Sri Venkateswara Lotus Temple

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Sri Venkateswara Lotus Temple ||Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha|| || Srirasthu|| ||Srimathe Varavaramunaye Namaha|| SriSri VenkateswaraVenkateswara LotusLotus TempleTemple Non-profit 501(c) 3 Organization NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2014 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Sri Godha Ranganatha Kalyana Utsavam January 12th 2014 at Willow Springs Elementary Religious Calender p2 School, Fairfax, VA Sri Godha Ranganatha Kalyanam p1 Adhyayana Utsavam p3 10:00 AM EDURUKOLU Kudarai Utsavam p4 Anugna, Vishwaksena Puja, Maha 10:30 AM Sankalpam, Punyavachanam Neerata Utsavam p4 Sri Vaikunta Ekadasi p4 Jeelakarra Bellam, Paani Grahanam, 10:45 AM Mangalyadharanam SVLT Construction Updates p4 Sri Godha Astottaram and Sri Krishna Mukunda Mala p5 11:10 AM Astottaram Sri Hayagrieva stotram p5 Akshataropanam. Swasthivaachanam, 11:20 AM New Year celebrations p6 Mangalasaasanam Sponsorship Opportunities- Sankranti Celebrations p7 12:00 PM Maha Mangala Harathi Kalyanam: $51 12:45 PM Prasada Viniyogam Kanyadanam: $251 Vastradanam: $251 For more information- 01:30 PM Visit / Bhogi Pandlu for Kids Flowers: $300 - 03:00 PM Annadanam: $501 Call temple at (703) 815 - 4850 Sri Mahasudarshana Homam Sri Satyanarayana Vratam Sri Goda Ranganatha Kalyanam Sunday, Wednesday, Sunday, January 12th January 15th January 12th , 2014 at 10:00 AM at 07:00 PM at 10:00 AM ...More details on page PRIEST SERVICES Highly qualified, experienced priests available for your Puja needs in your home & at the temple. To request priest services please call 703-815-4850 or email or submit Sriman the request form on SVLT website at Sriman Sriman Anand Bhatter Srinivasan Bharadwaj Renganathan Kallakuntla To promote and preserve rich Indian heritage and traditions through religious, educational and cultural activities and training of the youth- future of our Society. 12519 & 12501 Braddock Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030. Phone (703) 815-4850 1 RELIGIOUS CALENDAR January 2014 Temple - Daily Schedule Adhyayana Utsavam starts on January 1st 2014 and ends Suprabhata Seva/ Evening Dharma 08:00 AM 05:00 PM on January 20th 2014. Darsanam darsanam ...More details on page 3 Praatah Kaala Sayankala 08:40 AM 05:30 PM Aaradhana Aaradhana 09 Thurs Kudarai Celebrations Sri Vishnu 10 Fri 10:00 AM Sri Venkateswara Swamy Parivaram 09:40 AM Dharma darsanam 06:30 PM Sahasranama Abhishekam as part of Neerata Paaraayanam Utsavam Visesha sevalu, Harati, Archana, 11 Sat 10:00 AM Sri Goda Krishna Abhishekam as 07:00 PM Dharma darsanam part of Neerata Utsavam Vahana puja, Visesha parayanalu Sri Vaikunta Ekadasi celebrations Madhyanhika Srivari 12 Sun 08:00 AM Sri Goda Krishna Abhishekam as 11:40 AM Aaradhana and Raja 08:45 PM Pavalimpu/ part of Neerata Utsavam bhogam Sayanotsavam 10:00 AM Sri Goda Ranganatha Kalyana Temple - Weekly Schedule Utsavam Sri Anjaneya Vadamala, Hanuman Chalisa 14 Tues 10:00 AM Sri Ramanuja Parayanam (Sri Rama Bhajans at 07:30 PM are re- 15 Wed 10:00 AM Sri Rama Parivaram Tues 07:00 PM placed with Divya Prabandham. Bhajans will recommence after the completion of the Adhyayana 15 Wed 10:00 AM Sri Thirumangai Azhwar Utsavam on Jan 20th 2014) 15 Wed 10:00 AM Sri Sudarsanar, Sri Hayagrieva Aradhana/ Elachi Mala Thurs 07:00 PM Sri Narasimha Perumal Samarpanam and Bhajans Fri 10:00 AM Sri Mahalakshmi Abhishekam 15 Wed 07:00 PM Sri Satyanarayana Vratam 10:00 AM Sri Sookta Homam 17 Fri 10:00 AM Sri Venkateswara Parivaram 10:00 AM Sri Srinivasa Parivaram - Abhishekam abhishekam 11:30 AM Abhishekanantara Archana 12:00 PM Tomala Seva 20 Mon 10:00 AM Sri Goda Ammavaru 07:30 PM Prabandha parayanam 21 Tues 10:00 AM Sri Mahalakshmi Ammavaru Sri Mahalakshmi suvarna 08:15 PM 24 Fri 10:00 AM Sri Venkateswara Parivaram pushpa Aradhana/Archana abhishekam Nakshatra Abhishekam Schedule 25 Sat 10:00 AM Sri Nammazvar abhishekam (Based on the Nakshatra/Tidhi of the Dieties for January 2014) 25 Sat 05:30 PM Sri Srinivasa Kalyanam 14 Tues Ardra Sri Ramanuja 15 Wed Punarvasu Sri Rama Parivaram 26 Sun 10:00 AM Sri Sudarsanar, 15 Wed Sri Thirumangai Azhwar Sri Narasimha Perumal 15 Wed Sri Sudarsanar, 28 Tues 10:00 AM Sri Manvalamamunigal abhishekam Sri Narasimha Perumal 30 Thurs 10:00 AM Sri Lakshmi Hayagrieva abhishekam 20 Mon P. Phalguni Sri Goda Ammavaru 21 Tues U. Phalguni Sri Mahalakshmi Ammavaru 31 Fri 10:00 AM Sri Venkateswara Parivaram Abhishekam 25 Sat Vishaka Sri Nammazvar 26 Sun K. Ekadasi Sri Sudarsanar, ** Due to Dhanurmasam Special seva and Alamkaram, ab- Sri Narasimha Perumal hishekam / thirumanjanam to dieties will not be performed between December 16th, 2013 until the start of the Neeratam 28 Tues Moola Sri Manvalamamunigal Utsavam on January 10th 2014.** 30 Thurs Sravana Sri Lakshmi Hayagrieva 2 ThiruAdhyayana Utsavam at SVLT January 1st 2014 - January 20th 2014 Starting from Jan 1st and going on until 20th, SV Lotus temple will be celebrating the complete recital of 4000 Divya Prabhandam given to us by the 10 predominant Alwars (and Pasurams from Andal and Madhurakavi Alwar). The 4000 Pasurams contain in them the essence of ALL 4 Vedas and ALL Upanishads. Recital of Vedas have many nuanaces of intonation and proper times, days etc. Divya Prabhandam however are given to us by the outpouring of Bhakti and almost anybody that has a little bhakti can participate in completing the great Vratham call Adhyayana Utsavam of 4000 sacred verses on the Lord. Lotus temple will display the pasurams on big screen TV for all to follow and recite during the 21 days. COMPLETE DETAILS & TIMINGS OF THE THIRUADHYAYANA UTSAVAM 3 Kudarai Utsavam Neerata Utsavam January 09th 2014, 07:00 AM at SVLT January 10th, 11th , 12th 2014 at SVLT th Jan 09 is a very significant day, 27th day of the During the Neerattam Utsavam, abhishekam would be Dhanurmasam . Colloquially known as “Kudarai Valli” – performed at every day and special alankaram and this is a day, when the sweet pongal [made of jaggery with Visesha Archana and Mangalasasanam on all five ghee flowing] is offered to God and then shared with all near days. The ritual signifies the importance of taking bath and dear. This day assumes significance from the pasuram of during the month of Margaseersham and reap spiritual Chudi Kudutha Nachiyar – Andal. In the month of Margazhi fruits. starting from day one, one verse of Thiruppavai is ascribed Includes sponsorship of Abhishekham's for all deities per day and today is the 27th verse “Koodarai vellum Seer at SV Lotus Temple for 5 days. Govinda”. Sri Vaikunta Ekadasi Celebrations at SVLT January 11th 2014 at SVLT 06:00 AM Sri Godha Thiruppavai Sevakalam 07:00 AM Sapta Dwaara Pravesha Puja 07:15 AM Vaikunta Dwaara Darshanam Sri Godha Ranganaatha Vishesha All Day Archana For more information- Visit / Call temple at (703) 815 - 4850 SVLT Construction Updates The temple Phase 1 construction plan from the Baalaalaya phase has seen some delays, Fairfax County had provided the necessary permits, and Sachi Construction Company have been awarded the contract. A shortage of about $700,000.00 to comfortably start raising the structure remains to be our challenge. The $700,000 is in addition to the loan amount the bank will finance. The increase in cost of materials, fluctuating economic factors affecting our donors, the on-going cost of operations including supporting existing Poojas, Utsavas, Staff, repairs, among other factors have kept us with the reality of being very close, but not fully in concrete-pouring mode. Sachi Construction Company is famous for exquisite temple construction and has built the Akshardham and all the magnificent Swaminaryan temples in the USA. They have started mobilization of the site by setting up the construction trailer and construction sign boards. They have been gathering bids from the sub-contractors and contracts will awarded the contracts and commence the construction work. The project plan and projections to start and completion will be announced shortly. The Garbhalaya stone work is in progress and a shipment is planned to be sent in spring of 2014. The deity work will also commence in spring of 2014. 4 SRI LAKSHMI HAYAGRIVA STOTRAM SERIES Hayagrieva Stotram - Slokas 11 & 12 Sriman Nigamantha Desika composed 33 slokas describing the greatness of Hayagriva. The Lord Himself made him compose the hymn where each sloka incorporates some Bi:ja aksharas. Cosmic administration is said to be in 33 divisions. Likewise the great ashtakshari dwayi mantras have a total of 33 syllables. Sri Desika has composed and favoured us with this hymn in such a manner that each sloka has within it the divine power of the aksharas. Great souls have been witness to this. For this reason, great acharyas of the past as well as learned scholars of the present times hold this hymn in high esteem as the bestower of great power of speech and knowledge with understanding. We have covered Sloka 1 – 10 in previous newsletters. In January 2014 newsletter we will cover sloka 11 and 12. SLOKAM ELEVEN “yanmu:lam i:drukprathibha:thi thathwam ; ya:mu:lam a:mna:ya maha:druma:na:m thaththwe:na ja:nanthi visuddha saththwa:ha; thwa:m akshara:m aksharama:thruka:mthe:” Hayagriva Swami is the form of ‘a’, the first letter of the alphabet, which is the mother of ‘O:m’. Great sages have said that all kinds of matter in this uni- verse have their origin in ‘O:mka:ra’. The universe consists of two types: the sentient and the insentient. Out of their combination only, all the four catego- ries – deities, humans, animals and immobile things come. These are called the effects. All these worldly phenomena which are these objects have arisen from God who is the form of O:m. They also dissolve in Him.
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