. 882-90. 'Sovjets utenrikspolitikk og utsiktene for rustningskontroll', lnternasjonal Politikk (3) 1965: pp. 235-53. 'Soviet International Conduct and the Prospects for Arms Control: Some Articulated Assumptions', Cooperation and Conflict, I (I) 1965: pp. 53-64. 'Sveriges sakerhetspolitik: Genom norska glasogon', Strategisk Bulletin, 2 (6) 1966: pp. 13-20. 'Anti-rakettforsvar ogden internasjonale stabilitet', Norsk Milittert Tidsskrift, 136 (5) 1966: pp. 241-50. 'Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk i strategisk perspektiv', lnternasjonal Politikk (5) 1966: pp. 463-90. 'Surprise, Signals and Reactions: The Attack on Norway April 9th, 1940: Some Observations', Cooperation and Conflict, 2 (I) 1966: pp. 31-45. 'Norwegian Security Policy: The Strategic Context', Cooperation and Conflict, 2 (2) 1966: pp.67-79. 'Antirobotvapen- Hot eller )Ofte?', Strategisk Bulletin (2-3) 1967: 64 s. 'BMD and European Perspectives', Ballistic Missile Defence: Two Views. by D.G. Brennan and Johan J. Holst, Adelphi Papers (43) 1967: pp. 24-36. 'A Norwegian Look into the Seventies', International Journal, 24 (3) 1969: pp. 356-66. 'Den strategiske vapenutvikling: Rustningskontroll eller rustningskappl!llp?', lnternasjonal Politikk (4-5) 1969: pp. 457-517. 'Skall Pandoras atom-ask oppna sig pa nytt? Om den nordiska sakerhetspolitiska miljon under 70-ta1et', Vart Forsvar (4) 1970: pp. 314-26. 'Det nordiske sikkerhetspolitiske milj!llet i syttiarene', Norsk Milittert Tidsskrift, 140(11) 1970:pp.497-501. 'Noen norske sikkerhetsprob1emer i syttiarene', Minervas Kvartalsskrift (3) 1970: pp. 235-63. The Publications of Johan }f/Jrgen Holst 233

'Parity, Superiority or Sufficiency? Some Remarks on the Nature and Future of the Soviet-American Strategic Relationship', Adelphi Papers (65) 1970: pp. 25-39. 'Europeisk sikkerhet og var egen', Norsk Militrert Tidsskrift, 141 (3) 1971: pp. 101-8. 'Oijen og EEC: Virkninger for var sikkerhet', Norges lndustri, 53 (15) 1971: pp. 22-5. 'The Soviet Build-up in the North-East Atlantic', NATO Review, 19 (9-10) 1971: pp. 21-3. 'Norsk olje- og sikkerhetspolitikk: En problemskisse', lnternasjonal Politikk (I) 1971 : pp. 80-91. 'Europeisk sikkerhet og rustningskontroll: Den politiske kontekst', lnternasjonal Politikk (2-3) 1971: pp. 147-63. 'The Soviet Union and Nordic Security', Cooperation and Conflict, 6 (3-4) 1971: pp. 137-45. 'The Soviet Build-up in the North-East Atlantic', Survival, 14 (I) 1972: pp. 24-8. 'SALT-avtalene: Bakgrunn og innhold', lnternasjonal Politikk (3) 1972: pp. 471-91. 'SALT-avtalene: Perspekti v og utvikling', lnternasjonal Politikk (4) 1972: pp. 601-18. 'Anns Limiting and Force Adjusting Arrangements in the Northern Cape Area', Cooperation and Conflict, 7 (3) 1972: pp. 113-20. 'Five Roads to Nordic Security', Cooperation and Conflict, 7 (3-4) 1972: pp. 133-7. 'Norwegian Security Policy: Options and Constraints', Cooperation and Conflict, 7 (3-4) 1972: pp. 209-58. Non(flanken i europeisk sikkerhetspolitikk. Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1972. 16 s. 'Anns Control and the European Political Process', Survival, 15 (6) 1973: pp. 2R3-8. 'Norges sikkerhetspolitikk i den europeiske utvikling', Norsk Militrert Tidsskrift, 143 (I) 1973: pp. 9-16. 'N<'tlcn i h~ystakken: Pa ubatjakt i Sognefjorden', lnternasjonal Politikk (4) 1973: pp. R79-99. 'Force Limitations and European Political Development', Cooperation and Cm~flict. 8 (2) 1973: pp. 119-30. 'Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk i Europa', Samtiden, 86 (I) 1974: pp. 1-12. 'Norge i avspenningspolitikken', Norges Forsvar, 24 (4) 1974: pp. 119-20. 'Norskchavsstatenes sikkerhetsproblem', Norges Forsvar, 24 (5) 1974: pp. 139-40. 'Oijen i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', Norges Forsvar, 24 (6) 1974: pp. 178-9. 'Oijen i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', lnternasjonal Politikk (2) 1974: pp. 549-68. ·Signals. Decisions and Strategy: The Submarine Hunt in the Sognfjord 1972', Cooperation and Conflict, 9 (4) 1974: pp. 297-311. 'Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk og framtidsproblemene', Oslo, Den norske Atlanter• havskomite, 1974. 16 s. ·v~'\rt utenrikspolitiske milj~ i syttiarene', Kl'!benhavn, Atlant-sammenslutningen, 1974. 29 s. 'Aktiv norsk Europapolitikk', Samtiden, 87 (8) 1975: pp. 480-9. 234 The Publications of Johan Jt;rgen Holst

'Norway's EEC Referendum: Lessons and Implications', The World Today, 31 (3) 1975: pp. 114-9. 'Yolinasseton pohjola-suunnitelma tanaan', Ulkopolitikka (I) 1975: 49-54. 'Norsk utenrikspolitikk i en oppbruddstid', Norsk Militam Tidsskrift, 145 (4) 1975: pp. 141-6. 'What is Really Going On?', Foreign Policy (19) 1975: pp. 155-62. 'Norsk utenrikspolitikk med spl'lrsmalstegn', Europa (I) 1975: pp. 19-20, 26. 'The Nordic Nuclear Free Zone: A Critique', Bulletin of Peace Proposals (2) 1975: pp. 148-9. 'Oijen i sikkerhetspolitikken', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1975. 56 s. 'Rustningskontroll i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1975. 18 s. 'Den amerikanske garanti i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1975. 15 s. 'NordomrAdene i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', Norsk Militam Tidsskrift, 146 (2) 1976: pp. 57-66. 'Politikk i Forsvaret', Norsk Militam Tidsskrift, 146 (8) 1976: pp. 291-4. 'Vietnam-krigen og dens perspektiver: Noen problemstillinger' (medforfatter), lntemasjonal Politikk (I B) 1976: pp. 169-88. 'Offiserenes engasjement i debatten om forsvars- og sikkerhetspolitikken', Forsvarets Forum (35) 1976: pp. 49-52. 'Lehren der Nahost-Krise von 1973 fiir das Atlantische Bundniss', Europa-Archiv, 31 (7) 1976: pp. 205-14. 'The Navies of the Superpowers: Motives, Forces, Prospects', Adelphi Papers (123) 1976: pp. l-14. 'Var sikkerhetspolitiske situasjon', Sosialistisk Perspektiv, 13 (3) 1976: pp. 16-19, 48. 'A New Regime for the Oceans', with Shigeru Oda, Douglas M. Johnston and Ann L. Hollick. New York, The Trilateral Commission, 1976. 54 pp. 'Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk i en avspenningstid', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1976. 15 s. 'Forsvaret og samfunnet', Norsk Militrert Tidsskrift, 147 (3) 1977: pp. 99-113. 'Var sikkerhetspolitikk: Oppgaver og rammer', Samtiden, 89 (6) 1977: pp. 330-40. 'Forsvaret og samfunnet: Oppgaver og utfordringer', Befalsbladet, 83 (I) 1977: pp. 3-11. 'Befalsorganisasjonenes roUe i Forsvaret', Norsk Luftmilitrert Tidsskrift, 28 (3) 1977: pp. 78-85. 'European Security and Confidence-building Measures' (with Karen Alette Melander), Survival, 19 (4) 1977: pp. 146-54. 'Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk og forsvarsutgiftene', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1977. 13 s. 'Norge og Sovjetunionen: Skjebnefellesskap i nord', Norsk Luftmilitrert Tidsskrift, 29 (2) 1978: pp. 37-8. 'Verteidigungsplanung und europilische Sicherheitspolitik. Das Spektrum poten• tieller Konftikte', Europa-Archiv, 33 (10) 1978: pp. 281-9. 'Challenges in the North: The Context of Norwegian Security Policy', Studia Diplomatica, 31 (I) 1978: pp. 31-42. 'Nordomriidene i norsk forsvarspolitikk', Kontakt-Bulletin (7-8) 1978: pp. 25-40. The Publications of Johan ]r/Jrgen Holst 235 'FN-operasjoner i norsk utenrikspolitikk', lnternasjonal Politikk (4 B) 1978: pp. 773-8. 'Norges sikkerhetspolitiske stilling', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1978. 28 s. 'Forsvars9)konomi og Forsvarsbudsjett', Norsk Militcert Tidsskrift, 149 (2) 1979: pp. 73-80. 'Nordomradene - Et norsk perspektiv', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1979. 20 s. 'SALT-Il og var sikkerhet', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1979. 17 s. 'Westliche Sicherheitspolitik nach Afghanistan', Europiiische Wehrkunde, 29 (4) 1980: pp. 173-4. 'Hovedlinjer i norsk befolkningspolitikk og st9)tte til familieplanlegging', Forum .forutl'iklingsstudier (6-8) 1980: pp. 2-9. 'The Northern Region - Key to Europe?' Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1980. 12 pp. 'Forhandslagring og norsk sikkerhet', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1980. 32 s. 'Norwegian Security Policy and Peace in Nordic Europe', The World Today, 37 (I) 1981: pp. 22-8. 'Abschreckung und Stabilitiit im Verhaltnis zwischen NATO und Warschauer Pakt', Europa-Archiv, 36 (I) 1981: pp. 9-20. 'The Independent European Programme Group: Cooperation and Western Security', NATO Review, 29 (2) 1981: pp. 6-9. 'Norway's Search for a Nordpolitik', Foreign Affairs, 60 (I) 1981: pp. 63-86. 'The Northern Region - Key to Europe?', The Atlantic Community Quarterly, 19 (I) 1981: pp. 28-36. 'The Challenge from Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Weapon Free Zones', Bulletin l~f' Peace Proposals, 12 (3) 1981: pp. 239-45. •Atomvapen og norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1981. 21 s. 'Ubaten i fredens hav 1981: Ubat 137, U-238 og Vi', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1981. 16 s. '1981 - A. ret da tingene histe seg', Sivilforsvarsbladet, 7 (I) 1982: p. 11. 'Hvor gar veien til fred?', Aktuelt Perspektiv (2) 1982: pp. 12-13. 'A Western Perspective on the East-West Arms Control Agenda', NATO Review, 30(2) 1982: pp. 23-8. 'Arms Control in Europe: Towards a New Political Order', Bulletin of Peace Proposals, 13 (2) 1982: pp. 81-90. 'The Future of East-West Relations: Some Policy Perspectives', Naval War College Review, 35 (5) 1982: pp. 12-22. 'Bedrohungen ausserhalb des NATO-Gebiets: Strategische Interessen und innen• politische Zwange des westlichen Bundnisses', Europa-Archiv, 37 (21) 1982: pp. 629-38. 'Norwegian Security Policy for the 1980s', Cooperation and Conflict, 17 (4) 1982: pp. 207-36. 'Tillitskapende tiltak: Et begrepsskjema', lnternasjonal Politikk (3) 1982: pp. 435-62. 'Sovjetunionen som faktor i norsk utenrikspolitikk: Forutsetninger og utviklingsmuligheter' ,/nternasjonal Politikk (3 B) 1982: pp. 719-41. 236 The Publications of Johan )rj)rgen Holst 'Arms Control Revisited', Studia Diplomatica, 35 (5-6) 1982: pp. 449-62. 'Confidence-building Measures: A Conceptual Framework', Survival, 25 (I) 1983: pp. 2-15. 'Europaische Aspekte der amerikanischen Diskussion tiber ein "Einfrieren" von Kernwaffen', Europa-Archiv, 38 (7) 1983: pp. 215-22. •A Perspective on the Development of East-West Relations in Europe', Revue Roumaine d'Etudes lnternationales, 17 (2) 1983: pp. 113-20. 'Strategi og Etikk', Kirke og Kultur, 88 (3) 1983: pp. 177-81. 'Domestic Concerns and Nuclear Doctrine: How Should the Nuclear Posture be Shaped?', Adelphi Papers ( 183) 1983: pp. 28-42. 'Nukleare Mittelstreckenwaffen und das politische Gleichgewicht in Europa', Europa-Archiv, 38 (17) 1983: pp. 507-16. 'Looking for Hiding Places', Norway Today, I (I) 1983: 19 pp. 'A Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the Nordic Area: Conditions and Options- A Norwegian View', Bulletin of Peace Proposals, 14 (3) 1983: pp. 227-38. 'Pohjolan ydinasseton vyohyke: edellytykset ja vaintoehdot-norjalainen nakokulma', Ulkopolitiikka, 20 (3) 1983: pp. 12-19. 'Striden om mellomdistanseraketter i Europa', lnternasjonal Politikk, Temahefte I• II, 1983: pp. 4-8. 'INF og rustningskontroll: Mulige !l')sninger', lnternasjonal Politikk, Temahefte I• ll, 1983: pp. 171-92. Atomvapen og forhandlinger: Hva rna gji'Jres? Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1983. 23 s. ·A Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in Nordic Europe - Some Observations', Cooperation and Conflict, XIX (I) 1984: pp. 83-5. 'The Pattern of Nordic Security', Daedalus, 113 (2) 1984: pp. 195-226. 'Norway and NATO in the 1980s', American-Scandinavian Review, 73 (3) 1984: pp. 14-18, 36-46. 'Confidence and Security in Europe: A Long-Term View', Bulletin of Peace Proposals, 15 (4) 1984: pp. 291-8. 'European Security and the Role of Arms Control', CEPS Papers (14/15): pp. 55-68, Brussels, Centre for European Policy Studies, 1984. 'Forbundsrepublikken og Norge: Allierte i et Europa i forandring', lnternasjonal Politikk, Temahefte II, 1984: pp. 93-100. 'Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk i internasjonalt perspektiv', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1984. 17 s. 'Norge i NATO og Europa: Pa leting etter sikkerhet og avspenning', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1984. 24 s. 'Norway and NATO in the 1980s', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1984. 23 pp. 'Europas vei', Det Beste, 39 (1) 1985: p. 117. 'On How to Achieve Progress in Nuclear Arms Negotiations', Bulletin of Peace Proposals, 16 (2) 1985: pp. 87-97. 'En atomvapenfri sone i nordisk omrade', Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, 2 (2) 1985: pp. 97-104. 'Om NUPI og norsk utenrikspolitikk', lnternasjonal Politikk, Temahefte I, 1985: pp. 4-8. 'Atomvapen, ansvar og· norsk utenrikspolitikk', lnternasjonal Politikk, Temahefte I, 1985: pp. 71-88. The Publications of Johan ](Jrgen Holst 237 'Petroleum i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', lnternasjonal Politikk (2) 1986: pp. 127-42. 'Arms Control in Europe: Aspects and Perspectives', Scandinavian Review, 74 (3) 1986: pp. 5-6. 'Sikkerhet og lavspenning i Nordomradene', Aktuelle utenrikspolitiske sp(Jrsmal (38), Det Kgl. Utenriksdepartement, 1986: pp. 7-14. 'Peacekeeping in Lebanon. Comparing UNIFIL and the MNF' (with Marianne Heiberg), Survival, XXVIII (5) 1986: pp. 399-421. 'Norge i Europa', Oslo, Europabevegelsen i Norge, 1986. 18 s. 'The Norwegian Industry's Role within Norway's and the Alliance's Defence', NATO's Sixteen Nations, 31 (6) 1986: pp. 50-57. 'Norges sikkerhetspolitiske situasjon', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1986. 22 s. 'Aktuelle forsvars- og sikkerhetspolitiske problemer', Norsk Militrert Tidsskrift, 157 (2) 1987: pp. I-ll. 'Prospects for Security Cooperation between East Asia and the West. Comment', Adelphi Papers (218) 1987: pp. 66-8. 'Norwegen im Geflecht der Sicherheit Europas', Europa-Archiv, 42 (16) 1987: pp. 453-62. 'Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk ogden europeiske sammenheng', lnternasjonal Politikk ( 1-2) 1987: pp. 193-208. 'Mer utsatt stilling krever tilpassinger', Norges Forsvar (1) 1987: pp. 4-5. 'Nordomradene i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', Oslo, Den norske At1anterhavskomite, 1987.21 s. 'Nordic Security Perspectives', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1987. 19 pp. 'The Need for an Overall Approach to Strategy', Adelphi Papers (231) 1988: pp. 14-16. 'Norwegian Defence Policy for the 1990s: A Conceptual Framework', Scandinavian Review, 76 (2) 1988: pp. 30-40, 161-2. 'Aktuelle forsvars- og sikkerhetspolitiske problemer', Norsk Militrert Tidsskrift, 158 (2) 1988: pp. I-ll. 'Arms Control and Security on NATO's Northern Flank', NATO Review, 36 (5) 1988: pp. 10-16. 'Norway and NATO's Northern Flank', NATO's Sixteen Nations, 33 (7) 1988: pp. 27-33. 'De nordlige havomrader i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk', Norsk Militrert Tidsskrift, 158 (II) 1988: pp. 1-9. 'Norges sikkerhetspolitiske situasjon', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1988. 37 s. 'Forsvarsevnen skat opprettholdes og forbedres', Norges Forsvar (1) 1989: pp. 4-6. 'Aktuelle forsvars- og sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringer', Norsk Militrert Tidsskrift, 159 (2) 1989: pp. I-ll. 'Uncertainty and Opportunity in an Era of East-West Change', Adelphi Papers (247) Winter 1989/90: pp. 3-15. 'Det nye Europa: I', Hvor Hender Det? Oslo, NUPI, Vol. 1989/90: 33, 2 s. 'Det nye Europa: II', Hvor Hender Det? Oslo, NUPI, Vol. 1989/90: 33 Ekstra, 2 s. 'Maritime disposisjoner vii prege situasjonen', Offisersbladet, 7 (2) I 990: p. 21. 'Det nye Europa og sikkerheten', Offisersbladet, 7 (3) 1990: pp. 7-8. 238 The Publications of Johan ]f/Jrgen Holst 'Enhancing Peace-keeping Operations', Survival, 32 (3) 1990: pp. 264-77. 'Changing Northern European Views on Security and Arms Council', Naval War College Review, 43 (2) Spring 1990: pp. 85-104 'Norge og det nye Europa', Europinion, 12 (4) 1990: pp. 5-12. 'Nordic Security: Past Mirrors and Future Faces', The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 512 pp., 1990: pp. 8-15. 'Civilian-Based Defense in a New Era', Cambridge, Mass., The Albert Einstein Institution, 1990. 22 pp. 'Sikkerhetspolitiske rammebetingelser i en ny tid', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1990. 18 s. 'Arms Control in the Nineties: A European Perspective', Daedalus, 120 (I) 1991: pp. 83-110. 'Norges sikkerhet i en ny tid', Norges Forsvar (I) 1991: pp. 6-11. 'Aktuelle forsvars- og sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringer', Norsk Militcert Tidsskrift, 161 (2) 1991: pp. 1-8. 'From Arctic to Baltic- The Strategic Significance of Norway', NATO's Sixteen Nations, 36 (3) 1991: pp. 23-35. 'Forsvars- og sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringer i den nye verden', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1991. 19 s. 'Ny strategi i NATO', Norsk Militcert Tidsskrift, 162 (1) 1992: pp. l-7. 'Pianlegging under usikkerhet i et nytt Europa', Norges Forsvar (I) 1992: pp. 6-16. 'Pursuing a Durable Peace in the Aftermath of the Cold War', NATO Review (4) 1992: pp. 9-13. 'European and Atlantic Security in a Period of Ambiguity', The World Today ( 12) 48 1992: pp. 218-2 I. 'The New Europe: A View from the North', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1992. 19 pp. 'Norske vurderinger av endringene i NATOs strategi', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1992. 18 s. 'The Future of NATO', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1992. 19 pp. ·A Changing NATO in a Changing Europe', Oslo, Den norske Atlanter- havskomite, 1992. 19 pp. 'Omstilling bedrer sikkerheten', Norges Forsvar (l) 1993: pp. 6-15. 'Vart forsvar i et nytt Europa', Norsk Militcert Tidsskrift, 163 (2) 1993: pp. 1-10. 'Erklarung der norwegischen Aussenminister zur norwegischen Rolle bei den Nahost-Verhandlungen, abgegeben am 30. August 1993', Europa-Archiv, 48 (24) 1993: pp. 523-5. 'European security in the era of ambiguity', Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, Det sikkerhetspolitiske bibliotek (5) 1993: pp. 3-9. 'Norges plass i det nye Europa', Norsk Militcert Tidsskrift, 163 (11) 1993: pp. 1-13. 'Overgangstid: Redegjjllrelse for Stortinget 25. oktober 1993 ', Oslo, Den norske Atlanterhavskomite, 1994. 29 s.


Det nordiske sikkerhetspolitiske milj!ll i syttiarene. NUPI-Notat (l) 1970. 9 s. Arms control in Europe. A preliminary survey. Oslo, NUPI-Notat (2) 1970. 22 pp. The Publications of Johan ](Jrgen Holst 239

Non-nuclear powers in a nuclear world. Outline of a paper. NUPI-Notat (3) 1970. 2 pp. Small powers in a nuclear world. NUPI-Notat (3-1) 1970. 10 pp. Norges utenrikspolitiske situasjon: Et langsiktig perspektiv. NUPI-Notat (4) 1970. 12 s. Noen norske sikkerhetsproblemer i syttillrene (med Anders C. Sjaastad og John Kristen Skogan). NUPI-Notat (6) 1970. 23 s. Norsk olje- og sikkerhetspolitikk: En problemskisse. NUPI-Notat (9) 1970. 6 s. Norske sikkerhetspolitiske problemer i dagens situasjon. NUPI-Notat (13) 1971. 14 s. Oljen og EEC: Virkninger for vllr sikkerhet. NUPI-Notat (14) 1971. 10 s. The Soviet Union and Nordic security. NUPI-Notat (15) 1971. 14 pp. Security in Northern Europe and the North Atlantic. NUPI-Notat (16) 1971. 16pp. Soviet naval power in the North Atlantic and Nordic security. NUPI-Notat (21) 1971. 12 pp. Small countries in world politics. NUPI-Notat (24) 1971. 5 pp. Rustningsbegrensende og styrkeregulerende ordninger pll nordflanken i norsk og europeisk sikkerhetspolitikk. NUPI-Notat (26) 1972. 14 s. The small and the powerful: Nordic security and the naval situation in the North• East Atlantic. NUPI-Notat (30) 1972. 12 pp. Perspectives on post-NPT proliferation issues: An introduction. NUPI-Notat (34) 1972. 13 pp. Sikkerheten i Europa og de taktiske vApen. Adferdsregler og doktriner. NUPI• Notat (35) 1972. 17 s. The Soviet navy, Northern Europe and European security. NUPI-Notat (36) 1972. II pp. Nuclear politics: SALT and proliferation in two outlines. NUPI-Notat (37) 1972. 7 pp. Norges sikkerhetspolitikk og den europeiske utvikling. NUPI-Notat (39) 1973. 15 s. Kola-halv!!lya og norsk sikkerhet: En strategisk skisse. NUPI-Notat (40) 1973. 13 s. NATO, EEC and the transatlantic order. NUPI-Notat (42) 1973. 12 pp. European security and political priorities. NUPI-Notat (44) 1973. 12 pp. Northern Europe in the process of European security. NUPI-Notat (45) 1973. 13 pp. The changing structure of security in Europe. NUPI-Notat (47) 1973. 17 pp. Kontinuitet og utvikling i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk. NUPI-Notat (48) 1973. Norwegian security: Problems and contingencies. NUPI-Notat (53) 1973.4 pp. Norske interesser og hensyn i forhandlingene om rustningskontroll i Europa. NUPI-Notat (54) 1973. 23 s. Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk i Europa. NUPI-Notat (56) 1973. 20 s. Norge og forhandlingene om rustningskontroll. En oppsummering. NUPI-Notat (61) 1973. II s. Mutual force reductions in Europe and the northern flank. An outline. NUPI-Notat (62) 1973. 4 pp. A vspenning og sikkerhet i NorskehavsomrAdet. NUPI-Notat (65) 1974. 10 s. Norsk utenrikspolitikk i en overgangstid. NUPI-Notat (67) 1974. 14 s. VArt utenrikspolitiske milj!!l i syttiArene. NUPI-Notat (68) 1974. 36 s. Norway in the evolving process of European security. NUPI-Notat (72) 1974. 54 pp. 240 The Publications of Johan 1¢rgen Holst

Strategic arms competition: Towards an understanding of what is really going on. NUPI-Notat (73) 1974. 14 pp. Norges sikkerhetspolitiske situasjon. En smastat i sentrumsposisjon. NUPI-Notat (74) 1974. lOs. Signals, decisions and strategy. The submarine hunt in the Sognefjord 1972. NUPI-Notat (75) 1974. 23 pp. The Nordic nuclear-free zone plan today. NUPI-Notat (77) 1974. 9 pp. Rustningskontroll i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk. NUPI-Notat (80) 1974. 16 s. The Northern flank in the East-West balance: A Norwegian view. NUPI-Notat (81) 1975. 13 pp. The strategic and security requirements of North Sea oil and gas. NUPI-Notat (82) 1975. 12 pp. Norway's EEC referendum and the Norwegian political system. NUPI-Notat (83) 1975. 9 pp. Trends in world politics and future political strategy. NUPI-Notat (84) 1975. 10 pp. Norwegian offshore oil and international security. NUPI-Notat (85) 1975. 10 pp. Norsk utenrikspolitikk i en oppbruddstid. NUPI-Notat (86) 1975. 12 s. Implications of flexible options policy for alliance strategy and arms control. NUPI-Notat (89) 1975. 16 pp. SALT in the process of East-West relations in Europe. NUPI-Notat (90) 1975. 23 pp. East-West negotiations, arms control and West European security. NUPI-Notat (91) 1975. 14pp. Norge og stormaktspillet i Midt-0sten. NUPI-Notat (94) 1975. 5 s. Arms control negotiations in the process of European security. NUPI-Notat (95) 1975. 17 pp. Ocean policy and global redistribution of power. NUPI-Notat (97) 1975. 6 pp. Energiproblemene og det internasjonale samfunn. NUPI-Notat (98) 1975. 8 s. Trends in world politics. NUPI-Notat (101) 1975.21 pp. The navies of the superpowers: Motives, forces, prospects. NUPI-Notat (I 02) 1975. 25 pp. Flexible options in alliance strategy. NUPI-Notat (103) 1975. 18 pp. Den amerikanske garantien i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk. NUPI-Notat (104) 1975. II s. Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk: Rammer og problemstillinger - En disposisjon. NUPI- Notat (105) 1975. 2 pp. SALT and East-West relations in Europe. NUPI-Notat (l 06) 1975. 26 pp. Prospects for conflict, management and arms control in the North Atlantic. NUPI- Notat (I 07) 1975. 24 pp. Fern forelesninger om sikkerhetspolitikk. NUPI-Notat (108) 1975. 18 s. Nordomrildene i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk. NUPI-Notat (110) 1975. 15 s. The 1973 crisis and inter-alliance relations. NUPI-Notat (112) 1975. 20 pp. The future of the oceans- Presentation of a report. NUPI-Notat (113) 1975. 17 pp. Arms control as defence policy. NUPI-Notat (224) 1981. 20 pp. The role of agriculture in the development process of low-income countries. NUPI-Notat (225) 1981. 5 pp. Ubaten i fredens hav 1981: Ubilt 137, U-238 og vi. NUPI-Notat (226) 1981. 15 s. Om arbeidet for fred i kjernevapnenes tidsalder. NUPI-Notat (227) 1981. 7 s. The Independent European Programme Group (IEPG): Problems, progress and prospects. NUPI-Notat (228) 1981. I 0 pp. The Publications of Johan 1¢rgen Holst 241

Arms control revisited: An exploratory essay. Oslo, NUPI-Rapport (63) 1981. 46 pp. Norwegian security policy for the 1980s. Oslo, NUPI-Rapport (76) 1982. 74 pp. Towards a new political order in Europe. The role of arms control. NUPI-Notat (232) 1982. 20 pp. A Western perspective on the East-West arms control agenda. NUPI-Notat (237) 1982. 14 pp. De bl'mdlagte vapen og sikkerheten i Europa. NUPI-Notat (241) 1982.6 s. The future of East-West relations: Some policy perspectives. NUPI-Notat (244) 1982. 20 pp. The security of Japan and Western Europe. NUPI-Notat (248) 1982. 7 pp. NATO and the wider world: Strategic interests and domestic constraints. NUPI• Notat (252) 1982. 21 pp. Conf1dcnce-building measures: A conceptual framework. NUPI-Notat (253) 1982. 35 pp. Domestic concerns and nuclear doctrine: How should the nuclear posture be shaped? NUPI-Notat (254) 1982. 35 pp. A perspective on the development of East-West relations in Europe. NUPI-Notat (255) 1982. II pp. Towards a policy of No First Use of nuclear weapons. NUPI-Notat (259) 1983. 27 pp. A European perspective on the concept of a nuclear freeze. NUPI-Notat (260) 1983. 10 pp. Atomvapen og forhandlinger: Hva rna gj~res? NUPI-Notat (261) 1983. 18 s. Arms control for the 1980s: A European perspective. NUPI-Notat (263C) 1983. 12 pp. Norway's role in the search for international peace and security. NUPI-Notat (264B) 1983. 30 pp. Lilliputs and Gulliver. Small states in a great power alliance. NUPI-Notat (2668) 1983. 34 pp. The 'dual track' decision revisited. NUPI-Notat (267A) 1983. 25 pp. Nuclear weapon free zones in Europe: An option for the future? NUPI-Notat (2698) 1983.21 pp. Conf1dence-building through openness about military activities. NUPI-Notat (270A) 1983. 19 pp. A nuclear weapon free zone in the Nordic area. Conditions and options - a Norwegian view. NUPI-Notat (271A) 1983. 20 pp. The pattern of Nordic security. NUPI-Notat (273A) 1983. 25 pp. INF and political equilibrium in Europe. NUPI-Notat (2748) 1983. 8 pp. Problems of Atlantic defence. NUPI-Notat (2758) 1983. II pp. Confidence-building and nuclear weapons in Europe. NUPI-Notat (2778) 1983. 22 pp. Cooperative development. A Norwegian perspective. NUPI-Notat (2798) 1983. 20 pp. Common security and Soviet-American relations. NUPI-Notat (2828) 1983. 12 pp. Some reflections on alliance strategy and the problem of command, control and communication (CJ). NUPI-Notat (2848) 1983. 17 pp. Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk i internasjonalt perspektiv. NUPI-Notat (2858) 1983. 14 s. 242 The Publications of Johan J(Jrgen Holst

The 'Nordic balance' and the northern flank. A Norwegian perspective. NUPI• Notat (2878) 1983. 14 pp. Political consensus and dissent: Some normative observations. NUPI-Notat (2898) 1983.8 pp. Confidence and security-building measures in Europe- A possible agenda for the Stockholm conference. NUPI-Notat (2908) 1983. 9 pp. Norge i NATO og Europa: PA leting etter sikkerhet og avspenning. NUPI-Notat (292) 1984. 19 s. Kinas utenrikspolitikk: Rapport fra et bes9Jk. NUPI-Notat (2958) 1984. 16 s. Confidence and security in Europe: A long-term view. NUPI-Notat (2968) 1984. 13 pp. Norsk Europapolitikk: Forutsetninger og mAlsettinger. NUPI-Notat (2978) 1984. 15 s. Arms control and alliance strategy: A preliminary exploration. NUPI-Notat (2988) 1984. 16 pp. Norway and NATO in the 1980s. NUPI-Notat (3018) 1984. 20 pp. Kyststatens forsvar mot ubAter i fred. En forel9)pig skisse. NUPI-Notat (302) 1984. II s. In the conduct of East-West relations. A view from Europe. NUPI-Notat (303) 1984. 12 pp. Technology, politics and alliance management. NUPI-Notat (3078) 1984. European security and the role of arms control. NUPI-Notat (3088) 1984. 12 pp. The dialectic of US-Soviet relations and a confidence-building regime in Europe. Two panel contributions. NUPI-Notat (309) 1984. 10 pp. Norge i det sikkerhetspolitiske samarbeidsm9)nster i Europa. NUPI-Notat (310) 1984. 16 s. En atomvApenfri sone i nordisk omrAde: Hensikter og konsekvenser. NUPI-Notat (312) 1984. 14 s. On how to achieve progress in nuclear arms negotiations. NUPI-Notat (313) 1984. 19 pp. Non-proliferation policy: A European perspective. NUPI-Notat (314) 1984. 8 pp. The military build-up in the High North: Potential implications for the regional stability. A Norwegian perspective. NUPI-Notat (3188) 1985. 9 pp. AtomvApen, ansvar og norsk utenrikspolitikk. NUPI-Notat (321) 1985. 16 s. Conflict and environmental degradation. NUPI-Notat (325) 1985. 8 pp. Denial and punishment- Straddling the horns of NATO's dilemma. NUPI-Notat (328) 1985. 14 pp. Petroleum i norsk sikkerhetspolitikk. NUPI-Notat (344) 1985. 13 s. Arms control in Europe: Aspects and perspectives. NUPI-Notat (345) 1985. 14 pp. Norsk Europa-politikk: Et langsiktig perspektiv. NUPI-Notat (3478) 1986. 14 s. Non-proliferation and common security. NUPI-Notat (3488) 1986.4 pp. The security pattern in Northern Europe. A Norwegian view. NUPI-Notat (356) 1986. 18 pp. Keeping the peace in Lebanon: Assessing international and multinational peace• keeping (with Marianne Heiberg). NUPI-Notat (357) 1986. 39 pp. Sea power and political behaviour. A project outline. NUPI-Notat (360) 1986. 13 pp. 'Strategic Developments in the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea: Challenges to Norway', John Kristen Skogan and Arne Olav 8rundtland (eds), Soviet The Publications of Johan 1¢rgen Holst 243 Seapower: facts, motivations, impact and responses. Oslo, NUPI-Rapport (128) 1989: pp. 215-33. Exploring Europe's future: Trends and prospects relating to security. Oslo, NUPI• Rapport (145) 1990.60 pp. Arms control in the nineties: A European perspective. Oslo, NUPI-Rapport (151) 1990.33 pp. Johan J~rgen Holst's Biography

Johan J0rgen Holst was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in Gro Harlem Brundtland's third Labour Government 2 April 1993. He was Minister of Defence in the same Government from 3 November 1990. · He was Minister of Defence also in Harlem Brundtland's second Government from 9 May 1986 to 16 October 1989. Except for his tenure as Defence Minister he was Director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs from November 1981 onwards, following Government service. From January 1976 to October 1979 Holst served as State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence. From October 1979 to October 1981 he held the same post in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, part of the time in Mrs Harlem Brundtland' s first Labour Government. Prior to his Government service Holst had been Director of Research at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs since 1969. Born on 29 November 1937 in Oslo, Holst graduated in Russian from the Norwegian Army Language School and received a BA in Government from Columbia University, New York (1960). He earned a Master's degree in Political Science at the ( 1965). Holst was also a research associate at the Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (1962-63), the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment ( 1963-67) and the Hudson Institute, New York (1967-69). In the spring of 1970 he was visiting professor to the Chair of Strategic Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa. In 1972 he was Acting Director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. He was a member of the Advisory Council on Arms Control and Disarmament of the Norwegian Government from 1969 until he entered the Government. From 1974 to 1975 he was a member of the Trilateral Commission Task Force on Ocean Policy, and in 1984-86 he headed the Steering Group on New Approaches to Non-Proliferation: European Approaches (NANPEA). Prior to his appointment as Minister, Holst was a member of the Council of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) and a member of the Trilateral Commission. He was also a member of the Foreign Policy Council of the Norwegian and was special assistant to the Chairman of the World Commission on Environment and Development and scientific consultant to the Pal me Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues. He lectured widely at universities, research institutes, conferences, and so on in Europe, North America and Asia. His printed works span a wide range of security and foreign policy themes, both domestic and international, and include numerous books, monographs, chapters in books and articles in journals.

244 Index

Acheson, Dean 38 European integration 158-9, 163 Ad Hoc Liaison Committee 183 and Norway 203 Afghanistan 55 Russian policies 159-62 AKP (m1) 149 Barents lnitiati ve 5 Ala, Abu 180, 182, 183 Baruch Plan 15 Allied Forces Baltic Approaches 170 Beilin, Yossi 182, 183 Allied Forces Central Europe Beirut 122 (AFCENT) Belorussia coherence issues 40 non-nuclear status, assurance of Nordic security 169,170 105 Allied Forces Northern Europe nuclear weapons 200 (AFNORTH) Russian policies 160 coherence issues 40 Ben-Gurion, David 181 Nordic security 169, 170 Berlin Wall 154 Allied Forces Northwestern Europe Bildt, Carl 109, 221 170 biological weapons 98 Allied Forces Southern Europe 170 Blechman, Barry 109, 215 Amnesty International 100 Bondevik, Kjell Magne 148 Andersson, Sten 182 Bosnia-Herzegovina 134 anti-ballistic missile (ABM) debate CSCE 78,79 Holst's participation 46n.9 Boyesen Report 40 Palme Commission 99 Bratteli, Trygve 26,219 Arafat, Yasser 8, 180, 181, 182 Brezhnev, Leonid 51-2, 54 Arbatov, Georgy 215 Briand, Aristide 143 Aristide, Bertrand 100 Brofoss, Erik 143-4 arms control Brundtland, Gro Harlem East-West conflict 41, 43-4, 53 European Economic Area 149 and Holst 6, 20-1, 33-6,201-2 European Union, support for 151 Arms Control and Disarmament Norwegian role in international Agency 80 affairs 3 arms race, Middle East 176 Palme Commission 215 Ashrawi, Hannan 182 Brundtland Commission 4 Association of South-East Asian Bulganin, Nikolai 48 Nations (ASEAN) 101 Bunche, Ralph 117 Atlantic Policy, Norway 143 Bush, George 98 Austria 163 Cambodia 102 Bahr, Egon 109 Canada 64 Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) Central and Eastern European 214-15,217-18 countries advocates 33-4 Associate Partner status 65-6 see also anti-ballistic missile debate EU membership 158 Baltic Fleet 160 NATO cooperation, Holst's stress Baltic states on 6

245 246 Index chemical weapons 98, 105 Holst's views 201-2 Cheney, Richard 131n.15 Norway's concerns 44 China 98 repercussions 40 Christian People's Party, Norway Council of Europe 144 148 Croatia 134 Church of Norway 145, 148 Cuban missile crisis 50, 108n.9 class consciousness, Soviet-American culture, Norway 145, 146 relationship 51 Clinton, Bill 110 Declaration of Mutual Recognition collective security 115-32 180 Columbia University, Holst's Declaration of Principles (DOP) 3, connections with 5-6,9-10,26 175, 178, 179-80, 183 Common Defence Policy, EU 68 defence policy, defining 73-4 Common Foreign and Security Policy denationalisation 154-5, 166 (CFSP) 64 Denmark future 86 EU, attitudes towards 149 Maastricht Treaty 66 Nordic Council 144 problems in developing 68 Nordic security 167-8, 169-70 results-oriented mechanisms 73 and Norway 142, 144 Soviet states 201 desertification 177 Swedish support 157, 165 Dulles, John Foster 57n.1 common security 93-108 contradictory trends l 02-4 Eastern Europe see Central and Eastern in Europe 96-7 European countries Holst's views 198 East-West relations multilateral solution to problems during the 1960s and 1970s 47-57 10~2 Holst's concerns and knowledge Palme Commission 109-12 4 principles 94-6 wisdom power of 37-46 regional security 99-100 Economic and Monetary Union unfinished agenda 104-6 (EMU), Baltic states 159 weapons of mass destruction 97-9 education, Norway 145, 146, 148-9 communitarisation of EU policies 84 Egeland, Jan 182,222 'concentric circles Europe' 87-8 Eisenhower, Dwight D. Conference on Security and nuclear weapons 38 Cooperation in Europe (CSCE, Soviet relations 48-9 earlier Organization for Security Eknes, Age 125, 126 and Cooperation in Europe) 11th Guards Army 160 Holst's observations 205-6 · 'ellipsis Europe' 88-9 Holst's work for 7, 116 emigration see migration patterns new agenda 77-80 environmental catastrophes l 03 conlidence-huilding measures, Holst's environmental concerns, Norway 5 work Estonia contextual framework 12-13 CSCE preventive missions 79 CSCE 7 reforms 159 precision of 14 Russian inhabitants 161 support 116 ethnicity l 03-4 Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Eurocorps 66, 85 common security 95,97 military integration 87 Index 247

Europe Agreements 66, 67 and EC 204 European Armament Agency 85 andNATO 204 European Community (EC, later EU) military operations 72 growth 65, 66 pragmatism 73 Holst's support for 44-5, 141-2, Friends of the Peace Process 184 204-7 Frich, Ragnar 218 Norway: application for membership Frydenlund, Knut 149-51; referendum on Holst, work with 4, 218 membership 20, 45, 144, 148 Middle East peace process 7-8, European Economic Area (EEA) 29, 181 Holst's observations 206 Norwegian role in international and Maastricht Treaty 150 affairs 3 Norwegian support 149 European integration Gaarder, Jostein 146 Atlantic community, relations within Galtung, Johan 109 62-3 Gerhardsen, Rune 147-8 Holst's belief in 6-7,45, 141 Germany and Norway 141-2; Britain and constitutional freedom 73 Germany 144-6; EC East-West conflict 38-40 application 149-51; lack of and EC 204-5 motives for joining the EU military operations 72 151-2; nation-building and Norway 144-6 147-9; political culture 142-4 unification: EU enlargement 66; European Parliament 67 NATO membership 221 European Union (EU, earlier European Gorbachev, Mikhail 96,98 Community) intermediate nuclear forces 97 Associate Partner status 65-6 Grieg, Edvard 145 Baltic nations 162 Guatemala 184-5 and Cold War challenges 63, 64 enlargement 158-9, 162-5 Haiti future 83-9 American intervention 76 Holst's support for 7, 30, 141 Aristide's return to power 100 Maastricht Treaty 66-7 Hansen, Rolf 219 Norway 141; lackofmotivesfor 'hard core Europe' 87 joining 151-2; left-wing Harvard Center for International opposition 148-9; political Affairs 33 culture 144; referendum on Hassner, Pierre 66 membership 142 Havel, Vaclav 153 role 67-9 Heiberg, Marianne 122, 123, 125, Swedish membership 157-8 126 Middle East peace process 126-7, Finland 182 EU, approaches to 149 Helsinki Final Act 82n.3 WEU, role 163 language of 15 Ford Foundation Helsinki Watch 100 grants to NUPI 125 Higgins, Rosalyn 135, 136 Holst's work 128-9 High Commissioner on National France Minorities, CSCE 78 East-West conflict 38,40 Hirschfeld, Yair 182, 183 248 Index

Holst, Johan Jorgen International Institute for Strategic arms control 33-6,81,201-2 Studies (IISS) 26 biography xvii, 213-23, 244 internationalism of Holst 9, 21-2, 23 Cold War, end of 61, 62, 63, 70, Iraq 101 153-4 irrigation 177 CSCE 77 Israel East-West conflict; power of Holst's bond 7 wisdom during 37-46; UNIFIL 122 strategic thinking 52, 53 see also Middle East peace process Europe: arms control 201-2; lsraei-PLO accord 23 continuity and change 197; Et 204-5; imperatives Jordan 178, 184 197-9; integration 83, 84, 89, Juul, Mona 182 141-2, 166; NATO 204; Nordic dimension 202-3; Kahn, Herman 213 security architecture 205-7; Kazakhstan Soviet enigma 199-201 non-nuclear status, assurance of international peacekeeping 186 105 Middle East peace process 175, nuclear weapons 200 178-9, 180, 181 Kennan, George 48-9 Nordic security 167-71 Kennedy, John F. 51 Palme Commission 4, 19, 94, 109; Khrushchev, Nikita nuclear weapons 97, 110; American-Soviet relations 49-50 United Nations 106 ousting of 51 peacekeeping, UN 115-32 Kissinger, Henry policy, politics and analysis collective security Ill 211-23 passim East-West conflict 39 profiles: Norwegian foreign policy Holst's communication with 213 3-8; Norwegian perspective Knudsen, Olav F. 125 25-30; policy-making 9-24 Kohl, Helmut publications 216--17, 224-43 Inter-Governmental Conference 66 Russia, problems with 65 Nordic Council address 146 tributes 8, 133 and Norwegian policies 146 Hudson Institute 33 Korea humanitarian aid 135 nuclear weapons 48 human rights I 00 United Nations, enforcement actions Husseini, Feisal 182 101 Kristellig Folkeparti 148 Ibsen, Henrik 145 Kuwait 96 Iceland 141 lkle, Fred 213 Labour Party, Norway 25, 26, 27, 28 immigration see migration patterns Lange, Halvard 28, 29 intelligentsia, Norway 149 languages, Norway 145, 147 intermediate nuclear forces (INF) language skills, Holst 14-15 common security 96--7 Larsen, Terje R~d 182, 222 East-West conflict 42-3 Latvia Holst's explanation of 16,17,201 CSCE preventive missions 79 International Atomic Energy Agency reforms 159 (IAEA) 105 Russian inhabitants 161 Index 249

League of Nations Norwegian policy 7-8, 29 Norway, political culture 143 NUPI' role 126-7 Swedish membership 155-6 UN's role 117 Lebanon 178 migration patterns Holst's visits 7 Norwegian 145 United Nations Interim Force in problems 103 Lebanon (UNIFIL) 119, 122, military operations, nature of 73-4 123,220 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway see also Middle East peace process 184 Lie, Haakon 181 Mitterrand, Francois Lie. Trygve 28, 29 Inter-Governmental Conference Lied Finn 218 66 Lithuania nationalism 154-5 NATO, application to joint 163 Moldova 79 Russian policies 160 morality, Holst's 17 logistics depots, UN peacekeeping Morocco 178 120--1 149 Lutheranism, Norway 145, 148 multilateral solution to problems Lutheran World Federation 184 100--2 Multinational Force (MNF), Beirut Maastricht Treaty 122 Common Foreign and Security Munch, Edvard 145 Policy 68 Mutual Balanced Force Reductions incremental rationalisation of (MBFR) 40 85-6 Mutually Assured Destruction 33 Nordic countries, impact on 150 preparation 66, 69 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict 79 ratification 67 nationalism sharp revision of 87-9 fragmentation of international MacArthur, Douglas 48 community I 03-4 Macedonia 165 Mitterand's views 154-5 Major, John 146 nation-building, Norway 147-9 Major Subordinate Command 169, nation-state, Holst's views 21 170 neutrality, Sweden 155-8 Malenkov, Georgi 38 New Norse 147 Marshall Plan 143-4 no-first-use policy 18, 189-96 Marxism-Leninism 153-4 Non-Proliferation Treaty 105 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nordic Council (MIT) 33 identity 203 McArthur Foundation 216 Kohl, Helmut 146 McNamara Doctrine 33 Norway 144 Medecins sans Frontieres 135 Nordic security 167-71 Meir. Golda 181 Nordic Standby Peacekeeping Force Menchu, Rigoberta 185 125 Middle East peace process 175-9 North Atlantic Treaty Organization Holst's interest in 7 (NATO) Holst's role 3, 10, 19,22-3,220, Cold War challenges 63-4 222; force control 21; double-track decision, Holst's language skills 14, 15 explanation of 16-17 250 Index

North Atlantic Treaty Organization security policy, Holst's study 4 (NATO) continued Norwegian Church Aid 184 East-West conflict 42 Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions enlargement 163, 164 (LO) 148 and EU 150-1 Norwegian Human Rights institute future 85 184 Holst's recognition of changes Norwegian Institute of International within 6, 204 Affairs (NUPI) Nordic security 168-70 Holst's role 3, 8, 26,213-16, 221 Norwegian involvement 29, 40, peacekeeping, contribution to 143, 150 123-7 nuclear weapons: no-first-use 'Norwegian model' 184 undertaking, Holst's support Norwegian Trade Union Centre for for 18, 189-96; public Social Science and Research opinion 20 (FAFO) Partnership for Peace (PFP), Middle East peace process 126, Russia's reaction 65 182, 183 Secretary-General job, not given to and NUPI 125 Holst 9 nuclear-free zones 96-7 security and defence roles 74-5 Nuclear Operations Plan (NOP) 190 security relationships among nuclear weapons members 65 arms race 37-8 Strategic Defense Initiative, support East-West conflict 42-3, 47-8, 50, of 28 52-3; detente 54-6 and Western European Union 69 Holst: ballistic missiles 217-18; Norway interests and concerns 6, Conventional Forces in Europe 17-19; no-first-use policy Treaty 44 189-96; Soviet Union 200, East-West conflict 40-1 214-15; technical knowledge Europe, views on 202-3 11-13 European Community: application Norway: public opinion 6; Russian 149-51; referendum on threat 5 membership 20,45 Palme Commission 96-9, 104-7, and European integration 141-2; 110 Britain and Germany 144-6; strategy, theories of 33-4 nation-building 147-9; testing 98; ban 105-6, 110 political culture 142-4 nynorsk 147 European Union: Holst's support for membership 7; lack of Office for Democratic Institutions and motives for joining 151-2 Human Rights, CSCE 78-9 foreign policy challenges 5 'Open Skies' Treaty 97 Holst's fondness for 21 Organisation for European Economic Holst's role in 25-7, 29-30 Cooperation (OEEC) 144 international affairs role in 3 Organization for Security and nuclear issues: public opinion 6; Cooperation in Europe (OSCE, Russian threat 5 earlier Conference on Security Palme Commission I 09 and Cooperation in Europe) peacekeeping role 118, 122, 124, future role, Holst's views 7 129-30, 180-6 new agenda 77-82 Index 251

Palestine and Palestinians rationalism of Holst 15-16 dialogue, Holst's recognition of Reagan, Ronald need for 7 American-Soviet relationship 55 UN Relief and Works Agency 123 common security 96; intermediate see also Middle East peace process nuclear forces (INF) 97 Palestine Liberation Organisation Holst's attack 220 (PLO) 180, 181-3, 185 Strategic Defense Initiative 18 Palme, Olof 93, 109 regional security 99-100 Pal me Commission 93-4, I 09-12 religion, Norway 145, 148 contradictory trends I 02 renationalisation 154-5, 166 Holst's role 4, 19, 94, 127-8, Rhodesia 101 215-16 Rio Conference on Environment and multilateral solution to problems Development 8 100-2 Rokkan, Stein 147, 148 principle of common security 94-5 Ruggie, John 136 regional security 99-100 Russia security in Europe 96-7 Baltic policy 159-62 unfinished agenda 104, 105-6 European integration 63, 142, 158, weapons of mass destruction 97-9 159, 164 Partnership for Peace (PFP) Holst's interest in 5, 221 limitations 76 NATO cooperation, Holst's stress Russia's reaction 65 on 6 peace enforcement and Norway 202-3 in former Yugoslavia 133-7 nuclear weapons 200 Holst's views 121 problems within 65 peacekeeping Sweden's interest in 164 in former Yugoslavia 133-7 Rwanda 103 Holst's commitment to 5, 8 Middle East see Middle East peace SACEUR 190 process St Petersburg 162 United Nations 101-2; Holst's Sanness, John 218 views and contributions Savir, Uri 180 115-23, 127-30; NUPI's Schelling, Thomas 213 contribution 123-7 Schengen group 87 Peres, Shimon 180 Schleswig-Holstein 169 Poland 163 Schmidt, Helmut 146 politics, Holst's views on 19-20 security policy, defining 73-4 Pope, visit to Norway 148 Serbia 134-5 popularity of Holst 3 Shaat, Nabil 182 population growth, problems of Sharif, Abu 182 102-3 Shelepin 51 Principal Subordinate Command Sinai 124 170-1 Single Integrated Operation Plan Programs of Cooperation (POC) (SlOP) 190 agreements 190 Slovenia 134 Pundik, Ron 183 Somalia 102, 135 Rabin, Yitzhak 181 Soviet Union see Union of Soviet RAND Corporation 33 Socialist Republics rapid reaction operations 76 Stalin, Joseph 48 252 Index standards of living, Israel 176 underdevelopment, problems 103 Stoltenberg, Thorvald Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Middle East peace process 8, 181, (USSR) 182,222 common security 95-6; nuclear Norwegian role in international weapons 97,98,99,107 affairs 3, 185 dissolution 61-2 Russia policy 5 East-West conflict 38-9, 48-52; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks detente 54-6 (SALT) 34 Helsinki Final Act 15 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Holst's views on 19, 199-201, (SALT)-11 Treaty 55,98 214; no-first -use policy 192, Strategic Arms Reduction Talks 195 (START) and Norway 202 Holst's views 20 I SS20 deployment 16, 17 implementation 105 United Kingdom Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) East-West conflict 40 53 Nordic security 170 Holst's beliefs 18,28,35-6,56 and Norway 143, 144-6 subsidies, Norway 147 United Nations (UN) Sudan 185 General Assembly, Arafat's access surveillance techniques, UN to 8 peacekeeping 121 Holst's commitment to 4, 8 sustainable development 116, 199 Kuwait, liberation 96, 101 Sweden and NATO 74-5 EU, approaches to 149, 150 Palme Commission 100, 101-2, Nordic Council 144 106, 109, 110 and Norway, political culture 142 peacekeeping 101-2; in former Palme Commission 109-10 Yugoslavia 133-7; Holst's security perspective 153-5; Baltic views and contributions states and Russia 159-62; 115-23, 127-30; NUPI's enlargement criteria 158-9, contribution 123-7 162-5 problems 70 neutrality 155-8 Swedish commitment 156 new departures 165-6 United Nations Emergency Force Syria 178 (UNEF) 124, 220 United Nations Interim Force in Tanzania 103 Lebanon (UNIFIL) terrorism, Middle East 177-8 Holst's experience with 119 Thatcher, Margaret 146 Holst's interest in 122, 123, 220 totalitarian regimes, costs 176-7 United Nations Operation in the Congo tourism, Middle East 177 (UNOC) 124 training, UN peacekeeping 119 United Nations Protection Force Truman, Harry S. 38 (UNPROFOR) 72, 135 commitment, American 73 Ukraine United Nations Relief and Works non-nuclear status, assurance of Agency(UNRWA) 123 105 United States of America nuclear weapons 200 arms control 34, 35-6 Russian policies 160 ballistic missiles 217-18 Index 253

common security 95-6; nuclear Washington Declaration ( 1994) weapons 97,98,99,107 178 East-West conflict 38-9, 40, Washington Treaty 38 48-53; detente 54, 55-6 water 177 Europe: forces in 64; integration Western European Union (WEU) 62-3; relationship 85 Cold War challenges 63-4 Haiti, intervention in 76 enlargement 163-4 Holst's interest in 5-6, 28, 219 future 83, 84-5, 86 NATO: double-track decision 16; Holst's observations 206 nuclear weapons 190, 195-6; role 69-70 and WEU 75 security and defence roles 74, Nordic security 168-9 75 and Norway 145, 146, 202; air Sweden, role 165 bases 150 Wohlstetter, Albert 213 'revolving door' system 211 women, Norway 152 Strategic Defense Initiative 28, 35-6 Ye1tsin, Boris 98 UN peacekeeping 119 Yugoslavia, war in former UNPROFOR 73 cooperation attempts in 70 Urquhart, Brian 128 CSCE 78,79 ethnic complexity 122 Valen, Henry 148 Norwegian involvement 185 Vance, Cyrus 94 peacekeeping 64, 102, 133-7 Warsaw Pact, dissolution 61 policy failures in 72