REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. To be presented to a Meeting of the Council to be held on 10th March, 1961. ————— HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 8* February, 1961. COMMITTEE: Present: His Worship the Mayor (Alderman Sheldrake, J.P.); Councillor Rees (in the Chair); Aldermen Bailey, J.P., and Gange, J.P.; Councillors Atherton, Barber, Barson, J.P., Mrs. Davies, Glanville, Harkett, Hill, Mines, Mote, O'Loughlin, C.C., and Tackley. PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS. RECOMMENDATION I: Replanning Central Harrow: " Ring " Road Pro­ posals. Your Committee are advised that the Borough Council's proposals for re- planning Central Harrow are being recommended, to the extent referred to below, by the Central Area Planning Committee to the County Planning Committee, namely, (1) That the County Council, as Local Planning Authority, approve, in principle, the declaration as a Comprehensive Development Area of the area of land bounded by: — on the west—by part of Headstone Road, between Road and Kymberley Road, on the north—Amersham Road, a line to the south of the flats in Byron Road, Byron Road itself and the southern boundary of the Methodist church, on the east—by the rear boundaries of Nos. 23/43 (inclusive) Angel Road, Greenhill Road and Havelock Place, on the south—by College Road (excluding the Abbey National Building Society building and the Heathfield School for Girls) and the rear boundaries of Nos. 1-19 (inclusive), Kymberley Road; and (2) that Roxborough Road and Hindes Road be shown as principal traffic roads in the County Development Plan at the Quinquennial Review in 1963. Your Committee feel, however, that it is vital, to ensure realisation of the Council's ultimate proposals, that those areas inside the boundaries of the pro­ posed Comprehensive Development Area required for public car parks, new highways or highway improvement, should be designated for compulsory acquisition, and recommend accordingly. It will be appreciated that those affected will have the right to object and be heard by the Minister's Inspector. It is emphasised that, if the areas proposed are so designated, the Council would be responsible for rehousing displaced tenants, and owners would be properly compensated. The interests of all persons affected should thus be safeguarded to the fullest extent of the law. The recommendation of the Central Middlesex Area Planning Committee, that Roxborough Road and Hindes Road be shown as principal traffic roads in the County Development Plan at the Quinquennial Review in 1963, implies that the " Ring " Road part of the Council's proposals would be dealt with separately from the Comprehensive Development Area. Your Committee, however, adhere to the view that the " Ring " Road proposals should proceed immediately (and, if necessary, irrespective of the Central Harrow Redevelop­ ment proposals), and for this reason, recommend that the " Ring " Road pro­ posals should go forward at the same time as the proposals for defining the Comprehensive Development Area. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1310 Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council hereby agree (a) to recommend to the Middlesex County Council, as Local Planning Authority, that those areas inside the boundaries of the proposed Comprehensive Development Area required for public car parks, new highways or highway improvement, be designated for compulsory acquisition; and (b) to urge the County Council that, in view of the Borough Council's desire to proceed with their " Ring" Road proposals now, an appropriate amendment be made forthwith in the County Development Plan, so as to provide that Roxborough Road and Hindes Road shall be shown therein as principal traffic roads, all as referred to in the report of the Highways and Cleansing Committee of 8th February, 1961; and that the Town Clerk be authorised to give effect to this resolution. (Note: Councillor O'Loughlin, C.C., voted against that part of the above recommendation urging the Middlesex County Council to make an appropriate amendment in the County Development Plan to enable the Borough Council to proceed with their " Ring " Road proposals now.} RECOMMENDATION II: Proposed Improvement of Headstone Lane, from Railway Station to Pinner Road, Headstone Ward. The Minister of Transport has approved the principle of these improvement works and your Committee have now considered tenders, received in response to public advertisement, for carrying out the work, and recommend acceptance of the lowest received. To the amount of the recommended tender should be added £900 for the salary of a Clerk of Works. Provision for the expenditure has been made in your Committee's Capital Estimates for 1961/62, the method of meeting the expenditure being a matter for the Finance Committee. Your Committee add that, although in 1957 a provisional figure of £21,500 was estimated for the work, when the detailed scheme was recently prepared, an examination of the concrete carriageway revealed defects in many places, necessitating complete reconstruction of approximately 60%. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council hereby (a) accept the fixed price tender of A. H. Nicholls & Sons, Ltd., of Bridge Road, Wood Green, N.22, amounting to £64,734 12s. 8d. (being the lowest received), for the improvements at Head­ stone Lane, from the railway station to Pinner Road; and (b) approve the additional expenditure, amounting to £900, for the salary of a Clerk of Works, as detailed in the report of the Highways and Cleansing Committee of 8th February, 1961; and that the Town Clerk be authorised to prepare and seal a Contract accordingly. (Note: The Finance Committee recommend that this expenditure be met by loan.} RECOMMENDATION III: Financial Year, 1960/61: Overspending: Supple­ mentary Estimates. In connection with consideration of their revised Revenue Estimates for 1960/61, your Committee have been informed that supplementary estimates are necessary in respect of the items detailed hereunder, and submit the follow­ ing recommendation. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council hereby approve supplementary estimates in respect of overspendings on the following items in the Estimates of the Highways and Cleansing Committee for the Financial Year, 1960/61: — 1311 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING Particulars Supplementary Estimate Required Refuse Collection: £ & Wages, Superannuation and National Insurance ...... 875 Sale of Paper, Scrap Iron, etc. Cr. 2,000 Borough of Uxbridge—Tipping 405 RECOMMENDATION IV: Annual Contracts, 1961/62. Your Committee have considered, and are in agreement with, recommenda­ tion 7 of the report (23rd January, 1961) of their Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee (set out in appendix I to this report), as to the acceptance of tenders for the supply and delivery of materials, and for the execution of works, for the year ending 31st March, 1962, and submit the following recommendation. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That, pursuant, where necessary, to Standing Order 31 (7) in regard to acceptance of other than the lowest tender, the Council hereby accept the tenders (which include those other than the lowest) for the supply and delivery of materials, and for carrying out the works stated, for the year ending 31st March, 1962, all as detailed in the report of the Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee of 23rd January, 1961, all tenders being subject to the conditions in the General Conditions of Contract and Specifica­ tion; and that the Town Clerk be authorised to prepare and seal contracts and all other documents. RECOMMENDATION V: Improvements to District Roads. Your Committee have considered, and are in agreement with, recommenda­ tion 8 of the report (23rd January, 1961) of their Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee (set out in appendix T to this report), as to improve­ ment works in Barrow Point Avenue, Pinner. The following recommendation is submitted, pursuant to Financial Regulation 14. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council hereby agree to carry out, under their annual contracts and/or by direct labour, improvement work in Barrow Point Avenue, Pinner, at an estimated cost of £1,073, as detailed in the report of the Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee of 23rd January, 1961. PART H.—MINUTES. 2862. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Com­ mittee held on 21st December, 1960, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a true record. 2863. Reports of the Town Clerk: RESOLVED : That the Committee receive the Town Clerk's written reports (3rd and 8th February, 1961). 2864. Public Convenience at Rayners Lane, Roxbourne Ward: Proximity to Rayners Lane Special School: The Town Clerk submitted letter (24th January, 1961) from the Harrow Society for Mentally Handicapped Children, calling attention to the great concern of many parents of mentally handi- HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1312 capped children attending the Rayners Lane Special School, as to the hygiene and health of the children once the Public Convenience, now in the conclud­ ing stages of construction, is opened for public use, and making the point that the new Convenience is 8 feet from the main classroom windows of the school. Further, that representations had already been made by the Society to Middlesex County Council to expedite the removal of this school to a more suitable place, but from a letter received from the Chairman of the County Council (which the Town Clerk submitted) it would seem that some months must elapse before this could be done. In the meantime, the Society appealed to the Borough Council (a) to defer the opening of the new Convenience until the school has been moved from the adjacent site, and (b) to take any and every possible action to expedite the removal of the school as planned by the County Council. The Town Clerk also submitted letter (2nd January, 1961) addressed by a parent of a pupil at the special school to his Worship the Mayor, calling attention to the proximity of the Public Convenience to the school and suggesting that the Convenience be not opened until a new school is built for these children. Having considered this matter very carefully, and being mindful of the Council's efforts, over many years, to provide a much needed Public Con­ venience in the Rayners Lane shopping area, and of the fact that the site of the Convenience had been decided upon (and made known by way of public advertisement in the local Press, etc.) before the adjacent assembly hall building came into use as a Special School, it was RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be asked (1) to inform the Harrow Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and the above-mentioned parent (a) that the Committee regret they are unable to see their way to post­ pone the opening of the new Public Convenience at Rayners Lane; and (b) that, although it is felt that such a fence would obstruct light to the school, the Committee are prepared, if desired, to provide a suitable fence between the school and the Public Convenience; and (2) to urge Middlesex County Council to arrange for the removal of the Special School to new premises at the earliest possible date.

2865. Private Street Works: Northfield Avenue, Pinner North and Hatch End Ward: The Town Clerk recalled that on 12th October, 1960 (resolu­ tion 2716), the Committee's representatives, having inspected the site of the Council's private street works proposals in Northfield Avenue, Pinner, had recommended (1) that Northfield Avenue be made up under the Private Street Works Code for its full width from Gilbert Road to the Southern boundary of " Revesby," and with one footpath only on the east side of the carriageway from that point to its junction with Cuckoo Hill Road; and (2) that negotiations be opened for the acquisition from the West End Lawn Tennis Club of the land which will eventually be required for making up Northfield Avenue to its full width, from the southern boundary of " Revesby " to its junction with Cuckoo Hill Road, with a view to the land (which comprises part of the site of two tennis courts) being let to the Club at a nominal rent until it is actually required for road improvement. Also that the Committee had approved and adopted the above recommendations of their representatives. The Town Clerk submitted letter (20th December, 1960) from West End Lawn Tennis Club's Solicitors, that they consider that the Council are well 1313 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

able to carry out their scheme without acquiring any of the land forming part of their client's premises, if the footpath is provided immediately outside their client's present boundary. The Solicitors added that this proposal would not interfere with the required width of carriageway, nor even with the provision of greensward in the future, except possibly at the comer immediately outside " Revesby," but that there would still be ample width at this point for a footway. Having also considered the report of the Borough Engineer in the matter, it was RESOLVED: That the Committee's representatives (the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, with Alderman Gange, J.P., and Councillor Hines), and the officers, be asked to inspect again the site of the Council's private street works proposals in Northfield Avenue, Pinner, and, if satisfied that the Council's proposals can be carried out in accordance with the Club's Solicitors' suggestion, the Committee's representatives be hereby empowered to approve the suggested revised proposals, and that the Town Clerk be authorised so to inform the Solicitors.

2866. London Transport Services: The Town Clerk recalled that, by resolu­ tion 2761 (16th November, 1960), he had been asked to inform the Ministry of Transport and the Town Clerk of Uxbridge that the Harrow Council would support the Uxbridge Council in urging the holding of an Inquiry (but not a Public Inquiry), under the aegis of the Ministry, into the re- allocation of all London Transport services (bus, underground and railways). The Town Qerk submitted letter (16th December, 1960) from the Ministry of Transport in reply, noting the Council's views on the holding of an Inquiry into London Transport services. The Minister pointed out (as was known to the Committee) that, although he has a general responsibility for transport, the British Transport Commission is itself responsible for the day to day running of all public transport services in the London Area. The L.T.E., as part of the Commission, is responsible for the day to day management of all bus and underground services under the Transport Acts of 1947 and 1953. One difficulty which has been facing London Transport is the serious short­ age of bus crews, making it impossible to maintain all their normal road passenger services. The Executive are very concerned about this situation and are hoping that the recent wage settlement will enable them to attract and retain sufficient staff. The letter added that the Minister considers it only reasonable to allow London Transport to see how matters work out, rather than to start any form of Inquiry at this stage. The Town Clerk also submitted letter (18th January, 1961) from the Town Clerk of Uxbridge, enclosing a copy of the Ministry's reply (in similar terms to that set out above) to his letter of 26th October, 1960, and a copy of a further letter which he had written to the Ministry in this matter, and stating that the Member of Parliament for Uxbridge was being asked to lend his support to the Uxbridge Council's representations. Also that the Town Clerk of Uxbridge had been instructed to suggest that the Harrow Council might consider inviting their local Members of Parliament to take similar action. The further letter addressed by the Town Clerk of Uxbridge to the Ministry of Transport stated that, while the Uxbridge Council accept that the L.T.E. have their difficulties in operating their services, it is for the very reason that they have failed to overcome these difficulties that the Uxbridge Council maintain that only by the holding of a full Public Inquiry (initiated by the Minister), will the defects be pin-pointed and real solutions emerge HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1314 The Uxbridge Council therefore urged the Minister that he should, without any further delay, take steps to arrange for the fullest possible Public Inquiry covering all aspects of the London Transport Executive's bus services, with a view to securing early and lasting improvements in those services. Further, that the Town Clerk of Uxbridge had also been instructed to bring the matter to the notice of the Member of Parliament for Uxbridge and to ask him to lend his support to these representations, and also to request the other Local Authorities in the area of the Outer London Standing Joint Committee to invite their Members of Parliament to do the same. The Town Clerk also submitted letter (26th January, 1961) from the Middlesex County Clerk, stating that, like other Local Authorities in the Greater London area, his Council had been concerned for some time about the unsatisfactory state of the passenger transport facilities provided by the L.T.E., particularly their bus and trolley-bus services. The County Council consider that London Transport's primary difficulty in providing adequate and regular road services is lack of staff, due to their inability to compete with industry and commerce in attracting staff, since their financial position prevents their offering wages and conditions comparable with those now current in the industrial and commercial fields. Also, that the County Council consider that, despite the increased use of private transport, there will always be a large number of people who will need public transport, and adequate facilities for them must be provided as a public service, regardless of economies. The County Council had therefore resolved that the Minister of Transport should be urged to appoint a Committee of Inquiry to in­ vestigate the conduct of the Undertaking carried on by the L.T.E., with a view to ascertaining what practical measures can be taken by the British Transport Commission and the Executive in order to secure greater efficiency and economy. The County Council also resolved that the Minister should be informed that they are of the opinion that all services essential to the travelling public should be provided, notwithstanding that some individual services may be considered unremunerative. RESOLVED : That the Committee hereby express themselves in favour of the appointment of a Committee of Inquiry, as urged by the Middlesex County Council, and reiterate their view that any such Inquiry should be with the object of obtaining the fullest possible use of all existing London Transport services by a reallocation of such services; and that the Town Clerk be asked to bring this point of view to the attention of the three Members of Parliament for Harrow, and to inform the Town Clerk of Uxbridge accordingly.

2867. The Institution of Municipal Engineers: Annual Conference: RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the Committee for 1961/62 and the Borough Engineer be hereby appointed to attend the Annual Conference of the Institution of Municipal Engineers, to be held at Brighton from 14th to 17th June, 1961, inclusive; and that the Town Clerk be asked to arrange accordingly.

2868. Institute of Works and Highways Superintendents: Annual Con­ ference: RESOLVED: That the Highways Superintendent be hereby appointed to attend the Annual Conference of the Institute of Works and Highways Superintendents, to be held at Lytham St. Annes on 6th, 7th and 8th September, 1961; and that the Town Clerk be asked to arrange accord­ ingly. & 1315 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

2869. West Middlesex Main Drainage: Reception of Sewage from the Villages of Wraysbury and Horton: The Town Clerk submitted letter (24th January, 1961) from the Middlesex County Clerk, recalling that an Agreement had been completed in 1951, in respect of the discharge of sewage from the villages of Wraysbury and Horton, in the Eton Rural District, into the sewers of the Staines Urban District Council, and that the Rural District Council had, however, been unable, because of lack of sewers in their area, to implement the Agreement. In order to alleviate the nuisance arising from tipping the contents of cesspools from properties in the two villages into open " lagoons," the Rural District Council propose to con­ struct a sewer from a convenient disposal point in Wraysbury to connect to the sewers now available in Staines. The Rural District Council have requested that, for a period of six years, a Supplemental Agreement should be entered into to give effect to this temporary arrangement. The terms of the Supplemental Agreement had been settled, and in order to comply with section 74 (3) of the Middlesex County Council Act, 1944, the County Clerk had forwarded two copies of the proposed Agreement for consideration, and he would be glad to learn that Harrow have no objections to the proposed terms. The Borough Engineer reported that he saw no objection. RESOLVED : That the Town Clerk be asked to inform the County Clerk that the Council see no objections to the proposed terms. 2870. Car Park at Stanmore Station, Stanmore North Ward: The Town Clerk recalled that, having adopted the recommendation (4th November, 1960) of their Technical Sub-Committee herein, the main Committee had asked him to communicate with the L.T.E. on the lines indicated by the Sub-Committee, on the questions of (a) the understanding in regard to the land at the corner of London Road and Merrion Avenue; and (b) the lower level car park adjoining Stanmore Station. The Town Clerk submitted letter (3rd January, 1961) from the L.T.E., replying that, so far as the said land is concerned, it is true that at the site meeting on 27th July, 1957, the Borough representatives asked that it should be made available to the Council for public parking purposes. On 28th October, 1957, however, the Executive wrote to the Council to the effect that, after consideration of their proposal, the Executive regretted that they could not accept it. The Executive reiterated this decision on 24th February, 1958, and informed the Council that the Executive intended developing this land as an addition to its own station car park facilities, and this was duly done later in 1958. The Executive also referred to the Council's statement that they had been informed that the lower level car park has been reduced since 1958 in size by the provision of additional railway tracks, and that it would be still further reduced if other Executive schemes affected the site. The Executive reaffirm that there has been no reduction in the extent of the Stanmore Station car park since 1958, nor have they any schemes at present in hand, or under consideration, which would reduce the car park capacity They make the point that Stanmore Station car park is one of the few on the London Transport system where the available capacity is still not fully used. Against a total capacity of 350 cars, the average weekday user is under 250. RESOLVED: (1) That the Town Clerk be requested to ask the L.T.E. (a) for an assurance that the proposals to extend the underground railway through to Camberwell will not result in the loss of the lower level car park at Stanmore Station; and H HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1316 (b) in view of the problems arising from the parking of cars which still takes place in streets in the vicinity of Stanmore Station, whether the Executive will now take action to provide a direct access to the car park from the Station platform. (2) That copies of this correspondence be sent to the Ministry of Transport, with a view to the Ministry giving consideration to the retention of the exist­ ing car park at Merrion Avenue, operated either by the L.T.E. as at present, or on lease to the Council for a similar purpose. 2871. Bus Facilities in Harrow: The Town Clerk recalled that, by resolution 2766 (16th November, 1960), the Committee had asked the Education (Man­ agement) Sub-Committee to reconsider their decision, and had urged them to renew their representations to Middlesex County Council on the question of the provision of private transport for pupils of Grammar Schools in the Borough. The Town Clerk submitted, for the Committee's information, letter (21st December, 1960) from the Borough Education Officer, stating that, on 7th December, 1960, the (Management) Sub-Committee had resolved that, not­ withstanding their previous resolution in the matter, the County Council be recommended to give further consideration to the provision of private transport in respect of certain Grammar Schools; and that the Borough Education Officer was, therefore, writing to the Chief Education Officer accordingly. RESOLVED : That the letter be received. 2872. Suggested Children's Traffic Park: The Town Clerk recalled that, by resolution 2822 (21st December, 1960), the Borough Engineer had been asked to report to the Committee upon the possibility of implementing a suggestion to establish a Children's Traffic Park, and the Committee had, in the meantime, invited the Open Spaces Committee, if it were decided to proceed with the proposal, to consider whether they have any land which could be made available. The Town Clerk reported that the Open Spaces Committee had resolved on 10th January, 1961, to inform the Highways and Cleansing Committee that they are prepared to consider making a site available; and that con­ sideration of this matter be deferred for a further report by the Borough Engineer upon possible sites under the control of that Committee, which might be recommended to the Highways and Cleansing Committee as suit­ able for a Traffic Park. The Town Clerk submitted letter (26th January, 1961) from the Borough Education Officer, stating that the Sites and Building Sub-Committee had further considered on 17th January, 1961, the request of the Headmaster of the Lascelles Secondary Modern School for Boys, to introduce after school hours activity in motor-car maintenance and practice driving for sixth year pupils, particularly with regard to the possibility of finding a suitable site for use in connection therewith. The Sub-Committee resolved that the matter be referred to the Open Spaces and Highways and Cleansing Com­ mittees, for their views as to the possibility of incorporating courses for motor car maintenance and driving courses for senior pupils in the proposed site for a traffic park. RESOLVED : That the Committee (a) receive the Town Clerk's report; and (b) agree to defer consideration of the said letter from the Borough Educa­ tion Officer, pending consideration of the Borough Engineer's report on the possibility of establishing a Children's Traffic Park; and that the Borough Education Officer be informed accordingly, and also that the Committee 1317 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

will consider what action can be taken in connection with motor car main­ tenance and practice driving for sixth year pupils when the Councils Advanced Driving Scheme for Motorists has proceeded further. 2873. Concrete Public Transport Shelters: The Town Clerk recalled that, by resolution 2821 (21st December, 1960), the Committee had decided that, in view of the lengthy and careful consideration which had been given to the matter, including negotiations with the contractor/suppliers of the shelters, the Planning Committee be asked favourably to reconsider the proposal to remove the public transport shelter from Bridge Street, Pinner, to Uxbridge Road opposite Hatch End railway station. The Town Clerk reported that the Planning Committee had resolved on llth January, 1961. to inform the Highways and Cleansing Committee that they are opposed, on amenity grounds, to the proposal to site a concrete bus shelter in Uxbridge Road opposite Hatch End railway station, and suggested to the Highways and Cleansing Committee that a more suitable site should be found. RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the Town Clerk's report; and that their Chairman (Councillor Rees) be authorised to discuss this matter with the Chairman of the Planning Committee. 2874. Car Parking in Whitehall Road and Lansdowne Road, Harrow-on-the- Hill and Greenhill Ward: Suggested Use as Temporary Car Park of Part of Grove Fields: The Town Clerk recalled that, by resolution 2837 (21st December, I960), the Committee had agreed to enquire of the General Purposes Committee as to the possibility of using, as a temporary car park, part of Grove Fields behind the former air-raid shelters. The Town Clerk reported that the General Purposes Committee had decided, on 12th January, 1961, to inform the Highways and Cleansing Committee that they apprehend that the use of the land as car park would result merely in the attraction of more cars in the neighbourhood of Harrow- on-the-Hill Station, thus adding to the present problem; and that it would be inadvisable to grant permission. RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the Town Clerk's report; and that the Borough Engineer be asked to investigate the possibility of additional car parking space being provided behind the new Post Office in College Road, Harrow. 2875. Accident Notice Boards: The Town Clerk recalled that, arising out of consideration of complaints received as to the siting of the accident notice board in The Broadway, Stanmore, the Committee decided on 3Qth December, 1959 (resolution 2394), that the views of the Harrow Road Safety Council be sought upon the question of whether the accident notice boards erected at various places in the Borough had now fulfilled their purpose and could be removed. Also that, having adopted the recommendation of the Harrow Road Safety Council in the matter, the Committee, by resolution 2413 (g) (10th February, 1960) had agreed to retain the accident notice boards in the Borough for a further period of one year and to review this question again in January, 1961. The Chairman (Councillor Rees) reported that, pursuant to resolution 2854 (21st December, I960), Councillor Hines and he had discussed on the site the question of the accident notice board in The Broadway, Stanmore- but that it had not been found possible to find a more suitable site for this board which could be recommended to the Committee. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1318 RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree (a) that no further action be taken on the proposal to re-site the accident notice board in The Broadway, Stanmore; and (6) to review in 12 months' time the question of the 12 accident notice boards in the Borough.

2876. Car Parking in Mount Park Avenue, Harrow-on-the-Hill and Greenhill Ward: RESOLVED: That this matter be referred to the Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee for consideration and report.

2877. Street Naming in Conjunction with Housing Redevelopment: The Town Clerk reported that the Housing Committee on 5th January, 1961, were informed by the Borough Engineer that road works, in conjunction with the erection of four-storey blocks of flats, would link up Swift Close and Dickens Close, and that it would be advantageous to give one name to the whole length of the existing two Closes, in which the 52 dwellings would be numbered. Further, that the Housing Committee had decided to suggest to the Highways and Cleansing Committee that the name Swift Close be re­ tained for the new road above-mentioned, and the name Dickens Close accordingly discontinued. The Borough Engineer reported that the new dwellings would be allocated appropriate street numbers. RESOLVED: That, pursuant to section 18 of the Public Health Act, 1925, the name of the street at present known as " Dickens Close " be altered to " Swift Close "; that the Town Clerk be authorised to proceed accordingly; and that the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to comply with the relevant statutory requirements as to the affixing of the name of such street in conspicuous positions in, or near, the same.

2878. Replanning Central Harrow: "Ring" Road Proposals: The Town Clerk reported that the Special Committee for Replanning Central and other parts of Harrow had received, and had passed to this Committee for con­ sideration, (a) a letter (2nd January, 1961) from agents for the freeholder of a property in Harrow View, expressing their client's desire to sell, and enquiring whether the Council is prepared to negotiate for the purchase of the property; and (b) an enquiry from the owner of a property in Angel Road, Harrow, as to whether the Council would be prepared to acquire her freehold interest. The Town Clerk also reported that the Redevelopment Committee wished to inform this Committee that they have it in mind to arrange a public meet­ ing (probably at the Boys' County Grammar School, Gayton Road, Harrow) to explain the Central area proposals further. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby (d) agree to negotiate for the acquisition of the said properties in Harrow View and Angel Road, and that the Town Clerk be requested to obtain the District Valuer's report; and (b) appoint their Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Alderman Gange, J.P., as their representatives at the public meeting.

2879. Harrow Road Safety Council: Proposed Sub-Committees: The Town Clerk recalled that, by resolution 2717 (12th October, 1960), he had been asked to communicate with all local organisations in the Borough, enquir­ ing whether, if a Road Safety Sub-Committee were set up in each of three 1319 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

areas covering the Borough (corresponding to the three Parliamentary Constituencies), the organisations in each area would undertake to be responsible for setting up, organising and running, on a purely voluntary basis, the Sub-Committee for their area, on the understanding that each Sub-Committee would nominate one representative to serve upon the Harrow Road Safety Council. Also that, by resolution 2808 (21st December, I960), he had been asked to report further upon this matter to the Committee at this meeting. The Town Clerk submitted details of the response, to date, to the Councils letter from various organisations in the Borough, divided into their appropriate constituencies, showing that, over the three Constituencies, a total of 49 organisations had expressed their willingness to participate in the proposal, 13 were unable to participate and 3 had promised to write further. In addition, letters had been received from 4 organisations whose activities cover the whole of the Borough, intimating that they are unable to participate in the scheme, and 2 further organisations covering the whole of the Borough had promised to write again. RESOLVED: (1) That the Committee hereby (a) approve the principle of the setting up, on a purely voluntary basis on the lines mentioned above, of a Road Safety Sub-Committee in each of 3 areas covering the Borough; (b) authorise their Chairman to call a meeting of all the organisations who have so far indicated their willingness to participate in the proposal, with the object of setting up the proposed Sub-Committees; and (c) agree that £100 be provided in their estimates for 1961/62 to meet expenditure incurred by the Sub-Committees, if set up, in hiring suitable accommodation for meetings, purchase of stationery, postage, etc., (2) That the Town Clerk and Borough Treasurer be authorised to do all things necessary to this end.

2880. Suggested Erection of Direction Sign: The Town Clerk submitted letter (1st February, 1961) from Councillor Matthews, enquiring, on behalf of the Parish Priest, as to the possibility of permission being granted to the erection of a sign on the street lighting column in Marsh Lane, Stanmore, facing Du Cros Drive, directing to the new Roman Catholic Church in Du Cros Drive. Having in mind the Committee's policy that, as a general rule, no more signs be permitted on street lighting columns, and that the Church is well- known in the locality, it was RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be asked to inform Councillor Matthews that the Committee regret they are unable to see their way to grant permission for the erection of the above-mentioned direction sign.

2881. Du Cros Drive (Part), Stanmore North Ward: Urgent Repairs to Private Street: The Chairman reported dangerous conditions in the un­ made section of Du Cros Drive, attributable to the lack of a footway; and that the road was used by many school children. RESOLVED : That the Committee hereby agree that, pursuant to section 256 of the Middlesex County Council Act, 1944, a temporary footway be provided in the unmade section of Du Cros Drive, Stanmore, at a cost not exceeding £100; and that the Borough Engineer be authorised to take all necessary action accordingly. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1320 2882. Unauthorised Attendance of Newspaper Reporter at a Meeting of the Harrow Road Safety Council: Having considered the matter of the un­ authorised attendance of a reporter of the Harrow Post at the meeting of the Harrow Road Safety Council on 20th January, 1961, and the subsequent publication in that newspaper of matters discussed at that meeting, the Committee RESOLVED : That the Town Clerk be asked to inform the Editors of the Harrow Post and the Harrow Observer that the question of admission of the Press to meetings of the Harrow Road Safety Council is under discussion; and that, meanwhile, the Press should not send representatives to meetings of the Road Safety Council unless they have been given permission so to do.

2883. Traffic Difficulties at the Junction of Spur Road and Edgware Way: The Town Clerk recalled that, having adopted the recommendation (4th November, 1960) of their Technical and Public Utilities Sub-Committee, the main Committee had agreed that endeavours be made to arrange a meeting with representatives of the Hendon Borough Council on the problem of traffic conditions at the junction of Spur Road and Edgware Way, and appointed Councillors Hines, Mote and Rees as their representatives at the proposed meeting. The Town Clerk submitted letter (7th February, 1961) from the Town Clerk of Hendon, giving the names of the representatives appointed by his Council to discuss this matter with the Harrow represent­ atives, and stating that his Council's representatives would be available for an evening meeting at the Hendon Town Hall on either 6th or 9th March, 1961. The Town Clerk also recalled that, by resolution 2806 (21st December, 1960), the Committee had asked him to bring to the attention of the London Accident Prevention Council of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, the Committee's concern about existing traffic conditions at the junction of Spur Road and Edgware Way. The Town Clerk also submitted letter (3rd February, 1961) from the London Accident Prevention Council, stating that they had approached the Ministry of Transport, who are, with the police, most concerned about conditions at the junction. Further that, with reference to the Harrow Council's proposal for resiting further north the Clearway and the 40 m.p.h. speed limit signs, the Ministry have pointed out that, while the Hendon Council was prepared to support the resiting of the former, they do not support the speed limit sign proposal., The Ministry have examined the matter, but feel it would be better to leave both signs in their present positions. The letter added that the Ministry are, however, concerned about the problem at the junction, and that the London Traffic Management Unit is at present investigating the matter, with a view to ascertaining what action can be taken to bring about an improvement in existing conditions. RESOLVED: That the letters be received; and that the Town Clerk be asked to arrange a meeting with representatives of the Hendon Borough Council for 9th March, 1961, but to inform the Town Clerk of Hendon that this Committee feel it would be more advantageous to meet, as early as possible in the evening, on the site at the junction of Spur Road and Edgware Way, rather than at Hendon Town Hall.

2884. Report of the Borough Engineer: RESOLVED : That the Committee receive the Borough Engineer's written report (8th February, 1961). 1321 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

2885. Land Behind Uxbridge Road, Pinner North and Hatch End Ward: Proposed Public Car Park: Resolution 2849 (21st December, I960): ine Borough Engineer having reported upon the progress of his negotiations tor the acquisition of the above-mentioned land, and having also received a report by Councillor Mote in the matter, the Committee RESOLVED: That the Borough Engineer be asked to continue his negotiations in this matter, in consultation with Councillor Mote, and to report back. 2886. Manual Employee: Extension of Service: The Borough Engineer re­ ported that the employee named below is capable of carrying out his duties efficiently, and that, having regard to the continued shortage of suitable labour, he recommended that his service be extended for twelve months from the date last-mentioned below: — No. Name Designation Date due to retire and age H.482 Knight, C. F. Handyman (Blacksmith) 29th March, 1961, at age 65. RESOLVED: That the Establishment Committee be recommended to agree to an extension of service accordingly. 2887. Proposed Dedication of Land and Removal of Tree: College Hill Road, Harrow Weald Ward: The Borough Engineer reported a request from the owner of 24, College Hill Road, for the removal of the tree outside her property; that this tree is not in the highway, but that the owner had offered a free dedication to the Council of the strip of land on which the tree stands, subject to the Council removing the tree and hedge. The Borough Engineer also reported that the tree is reasonably sound, but had been heavily lopped and now of little amenity value; that there was some risk of damage by root action to the surface water sewer and footway forming part of the present contract works; and he suggested that the offer of dedica­ tion be accepted on the terms proposed. RESOLVED : That the Committee hereby agree to accept, upon the terms and conditions referred to, a free dedication of the land in College Hill Road, Harrow Weald; that the Town Clerk be authorised to prepare and seal documents; and that the Borough Engineer be authorised to remove, at the appropriate time, the tree and hedge.

2888. (a) Proposed Improvement at the Junction of Wemborough Road and Weston Drive, Belmont Ward: and (b) Other Minor Resurfacing Works: The Borough Engineer reported that, pursuant to resolution 2843 (21st December, 1960), tenders had been invited from specialist firms for the improvement and minor resurfacing works in asphalt on County Roads, and that the Chairman had accepted the lowest tender received, viz., that of the Limmer and Trinidad Lake Asphalt Co. Ltd., amounting to £4,108 5s. 5d. RESOLVED : That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the action of their Chairman.

2889. Highways Act, 1959: Advance Payments Code: The Borough Engineer submitted, for ratification by the Committee of the sums specified therein, details of notices served by him on 17th and 29th December 1960 under section 193 (1) of the Highways Act, 1959. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1322 RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve the details, now sub­ mitted, showing the sums specified in notices served by the Borough Engineer under section 193 (1) of the Highways Act, 1959, on 17th and 29th December, 1960, requiring the deposit of, or security in respect of, road charges.

2890. Proposed Building over Public Sewer: Beverley Drive and Calder Gardens, Wembley: The Borough Engineer reported that the Wembley Borough Council had received notice of intention to build on vacant land in Beverley Drive and Calder Gardens, near Queensbury Station; that the plans showed that one three-storey block of 12 maisonettes and a row of lock-up garages are to be sited over the route of the Harrow Council's 15- inch main outfall sewer from Edgware; and that it was estimated that the depth of the sewer at this point is approximately 20 feet and that it is probably nearly 70 years old. The Borough Engineer felt that permission could be given, pursuant to section 25 of the Public Health Act, 1936, on the understanding that the developer enters into the usual Agreement re reasonable access, and that the developer and his successors meet the extra cost of maintenance, or repairs, incurred as a result of the buildings being over the sewer, and also in­ demnify the Council against any legal liability. RESOLVED : That, subject to the developer entering into a formal Agree­ ment with the Council on the lines mentioned above, the Committee hereby consent to the building of the above-mentioned buildings over the Council's sewer referred to; and that the Town Clerk be authorised to prepare and seal an Agreement accordingly.

2891. Council's Public Car Park at Station Road: Harrow-on-the-Hill and Greenhill Ward: Proposed Extension: Further to resolution 2763 (16th November, 1960), the Borough Engineer reported that 2 properties in Green- hill Crescent, at present unoccupied, are neither adjacent to the Car Park nor within the limits for extension agreed by the Committee., RESOLVED : That the Committee hereby agree that no further action be taken in connection with the proposed acquisition of the said 2 properties.

2892. Proposed Illuminated Soft Drink Vending Machine: Junction of Harrow View and Headstone Gardens, Headstone Ward: The Borough Engineer reported receipt of an application for permission to install a soft drink vending machine outside 1, The Quadrant, Headstone Gardens; and that the site of the proposed machine had been dedicated to the public as part of the highway in 1938. RESOLVED : That the Borough Engineer be asked to inform the applicants that the Committee are unable to accede to their request.

2893. Street Naming: RESOLVED: That, pursuant to a request received and to section 17 of the Public Health Act, 1925, the proposed new road off Marlborough Hill, Wealdstone South Ward, be named " Badminton Close " otJ S1 uwn °n the plan now submitted by the Borough Engineer and dated Stn February, 1961); and that the Borough Engineer be instructed to comply with statutory requirements as to affixing name plates or notices in con­ spicuous positions, in or near the street 1323 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

2894. Maintenance of Weighbridge: The Borough Engineer reported that, under an Agreement of 4th July, 1951, Ashworth Ross & Co. Ltd. maintain the Council's weighbridge at Rayners Lane, South Harrow, for ±,6 per quarter, agreed with effect from 1st July, 1955, and subject to alteration in the event of the standard rate of wages being either increased or deceased. Further, that the company had written that National Awards had been granted to the Unions of the Engineering Industry in March 1956, May 1957, and October 1958; Holidays with Pay increased in 1959; and the work­ ing week reduced to 42 hours in March 1960, thereby increasing then: costs, and asking the Council to agree to the maintenance charge being increased to £7 10s. per quarter, with effect from 1st February, 1961. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree to the charge for the maintenance of the Council's weighbridge at Rayners Lane, South Harrow, being increased as from 1st February, 1961, to £7 10s. per quarter, and that the Town Clerk be authorised to prepare and seal an endorsement to the Agreement with Ashworth Ross & Co. Ltd.

2895. Suggested Re-Siting of Pedestrian Crossing: Uxbridge Road, Pinner North and Hatch End Ward: The Borough Engineer reported that a Member of the Council had suggested that the pedestrian crossing in Uxbridge Road, at its junction with Elm Park Road and Pinner Hill Road, should be re-sited, as it tends to cause confusion to motorists, especially those emerging from Elm Park Road and turning left to proceed towards Road, in that the crossing is too near the junction. The crossing had been kept under observation and the Borough Engineer suggested that conditions could be improved by re-siting it in a westerly direction. The Borough Engineer also having reported that the re-siting of the cross­ ing would involve a slight widening of Uxbridge Road at the point in question, and the total estimated cost involved, it was RESOLVED : That the Committee hereby agree to defer consideration of the matter for 6 months,

2896. Silverston Way, Stanmore North Ward: Suggested Temporary Re­ pairs to Private Street: The Borough Engineer reported complaints alleging a dangerous state of the footways in this private street; and that it would be possible to re-lay the existing paving on a new foundation, where re­ quired, at an estimated cost of £95. After full consideration, it was RESOLVED : That the Committee hereby agree that no action be taken to carry out temporary repairs to the said private street.

2897. (a) Private Street Works: Accommodation Road Behind 1/9, Broad­ way Parade and 33/49 Station Road, North Harrow, Pinner South Ward- end (b) Land at the Rear of 30/38, Cambridge Road, Pinner South Ward: Proposed Public Car Park: Proposed Access and Egress Roads: (a) The Borough Engineer reported that, having adopted the recommendation (30th September, 1960) of their (General) Sub-Committee, the main Committee agreed to give further consideration in three months' time, to the question of making up this accommodation road. A meeting had been held at the Town Clerk's Office on 14th November, 1960, at which the objections of 7 of the frontagers had been informally discussed with their representatives HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1324 Further, that the main cause of concern of the owners of some of the business premises is that, if the road became a highway maintainable at the public expense, they would lose certain rights they now enjoy. (6) The Borough Engineer also reported that consideration had been given to the means of access to and egress from the proposed car park at the rear of 30/38, Cambridge Road, and that it appeared that access could best be obtained via the northern " leg " of the accommodation road, and egress via the private accommodation road between 22 and 23, Broad walk. Owing to the narrowness of the latter road, it would be advisable to restrict the car park to private cars, and one-way working might have to be operated in both access and egress roads. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby (a) agree to ask the objecting frontagers to make up the accommodation road behind 1/9, Broadway Parade, and 33/49, Station Road, North Harrow, in order to preserve the rights they now enjoy, and to inform them that if they do not propose so to make up the road, the Council themselves will make up the road, with a view to its becoming a highway maintainable at the public expense; and (b) approve the proposed means of access to, and egress from, the proposed car park on land behind 30/38, Cambridge Road, North Harrow, and the proposals to restrict the car park to private cars and to operate one-way working in the access and egress roads; and that the Town Clerk and Borough Engineer be authorised to give full effect to this resolution.

2898. Public Utilities Street Works Act, 1950: Prospectively Maintainable Highways: The Borough Engineer reported that, by resolution 2649 (5th March, 1952), a number of streets had been declared prospectively main­ tainable highways within the meaning of this Act. He submitted details of further roads which, he felt, should be added to the list; in particular, those new roads where the developer concerned has entered into a formal Agree­ ment with the Council providing for the road to be made up by the developer and adopted by the Council, together with the private streets on the Council's list awaiting attention. RESOLVED: That, pursuant to section 1 and the Second Schedule of the Public Utilities Street Works Act, 1950, the Committee hereby declare the private streets, or parts of private streets listed below, prospectively maintain­ able highways; and that the Town Clerk, as Registrar of Local Land Charges, be notified of the declaration hereby made for registration in the Register of Local Land Charges: — Accommodation road behind 324/420, Rayners Lane ... P.S. Accommodation road behind Greenhill Parade (2/22, St. Ann's Road) ...... H. & G. Accommodation road behind Kenton Parade ...... K. Accommodation road behind shops in Village Way and Rayners Lane ...... p.S. Accommodation road behind 1/9, Broadway Parade, and 33/49, Station Road ...... p.S. Alexandra Close ...... Rxth. Albury Drive (from its junction with Blythwood Road to its junction with Woodhall Gate) ...... p.N. Arundel Drive and Somervell Road and unnamed road

-.-^ between. - (part)vr s .....••• ••• ••• ••• ••• IXA'IU.Rxth Broadlawns Court • • ••• • • • ••• ... ,.. WNw ,it, 1325 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

Bucklands Rise, including footpath leading to Latimer Close ...... ••• ••• Burnt Oak Broadway (passageway north of No., 195) ... a.J>. Belgrave Gardens, including the service road from Copley Road westward for a length of approximately 216 feet S.N. Beechengrove ...... ••• ••• ••• P^- Broadfield Court ...... ••• ••• S-N- Blythwood Road (from boundary 41 /43 to Evelyn Drive)... P.N. Chantry Place ...... ••• ••• ••• Chantry Road ...... ••• Charlton Road, service road (serving Nos. 15/37, and Church site) ...... ••• • «• Circuits, The ...... Chessington Court ...... ••• Claire Gardens ...... ••• S.N. Copley Road ...... S.N. Cuckoo Hill Road ( from West End Lane to boundary 9/11 approximately) ...... P.N. Dene Gardens (from junction with service road to southern boundary of No. 60). Includes service road off Marsh Lane (from 40 yards north of junction with Dene Gardens to 100 yards south of junction with Dene Gardens) ...... S.N. East Glade ...... P.N. Evelyn Drive (from Blythwood Road to boundary 88/90, Evelyn Drive) ...... P.N. Fallowfield ...... S.N. Field End Road (service road serving Nos. 781/803) ... Rxth. Hill Close (serving Nos. 1/24 consecutive) ...... S.N. Headstone Drive (service road serving Nos. 14/40) ... W.N. Hay wood Close ...... P.N. Highway, The (part of) ...... S.N. Links View Close ...... S.N. Littlecote Place ...... P.N. London Road (service road serving Nos. 29/41) ...... H. & G. Meredith Close ...... P.N. Moat Lodge, London Road (service road serving Nos. 6/37) H. & G. Murray Crescent (from boundary Nos. 15/17 to Blythwood Road) ...... p.N. Norman Crescent (from boundary Nos. 17/19 in a westerly direction .continuing round to junction with Blythwood Road) ...... p.N. North Parade, Mollison Way—part of access road at rear S.S. Pinner Road (service road serving Nos. 283/295) ...... P.S. Reenglass Road ...... S.N. Regents Court ...... "] Ranmoor Close ...... Ray Gardens ...... Sonia Court ...... H. & G Spring Lake ...... Springfield Close ...... Stuart Court ...... ^ SummitClose ...... <§<§ Ternlands ...... HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1326

Vernon Drive (from Kenton Lane to the western boundary of No. 1, including Mountside) ...... W.N. & S.N. Vernon Drive, service road and parking area (eastwards from boundary Nos. 92/94) ...... W.N. West Chantry ...... H. Wellington Avenue ...... P.N. Woodall Gate (from Evelyn Drive to the junction with Albury Drive) ...... P.N. Woodridings Avenue (from boundary 15/17 to path leading to Park View) ...... P.N.

2899. Agreement Roads: The Borough Engineer reported (a) that planning and byelaw consent had been given to the construction of 12 maisonettes, garages and a cul-de-sac off Marlborough Hill, Wealdstone; that the con­ structional details complied with the Council's specification; and that the developer sought to enter into the usual Road Agreement; and (b) that the developers concerned had now asked if they could enter into a third Road Agreement with the Council, to provide for the construction and subsequent adoption of the remaining portion of Meredith Close, Pinner. The proposals had received planning approval and the details were satisfactory. RESOLVED: That the Committee (a) approve the plans and sections (now submitted by the Borough Engineer) for the construction of the proposed new roads and sewers (i) off Marlborough Hill, Wealdstone, and (ii) at Meredith Close, Pinner; (b) authorise the Borough Engineer to negotiate terms with the developers concerned, with a view to the roads and sewers being adopted by the Council; and (c) authorise the Town Clerk to prepare and seal Agreements in terms approved by him.

2900. Fallowfield, Stanmore North Ward: Dangerous Land Adjoining a Street: The Borough Engineer reported that the roads and sewers at Fallow- field had been constructed in accordance with the formal Road Agreement, and that at present the road is under maintenance. There are, however, some 15 properties where there is no wall, or fence, and where a difference in level exists between the back of the footway and the garden, and it was considered that the conditions were such as would be covered by section 144 of the Highways Act, 1959. Accordingly, notices had been served on the owners of certain properties in Fallowfield, details of which the Borough Engineer submitted. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the Borough Engineer's action.

2901. Adoption of Agreement Roads as Maintainable Highways: The Borough Engineer reported that Manor Lodge, Harrow, Copley Road. Stan­ more, Belgrave Gardens, Stanmore, and Stuart Court, Stanmore, had been duly constructed and maintained under the Agreement and he recommended their adoption. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby declare Manor Lodge, Copley Road, Belgrave Gardens and Stuart Court, as highways maintainable at the public expense; and that the Town Clerk be instructed, pursuant to the Highways Act, 1959, to exhibit the usual notices thereat. 1327 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

2902. Progress Report on Contracts: The Borough Engineer reported: — (a) Elmgrove Road Improvement, Wealdstone South Ward: Work approximately 75% complete; kerbing and footpath works virtually com­ plete; new lighting columns erected and awaiting connection; carriageway reshaped and base course bitumen macadam laid; drainage works in progress. (6) Resurfacing of Whitchurch Lane (part), Stanmore North Ward: Work had been delayed attributable to the operations of the North Thames Gas Board in locating a leak in the gas main. Reconstruction work was in progress, and burning off preparatory to resurfacing will commence in approximately two weeks. (c) Uxbridge Road Improvement, from Green Lane to Kipling Place, Stanmore North Ward: The re-laying of public utilities services is being carried out; roadworks due to commence on 27th February, 1961, and arrangements had been made to restrict this section of Uxbridge Road to eastbound traffic. Through westbound traffic will be diverted via Old Church Lane, Gordon Avenue and Kenton Lane. Certain trees will be lopped and one tree in the verge outside " The Beeches" in Old Church Lane, will be felled. (d) Wealdstone Foul Relief Sewer: Work in progress for seven months and approximately 60% of the total length of sewer had now been laid. Some deviation from the original line had been found to be necessary to avoid the high cost of alteration to public utilities mains, etc. It was found necessary, after commencing excavation, to resite the manhole at the junction of Princes Drive and Headstone Drive, so that Princes Drive has been totally closed to vehicular traffic instead of only being partially closed, as originally intended. The lower portion of the sewer from Oxford Road to the outfall was now in use. (e) College Hill Road Improvement, Wealdstone North Ward: Sewer works and alterations to underground mains are completed. The excavation for the new carriageway and verges is approximately 75% completed; the lean-mix concrete sub-base is approximately 30% completed; and the rein­ forced concrete road slab approximately 20% completed. These works have been delayed from inception because of exceptionally wet weather, but better progress is now being maintained. (f) Whittington Way Widening, Pinner South Ward: These works are almost complete, apart from turfing to verges, provision of garage crossings and other minor items. (g) Widening of The Cross Way and The Bye Way, Wealdstone North Ward: These works are almost complete save for final surfacing to the carriageways to be carried out by the Council's Annual Contractor. (h) Uxbridge Road Improvement, from Pinner Green to Waxwell Lane; West End Lane: Improvement to Bridge Approaches, Pinner North and Hatch End Ward: No further progress has been made on these two schemes since the Borough Engineer's last report. (/) Marsh Road Railway Bridge (over line) and Widening of Marsh Road from Railway Bridge to Rayners Lane, Pinner South Ward: Work has been concentrated on constructing the north-west carriageway, in order to permit the removal of the temporary traffic lights, and it was hoped shortly to open this carriageway to traffic. Due to the protracted negotiations regarding the layout of the road, it has only recently been possible to deal with the question of land acquisition and alterations to services. It is probably necessary, therefore, to stop roadworks for a short time when the two HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1328 carriageways are in operation for accommodation work to private land to be undertaken and service companies' plant re-laid. (/) Pinner Relief Soil Sewer: Phase II: The first two manhole lengths from the main Pinner Relief Soil Sewer have been completed. As these in­ volved crossings of the road and sewers, progress had been comparatively slow, and a patch of running sand has recently been encountered, but this should be capable of being handled in the normal way. (k) Cuckoo Hill Railway Bridge: Reconstruction of Approach Roads, Pinner North and Hatch End Ward: The Committee agreed in November, 1960, to extend Messrs. French's contract for this improvement. As the works would be financed by a Ministry of Transport grant, the County Engineer had submitted the proposal to the Ministry, with whom negotia­ tions are continuing for the acceptance of a tender received other than by public advertisement. The first part of the works were completed before Christmas to the stage where two-way traffic could operate. RESOLVED: That the report be received; and that, except in cases of emergency, the Borough Engineer be asked to obtain the authority of the Committee, or of their Chairman, before arranging for closing any street in the Borough.

2903. College Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill and Greenhill Ward: Surfacing at Bus Stops: The Borough Engineer reported that when part of this road was reconstructed in 1954, it was surfaced with hot rolled asphalt by sub­ contractors, the Limmer & Trinidad Lake Asphalt Co. Ltd. Towards the end of the five-year maintenance period which applied to the surfacing, the contractor's attention was drawn to the longitudinal corrugations at the bus stops. These corrugations were to be expected in hot rolled asphalt where subject to oil droppings, etc., and it was now normal practice to lay mastic asphalt at bus stops. The Limmer & Trinidad Lake Asphalt Co. Ltd. have offered to burn off the existing defective surface free of cost, and to supply and lay a mastic asphalt wearing course, including precoated granite chippings. They would have to charge for the new material, but would deduct, from their normal charge, the cost of the hot rolled asphalt wearing course. There would, therefore, be little cost in excess of that which would have been incurred if mastic asphalt had been initially specified for the bus stops. The Borough Engineer also reported that money had now been made available from the County Road Maintenance Account to cover the cost of the work, estimated at £300, and that it could conveniently be carried out in the near future when the Company would be doing similar work elsewhere in the Borough. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree to accept the above- mentioned offer of the Limmer & Trinidad Lake Asphalt Co. Ltd. to carry out the work of resurfacing at the bus stops in College Road, Harrow; and that the Town Clerk be authorised to prepare and seal a Contract accordingly.

2904. Proposed Provision of Public Conveniences in Harrow: Progress Re­ port: Pursuant to resolution 1333 (29th May, 1957), the Borough Engineer submitted a report on the progress of schemes for the provision of public conveniences in the Borough. 1329 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the said report: — (a) that further details are awaited from the County Architect in respect of the proposed public convenience at Woodridings Close, Hatch End; (/>) that wall tiling is in progress and external works are well advanced in connection with the public convenience at Rayners Lane; (c) that, in connection with the proposed public convenience at Honeypot Lane, Queensbury, a formal order had been give to commence on 23rd January, 1961; (d) that roof tiling had been completed and wall tiling was in progress and partitions fixed, in respect of the public convenience at Belmont Circle; and (e) that Ministry approval, in principle, had been received in respect of the public convenience at Kenton Road, Kenton; and that working drawings have now to be prepared.

2905. Land at Kenton Road, Kenton, and High Road, Harrow Weald: Pro­ posed Public Car Parks: The Chairman referred to the fact that the Odeon / Cinema in Kenton Road ffc^closdtfUMown, and that he had authorised th Borough Engineer to open negotiations for the acquisition of land behin< the Cinema for a public car park. Having received the Borough Engineer's report, it was RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby (a) approve and confirm the action of their Chairman; and (6) request the Town Clerk to authorise the District Valuer to negotiate for the acquisition of land at the sites of the Odeon Cinemas in Kenton Road and High Road, Harrow Weald, for use as public car parks; and to report back.

2906. Proposed By-Passes in Stanmore: Further to resolution 2575 (1st June, 1960), the Borough Engineer reported that he had been in consultation with the County Engineer and had arranged to carry out an origin and destination survey during the next few weeks to obtain detailed figures of traffic movements in the vicinity of Stanmore. It would also seem prudent that the Committee consider the desirability of purchasing the vacant land behind the properties on the south side of The Broadway, as extremely useful for constructing a car park, a rear access road when required and, eventually, part of the proposed east-west by-pass. RESOLVED : That the Town Clerk be requested to authorise the District Valuer to negotiate for the acquisition of the said land; and to report back.

2907. Garaging of Civil Defence Vehicle: The Borough Engineer reported that difficulty was being experienced by the Civil Defence Officer in the training of Rescue Section volunteers, arising from lack of suitable transport in connection with Rescue Training and exercises; and that Middlesex County Council had intimated that they were prepared to lend a suitable rescue vehicle, if covered accommodation can be made available, for which a fee of up to 30s. per week could be paid to the Borough Council. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree that the said Civil Defence Rescue Vehicle be garaged either at the Bessborough Road or Elmgrove Road Depots, at a charge not exceeding 30s. per week; that the Boroush Engineer be asked to arrange accordingly; and that the Town Clerk be authorised to prepare and seal documents. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1330 2908. Flooding at Chestnut Avenue, Stanmore North Ward: The Borough Engineer reported that, following complaints of flooding by residents of this street, the matter had been investigated, and that, in order to alleviate the situation, relatively extensive works were required. In general, the street has a very " slack" gradient for most of its length, with no apparent " shape" in the cross-section. Certain minor works had recently been carried out in an attempt to ease the situation, but, in order to drain it satisfactorily, the channels would require regrading, the centre of the carriageway building up and further gullies provided, at an estimated cost of £500. These works could conveniently be carried out under the Council's annual contracts and/or by direct labour after 1st April, 1961, from monies provided in the Committee's Revenue Estimates for 1961/62. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree to carry out, under the Council's annual contracts and/or by direct labour and in the Financial Year, 1961/62, the above-mentioned road works in Chestnut Avenue, Stan­ more; and that the Borough Engineer be authorised accordingly.

2909. Surface Water Sewer at Northolt Road, Roxeth Ward: The Borough Engineer reported that, because of the presence of a number of large gas mains in Northolt Road, not shown on the information previously supplied by the Gas Board, it had been found impossible to connect the outfall sewer from the Council's new housing development at Northolt Road at the line and level originally proposed. It had, therefore, been necessary to prepare an amended scheme. The new proposal involved laying a public surface water sewer through land in the Gas Board's ownership and they had given consent, subject to the Council indemnifying them against damage to their mains caused by the Council or their contractor. Further that, because of the urgency of the matter (there was considerable risk of building work on the housing site being held up), the Chairman had authorised the giving of this indemnity and the service of a statutory notice under section 15 of the Public Health Act, 1936, giving formal notice of intention to construct the sewer over private land. The Borough Engineer added that the work, which was being carried out by the Council's annual contractor and the cost of which would be met from current Revenue Estimates, had commenced on 25th January, 1961. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the action of their Chairman.

2910. Proposed Reconstruction of Culvert at Moss Lane, Pinner North and Hatch End Ward: The Borough Engineer reported that the sum of £1,000 had been included in the Committee's Capital Estimates for the reconstruc­ tion of this culvert, and that the Council had decided that the works be carried out under their annual contracts and/or by direct labour. Detailed documents had now been prepared for a culvert 56 feet long, which would be sufficient to cover the ultimate width for this part of Moss Lane, the existing culvert being 36 feet in length; and that it had been ascertained that it would be more appropriate that this work, estimated at £2,200, be carried out by competitive tender. RESOLVED : That the Borough Engineer be authorised to invite tenders by public advertisement for the above-mentioned culverting works.

ii* ?*$!*** for Provision of Trees: Ben Hale Close, Stanmore North Ward: The Borough Engineer reported that this street has now been 1331 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING adopted by the Council and that a resident had enquired whether the Council would supply and plant trees in the footways, if the residents would meet the initial cost. As the footways are only 6 feet wide, the Borough Engineer had suggested to the resident that the residents might consider planting trees in their front gardens, which are fairly open to the footways, and had pointed out that trees so planted would have a better chance to develop and would not be spoilt by frequent pruning, or lopping. The resident, however, had replied to the effect that certain gardens had been planted with trees, but that the residents would still like some on the footways. RESOLVED : That the Borough Engineer be asked to inform the resident that, in view of the narrowness of the footways, the Committee regret they are unable to see their way to approve the provision of trees in Ben Hale Close, Stanmore. 2912. Accident Returns: RESOLVED: (a) That the Committee receive the Borough Engineer's report as to street accidents in the Borough during the months of November and December, 1960, and also the following statement (which excludes those accidents not affected by layout or condition of high­ way), showing the monthly trends of accidents in the Borough: —

No. of Accidents No. of Injured Fatal 1960 Main Roads Other Roads Other Total Main Other Total Main Roads Roads Slight Serious Slight \ Serious Roads Roads

Jan. . 19 (19) 8(7) 27(26) 20(16) 3(4) 8(5) 1(3) -(-) -d) 32 (29) Feb. . 30 (15) 8(8) 38 (23) 37 (12) 5(5) 6(11) 3(-) K-) -(-) 52 (28) March 24 (22) 9(11) 33 (33) 36 (26) 5(3) 13 (16) 2(3) -(-) K-) 57 (48) April . 31 (31) 11(7) 42 (38) 34 (35) 6(6) 15(5) 3(1) -(-) -d) 58 (48) May . 35 (34) 9(5) 44(39) 40(34) 8(11) 5(4) 5(2) -(2) -(-) 58 (53) June . 30 (48) 10(7) 40 (55) 36 (55) 5(4) 10(8) 10(2) -d) -(-) 61 (70) July . 38 (32) 12(8) 50(40) 44(36) 4(7) 17(11) 1 (D -(-) 66 (55) Aug. 25 (28) 9(7) 34 (35) 26 (37) 5(5) 12(7) 3(2) -d) :f:i 46 (52) Sept. . 41 (27) 7(6) 48 (33) 43 (38) 10(1) 6(7) 1 (-) Id) -(-) 61 (47) Oct. . 44(32) 11 (14) 55(46) 59 (38) 6(9) 13(16) -(2) -(-) -(-) 78 (65) Nov. . 48(33) 16(13) 64 (46) 44(33) 16(3) 15(11) 1(2) 1 (-) -(-) 77 (49) Dec. . 35 (45) 13 (13) 45 (58) 37 (49) 4(12) 18(11) 2(10) -(D -(-) 61 (83) Totals 400(366) 123 (106) 523 (472) 456 (409) 77 (70) 138(112) 32 (28) 3(6) 1 (2) |J707 (627) Monthly 33-33 10-25 43-58 38.00 6-42 11-50 2-67 •25 •08 58-92 average (8-83) (39-33) (34-08) (5.83) (9-33) (2-33) 050) (approx.) (30-50) (•17) (52-24) Non: The figures shown in brackets are in respect of the corresponding month or period in the previous year. (b) That the Town Clerk be requested to ask the police to keep observation on the parking of vehicles in Canning Road, Wealdstone, particularly near the junction with High Street. 2913. Salvage: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the Borough Engineer's report that the following quantities of salvage were sold by the Corporation during December, 1960: — Waste Paper Rags tons cwt$ qrs. tons cwts. qrs 179 8 1 1 17 2914. Refuse Disposal: Controlled Tipping at Uxbridge: The Borough Treasurer reported that the formal Agreement between Harrow Council and the Uxbridge Council provides for a revision of terms in the event of a substantial increase in the rent payable to Middlesex County Council. In February, 1960, the Committee agreed to bear their share, on the basis of population, of the increased rent of £700 p.a., arising from the substitution from 1st August, 1959, of tipping land at Park Lodge Farm (at £1,100 p.a ) for the land at New Year's Green (at £400 p.a.). This meant an increased HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1332 charge to Harrow of £285 for part of 1959/60 and £425 p.a. subsequently. The Borough Treasurer of Uxbridge had now stated that there had been a misunderstanding on his part, as the County Valuer had now informed him that the rent of £1,100 p.a. for the new land at Park Lodge Farm was, in fact, additional to, and not in substitution for, the £400 p.a. for New Year's Green. Harrow's share of the extra £1,100 (on a population basis) is £670 in a full year, £445 in 1959/60. The Borough Treasurer also reported that Middlesex County Council proposed to make available a further 9 acres of land at Highways Farm for tipping, probably from 29th September, 1961. The provisional figures (not yet agreed) provided for additional rent of £450 and compensation to tenant farmer between £1,100 and £1,400. Apportioned between the three Authorities, Harrow's share would be: — Item 1961/62 Full Year £ £ Rent ...... 115 275 Compensation ...... (say) 700 — The County Valuer had also recently suggested that more land may be made available at Highways Farm, and the Uxbridge Borough Engineer was examining this proposal. Any extension over the 9 acres mentioned above, would increase the amount to be paid to the County Council and would need to be apportioned among the three Authorities, Harrow's share being additional to the figures summarised below. So far as Harrow is concerned, the effect of the additional charges referred to, is summarised as follows: — 1960/61 £ £ Basic payment under the agreement ...... 14,500 Add: Harrow's share of £1,100 p.a. for Park Lodge Farm from 1st August, 1959, to 31st March, 1960 ...... 445 Less paid in 1959/60 ...... 285 160 from 1st April, 1960, to 31st March, 1961 670 —— 830 Revised total 1960/61 ...... 15,330 Less provision in 1960/61 estimates ...... 14,925 Additional expenditure in 1960/61—requiring supplementary estimate ...... 405 7967/62 ———— Basic payment under the Agreement ... . 14,500 Add: Harrow's share— (a) for full year of the £1,100 p.a. for Park Lodge Farm ...... 670 (b) for part year of additional 9 acres at Highways Farm— Rent (part year) 1 11 > provisional Compensation J [70 £15.985 1333 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

RESOLVED : (1) That the Committee hereby (a) agree to meet the balance of Harrow's proportion, as detailed above, of the increased rent payable in respect of tipping of refuse at Park Lodge Farm, Uxbridge; (b) approve the provision of £405 in their revised Revenue Estimates to meet this additional cost for the current Financial Year (see recommenda­ tion III of this report: Financial Year, 1960/61: Overspendings: Supple­ mentary Estimates); and (c) approve, subject to the Council being entitled to a refund of an appropriate proportion of the compensation payment (£700) in the event of the Council ceasing to tip at Highways Farm, Oxbridge, before it is exhausted, the provision made in their Revenue Estimates for 1961/62, as detailed above, for the possible additional cost of tipping at Highways Farm. (2) That the Borough Treasurer be authorised to pay.

2915. Harrow Road Safety Council: RESOLVED: (a) That the Committee receive the report (20th January, 1961) of the Harrow Road Safety Council (as now submitted); and that, in so far as the same requires confirmation and is not otherwise dealt with in this report, it be hereby confirmed. (b) Harrow Road Safety Council: (1) Submission of Accident Returns; and (2) Constitution, Standing Orders and Rules of Procedure: (i) That the Committee hereby agree to adhere to their previous decision (resolution 2055: 25th March, 1959) whereby, having in mind that action might be necessary arising from consideration of the accident returns which could only be taken by the Committee, the Committee agreed that the practice of submitting accident returns, first, to the Committee and, then, to the Harrow Road Safety Council, be continued; and that the Harrow Road Safety Council be so informed; and (ii) that the Road Safety Council also be informed that the Committee feel that the Road Safety Council's Constitution, Standing Orders and Rules of Procedure are already quite clear and that no redrafting is necessary. (Note: Alderman Gange, J.P., and Councillor Barson, J.P., voted against the whole of this resolution.) (c) Road Safety Campaign, 1961162: Estimate of Expenditure: That the Committee hereby approve the estimate of expenditure (as now amended) in connection with road safety administration, propaganda and training activities in the Borough for the Financial Year ending 31st March, 1962. (d) National Safety Congress, 1961: Road Safety Forum: That the Committee hereby approve the submission to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents of the following suggestion for discussion by the Road Safety Forum of the National Safety Congress, 1961: — " That in view of the extremely high standard of driving, together with knowledge of the Highway Code and Vehicle Maintenance, required to pass the test held at the conclusion of a course of instruction held under the R.A.C./A.C.U. Motor Cycle and Scooter Training Scheme, the Minister of Transport be asked to authorise the passing of this test as exemption from the Ministry of Transport Driving Test and a qualification to obtain a driving licence." (e) Road Safety Officers' Course, 1961: That the Committee hereby approve the attendance of the Road Safety Organiser at the Course for Road Safety Organisers, arranged by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, to be held at Brighton from llth to 13th April, 1961, inclusive. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1334 (f) Junior Accident Prevention Councils' Competition, 1961: Metropolitan Police Road Safety Trophy: That the Committee hereby agree to participate in the Junior Accident Prevention Council's Competition for the Metro­ politan Police Road Safety Trophy; and that the invitation to participate in the Competition be referred to the Harrow Central Junior Road Safety Committee for action. (g) National " Personal Responsibility " Campaign, 1961: That the Com­ mittee hereby agree to support the " Personal Responsibility " Campaign, 1961, of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, under the slogan " Be Alive to Others on the Road "; and that the Town Clerk be authorised accordingly and also invite local Christian Churches and those of the Jewish Faith to participate in the Campaign. (h) Road Safety Display Panels: That the Committee hereby agree to hire, free of charge, the Road Safety Display panels offered by the British Road Federation Ltd., as and when they are required for demonstrations and displays. (/) Children's Cycling Proficiency Championships: That the Committee hereby agree to participate in the Children's Cycling Proficiency Champion­ ships, 1961, including payment of the entrance fee of one guinea. (/) National Road Safety Campaign, 1961: Metropolitan Divisional Pro­ gramme: That the Committee hereby agree to participate in (i) the Motor Cyclists, Scooterists, Moped Riders " How to ride well " Campaign; (ii) the Metropolitan Motor Cyclist of the Year Competition; and (iii) the Bank Holidays Special Campaign; and that the Town Clerk be authorised accordingly. (k) Heriots Wood County Grammar School: Annual Summer Fair: That the Committee hereby approve of (a) a Dog Obedience Demonstration being organised; (b) the use of a reaction testing vehicle; and (c) the distribution of road safety literature, in connection with the Annual Summer Fair of Heriots Wood County Grammar School, at the School on 22nd June, 1961; and that the Town Clerk be authorised to do all things necessary herein. (/) Road Safety Film Show: That the Committee hereby approve the giving of a Road Safety film show for the old people of the Harrow and Kenton Friendship Club, on a Monday afternoon to be arranged. (m) R.A.C./A.C.U. Scooter Training Scheme: That in connection with the R.A.C./A.C.U. Scooter Training Scheme, the Committee hereby (i) approve an expenditure of approximately £3 on the purchase of a banner to advertise the scheme; (ii) note with thanks and appreciation that a Triumph Tigress 175 c.c. Dual control scooter has been presented by the Royal Auto­ mobile Club; and (iii) accept with thanks the offer of E. T. Pink (Harrow) Ltd. to lend a motor scooter to the Council, to be replaced yearly by a new machine. (n) Dog Obedience Classes: That, in connection with the Dog Obedience Classes, the Committee hereby approve the award of Certificates to the owners of dogs passing the test at the conclusion of the course of instruction and who become members of the demonstration team; and that the Town Clerk be authorised accordingly. (o) Wolf Cub Quiz Competition: That, in connection with the Wolf Cub Quiz Competition at Whitefriars School, Wealdstone, on 17th February, 1961, the Committee hereby approve and confirm the action of their Chair­ man m authorising, as a matter of urgency, (i) the presentation of framed certificates to the runners-up in the Competition; and (ii) expenditure of approximately £3 to cover the cost thereof. 1335 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

2916. Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee: RESOLVED : That the Committee receive the reports (21st and 23rd January, 1961) of the Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee (set out in appendix I to this report); and that, in so far as the same require confirmation and are not otherwise dealt with in this report, they be hereby confirmed.

2917. Tree at the Rear of Park View, Hatch End: The Borough Engineer reported that an elm tree had fallen on allotments behind Park View, Hatch End, during high winds on 7th February, 1961. Further, that the tree was 2 feet in diameter, was 70 to 80 feet or thereabouts high, its estimated age 100 years, and that, although there was no sign of decay in the trunk, the roots were completely rotten. RESOLVED : That the Town Clerk be asked to publicise the matter in the local Press.

2918. Technical and Public Utilities Sub-Committee: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the report (31st January, 1961) of the Technical and Public Utilities Sub-Committee (set out in appendix II to this report); and that, in so far as the same requires confirmation and is not otherwise dealt with in this report, it be hereby confirmed.

2919. Estimates for the Financial Year, 1961/62: RESOLVED : (a) That the Capital Estimates and the Estimates of Income and Expenditure (as now amended) for the Financial Year, 1961/62, be approved and submitted to the Finance Committee; and (6) that the Committee receive the following general statistics submitted by the Borough Treasurer in connection with the Committee's Revenue Estimates for 1961/62: — Miles Miles Maintained by Maintained by Total Borough Council County Council Miles 1. Mileage of Roads County Roads—Class I ...... 20 6£ 26* Class II ...... 3i 24 6 Class III ... 11 — 11 Unclassified ... 1 — 1

District Roads

2. Pedestrian Crossings Number of Crossings Striped Unstriped Class I Roads ...... 46 13 Class II Roads ...... 2 4 Class III Roads ...... 8 2 Unclassified Roads ...... 3 — 59 19 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING i!336 3. Car Parks Number of Approximate Capacity Car Parks (cars) Existing by 31st March, 1961 (a) Attended ...... 1 60 (b) Unattended ...... 3 115 4 175 Proposed additions to commence operating in 1961-62 Unattended (also 1 extension) 2 170 6 345

4. Public Lighting Anticipated position at: — 31st March, 1961 31st March, 1962 (i) Mileage of Roads lit by : — (a) Gas ...... 160 105 (b) Electricity ...... 72 127 232 232

(ii) Number of lamps : — (a) Gas ...... 5,090 3,246 Electricity ...... 4,915 7,565 5. Public Conveniences Attended Unattended Existing by 31st March, 1961 ...... 5 2 Proposed additions to be opened in 1961-62 ...... — 3 5 5

6. Refuse Collection Number of premises visited weekly ... 70,000 approx. Tonnage collected weekly: — Summer ...... 800 tons Winter ...... 1,100 tons 7. Sewers Foul Water Sewers ...... 230 miles Surface Water Sewers ...... 225 miles 2920. Continuing Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive and note the list of 62 outstanding minutes and 3 outstanding contracts.

/', , |\ (Signed) FRANK L. REES, Chairman. 1337 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

APPENDIX I. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING list January, 1961. (GENERAL) SUB-COMMITTEE: Present: Councillor Mines (in the Chair); Alderman Gange, J.P.; Councillors Barson, J.P., Hill, O'Loughlin, C.C., Rees and Tackley. Also present: Councillor Clack, Member for Pinner South Ward.

PART 1.—RECOMMENDATIONS. RECOMMENDATION 1: Trees in Rayners Lane. By resolution 2748 (12th October. 1960), the Highways and Cleansing Committee delegated to their (General) Sub-Committee the matter of arranging a meeting between the Sub-Committee and the Head Master of Atholl School, the Religious Society of Friends, and nearby residents, to discuss the question of adjacent trees in Rayners Lane and the possibility that the trees may have to be removed. The Committee had also invited the Deputy Mayor (Councillor J. T. Macaulay) to join the Sub-Committee in the proposed discussion, but he was unable to do so, owing to having to attend a meeting re the Civic Conference. In addition to the Head Master of Atholl School, who very kindly agreed to the meeting being held in the School Hall, invitations were accordingly sent to the Clerk of the Religious Society of Friends and 71 nearby residents in this area of Rayners Lane. The Pinner South Residents' Association were also invited to send a representative. Your Sub-Committee report that, although invitations were thus sent to 74 persons, well over 100 persons attended the meeting, when a number of questions were put by members of the public and representatives of local organisations, and were answered by the Chairman of the Highways and Cleansing Committee (Councillor Rees). Councillor Rees opened by saying that he would like to place the matter in correct perspective. This was not an organised protest meeting by nearby residents of Rayners Lane, but had been called by the Council's Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee to explain the position in which the Council found them­ selves in regard to certain trees in that part of Rayners Lane between Farm Avenue and the southern boundary of The Close. There were 16 trees in this section of Ravners Lane which were the subject of the meeting, comprising 15 elms and 1 chestnut; all the trees were 70 to 80 feet high: and the elm trees were estimated to be between 250 and 300 years old, and the chestnut tree 200 years old. Councillor Rees stated that the Council and his Committee had placed it on record very many years ago that every tree that can be preserved will be; and that a tree would never be taken down unless it was essential to do so, and if a tree had to be removed, a suitable replacement would be provided in all cases where possible. With regard to the 16 trees in question, it had been reported to the Council's Highways and Cleansing Committee that, in varying degrees, they were considered dangerous; that the Council thus had a responsibility to ensure that appropriate action was taken to safeguard the public: and that, before any action was taken, it had been felt that, in view of the Council's policy to retain trees wherever possible and the keen interest shown by members of the public in the subject of trees, it would be good public relations to explain the Council's position to the nearby residents concerned. Although no decision could be arrived at at this meeting with the public, the (General) Sub-Committee had in mind that certain of the trees must be removed now and the remainder later. A number of questions were put by members of the public present, and whilst, generally speaking, they were in agreement that trees should be removed provided there was no doubt whatsoever that they were dangerous, one of the main com­ plaints was that some of the nearby trees (and trees in other parts of the Borough) had been very badly lopped, with the result that the appearance of the trees had been spoilt. It was also strongly expressed that the Council should engage the services of outside tree consultants before deciding to remove and, in some cases, to lop certain trees. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1338

In answer to this last point, Councillor Rees stated that the Council had qualified officers, and the Council had every confidence in them and in their advice. If, however, there was the slightest doubt in the Council's mind about the evidence submitted in connection with any particular tree, the Council would consider the desirability of seeking a second expert opinion outside. Alderman Gange assured the members of the public present that every en­ deavour would be made by the Highways and Cleansing Committee to save as many as possible of the trees in question. Personally, he would advocate the engagement of outside tree experts should this be felt in any way to be necessary. The matter would be thoroughly investigated and the interests of the public safeguarded. On the departure of the members of the public, your Sub-Committee met as a Sub-Committee and discussed this matter further. The Borough Engineer has reported that the state of the trees is very poor, most of them showing outward signs of decay. In his opinion, three of the trees outside Atholl School, and four outside the Religious Society of Friends, should be felled now owing to their proximity to property and state of decay, and suitable replace­ ment trees planted. Further, six other trees on the east side of Rayners Lane, adjacent to The Close, were lopped a number of years ago, and they have made little growth since, a sign that something is wrong with the root action. Further lopping will spoil them, as growth will again be retarded owing to poor root action, and they will definitely be anything but an amenity to the district. There are out­ ward signs of decay on these six trees, and on the three remaining ones on the west side of Rayners Lane adjacent to The Close, and, in the Borough Engineer's opinion, the roots of all these trees are also decaying. The Borough Engineer has suggested, however, that dangerous branches on these nine trees be lopped immediately, after which it may be possible to retain these trees for a further three to four years. He has also suggested planting London Planes, which are quick growing trees, between, and/or on land adjacent to, these nine trees. The Borough Engineer has also reported that, during the past ten years, a number of elm trees have been removed in the Pinner Area and, in many cases, when the felling has taken place, the roots of the trees have mostly shown decay. He feels that, had these trees been allowed to remain, serious damage would have been caused if gale-force winds had brought them down. The Borough Engineer has further reported to your Sub-Committee that it is necessary for tall trees, such as those in question in Rayners Lane, to be lopped by contractors, as the Council do not possess the staff or equipment required. Also that, in connection with many of the trees in the Borough, it is very often difficult to prune them correctly because of adjacent telephone wires, street lamps, traffic, etc. In addition, it is very often necessary to obviate potential danger by drastically cutting back branches and trunks of trees until all decayed wood has been removed. Having inspected each of the 16 trees in Rayners Lane and seen for themselves the extent of decay mentioned by the Borough Engineer, your Sub-Committee have deferred further consideration of this matter to their meeting on 23rd January, 1961. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Highways and Cleansing Committee receive the above report of their (General) Sub-Committee in this matter. PART H.—MINUTES. 113. Use of Hall at Atholl School: RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be asked to convey to the Head Master of Atholl School the Sub-Committee's grateful thanks and appreciation of the facilities afforded to them for holding the meet­ ing in the School Hall with members of the public on the subject of trees in Rayners Lane. ^ (Signed) ^ ' ^fafnnan. 1339 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING (GENERAL) 23rd January, 1961. SUB-COMMITTEE: Present: Councillor Mines (in the Chair); Alderman Gange, J.P.; Councillors Atherton, Barson, J.P., Mrs. Davies, Glanville, O'Loughlin, C.C., and Tackley.

PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS. RECOMMENDATION 1: Trees in Rayners Lane. Further to their report of 21st January, 1961, your Sub-Committee have given further consideration to the matter of the 16 trees in Rayners Lane, and also to the question of the necessity, or otherwise, to engage an outside tree consultant. In view of the proximity to adjacent property and state of decay, your Sub- Committee feel that six of the trees must be removed now; that a further tree be allowed to remain for the present; and that action be taken, in accordance with the Borough Engineer's suggestions, in regard to the remaining nine trees. Your Sub-Committee also feel it is unnecessary to engage an outside tree consultant, in view of the fact that there are qualified officers on the Council's staff. The following recommendation is accordingly submitted. Resolved to RECOMMEND: (1) That the Highways and Cleansing Committee hereby agree (a) to the removal of six trees on the east side of Rayners Lane (three outside Atholl School and three outside the Religious Society of Friends), and the provision of suitable replacement trees; (6) that one further tree outside the Religious Society of Friends (but not so close to the property) be allowed to remain for the present; (c) that dangerous branches on the remaining nine trees on the east and west sides of Rayners Lane, adjacent to The Close, be lopped; and that London Plane trees be planted between and/or on land adjacent to these nine trees; and (d) that no action be taken on the suggestion that the services of an outside tree consultant be engaged. (2) That the Borough Engineer be authorised accordingly.

RECOMMENDATION 2: Removal of Forest Trees in Highways. (a) The Borough Engineer has reported to your Sub-Committee requests for the removal of forest type trees in (i) Cambridge Road, (ii) Central Avenue, and (iii) Warden Avenue, all in Pinner South Ward. Having considered these requests, together with the reasons of the Borough Engineer for recommending removal of these trees, your Sub-Committee submit the recommendation hereunder. (£>) The Borough Engineer has also sought the instructions of your Sub- Committee, and your Sub-Committee have indicated to him, as a guide, the circumstances in which they would wish to consider the advisability or desirability of removing trees growing in the highway. Your Sub-Committee would, of course, continue as heretofore to consider any requests received for the removal of trees or complaints regarding trees, and recommend that their action in this matter be approved. (c) Your Sub-Committee report that a tree in Rayners Lane, Pinner South Ward, was inspected and noted to be considerably decayed at the base. It was necessary that the tree should be felled without delay, and the Chairman of the main Com­ mittee (Councillor Rees) authorised its removal accordingly. It is recommended that a replacement tree be planted. (d) A resident of Powell Close, Stanmore North Ward, requested that a large silver birch tree, outside his property, be lopped and reduced in height to prevent its becoming a danger in high winds. The tree has been inspected and is very close HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1340 to the property. Although the resident has stated he would be sorry to lose the tree, he now agrees to the Council taking any action considered necessary. Lopping would only encourage root growth and, in the circumstances, your Sub-Committee recommend that the tree be removed and a replacement tree planted. (e) Having adopted their Sub-Committee's recommendation (6th November, 1959), the main Committee authorised the Borough Engineer to remove 11 of 22 trees in Colchester Drive, Pinner North and Hatch End Ward, all of which were very large and causing disturbance of the footpath, and asked him to report further before arranging for the removal of the remainder. Subsequently, the Borough Engineer was authorised in October, 1960, to remove two further large trees and to leave the remaining ones for the present. A request has now been received from a resident of Colchester Drive for the removal of a large beech tree outside his property. Having considered the report of the Borough Engineer, your Sub-Committee submit the recommendation hereunder. (/) Your Sub-Committee considered on 2nd December, 1960, a request for the removal of a tree in Kenton Park Crescent, Kenton Ward, on the grounds of light obstruction, disturbance of footpath and the possibility of damage being caused to property, and asked the Borough Engineer to report further to your Sub-Committee on the matter. The Borough Engineer has now reported that the tree is 3 feet in circumference, is 23 feet from a house and 5 feet from a boundary wall. In the circumstances, your Sub-Committee recommend that the tree be removed and a suitable replace­ ment provided. (g) The Borough Engineer reported to your Sub-Committee's meeting on 2nd December, 1960, that a tree in Parkside Way, Headstone Ward, was showing signs of decay, and he recommended its removal. The Borough Engineer was asked to arrange for a borehole to be made to ascertain the extent of decay and to report further to your Sub-Committee. The Borough Engineer has now reported that boreholes have revealed an area of decay approximately 1 foot from ground level, and penetration of the decay is increasing. This tree stands in the narrow grass verge of a busy classified road, and your Sub-Committee therefore recommend that the tree be removed and a suitable replacement provided. Resolved to RECOMMEND: (1) That the Highways and Cleansing Committee hereby (a) agree that no action be taken on the requests for the removal of the above- mentioned tree-: in Cambridge Road, Central Avenue and Warden Avenue; and that it be suggested to the resident concerned in Cambridge Road that he might wish to arrange for the cutting of a tree root in his front garden; (b) approve and confirm the action of their (General) Sub-Committee, in in­ dicating to the Borough Engineer the circumstances in which they would wish to consider the advisability or desirability of removing trees growing in the highway; (c) approve and confirm the action of their Chairman, in authorising the removal of the above-mentioned tree in Rayners Lane; and agree that a suitable replacement tree be provided; (d) agree to the removal of the above-mentioned tree in Powell Close and the provision of a suitable replacement tree; (e) agree that no action be taken, at present, upon the request for the removal of the above-mentioned tree in Colchester Drive; and (/) agree to the removal of the above-mentioned trees in Kenton Park Crescent and Parkside Way and the provision of suitable replacement trees. (2) That the Borough Engineer be authorised accordingly. 1341 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

RECOMMENDATION 3: Tenancy of Civil Defence Training Centre at Rayners Lane Depot, Roxeth Ward. Having adopted their Sub-Committee's recommendation (2nd December, 1960) in the matter, the main Committee agreed to bear in mind the request of the Civil Defence Committee, namely, the importance of incorporating an up-to-date Civil Defence Training and Social Centre in any fresh proposals for the future use of the Rayners Lane Depot. Your Sub-Committee now report that, having considered this matter further on 22nd December, 1960, the Civil Defence Committee resolved that, in view of the great importance of maintaining a Civil Defence Training Centre in the South Harrow area, the Highways and Cleansing Committee be asked, before any decision is taken, to inform the Civil Defence Committee of any possible changes which might affect the Civil Defence Training and Social Centre at Rayners Lane. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Highways and Cleansing Committee hereby agree to inform the Civil Defence Committee of any possible changes which might affect the Civil Defence Training and Social Centre at Rayners Lane.

RECOMMENDATION 4: Car Parking Signs. Your Sub-Committee have considered a letter (30th December, 1960) from the Ministry of Transport, stating that their letter of 21st August, 1958, drew attention to the assistance which can be given towards easing traffic congestion in London by the use of the " Garage Parking " sign prescribed in the Traffic Signs Regula­ tions, 1957, for indicating garages and other orivately owned off-street parking facilities. The spread of parking meter schemes in the London Traffic Area has brought the question of complementary off-street parking facilities very much to the fore in the public mind, and has made—and will increasingly make—it im­ portant for motorists to be able to find off-street accommodation easily and quickly. The Minister would therefore be glad if the Council would continue to bear in mind the benefits to traffic in general, to the police and to motorists, which can be secured by clear indication by signs of where parking can be found. He would be grateful if the Council would give further thought to this matter and consider whether the utilisation of the " Garage Parking " sign, and other signs relating to car parks referred to in the Regulations, could with advantage be improved or increased. Having considered this matter, your Sub-Committee feel that the Ministry of Transport should be asked to clarify the point as to whether the above-mentioned signs may be used in connection with car parks attached to places such as cinemas, large stores, etc., and submit the following recommendation accordingly. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Town Clerk be asked to seek clarification from the Ministry of Trans­ port on the above-mentioned point; that, in the meantime, the Borough Engineer be asked to enquire of cinemas, large stores, etc., in the Borough, as to whether they would agree to the erection of the above-mentioned signs indicating that facilities are available to the general public at their car parks; and that the results of these enquiries be reported, in due course, to the (General) Sub- Committee.

RECOMMENDATION 5: Car Park at Pinner Station. The Town Clerk has reported a letter (21st December, 1960) from London Transport Executive, stating that it was hoped to open a new car park at Pinner Station for the use of passengers on 2nd January, 1961; and that there would be accommodation for 25 cars. It is understood that the car park is, in fact, now open and in use. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the letter be received and noted with satisfaction. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1342

RECOMMENDATION 6: Bus Stopping Places: Proposed Construction of a Bus Bay in Uxbridge Road, Opposite R.A.F. Station, Stanmore North Ward. By resolution 2774 (16th November, 1960), the main Committee asked the Borough Engineer to suggest to the Stopping Places Advisory Committee that the temporary bus stop in Uxbridge Road, opposite the R.A.F. Station (which stop had been re-sited from its former position in Uxbridge Road at its junction with Green Lane), be made permanent. Your Sub-Committee have now considered a letter (16th December, 1960) from the Stopping Places Advisory Committee, stating that on 1st December, 1960, the Advisory Committee had considered reports on the experimental working of eastbound stop 16400 in Uxbridge Road, opposite the R.A.F. Station. Although a local organisation had protested against the movement of the stop from Green Lane, the London Transport Executive considered that the revised arrangements were to the benefit of the majority, and the Advisory Committee had agreed to recommend that a single-bus bay of 8 feet depth should be constructed on the northern side of Uxbridge Road with the " run-in " opposite the eastern entrance to the R.A.F. Station, the lengths of " run-in " and " run-out" being 44 feet and 50 feet respectively, so that the standard angles would be retained. The Advisory Committee has also agreed that eastbound stop 16400 should be re-sited at the western end of the level portion of the bay. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the letter be received and the proposals detailed therein approved. RECOMMENDATION 7: Annual Contracts, 1961/62. The Town Clerk has invited, and the Borough Engineer has submitted to your Sub-Committee for consideration, tenders received for the supply and delivery of materials and for the execution of works for the year ending 31st March, 1962. In two instances (viz., igneous rock chippings; and engine oil, tipping gear oil and gear oil), your Sub-Committee, on the advice of the Borough Engineer and his report under Standing Order 31 (7) relating to acceptance of other than the lowest tender are recommending acceptance of the fourth and fifth (in the case of igneous rock chippings) and third lowest tenders respectively. In connection with one item, viz., ashes, your Sub-Committee, in view of difficulty in obtaining a guarantee of delivery, on the advice of the Borough Engineer, are recommending acceptance of the second, third and fourth lowest tenders in addition to acceptance of the lowest tender. In connection with three items (viz., repair and reconstruction of sewers; general repair and maintenance of highways; and reinstatement of trenches), these tenders are in the form of priced schedules which can only be compared by applying them to typical examples of work, and your Sub-Committee are recommending accept­ ance of those tenders which the Borough Engineer has advised are the lowest received. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That pursuant, where necessary, to Standing Order 31 (7), in regard to acceptance of other than the lowest tender, the Council be recommended to accept the following tenders (which include those other than the lowest) for the supply and delivery of the under-mentioned materials, and for the execution of the works stated, for the year ending 31st March, 1962, as detailed in the report of the Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee of 23rd January, 1961, all tenders being subject to the conditions set out in the General Conditions of Contract and Specification; and that the Town Clerk be authorised to prepare and seal contracts and other documents: — Description of materials or works Name of contractor Igneous rock chippings, ^-in. Cliffe Hill Granite Co. Ltd. Igneous rock chippings, f-in. Bardon Hill Quarries (Ellis & Everard Ltd). Tarred slag Tarmac Roadstone Ltd. Soft sand, sharp sand and coarse sand H. Hargood Ltd. ihin. and |-in. pea shingle W. W. Drinkwater (Willes- den) Ltd. 1343 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

Description of materials or works Name of contractor H-in. and f-in. aggregate H. Hargood Ltd. Hoggin Richard Biffa Ltd. Ashes Henry Boyer Ltd. H. Hargood Ltd. H. Sabey & Co. Ltd. W. W. Drinkwater (Willes- den) Ltd. Concrete flags (hydraulically pressed) Hulland Products Ltd. John Ellis & Sons Ltd. Concrete kerb Hulland Products Ltd. County Concrete Ltd. Concrete edging Hulland Products Ltd. Pratt () Ltd. Tar and tar bitumen (applied by pressure sprayer) North Thames Gas Board Cut-back bitumen (applied by pressure sprayer) Taroads Ltd. Road castings A. C. Woodrow & Co. Mather & Smith Ltd. Concrete pipes and fittings in Portland cement Buxton, Dawson & Co. (Lon­ don) Ltd. Cawood Wharton & Co. Ltd. Mono Concrete Ltd. Norcon Pipes Ltd. Pratt (Watford) Ltd. Bitumen macadam (i-in., i-in. and j-in. slag) Sparkes Bros. Ltd. Bitumen macadam (y-in. and j-in. limestone) Roads Reconstruction Ltd. Fine cold asphalt (slag) Tarmac Roadstone Ltd. Petrol, vaporising oil, diesel fuel oil and paraffin oil Bowen Petroleum Ltd. Engine oil, tipping gear oil and gear oil Wakefield - Dick Industrial Oils Ltd. Bitumen macadam, fine and coarse cold asphalt, and dense bitumen macadam supplied and laid by machine, pre-coated chippings supplied and laid, and Ruddock & Meighan Ltd, ancillary works Tarmac Roadstone Ltd. Reinstatement of kerbing and paving (labour only) George Duckels Ltd. Repair and reconstruction of sewers D. R. Paterson Ltd. General repair and maintenance of highways Donovan & Denny Ltd. Reinstatement of trenches H. Jarman.

RECOMMENDATION 8: Improvements to District Roads. The sum of £5,500 has been included as a special item in the main Committee's revenue estimates for 1960/61, for improvements to District roads. On 24th June, 1960, the Council approved a total estimated expenditure of £4,762 in respect of improvement works in South Vale, Harrow, Love Lane, Pinner, and Avenue Road, Pinner, and your Sub-Committee are informed that it now appears that these works will probably be completed for approximately £4,600. The Borough Engineer has now submitted to your Sub-Committee a scheme for resurfacing the carriageway and footpaths of Barrow Point Avenue, from Avenue Road to Paines Lane, at an estimated cost of £1,073. Your Sub-Committee recommend that the work be carried out in Barrow Point Avenue. It will be necessary to submit a recommendation to the Council, pursuant to Financial Regulation 14. As the next Council meeting will not be held until 10th March, 1961, and the work will not therefore be completed in the current financial year, £300 of the estimated expenditure has been included in the main Committee's revised Revenue Estimates for the current year, and £773 in Revenue Estimates for 1961/62. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1344

Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council be recommended to agree to carry out, under their annual contracts and/or by direct labour, improvement works in Barrow Point Avenue, Pinner, at an estimated cost of £1,073, as detailed in the report of the Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee of 23rd January, 1961.

RECOMMENDATION 9: Litter Receptacles. By resolution 2861 (21st December, 1960), the main Committee referred to their (General) Sub-Committee for consideration the question of the provision in the Borough of further litter containers, and also authorised their Sub-Committee to arrange for suitable litter receptacles to be on display at the 17th Civic Delegate Conference. Having inspected alternative types of litter receptacles, your Sub-Committee have arranged for four containers (two free-standing and two for attaching to street lighting columns, etc., or erection on short posts) to be displayed at the 17th Civic Delegate Conference. Your Sub-Committee have also selected a fibre-glass litter receptacle, in yellow colour, submitted by Elton Civic Supplies Ltd., which can be attached to street lighting columns, etc., or erected on short posts, and recommend that 30 of these containers be purchased for use in the Borough. The cost of the containers is £3 5s. each, and £100 has been provided in the main Committee's current revised Revenue Estimates to meet this expenditure. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Highways and Cleansing Committee hereby agree to purchase from Elton Civic Supplies Ltd., of Aylmer Parade. London. N.2, 30 litter receptacles of the type referred to above, at a total cost of £97 10s.; and that the Borough Engineer be authorised to purchase the receptacles and to arrange for their erection at suitable places in the Borough.

RECOMMENDATION 10: Suggested Provision of Pedestrian Crossing over Marsh Road at its Junction with Cecil Park, Pinner North and Hatch End Ward. Pursuant to resolution 2762 (16th November, 1960) of the main Committee, a census of vehicles passing along and pedestrians crossing Marsh Road in the vicinity of the new County Public Library has been carried out. Pedestrians were counted crossing three adjacent sections of Marsh Road, viz., between Pinner Station and West End Avenue, West End Avenue and Cecil Park, and Cecil Park and Eastcote Road. Having considered the census, your Sub-Committee feel that there is a good case for t>roviding a pedestrian crossing in this area, and. in view of the position of the Public Library and the various road features, the best place would probably be adjacent to the Cecil Park junction. As one of the station entrances is on the northern side of Cecil Park, a crossing on this side of the Cecil Park junction would probably receive the greater use. The following recommendation is accord­ ingly submitted. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Town Clerk be requested to represent to the Ministry of Transport the need for providing a pedestrian crossing over Marsh Road, north of its junction with Cecil Park: and asked to report further hereon to the (General) Sub-Committee, in due course.

PART n.—MINUTES. 114. Minutes: RESOLVED: (a) That the minutes of the meeting of the Sub- Committee held on 2nd December, 1960, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a true record; and (6) that the signing of the minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 21st January, 1961, be deferred. 1345 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

115. Report of the Town Clerk: RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee receive the report of the Town Clerk (23rd January, 1961). 116. Report of the Borough Engineer: RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee receive the report of the Borough Engineer (23rd January, 1961).


APPENDIX II. TECHNICAL AND PUBLIC UTILITIES 31st January, 1961. SUB-COMMITTEE: Present: Councillor Mote (in the Chair); Alderman Bailey, J.P.; Councillors Rees and Stenhouse.

PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS. RECOMMENDATION 1: Bus Facilities in Harrow. Having adopted their Sub-Committee's recommendation (4th November, 1960) in the matter, the main Committee, inter alia, asked the Town Clerk to write a letter, for publication in the local press, calling attention to the Council's efforts to secure improved transport facilities in the Borough. Your Sub-Committee have now considered a letter (3rd January, 1961) from a resident of Kenton Lane, Harrow Weald, referring to the Council's letter which appeared in the Harrow Observer of 29th December, 1960, and expressing regret that the Council's endeavours had included efforts to obtain a bus service through­ out the length of Kenton Lane. The resident expressed his strong opposition to the suggested provision of a bus service along the northern part of Kenton Lane not at present covered by a service; detailed his reasons therefor; urged the Council to concentrate on securing improvements in existing services; and called attention to speeding and bad driving in Kenton Lane. While appreciating the resident's point of view, your Sub-Committee feel that the question of the provision of a bus service along those parts of Kenton Lane not at present covered by a service is one in which regard must be had to the benefits from such a service to the Burgesses of the locality as a whole. With regard to the allegations of speeding and bad driving, your Sub-Committee understand that the police have been keeping watch in recent weeks in Kenton Lane. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Highways and Cleansing Committee receive and note the letter from the above-mentioned resident, and agree to give further consideration thereto at the appropriate time; and that the Town Clerk be asked suitably to reply to the resident. RECOMMENDATION 2: Findon Close, Roxeth Ward: Provision of Street Lighting. By resolution 2838 (21st December, 1960), the main Committee approved in principle, the provision, at the expense of St. Paul's Parish Church Council' of five street lighting columns in Findon Close (an unadopted lane), and agreed to light and maintain such installations after their erection. The main Committee also asked their Technical and Public Utilities Sub-Committee to consider the tvoe of street lighting to be provided in Findon Close. y The main Committee will recall that the Council have approved of the provision of fluorescent lighting in Group " C " roads in the Borough, with the exception HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1346 that tungsten, or colour corrected mercury, be provided in footpaths, passageways, short and narrow cul-de-sacs and similar streets. Findon Close is a narrow lane with only the Vicarage and fronting the Church Hall it. It is not kerbed, and the only traffic is likely to be to and from the Church Hall. In recommending the columns and lamps referred your to hereunder, Sub-Committee have taken into consideration the higher vulnerability of any street lamps in this lane. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Highways and Cleansing Committee hereby agree expense to provide, at the of St Paul's Parish Church Council, five street lighting installations in Findon Close, Roxeth, such installations to comprise 100-watt tungsten lamps enclosed in perspex bowls and mounted on concrete columns 15 feet high, and agree to light and maintain such installations after their erection; and that the Borough Engineer be authorised to take all necessary action accordingly. RECOMMENDATION 3: Provision of Improved Street Lighting in Kenton Road and Watford Road. On 7th October 1960, the Council approved an expenditure Harrow of £5,575, being Council's proportion of one-half of the total estimated cost of the pro­ vision by the Wembley Council, of improved street lighting, comprising 140-watt sodium generally (mounted on 25-feet columns) and 3/80-watt fluorescent shopping in the areas, in those parts of Kenton Road and Watford Road forming the boundary between Harrow and Wembley. The Borough Engineer has now reported receipt ot a letter (20th January, 1961) from the Borough Engineer of Wembley, stating that tenders have been received for the re-lighting of Kenton Road and Watford Road, together with three further roads in Wembley; and that the Highways and Works Committee are recommend­ ing the Wembley Council to accept the lowest tender received The Wembley Council's proposals include lighting the shopping area in cent Kenton Road by fluores­ lanterns and illuminating Watford Road by 200-watt sodium lanterns on concrete columns 32 feet, 6 inches high. Although your Sub-Committee appreciate that the Wembley for Council s proposals the provision of 200-watt sodium lanterns and higher columns will be less expensive than those originally estimated for, your Sub-Committee are concerned bv the departure from the scheme as previously agreed. therefore Your Sub-Committee feel that the matter should be discussed with the Wembley Council at the earliest possible date and, as a matter of urgency, have asked be that a meeting arranged for this purpose with representatives of the Wembley Council and have appointed their Chairman and Vice-Chairman (Councillors Mote and Rees) as their representatives at the proposed meeting. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Highways and Cleansing Committee receive the report of their Technical Sub-Committee in this matter, and approve and confirm the action taken by them. PART II.— MINUTES. 80 Minutes: RESOLVED : That the minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 9th December, 1960, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a true record. 81. Report of the Town Clerk: RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee receive the report of the Town Clerk (31st January, 1961). 82. Report of the Borough Engineer: RESOLVED: That the Subcommittee receive the report of the Borough Engineer (31st January, 1961). (Signed) ^%-Chairman.