Association of Museums

Conference & AGM 2018

Mennonite Heritage Village Steinbach MB September 20 - 22, 2018 Unrivaled Collections Management Software for Progressive Museums of all Sizes and Budgets

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Whether you are a large, multi-site museum or a small museum focused on delivering big impact, our products enable you to overcome challenges to access, visibility and sharing. • You can publish your collection online • You can attract more visitors to your website • You can integrate your collection information with other systems and databases

Today’s museum professionals successfully address challenges and embrace opportunities, with Argus & ArgusEssentia

Call us at 604-278-6717, or visit Thank you to:

Our Donors Our Supporters Monique Brandt Buhler Gallery, St. Boniface Hospital, Sport, Culture and Heritage Sherry Dangerfield Fort Dauphin Museum, Dauphin Morris & District Centennial Museum, Morris New Iceland Heritage Museum, Gimili Leslie Poulin Peter Priess Royal Aviation Museum of Western , Winnipeg Our Hosts Sam Waller Museum, The Pas Mennonite Heritage Village Museum Beryth Strong Our apologies to any supporters we may have missed Winnipegosis Historical Society, Winnipegosis when compiling these lists.

Acknowledgment The Association of Manitoba Museums acknowledges that we are on Treaty 1 territory and the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Association of Manitoba Museums Graduates for 2018

Certificate Program in Museum Practice (CPMP) These CPMP Graduates have successfully completed seven out of eight workshops offered by AMM: Organizing and Managing Museums, Museums and the Community, Collections Management, Collections Care and Preventative Conservation, Exhibit Design, Museums and Education, The Museum Facility, Research: Policies, plans...action!

Randy James, Winnipeg Police Museum, Winnipeg Peter Korzeniowski, Corrections Museum of Manitoba and Historical Society, Winnipeg Tammy Skrabek-Korzeniowski, Winnipeg Police Museum & Historical Society, Winnipeg

1 Association of Manitoba Museums Award Recipients for 2018

Awards of Excellence:

Waldheim House Restoration, Mennonite Heritage Village, Steinbach

Built in 1876, the Waldheim House was constructed from logs with a thatched roof. Over time the original 19th century building began to deteriorate. After receiving a government grant through the Canada 150 initiative, and donations matched by various organizations, the museum was able to seek out structural Waldheim west - before conservation experts from across the continent including master thatchers from Virginia.

Because of its commitment to authenticity, MHV has gained unique and valuable knowledge about heritage building conservation. And MHV community engagement ensures the stories of the migrations of thousands of Mennonites to Manitoba are preserved and told to tens of thousands of guests annually.

For its dedication to preserving and displaying Manitoba’s rich Waldheim west - after Mennonite heritage, the Mennonite Heritage Village receives the Award of Excellence.

Nonsuch Gallery Renovation and Rejuvenation, The Manitoba Museum, Winnipeg

After returning from the North territory in 1668, loaded down with furs and other trade goods from the Hudson Bay Company, the fully replicated Nonsuch is docked in the recreated port of Deptford, England. This uniquely immersive Gallery experience transports the visitor back to the height of the HBC using storytelling, artifacts and archival documents that delight visitors with the sights and sounds of a 17th century harbour. It is a wonderful and historically profound rejuvenation of a Manitoba classic

The renewed exhibit was a collaboration

Nonsuch Gallery of the Manitoba Museum and countless community partners including the HBC, the Cree of James Bay, and many local businesses and individuals. Nonsuch Exhibit

For its role in preserving and educating the public about this critical period in Canadian history, The Manitoba Museum receives the Award of Excellence.

2 Association of Manitoba Museums Award Recipients for 2018

Canadian Experience in the First World War Exhibit Series, The RCA Museum, Shilo

The Royal Canadian Artillery Museum exhibits were well researched and organized to tell the tales of Canadians in the trenches or on the battlefields. Visitors are taken on an emotional journey back to various stages of the war through letters, poems, medals, uniforms, artillery, and archival footage. These exhibits are a testament to the museum’s dedication in presenting the complexities of The Great War and to highlighting the global developments propelled into reality under the impetus of the war. Canadian Experience in the First World War Ehxibit

For its tremendous work in eloquently and thoroughly presenting such an impactful event, The RCA receives the Award of Excellence.

Awards of Merit:

Volunteers, Manitoba Electrical Museum & Education Centre (MEMEC), Winnipeg

After receiving word from Manitoba Hydro that the museum was no longer a part of their business plan, the already dedicated volunteers took on the role of museum leaders. Educating themselves in various areas of museum work the volunteers have: developed a new Collections Management Policy, developed and implemented new public programming, and increased the hours the museum is open. In so doing they have improved the MEMEC presence to both the public and the museum community.

Early Manitoba Power Commission truck For their commitment and their continued effort to improve the museum’s presence to both the public and the museum community, the volunteers of the MEMEC receive the Award for Merit.

Gordon Docking, Miami Railway Station Museum, Miami A board member since 1995, and now a co-chair along with his wife, Gordon Docking has pursued excellence for the Miami Railway Museum. He has sought expertise on what needs to be done and how best to do it, and then ensured the highest standards of implementation. He has taken AMM courses to improve his knowledge of museum best practices, using the skills gained to develop new public programming, such as the Living Museum Day, and to oversee structural improvements while maintaining historical integrity. Finally, Gordon has played an integral role in obtaining government grants to hire summer students to help run the museum.

For his leadership and tireless efforts in preserving and displaying Manitoba’s railway heritage, Gordon Docking receives the Award of Merit. Gordon Docking

3 2018 Conference Program Thursday, September 20 7:00 – 9:00 Opening Reception, Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre

Friday, September 21 - Mennonite Heritage Village Morning Sessions 08:30 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 09:15 Greetings from Mr. Ted Falk, Member of Parliament for Provencher 09:15 – 10:00 Heather Bidzinski, Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) In a Good Way: Re-envisioning Collections at a National Museum: How do you develop collections and exhibitions in a museum based on ideas? Exploring the challenges and opportunities presented by being part of the creation and opening of a national museum from concept to reality and through the use of storytelling and key artefacts, this presentation touches on the use of oral history, digital technology, and the opportunities to forge positive relationships with source communities. 10:00 – 10:30 Dr. Stephen Borys, CEO, Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG) Bridging a Gap: Creating an Inuit Art Centre in Canada’s South: The Winnipeg Art Gallery houses the world’s largest collection of contemporary Inuit art. To celebrate the art and to honour the people who have created these works, the WAG is building an Inuit Art Centre, the first of its kind in the world. 10:30 – 11:00 Break 11:00 – 11:30 Rhonda Hinther, Brandon University The Brandon University and College Public History Program: This month is the official launch of the Public History Program at Brandon University and Assiniboine Community College (although courses have been taught for the past two years). This presentation reviews projects already done, being worked on now, and being planned. And, outlines how the Manitoba Museum community can get involved and benefit from students’ work. 11:30 – 12:00 Dr. Naomi Berger, City of Winnipeg Police Services What Happens When You Take a Psychologist to a Museum? A Behavioral Health Perspective on Exhibiting Difficult Knowledge: What psychological impact can exposure to difficult knowledge have on museum visitors? When is there the potential for trauma-based reactions? What is “difficult knowledge” in a museum context? What strategies should museum staff and volunteers consider in exhibiting difficult knowledge? 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Afternoon Sessions 01:00 – 01:30 Andrea Reichert, Manitoba Crafts Museum & Library | Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame & Museum, Julianna Roberts, New Iceland Heritage Museum, Sandra Chewka, Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada Panel: Planning for Collections Management Databases: Managing collections information is a challenge. This panel reviews software solutions being explored by the New Iceland Heritage Museum, the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada, as well as five museums in partnership with AMM. 01:30 – 02:00 Eric Hagan, Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI), Greening the Museum: Sustainable museum practice and energy management is a challenge, especially in heritage facilities. A recent survey by the CCI Preservation Services Division provides insight into energy use by buildings with different levels of environmental control, in climate zones across Canada, and indicates the ongoing needs for energy management. 02:00 – 02:30 Adriane Porcin, University of Manitoba Copyright and Photographs - A Primer: What permissions do you need to use photographs? Can you put your collection online? Adriane gives an overview of accession and copyright, complications of donations and unlocatable owners. 03:00 – 05:00 Tours! Both the Mennonite Heritage Village (Steinbach) and the Musée de Saint-Pierre-Jolys (30 minutes away) are available for special tours. Delegates should add their names to Sign Up Sheets. Evening Activities - Mennonite Heritage Village 05:30 – 06:30 Cocktails 06:30 – 07:00 Award and Graduate Presentations 07:00 – 10:00 Banquet (Rainbow Auction in support of AMM)

4 2018 Conference Program

Saturday, September 22 - Mennonite Heritage Village Morning Sessions 08:30 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 10:00 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) Fun fiscal stuff including: Approval of Budgets (current and next year), Adoption of Annual Report April 2016-March 2017, and, most importantly, Election of Council. 10:00 – 10:30 Break 10:30 – 11:00 Gordon Goldsborough, Manitoba Historical Society (MHS) Manitoba 2020 Hindsight: The MHS, in collaboration with the Manitoba Libraries Consortium, University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections, and the Manitoba Legislative Library are working together to digitize and make text- searchable copies of local history books that will be available freely online for Manitoba’s 150th anniversary in 2020. 11:00 – 11:30 Jane Dalley, AMM Cultural Stewardship Program (CSP) Cultural Stewardship Program Update: This presentation offers a review of past and current CSP programs and services, and an outline of future Cultural Stewardship Program initiatives.

11:30 - 12:00 Mary Alice Osborn, Seven Oaks House Museum Archaeology in the Garden: In June, an excavation in the park surrounding the House uncovered new physical evidence about the residential outbuilding and the House’s midden pile. As a result, Seven Oaks is revisiting its own collection and taking steps to preserve important information. 12:00 – 01:00 Lunch


Afternoon Sessions 01:00 – 01:30 Jennifer Maxwell, Transcona Museum Who Owns This? Abandoned Property Projects for Small Museums: Museums accumulate unclaimed and undocumented objects from permanent loans, to doorstep donations, and everything in between. As time passes, museums have an increasingly difficult time tracking the rightful owners of the property. What strategies can small museums follow – and what questions should be asked – when dealing with abandoned property? 01:30 – 02:00 Pam McKenzie, Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada The Lewis Letters or ‘one man’s life in a collection of 500 items’: Alexander Lewis was a WWI teenage pilot. A significant museum donation of his first-hand account of a ‘lifetime of survival’ has been sorted, catalogued and turned into a book.

02:00 – 02:30 Heather Beerling, Lower Fort Garry How to Move a Mountain into a one week! Lower Fort Garry is currently undergoing a large infrastructure project that includes almost every building on-site. 46,000 artifacts had to be moved and/ or covered in 5 days in order to allow this important heritage building conservation project to begin. 02:30 – 03:00 Lorne Roder, Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada (RAMWC) Bigger than a Breadbasket: What to do when your collection needs to be moved and stored, but the objects are some of the largest in the Province? A status update from the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada. The RAMWC is currently on the move so the existing airplane hangar / museum is closing and the collection goes into storage until a new facility opens in Summer 2020. Varied and unique care is needed for the central part of the collection -- all “bigger than a breadbasket” -- with aircraft of all sizes and shapes from durable metal fighter jets to delicate flying boats. Mr. Roder will also discuss the new museum plans, designs and development. 03:00 – 03:30 Wrap-Up

5 Conference Presenters

Heather Beerling Before joining the CMHR in 2010, in England, worked privately in Montreal Parks Canada, Lower Fort Garry Heather was an archivist with the Nova for 5 years followed by 12 years as Chief Heather Beerling has been a Collections Scotia Archives, Acting Manager for the Conservator for the Manitoba Archives. Specialist at Lower Fort Garry for 13 years. Manitoba Records Centre, and archivist Jane has been working privately since Prior to that she spent several years as the with the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives. 1997 and has been delivering the AMM conservator at the Winnipeg Art Gallery, a She holds a Master’s degree in Archival Cultural Stewardship Program for over conservator at the Manitoba Museum, and Studies, and a Master’s degree in 10 years. She is currently completing a the Provincial Archives of Alberta.. Ethnomusicology from the University of degree in Applied Disaster & Emergency Manitoba. Studies at Brandon University and plans Dr. Naomi Berger to apply this knowledge to the heritage City of Winnipeg Police Stephen D. Borys sector. Services Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG) Dr. Naomi Berger is Stephen D. Gordon Goldsborough a registered clinical Borys is the Manitoba Historical psychologist working Director & Society (MHS) with the Winnipeg Police CEO of the Dr. Gordon Service. Dr. Berger’s work focuses on Winnipeg Goldsborough is a enhancing and maintaining the mental Art Gallery, Past-President and health and well-being of both police and holds Webmaster of the officers and civilian staff members, Photo: Winnipeg Free Press an adjunct Manitoba Historical through the provision of a broad range of Ruth Bonneville professorship Society, and an preventive and therapeutic services.. at the University of Winnipeg. He was Editor of Manitoba previously chief curator at The Ringling History magazine. His interests include Heather Bidzinski Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, at which the history of local government, river Canadian Museum time he held teaching posts at Florida dredging, early automobiling, landscape for Human Rights State University and New College. Prior to and environmental change, and historical (CMHR) Sarasota, he was curator at the Allen Art personalities, sites, and monuments Heather Bidzinski is the Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio; curator Head of Collections at in European Art at the National Gallery of Eric Hagan the Canadian Museum Canada, Ottawa; and a curatorial assistant Canadian for Human Rights. She at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Conservation Institute is an archivist by training, with nearly 15 Montreal. He holds an Executive MBA, (CCI) years’ experience in archives, records a PhD in Art and Architectural History Eric Hagan has a management, and collections care. She from McGill University, a MA in Art History PhD in mechanical is responsible for the development and from the University of Toronto, and a BA engineering from management of collections across the Honours from the University of Winnipeg. Imperial College London museum including artefacts, archives, Borys has organized numerous exhibitions, (UK), and a Master of and library resources. Her unit provides written accompanying catalogues and Art Conservation degree a number of key museological services scholarly articles, and lectured across from Queen’s University in Kingston. Since including coordination of incoming North America. He is a board trustee of the 2009, he has worked at the Canadian loans, intellectual property management, Association of Art Museum Directors, past Conservation Institute, where he is provision of reference services, and president of the Canadian Art Museum presently a Senior Conservation Scientist providing access to the collections. Directors Organization, and a past board in the Preservation Services Division. director of the Canadian Museums His research work relates to the physical Heather was involved in the establishment Association.. effects of temperature and humidity on of the Oral History Pilot Project at the collection materials, and risk of damage CMHR in 2010 and continues to be Sandra Chewka due to light exposure. He also co-facilitates actively involved in the Oral History Royal Aviation Museum of Western two CCI workshops (Exhibition Lighting, Program. She participated in many of the Canada (RAMWC) and Display Cases), and currently leads inaugural interviews as Program Co- Sandra Chewka is a new graduate CCI work related to sustainable museum Lead and assisted in the development of from Stanford Fleming and has been practice. procedure, protocol and documentation. researching new collections management Her work with the Oral History Program systems for the RAMWC. Rhonda Hinther and intellectual property has influenced Brandon University her current consideration of alternate Jane Dalley Rhonda Hinther is an forms of memory in the context of Conservator, AMM Associate Professor decolonialization. She hopes to be able Cultural Stewardship of History at Brandon to explore the possible intersectionality of Program (CSP) University (BU). Prior Canadian Copyright law and intellectual Jane began her career to joining BU, she was property issues in Traditional Knowledge as a student in the Director of Research and intangible cultural heritage in future Conservation Department at the Royal and Curator at the research projects. Ontario Museum, studied conservation Canadian Museum for Human Rights and,

6 Conference Presenters Delegates before that, Curator of Western Canadian Julianna Roberts, B.R.S Heather Beerling History at the Canadian Museum of Executive Director, Lower Fort Garry, St. Andrews History. Her research interests include New Iceland Heritage oral history, gender and women’s history, Museum (NIHM) Naomi Berger migration history, and radical activism in Julianna is new to the Winnipeg Police Service, Winnipeg Canada. She has published in Manitoba world of Museums, but not History, Atlantis, and Labour/le travail. to the world of organizing and planning. Heather Bidzinski Hinther has curated numerous museum Her resume includes: recreation facility Canadian Museum for Human Rights, exhibitions and has consulted on several management, community and board Winnipeg historical films. She helped develop the development, organizing volunteers, and Public History Program, the first in Western employee management. Starting at NIHM Ken Bielak Canada, now being offered through in January 2017, she has been working on Oseredok UCEC, Winnipeg Brandon University and Assiniboine exhibit development, grant writing, and the Community College. AMM museum courses. Anaïs Biernat Manitoba Agricultural Museum, Austin Jennifer Maxwell Lorne Roder Assistant Curator, Royal Aviation Pierrette Boily Transcona Museum Museum of Western Photographie Pierrette Boily, Winnipeg Jennifer holds a Master Canada (RAMWC) of Museum Studies from Lorne Roder was Stephen Borys University of Toronto, educated with a Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg a MA in History from Bachelor of European Queen’s University, and History and Masters Caryl Brandt a BA (Hons.) in History of Environmental Monique Brandt from Brandon University. She has worked Design, from the Association of Manitoba Museums, Winnipeg and volunteered for museums/archives in University of Calgary. With coursework both Manitoba and Ontario in the areas in Museum Sciences, Historic Resources Jo Bunka of collections management, curatorial Management, Conservation Practices, Winnipegosis Historical Society, Winnipegosis research, and education since 2008. Building Science and Project Management. Jennifer has been the Assistant Curator at Denise Campbell Transcona Museum for the past two years. Mr. Roder was hired by LORD Cultural The Winnipeg Foundation, Winnipeg Resources in Toronto, ON, but was sent Pam McKenzie to work on museum projects in Kansas Sandra Chewka Royal Aviation City, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, and Royal Aviation Museum of Western Museum of China, before returning to North America. Canada, Winnipeg Western Canada Working as an independent contractor, and (RAMWC) again as a Province of Alberta employee, Kathleen Christensen Pam McKenzie he was either designing or project The RCA Museum, CFB Shilo is a prairie girl; a managing the construction of a variety wife, mother and of types of museums including: military, Cindy Colford grandmother. Born into the military, she cowboy, and philatelic museums. Manitoba Museum, Winnipeg has travelled widely, relocated frequently and enjoyed diverse career paths and Recently he was the Project Manager of Madison Connolly interests. Pam is now Head of Library & exhibits for the Canadian Museum for Fort la Reine Museum, Archives at the Royal Aviation Museum of Human Rights (CMHR) and is currently Western Canada in Winnipeg. working for the Royal Aviation Museum of Beth Conway Western Canada (RAMWC) Ross House Museum, Winnipeg Mary Alice Osborn Assistant Curator/Manager, Seven Oaks Ashleigh Czyrnyj House Museum Manitoba Museum, Winnipeg

Adriane Porcin Jane Dalley Le Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum / Association of Manitoba Museums, Winnipeg University of Manitoba Sherry Dangerfield S. Dangerfield Interpretive Planning, Victoria Beach

Thank you to all of our presenters. Theresa Marie Deyholos Fort Dauphin Museum, Dauphin Your expertise, time and involvement in the Manitoba museum community is appreciated. Alana Donohoe Brandon University, Brandon

7 Conference 2018 Delegates

Jo-Anne Drewniak Sheryl Kolt Brendon Raw Tolstoi Heritage Centre, Winnipeg Manitoba Sport, Culture and Heritage, Royal Aviation Museum of Western Winnipeg Canada, Winnipeg Diane Dubé St. Georges Historical Society Inc., Alexandra Kroeger Andrea Reichert St-Georges Dalnavert Museum and Visitors’ Centre, Manitoba Crafts Museum & Library / Winnipeg Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame & Museum, Andrea Dyck Winnipeg Barry Dyck Erron Leafloor Mennonite Heritage Village (Canada) Inc., Manitoba Agricultural Museum, Austin Julianna Roberts Steinbach New Iceland Heritage Museum, Gimli Victoria Markstrom Amelia Fay Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre, Morden Lorne Roder Manitoba Museum, Winnipeg Royal Aviation Museum of Western Amelia Marshall Canada, Winnipeg Camille Fisette-Mulaire Manitoba Electrical Museum & Education Musée St-Joseph Museum Inc., St-Joseph Centre, Winnipeg Linda Sommer Morris & District Centennial Museum, Virginia Freynet Jennifer Maxwell Morris Site historique Monseigneur-Taché, Sainte- Transcona Museum, Winnipeg Genevièv Laurette Sundstrom David McInnes St. Georges Historical Society Inc., Robert Goertzen Typha Communications, Winnipeg St-Georges Mennonite Heritage Village, Steinbach Pam McKenzie Christine Tabbernor Kent Gowler Royal Aviation Museum of Western Ogniwo Polish Museum Society Inc., Leanne Gowler Canada, Winnipeg Winnipeg Quinton Gowler Gowler Agencies - The Souvenir People, Thomas McLeod Marlene Tottle Winnipeg Dalnavert Museum & Visitors’ Centre, Terry Tottle Winnipeg Lac du Bonnet & District Historical Society, Eric Hagan Lac du Bonnet Canadian Conservation Institute, Ryan Meech Ottawa ON Knock Down Shipyard, Vancouver BC Josée Touchette C.D.E.M. - Bonjour Manitoba, Winnipeg Susan Harasym Susan Moffatt Oseredok UCEC, Winnipeg Dalnavert Museum & Visitors’ Centre, Karmelle Tower Winnipeg Brandon University, Brandon Gwen Harp Gimli Glider Museum Inc., Gimli Joanna Munholland Chris Waley Sam Waller Museum, The Pas Manitoba Archaeological Society, Winnipeg Stephen Hayter Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum, Robert Nicolas Breanna Waterman Brandon Le Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum, Seven Oaks House Museum, Winnipeg Winnipeg Thomas H. Heine Marion Whitmore Flin Flon Station Museum, Flin Flon Mary Alice Osborn Carberry Plains Museum, Carberry Seven Oaks House Museum, Winnipeg Leona Herzog Gus Wruck Buhler Gallery, Winnipeg Cortney Pachet Lac du Bonnet & District Historical Society, Manitoba Museum, Winnipeg Lac du Bonnet Rhonda L. Hinther Brandon University, Brandon Hope Penner Yulia Zmerzla Brandon University, Brandon Oseredok UCEC, Winnipeg Alanna Horejda Transcona Museum, Winnipeg Adriane Porcin Le Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum / Randy James University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Winnipeg Police Museum, Winnipeg Leslie Poulin Thank you for joining us at Jenna Klassen Morris & District Centennial Museum, Collections - Con! Mennonite Heritage Village (Canada) Inc., Morris See you next year in Morden! Steinbach